Its Time Training, LLC

Est. in 2004 to provide personalized exercise programs and weight loss counseling Experienced, Safe, Certified and Fully Insured!

Lose weight, build muscle, get stronger, increase flexibility and improve your quality of life through exercise and healthy eating. In the comfortable private studio your fitness goal(s) is the focus, all exercise is personalized and there are no distractions.


This Month's *MOST MOTIVATED* is Client GL. Client GL started training in order to stay healthy and fit for travel. She just turned 70 and has been training for 14 years. She's been on dozens of trips since we started including Africa, Costa Rica, Iceland and all over Europe and the US. Alaska is coming up soon and she always reports feeling great on her active travels. Here's a tip, she also participates in Weight Watchers and has maintained her weight for over a decade. Great Job Client GL!

12 Habits of Super-Healthy People 04/29/2024

> Topic of the Week: Spring Cleaning: Time to Audit your Activities

1. EAT BREAKFAST - it can be something small (piece of fruit) or bigger but it gets your metabolism going which has shown to improve work
2. PLAN YOUR MEALS - meal prep helps you make healthy choices in advance and stay on track of weight loss, lower sugar or whatever your goal is
3. DRINK ENOUGH WATER - staying hydrated is beneficial for digestion for one
4. GET UP AND MOVE - even during the work day get up and walk 30 minutes everyday

DON'T SMOKE, LIFT WEIGHTS, PRACTICE BALANCING and SLEEP are some of the other important practices.

12 Habits of Super-Healthy People Super-healthy people know that simple steps are all it takes to stay that way. Make their habits yours -- start today! This WebMD slideshow will let you in on their secrets.

If you're sitting all day, science shows how to undo the health risks. Take 'activity snacks' every 30 minutes. 02/25/2024

> Topic of the Week: Exercise Breaks

Sitting for a long time on a daily basis can have negative effects on health even for avid exercisers. Without movement throughout the day blood sugar does not stay regulated. Several exercise break strategies were studied with the best option to restore regular blood flow being five minutes of walking for each 30 minutes of sitting. This strategy reduced blood sugar spikes by 58%.

If you're sitting all day, science shows how to undo the health risks. Take 'activity snacks' every 30 minutes. People who walked for five minutes every half hour had lower blood sugar and blood pressure than those who sat continuously,


This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* meets 3x a week and even with a very busy work schedule she fits in her exercise consistently. A couple of day/time conflicts came up so she just found another time that works for her to meet so she stays physically and mentally fit. Great job client TW!


> Topic of the Week: Yuka App

Whole foods don't have UPC codes so stick to those as much as possible. Not all packaged foods are bad though, many may be minimally processed. Scan all packaged foods on the YUKA app in order to make better buying decisions. The app will give alternatives with better ingredients too!


This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* hasn't missed a session in months, sure he has time because he's retired from a long career in Engineering, but still, he's 85! Very enthusiastic and dedicated to his training which he was motivated to start only a year ago after recovering from a stroke. Don't wait for a wake up call, this is your wake up call! He'd be the first to tell you, If he can do it, you can do it! Great job always NZ!

Want to Avoid Knee Replacement? Build Up Your Thighs 12/15/2023

> Topic of the Week: Strong Thighs Equals Strong Knees

Millions of adults in the US have knee arthritis, and many will eventually need knee replacement surgery. To keep your knee joint strong you need to have strong quads and the hamstrings.

The strongest muscle group in the body is the quads, located on the front of the thigh and the hamstrings are on the back of the thigh. Research has concluded: “The two muscle groups act as counter forces, and the balance between them enables a wide range of activities while protecting the knee joint, an imbalance, in addition to other factors, leads to a change in the biomechanics resulting in the progression of osteoarthritis.”

Want to Avoid Knee Replacement? Build Up Your Thighs US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.


Try a FREE ONLINE CLASS tomorrow at 1015am! DM for link, 3 spots available


Sustaining her goal weight for over a decade, consistently comes to her training appointments in order to be strong to travel and rarely missing a weekly Weight Watchers meeting, client GL is this week's *MOST MOTIVATED*!

Stanford Study Reveals Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss: Behaviors and Biomarkers Exposed 11/09/2023

> Topic of the Week: Weight Loss Success is Complicated

A new study found that gut bacteria and the amounts of certain proteins produced by the body can impact an individual’s ability to lose weight. This is hard information to find for an individual trying to lose weight so until this can be tested the study suggests focusing on what you should be eating:

* high-quality unprocessed foods that are low in refined flours and sugar

From the study: "Low-carb diets should be based on monounsaturated fats — such as those that come from avocados, rather than bacon — and high in vitamins K, C, and E. These vitamins are in vegetables, nuts, olives, and avocados. Low-fat diets should be high in fiber, such as is found in whole grains and beans, and avoid added sugars."

Stanford Study Reveals Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss: Behaviors and Biomarkers Exposed A new analysis of data from a yearlong weight-loss study has identified behaviors and biomarkers that contribute to short- and long-term weight loss. Strictly following a diet— either healthy low-carb or healthy low-fat — was what mattered for short-term weight loss during the first six months. ...

At 100 years old, I'm the 'world's oldest practicing doctor'—5 things I never do to live a long, happy life 10/12/2023

> Topic of the Week: 100yo Dr.'s advice for long and healthy life

- Don't Retire stay actively employed in some way if possible
- Stay in shape, do whatever you're willing to do consistently
- Don't smoke
- Enjoy indulgences in moderation
- Teach others what you know

At 100 years old, I'm the 'world's oldest practicing doctor'—5 things I never do to live a long, happy life Dr. Howard Tucker has been practicing medicine and neurology for over 75 years. The 100-year-old doctor shares his best advice for staying happy, healthy and mentally sharp.


This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* started her own September challange including no added sugar, no alcohol and no eating out. Dedicated to her workout schedule whether we can meet or not and following through with her own challenge is client CB!

How Many Daily Steps to Lengthen Your Life? Fewer Than You Might Think 09/11/2023

> Topic of the Week: How Many Steps?

10,000 steps is about 4 to 5 miles which is a great goal but an extensive study following 227,000 people for about 7 years concluded that, according to this article:
"Adults over age 60 saw risk of death reduced by 42% if they clocked between 6,000 and 10,000 steps a day. Younger adults had a 49% reduction in risk of death when they walked between 7,000 and 13,000 steps a day, the study showed.
“Every increase of steps by 1,000 steps/day is associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of dying from any cause, and every increase by 500 steps per day is associated with a 7% reduction in dying from cardiovascular disease," Banach said.

How Many Daily Steps to Lengthen Your Life? Fewer Than You Might Think US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.


> Topic of the Week: SUGAR FREE SEPTEMBER

Over the years I've promoted different heathy habits challenges during "Thanksgiving Up" (Nov 1 to Thanksgiving Day) and "No Added Sugar May" (May 1 to Memorial Day), but it's been too long since the last challenge!
September 1 to September 30, kick an unhealthy habit to the curb like no added sugars, no alcohol, no meat, no cheese, pick something that you need to indulge in less often! THANKS client CB for the inspiration!

A 53-year-old longevity researcher says his 'biological age' is a decade younger thanks to 4 daily habits — but the science behind them is mixed 06/27/2023

> Topic of the Week: Longevity
A plant-based diet and limiting alcohol is a great start, here are some other things to consider:

* Macha cancer fighting and anti-inflammatory properties
* Fasting may affect cellular aging & may help reduce the risk of certain diseases
* Stress limit it, it contributes to aging
* Exercise 60min per day or at least don't sit long get up and move

A 53-year-old longevity researcher says his 'biological age' is a decade younger thanks to 4 daily habits — but the science behind them is mixed Harvard professor David Sinclair says his "biological age" is a decade younger due to habits like intermittent fasting. The research is ongoing.


I can't really exclude anyone right now and choose just one *MOST MOTIVATED* because everyone has been so dedicated to exercising consistently. NT (85yo) who never maintained an exercise program before never skips, CM is staying the course through some frustrations, LF who could have skipped several sessions due to vacation but instead moved days and times around her plans, are just a few highlights. And my always consistent and dedicated long timers (all over 12yrs) who have incorported training completely into their lives ED, GL, CB, FD, MJ and BJ.

Eighty percent of success is showing up.

You'll live longer if you move 11 minutes a day. Here are 3 ways to get going | CNN 04/30/2023

> Topic of the Week: Move for 11 minutes

Adding moving to your day, especially if you have a job where you sit for hours, may increase your lifespan.
Walking, body weight exercises, dancing and yoga flow are all suggestions.

You'll live longer if you move 11 minutes a day. Here are 3 ways to get going | CNN With as little as 11 minutes of daily movement, you can increase your life span, a recent study has found. Here are three ways to get moving.

5 foods a longevity expert eats each day to stay biologically 20 years younger than his age 04/07/2023

> Topic of the Week: Foods for Longevity
Even if you're not trying to beat any longevity record it still may be a good idea to start to include these foods if you don't already.
Fiber, Anti-oxidants & Healthy Fat are featured.

* Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Kale
*Olive Oil
*Organic Berries
*Green Tea

5 foods a longevity expert eats each day to stay biologically 20 years younger than his age Dr. Mark Hyman, author of “Forever Young,” says certain foods can help slow the aging process.


This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* is 85 year old NZ! He never misses an appointment and most exercises he says, "I like this". Great attitude and great job client NZ!

‘I’m trying to keep everyone walking’: 102-year-old leads exercise class 4 times a week 03/08/2023

> Topic of the Week: Are You Unfit?

You can build muscle and improve your cardiorespiratory fitness at any age, I have clients in their 80's and they're working out 2 to 4 times a week and benefiting from exercise mentally and physically. The hardest part is starting, then schedule your exercise and stay consistent!

‘I’m trying to keep everyone walking’: 102-year-old leads exercise class 4 times a week Jean Bailey is all business as she leads an exercise class at an assisted living facility in Nebraska.


> This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* has been a client off and on for 14 years! She previously drove almost an hour to come in for training and has since moved online! She is working with a Registered Dietician and working out at 110% effort each week to improve her fitness. Recently adding a significant amount of walking is rounding out her fitness routine and I am so proud of her effort! Improving fitness isn't a one day or even a one year commitment, it is a lifelong effort to improve your diet and exercise routine adding and subtracting elements as needed and Client CM is doing it all! Great job!!

Dark chocolate might have health perks, but should you worry about lead in your bar? 02/15/2023

> Topic of the Week: Iron and Cadmium in Chocolate

I usually eat a small square of 90% dark daily, it is very low in sugar, high in fiber and antioxidants. Unfortunately research has come to light that it is also potentially too high in levels of Iron and Cadmium.

Do your own research but to date here are the bars noted to have safe levels of these elements by California's strict standards:
Ghiradelli Intense Dark 72% and 86%
Taza Chocolate Deliciously Dark 70%
Mast Dark Chocolate 80%
Valrhona Abinao Dark Chocolate 85%

Dark chocolate might have health perks, but should you worry about lead in your bar? Dark chocolate bars tested by Consumer Reports exceeded California's daily maximum allowable dose levels for lead or cadmium. But a toxicologist says eaten in moderation, it's nothing to worry about.


Who's more *MOTIVATED* than someone starting a new training program? This week's *MOST MOTIVATED* are new clients AT and NZ who are pushing through past set backs to improve their fitness!

8 Resolutions You Can Actually Stick to for a Healthier New Year 01/17/2023

> Topic of the Week: Easy Health Resolutions

Keep resolutions simple like add two 10 minute sessions of cardio per week or add 20 minutes of strength training one day a week or limit dessert to one day a week or reduce alcohol intake.

8 Resolutions You Can Actually Stick to for a Healthier New Year New Year's resolutions can be tough to stick to. Try these smaller ones, which are much easier—and they're good for you, too.


> Topic of the Week: A 3000-4000 Calorie Meal

If you're not inclined to indulge and maintain a healthy diet all the time, why not indulge on Thanksgiving? Having an extra drink or dessert seems fair but consider that there's no reason to have huge portions while still having some of everything. They'll always be leftovers for seconds!


Who's more motivated than someone who restarts their exercise routine? Welcome back client LD, this week's *MOST MOTIVATED* has gotten right back into it!

10 Important Blood Tests: What They Show, Why They're Done, More 10/11/2022

> Topic of the Week: Important Blood Tests

A Lipid Panel is only 1 of many blood tests important to check on your health. It shows your cholesterol levels (below) but many other tests check on many areas of your health.

HDL optimal above 60, LDL below 100, Total number 200 or less
*note higher HDL is better, the chart in this article is vague about that

10 Important Blood Tests: What They Show, Why They're Done, More It's important to get regular blood tests to make sure that you are healthy. Learn about the top blood tests and when you should have them done.


Back to training after a little break, this week's *MOST MOTIVATED* is client LD!


> Topic of the Week: Worst Eating Habits

* Not eating enough fruits and vegetables
* Eating AGEs foods like fried foods, red meat & white bread
* Processed Junk Foods
* Not eating enough Fiber
* Frequent drinking
* Eating a lot of foods containing Gluten

Photos from Its Time Training, LLC's post 08/09/2022

3 SPOTS are OPEN in the ITT ONLINE CLASSES meeting every TUE and FRI 10:15am, join on Google Meet. Miss a class? Get a video. Every 50 minute class includes:


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Our Story

Lose weight, build muscle, get stronger, increase flexibility and improve your quality of life through exercise and healthy eating. In the comfortable private studio your fitness goal(s) is the focus, all exercise is personalized and there are no distractions. Proprietary Easy Calorie Weight Loss System is simple and it works!
Experienced, Safe, Certified and Fully Insured!



61 Pease Road
Manalapan, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Sunday 9:30am - 11:30pm

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