Astrology Readings By Nancy Boeff

Astrology Readings By Nancy Boeff

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Astrology Readings By Nancy Boeff


First half of September 24 Astrology Forecast
Mercury has gone direct, but we will feel it at least for another week as it gets back to its regular speed. It has been a difficult one this time with so many problems with the weather to computers.
This month we will have a lunar eclipse on September 17th in the sign of Pisces. For those affected it will bring things to a conclusion. What you have been dealing with in your life will now have to be dealt with and decisions will have to be made. It is the Universes way of making changes in your life to put you on a new path. This will last about six months.
Sept 1 Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn. Later Capricorns will feel this as they must deal with the changes in their life putting the last touches on their transformation. Pluto moves very slowly so think back to 2008 and what we were dealing with at that time will be ending now.
Sept 2 The new Moon in Virgo today so it is a good day to start things you want to do this month. You begin things at the new Moon and usually change or end things at the full Moon. Virgo is the worker of the zodiac; it also rules health so putting a plan together to get more exercise might be a good idea.
Sept 3 Mars gives a challenging aspect to Neptune so our actions will not be clear, it will feel like we are walking in a fog. Not a good day for big decisions, you will feel tired and confused.
Sept 4 Mars enters the sign of Cancer which rules or home. The next month we will be busy taking care of our home. Fixing things that need to be repaired before winter comes. There also could be excitement or arguments at home. Take the energy you are feeling and work it off instead of taking it out on others.
Sept 7 Mercury gives a difficult aspect to Uranus so we can blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Accidents can happen when driving as something jumps out in the road to surprise you. Take your time and think before you speak.
Sept 8 The Sun opposes Saturn so we can feel frustrated as delays and responsibilities keep getting in the way of what we really want to do. Wait for a better day to do what you want and take care of the work you must do.
Sept 9 Mercury enters the sign of Virgo so we will be thinking about our work and health for the next month. As Summer ends we see our fun times turn into what we need to get done. Kids go back to school, and we need to get into a routine and get organized and that is what Virgos do best. This will last about a month.
Sept 11 Mercury gets a good aspect from Mars, so our minds are quick to pick up ideas and act on them. We have lots of energy to get things done and things just fall into place.
Sept 12 The Sun and Jupiter do not work well together today, and we overdo it with too much of everything. We feel superior to others and that the rules do not apply to us. We can eat too much or spend too much or challenge authority figures which will not work out well.
Sept 15 Venus and Jupiter with the Moon gives us an enjoyable day. We are full of warm feeling and want to socialize and give gifts and give compliments to everyone around us. Enjoy a good day.
First half of September 24 Astrology Forecast
Mercury has gone direct, but we will feel it at least for another week as it gets back to its regular speed. It has been a difficult one this time with so many problems with the weather to computers.
This month we will have a lunar eclipse on September 17th in the sign of Pisces. For those affected it will bring things to a conclusion. What you have been dealing with in your life will now have to be dealt with and decisions will have to be made. It is the Universes way of making changes in your life to put you on a new path. This will last about six months.
Sept 1 Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn. Later Capricorns will feel this as they must deal with the changes in their life putting the last touches on their transformation. Pluto moves very slowly so think back to 2008 and what we were dealing with at that time will be ending now.
Sept 2 The new Moon in Virgo today so it is a good day to start things you want to do this month. You begin things at the new Moon and usually change or end things at the full Moon. Virgo is the worker of the zodiac; it also rules health so putting a plan together to get more exercise might be a good idea.
Sept 3 Mars gives a challenging aspect to Neptune so our actions will not be clear, it will feel like we are walking in a fog. Not a good day for big decisions, you will feel tired and confused.
Sept 4 Mars enters the sign of Cancer which rules or home. The next month we will be busy taking care of our home. Fixing things that need to be repaired before winter comes. There also could be excitement or arguments at home. Take the energy you are feeling and work it off instead of taking it out on others.
Sept 7 Mercury gives a difficult aspect to Uranus so we can blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Accidents can happen when driving as something jumps out in the road to surprise you. Take your time and think before you speak.
Sept 8 The Sun opposes Saturn so we can feel frustrated as delays and responsibilities keep getting in the way of what we really want to do. Wait for a better day to do what you want and take care of the work you must do.
Sept 9 Mercury enters the sign of Virgo so we will be thinking about our work and health for the next month. As Summer ends we see our fun times turn into what we need to get done. Kids go back to school, and we need to get into a routine and get organized and that is what Virgos do best. This will last about a month.
Sept 11 Mercury gets a good aspect from Mars, so our minds are quick to pick up ideas and act on them. We have lots of energy to get things done and things just fall into place.
Sept 12 The Sun and Jupiter do not work well together today, and we overdo it with too much of everything. We feel superior to others and that the rules do not apply to us. We can eat too much or spend too much or challenge authority figures which will not work out well.
Sept 15 Venus and Jupiter with the Moon gives us an enjoyable day. We are full of warm feeling and want to socialize and give gifts and give compliments to everyone around us. Enjoy a good day.

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End of August 2024 Astrology Forecast
Aug 18 Mercury retrograde is giving Uranus a challenging aspect expect surprises. Mercury rules communication and short distance travel. Accidents, detours, and breakdowns when driving may happen so take your time and be careful. Problems from the past may come up again, which you must deal with.
Aug 19 Full Moon in Aquarius conjoined with the Mercury retrograde make this day an overly emotional day. Money issues, overspending or surprise expenses pop up. Family issues with parents and authority figures are making this a difficult full Moon. These issues started a few days before and now you are facing the problems head on. Take it one thing at a time. If you can take the day off and wait to make any big decisions.
Aug 22 The Sun enters Virgo, an earth sign, and is ruled by Mercury. It is the worker sign of the zodiac, meticulous, they like things in order clean and neat. They enjoy working for others and will work long hours to make sure things are complete. At times they worry too much, and this can affect their health.
Today Venus and Mars do not get along so there can be arguments with love ones. Do not let things get out of control. Wait for a better day to discuss your problems.
Aug 24 Mercury and Mars are having a good day so you will feel like you can get work done with lots of energy. Remember to think things through because Mercury will be going direct soon so you may still have trouble with details.
Aug 27 Venus and Uranus work together so there could be some good surprises regarding love and money. A raise or finding something that got lost will bring a smile today.
Aug 28 Mercury goes direct today, thank goodness. Now for the next week we may have to correct any mistakes that might have happened in the last month. But now we think more clearly, and we just feel like things are settling down.
Aug 29 Venus moves into its home sign of Libra today. Peace, love, and beauty are the key words for Libras. They are an air sign but sometimes have a challenging time making decisions. And Venus is giving a nice trine to Pluto today which will help us connect with the people we love or are attracted to.
Enjoy the first couple of weeks of September because a lunar eclipse in Pisces will be coming around September17th.
End of August 2024 Astrology Forecast
Aug 18 Mercury retrograde is giving Uranus a challenging aspect expect surprises. Mercury rules communication and short distance travel. Accidents, detours, and breakdowns when driving may happen so take your time and be careful. Problems from the past may come up again, which you must deal with.
Aug 19 Full Moon in Aquarius conjoined with the Mercury retrograde make this day an overly emotional day. Money issues, overspending or surprise expenses pop up. Family issues with parents and authority figures are making this a difficult full Moon. These issues started a few days before and now you are facing the problems head on. Take it one thing at a time. If you can take the day off and wait to make any big decisions.
Aug 22 The Sun enters Virgo, an earth sign, and is ruled by Mercury. It is the worker sign of the zodiac, meticulous, they like things in order clean and neat. They enjoy working for others and will work long hours to make sure things are complete. At times they worry too much, and this can affect their health.
Today Venus and Mars do not get along so there can be arguments with love ones. Do not let things get out of control. Wait for a better day to discuss your problems.
Aug 24 Mercury and Mars are having a good day so you will feel like you can get work done with lots of energy. Remember to think things through because Mercury will be going direct soon so you may still have trouble with details.
Aug 27 Venus and Uranus work together so there could be some good surprises regarding love and money. A raise or finding something that got lost will bring a smile today.
Aug 28 Mercury goes direct today, thank goodness. Now for the next week we may have to correct any mistakes that might have happened in the last month. But now we think more clearly, and we just feel like things are settling down.
Aug 29 Venus moves into its home sign of Libra today. Peace, love, and beauty are the key words for Libras. They are an air sign but sometimes have a challenging time making decisions. And Venus is giving a nice trine to Pluto today which will help us connect with the people we love or are attracted to.
Enjoy the first couple of weeks of September because a lunar eclipse in Pisces will be coming around September17th.

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Astrology Forecast for first half of August 2024
Mercury will retrograde this month on the 5th, but we are already feeling it. Do not make any big decisions at this time. I would not purchase any electronics or make any large purchases, because you will probably change your mind when it goes direct on Aug 28th. Confirm your appointments, take your time when driving and spending money.
Aug 2 Venus square Uranius today so surprises are in store regarding love and money. Challenges may make you nervous and you have second thoughts about making a commitment. You have decided you want your independence, or you are surprised by a large purchase on your credit card. It is time to step back and reevaluate your decisions.
Aug 4 New Moon in Leo today so it is an enjoyable time to plan a vacation or party. You want to have some fun with family and friends before the summer is over. A good day to start a new plan so put up a picture of something that you desire so you can attract it to you. Venus enters the sign of Virgo today and stays in this sign for about a month. Virgos like things clean, orderly and in their place. They are practical and have a great attention to detail. An earth sign they work extremely hard to get the job done. So, these are the traits that will be the way you view your love and money.
Aug 5 Mercury retrogrades today, and we have already started to feel this the week before. Our mind is scattered and mixed up. You tend to be forgetful, and obstacles are thrown in your path. Take it slow and think things through. Do not sign any important papers or contracts. If you must, have another person, or a professional look it over. It will go direct on the 28th and just before it goes direct it will become more powerful.
Aug 7 The Sun and Jupiter come together today with a good aspect so this will make for an enjoyable day. You will want to socialize, and you may be praised for your past work. You may receive a gift or receive good news. An opportunity may be offered to you.
Aug 13 The Moon is interacting with a variety of planets today so it will definitely be emotional. You are nervous and unsettled so do not do anything rash. Slow down and take one thing at a time. Surprises can come up and be very upsetting. Do not overdo it by spending over your limit or exaggerating what people are saying to you. Wait for a better day.
Aug 14 Jupiter and Mars together make you full of energy so get some work done, exercise or clean the house to use up this energy in an effective way. The Moon is still making you feel overwhelmed so do not overdo it and get hurt.
Aug 16 Mars gives a difficult aspect to Saturn so do not lose your temper when dealing with any authority figure. Yes, you may get a ticket for driving too fast or telling your boss that you can make better decisions than he does, but is that really a good thing to do today? No, it is not.
There does seem to be an unusual number of earthquakes around the world. Learn what you should do to stay safe and be alert.

Astrology Forecast for first half of August 2024
Mercury will retrograde this month on the 5th, but we are already feeling it. Do not make any big decisions at this time. I would not purchase any electronics or make any large purchases, because you will probably change your mind when it goes direct on Aug 28th. Confirm your appointments, take your time when driving and spending money.
Aug 2 Venus square Uranius today so surprises are in store regarding love and money. Challenges may make you nervous and you have second thoughts about making a commitment. You have decided you want your independence, or you are surprised by a large purchase on your credit card. It is time to step back and reevaluate your decisions.
Aug 4 New Moon in Leo today so it is an enjoyable time to plan a vacation or party. You want to have some fun with family and friends before the summer is over. A good day to start a new plan so put up a picture of something that you desire so you can attract it to you. Venus enters the sign of Virgo today and stays in this sign for about a month. Virgos like things clean, orderly and in their place. They are practical and have a great attention to detail. An earth sign they work extremely hard to get the job done. So, these are the traits that will be the way you view your love and money.
Aug 5 Mercury retrogrades today, and we have already started to feel this the week before. Our mind is scattered and mixed up. You tend to be forgetful, and obstacles are thrown in your path. Take it slow and think things through. Do not sign any important papers or contracts. If you must, have another person, or a professional look it over. It will go direct on the 28th and just before it goes direct it will become more powerful.
Aug 7 The Sun and Jupiter come together today with a good aspect so this will make for an enjoyable day. You will want to socialize, and you may be praised for your past work. You may receive a gift or receive good news. An opportunity may be offered to you.
Aug 13 The Moon is interacting with a variety of planets today so it will definitely be emotional. You are nervous and unsettled so do not do anything rash. Slow down and take one thing at a time. Surprises can come up and be very upsetting. Do not overdo it by spending over your limit or exaggerating what people are saying to you. Wait for a better day.
Aug 14 Jupiter and Mars together make you full of energy so get some work done, exercise or clean the house to use up this energy in an effective way. The Moon is still making you feel overwhelmed so do not overdo it and get hurt.
Aug 16 Mars gives a difficult aspect to Saturn so do not lose your temper when dealing with any authority figure. Yes, you may get a ticket for driving too fast or telling your boss that you can make better decisions than he does, but is that really a good thing to do today? No, it is not.
There does seem to be an unusual number of earthquakes around the world. Learn what you should do to stay safe and be alert.

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July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.
July 2024 end of month Astrology Forecast
As planets are coming together you will feel the influence of them three to four days before they meet and three to four days after. A full moon could be even a week before depending on if it hits a planet on your natal chart. A moon rules women and our emotions, so we are more sensitive to what is happening around us. Other planets such as mars or a mercury retrograde will also be felt more strongly. If the planets are giving favorable aspects, then it may bring you opportunities, if they are challenging you need to pay attention and be cautious about the planets involved. The best advice is to be open to change and quiet your mind so you can listen to your intuition.
July 18 The Sun will give a good aspect to Uranus brings new plans, surprise visits or sudden news. Changes will be made to give you freedom to achieve success.
July 20 Mars goes into the sign of Gemini the curious and intelligent air sign. Thoughts will be coming at you from all directions for the next month. Open yourself up to learn new things and explore your neighborhood and parks for recreation.
July 21 The full Moon today in Capricorn, the second one in a row, will bring things to completion. It will be full of emotion and drama. Think before you speak or act out. It may cause more damage than you can manage. Do not make any major decisions today. There can be some beneficial successes so be ready for those as well. Remember you start to see what is coming three days before and up to three days after.
July 22 The Sun enters the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fire sign and like the lion they are proud and loyal. They love praise and are expressive. Leo rules the heart and circulation and can really die of a broken heart. They love excitement and fun having a great time.
July 23 The Sun opposes Pluto there could be power plays, as someone tries to manipulate their demands over you. Secrets may be exposed to reveal someone’s arrogance and over-estimation of self to expose who they really are. Pay attention so you cannot be fooled by them.
July 25 Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo the worker of the zodiac. An earth sign they are practical, analytical and have a great attention to detail. They usually like things in order, everything in its place. So, when it retrogrades things will be out of order, we are forgetful and feel like we are out of sorts looking through a fog. Do not sign contracts, buy a car, or electronics. You will start to feel this a week before it starts. The next retrograde starts August 5th through August 28th get what you can done this month and wait until September to make any big decisions.

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