Golden West Humanitarian Foundation

US non-profit charity. Humanitarian mine action. We envision a world safe from the legacies of war.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 08/16/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation launched Swim for Life over 10-years ago to help prevent drownings across the country. If you would like to sponsor a survival swim class for young children; please click here...

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 08/14/2024

We're excited to share a significant achievement for Golden West Humanitarian Foundation and our long-term partners, Thailand Mine Action Center (ศูนย์ปฏฺิบัติการทุ่นระเบิดแห่งชาติ TMAC). Recently, TMAC Humanitarian Mine Action Unit 3 successfully deployed the GWHF Mobile Cutting System (MCS) to Si Sa Ket province to support ongoing operations — a first-ever deployment requested directly by an HMAU!

This marks a major milestone in our efforts to make more effective and efficient. Previously, MCS deployments were scheduled quarterly through TMAC HQ. However, this operation has proven that the MCS and its specialized equipment can be transported in small 4x4 trucks, enabling us to reach even the most remote locations.

A highlight of this deployment was the opportunity for TMAC’s Qualification class to attend an afternoon session, where they received hands-on training on the MCS and its capabilities. This training is crucial in building the next generation of demining experts.

TMAC leadership has been unwavering in its commitment to using the MCS to extract high from recovered . This approach not only allows us to harvest donor charges for demolishing and unexploded ordnance but also helps conserve their limited supply of conventional demolitions.

This deployment is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in making the world safer, one step at a time.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 08/09/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation is proud to support the US EUCOM Humanitarian Mine Action ( ) Program by providing training support for an Level 1 & 2 course in Prizren, Kosovo. This dynamic course, led by skilled U.S. Army and United States Air Force EOD technicians, seamlessly combined classroom learning with hands-on experience at the demo range.

The trainees, comprising members of the State Emergency Services Ukraine (SESU) and the National Police Ukraine (NPU), underwent comprehensive instruction covering everything from Theory, to Recognition, and Disposal.

Their rigorous training included practical exercises at a demo range outside Prizren, where they mastered techniques such as building puff charges, performing non-electric main lines, and conducting ordnance burns. The trainees successfully disposed of various ordnance, including 120mm and 105mm HE Projectiles, APHE Projectiles, and different types of mortars.

We are thrilled to announce that all participants completed the challenging 6-week course with flying colors! The graduation ceremony was attended by Brigadier General Naim Haziri, Commander of the National Guard, who delivered an inspiring speech.

We are honored to continue our collaboration with the US EUCOM Humanitarian Mine Action Program, contributing to the readiness and expertise of the Ukrainian military and first responders. Together, we are paving the way for a safer future.


To complete our series of interviews with delegates of the "UN Saferguard Training for Women.", (July '24), our colleague, Afifa Habbassi, spoke to Ugandan Inspector of Police, Christine Nankya, about her career in Physical Security and Stockpile Management ( ).

Inspector Nankya's dedication to acquiring skills and proving her capabilities has led her to become a PSSM senior instructor, breaking traditional gender barriers in the Force.

"In Uganda, management was considered a male domain. I saw a training opportunity in PSSM as a chance to prove that women could handle this responsibility. I pursued training at the International Peace Support Training Center in Nairobi, Kenya, and qualified as a PSSM senior instructor."

Inspector Nankya has faced significant challenges throughout her career but has always risen to overcome them. "Gender discrimination and lack of funding are significant challenges. I worked diligently to prove my capabilities, proving to my supervisors that what a man can do, a woman can do better. This has led my supervisors to source more training opportunities for me. Sometimes, I’ve even used my own savings to achieve my goals."

The UN Saferguard Training for Women, which Afifa Habbassi supported as an instructor, brought together women ammunition technical experts from around the world; “The program gave us all a platform to learn and share experiences. It provided me with an opportunity to enrich my countries training modules with the latest IATG standards and even enhance my career prospects."

Inspector Nankya’s determination and commitment to breaking gender barriers in PSSM are inspiring. We hope that her story encourages more women to pursue careers and excel in the field of ammunition management.



All of us at Golden West Humanitarian Foundation and Swim for Life Vietnam wish Nguyễn Huy Hoàng the very best of luck in his upcoming Olympic 1,500m freestyle heat in Paris! Good Luck Huy Hoang! 🏊‍♂️ 🇺🇸🤝🇻🇳

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation US non-profit charity. Humanitarian mine action. We envision a world safe from the legacies of war.


In our continuing series of interviews with women in the field of ammunition management and Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM), we sat with Warrant Officer II Chelangat Belion of Kenya, to discuss her drive to empower more women to enter the essential field of , safeguarding national assets and her people. As a Quality Management System Instructor (QMSI), she has dedicated herself to global security.

Our colleague, Afifa HM Habbassi, a fully qualified expert, served as an instructor for the "UN Saferguard Training for Women" in early July, where she met and interviewed Warrant Officer II Chelangat.

"I have a strong interest in protecting assets and people. hashtag is a challenging and rewarding field that requires in-depth knowledge of storage, inventory control, logistics, and regulatory compliance. I am committed to non-proliferation and hashtag , which drives my passion for this work.

The rapidly evolving threat landscape requires constant updating of skills. Warrant Officer II Chelangat stays current by seeking training, attending conferences, and networking with international experts. Navigating complex global regulations is another challenge, which she addresses by diversifying her learning further through collaborations with legal experts to better understanding relevant laws.

“This hashtag Saferguard training program aligns with my desire to contribute to safety and security objectives and promotes gender diversity in technical fields. The program not only enhances my technical credentials but is opening new career opportunities as well.”

Warrant Officer II Chelangat’s dedication to PSSM highlights the essential role of women in security fields. We hope that her story encourages more women to pursue careers in PSSM, fostering more inclusive and effective security.


Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 07/25/2024

Today is World Drowning Prevention Day, something we have been supporting for 10 years. Swim for Life, which we founded in 2014, was born out of a dire need to address 's high drowning rates for children. The program empowers communities by teaching survival and prevention to school-aged children.

Through the generosity of donors, the program has already made significant strides, saving lives and raising awareness.

Sustained support is essential to expand this life-saving initiative to other vulnerable regions, ensuring more children can learn essential water safety skills and prevent drownings.

Just $5 will sponsor a survival swim class for one child. Your support is crucial in saving lives.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on drowning prevention in Vietnam.

Please click here to get involved:

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 07/25/2024

Anyone can drown, but it can almost always be prevented. Yet every year nearly a quarter of a million people lose their lives to drowning, and almost 82,000 of them are children aged 1 to 14 years.

Drowning is abrupt, silent and shocking, with people often not realizing it’s happening until it’s too late.

What leads to drowning often happens in just a few seconds:
- A small child slipping unnoticed into a pond or pool on a sunny afternoon;
- Feeling invincible after a few drinks and jumping into the ocean for a swim;
- Accepting that one extra passenger on the boat, despite knowing it might capsize;
- Deciding it’s too much of a hassle to put on that lifejacket.

So much can happen in a single moment. But with the right awareness and actions, what happens in those seconds can also be changed – for the better.
Seconds can save a life.

- Do you have a story about the seconds before and during an incident of drowning?
- Were there any effective measures you took that prevented drowning from happening?
- Any advice you could give to your family and friends about drowning prevention?

This World Drowning Prevention Day, we invite everyone to share stories about drowning prevention on social media. Help us to raise awareness on effective measures that helped to save a life from drowning.


Earlier this month, our colleague, Afifa Habbassi, a fully qualified PSSM expert, served as an instructor for the "UN Saferguard Training for Women." We had the opportunity to interview some of the delegates and hear about their journeys, challenges and aspirations.
Today, we’d like to introduce Lieutenant Evdokia Iakovou of Cyprus, to learn how she is breaking stereotypes in ammunition management.

Lieutenant Iakovou is a perfect example amongst many, of the determination and perseverance required to achieve success and a leadership role in a field traditionally dominated by male colleagues. Graduating as a Logistics Officer in Cyprus, Lieutenant Iakovou soon realized her passion lay elsewhere — specifically, in ammunition management. After two years of persistence, she finally convinced her superiors to allow her to train as an Ammunition Technician Officer (ATO), marking a historic first in her military branch. "It was worth the effort, as I knew this was where I belonged."

"Being the first female officer in this role was tough. Until 2018, all ATOs were non-commissioned officers and men. I had to work hard to earn the trust and respect of my peers and superiors. My focus was on proving my capabilities and demonstrating that I could handle the demands of this position."

Training programs like the UN Saferguard Training for Women are invaluable for advancing the knowledge and careers of pioneers like Lieutenant Iakovou.

"This training has been incredible. It exceeded my expectations and provided me with new insights, particularly regarding quantitative distances, which are crucial due to the residential development around our camp. The opportunity to exchange information with participants from different backgrounds has broadened my understanding and enhanced my skills."

Lieutenant Iakovou’s story is a testament to the importance of perseverance and breaking barriers. We hope her journey inspires women everywhere to pursue their passions and excel.


Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 07/19/2024

Our missions often goes beyond clearing unexploded ordnance ( ). We focus on empowering communities, especially children, with the knowledge to stay safe.

Recently, our Golden West Humanitarian Foundation team completed a critical mission in the , where we not only recovered and destroyed 21 explosive remnants of war but also conducted life-saving education for both kids and adults.

We trained Police officers to safely geotag UXO locations; conducted Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) for over 200 school children; and distributed EORE materials and held briefings at public gatherings, ensuring the message of safety reached as many local residents as possible.

These efforts are vital in preventing accidents and ensuring a safer environment for future generations. Our work in schools helps children identify UXO and understand the actions to take if they encounter these dangers.

The collaboration with local residents and authorities was instrumental in our success. Together, we've not only removed immediate threats but have also built a foundation for ongoing safety education.

Thank you to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), PM/WRA, and the local community for their unwavering support. We look forward to continuing our mission to safeguard the .


Our colleague, Afifa Habbassi, an experienced, fully qualified Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) expert, is currently serving as an instructor for the "UN Saferguard Training for Women." During this training, we had the opportunity to interview some of the women and hear about their journeys, challenges and aspirations in the field of ammunition management. In our first interview, we spoke with Assistant Superintendent of Police, Rose Haule of , to learn how she is breaking stereotypes in PSSM.

Assistant Superintendent Haule's journey in PSSM is marked by her commitment to public safety, a sense of national responsibility and determination to excel.

"I have a strong interest in ammunition management. Engaging in this field allows me to develop my skills and demonstrate that women can excel in areas traditionally dominated by men. Effective management of ammunition involves high responsibility, safeguarding resources, and ensuring compliance with regulations."

Throughout our interviews, we have heard that gender bias is a significant challenge for female AOT’s, but one that each of the ladies had fought to overcome.

“I demonstrated my competence and commitment. Physical stability is often perceived as a weakness for women. I maintain physical fitness and always encourage teamwork. Balancing family responsibilities with work is also difficult, but open communication with leaders and teamwork help manage these challenges."

Assistant Superintendent Haule advocates for change and greater equality in the military through training, hard work and a commitment to excellence.
“This training provides valuable experience and insights from other participants, enhancing my ability to advocate for gender inclusion in ammunition management.”

Assistant Superintendent Haule’s perseverance and advocacy for gender inclusion are inspiring. We hope that her story motivates other women to pursue careers in PSSM.


Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 07/12/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation is proud to share our recent collaboration with US EUCOM in providing essential Level 1 & 2 training support for Ukrainian personnel in Kosovo. This mission is crucial in fortifying against recent aggressions and enhancing their explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) capabilities.

Over an intensive 6-week course, our Training Director, Mark Lasley, alongside our Subject Matter Experts, Pete Archer and Mike Burghardt, worked with a dedicated cadre from the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa. Together, we delivered comprehensive training on explosive theory, ordnance recognition, and demolition at the range.

Our trainees included seasoned veterans and first responders . Their commitment and dedication were truly inspiring. Together, we are strengthening capabilities and building stronger, safer communities.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 07/08/2024

We are incredibly proud of our colleague, Afifa Habbassi, one of our experienced, fully qualified PSSM subject matter experts, and our gender focal point at Golden West Humanitarian Foundation. She is currently supporting the "UN Saferguard Training for Women" as an instructor.

This program, now in its second iteration, is organized by UNODA and hosted by the Austrian Armed Forces. It represents a significant step towards empowering women in ammunition management, Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) programs, and Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM).

Afifa and the training team had the distinct honor of meeting the Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen. This meeting highlights the importance of the mission, and the recognition of the vital role women play in this field.

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation (GWHF), strongly believes in and supports the training of more women in the field of PSSM. Their contributions are invaluable to global safety and security.

Thank you to UNODA, the Austrian Armed Forces, and all of the participants who are paving the way for a safer world.



We recently had the honor of welcoming the U.S. Army Humanitarian Demining Research & Development (HDR&D) UXO Workshop to our KCTC and EHP facilities.

Our team provided an in-depth interactive demonstration of the EHP facilities, insights into our support for the host nation's mission through explosive charge manufacturing.

The visit included representatives from the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, Mine Action Group (MAG), and Thailand Mine Action Centre (TMAC).

Special thanks to HDR&D and WRA for their continued sponsorship and support as we strengthen global ties to advance demining efforts.



Independence Day celebrates the birth of the United States of America, but what it really commemorates is the birth of the idea that people can freely govern themselves.

This American experiment continues some 248-yrs later with continuing efforts to get it right. There have been some disastrous false paths that cost us dearly, but we continue to try with the hope we can make it better.

Constant battles against greed, self-interest and downright evil, keep us off balance, but we keep trying. We remain optimistic and willing to suffer the frustration of supporting and defending a country that too often doesn’t seem to support us.

On this holiday, Golden West Humanitarian Foundation celebrates the idea of what is possible, and continues to work toward a better world.


We were honoured to host Afifa Habbassi, Golden West Humanitarian Foundation Country Manager for , at our Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) facility in Kampong Chhnang Province.

Our Cambodian Explosive Harvesting Program team showcased the harvesting process, ordnance selection for munitions cutting, and a demonstration of our liquid binary explosive.

Huge thanks to our long-term partners HDR&D and WRA for their unwavering support of the KCTC. Together, we advance global humanitarian efforts!

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/21/2024

Our Swim for Life team, led by Ms Dang Thi Hai Yen, recently had the honor of launching our drowning prevention program at Tan Thanh Primary and Secondary School in the lush green Huong Hoa mountainous district of Quang Tri Province.

With 47 dedicated participants and 200 excited children aged 9-13, this event marked a significant step towards safeguarding this young generation from drowning.

Our heartfelt thanks to the Quang Tri provincial , , district leaders, local schools, swim instructors, Health Advocacy Incubator, and the Swim for Life team members for their unwavering support; and we'd like to give a special mention to the Quang Tri Newspaper and Television for covering this impactful event and further raising awareness for drowning prevention in Vietnam.

Quang Tri provincial DOLISA launched the 2024 drowning prevention program, before Ms Huyen, the Country Director of CTFK/GHAI in Vietnam, gave an inspiring speech emphasizing the importance and significance of our drowning prevention program for the children of Quang Tri.

A young student represented all children, pledging their commitment to safety and was joined on stage by 20 disadvantaged children from Huong Hoa, who received scholarships to support their education and well-being.

Together, we're making waves of change and ensuring a safer, brighter future for Vietnamese children.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/19/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was recently tasked to provide support for the Level 2 Phase 2 training. The training was conducted by five members of the Moldovan Instructor Cadre and the Commandant of the Moldovan EOD School, with oversight by the U.S. Army team assigned to .

The training facility has recently been upgraded with funds for the improvement provided by the Moldovan Military. This has been a great step forward in the support and advancement of Moldovan training programs.

Mid program, the team responded to the vicinity of Ungheni City, where an APHE round had been discovered. The team successfully initiated the charge electrically with the remote firing device, safely clearing the area and community of the .

The Moldovan Instructor Cadre are providing excellent classes, and we were proud to be involved in collaboration with our partners at and Moldovan EOD.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/18/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation are happy to share that we have successfully supported the planning and project management efforts for constructing a concrete bunker at the Ta Mor Roi demolitions range in Surin Province, .

The project was a collaborative effort between and the U.S. Marine Corps participating in exercise 24 Bi-Lateral Reduction Event. Personnel from the following units guaranteed the success of the project:
ศูนย์ปฏิบัติการทุ่นระเบิดแห่งชาติ (The Thailand Mine Action Center), the Royal Thai Army 6th Engineer Battalion Suranaree Engineer Task Force, Pacific Marines, III MEF Marines, and 9th Engineer Support Battalion. This bunker, a testament to our shared commitment, will not only support all future efforts but also enhance TMACs safety and efficiency of demolitions range operations during.

A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions in making this project a reality!

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/13/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) provided advanced training to មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសកម្មភាពកំចាត់មីនកម្ពុជា - CMAC Level 3 technicians.

Focus areas included: Safe handling of , procedures, terminology, Explosive physics, IMAS-level EOD safety and procedures.

Our dedicated team conducted an additional 20 classes (+100 hours) for EHP and មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសកម្មភាពកំចាត់មីនកម្ពុជា - CMAC personnel, covering ordnance ID, explosive fillers, demolition operations, and instructional techniques.

All training took place in our HDR&D and WRA-sponsored classroom at KCTC, as we continue to empower EOD technicians with critical skills to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/11/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was proud to be tasked with supporting an Level-3 technical support mission in , , in collaboration with the Croatian Navy.

NAVSCOLEOD graduates currently assigned to the cadre served as training facilitators with technical support and direction provided by Golden West Humanitarian Foundation. The support took place at the EOD shop and training range in Split, as well as the Army Engineers demolition range.

The technical support covered a range of topics, including Alford Technologies Shaped Charge (Vulcan) Theory and Practical Application, Vulcan Counter Limpet Mine Systems (VCLMS), and a review of the Vidisco Portable X-Ray Inspection System.

It was an excellent course with dedicated Croatian students from the Croatian Navy NAVSCOLEOD and our collaborative partners at USEUCOM.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 06/05/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was recently tasked to support an HMA EOD level-3 technical support in .

Unfortunately, adverse weather restricted the volume of outdoor training we were hoping for, so there was more indoor scenarios and indoor training than normal, but when the weather finally broke we took full advantage of the sunshine.

Real life scenarios were set up in the training area and the students were required to work in teams and conduct real life scenarios. They utilized the X-ray system, hook and line kit, mine probes, safety gear, recon kits, metal detectors and publication systems.

Thanks to our collaborative partners, and Albanian , and congratulations to the students.


The team at Golden West Humanitarian Foundation would like to taking a moment to remember and honor the fallen service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.
You remain our heroes and are in our hearts forever.
Thank you.

Memorial Day 2024

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 05/28/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) in welcomed eleven មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសកម្មភាពកំចាត់មីនកម្ពុជា - CMAC Level 3 technicians for 45 days of intensive EOD mentorship. The students covered EHP procedures and aided the EHP staff in demolition operations.

The program was held at our U.S. Department of State HDR&D and WRA-sponsored classroom at KCTC, and included the safe handling of explosives, demolition procedures, EOD terminology, explosive physics, and essential IMAS-level training to ensure a clear understanding of EOD safety and operating procedures.

It was an excellent opportunity for our EHP staff to provide EOD knowledge to a younger generation of CMAC EOD technicians and continuing our on-going collaboration with long time partners, CMAC.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 05/24/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was recently tasked with providing EOD Level-1 technical support in , in partnership with .

The students spent time on the range working with various munitions, including 80x WWI UXOs. They X-rayed samples of each type of ***de, verifying initial ID's made by SMEs using photos supplied earlier in the week. Each was electrically primed and remotely fired, demonstrating the necessity of direct placement on heavy-cased munitions.

Congratulations to all the graduating students, and a special thanks to the US EUCOM Humanitarian Mine Action Program.


The មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសកម្មភាពកំចាត់មីនកម្ពុជា - CMAC Director General recently directed two senior members of our Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) staff to support clearance operations following an explosive incident within . Golden West Humanitarian Foundation EHP staff was instrumental in the safe and successful clearance of damaged 's and munitions. We have proudly supported our collaborative partners at CMAC for over 2 decades and look forward to continuing to secure the safety of Cambodian civilians.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 05/21/2024

Recently, a team from the Georgia and California National Guard State Partnership Programs mentored the teach back phase of the Upper Management Train the Trainer Course in , . Golden West Humanitarian Foundation was proud to provide technical assistance to the USMIL SSP team as part of this project.

This course has been the culmination of a 3 year engagement by in the training and mentoring of instructors from the Defence Forces of Georgia (GDF) in order to allow instruction in Ammunition Management principles and practices to members of the GDF.

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation will continue to support as it plans to continue further instruction to enable the GDF to reach compliance with international best practices in the storage of and , in order to safeguard the civilian population.

Photos from Golden West Humanitarian Foundation's post 05/15/2024

Golden West Humanitarian Foundation recently supported a Level I training program. This initiative, spearheaded by the US EUCOM HMA program alongside Moldovan EOD, is a testament to the power of collaboration and international support. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners for their unwavering support.

The training kicked off with several days of medical instruction provided by a dedicated U.S. Army medical team. This was followed by an intensive introduction to EOD for the cadre of 10, covering everything from theoretical principles and safety precautions to identification and disposal methods.

After two weeks of rigorous classes and examinations, all 10 students successfully graduated. The celebrations included a well-deserved BBQ, marking the culmination of their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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