
Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Our services include Thermography Screenings: Breast, Half or Full Body, Health Coaching Consultations (Individual, Group and Corporate Sessions), Infrared Mat Sessions, Therapeutic Essential Oils, Natural Supplements and Breast Health Education.

Turmeric Transformation: Relieve Inflammation and Pain for Optimal Health 01/18/2024

Science Behind Turmeric

Turmeric and its components, including curcumin, have been the subject of scientific studies.

“Some research results show that people who have osteoarthritis reported less joint pain when eating turmeric in recipes,” Brown says. “Turmeric’s effect on mood disorders, depression and dementia have also been explored, but studies are small, so more research will reveal if there is a benefit.”

In addition to these conditions, research studies have shown some possible benefits of turmeric for:

• Inflammation
• Degenerative eye conditions
• Metabolic syndrome
• Arthritis
• Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol in the blood)
• Anxiety
• Muscle soreness after exercise
• Kidney health

Turmeric Transformation: Relieve Inflammation and Pain for Optimal Health Discover the power of turmeric in transforming your health. Bid farewell to inflammation and pain with our natural solution. Unleash the potential for optimal well-being.

The Origins of Methylene Blue: A Journey Through Time - Thermography Rio Grande Valley 01/16/2024

What Is Methylene Blue?

Methylene blue has been linked to some pretty remarkable benefits which include:

• Enhanced cognitive function, improved memory, and sharper focus
• Mood improvement and increased emotional well-being
• Brain support and neuroprotection (shielding your brain cells from damage)
• Increased energy
• Enhanced physical performance
• Decreased inflammation
• Anti-aging properties
• Improved heart health
• Decreased risk of chronic disease development

The Origins of Methylene Blue: A Journey Through Time - Thermography Rio Grande Valley False-negative results in mammograms can occur, missing approximately 1 in 8 breast cancers. Women with dense breasts are more likely to experience false-negative results, which can lead to a false sense of security. It is crucial to consult a doctor if you experience new breast symptoms, even if yo...

Photos from Thermographyrgv's post 08/01/2023

Be the guardian of your breast health! Schedule regular checkups, including thermography, to catch any signs early. Stay informed on risk factors to make informed decisions. Together, let's prioritize breast health! 💕

Photos from Thermographyrgv's post 07/28/2023

Are breast infections going undetected? 🤔 Early detection is key! Don't wait – book your thermography screening today and prioritize your breast health. 💕


🎇🇺🇸 Get ready to light up the skies with pride this 4th of July! 🎆 Embrace the true spirit of patriotism as we celebrate the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let's make this day unforgettable with dazzling firework displays. Happy Independence Day, America! Let's honor our shared history and values. 🇺🇸🎉


🎉👨👧👦 Happy Father's Day! Today, we celebrate and honor all the incredible fathers who fill our lives with love and joy. Thank you for being our rock, our role model, and our biggest cheerleader. Wishing you a day filled with laughter, love, and precious memories. Share your favorite father-child moment in the comments below! 💙


On this Memorial Day, we reflect on their unwavering dedication and pay tribute to their selflessness. Let us come together as a nation to honor their memory and express our deepest gratitude. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.


¡Feliz día de las Madres a todas las mamás! En este día especial, queremos enviarles nuestros mejores deseos y recordarles lo importantes que son para nuestras vidas. Ustedes son nuestras protectoras, nuestras consejeras y nuestras guías, y siempre están ahí para apoyarnos y cuidarnos.

En este día tan especial, les deseamos una vida llena de salud y bienestar. Como madres, sabemos que a menudo ponen las necesidades de sus familias antes que las propias. Pero es importante recordar que cuidarse a si mismas es fundamental para cuidar de aquellos que aman.

Esperamos que este día esté lleno de amor, felicidad y gratitud para todas las mamás.

Gracias por todo lo que hacen por nosotros.

Thermography Rio Grande Valley


¡No esperes más para cuidar de tu salud y la de tu familia! Reserva hoy mismo tu cita para una termografía de medio cuerpo o de cuerpo completo y detecta cualquier anomalía en tu cuerpo antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

No dejes que el miedo te paralice, toma el control de tu salud y toma medidas preventivas ahora mismo. Con una termografía, podrás detectar problemas de salud en etapas tempranas y evitar complicaciones mayores.

No te pierdas esta oportunidad única de cuidar de ti misma y de los que más quieres. Reserva tu cita ahora y aprovecha nuestro descuento especial para este Día de las Madres.

Recuerda, la prevención es la mejor medicina. ¡Agenda tu termografía hoy mismo y vive con la tranquilidad de saber que estás cuidando de tu salud de la manera más efectiva!


Saludable Día de las Madres

“Lo que realmente encendió mi pasión por mi propia salud fue el fallecimiento de mi mamá por cáncer de mama hace casi 17 años. Eso no quiere decir que no me interesara cuidarme y comer sano hasta ese momento. Todo lo contrario de hecho. Sin embargo, perderla a una edad tan joven realmente me hizo pensar en mi propia vida y mortalidad.

Pasé por un período de tiempo en el que dejé que el miedo a enfermarme controlara mi forma de abordar mi salud. Hice que los médicos me hicieran pruebas que eran innecesarias y potencialmente dañinas. Afortunadamente, he cambiado mi forma de ser y ya no me preocupo por cosas que no puedo controlar. Hago todo lo posible para mantenerme saludable y asegurarme de vivir mi vida y disfrutarla. Imagina cuánto más libre me siento.

Hoy fui a hacerme la termografía anual de senos, abdomen y tiroides. Esto siempre me hace pensar en mi mamá y me pregunto que si le hubiesen detectado el cáncer de mama antes, ¿seguiría aquí? La termografía detecta problemas de 6 a 8 años ANTES de que se conviertan en un tumor que se puede ver en una mamografía. Esto da tiempo para corregir el problema y encontrar la causa raíz antes de que se convierta en un problema aún mayor. Además, lo hace sin exponerme a ninguna radiación.

Extraño a mi mamá todos los días. Hay tantas cosas por las que ella no estuvo aquí, pero sé que todavía me está viendo crecer, equivocarme, triunfar, caer y levantarme. La imagino cuidando de mí y de mi familia. Cada vez que veo un arcoíris la saludo".

-Kerry Marrafino,

Thermographyrgv Call now to connect with business.


Healthy Mother's Day

"What really ignited my passion in my own health was the passing of my Mom from breast cancer almost 17 years ago. That doesn't mean that I wasn't interested in taking care of myself and eating healthy until that moment. Quite the contrary, in fact. However, losing her at such a young age really made me think about my own life and my own mortality.

I went through a period of time where I let the fear of getting sick run how I approached my health. I had doctors run tests that were unnecessary and potentially harmful. Thankfully, I have changed my ways and no longer worry about things that I cannot control. I do my best to stay healthy and make sure that I live my life and enjoy it. Imagine how much more free I feel.

Today I went for my annual breast, abdomen and thyroid thermography. This always makes me think of my Mom and wonder if we detected her breast cancer sooner would she still be here? Thermography detects issues 6-8 years BEFORE they turn into a tumor that can be seen on a mammogram. This allows time to correct the issue and find the root cause before it becomes an even bigger problem. Plus, it does so without exposing me to any radiation.

I miss my Mom every day. There are so many things that she wasn't here for but I know she is still watching me grow, mess up, succeed, fall and rise. I imagine her watching over me and my family. Every time I see a rainbow I say hello to her."

-Kerry Marraffino,

Thermographyrgv Call now to connect with business.


Tenemos excelentes noticias para todos los miembros del Banco de Cuentas de Ahorro de Salud.

¡Ahora estamos aceptando pagos ACH de HSABank!

HSABank es uno de los primeros y más grandes proveedores de Cuentas de Ahorro para la Salud (HSA) en el país con más de 3 millones de miembros.

Para procesar un pago de transferencia electrónica de fondos (ACH), debe comunicarse con el servicio al cliente de HSABank para obtener sus números de cuenta y ruta antes de programar una cita.

No se aceptarán trámites con tarjeta HSABank.

Para obtener más información o ponerse en contacto con HSABank, simplemente visite su sitio web:


¡Tenemos buenas noticias para todos!

¡Vuelve la solicitud de ayuda económica de $150 de la UBCF (United Breast Cancer Foundation)!

El Programa de Monitoreo de Senos ofrece exámenes de monitoreo de senos de bajo costo a mujeres y hombres en todo el país. ¡UBCF cubre varias tecnologías de detección, incluyendo la termografía!

Reglas del programa:
• Abierto a mujeres y hombres
• UBCF cubre 1 evaluación cada 12 meses por solicitante
• El solicitante puede recibir una evaluación de su elección de un proveedor de su elección.
• UBCF ayuda con la termografía de línea de base, sin embargo, el segunda estudio para establecer una línea base está cubierta por una cantidad menor.
• La UBCF no pagará las pruebas de detección que hayan tenido lugar antes de que se envíe y apruebe una solicitud y se otorgue al solicitante el apoyo económico para la prueba de monitoreo de senos.
• El programa de monitoreo de senos de UBCF brinda reembolso a clientes aprobado por hasta $150 para los servicios de examen de senos de su elección con el proveedor de su elección. Cualquier saldo restante es su responsabilidad.
• Período de aprobación de 60 días: una vez que se le otorga el apoyo económico para el examen de senos, el solicitante tiene 60 días a partir de la fecha de concesión del apoyo económico para completar el examen de senos y para enviar el recibo de pago original a UBCF para su reembolso. Si UBCF recibe el recibo después del período de aprobación de 60 días, la concesión de la ayuda económica caducará.
• Los clientes deben pagar a su proveedor y presentar a UBCF tanto la factura original como el recibo de pago para el reembolso.

NOTA: El pago no se emitirá a los proveedores.

El programa está abierto a todos, independientemente de su edad, raza, s**o, ingresos o cobertura de seguro médico.

Debe completar un formulario para que UBCF determine su elegibilidad para el programa.

UBCF revisará su elegibilidad y se comunicará con usted por correo electrónico con respecto a los próximos pasos.

UBCF no ayuda con las evaluaciones que se han realizado antes de aprobar su solicitud.

Para obtener más información y enviar su formulario, haga clic en el siguiente enlace:


We have great news for all Health Savings Account Bank Members.

We are now accepting HSABank ACH Payments!

HSABank is one of the first and largest Health Savings Account (HSA) providers in the country with more than 3 million members.

In order to process an electronic funds transfer (ACH) payment, you must contact HSABank customer service to obtain your Account and Routing numbers before making an appointment.

HSABank Card processing won't be accepted.

To learn more or to contact HSABank, simply visit their website:


We have more great news for everyone!

UBCF (United Breast Cancer Foundation) $150 grant application is back!

The Breast Screening Program offers free or low-cost breast screenings to women and men nationwide. UBCF covers various screening technologies including thermography!

Program Guidelines:
• Open to woman and men
• UBCF covers 1 screening per 12 months per applicant
• Applicant may receive a screening of their choice from a provider of their choice.
• UBCF assists with base-line thermography, however, the 2nd screening of a baseline is covered at a lesser amount.
• UBCF will not pay for screening that have taken place prior to an application being submitted, approved and a Breast Screening Grant Award provided to the applicant.
• UBCF's Breast Screening Program provides reimbursement to approved clients for up to $150 toward breast screening services of your choice with the provider of your choice. Any remaining balance is your responsibility.
• 60-day approval period - Once awarded a Breast Screening Grant, the applicant has 60 days from the date of the Grant Award to have the breast screening completed AND to submit the original payment receipt to UBCF for reimbursement. If UBCF receives the receipt after the 60-day approval period, the Grant Award will expire.
• Clients must pay their provider and submit both the original invoice and paid receipt to UBCF for reimbursement.

NOTE: Payment will not be issued to providers.

Program is open to all regardless of age, race, gender, income or medical insurance coverage.

You must complete a form in order for UBCF to determine your eligibility for the program.

UBCF will review your eligibility and be in touch with you via email regarding the next steps.

UBCF does not assist with screenings that have taken place prior to approving your application.

For more information and to submit your form, please click on the following link:

Photos from Thermographyrgv's post 10/18/2021

From October 18-22, $50 Off Half Body Thermograms

Half Body Thermograms cover:
• Temporomandibular Joints
• Dental / Periodontal
• Thyroid Gland
• Carotid Arteries
• Neck
• Breast
• Axillary Areas
• Hormonal Patterns
• Upper & Lower Back
• Autonomic Immune System
• Abdomen
• Reproductive Organs
• Shoulders
• Arms & Palms

Photos from Holistica Fest's post 10/13/2021

Tod@s invitados.. este 21 de Octubre. Registrate en y recibe un recetario Plant Based GRATIS ademas de tener la oportunidad de entrar a la rifa!!!!

Molecular hydrogen: a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for various diseases | Oncotarget 05/20/2021

Molecular Hydrogen available at Thermographyrgv

1. Hydrogen acts as an antioxidant
Hydrogen gas acts as powerful antioxidant and has been shown to protect cells from even the most cytotoxic reactive oxygen species. Specifically, inhalation of H2 gas has been shown to suppress brain injuries through these effects.

2. Hydrogen supports your body’s antioxidant system
H2 supports your body’s natural antioxidant system by signaling pathways associated with the prevention of disease.

3. Hydrogen is anti-inflammatory
In animal studies, hydrogen gas has been shown to be extremely anti-inflammatory. While we could use more studies on humans to back these initial findings, research on patients with rheumatoid arthritis are extremely promising.

4. Hydrogen may help reduce pain
As mentioned above, the effects of hydrogen on patients with rheumatoid arthritis have shown a significant decrease in pain. This pain relief is due to the reduction in oxidative stress caused by the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of hydrogen gas.

5. Hydrogen protects your muscles
In an animal study, hydrogen water prevented muscle wasting in mice that had muscular dystrophy. Hydrogen also boosted the natural production of glutathione which is often called our master antioxidant. The effects of hydrogen on athletes and exercise is a promising area worth keeping your eye on.

6. Hydrogen can speed up sport-related recovery
Hydrogen water has been shown to reduce muscle fatigue in elite athletes after intense exercise. This is because it reduced lactic acid buildup, which improved muscle function.

7. Hydrogen can help balance the pH of the blood
Hydrogen water has also been shown to have an alkalizing effect in the blood. This is especially beneficial to people who are extremely physically active because extreme exercise can cause metabolic acidosis.

8. Hydrogen affects cell modulation
Hydrogen appears to have effects in the cells that help them maintain homeostasis and healthy modulation. Through healthy gene expression and cellular metabolism, hydrogen positively affects cellular processes on many different levels.

9. Hydrogen is neuroprotective
Hydrogen has been shown to reduce damage to the brain in Parkinson’s patients. It’s also shown to have generally neuroprotective properties due to its ability to fight oxidative stress.

10. Hydrogen is protective against metabolic conditions
Studies have found that hydrogen increases insulin sensitivity, decreases blood sugar, and blood cholesterol levels. These effects make hydrogen up potential therapy for fighting obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

11. Hydrogen boosts your mitochondria
Your mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells, which makes them directly responsible for your energy levels day to day. Clinical studies on hydrogen-rich water have found that it improves mitochondrial function.

12. Hydrogen protects against DNA damage
Hydrogen gas has been shown to significantly protect DNA against radiation damage. It does so by scavenging hydroxyl radical formation.

13. Hydrogen can calm allergic reactions
With allergies on the rise across the world, this is an interesting observation. Studies have found that in animals, hydrogen can sometimes calm allergic reactions. The way hydrogen appears to calm allergic reactions is by modulating cell processes and restoring homeostasis. It seems that hydrogen restores healthy processes throughout the body, which makes it a good idea for just about everyone to consider taking.

14. Hydrogen is protective against cancer
Hydrogen appears to be protective against cancer. At this point, it probably doesn’t surprise you since you know how hydrogen can protect against oxidative stress and damage to the DNA. Hydrogen has also been observed to help reduce side effects of chemotherapy in some patients.

15. Hydrogen protects organs
Hydrogen has been observed to be protective against damage to numerous organs including the brain, pancreas, heart, liver, eyes, and lungs. This is believed to be because of hydrogen’s anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and oxidative stress fighting effects.

Molecular hydrogen: a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for various diseases | Oncotarget Li Ge, Ming Yang, Na-Na Yang, Xin-Xin Yin, Wen-Gang Song

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Videos (show all)

🎇🇺🇸 Get ready to light up the skies with pride this 4th of July! 🎆 Embrace the true spirit of patriotism as we celebrate...
🎉👨👧👦 Happy Father's Day! Today, we celebrate and honor all the incredible fathers who fill our lives with love and joy. ...
On this Memorial Day, we reflect on their unwavering dedication and pay tribute to their selflessness. Let us come toget...
¡Feliz día de las Madres a todas las mamás! En este día especial, queremos enviarles nuestros mejores deseos y recordarl...
¡No esperes más para cuidar de tu salud y la de tu familia! Reserva hoy mismo tu cita para una termografía de medio cuer...
Entrevista con el Dr. Kenneth Fernandez Taylor MD
Thermography RGV en Expo Mujer 2018 !!! Si quieres boleto aquí tenemos algunos todavía!! Recuerda que recibes un regalo ...



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