The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic

We offer true health promotion through individualized treatments and nutritional and lifestyle counseling.

We now offer virtual packages for health improvement and lifestyle changes.

Naturopathic Physician in Mesa, AZ | The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic 01/31/2024

Note: Our website was hijacked and we have changed it to . Feel free to give us a call and learn about what it means to get healthy in this crazy toxic world.

Naturopathic Physician in Mesa, AZ | The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic - Visit our skilled Naturopathic Physician in Mesa, AZ. Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment online.


Life is short. Are you interested in maintaining a life lived to the fullest? With energy and vitality? If you ignore your health, your health will get your attention somehow, and not in a good way. Are you interested in a strategy to achieve your best health goals? Give us a call at 480-832-3014 and schedule a visit to begin the rest of your life with more energy, motivation, and purpose!

Have a beautiful day!


There are many, many blogs, videos, podcasts, books, movies, etc. talking about health and the "best discovery ever" for everybody's health. If we look at different subjects on health, we will find research that supports any of them. They all look wonderful and basically the answer to all our health woes! But they differ so widely - what is right? Is there a right diet/lifestyle for everyone? Short answer - no.

You can find wonderful information on carnivore diet, vegan diet, vegetarian, ketogenic, paleo, intermittent fasting, long fasting... and on and on. So you say WHAT?? They all can have benefits for many people at different times. I believe we are all made differently with different strengths and weaknesses. Some people cannot have red meat and others must have at least some red meat. Some people do amazing on a healthy vegan diet (not all vegan diets are healthy) but some could get sicker. Some appear to thrive on a carnivore diet.

After a lot of study and thinking logically and historically as well as biologically on what our bodies are made to eat, I believe there are some cultural foods that NO ONE should eat, no matter which diet you choose. I also believe we should really look into seasonal diets with healthy foods. Most of the time, most of us should not stay on one type of diet forever. Diet variation is important, with that "variation" staying within parameters of truly healthy real foods - grass-fed, organic meats, organic vegetables (home grown if able), herbs and fruits, real eggs (unless person is inflamed), clean purified water with electrolytes/pinch of Himalayan salt, sprouts and some seeds and nuts. When you go on any of the specialty diets, remember that we should never eat (or as little as possible) GMO foods, processed foods, American flours/grains, refined sugars and NEVER eat/drink artificial sweeteners. Read labels, check all ingredients or just eat REAL foods that you pick so you know exactly what you put in your body without chemicals.

Yes, there's a lot involved in finding the foods that work best to supply your body with what it needs to heal and make energy so you can function to the best of your ability in your life.

For more information, please call and make an appointment to find your way in this culturally different journey to real health and wellness, outside of the box of the current, biased "healthcare" system. Our phone is 480-832-3014. We do phone visits as well. Above all, have a healthy, beautiful day!


Come visit us and see our new plans and programs for pain and roads to healing! Have a healthy day! Call us at 480-832-3014


Good morning! How's your health treating you? Or, should I say - how're you treating your health? ;) In this toxic world and pleasure-focused culture, it's very difficult to lead a totally healthy life. In fact, with 5G surrounding us and interfering in our body's normal frequencies, toxic chemicals in our air, water, and food, I'd say it's impossible. However, we have an amazing body with built-in detoxification strategies and immune responses which help us to adjust and cope with many assaults.

Unfortunately, this compensation and adjustment capability often hides underlying dangers as they build. But there comes a point in everyone's life, sooner in some than others, where the ability weakens and even collapses. That is when illness takes over, and pain, fatigue, and/or depression become predominant in our daily life. Living becomes a daily challenge. Suddenly, our health is important to us like never before. Now, we try and play the game of catch-up and clean-up which could work amazingly well, or not at all, depending on our genetic detoxification status and/or the remaining strength of our system.

Why do we wait? Why not address health while we still appear "healthy"? Let's prevent problems before they occur. Take out the toxic foods and chemicals in our homes which are poisoning us, our children, and yes, our pets. Replace those with healthier, organic foods, essential oils, and cleaning products. Check our houses for molds and other toxic agents. Increase our body's level of energy and survival nutrients like vitamin B, C, D, K, A, E, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, molybdenum, etc. We DO need supplements these days but they also must be quality and individualized as much as possible.

So give our clinic a call and set up a visit - in the clinic or telephone or Zoom. And start your true, individualized, pre-illness (or even post-illness) clean-up and better path to a better health future.

Call 480-832-3014 and start today!


It's time to get your health on track! Our health is our life. Especially after this last year, we've come to realize how important it is to actually become healthy rather than just to maintain a disease process with medications. So GET HEALTHY!

Call and set up a Zoom appointment! 480-832-3014. Discuss your health problem and figure out your best strategy toward better health and let's work together to set up your personal plan to your best health possible.

See you soon on Zoom! :D


Remember, good health starts inside! Even though a person is an athlete, or thin and trim, doesn't mean they're healthy. Our standard American diet ("S.A.D.") does not provide for a healthy body in this toxic world. Even a "good" cholesterol level and good blood pressure reading do not mean that you are healthy.

What makes a person "healthy"? Why do people die suddenly who appear healthy? How can a "young, healthy person" get COVID or the flu and die?

There are answers to these questions. If you want to know the answers please respond. No charge! :)


Once again, we hope that this pandemic has taught more people how important it is to take charge of their own health. Be committed to a healthy lifestyle and attitude. Lose weight through eating right and exercising and sleeping well. If you are having trouble with any of those, please call and set an appointment! We do in person or phone appointments. We have package plans and a membership program to help guide you to a healthier life.
When you get any virus, you will get through it well and come out stronger in the end.
Take charge and go to health!


Happy New Year! Start out your new year right! Join our cell level detoxification program. The basic program is 90 days with more health challenged people taking longer. It's simple yet the most effective program we've seen. Whether you're basically healthy or if you have brain fog, fatigue, headaches, or you're just not right physically, call 480-832-3014 and ask about our 90 day+ program to get your health back and on track! In person or virtual appointments available.

Have a healthy, happy new year!


Choose Life! Choose joy! Choose HEALTH!

True health is our responsibility, not the government's. Don't blame any government or leader if you get sick. We all will get sick and should go through it, our bodies are made to be challenged and survive. But how sick we get and how quickly we recover can be our choice as we give our bodies the tools with which to fight illness better.

Investigate how to be healthy, investigate all treatment modalities. Listen openly to all sides and decide what works best for you. But first, decide to live healthy - that is your choice.


Studies show that PEMF treatments actually strengthen bone better than the drugs and do show just as effective at improving density appearance. The problem with the drugs is that they may increase appearance of density on a scan, but it doesn't increase tensile strength, hence the bones can become more brittle.
Call our office to schedule your PEMF sessions and strengthen your bones. 480-832-3014





Intravenous vitamin C has been in use for more than 60 years. It has many known benefits for health. Sometimes it is used alone, sometimes in combination with other vitamins and/or minerals. These benefits are individual and can include the following:
(Disclaimer: This has not been approved by the FDA in the treatment of disease. This is not given to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Although it may help the body, we must say it is not a cure.)

Improved immune response
Decreased fatigue
Improved detoxification
Improved cardiovascular function
Anti-toxin (snakebites, spiderbites, toxic drug reactions)

Call and come in to our clinic for a chance to receive this amazing IV. 480-832-3014

Have a beautiful day!


There appears to be a common misperception that our immune systems only fight diseases through antibody production. The antigen/antibody production is, in fact, just a portion of our immune function. When a medical professional suggests that we cannot fight a disease because we have not been previously exposed to it and do not have a drug or vaccine, they are either being consciously deceptive or they are very ignorant of the immune system.

We are exposed daily to many new bacteria, viruses, and other foreign microbes, to which we have no formal antibodies. However, we do not get sick and die from them. Why is that? Why, if the current virus is a new virus, and we "have nothing to fight it" because we have no antibodies, why have so many people survived very well, and some never even knew they had it? The answer is obvious: There is much more to our immune function than just antibodies.

The human body has an amazing immune system. As I've said before, this system functions like a symphony with natural killer cells, macrophages, and other cells, working in tandem to protect us from these foreign invaders. In the process, certain cells "present" a "printout" of this foreign invader and, short version, antibodies are formed.

Over the centuries, humans have survived thousands of epidemics and pandemics without the aid of pharmaceutical companies or our illustrious "non-biased" FDA or CDC telling people they can't fight it without a drug or vaccine. If that was true, the human race would have been wiped out many times over in the last thousands of years.

In evaluating situations, we must be aware of reality and truth vs. lies or ignorance. First of all: STAY HEALTHY. Stay away from processed foods and sugar, exercise, sleep well, drink plenty of water, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, smile, laugh, and pray! Second: If you happen to get sick, which we all should now and then, then get rest, drink lots of fluids, and find the nutrients that will support all the great immune functions we do have.

In spite of all that, some people will get very ill and some may even die. It's what happens. It's never fun, nice, or easy. Sometimes, no matter how many good steps we may take, the body succumbs and we die, for whatever reason. In the meantime, we do the best we can and give our body what it needs to stay healthy and survive as long as possible. We also have great treatments that are not only very safe, but can be more effective than a harsh, expensive drug or vaccine that interferes in our natural immune function in a very unnatural, and even toxic, way. Whichever way you choose to try, it is first very important that you support your own body with a healthy lifestyle and thought process.

Have a beautiful day and be healthy! :)


We are open and running in our new clinic! We hope you are well this summer. Come on in for your IV vitamin drip or vitamin C IV to help give your body a health boost. Call the office at 480-832-3014 for an appointment!


Hi everyone! I hope you all are well! We've been moving our office over the last week and it's been crazy!! We were at our other location for 12 years and thoroughly enjoyed the area. However, it was time to move on, and so we have moved to 1840 E. University Ste 4, Mesa, AZ 85203.
We have been doing the renovations ourselves and have only had about a week and a half to do quite a bit of work. We've been painting, tearing down walls, laying floors, to say nothing of the moving equipment, furniture, and boxes, boxes, and more boxes!! :D Our immense gratitude to all our friends and family who have given up time and energy to help us! Though far from finished, we're making headway.
Meanwhile, our phones are not working and we're trying to get in touch with the people who do that for this building. So sorry for any who have tried to get in touch with The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic and have been unable to reach us. Please be patient and we will get those phones up asap! Email should be working but all hands are busy with the setup and unable to get on the internet for the most part. So again, please be patient! If you have my cell or any of the staff, feel free to contact us that way if you need to. We hope to open Monday, July 6! We still have to build a wall, put in some counters and sinks...etc. Pray for our energy and sanity.
Above all, have a beautiful 4th of July and remember to be thankful for the freedoms which we have enjoyed for over 200 years. Celebrate our wonderful country and pray that these freedoms remain intact. Take care and stay healthy!


We are moving our office location!! We do have the same phone number, so feel free to call for questions, directions, or to set up an appointment in our new office! We will still be in Mesa at 1840 E. University, Mesa, AZ, 85203.

We hope you are all well as head into the summer. Don't be afraid of the sunshine, but please don't get burned! Sunshine is good but too much can be harmful. We need vitamin D the most natural way possible - through the sun, without sunscreen at least for the first 20-30 minutes depending on your area and sun strength. But sometimes our bodies are unable to process the sunshine properly and we need to supplement. Have your doctor check your levels. Best for healthy people is between 60-100.

Did you also realize that our eyes need to be exposed to sunlight to some degree? Again - too much causes damage, but you can also be damaged by too little sunlight. So take off those shades for about 15 minutes a few times a day (depending on your situation) and look at the world through eyes wide open! :) During the day, usually, you can look at the sun with your eyelids closed for a few minutes and let the warmth in. Of course, do not look directly at the sun with eyes open during most of the day. You can look at it directly briefly (for a few seconds) only during the hour after sunrise or hour before sunset, but not between because you can cause eye damage. When in the sun, be smart and, again don't overdo it. The sun can be an amazing health benefit but can also be a cruel source of physical harm, so please be aware of time spent in it, enjoy it but respect its power. Have a beautiful, sunny day!


We are excited to introduce our new Patient Concierge Service!

Click on the link below to book a FREE 15 min chat with Dr Wick.

During the chat she will cover what is offered in the program and how this could be the BEST single decision you take for your health.


Happy Monday! We here at the Natural Choice Family Health Clinic hope you had a great weekend and are all in good health!

One very good thing that I really hope you all have gained from this whole viral issue, is the importance of gaining health. Remember who became the most at-risk and the sickest people? Those with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular illnesses. Simply maintaining those imbalances and physical dysfunctions is not making anyone healthy. All of those are symptoms of a deeper problem. There are things you can do to help your body heal! But it is of utmost importance that you finally make the decision to take total charge of your own health and investigate the possibility of the best health of your life. The best health professionals to help you in this endeavor are naturopathic and/or functional medicine physicians, and, yes some chiropractors are able to help you do this.

My job is to help guide you through this health journey. And, of course, I do believe that sometimes the medications are necessary to help you stabilize until your symptoms start diminishing. But usually, you should be able to remove most, if not all, of your medications by the time you are done. There are, of course, exceptions, but you can experience a better health situation if you are committed to do your part and are able to follow through on necessary recommendations.

Have a beautiful week! Feel free to call us at 480-832-3014, to schedule your visit, virtual or in-office.


We are still open here at The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic. Services like those we offer are beneficial in helping in the fight of this current viral attack. Intravenous vitamin C, ozone/ultraviolet light treatments, as well as diet and supplementation recommendations have been shown to effectively help people avoid and/or recover from many difficult viruses. Since, as the CDC and WHO have said, there is no drug or vaccine to cure this, many doctors are using complementary treatments to help people. Currently, other doctors in other countries are using some of these in clinical trials to observe effectiveness. Since these treatments have been proven safe, they are acceptable for use in trials. Some countries have reported beneficial effects from iv vitamin C, which has also been under study in New York. Other doctors in Italy found that using ozone therapy reduced need for ventilators, and doctors in Spain are trying ozone after seeing good responses in patients.


There are supportive and beneficial treatments that can be used to help health support and recovery. This is the time we need our health most. Don't hesitate to call our office for an appointment or for more information. Have a beautiful, healthy day!


We know that ultraviolet light and heat kill many viruses. It has been shown to kill CV19. Evidently, President Trump asked Dr. Birx if she knew of a way to heat the body so the virus will be killed. She said she didn't know of any. However, we know that infrared sauna can help raise body temperature very well so the lifecycle of any virus can be compromised. Simple, cheap. We also use ultraviolet light in a direct treatment to help the body get rid of numerous pathogens, and at the same time support the body's natural immune responses. Call the clinic at 480-832-3014 for more information. Have a beautiful, healthy day!


Please remember to come in for your immune IV! Help enhance your immune system through direct intravenous vitamins and minerals. Mention this and receive a 10% discount. New patients can receive discounted first visit with the IV. We are here to help you with your health battle. However, if you have symptoms, or have been exposed to suspiciously ill people, in order to protect others, please consider the guidelines to stay home. Dr. Wick can do phone consults for healthy guidelines on boosting your immune function and antiviral nutrients. Stay healthy and happy! :)


Dr. Wick can do phone or FaceTime or Whatsapp appointments. Call 480-832-3014 to set that up.


Afraid of viruses? Call for an appointment and let us help you boost your own immune system! Call 480-832-3014 and set up your appointment. Have a beautiful day!


As we age, which we all do, we often need to take extra steps to help boost our immune function. The basic steps for everyone include:
Eat right, drink right, think right, sleep right, p**p right, breathe right, and move right!
Although some disagree on specifics of what those entail, and definitions are a whole blog in itself, a huge immune hack is the sugar demon! If you want to stay healthier, do not eat refined sugar. That is well-known as a basic truth. It's a proven fact that eating those delicious sweets drops your natural killer cells that fight disease, no arguments.
Interesting trivia that, during the Black Plague epidemic in London, a doctor noted and documented, that those who ate that fairly new, white, sweet sugar, got very sick and died of the plague. Whereas those who didn't eat it, didn't seem to even get sick, or they didn't get it as bad.
Think clearly and rationally before you eat, and before you give something sweet to your children. Is that brief period of indulging worth it? Think about it.
Have a beautiful, happy day!


Afraid of the coronavirus? Or any virus? Don't be! Use common sense, immune-boosting lifestyle practices to boost your own immune system, so even if you get sick, your system will fight it well and you will be stronger for it.
You can also come into our clinic for an amazing, immune-boosting, anti-viral intravenous vitamin C treatment. Where you can get anywhere from 10 to 50 grams of vitamin C directly into your body, or other naturopathic remedies to help support your body and fight disease. Have a beautiful day!


Good morning! If you have time this evening, come on by our clinic for a free discussion/presentation on intermittent fasting for health or weight loss, and certain nutrients which help increase your success in both areas. It will be an enjoyable and informative evening! Call 480-832-3014 for details.

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1840 E. University Drive Ste 4
Mesa, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 1pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 1pm
Thursday 8am - 1pm
Friday 8am - 1pm

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