Behavioral Health Counseling & Consulting

Provides counseling, coaching and consulting to services to individuals and families.

As therapists, our goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While we cannot change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges that may be holding you back from living a meaningful life today. Our group is comprised of both Licensed and Pre-Licensed Professionals who treat a wide variety of beh


Yesterday I thought I posted the blog for this week but recognize that it was actually one of them marketing emails, so I am dropping the Read for this week. Please check it out! you can also subscribe to receive them in your inbox.



Dear Sharon,
As we find ourselves halfway through the year, it's incredible how time seems to fly by. It's also a time for reflection, self-evaluation, and redefining our goals. I wanted to take a moment to share my own journey and the lessons I've learned along the way.

Like many of us, I initially felt a sense of disappointment and doubt when I realized I hadn't accomplished all the milestones I had set for myself. However, in that moment of uncertainty, I decided to pause and appreciate the progress I have made so far.

Despite not reaching all my intended goals, I have grown in various aspects of my life. I have acquired new skills, gained valuable experiences, and overcome obstacles that I once believed were insurmountable. Life has a way of presenting unforeseen challenges and detours, but it's how we navigate through them that truly defines our success.

One area I have mastered is taking control of my time and no longer trading it solely for money. Recognizing the importance of collapsing time, I now approach tasks with a different intention, focus, and pace. This shift in mindset has brought about immense personal and professional growth.

Now, I want to introduce you to my one-on-one coaching program, which has helped others tremendously on their journey. The “Ignite the Light” program is not just a tool but a mindset for growth. It helps you collapse time and move forward with laser focus and intention.

Imagine being able to overcome obstacles and challenges with ease while still staying on track toward your goals. With my one-on-one coaching, you can do just that. You will be provided with the tools and guidance to embrace unexpected circumstances as growth opportunities, helping you navigate toward your goals.

By adopting this mindset, you can celebrate your progress, even if you haven't reached all your intended goals. You'll have the power to adjust your plans accordingly and continue moving forward with confidence and clarity.

Don't let disappointment hold you back. Take control of your journey and embrace the unexpected with my one-on-one coaching program, “Ignite the Light.” It's time to redefine your goals and unleash your full potential.

To get started, simply click the button below and experience the power of coaching and support you need for yourself. Remember, success is not just about reaching the finish line but about the growth and progress you make along the way.


Happy 4th of July!!

Click link below 👇🏻to read blog.

Ignite the Light Within - Sharon Heno Coaching 06/20/2024

Are you tired of feeling invisible? Do you ever question the value of your message? It's a struggle many of us face, but let me assure you, my friend, your voice is important. Your thoughts, ideas, and experiences are unique and valuable.

You may doubt yourself, but there are people out there who need to hear what you have to say. They may be facing the same fears and insecurities. Your words could be the encouragement they need, the inspiration that ignites a change in their lives.

🔥Take advantage of this special June offer!🔥

I know what it feels like to be held back by imposter syndrome. I too hesitated to share my story as the "Comeback Kid," overcoming the trials and tribulations of my life. But when my calling became too strong to ignore, I couldn't stay silent any longer.

Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back. Embrace your authenticity and speak your truth. Trust that there are ears willing to listen, hearts open to receive. You never know whose life you might touch, whose perspective you might shift, or whose journey you might impact.

We are more than what we do. Our purpose evolves and changes over time, but one thing remains constant: our calling to share and support our stories to uplift others.

Whether you speak to a small audience or the masses, your voice deserves to be heard. Believe in yourself and the power of your words. You have something unique and valuable to offer the world. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise.

Each of us possesses unique gifts and talents. I would be honored to help you discover and learn how to share yours.

In just 90 days, you can:
👉 Identify and Pursue Your Dreams
👉 Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Fears
👉 Renew Your Mind for Success
👉 Discover and Monetize Your Talents
👉 And so much more!

Not sure? Follow this link to schedule a discovery call.

Don't let your voice go unheard. Take the leap and make a lasting impact.

I look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

Ignite the Light Within - Sharon Heno Coaching Ignite the Light Within, Creating a Life of Purpose and Passion Discovering your next breakthrough career move! Do you feel like no matter how strong of a front you display on the surface, behind it all, you constantly feel lost, burnt out, overwhelmed, and bored with life? Do you worry that you are...


We are now counting down the final 10 days of the presales campaign for the captivating book, "God Made Me Sassy," before it heads off to the printing press. Once again, I humbly ask for your assistance in spreading the word among your cherished family and friends, and perhaps even considering the possibility of becoming a sponsor. Your support plays a crucial role in alleviating the financial burdens that come with being an independent writer.

I am grateful to share that the publishing house has graciously covered the bulk of the publishing fee, lightening my load substantially. However, as an indie writer, there are still various expenses tied to this campaign that rest squarely on my shoulders.

Rest assured that every contribution made to this campaign will go directly towards the publication of the book. And, should there be any surplus funds remaining, I am humbled to pledge that they will be wholeheartedly donated to charitable causes close to my heart. I firmly believe that God has called me to share my personal journey, and I have poured my soul into these pages with the intention of motivating and inspiring others who may be walking a similar path. It is my mission to keep the flame of hope ablaze in the hearts of others.

Your unwavering support throughout this journey has meant the world to me. Together, let us continue to make a positive impact and touch countless lives. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for standing by me and believing in the power of storytelling.

I you would like to discuss sponsorship or a donation please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected]

Thank you again


🔥 Stop living in defense mode and start driving offensively! 🔥

In a recent conversation with a friend, she shared how she constantly does everything for her children out of love, to protect them from experiencing the pain and hardship she went through. I pointed out that she was operating from a place of fear. She agreed asking isn’t that driving force in our actions to prevent pain.

I agreed to a degree, but then I presented the flipside, what would it be like to operate from a place of strength and confidence? How can I support and nurture others? What doors can I open for myself and those around me?

It's time to stop playing defense and start moving forward in offense. It time to seek opportunities for growth, open doors to new experiences, and eliminate fear. This shift will build hope and drive you towards your desires.

Its time to embrace the offensive mindset and create a better future for yourself and those you care about. 💪🚀

Ready to see how click link below👇🏻


Never Give Up
The words “never give in or give up” hold tremendous power in the face of adversity.

They serve as a constant reminder of the importance of perseverance and resilience.

These words encourage us to push through difficult times and keep moving forward, even when it feels easier to quit.

Life is full of challenges and setbacks. It is during these moments of struggle that our true strength and character are put to the test.

It is natural to feel discouraged and tempted to give up when faced with adversity. However, it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to grow and learn.
By persevering through challenges, we develop resilience and become stronger individuals.
As the “Comeback Kid,” I possess a unique perspective on life and the challenges it presents.
It hasn’t always been this way.

There were dark days and moments of despair. But as I have shifted my mindset and changed the way I view the world, I aspire to be a true inspiration.

I have mastered the art of rising above adversity and emerging stronger.

I look to God and the inner strength within me to overcome.

When feeling low, I start with gratitude, surround myself with positive words, and find beauty in my surroundings to shift my perspective and live beyond my circumstances.

Want to read more follow the link below to my blog

Ignite the Light Within - Sharon Heno Coaching 05/20/2024

🌟 Embracing a Life of Abundance 🌟

In the past, I often felt that achieving a grand life was out of reach whenever I dared to dream of fame and fortune. My aspirations were dismissed without much consideration, leaving me to believe that love and success were reserved for those who fit a certain mold. It seemed as though I wasn't deserving of these blessings, and this scarcity mindset held me back from experiencing abundance in various aspects of my life.

But today, I stand firm in the belief that I am deserving of the extraordinary life I envision. Pursuing this life will not only bring personal fulfillment, but also enable me to make a significant impact on the world, particularly in the realm of mental wellness. I am determined to contribute more than ever before, not just for myself and my family, but for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

Despite facing years of rejection, setbacks, and disappointments, I have earned the title of the "comeback kid." Little did I know at the time, these challenges were part of a divine plan orchestrated by God. They were meant to shape me into an individual who could stand up, speak out, and serve others in ways that far surpass my previous self-centered pursuits. My journey towards personal growth and prosperity is fueled by a genuine desire to help others and a steadfast belief in the value of my work and teachings.

What sets me apart is not just years of clinical training, but also the simple yet profound skills that have not been confined to the exclusive domain of such training. Furthermore, my extensive study of human behavior for over two decades has allowed me to integrate the realms of science and spirituality. This union has given birth to a deep understanding of human nature and the potential for personal transformation.

Join me on this journey of embracing abundance and making a difference. Together, let's break free from limiting beliefs and create a life that surpasses our wildest dreams. The world is waiting for us to rise and shine. 🌟✨

Ignite the Light Within - Sharon Heno Coaching Ignite the Light Within, Creating a Life of Purpose and Passion Do you feel like no matter how strong of a front you display on the surface, behind it all, you constantly feel lost, overwhelmed, and worried that you aren’t living up to your fullest potential? I spent most of my life trying to live...


#1 in its catagory if you haven’t reserved your copy please do so it’s so close🙌🏻


With each passing day I am one step closer to my goal of 300 books sold!

Many have helped me get here... thank you for your support.

With mother's day just passing I though I would share from my book the day Ele' arrived.

“At thirty-two years old, the real journey to me began. As I held Elé, I knew and felt love. Suddenly, everything I was chasing for myself washed away. My greatest desires washed away, and I felt peace. I had everything I needed in that moment, and as I watched her, I was able to provide everything she needed. She was born with a calmness to her and with wisdom beyond her years. I saw God's plan so clearly. He has a plan for each individual who is created; there are no mistakes, no accidents! Was I meant to be a single mom? Probably not. However, God knew I needed something far greater to move me forward in my life.
He wanted to set me on a new course for my life. Through this divine intervention, He ignited the light within. For the first time, I saw my worth and wanted to make sure she grew to know hers. The road ahead would not be easy, but He had called me to be the mother to her, and I was fully committed. I was ALL IN!!!
I had no question that I would be an amazing mom. Everything else would be secondary. I didn’t worry about how I would raise her, pay for her, or have concerns about anything in regard to her care. I was able to live in the present, embracing the moment just like I did in those days when I was recovering from my stroke. In return, she immediately began teaching me. The doctor had arranged for a lactating nurse to teach me the basics, hoping for a successful venture in breastfeeding. We didn’t need any instruction. As I held her close, she nuzzled into my breast and latched on. I was very successful in nursing her, and my supply overflowed. I would never have to purchase any formula during that phase of her life. God just doesn't provide, He provides abundantly.

There was a moment of quiet between the crew that brought her into this world and guests would begin to arrive. I had a moment alone with my girl. As I held Elé during those first moments in the hospital, I spoke life of a different future over her. I said that she would go far beyond the state lines of Louisiana. That she would go to school for college or something outside of local universities. I did not know what or where her future would lead her, but I knew beyond a doubt that her path would be different from the course I had taken. I truly believe I heard God’s voice as I spoke those words. I felt in those moments what I believe a husband and wife feel as they hold their new child hoping for their future. God is her heavenly father and was providing hope for her future."

God Made Me Sassy.

Be ready to be encouraged, empowered, and inspired like never before.

I am leaving the direct link for checkout, please share with your family and friends. I am looking for readers and sponsors alike. If you have any questions you can reach out directly to me


Please check out my blog below:

I know the going gets tough.

Boy do I know it ...I lived it!

Felling like no matter what I tried nothing worked.

It was when I began making small consistent shifts in my thinking that made dramatic impacts in my life.

I hope you enjoy the read!

If you do pleas like share and follow me on social
to receive in inbox subscribe @ (as promised one or two a week not spammy😉


Girl Scout Cookies !

Hello my friends ,
Yes it is that time again, I remember those days as a Sunflower Girl in Dallas and then years later , as a mother of a Daisy Scout in New Orleans. When the season began the race was on. All of these young girls rushing to secure pre-sales of the coveted cookies. I can almost taste them favorites were the Thin Mints and the Dos-si-dos. I recall my daughter Ele' often winning the coveted prizes for the top sales. I cannot take credit for her success in this, she was motivated by money and her grandmother could sell ice to an eskimo! Sales for me are a little different and during my season we were living in a state far away from my mothers network. More of that story is told in my book God Made Me Sassy.
So here I am in the middle of the cookie season. No I am not selling girl scout cookies, however similar to that challenge I am in pre-sales of my book with hopes of bringing it to print. What does that mean will she ever be in print? The answer is yes! Just like those girl scout cookies were baked my book will go to print. My hope is for this to happen sooner than later.
Studies show first time authors can take a year to sell and publish their books others like myself take on the challenge of doing this more quickly. Like those little girls selling their cookies I am going for my goal. My goal is I to have the 300 books preordered before the end of June. So many of you have supported me and I am asking you to support me further. I am asking for you to share my book with family and friends, consider my book for your book clubs and workshops or consider a sponsorship of the book.
Sponsorships receive a block of books, recognition in the book and a discounted speaking appearance by me at your event,
I am truly excited and passionate about this story as it is a memoir that illustrates it is never too late and there is always hope. For someone looking for inspiration, motivation and direction this is a must read!
If you want to learn more about me , please follow me on social or check out my website. the links are below.
Thank You so much for your support.


My writing journey continues with my blog on my website. to read the most recent check out the link below:

You can also read more of my journey in my book God Made Me Sassy...
Please consider purchasing during the pre sales.

My journey , from light too dark and back into the light will inspire and plant the seed of Hope in all who read.


Its funny what you see, when you begin to look at old photos. Rather what I often see is what is missing. As the second child yet only girl, I have always wondered why so few pictures of me in those early months. My brother on the other hand had volumes of books filled with phots capturing his every moment.

hold on... this is not a pity party rather humorous.
anyway more on that to come later. I did show up eventually and he would have to share the lens.

I did want to share a piece that will take you back in time to the day I arrived!

"“Keeping up with the energy of the times, I entered the world in a very chaotic way. No matter how you do the math I would have been born during this year, just not at the original ETA. I decided to show up three months prior to my projected birth date. Looking at pictures, I was definitely a baby that only a mother could see as beautiful. That little blob of energy was not fully formed. Probably why when my dad saw me he stated, “Now you have one of each, we are done.” I would also come to learn, years later, of another scientific creation that I would be eternally grateful. In 1969 medical science was making some strides with the incubator for premature babies. Fortunately one of these machines would be available in the hospital where my mother gave birth to me. I would spend the next three months developing and making the most of the newest technology. Maybe this is why I am drawn to the newest gadgets and devices?

I had believed that my early entry into the world was part of my impatient and anxious personality. I never wanted to miss out on something and was always in a rush to get somewhere. It wasn’t until years later at a family gathering that the true story behind my arrival would be revealed. “

God Made Me Sassy... Then He … by Sharon Heno 03/21/2024

Throughout my life I have been called the Comeback Kid… and yes I have made a comeback several times.

Yet this name points to a life of struggle, and much of it was.

What I was taught was that life had to be a struggle, love and acceptance are conditional and well some of us just have to accept the status quo!

In my book God Made Me Sassy…then He taught Me Grace, I share an unfiltered memoir of my life. Not to blame but to show what can be done when you rewrite your internal dialogue and find your truth.

I use my battles with health issues, abusive relationships, drugs, s*x, rock and roll and anything else I overcame to do one thing. To show there is another way and there is hope.

My story is an adventure that will bring laughter, tears and will be down right scary at times, yet throughout my story there is light and the light that leads to the truth.

I hope you will check it out and purchase your copy now.


God Made Me Sassy... Then He … by Sharon Heno This is a three-volume motivational story of transformation and triumph. Each volume represents a specific phase of my life with its challenges, obstacles, and my journey to overcome. Weaving together my past experiences with my faith and clinical skills, I wrote this to inspire, motivate, and equip...

Sharon Heno Coaching 03/13/2024

I’m Not a Stepford Wife!

I’m not reinventing myself…

I was never invented.

I was created and cultivated by my creator.

He continues to mold and shape me for the next assignment in my life.

I have to release the old… to allow Him to make new.

If I stay rigid and stuck in my ways I will crack or break missing opportunities❤️

Release to renew and receive, be fluid, accepting to where He is leading.

Always cultivating and creating over inventing!

What are you wanting to create & cultivate?

Subscribe to my email @

Also, check out my book in presales:

God Made Me Sassy

my story of being broken to becoming an unapologetic testimony of hope & resilience❤️

Sharon Heno Coaching Empowering you to step into the best version of yourself. To become the person you were created to be.


As I sit at my desk looking out over Lexington Avenue, the same space where I sat and wrote my book I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude over the number of books sold on day 1 of the pre-sale campaign.

In my past I was never good at asking for help or support, something with God's grace I have overcome.

I was taught don't bore people with what you do, don’t talk about it and definitely don’t sell!

I had to rewrite my own internal dialogue about sharing.

This is what the book is about.

God Made Me Sassy is my journey from broken to becoming an unapologetic testimony of hope and resilience. It is a motivational story of transformation and triumph. Taking you through different phases of my life with its challenges, obstacles, and my journey to overcome. Weaving together my past experiences with my faith and clinical skills, I wrote this to inspire, motivate, and equip readers with practical strategies they can apply in their own life

So keep on sharing!

Get your copy early with bonuses (and surprises) to help me reach that presale number!
You can purchase @ link below:

*comment below a charity you would like to see percentage of proceeds to go to
Thank you for your support on this journey.

God Made Me Sassy... Then He … by Sharon Heno 03/10/2024

Here it is!!!
Pre sales for my book God Made Me Sassy …then He Taught Me Grace is open.

What does this mean? As an indie writer the publishing house wants to see the interest in the book. After 240 books sold( not a big number) they take over ,publication, promotion and marketing.

The Publishing house only accepts 200 manuscripts annually in a certain number in a category. I am honor to say mine is one of those for 2024 in the motivational sector.

God has been with me and directed my steps. For my first published book there is no stopping

I am asking for support in this initial phase. You can view the campaign and special offerings in the link below.

I appreciate your prayers , your confidence and support in me.

God Made Me Sassy... Then He … by Sharon Heno This is a three-volume motivational story of transformation and triumph. Each volume represents a specific phase of my life with its challenges, obstacles, and my journey to overcome. Weaving together my past experiences with my faith and clinical skills, I wrote this to inspire, motivate, and equip...


I Want to gove a shout out to all recent graduates.

What a great way to start 2024 and barking on the next chapter of your life.

I have an offer for recent graduates from counseling programs, seeking licensure…

We are looking for 2-3 Motivated Provisionally Licensed Therapists who are looking for the opportunity to get paid while completing your Licensure Hours.

Offer Includes:

$30-$35 per session with completed notes
2 Week Paid On-Boarding and Training ($500/week)
Opportunity to gain first hand experience of private practice
Learn how to grow and nurture an on-going case load
Support for Licensure after 90-Days

Behavbehavioral health COCOUNSELING, & consulting
Next Steps: Submit Resume To-
[email protected]


So honored to be a part of this. What an amazing group of women to work along with. I feel so supported in both my group practice and my private coaching program. Thank you to all you amazing ladies out there who encourage me lifted me up as I stepped out on the venture of Prosperity Re-Imagined!!

Get to know Sharon Heno, an accomplished mental health counselor and coach, owner of Behavioral Health Counseling & Consulting, and another of our incredible Women IN Business! Learn more about her below!


For all that you did, for all we could not do, thank you.


Working through stress awareness month. Pick 2 ideas to help relieve stress. Need help Our team at Behavioral Health Counseling is here for you.


Today is national stress Awareness day. What do you do to relieve your stress? This is one of our favorite stress relievers , a walk in the park and Sawyer the therapy dog chasing squirrels!!

Timeline photos 10/27/2021

It can be frightening if someone you love talks about suicidal thoughts.

Mental illness left untreated can lead to severe consequences such as su***de. Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Borderline Personality DIsorder are the Mental Illnesses commonly associated with su***de.

Some warning signs of someone having suicidal thoughts are:
-Talking about wanting to die or kill oneself
-Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose
-Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain
-Talking about being a burden to others

If you are concerned about someone in your life, our team of experienced counselors is ready to help. Schedule an appointment today,

***deawarness ***deprevention

Timeline photos 10/25/2021

Living with anxiety can be challenging, but you are not alone.

It's hard to put in words just how overwhelming anxiety feels. People with anxiety have this feeling as if others are judging them. People around you do not understand how it feels to not be in control of your mental and physical responses.

When you're feeling alone or hopeless, talk to us. Just click here,

Photos from Behavioral Health Counseling & Consulting's post 10/22/2021

In 2019, su***de was the second leading cause of death among high school youths aged 14-18 years after unintentional injuries.

Teen years are stressful times. They are filled with significant changes in their body, thoughts, and feelings. Strong feelings of stress, confusion, fear, and doubt can affect a teen's problem-solving and decision-making.

Normal Development changes can be very unsettling when combined with other events, such as:
Changes within their family (e.g., divorce of parents, sibling moving out, or moving to a new place.)
Changes in their friendships
Problems in school (e.g., Bullying)

If you are concerned about su***de or knows someone having suicidal thoughts, talk to us. We are here to help!

***deawarness ***deprevention

Photos from Behavioral Health Counseling & Consulting's post 10/20/2021

When was the last time someone asked you how you are doing?

You are balancing work, family, hurricanes, and life in general. Sometimes it seems like too much to handle. We don't say we understand because we are therapists, it because we've been where you are right now. We got out and we can get you out.

Our approach to therapy is holistic and built around you. Schedule an appointment today to begin your journey to better mental health,

***deawarness ***deprevention

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Metairie?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Today is national stress Awareness day. What do you do to relieve your stress? This is one of our favorite stress reliev...
October 5
September 15
Sharon_College (1)
Sharon Heno | Speak for Yourself | Simone Biles


3216 N Turnbull Drive Suite A
Metairie, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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