Redeemer Church

We are a Gospel-Centered, Missional Family in Lubbock, TX. Join us on Sundays!

8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 am Welcome to Redeemer Lubbock's page!

We are so glad you are here. Be sure to like and follow our page for event updates, resources, and to watch our Sunday Service Livestream. You can fill out our digital Connect Card or DM us to get connected with someone on staff who can answer any questions you might have!


Happy Sunday Redeemer!

If it's your first Sunday at Redeemer we can't wait to meet you! Come to the Connect Table before or after any of our services to meet a staff member and learn more about how you can get connected here at Redeemer. You can also fill out our digital connect card by going to the link in our bio!

See you soon at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!

Photos from Redeemer Church's post 08/28/2024

We hope every person at Redeemer will be meaningfully connected to others during their time here. One of the main ways to do that is to join a Gospel Community!

On Sunday, September 8th we will be having a Gospel Community onboarding directly after every service in Equipping Space 3. If you want to know more about what GC's at Redeemer are like or if you would like to get connected to a new group we would love to see you there!


“My All In commitment is a symbol of my submission to the Lord in the day-to-day of my life that I try to hold up on my own.”
We are so thankful for how the Lord is working in Ian’s life as he considers what it means to trust God not only with his finances but with every single part of his life.

Watch Ian’s full testimony video below!


See you at one of our three services this morning! 👋

At Redeemer, each service looks identical with worship, preaching, communion, and childcare! Today we will be diving into the second half of 1 Peter 1 and what it looks like to pursue a life of active faith.

If this is your first time at Redeemer we want to meet you! Fill out a Connect card and come say hi at the Connect Table before or after each service.


We had the joy of baptizing Brasen on Sunday! 🙌

"I first heard the gospel when my stepmom and I were sitting on the back porch of our old house. Then, years later, on January 17, 2023, my grandmother unexpectedly passed away. Dealing with the grief took a toll on me, leading me to lean more than ever on Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for me and paid the ultimate price of death for my sins to be forgiven and to sit at the table with the Lord for all of eternity. Being saved by God has changed my life by extending a hand to those in need and treating others with the respect and kindness they deserve.

I am getting baptized today to profess my undying faith in Jesus publicly. I want my baptism to show people that no matter what has happened in their lives, they can be forgiven by Jesus if they put their trust in Him. I love that even though we are not worthy of Jesus’ love, we are still given his absolute love."


Calvin got baptized on Sunday!! 🙌

"Before 7th grade, I was seeking to fulfill my life, find meaning in sports, and please people. Even though I read my Bible, went to a Christian school, and went to church all the time, I did not see what God had done for me and what those things were pointing me to. I was putting my energy and attention into sports and what others thought of me more than what God said about me or had done for me.

One day I was sitting in church and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to take communion, showing me what Jesus had done for me and that HE had redeemed me from my sin to eternal life. Now, I am in a closer relationship with God. I don’t do sports without thinking about God; whenever I think about God, I think about how gracious he is. Even after I have sinned so many times, he has forgiven me. I know that God has chosen me to come to Him to help others put their faith and trust in Him. I am getting baptized today to declare my new relationship with God publicly and what He has done for me."


"To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you." - 1 Peter 1:1 ESV

Today Dusty will be kicking off our 4-week series, Elect Exiles, where we will be diving into the book of 1 Peter!

There will be bookmarks with the Elect Exiles reading plan available in the lobby at the Connect Table, be sure to grab one! See you at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!


It's fall which means new residents! 🫶

We are so excited for all of our new and returning residents and can't wait to see all that God will do in and through them this year.

If you don't know them yet be sure to say hey the next time you see them, they would love to connect with you! If you want to learn more about our residency program go to the link below.


Sam got baptized on Sunday!!

"Seeing my friend go through all the things he had been through really encouraged my faith that this is real, and it has beautiful daily effects when it's taken seriously."

Sharing the story of how God has changed your life is so important! So thankful for Sam's family and friends for persistently sharing the gospel with him!


It's Sunday Redeemer and we can't wait to worship with you at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!! 🙌

This is our last week in the book of Hebrews and Keenan Harris, one of our pastors, will be wrapping up our sermon series with chapter 13.

If this is your first time visiting us we want to meet you! You can visit the Connect Table in our lobby or fill out our digital Connect Card. Someone from our staff will follow up with you next week!

If you are looking for more information about us or upcoming events please visit our website, the link is below!

Photos from Redeemer Church's post 08/07/2024

Family Dedications Recap!🫶

We are so thankful for the opportunity to partner with these parents in proclaiming the gospel to their kids and supporting them as they grow!


Happy first Sunday of August Redeemer! 🙌

We can't wait to see you at one of our three service times: 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am. August is the best because we have so many new people joining us for the first time!

This Sunday is also Family Dedications! We have the privilege of dedicating each of these children to the Lord and are honored to partner with their parents in praying and sharing the gospel with them throughout their lives!

Photos from Redeemer Church's post 07/30/2024

When she signed up for a summer trip to a mega city in South Asia, Jillian didn't anticipate that God would use lost luggage to teach her big things. Certainly, the most transformative part of the trip would be cross-cultural ministry, laboring with Goers in slums, or worshiping alongside Hindi-speaking brothers and sisters in house churches, right?

After beginning their trip with a three-day flight delay, traveling for hours, and navigating customs, Jill’s team waited patiently for their luggage as the carousel emptied.

“I packed for every possible situation. I’m not going to lie to you, I shed some tears when our luggage was lost because I wanted to be comfortable and not think about what I was wearing.”

God used the chaos of international travel to loosen Jill’s grip on even simple, everyday choices, and reveal the role of routine and control in her life in ways that weren't clear until she stepped out of Lubbock.

“Even things like what you wear and eat can show what you’re becoming in your own heart. I’ve become comfortable and have a routine because if I’m overly conscious of things like clothing and food, it can be unhealthy but if I’m under-conscious of those things it can become weird. So going to South Asia where you have so little control of when and what you’re eating is a challenge.”

Despite these discomforts, there was still much more the Lord wanted to show Jill and her teammates about his heart for the lost.

“Deep down I want everyone to dwell with the Father, but the truth is that some people will reject the gospel. Every taxi and Uber we got into had a mini idol on their dash. While we were sharing, a lot of people opened up and told us that they’d been praying to a specific god in Hinduism for a while and never felt peace, hope, or even that there’d be any movement. It was really encouraging when we prayed for them because afterward some of them said, ‘Wow, I’ve never felt hopeful like this before.”

This is just one of many incredible stories of what God has done this summer!


MOG Ticket Giveaway!! 🎟️

We are giving away a FREE ticket to Mission of God! This is a 10-week course designed to mobilize the body of Christ to understand God’s heart for all peoples, the gospel needs of the world, and the necessity of intimacy with God. If you have taken this class before, let us know how it has impacted you in the comments!

To Enter:

✔️ Like this post
✔️ Follow and
✔️ Tag a friend you want to attend with!

For a bonus entry share to your story and be sure to tag us!

Giveaway ends tomorrow, 7/30 so be sure to enter asap!


We love classes on Sunday mornings! 🫶

Sharing the gospel in our kids' classes is one of the most important things we do as a church. We are committed to creating a safe, fun place for children in our Sunday morning classes where we sing, dance, play, teach the Bible, communicate the gospel, and memorize the word of God!

If you are new to Redeemer our kid's ministry wants to partner with you as a parent in discipling your kids. We have many fantastic resources to help equip you no matter what age your kids are!

See you and your family at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!


Celebrate the end of summer with us!🌞⁠

Every year we love having this opportunity to connect and refresh with friends and neighbors at the end of summer. As we all prepare for the beginning of the school year and a return to different rhythms we invite you and your family to the YWCA Sun 'n Fun on August 11th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm!⁠


When Robert and Sarah signed up for Re|Engage it felt like it might be the last chance for their marriage. Though they were walking through infidelity and broken trust, they knew they wanted to have a completely renewed marriage and community with people who would love them and come alongside them.

Through Re|Engage God showed them that even after everything they had done, His grace was sufficient. His design for their lives was to have whole hearts devoted to Him that would then allow them to love one another the way He intended.

"I learned that no matter how bad I screwed up, it was redeemable. It was ashes turned into a masterpiece, and it was the TRUE story of resurrection." - Robert

"I learned that I could never be my husband‘s Holy Spirit, and that trusting God with my marriage was a risk, but that I was SAFE to do it because of the work of Jesus." - Sarah

Whether you would describe your marriage as being on life-support or you are simply looking for tools to help you connect more deeply with God and your spouse, Re|Engage is for you! For more information and to sign up click the link below.


Our generosity is for His glory, and He’s going to use it.”

To hear more of the impact that generosity has had on Noah and Brynn’s lives check out the link in our bio!


It's Sunday Redeemer! 🙌

We can't wait to worship with you this morning at one of our three service times at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am! This morning Keenan Harris, one of our pastors, will be teaching on Hebrews chapter 11 and what it looks like to live by faith.

See you soon!

Cassiopeia's Baptism Testimony 07/15/2024

"I want this baptism to be an example to anyone else who may see this and feel that they are too far gone, to know that you are not lost. The grace of Jesus will cover you too."

Yesterday, we got to celebrate the saving grace of Jesus with Cassi and her family.

Cassiopeia's Baptism Testimony


Welcome to Redeemer! 👋

Our parking team can't wait to greet you this morning and every Sunday! We are so thankful for their heart to serve by welcoming and providing clarity and direction in the parking lot before and after each service.

We'll see you soon at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!


"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

- Hebrews 4:16 ESV


We baptized Christian on Sunday!! Read his story below.

"I was taught about Christ at a young age. My grandmother, Elizabeth, was very involved and loved Jesus very much. Much of this rubbed off on me as I learned to pray about problems I faced. Jesus was someone I could talk to when I was young. This practice prepared me for the hardship I faced later in life, as I knew I always had Christ to lean on. I knew the Gospel was the story of what Jesus had done but didn't know how that related to the rest of the Bible or even to me.

I now know it as the completion of the promise God made to bring his kingdom to everyone. Jesus knows we live with pain, agony, sin, and sadness every day, but he was willing to bear it all on the cross for us. We respond by placing our faith in him, following him, and striving to live like he did. Instead of trusting myself or following my heart, I desire to rely on Jesus in every season. I have lost a lot in my life, but through Jesus, there is hope for peace and love no matter where you are. Today, I would like to take a step to show my devotion to Christ, as he has always been devoted to us."


Logan was baptized on Sunday! 🙌

He was invited into our student ministry by a friend and being discipled in a Grow Group has had an incredible impact on his life. Read his story below!

"Before Christ, I wasn’t putting my faith and hope into anything. I was just a kid who went to youth on Wednesdays because that’s what you did for fun. I heard the gospel at a thing called Fields of Faith. I heard that we have a Lord and Savior who is great, which changed my whole perspective on everything.

My senior year, I started coming to Redeemer Student Gatherings and Monday Grow Groups. I started to live out my pursuit of Jesus with other great people who helped me grow in my faith and understand the gospel. Because of Jesus, my life has been so fulfilling, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me. I’m being baptized today because I am pushing away any self-doubt and confessing I have my hope in Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior."


We can't wait to greet you this morning Redeemer! 🤩

Join us for worship at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am as we continue preaching through Hebrews.

If this is your first time joining us stop by the Connect Table in the lobby, we would love to greet you, answer any questions you might have, and help you get connected here at Redeemer!



"Being All In is what we're called to do, there is no other way to live."

Check out Lauren's full All In testimony video below to hear more of what God is doing in her life!


We are all smiles because it's Sunday and we get to worship together this morning! 🙌

Whether you are here every Sunday or this is your first time at Redeemer we are so glad you are joining us this morning as we continue our Hebrews series in chapter 9.

See you at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am!

Photos from Redeemer Church's post 06/25/2024

Explore 2024 Recap!! 🤩

We had a BLAST week and the very best part was getting to see kiddos learn more about who God is and how He is in Control. Throughout the week our kiddos learned how to draw near to God, have confidence that God is King, pray during hard things, submit to a Rescuing King, and trust in the Returning King.

It is truly a blessing getting to see them grow in their knowledge of the Lord while also having SO much fun! Thank you to everyone who helped out and volunteered last week, we could not have done this without you!

We are already excited for EXPLORE 2025!!! 🙌


"You are Jesus, worthy of it all
I had nothing to give, still you died that I might live
You are Jesus, worthy of it all
I give all I have to you
For I have nothing without you."

We can't wait to sing this with you today! Join us for worship at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am. Brandon Gilbert, one of our elders, will be preaching on Hebrews 8 and the hope and security we have in the new covenant.

See you soon Redeemer!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Ian - All In Testimony
Sam's Baptism Story
Noah and Brynn - All In Testimony
Lauren - All In Testimony
Bailey's Baptism Testimony
Britton and Brittany - All In Testimony
Kase's Baptism Testimony
Selah's Baptism Testimony
Cole's Baptism Story
Maggie's Baptism Testimony
Ryan's Baptism Testimony


6402 Elgin Avenue
Lubbock, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 12am - 12:15am
Sunday 8:30am - 12pm

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