Whole Life Chiropractic

Whole Life Chiropractic

I am a Wellness Chiropractor. I utilize the Activator Method and I work with newborns to seniors. even bloating!

I help people with back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, sports injuries and just about everything.. A Wellness Center that supports you in your health goals, getting you back to living your life.


Women with gut, hormone &/or autoimmune issues Holiday parties can be a little stressful.

I know I used to worry about bloating or my tummy not being happy, or triggering a headache or how I felt.

But I look at it differently now. How can I do things to actually help my body be happy during the Holiday.

I wrote out 5 tips to Rock your Independence Day with a few recipes. They are in an email I sent you. If you didn't get my email drop me a message with your email and I will get it sent to you right away!

Have a beautiful day!


Chia the TINY superfood!
Did you know Chia Seed is loaded with Magnesium?

I have clients who have leg cramps and magnesium is super helpful in keeping the cramps away.

Also, many medications that people take actually create a magnesium deficiency. If you take a medication make sure you are getting some magnesium and one easy way is with Chia Seed.

There is a recipe also inside my new blog: Chia - The TINY Superfood!

If you want more ways to stay healthy join my facebook group: Confident Women: Hormone Health, Weight loss & Autoimmune Support

5-Day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge 05/17/2024

5 Day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge starts today at noon with our Kick-off call...

You can still join!

5-Day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge Join the 5-Day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge with health coach, Dr. Raquel Yarroch.


Happy Mother’s Day!


Guide is done... 14 pages 😍

Now on to create the recipe guide! ❤️😋🍇🍈🍉🍅

Make sure you have registered so you get access to the guides for the Challenge! 👇


Chia Seed Pudding Recipe with Blueberries inside my FREE Facebook group.

Come join us and get the recipe... https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidentwomenhormones

Plus I am hosting a FREE Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge inside my group!


Announcing my FREE 5 Day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge

Whether you just need a quick, focused program to redirect you and get you back on track or this is the beginning of a much longer healing journey, you are in the right place!

I’m so excited to announce that starting on May 17 at 12:15 pm, I’m hosting a free 5-day Banish the Belly Bloat Challenge designed to help you banish belly bloat, gain energy, increase focus, mood and bonus lose 3-6 lbs

If you are feeling:
🌟 Bloated
🌟 Fatigued
🌟 Embarrassed by your belly and t***s
🌟 Foggy, just can’t think straight or remember things
🌟 Moody, crave sugar
🌟 Struggling with stubborn weight

Don’t worry – I’ve got you!

You are exactly why I’m so excited for this free challenge!

Even if you feel like you’re starting at the very beginning – I promise, you’re in the right place, and I’m going to guide you and hold your hand every step of the way.

We start May 17. This is perfect timing for just before the holiday. Feel better and lighter going into Memorial Day.

Join Confident Women: Hormone Health, Weight loss & Autoimmune Support


🧠I was 100% convinced that my brain had stopped working correctly.

I kept forgetting what I wanted to say…while I was speaking. Or opening a new browser to look something up on Google…and forgetting what it was 2 seconds later.

The good news is, getting rid of brain fog is easier than you might think. With a few easy changes, it’s one of the first symptoms that vanish. Comment “BRAIN FOG” and I’ll send you three foods that can help.


Just stumbled upon this eye-opening article in Scientific American about why most diets fail and actually lead to gaining more weight!

Turns out, it's the dreaded "what the heck effect” 🤦‍♀️

Here's the gist: Trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight often backfires. No more treats, no more carbs, intense workouts... And guess what? Restriction leads to rebellion.

Have you ever experienced something like this?

I help my clients embrace balance instead of extremes. A cookie won't undo your progress, and a salad won’t cancel out a super stressful schedule. It's all about finding that sweet spot. 🍪💪

If you would like to work with me apply for a free call here:


Happy Earth Day!

What is something you do to help the Earth?


What podcasts do you listen to???


🌼Practice catcing yourself when you have a thought of what others want for you, and ask yourself....

👉Does this expectation match up with my own?

Pic: Xavier, me, Rob and papa Picking up rocks on the family farm!!!


Tired after a long day?

We've all been there.

Turn "what's for dinner?" stress around with my favorite quick, healthy recipe for Caribbean Jerk Salmon

💫 Comment “RECIPE” and I’ll send it to you!


☀️Learning time☀️

I am at the beautiful Osthoff Resort for a Chiropractic convention!

As a Chiropractor and Functional Nutrition Practitioner we have to always stay on top of health changes and learn more so we can serve you better.

Today I am doing two seminars:

1️⃣ Swing, Hit, Drive and Thrive - learning more about upper extremity issues for my golfers and baseball and other sports

2️⃣ Migraine Headaches and treatments…

Tomorrow I am diving into Nutrition for Energy!!!


🌟 Struggling with odd health issues? You're not alone! 🌟

The first time I noticed I was tired ALL THE TIME, I didn’t think it was a big deal. But then, I started having other symptoms such as weight gain, depression, dry skin, hair falling out and stomach pain.

I felt hopeless because it seemed like nobody could figure out what was wrong with me. They just kept saying I was “fine.”

Have you ever experienced odd health issues that doctors couldn’t explain?

I’d love to know which of these are currently issues for you?

1️⃣ Weight gain
2️⃣ Depression / Anxiety
3️⃣ Low energy
4️⃣ Digestive trouble

Drop your answer in the comments or DM me. Your input will help me create the most useful resources for you over the coming weeks. 💫


I am open on this snowy day!

Photos from Whole Life Chiropractic's post 03/27/2024

Fun in Florida. Just did pop stroke… mini golf. Xavier and I tied for first!

Photos from Whole Life Chiropractic's post 03/08/2024

Flashback Friday!

I found a camera of mine stuffed in a drawer.
Took out the SD card and viola March 2019 Mexico pics…

This was a fun time at a Mastermind I was a part of.

We were learning the concept of ‘being’ present and a singular focus in the now and feeling life..

The same things I teach my coaching clients in my program.

Would love to see a flashback of a pic of you from a fun trip you took!❤️


Today is Whole Life Chiropractic’s 13 years anniversary 💜


💗It's Febraury... Are you excited?💗

This year we have a LEAP year how exciting is that.

🎂Who here has a LEAP year birthday! 👇🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

💗For the month of February I will be having FREE Discovery calls going. If you would like to hop on a FREE Discovery call where we go over your Main health issue and determine if I am the right person to help and what your next best step is.

💗Here is my link to schedule: https://calendly.com/drraquel-rockynhealth/discovery-call-with-dr-raquel-clone


🌦️Blame it on the Rain... remember that song from back in the day!

🙋🏻‍♀️We always want something to blame or to know why something is happening. I am asked all the time, WHY? And guess what I don't always have the answer.

🏎️Our bodies are an amazing machine and there could be a mulititude of things that happen.

🙋🏻‍♀️I had a patient ask me why he had pain in his low back pelvis, he wanted to know the exact cause like is it nerves, muscles, structure... The answer is not always a clear cut this or that.

Generally it is a combo of things.

🙋🏻‍♀️Same thing I had a client previous and she had low back and her husband said she needs to lose weight and stop eating bread. I was impressed that she just sort of ignored him...
I would of said a not so nice comment if my hubby said that to me.


👉🏻When it comes to all of these and your hormones, autoimmune, gut, weight etc there is never a one size fits all as to why you have the issue.

It comes down to multiple things. 👇🏻

First we need to put the fire out that is going on in your body. That means stop putting more wood on your fire. The wood🪵 can represent food, thoughts, actions, too much of something, too little of something. Then we need to put the water 💦 on the fire and put it out.

So when you want to know WHY you have an issue and to blame it on something generally there is NO ONE size or thing that is the cause... It is a combo of multiple things.

But, if you want.. Blame it on the Rain! 🌦️

This is why I test to find possible "woods" that are creating your issue plus I take a look at your lifestyle, your thoughts and everything so together we can reshape and recreate a better you!

What do you think some of your🪵is? 👇🏻


Albert Einstein says: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

This reminds me of the saying, The definition of Insanity is to keep doing the same thing you did and expect a different result.

🦋Did you know that stress is one of the top creators of illness today. We are dealing with things in a different way then the people before us however I have noticed there always seems to be a theme… STRESS.

Stress can be good or bad. They can be seen or hidden.

Here are some examples of stress:👇

👉🏻Getting married (good stress)
👉🏻New job (good stress)
👉🏻Taking a test (bad/good stress)
👉🏻Pressure at work/school/home life (bad stress)
👉🏻Feel you don’t have much control over your outcome of situation.
👉🏻Have responsibilities that are overwhelming
👉🏻Don’t have enough work, activities or change in your life
👉🏻Changes in your life

👆Many of the above stresses can be good or bad depending on how you look at them. Your response to your stresses are what determine the outcome. You cannot always control the event that causes your stress but you can control your response.

💡As the saying goes, you need to look at the situation from a different perspective. I like taking the time to say I am discovering 10 solutions to the issue and I am taking this as a learning opportunity. Sometimes when you reframe the thought process you can find the solution.

👣The other thing I do, that I learned years ago, while I was in Massage School, was to “Step Left”. Meaning you actually stand up, take a step left, and say “make a new decision”. When you take yourself out and look at things from a new perspective the answers can come easier.

💜In my programs and challenges I also teach other ways to handle stress so you can overcome and handle life’s stresses.

Join me in my Facebook Group Confident Women to learn more about stress and to be in on my free challenges! facebook.com/groups/confidentwomenhormones

What is one thing you do to help you release stress?


🍿It’s national popcorn day!🍿

It feels like forever since I have been to the theater… and movie popcorn is so yummy…

No it’s not good for you but it’s yummy right…

The last movie I saw was The Sniper on Netflix… trying to remember last movie in theater…🤷🏻‍♀️

🙋‍♀️What was the last movie you saw at the theater or rented or wherever?


⭐I put down my Worries and pick up HAPPINESS.⭐

When you have burdens on your shoulders take the time to put it down and pick up a new feeling.

When you shift your focus, you can change the trajectory of your life & or situation.

Have a blessed and happy day.

Dr. Raquel Yarroch

⭐Join me in my FREE FB group: Confident Women, a group that supports you on your journey through hormones, autoimmune and gut health. I am there to support you inside. https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidentwomenhormones


Your emotions affect your gut!

Think about when you are happy or about to see someone you love. You probably get little happy feeling in your tummy or butterflies.🦋🦋

What about when you have to do something you are scared to do? Your stomach doesn't feel to good. Some athletes get so nervous before they go out on the field that they throw up prior.

🦋What about when you have to do something new? Do you feel excited or feared?

Your stomach, gut, holds those emotions. When you are working on your stomach you need to 'gut check' your emotions.

If you surround yourself with people that don't support you, you probably don't 'feel' good. 😥

🥰But, when you are with people who support you, or you can enjoy life with your 'feel' good!

As I have learned from Darren Hardy and Jim Rohn: You are the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with.

You can take an assessment of who you surround yourself with and how do you feel...

If you have gut, hormone or autoimmune issues and are ready to try something different and really want to heal naturally I would love to talk with you.

Feel free to DM me or if you want a FREE 30 minute Discovery call with me where we discuss your main issue and find a solution for you. You can apply here: https://forms.gle/fd4H8MrRJHMDHaSv6

I would like to invite you to join me in my private fb group that supports women in autoimmune, gut and hormone issues.
Confident Women: Hormone Health, Weight loss & Autoimmune Support


💡Could your gut be at the root cause of your autoimmune-hormone issues?💡

I didn’t realize this back in the day when I first started not feeling well. I had bowel issues but I never thought they were connected. As I advanced in my education I started to learn so much more and realized how vital the gut is to your health.

💡About 10 years ago I was having some bad gut issues and my autoimmune was getting worse. I decided to test my gut and it told me so much about why I had an autoimmune and the health of my gut. LIke I had some nasty bugs🪳 in my gut that were just creating chaos in my gut. My good guys were outnumbered and needed help.

I started taking action to help my gut and so much of my issues have reversed. ❤️

If you have an autoimmune-hormone issue one of the first places I will look is your gut for answers.

👉🏻If you would like to talk to me you can fill out this FREE discovery call link and get set up for a FREE call with me. https://forms.gle/2hpgwrgz1dMqQXpS7 👈🏻

❤️Also, join me in my FREE FB group: Confident Women. https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidentwomenhormones

Photos from Whole Life Chiropractic's post 01/14/2024

Bella says hello!

Apparently it’s National dress your dog up day!

Here is Princess Bella wearing her ❤️Valentines sweater dress!❤️

She loves wearing it in cold winter days especially when she goes outside!❤️

She wants to see pics of your fur babies!!!


Dont' be a CeeLo 🐕

She was running and barking at Bella.. as usual!

And well I got a lucky pic of her FACE PLANTING IT! 🤣

Enjoy the snow.☃️☃️❄️

Stay Safe. 🏂⛄️

Shovel Responsibly!

I will be in Whole Life Chiropractic on Monday to help take care of any of your body aches from our Warrior Snow Weekend!


This is so powerful!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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⭐I put down my Worries and pick up HAPPINESS.⭐When you have burdens on your shoulders take the time to put it down and p...
I take care of myself too!Patients often ask… who takes care of you? I always say Dr. Daniel Joseph - we take care of ea...
Miss princess is having a fit with her treat…This young lady, Miss Bella, will be in the office this morning greeting yo...
Good Morning WLC Family!  Due to the freezing rain and icy roads, we will be closed today, Monday, February 27th. We are...
Goog Afternoon to our wonderful patients!!! We just wanted to send out a quick message that we are monitoring the weathe...
I needed extra energy for not only my body, but my brain today! Thank goodness Dr. Raquel introduced me to this AWESOME ...
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522 Gateway Avenue Suite B
Mauston, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 2pm - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:30pm

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