Chef Joey Giorgianni

Private Chef Services for your next event or at The Chef's Table

Spend a romantic evening lingering over a multi-course Italian meal skillfully prepared by Chef Joey. Italian in heritage and in training, Chef Joey's cuisine rivals the authenticity and simplicity found in the heart of Italy.


I don’t care anymore. I have so many beautiful shots of my work, my process, completion, stages, etc. I don’t need to have anything to say. Here’s the start of a charcuterie board.


Delicious food starts with quality ingredients. I’ve been buying meats for clients from local butcher since 2013. One of my most high profile clients left me a review exclaiming it was the best filet mignon he’s ever had. I can take credit for preparing it, but the source and farmers are every bit of deserving of that compliment that I am. Pictured here is a rib eye


You know what povo people don’t eat? Baked Potatoes with caviar. Don’t be a povo. Smother your baked potato with crème fraîche (sour cream is povo) and osetra or kaluga.

Photos from Chef Joey Giorgianni's post 11/15/2023

The holidays are right around the corner! Avoid the hassle and enjoy Thanksgiving day with my a la carte Heat & Serve Thanksgiving menu.
Whether you need just a side dish to share or the entire Thanksgiving dinner, I’ve got you covered. My holiday menu includes all of your Thanksgiving favorites like roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, and pumpkin pie, as well as a few other specialties. All dishes are prepared perfectly to be finished yourself without tasting like leftovers- just heat and serve.
Pretend you worked away in the kitchen yourself and impress your guests with these delicious, homemade Thanksgiving meals delivered right to your door.
Thanksgiving is less than a week away on Thursday, November 23rd. Place your Heat & Serve Thanksgiving order today to save time and enjoy the holidays hassle-free!

LInk in bio

Photos from Chef Joey Giorgianni's post 07/13/2023

One of my all time favorite dishes Did you know it’s actually considered by some the national dish of Belgium and not of French origin? I didn’t, learned something new from a client. Pictures here is an American Wagyu Ribeye from


Squash Blossoms, my favorite part of summer


Has anyone else come to realize that they’ve been on autopilot since we emerged from the pandemic? I have. I’ve neglected so many things. Small tasks like keeping my Google Business profile up to date, maintaining a web presence, professional photography; things that stopped mattering during the shutdown. I think the fog has finally lifted. Even though all the things to do seem daunting, I know I can do them all because I used to. If you’re feeling the same way I’m here to tell you that you can do it too and you’re not alone.

Photos from Chef Joey Giorgianni's post 12/22/2022

Yesterday was extremely traumatic. While I was preparing for a booking; running back and forth from throwing out trash, grilling, and accessing the garage; I forgot to to close the back door.

Jake snuck out and I didn’t notice for about 20 mins. He’s 17.5, has onset canine cognitive dysfunction, hearing loss, site loss, and a lil arthritis

I went out front frantically looking for him. There was a small group of people at the corner of the street.

Someone witnessed Jake fall down into the sewer.

They had already called LAFD 10 mins prior to me coming out.

It was the worst feeling in the world. I could hear him crying from somewhere under the streets.

The first crew to arrive went down, but they didn’t have the proper equipment to go more than 100 feet.

The sewer system is made up of 10-15 ft tunnels that go all the way to the ocean.

They eluded to me the possibility that Jake might be too far for anyone to get to. Which would mean he would die of dehydration, alone and scared.

Urban Search and Rescue was called in. They drove in from the Valley. Each minute felt like an eternity. Because that was another minute of Jake wandering around in the sewer in the dark.

The crowd swelled to about 20-25 people all calling jakes name in the gutters. When USR got into the sewer and surpassed the first crew’s distance I think Jake saw their flashlight because he started screaming loud enough for everyone to hear the echoes through the neighborhood.

After 2 hours a fireman emerged from the manhole with my little now disgustingly dirty fluff ball that I love to death and handed him to me. I collapsed in the street; sobbing while everyone cheered.

I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. All I want for him in his twilight years is to feel loved, enjoy homemade dog food, and be comfortable. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if yesterday had been tragic. He’s physically fine (there nothing frail about him), but was definitely stressed. I got him cleaned up and even made it to my clients house 30 mins early.
Thank you to my neighbors, LAFD, and Urban Search And Rescue. You saved two yesterday. 12/05 & 12/22

Photos from Chef Joey Giorgianni's post 12/03/2022

The Holidays are here! Wow that was fast. If it crept up on you from no where, have no fear you’re not alone. Also, I have amazing menus and service options to help you make the holidays a piece of cake. From full service feature yours truly to manage a cook your entire party, or having one of my terrific assistants put my creations together for you, or even just dropping food off for you to handle yourself; myself and will be with you through the whole process. Cocktail Party and Holiday Essentials link in bio


Timeline photos 07/09/2020

LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUSNESS! I’m a little funny when it comes to flower arrangements on the dining table, well maybe that’s not the right word. Basically, I cannot stand an arrangement that prevents you from seeing the guest sitting across from you. gets this and has never disappointed when it comes to giving mine and my clients tables that beautiful wow factor.

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

Last week I had my first full dinner service booking since March. I cannot even begin to tell you how good it felt to get back into a clients kitchen and deliver a four course meal customized to his wife’s favorite Italian dishes.

With safety protocols in place, I can proudly announce that hosting dinner parties is safer than going out to eat according to 4 public health experts (dm for source).

Having gatherings of 6-12 friends who have been practicing good hygiene and have otherwise been socially distancing creates a space of responsible adults taking a calculated low risk.


Timeline photos 02/20/2020

A good rule of thumb before serving food to your guests is to taste it first

Photos from Chef Joey Giorgianni's post 02/13/2020

Everything beautiful in life begins with a dream, a thought, a desire, a feeling.

As we strive towards the beauty we envision, we miss step, we misplace, and things get messy. My Tagliere boards have become a signature product of mine. They’re messy, they’re chaotic, they’re bold, and they are beautiful…they are me.

Each board I create starts out with piling one slice of prosciutto upon another. As I’m working on the prosciutto, I don’t know where I’m going to put the capocolla, the manchego, or the other salumi and cheeses. What I do know is this; as each part takes form, it gives room and direction for the next.

12 months ago I didn’t know where I was going to be. Today, I still don’t know where I’m going to be, I only know where I want to be.

Just like these beautiful cutting boards, a blank canvas in which I start all of my culinary creations; my life and the way I envision it will take form and along the way become messy, chaotic, broken, but beautiful vision I see.

Thank you Boos for theses gorgeous cutting boards.

@ Los Angeles

Timeline photos 12/12/2019

Heartbreak comes in so many forms, but as I experience those different ways, I've realized that heartbreak is immense loss.⁠

Loss of a relationship, loss of a loved one, loss of a pet. Yesterday, by bestie called me. I knew immediately that it was time to meet her at the vet. I cannot confirm nor deny that I cried after that phone call.⁠

Lyna and I met nearly 20 years ago in the summer of 2000. That's also when she adopted this runty black and white cat that already came with the name Tuxedo. That little runt had no problem running the house or your heart. ⁠

Yesterday my heart broke for my best friend. Of course it also broke for Tux, but mainly watching my best friend loose her co-pilot. I've never been in the room when my parents had the family dogs put to sleep, so this was a first for me. I can say with confidence Tuxedo went peacefully because he was with his mommy, his uncle, and his auntie ⁠

Animals have emotions just like humans. They love unconditionally (so maybe more evolved even?), they get scared, excited, happy, and sad. When you have to make that awful decision to euthanize your pet, keep in mind they are terrified at the vet. The hardest thing you may have to do is be in that room, but that's what you signed up for when you accepted their unconditional love.⁠

Earlier this year, I broke my heart a few times. The first was ending my marriage. The second was accepting that I wasn't ready to start a new relationship so fresh out of another one. ⁠
It's easy to say that you're going to close off your heart so you'll never experience heartbreak again, but as I just learned, heartbreak will find you throughout your life. It's the willingness to open your heart and experience immense gain that will make the immense loss worth living.⁠

Lyna will rescue another cat when she's ready, I will love a man with all my heart again.⁠

Oh, and here's a picture of me explaining who I am to a group of donors, because my instagram pics aren't cats.⁠

Baci e abbracci amori⁠

Timeline photos 12/03/2019

For the last year I practiced charity. Giving as much as I could, in ways that I could, to help others in need. This led me to realize something about myself that had been lost: Kindness.⁠

Kindness was a word that I believe once described me. My Uncle Steve, whom we lost to AIDS in 1988 told my mother that what made me special was my good heart. I can honestly say I don't think that person has existed for quite some time. Somewhere along the line my heart became cold, I could be a nasty person.⁠

My best friend recently pointed out, that the nice person she met and fell in love with as a bestie is finally starting to come out again.⁠

As we kick into high gear of the holiday season, I've decided that I'm going to practice kindness in everything I do over the next year. Some may call it a New Years' Resolution, but I don't like that. If there's something in your life you need to change, change it now, not next year. ⁠

From now on, I'm going approach everything with kindness. A wise friend once quoted another wise person (I think it might have been buddha), "Ask yourself these questions; Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If it doesn't meet all three than you shouldn't say it"⁠

Hopefully with a little practice, I'll begin to see the child with the good heart my uncle once admired so much.⁠

Bacioni amori⁠

Timeline photos 11/21/2019


If you're running out of time, or just plain don't want to cook anything, I have you covered. You can even take the credit and say you made it. Anything you need, be it my AMAZING Mashed Potatoes, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake, or even the Turkey and then some, I'll have it ready for you to serve.⁠

Menu Link in bio⁠, exclusively booked through or just email me [email protected]⁠

Speaking of Giving Thanks, here's a shot of me and my second set of hands, Natallia, pan roasting another one of my favorite fish, Sablefish aka Black Cod, at The American Liver Foundation Gala. I paired it with a beurre blanc sauce and shaved White & Black Truffles.⁠

Timeline photos 11/19/2019

Boun giorno amori! It's a great day for two reasons. One, my Thanksgiving Menu is up. Whether you need the Turkey or just some candied sweet potatoes with homemade marshmallows (yeah, I make the marshmallows myself), or a homemade pumpkin pie, I've got you covered. Menu in bio.⁠

The second reason it's a great day is because I'm posting this photo of me being slightly embarrassed. CONTEXT: This was taken during the live auction of my Dinner for 6 to raise money for the American Liver Foundation in Orange County last month. ⁠

The auctioneer decided to get people excited about my donation by telling them that I would cook in a tank top...which is why I'm laughing because I was caught off guard with 800 eyeballs looking right at me. The auction went from "He cooked for Donatella Versace" to, "He'll cook in his Calvins, do I hear $1,200"?⁠

Timeline photos 11/18/2019

Want to actually enjoy yourself on Thanksgiving? Don’t cook! ⁠

My Thanksgiving Menu is here and with options to just buy some sides or the whole shebang, have a little staff help you out, or just pick it up yourself, I will make this Thanksgiving your most enjoyable one yet.⁠

Check out the menu, the link is in my bio exclusively through ⁠

Timeline photos 11/13/2019

Boun giorno amori! This year marked a lot of changes for me. The obvious change being the failure of my marriage and being single for the first time in 10 years. The process of becoming broken and whole again has been quite the journey; a refocus on work, rebuilding friendships that were lost, making new friends, but I think one of the things I haven't talked enough about is expressing love and empathy to heal.⁠

Before this year, I never participated in charity events. A year ago last Thursday marked one year of my on going effort to try and donate or participate in every charity I was asked to.⁠

Last week was my second year participating in the Skid Row Housing Trust. I don't think I need to explain that homelessness and food insecurity are a crisis here in Los Angeles. While I wasn't cooking for the homeless, I was one of 13 culinary vendors providing food to 200 donors that attended the fundraiser.⁠

I've been asked and donated auction items to 2 Charter schools to raise money for classroom supplies. For each auction I donated a dinner for 4.⁠

It didn't stop there. I was asked to participate in both the Los Angeles and Orange County Chapters of The American Liver Foundation, and I donated an auction item to The Arthritis Foundation; which I have been nominated to become a member of the committee for next year. Fingers crossed they take me! I have a very personal reason for wanting to be a major part of the The Arthritis Foundation.⁠

Participating in all of these charity events has taught me to love, care, and call to action. If it wasn't for these foundations needing my love and support, I think I might still be broken.⁠

Oh, he's me goofing off at The American Liver Foundation in Orange County last month.⁠

Timeline photos 10/03/2019

Buongiorno amori!⁠

THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO WASH YOUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Because some nasty ass person like me is gonna stick their nose in it and smell it....but let me tell you something. If you think that's gross then you clearly have ZERO critical thinking skills.⁠

For the sake of not grossing you out and scaring you away from food I won't go into details. So, just trust me on this. Purchase a vegetable wash such as , spray your produce and rinse it thoroughly.⁠

Now, back to the what I'm doing besides contaminating the produce. When I pick out produce I don't just use my eyes. I use all my senses; touch, taste, and smell....I use sound for watermelon. Produce should excite all your senses. if it doesn't, then what's the point?⁠

BTW, I'm buying broccolini from my families company Did you know that my great grandfather is responsible for the commercialization of broccoli in the USA? ⁠

Oh, and can we take a minute to look at my arms. Theylumpylikemashpotaotes⁠ 📷 .⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Timeline photos 09/26/2019

Ciao amori. I'm not sure if this post should be about the I'm making or my traps, delts, tris, and bis. Maybe we could talk about how a nurse could use a blow dart from across the room and still hit a vein.⁠ 🤷‍♂️⁠ 💨💉

Timeline photos 09/19/2019

Ciao amori. I wish I could remember what it was I found so funny when this picture was taken, but I don't.⁠

In this shot by you can see I have peewee potatoes cooling off before wrapping and storing them in the fridge. It also looks like I'm about to clean up whatever mess I made before moving onto the next item on my prep list. ⁠

The amount of time I spend on food preparations can be mind boggling. Especially when juxtaposed to what my clients see; I arrive 1.5 to 2 hours before their guest arrive, set up and can execute a four course meal in a leisurely 90 mins, making my job look easy. Whats not seen are the hours that go into each component of a single dish or the clean up involved in all of that preparation....and that's the way it should be.⁠⁠⁠⁠

Timeline photos 09/17/2019

Buon giorno amori. One of the things that takes up so much more time than you would guess is being organized and maintaining food safety protocol. ⁠

For the average booking of 12 guests with 4 courses, I will spend a cumulative of 2-3 hours just in keeping things organized and safe! Foods have to be brought to proper temperatures BEFORE being wrapped up and put into the fridge. This often means spreading them out in a thin layer over multiple sheet pans (that I later have to clean) in order to drop the temperature to a safe level quickly before packaging them up in a different container (which I sometimes have to clean again), labeling, and wrapping them up to be transported. ⁠

Oh, and all that packaging and wrapping needs to be done on freshly cleaned and sterilized surfaces...which for me means cleaning my counter tops over and over and over again.⁠

Again, here's another shot of me labeling what I think might have been potato salad for the birthday .⁠⁠⁠

Timeline photos 09/13/2019

Here’s a picture of 200 , because are baked and everybody could use a little on Friday 📷

Timeline photos 05/13/2019

I remember being devastated when I lost my recipe. This was the first recipe that I tested and made numerous adjustments to; and in doing so made it my own. I was 14. ⠀

At 14 I had also purchased my first espresso machine from because I was obsessed with the I would always have one ready for my neighbor Danette as she got home; always eager for her feedback in my quest to out do Starbucks. It was only a matter of time time that the venture for the perfect coffee cookie was well under way. ⠀

Today is my mom's birthday. My mom used to snitch the end pieces as I was cutting them before their second baking. I used to get so mad that she couldn't wait for the finished product, simultaneously proud that she liked my cookies so much. Happy Birthday Mom, I'll be sending some Hazelnut Biscotti up to you later this week. I love you. xoxo⠀

As I said, I thought I lost this recipe. It turns out, before moving down to Los Angeles I had given it to Danette. Years later, during one of my cherished visits with Danette in her kitchen; the subject of the biscotti was brought up. I remember telling her I lost the recipe and haven't made them in years. Without even having to ponder, Danette pulled the recipe out for me to copy.⠀

Family, and friends like Danette who are your family will always have the parts of you that you may feel are missing. Like the biscotti recipe, parts of me that have been missing for years are beginning to return as I look to my friends and family for love and support.⠀

Here's a snapshot of me pretending to eat a pistachio biscotti, because let's be real, I don't eat carbs anymore except on special occasions. If one of my friends or family have my old metabolism, I'd like to have that back please.⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

There are numerous regarding time. Everything from "time heals all wounds" to the "good things happen to those who wait". ⠀

The pork belly I'm plating in this picture takes two and half days minimum from beginning to completion. Starting with making a pork brine that needs to be cooled before brining the pork belly in it for 10-12 hours. Afterward, the pork belly is dried and then slowly braised in pork fat at 190 degrees for 10-12 hours. Once the pork belly is tender enough, it's then pressed using weights for another 12 hours minimum. It's only after all of that can you sear the pork belly pieces to a nice crispy texture to serve. ⠀

It's true, some of the best things in life take time. Pork belly on its own is a very cheap and unrefined ingredient, in other words . However, with enough time, and technique one can transform this humble ingredient into a work of art reaching its full potential. ⠀

Much like the pork belly, time and technique heal the downtrodden too. As I look to cuisine in my healing process, I find myself identifying with dishes requiring time. Lots and lots of time. It's only when we give ourselves the gift of time that we reach our full potential. ⠀

The potential to forgive others and personally, more importantly, the ability to forgive myself. I've always known that I'm hard on myself, but it wasn't until recently that I became aware that I'm almost abusive towards myself in my self reflections. I don't know yet how I'm going to overcome myself, but I do know that with time, and time spent with people qualified to help me, I will become this beautiful pork belly. Otherwise I might just remain the beginnings of bacon, and I know that my potential is more that that of bacon. 😉⠀
Ciao Amori Bacione⠀⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 05/07/2019

Buongiorno amori! Did you know the was named after a famous ballerina? Anna Pavlova was a Russian ballerina on tour in and during the 1920's. Of the many origin stories the dessert has, the most probable one is that the head chef at The Wellington Hotel in NZ created it in honor of her during her stay there in 1926.⠀

This is the perfect embodiment of a ballerina. Delicate in structure yet strong in flavor. I fill mine with my handmade lemon curd and top it with seasonal fruits such as pomegranate, berries, or citrus.⠀

Because I use organic cane sugar, mine always come out with a little tan. I could use bleached sugar, but prefer not to keep that in my pantry. if you want to use organic cane sugar but still want to serve it white, dust it with organic powdered sugar, problem solved.⠀

Ciao Amori!⠀



Every now and then I try something new that takes me by That Stuffed Hearts of Palm I posted yesterday was one of those dishes.

In all, there were 9 separate recipes with multiple stages to put that dish together. You can see from the look on my face it was totally worth it. Ciao amori. By the way, that also means “by my loves”

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Every now and then I try something new that takes me by #surprise That Stuffed Hearts of Palm I posted yesterday was one...
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Los Angeles, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 10pm
Tuesday 11am - 10pm
Wednesday 11am - 10pm
Thursday 11am - 10pm
Friday 11am - 10pm
Saturday 11am - 11pm
Sunday 11am - 10pm

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