Harmony Harbor Coaching

Angie guides women to heal from divorce trauma so they can move forward stronger and happier. The negative impact of divorce on young children is very common.

Angie Monko is the owner of Harmony Harbor Coaching since 2008 and a Holistic Divorce Coach. She guides women to heal from the trauma of divorce so they can move forward stronger and happier into their next chapter. Angie went through a bitter divorce in 1998, and due to low self-worth and being ruled by guilt and shame, she gave custody of her only child (two years old) to her spouse, totally bet


I'm creating a new vision for my life, one where I can spend time with my aging parents, grow a luscious garden, build The Resting Tree Sanctuary at my mom's place in IL, spend quality time with Steve and friends traveling the world, hang out with my dog, Mars, and be a generous philanthropist. These are the things I truly value, and I was afraid of going after my dreams and being hurt and disappointed after I lost Maddie in 2018.

I'm so grateful to surrender my powerlessness over finances and find a lovely community who shares a common vision so I can move forward in my life.

If you'd like to chat about this, just put CHAT in the comments. Dreams really are possible when I surrender my doubts and remember that I'm worthy.


🌟 Attention Intuitive Women Leaders! 🌟
Have you ever found yourself constantly pushing forward, disregarding your body's signals until they escalate into crises? It's time to break free from this pattern and prioritize your well-being. That persistent belief, "I am not safe to relax," holds tremendous sway over us.

What's been challenging for you to accept recently?
Maybe it's feeling out of alignment with your career or business, struggling to speak your truth in environments that don't fully understand you. It's crucial to heed those intuitive whispers and
reclaim your authenticity.

💡 Tip: Begin by tuning into your emotions—they're potent messengers of what's truly going on. Those resistant, negative feelings? They serve as valuable signposts indicating areas that require your attention. But here's the key: you don't have to navigate this journey alone.

Join me for an immersive 8-week experience starting April 17th, where we'll transform those saboteurs into allies and
reconnect you with your Sage Self—the wise, intuitive leader within. Ready to reclaim your joy and rediscover your mojo? Reach out to me via private message, and
let's explore how this course can support your unique journey.

Remember, you're not alone—we're in this together! 🌟

Start by booking a free consultation with me right now at Harmonyharbor.com

Send a message to learn more


Ever had a client blow you away? Me too. It’s story time…

Several years ago, Tiffany came to me because she felt stuck and frustrated in her business. It was especially challenging because she wasn't generating enough income to provide for her family, and her business wasn't growing. It was impacting the rest of her life as her health was declining, and she wanted a family more than anything. While a part of Tiffany was hopeful, another part of her felt like she was going to be stuck with this forever. After several months of working with me, Tiffany had a big shift.

Her confidence skyrocketed and she came to accept her own value, worth and purpose. Her business grew, and she's charging prices in line with the value she offers, rather than a dollar for hour price which kept her on the gerbil wheel of needing to work more to make more. She attributes this shift to a particular healing code I gave her in which she focused on being confident to “put herself out there” and was faced with three situations within a few days that would have typically caused her to be silent. Rather, she was emboldened to speak up, and her voice was heard.

And now, her life is strikingly different. My support empowered her to have the confidence to adopt her son. She started prioritizing her health and her business was finally growing.

I’m so proud of Tiffany and so grateful I get to do this work I love for a living. I love seeing my clients charge what they're worth.

While I can’t promise that this happens for all of my clients as quickly as it happened for Tiffany, I have discovered that if you want the income and impact badly enough, it’s usually only a matter of time with my support before you get there. So... do you know a life coach is needing to have more income and impact?

I have room for 5 Income & Impact Breakthrough sessions in my schedule in the next couple of weeks. I would be honored if you would share this post with a life coach who wants to move boldly forward in 2024. Or send me a DM if you could use some support yourself. I would love to help.


The truth I've been hiding and how it's setting me free. Even though I've been coaching hundreds of people to be true to themselves and live their best lives for 22 years, I've bumped up against challenges that really tested my grit. How much do I really want to help others?

Since 2017, I've anticipated losing my daughter, Maddie, to cystic fibrosis. 10/26/18 that nightmare became a reality when she took her last breath at 22 years of age. I've not been the same, and I didn't even realize how much I've been hiding, protecting myself from being exposed to more disappointment and hurt.
I intend to change that this week and month, AND I'll be gentle on myself as I gain more visibility.

I've joined Thrive Academy’s 5-Day Challenge to support me to be more VISIBLE and share more of my story with you… Because I know that there are a lot of life coaches, like me, who have experienced heartbreak and trauma, conscious or not, and want to have more income and impact. I’ll share more of my story tomorrow… But for today, if you would like to see me make a bigger and more positive difference in the lives of a LOT more people,...Will you please drop me a note below?


Do you ever feel like an imposter? There are 7 signs that you are suffering from imposter syndrome. At the heart of the matter is the limiting belief that if others knew the real you, they wouldn’t love or respect you as much.

When you don't believe that you measure up to others, you feel insecure. To cover up the shame of not feeling adequate, you engage in behaviors such as bragging. If you or others brag, it’s a sign of insecurity. And where there is insecurity, the imposter syndrome isn’t too far away.

This is not the same as healthy confidence and knowing your strengths. Ironically, if you are secure, you don’t need to brag.
To hear the other six signs as well as the cause of Imposter Syndrome, look for my upcoming blog this Thursday, "7 Signs Female Leaders Are Suffering From Imposter Syndrome."

Photos from Harmony Harbor Coaching's post 07/03/2023

How do you handle the ups and downs of life's contrast?

Last week on my girls' trip to New Orleans, it was an emotional week. It was typical of life's contrasts.

The trip started out rough, when the back of the Armada wasn't latched down, and our cooler fell out, busting some of the smoothie jars I'd prepared. But amazingly only 2 of the 7 jars broke.

There were 5 of us women, and at times I felt like the outsider, the 5th wheel. This was no one's fault. I was observing my feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, and annoyance at certain parts of the trip. And yet overall, it was a beautiful experience of togetherness.

For example, I slept in the middle of my mom and Judy on a King bed (inconvenient), and I made it fun by "tucking them in" at night. :) Our first tour was a VIP City tour. I enjoyed the above-ground cemetery and the gorgeous homes with haint blue to keep away bugs as well as evil spirits.

Photos from Harmony Harbor Coaching's post 06/30/2023

I've been in New Orleans for the past week with my mom, and friends, Ruth, Judy, and Cathy.

We have had a wonderful time of connecting and being our authentic selves! Yes 5 different personalities, needs, wants and direction is a lot to navigate.

I've never been on a full week vacation with just women.
And it's turned out fabulously well--lots of love, growth, and learning mixed in.

I've got lots of pictures and will post them throughout today and next week. One of the photos is right outside of our hotel, The Marquee, which is elegantly decorated. We did a VIP City tour on Sunday.

I love the rich culture here with the voodoo, the spirituality, the lack of "rules," the graves above ground, and so much more.
As I write this on Thursday, we have one more full day of fun to go and then we head home as you're reading this.

3 Strategies for Finding Your Purpose as a Female Leader - Harmony Harbor Coaching 06/29/2023

Hat do you believe is your purpose, your highest calling, for this lifetime? Why is it important to align with your purpose as a woman leader?

You have a purpose because you have a unique story, with you as the main character, the leading actor. I once heard a minister say that we all have the same purpose, “To love, give and serve.” This sounds nice, but it isn’t true. It doesn’t match reality. Some characters could care less about loving, giving, and serving because they play a villain role.

Purposes are as varied as the number of people on the planet because we each have a unique story. In this way, you are special. You aren’t meant to be like everyone else. This gives you the opportunity to give up a lot of shame that somehow you should be any other way.

This blog covers why purpose is important for female leaders and three strategies for identifying your life purpose.


3 Strategies for Finding Your Purpose as a Female Leader - Harmony Harbor Coaching This blog covers why purpose is important for female leaders and three strategies to help you get clarity to identify your life purpose.


Do you fear that if you slow down that things will pile up and you'll feel even more anxious?

This hamster wheel pace helps you not to feel or really know what's going on until it's too late, and then you have health and relationship challenges.

Don't wait until you have a crisis on your hands. TIP: Build in pauses in your day so that you will slow down. That's when you'll notice feelings come up. Yes, they can be scary, but they won't kill you.


Do you know what your core beliefs and values are?

Most people don't. Doing some reflection will help you to discover them.
Once you do, this knowledge can be used as a gateway to knowing your Purpose. After making a small list of things that bring me joy, I was able to distill these 4 things that I deem to be my core values:

Deep connection with myself and other Animals and Nature
Learning/Traveling/New Experiences

You may think so what? Knowing your purpose can help anchor you when you need to discern how you should be living your daily life. My blog this Thursday will guide you through this and two strategies to finding your purpose.


"My mission in life is not merely to survive....but to thrive."
Maya Angelou has the right idea. Our EGO has no interest in this desire to thrive though. Further, the amygdala part of the brain also could care less about thriving. It wants to survive, even if that means at the expense of our happiness.

So what can a girl do, you may ask.
Join a tribe (could be a large one or a small one of 2), but don't go this alone. You need others, and they need you. You truly aren't alone.
Please reach out and connect with me.
My women's group begins on 7/10.


Why is it important to align to your purpose as a female leader?

Aligning to your purpose inspires you to not only get out of bed in the morning, but it feels right. It also feels light, like you’re following your soul’s desire.

You may not be able to explain it, but you just “know” that this is your path. It makes your heart sing when you are aligned to your purpose. It gives you an anchor to come back to you, when you feel you may be veering off path in your life.

This Thursday, when I publish my blog, look for 3 strategies to find your purpose.


Ever heard "You gotta feel it to heal it?"

This is true, and yet the way our mind works, it naturally hides trauma from us so that we remain in the dark about WHAT needs to be felt.

We have so many opportunities to not feel, to dissociate from our bodies and feelings. Our mind protects us from feeling something when it happens in real time, and so it becomes stored trauma.

TIP: Consider opening up to someone who feels safe to you. You aren't alone. You are very normal with ALL of your feelings.

If you want that someone to be me, I'm a good listener and won't judge you.
Reach out to me: [email protected]


Today is International Widows Day. I would like to take a moment to honor all of the widows out there who are grieving and suffering.

When I first decided to write about this, I was thinking of the pain of loss of losing someone so close and dear to you, someone you most likely spent your waking days with, eating dinner together, sleeping together, and raising children together.

Your partner was so entwined in your life one day, and the next they are gone. My heart goes out to you if you're a widow and missing that very integral person. It's like a part of you is now missing and always will be.

Yes, life will go on, but, depending on how close you were, your High on Life (or the level of rightness you felt in the world when they were living) is gone.

My example is losing my daughter, Maddie when she was 22 years old in 2018.
When my family was all together, everyone healthy and happy, that was 100% aliveness for me. Since losing her, perhaps the best I'll attain is 95%.
Does that make sense? Things will never be the same. As I further explored Widows Day, I learned how 1 in 10 widows live in extreme poverty and face higher instances of violence.

My heart goes out to all widows and my wish is that you find a way to empower yourself, to know you are lovable and deserve to take care of yourself, economically, physically, and emotionally.


Photos from Harmony Harbor Coaching's post 06/23/2023

I got to spend this last Sunday with my Dad for Father's day. It was a small group of us, my mom, dad, Steve, Joann, and myself. My brother's family was in Florida and so we missed them.

I can't remember the last time I've actually spent Father's Day with my dad. It was nice. There was a lot of laughter and teasing. Steve and my dad kept the jokes and humorous cutdowns of each other coming.

Sending you lots of love no matter what the relationship is with your dad, and if he's still living or not. For many years, I didn't have this connection with my dad. I'm grateful to have it back.

I know it was a difficult day for my husband, Steve, as his dad passed away in 2014. Plus, his two girls weren't here--Maddie passed in 2018 and Chelsea lives in Boston. It was a weird feeling for him. I did my best to make it special for him as much as I could.

3 Ways to Practice Gratitude for Female Leaders - Harmony Harbor Coaching 06/22/2023

So what does gratitude have to do with success and happiness for a female leader? A LOT. Turns out that the more you practice gratitude, the more you’ll have clarity, peace of mind, and a higher energy state.

By focusing on the things you’re grateful for, rather than all of the things going wrong, you will set up an energy frequency or resonance that will “match” other positive people, conditions, and opportunities. Some call this the law of attraction.
It’s not magical thinking or anything unusual. Just because energy is invisible doesn't make it less real or less impactful than what you can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste.

This blog covers what gratitude is, why it’s important, and how to create a gratitude practice that will allow you to have greater success and happiness in your business and relationships as a female leader.


3 Ways to Practice Gratitude for Female Leaders - Harmony Harbor Coaching This blog covers how a gratitude practice will help you have greater success and happiness in your business and relationships as a female leader.


Are you playing it safe?
"Ships were made for the sea, not the harbor," as the saying goes.

I have played it safe a lot of my life, hiding out, afraid to be seen for who I really am. I'm imperfect. I don't have my life altogether. Will I ever? NO. I won't. And neither will you. Can we just admit this? This needs to control our image is what drains our energy.

If you'd like a safe space to just be yourself, THIS type of acceptance of reality on life's terms is what will move the needle for you. When you finally relent, surrender to what is, without expecting life to deliver you all the goods, THEN you'll find the courage to move out of the harbor of your comfort zone.

I'm here to support you through this journey of returning home to yourself. Reach out to me. Text me--314-422-6520.


Do you feel burned out, like you've lost your drive and motivation to pursue your dreams and desires?

Per the Harvard Business Review, burnout causes $125 to $190 billion in spending annually. According to Karen Curry Parker, founder of Quantum Human Design, she researched burnout and what causes it. Getting a better job won't help. It's because you feel disconnected from your own value that you are burnt out.

Trauma, as defined by Parker, is "any event, experience, or perception that caused you to lose connection to your value and your right place in the world." So you can't put a bandaid on burnout and hope it goes away.

What is causing you to drive yourself so hard?

Often it is a trauma response.
Let's explore this together.
You aren't alone. I'm launching my next women's empowerment group 7/10
(in person and/or virtual, whatever works for you).

Text me at (314) 422-6520 if you want to take that next step to be happy, successful and fulfilled.


Do you fear that your best effort isn't good enough?

Subsequently, you push yourself really hard, trying like hell to dot all your i's and cross all your t's, and yet your goals elude you. This can feel so frustrating, leaving you wondering, "Why can't I just have the thing?!"

Have you ever considered that it's because your body is in survival mode? Karen Curry Parker defines trauma as "any event, experience, or perception that caused you to lose connection to your value and your right place in the world." I like this definition. It doesn't have to be the more obvious traumas, like major loss and abuse. Trauma affects your resiliency. High cortisol levels put your body in a chronic state of fight or flight.

When you're in constant survival mode, you can't be creative in achieving your goals. TIP: You gotta heal what you're not willing to feel first.
When you feel vital and fully alive, you can access solutions to your blocks that weren't available.

I'm here as a resource and to provide a safe space for you to explore your drive for "more" and get to the root of the matter.

Reach out to me at [email protected] for your next step.
I've a women's empowerment group starting 7/10.


In this video I share the second gratitude practice found in my upcoming blog for this Thursday, expressing gratitude toward others.

Listen in to see why this is so needed in your leadership role as a woman.


Here are 3 tips to heal isolation. Let me explain the first one, deepen the connection with yourself, a little more as the other two are self-explanatory. If you are like a lot of women, you have a lot of empathy. You love to connect with others, give to them, and you may have a tendency to want to rescue them from pain.

Some call this people-pleasing or codependency. When empathy is taken too, it drains you, because you unwittingly sacrifice your needs.

TIP: When you feel hurt, rejected, or ignored when others don't appreciate, listen, or see you, in essence, connect with you and validate you in some way, acknowledge to yourself that this hurts. And then remember to connect with yourself. Keep coming back to connecting to yourself.


Do you have a daily gratitude practice?

If you're a female leader, it's more important than ever to have one. because gratitude largely determines your success. It raises your energetic frequency or vibration which draws to you others with similar energy.

Gratitude can increase the connection with your team, and that unified team helps create more productivity. One practice to increase gratitude is to keep a daily gratitude journal.

I've been doing this at least for the last 25 years.
I find a pretty journal and express at least 5 things I'm grateful for--simple things, like walking my dog, eating dinner with my husband, etc.

Look for my blog this Thursday in which I'll share two other ways to cultivate gratitude.


Yesterday I watched a podcast of an apprentice, Rasmus Gaupp-Bergausen, of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto who did the famous water studies. It was absolutely fascinating.

There was a live video of a water molecule and how it responded to beautiful opera music. The water crystallized into the most gorgeous shapes and kept growing and morphing.

When she was done singing, it reverted to a water droplet. It was very touching. What I took away from the 80-minute podcast were a few things:
1)Water is so much more than H2O and has the capacity to reflect and communicate the innate beauty of our hearts and our environment.
2) When people are up in their heads, they can't create these beautiful, crystal structures--they have to be coming from their hearts.
3) Since we are largely made of water, I need to be very careful how I speak to myself because it has such a huge impact on my physicality.


Happy Friday! What's new in your world?

I met a new friend yesterday, Bethany. We met through an online global group, and turns out we live about 10 minutes apart from each other. It's always great to find a person who seems to "get" you.

I realize I'm a strange bird, compared to the masses. I don't think like a lot of people. Perhaps at one time, I felt alone in that. But not anymore.
I encourage everybody to be who they are without apology. It isn't an easy practice, but I think it's a worthwhile pursuit. And I believe there is space in this world to hold a ton of diversity. It's easy to want to make others wrong for sharing a different belief system (I certainly have), but I'm becoming much more tolerant over the last 3 years. If something works for you, great.

A new practice for me is to breathe in others' pain along with my own, when I find myself judging them, or when I see someone suffering, saying to myself, "May WE be relieved of suffering."


How do you use humor to calm things down?

I recently heard someone say that nothing is faster than humor to get us from the closed mode to the open mode. Isn't this the truth!? The other morning
I got on my husband's side of the street about not doing a portion of the daily energy routine that we do together.

He laughed and said, "You're my shame meter" or something like that. He wasn't taking me too seriously which is a good thing. Immediately I realized my folly and that what he does is none of my business.

4 Tips to Prioritize Work-Life Integration as a Female Entrepreneur - Harmony Harbor Coaching 06/15/2023

Why Care About Work-Life Integration?

Work-Life integration recognizes that life is a mix of work and personal tasks that often overlap and intertwine. For example, an efficient work-life integration would be putting in a load of laundry while taking a break from your scheduled Zoom meetings.

When you are able to FEEL that you’re staying ahead of the game as far as getting done what you need to (Note this doesn’t mean your to-do list is complete)…when you don’t feel like you’re on this constant treadmill, your nervous system relaxes.

Your health and well-being are optimized. You avoid burnout and negative reactions to stress, such as health crises, relationship breakdowns, addictive behaviors, feelings of low self-worth, etc.


4 Tips to Prioritize Work-Life Integration as a Female Entrepreneur - Harmony Harbor Coaching Here are 4 strategies for Work-Life integration which recognizes that life is a mix of work and personal tasks that often overlap and intertwine.


"I know God will not give me anything..."

This humorous quote from Mother Teresa sure feels true at times, doesn't it?

Sometimes life can feel like it's weighing down on us. At times like these,
I have a formula that seems to work to help me to let go: Trust, Relax, Breathe, Feel, and Receive. Trust that God/Universe has your back. Relax about the serious nature of life at times because you are always being tested.

Breathe IN your and others' feelings of pain and suffering rather than resist them. Feel that pain and it will let go of you. Now get ready to receive your highest good.


Do you feel like something is holding you back from feeling happy, healthy, and fulfilled?

If so, you're right! Your mind is holding you back and telling you lies about what's possible. Are you looking for an intimate women's group (10 or less) in which you get plenty of attention to heal past hurts and move forward in your life through a tough time? Heck, menopause is quite a challenge in and of itself if you're going through that. Divorce, loss, career transition, move, etc.?

I'm super excited to open the doors to the next cohort of the Women's Empowerment Through Difficult Life Transitions group. You can begin as early as July 10th and as late as August 14th.

Please let me know if you'd like to chat about this.
I love talking about possibility and transformation!


Laura very aptly stated, "My whole life I feel like I've set myself on fire to keep other people warm." Can you relate?

The other day I was speaking to a colleague, Laura Darkstar, a very intuitive, creative virtual assistant who also happens to be in a mastermind group I'm a part of.

We were talking about how women always seem to sacrifice themselves for everyone else. This truly is a virtue when done from a healthy heart space, where we don't drain our own energy and then feel resentful.

However, that's not usually the case. Instead we over-give and over-promise and then feel stretched thin. What's the alternative? We must learn to say NO when we really mean it and begin to pay attention to our needs without guilt.


One strategy for work-life integration is delegating tasks and seeking support. Delegating Tasks and Seeking Support

Many of us women like to be in control because it makes us feel more safe.
You may think that by the time you teach someone else how to do something, you could have done it yourself, AND done it better.

But this mindset will keep you forever buried in tasks, rather than connecting with people. And remember asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

TIP: What is one thing you’d like to get off of your plate because you really despise doing it? Get creative and ask the Universe, “How can I offload this task?”

Be on the lookout for my blog this Thursday where I'll tell you 3 other strategies for work-life integration.

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Embracing Vulnerability: The Path to Confident and CompassionateLeadershipToday, let’s talk about the powerful concept o...
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How Leading with Confidence and Compassion Can Help You NavigateTough Business DecisionsToday I am talking about the inc...
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How to Lead with Empathy and Kindness as a Female LeaderToday we are delving into the importance of leading with empathy...
How Confidence Empowers You and Your BusinessJoin me as I talk about the transformative power of confidence and its cruc...
How Confidence Empowers You and Your BusinessJoin me as I talk about the transformative power of confidence and its cruc...
In this video I share the second gratitude practice found in my upcoming blog for this Thursday, expressing gratitude to...
Goal-Setting Made Simple for Women LeadersGoals are great, but taking action is even better! As an inner leader,setting ...



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Maryland Heights, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
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