Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson

Specializing in Transformational Medicine, Tarnie's signature Body Centered Method™ finds the root

Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson, PT, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), MA (Psychology), Somatic Movement Certification,

Specializing in Transformational Medicine, Tarnie’s expertise as a mentor, coach, speaker (Tedx Presenter), author and previous Sports Medicine Physiotherapist (Olympics Australia 2000) is partnering with those who have recurring pain and body symptoms. Using her signature Body Centered Metho


The Family would like all Tarnie's Friends and Family to know of her passing. Please be respectful of the Family during this time. We appreciate all your love and prayers at this time.


Give the gift of empowerment this holiday season!

20 Lives IGNITED: How 20 Women OVER 60 are Creating Success on Their Own Terms

The stories showcase wisdom, insight, and love that are applicable to a woman at any age and stage of her life. These women have overcome obstacles in spite of the odds stacked against them and are courageously sharing their stories, setting the world on fire!

I am honored to be one of the coauthors of 20 Lives Ignited. Congratulations to all the coauthors! You can grab a copy of the book on Amazon today amzn.to/3xkgeKS


What is Body Centered Method™?

“There is an amazing and divine intelligence in the body,
and by accessing the inner body awareness you bring to consciousness what has been stored in the body so you can heal, grow and move into a greater level of wellness and health.” – Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson, Wisdom Messenger


Honored to be featured in VoyageLA Magazine: Daily Inspiration: Meet Tarnie Fulloon. Read the article here: http://voyagela.com/interview/daily-inspiration-meet-tarnie-fulloon/


Did you know that I have a Self-Study Online Course?

Exploring Body Centered Somatic Processes And Embodiment Meditations


Join me tomorrow Tuesday, December 6th LIVE! This months Complimentary Virtual Tuesday Meditation Class focus is Reflection.

How It Works

Tuesday meditation class entails the first 25 mins of quietening down, turning inward, and being guided into your body by Tarnie. The focus of this time is to activate a listening within so that you can calm your nervous system, quieten your mind, relax the tension and stress held in your body, and open up to listening to what is unconsciously being held within. It is a very sacred time to turn off, turn inward and be with yourself.

The following 10 mins is left open to those that choose to stay on the call and share with others. This can be a very anchoring, healing and powerful time and it is strongly encouraged to join in and become part of the community. Confidentiality is honored and you are invited to share what is true and comfortable for you.

VIRTUAL Tuesday Grounding Body Centered Meditation Class
Date of Live Zoom Classes: December 6, 13, 20
Time: 5pm PST
Location: Live Via Zoom
Grab your spot here: https://www.tarniefulloon.com/tuesday-virtual-meditation-class?fbclid=IwAR24yvKEKgWTZUbTD55LmfLMpi5KwPavTmyaJhV8HQhvevNPkptKaOfQ180


What does it feel like when you haven't been true to yourself? You've said yes when you wanted to say No! Or you did something you really don't feel good about, just to please someone else. Or you didn’t follow through on a commitment you made, such as to: not eat that sweet dessert, or do the walk you planned, or ask for help.

When you are able to activate the commitment you have made, it aligns you with your inner truth and to yourself emotionally and psychologically.Committing to yourself is empowering, it is self-support, and it connects you to your inner strength. It means you are listening to and following your inner guidance.

When committing to yourself, you:

*become more intentional in your life and decision-making
*develop loving honesty with yourself
*pursue efforts that support and uplift you
*feel more confident and achieve more with ease
*have more presence, calm, and loving acceptance for yourself

Activating a commitment shows how much you value yourself. It also demonstrates that:

*You value yourself
*You respect yourself
*You appreciate your life
*You feel worthy
*You love yourself

Take a few minutes to think about your commitment level to yourself.

What commitment have you made that you need to activate today?

Where do you feel that in your body?

How to you hold commitment inside of you, other than in your head?

How can you ground in that commitment in your body NOW!

To your health & well-being,


Have a beautiful Thanksgiving. I am grateful for family and friends. What are you grateful for?


Helpful tips to help you actually enjoy this Holiday Season

Over Thanksgiving I took a trip back home to Australia with the intention of renovating a kitchen in the ocean side holiday house my brother and I have together. Every year, he and I vow we are going to have a relaxing holiday after whatever we are choosing to renovate (one year it was a fence, last year a bathroom, this year the kitchen) and every time we are putting the last coat of paint on (or whatever we need to do to finish) as we walk out the door as our vacation time ends.

This year, I was more aware of the pattern of work, work, work…starting up once again. So I decided to create the space and time for us to have a holiday - WITHIN our annual holiday that includes projects and home renovations.

I discovered these helpful tips to feeling like you are actually on a vacation:

1. Eat Nourishing and Satisfying Food: We had a full breakfast of eggs, toast, fruit, yogurts, and more every day. We all took the time to enjoy the energising food together each morning. Dinner we gathered again, preparing fabulous food of various kinds together, talked, played cards, and spent time unwinding and recapping the day.

2. Exercise: While we were getting plenty of exercise with the renovation we went for 2-3 swims a day and talk walks along the beach. Taking time to exercise and do what you enjoy independently of what is happening on your holiday (unless you are on an exercise type of holiday!) is crucial. I went for a number of swims in the ocean by myself.

3. Take Breaks: As Australians, we like our morning and afternoon tea breaks. Especially in the afternoon we included a nap (these are critical on a holiday in my world) and reading our books. Swims often followed.

4. Meditate / Be Silent: We all found it very important to take time out by ourselves, to either sit on the front patio overlooking the ocean or quietly in the back room and enjoy the sounds, smells, and above all the silence.

5. Nurture the Shopper (or whoever needs nurturing): (that one was for me!!) - When I had to make a run to the hardware store I occasionally took some time to look in the dress store, or the swimwear shop, or …. Take time to do something you want to do that maybe nobody else enjoys doing - visiting a museum, attending an art show, going to Sunday markets.

Before you go on holidays this year make your own list of things that you need to feel nourished and fulfilled so you can come home feeling like you actually got a break, we certainly did. If you are staying at home, still make that list, I know I will be!

Wishing you a magical spirit filled time this holiday season.

swee.ps 11/19/2022

swee.ps The Foundation for Living Beauty


Happy Friday! Self-care particularly as we head into the holiday season is key to a calm inner life. What self-care plans do you have this weekend?


Save the date! My virtual "Heal Your Pain Workshop" launches January 2023.

What People Are Saying
"I don't think any one workshop has had such a great impact on me. It really hit on a lot of things and I took away the value of self-care and turning up for myself to take care of my body emotionally and physically."
- K.C.

S2 E3 How To Expand Your Influence By Growing Your Love Capacity With Tarnie Fulloon 11/14/2022

Being Your Own Superstar Live with Joie Gharrity –
“How to Expand Your Influence By Growing Your Love Capacity
With Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson”

In this interview I share how the Body Centered Method™ helps you move from ‘being in your head’ to a body focus, where you can listen for your body’s wisdom. The pain that we experience, whether physical, emotional or any type of pain, is part of a journey that we take to heal. Learning to find the love in your body and understand the “wisdom messages” that your body is sending you is key on your healing journey. To understand more about this journey and how you don’t have to feel alone in your pain, tune into the episode here and find out how I can help you.

S2 E3 How To Expand Your Influence By Growing Your Love Capacity With Tarnie Fulloon Content creator, Joie Gharrity worked in the Hollywood entertainment industry for 15+ years. In her book Being Your Own Superstar: How To Expand Your Love Ca...


Celebrating today! My media page on my website is live. Check it out https://www.tarniefulloon.com/listen


This question comes up often when people ask about my teachings.

When someone has some kind of pain in their lives how do you recommend they find some peace and calm in their life?

Peacefulness and the calmness within comes from listening deeply to the inner guidance – the Wisdom voice and other voices held within the body psyche. Once someone moves towards, listens to and embraces their “pain”, on whatever level it is happening (Phy, M, Em, Sp) there is a shift that takes place that moves mind-body into parasympathetic state (rest, relax, rejuvenate). The ease comes with the information revealed and how to be with and work with what was revealed. Often this happens instantly.

If you are suffering from pain or anxiety let's connect [email protected]


You are invited!

VIRTUAL complimentary Tuesday Grounding Body Centered Meditation Class and Replays: November Dates: 1, 8, 15.
Pre-Recorded Via Member Site. Free replays through November!
This months topic is Gratefulness
Register here:



My movement practice has taught me about surrender. By breathing into my body and following the flow of movement, I have learned to enhance the sense of letting go and to follow what guidance is provided from deep within my body. As I embody my movements more and more, I have been able to build up a trust, and surrender to surrendering!

It is not easy, it is a practice, and a continued practice, and then more commitment to the process.

I find that Surrender in its truest form, brings a feeling of being grounded, strong and connected. There is a knowing and a peacefulness. I am relaxed, I let go, I trust. It feels right, and allows for the mysterious and unseen to help me in my focus or direction.

I have experienced pure bliss in the state of surrender. How do you let go and surrender to surrendering?
Much love,


I invite you to join my VIRTUAL Tuesday Grounding Body Centered Meditation Class and Replays
November Dates: 1, 8, 15
PLUS! Free replays through November!
Cost: Free
November 2022 Series - Topic: Gratefulness
Register here:


As we head into the holiday season self-care is essential. How do you integrate self-care into your daily habits?


Happy Friday! What is one thing that you are grateful for today?


I get asked this question when being featured on shows. I want to share the question and answer with all of you. I want you to know that if you are suffering you don't have to go it alone. Please reach out my door is always open.

When you refer to pain is an indicator that something is out of balance what do you mean by that?

Pain is the subconscious voice that lives in your body, telling you something needs to be addressed. It is the way the body communicates as often the mind will ignore the deeper messages from within. Pain, anxiety, issues in your life that are not resolving mean something is out of balance and needs to be attended to.

Interview with Tarnie Fulloon discussing Body Centered Medicine® 10/24/2022

Research has shown that those who practice self-forgiveness have better mental and emotional well-being, more positive attitudes and healthier relationships. It is a way of shifting and releasing the negativity or limiting thoughts that get imbedded in your psyche and your body.

Did you know that by harboring feelings such as guilt, shame, anger, regret, disappointment, blame to name a few, affects your emotional, mental and physical health deeply.

On Conversations Connecting to a Healthier You podcast with Debi Carlyn Boyle, I discuss Self Forgiveness and the power of its healing ability. I take you through the steps that will allow you to work your own process of releasing emotions that are caught in your body causing you pain.

Check out the show here:

Interview with Tarnie Fulloon discussing Body Centered Medicine® With Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson's patented Body Centered Method, you can finally experience the freedom from pain you've long sought without finding any relief.


What brought you joy this week?


Do You Know How to Ground Yourself?

Grounding is imperative and a basic tool that we all need for our own health, wellbeing and to stay connected to our inner self. Most people are unaware of the importance of grounding. Being ungrounded, or not present in your body, I believe is contributing greatly to the chaos we are experiencing right now across the globe. Research suggests that a lack of grounding or “electron deficiency syndrome” has a lot to do with the human suffering.

Suggestions for Grounding:
*Breath Awareness: be aware of your breath and track it through in your body. Really become present to your breath in your body and try to “land” it in your lower belly.

*Feel your feet: connecting bare feet into grass, sand, water. Use water: bath, shower, swim. A shower or bath is very grounding and cleansing particularly at the end of the day. 30 second cold showers have been shown to be very grounding and clearing also! Brrrr

*Stand like a tree: visualize yourself growing roots into the ground, feel yourself anchor deep within the earth. Allow it to be flexible, with freedom to move.

To your health and well being,


Feeling stressed and anxious? Meditation can be your path to reduce stress levels, which translates to less anxiety. I invite you to join my Complimentary VIRTUAL Tuesday Grounding Body Centered Meditation Class.

Tuesday meditation class entails the first 25 mins of quietening down, turning inward, and being guided into your body by Tarnie. The focus of this time is to activate a listening within so that you can calm your nervous system, quieten your mind, relax the tension and stress held in your body, and open up to listening to what is unconsciously being held within. It is a very sacred time to turn off, turn inward and be with yourself. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. My door is always open.

Grab your spot here: https://www.tarniefulloon.com/tuesday-virtual-meditation-class


I start every day with a grateful heart. I have had a full week. I celebrate this week by honoring this beautiful testimonial.

"I don't think any one workshop has had such a great impact on me. It really hit on a lot of things and I took away the value of self-care and turning up for myself to take care of my body emotionally and physically."
— Katie Cozad


Take a personal inventory. Are you really happy? If not, what can you do personally to change that?

As much as we want to depend on others for our own contentment, the reality of the matter is that we cannot expect any one specific person to meet all of our needs.


Grateful for this beautiful testimonial.

“Tarnie is fabulous! Working with her has helped me awaken from a sense of apathy and start fighting for my happiness. When I started her work I was in a job I hated and dealing with several annoying health problems. I recently started an amazing new job, have lost 20lbs, and am feeling 100% better. I AM GRATEFUL FOR HER KEEN ABILITY TO LEAD HER CLIENTS DOWN A PATH OF SELF-LOVE, ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION. She has truly made a difference in my life.”
- Karen B -

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