The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts

Training artists in the realist traditions of French academic drawing and American Impressionism.

The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts focuses primarily on teaching fine draftsmanship and painting skills leading to the creation of well constructed artwork. The Atelier has passed on from teacher to student, a method of instruction which melds formal academic training with influence of the French Impressionists. American art students in the late nineteenth-century European art academies broug

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 08/16/2024

Full-time students at The Atelier begin their first year with a primary focus on cast drawing and painting. Working only with black and white values from a cast allows students to render accurate proportion and value relationships. Our Basic Drawing and Painting course is also open to part-time students who wish to be introduced to the fundamentals of charcoal, oil techniques in grisaille, paint handing, and modeling form. Understanding value relationships is a crucial skill for any area of realism and all levels of artists are welcome to study here.

Explore our course catalog or programs here:


Still Lifes: Efficient & Effective, with Jairid Rossow
8 sessions over 4 weekends: Sat.–Sun., Sep. 28–29, Oct. 5–6, 12–13, & 19–20, 2024

This workshop will focus on the essence of creating a well crafted and impactful image with speed and effectiveness. With a still-life composition you will learn about eye-flow, design, movement, and creating a compelling image. Quickly you will begin drawing, deciding what is needed and what can be added/subtracted. Painting will begin the third session. We will discuss holding the big picture, creating interesting marks, and tools/techniques to orchestrate the viewer's eye. This workshop is intended to work fast, find plausible conclusions, and create realistic illusions. The last two sessions will be from memory and knowledge of values, edges, color, etc. This will force you to ask the right questions and communicate with the work rather than the subject. We will work on authenticating the illusion and listening to the work. We are not solving mathematics, we are creating.

Image: "Little Blue Chair" by Jairid Rossow


If you want to hone your still life skills, we offer a variety of courses and workshops throughout the year. Plan your Fall art class schedule now and take advantage of our Color Study course taught by Cassandra Ronning. This class will be focused on one-day oil studies of still lifes in color. The student will begin each class with a quick 20-minute sketch of the still life in paint. The remainder of the day will be focused on color mixing, application, and manipulation of paint on the canvas using brushes or palette knives.

Class starts Monday, Sep 23rd from 4:00 - 6:30 pm and runs for 14 weeks. Register for fall classes here:

Featured painting by instructor and assistant director, Laura Tundel.


Fall Class & Workshop Registration is Open

--Fall Workshops--
Still Lifes: Efficient and Effective, Sep. 28–Oct. 20
Fall Color Day, Oct. 12
Basic Drawing Workshop, Oct. 14–18
Life Drawing Workshop, Oct. 14–18
DIY Framing for Artists, Oct. 19
Artificial Lighting for Painting, Oct. 25–26
Composition for Visual Impact, Nov. 15–17

--Fall Classes (starting end of September)--
Drawing & Painting for Young Beginners
Life Drawing and Painting
Color Study
NEW: Figure Fundamentals
Basic Drawing and Painting
Gestural Figure Study
Alla-Prima Figure Study
Color I: Exploring Color
Imaginative Art and Illustration
Charles Bargue Drawing Course
L'Écorché (The Flayed)
Alla-Prima Portraits


Behind the scenes of instructor, James Shoop, sculpting the demo figure for his Sculpting from Life class. In this 8-week course, students worked from a single pose to construct a figure on a 30-inch armature from clay. Students can rely on the sight-size or comparative method of measurement while building the model's correct proportions and anatomy.

If you're interested in learning more about bringing the figure to life, whether by 2D or 3D means, join our email list to get updates on class offerings or explore our class catalog now:


We've lost count of how many works of art hang on our walls. As a student of the arts, being able to stand close to a fully rendered painting or drawing to inspect how the charcoal sits in the textures of the paper or how the pencil markings are arranged to capture the value shifts on each plane of the form depicted is an invaluable privilege. These works are just a taste of what hangs in our main classroom.


Pace and Priority: Mastering the Quick Pose with Stephen Bush
August 19–23, 2024

In this workshop, students will work short figure poses to master the quick figure study. Students will learn the value of decision making and how to prioritize those decisions. Working the quick pose will create the opportunity for students to make fast decisions, which will better prepare the student to make intelligent decisions when faced with a longer pose.

Dates: Mon.–Fri., Aug. 19–23
Length: 5 days
Time: 9:00am–4:00pm

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 07/22/2024

Replicating the work of master artists is an essential part of an atelier student's training. "The practice of copying is time-honored; and if the great masters such as Rubens, Rembrandt, Ingres and Degas devoted their talents to copying even in their most mature years, it behooves the serious student to do likewise," -Our founder, Richard Lack

In our 10-week Introduction to Charles Bargue Drawing Course, students focus on recreating the lithographic "plates", or prints, created by Charles Bargue in the mid 1800s from his own studies of work by Michelangelo, Pierre Puget and other masters. Published in 1868, this coursework has served generations of artists. In our course, Introduction to Charles Bargue Drawing, students will complete a single drawing reproduction from straight line block-in to the end stages of subtle finishing. This course is appropriate for all skill levels.

Tap here to view our full course catalog:


Summers in Minnesota are precious to the plein air painter and nature cooperated fully for our two-day Landscape Painting Workshop taught by Bridget Ertelt in early June. If you missed this workshop, we have two similar outdoor experiences currently open for registration.

Upcoming Workshops:
Painting the Outdoor Still Life on August 10th, 10am-5pm
Fall Color Day on October 12th, 9am-5pm

Explore our plein air courses here:


Painting the Outdoor Still Life with Bridget Ertelt
August 10–11, 2024
When we hear people talk about plein-air painting, we often think of landscapes. However, painting the outdoor still life is an excellent way to study light and color. Students can learn a lot from this type of study as it is easier to see how light and color shifts occur on simple objects than on the more complicated forms in the landscape. The class focus will be on color, light effect, and value.

Length: 2 days
Time: 10:00am–5:00pm

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 07/15/2024

Part-time or full-time students? All are welcome at The Atelier! If you are a student or working professional looking to hone your art skills, we offer a variety of courses through the week that can fit most schedules. Our evening and weekend classes are perfect if you have a busy 9 to 5 job. In our part-time courses, you are getting the same instruction and opportunity for critiques as our full-time students get, just at your own pace.

Now, for those of you looking to jump headfirst into classical realism, our full-time program may be perfect for you. Our full-time students commit to the 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-through-Friday schedule. The morning hours are devoted to drawing and painting from live models. The afternoon curriculum is tailored for each student according to their level of proficiency. Generally, our full-time student program follows this outline:

First year: Cast drawing and painting
Second year: Still-life painting
Third year: Portraiture and still-life painting
Fourth year: Portraiture and interior
Optional fifth year: Interior and imaginative painting

Explore what we have to offer here:

(Photos taken during 3-minute warm up poses in Gestural Figure Drawing)


"The transmission of knowledge and skills from generation to generation is the process through which professions remain alive and vigorous. This remains as true for physics as it does for painting." - written by our founder, Richard Lack.

An atelier teaching model is dependent upon the teachers being masters at their craft. These two portraits hanging at the entrance of The Atelier were created by our assistant director and instructor, Laura Tundel. Her experience and skillset enriches each class she teaches. If you're interested in studying portraiture, don't hesitate to check out our course catalog. We offer options for part-time and full-time study.


Imaginative Art & Illustration Workshop with Christine Mitzuk
July 22–26, 2024

Let your imagination fly! Get a taste of illustration during this week long workshop. We’ll work to develop a strong drawing for an imaginative piece based upon an existing story or your own idea. Topics covered will include composition, brainstorming, thumbnails, research, sketch development, and studies for value and color. Emphasis will be placed on composition, and storytelling.

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 06/19/2024

Digital Tools for Art Making with Christine Mitzuk
June 28-30, 2024

If you'd like to learn more about the convenience and possibilities of digital tools like Photoshop, then this workshop is for you. Christine will teach you some of the essential digital skills she uses for her digital and traditional art making. Learn about different color modes for making art for print or on screen, “frankensteining” your reference, using a pencil drawing as a base for a digital painting, altering your sketch digitally to explore composition and value design, and drawing and painting digitally. We will not be using any AI/ML image generation tools. You will also be given suggestions to continue to practice on your own.

Christine has been using Photoshop since the mid 90s, first as a student at the U of MN, then through her graphic design career, and painting digitally for over a decade. She continues to use it as a professional artist and illustrator as part of her traditional painting process and for digital paintings.

Images: Green Conjurer by Christine Mitzuk


Week-Long Workshops = Full-Time Program Experience
July 15–19, 2024

These workshops give part-time students a taste of the intensity and momentum offered in the full-time program. It has been a successful way for potential full-time students to experience the instruction given by The Atelier teaching staff.

Basic Drawing Workshop
Students begin by drawing a plaster cast or still life in charcoal, developing their ability to render accurate proportions and value relationships. As students progress, they are introduced to the fundamentals of oil and/or pastel techniques, composition and color.

Life Drawing Workshop
Life drawing is at the core of any serious program of fine arts. In the class, students draw from the figure in pencil. Each drawing is created over a period of several sessions, developing the student's eye for accurate proportions, gesture and anatomy.

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 06/10/2024

Full-Time Program: Apply now for 2024-25

The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts is a nonprofit studio school devoted to re-establishing the high standards of traditional craft in drawing and painting. We are looking for serious students who have as their goal the career of a professional painter.

Enrollment in the four-year, full-time apprentice program is limited to twenty students. Daily individualized instruction includes figure drawing/painting every morning and a dedicated private studio space for afternoon work.


The Expression of Idea in Landscape with Mary Pettis
June 14-16, 2024

Each day begins with a lecture and/or demo. Afternoons we paint outdoors. Register for the full workshop or first-day lecture only.

Drawing upon her classical, alla prima, and plein-air training, Mary Pettis' work stands on the cutting edge of the International Contemporary Realism movement. Mary has won awards in national and international painting events and exhibitions from New York City to Scottsdale and Maui to Barcelona. In 2017, Mary became the 9th American woman painter to receive the designation ARC Living Master™ (ARCLM™) by the Art Renewal Center. She is a Signature Member of the American Impressionist Society (AIS), the American Society of Marine Artists (ASMA), and the Oil Painters of America (OPA). She is a Board Member for the American Society of Marine Artists and a active juror for Art Renewal Center's ARC Salon.

Image: "Field Road and Meadowlarks" by Mary Pettis


Plein-Air Continuing Study with Bridget Ertelt

Wednesday, June 5, 12, and 19, 6:30pm–9:00pm

Prerequisite: Landscape Painting Workshop

This class will discuss the golden hour and sunsets, but the focus of class time will be an opportunity for students to practice plein-air painting with more instructor assistance at their easel. Bridget's Landscape Painting Workshop is a prerequisite to this course as it is important to have received a strong foundation of knowledge from which to work.

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 05/19/2024

Summer Session Classes Start This Week

We hope you had a chance to visit us for the annual Full-Time Student Show this past weekend. Now we are getting ready to start classes again for summer! Register now for these weekly classes.

Basic Drawing & Painting
Life Drawing & Painting
Gestural Figure Study
Imaginative Art & Illustration
Drawing & Painting for Young Beginners - Ages 9 & Up
Alla-Prima Portraits
Introduction to Charles Bargue Drawing Course
Sculpting From Life

Full-Time Student Show - The Atelier 05/17/2024

Student Show, Raffle, Art Sale - May 17-19, 2024

We have a full weekend of events during the 2024 Full-Time Student Show. In addition to celebrating student accomplishments, we will also be hosting:
Fundraising raffle: purchase tickets for a chance to win an original painting Mary Pettis.
Artists for The Atelier: Atelier instructor art show and fundraising sale.

--Full-Time Student Show--
Come see what our students have been working on this year!
Fri., May 17: 2pm–9pm
Sat., May 18: 12pm–8pm
Sun., May 19: 12pm–5pm

--Fundraising Raffle--
Win an original landscape painting by Mary Pettis. Winning ticket will be drawn Sun., May 19 at 3:00pm. Stop by The Atelier before or during the Student Show to purchase tickets from Atelier students or instructors. Cash or check only.

--Artists for The Atelier--
Atelier Instructor Art Show & Fundraising Sale
Enjoy and purchase prints, drawings, watercolors, oil paintings, and sculptures of figurative, still life, landscape and imaginative artwork created by artists and instructors of The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts. 30% of each sale goes towards supporting our educational programs.

Full-Time Student Show - The Atelier Details about The Atelier Full-Time Student Show.


Artists for The Atelier: Atelier Instructor Art Show & Fundraising Sale
May 17-19, 2024 -for-atelier

Enjoy and purchase prints, drawings, watercolors, oil paintings, and sculptures of figurative, still life, landscape and imaginative artwork created by artists and instructors of The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts. 30% of each sale goes towards supporting our educational programs.

Show Hours
Fri., May 17: 2pm–9pm
Sat., May 18: 12pm–8pm
Sun., May 19: 12pm–5pm

Image: Hand-Thrown Bowl and Nicaraguan Pot by Andy Sjodin


Fundraising Raffle
Win an original landscape painting by Mary Pettis.

$10 per ticket. Cash or check only.
Drawing Time: Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 3:00pm
Purchase tickets for a chance to win an original painting created by artist Mary Pettis. Drawing upon her classical, alla prima, and plein air training, Mary Pettis' work stands on the cutting edge of the International Contemporary Realism movement. Mary has won awards in national and international painting events and exhibitions from New York City to Scottsdale and Maui to Barcelona. Read more at:

You may stop by The Atelier before or during the Student Show to purchase tickets from Atelier students or instructors. Tickets may be purchased until the time of the drawing. Cash or check only.

The winning ticket will be drawn Sunday, May 19 at 3:00pm. You need not be present to win.

Your purchase helps fund the student show and projects that support our mission of furthering the education of artists in the Atelier tradition.

Student Show Hours
Fri., May 17: 2pm–9pm
Sat., May 18: 12pm–8pm
Sun., May 19: 12pm–5pm

Little Spring Waterfall by Mary Pettis
12 x 8 inches, oil on linen, plein air, 2023

Photos from The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts's post 05/08/2024

Student Show, Raffle, Art Sale - May 17-19, 2024
We have a full weekend of events during the 2024 Full-Time Student Show. In addition to celebrating student accomplishments, we will also be hosting:
Fundraising raffle: purchase tickets for a chance to win an original painting Mary Pettis.
Artists for The Atelier: Atelier instructor art show and fundraising sale.

--Full-Time Student Show--
Come see what our students have been working on this year!
Fri., May 17: 2pm–9pm
Sat., May 18: 12pm–8pm
Sun., May 19: 12pm–5pm

--Fundraising Raffle--
Win an original landscape painting by Mary Pettis. Winning ticket will be drawn Sun., May 19 at 3:00pm. Stop by The Atelier before or during the Student Show to purchase tickets from Atelier students or instructors. Cash or check only.

--Artists for The Atelier--
Atelier Instructor Art Show & Fundraising Sale
Enjoy and purchase prints, drawings, watercolors, oil paintings, and sculptures of figurative, still life, landscape and imaginative artwork created by artists and instructors of The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts. 30% of each sale goes towards supporting our educational programs.


Summer Session Registration is Now Open

--Summer Workshops--
Landscape Painting Workshop, June 1-2
Plein-Air Continuing Study, June 5, 12 & 19
The Expression of Idea in Landscape, June 14-16
Digital Tools for Art Making, June 28-30
Basic Drawing Workshop, July 15-19
Life Drawing Workshop, July 15-19
Imaginative Art & Illustration Workshop, July 22-26
Painting the Outdoor Still Life, August 10-11

--Summer Classes (starting end of May)--
Basic Drawing and Painting
Life Drawing and Painting
Gestural Figure Study
Imaginative Art and Illustration
Alla-Prima Portraits
Charles Bargue Drawing Course
Drawing for Young Beginners
NEW: Sculpting from Life

Image: Easter Composition by Christine Mitzuk


Developing the Outdoor Figurative Composition with Andy Sjodin
Saturday–Sunday, April 27–28 & May 4–5, 2024

This workshop will be a process and preliminary work focused class that will take place over the course of two weekends. The objective of the workshop will be the creation of preliminary work needed to execute a finished outdoor composition involving a clothed figure. Two Saturday afternoons will be spent out “in the field” working from a live model to create sketches, develop color studies, and gather reference images (photographs). Two Sunday afternoons will be spent working in-studio from the created reference materials to develop a well thought out, smaller scale, full-color composition. The goal by the end of the workshop will be for students to have on-hand the necessary preliminary work and knowledge to create a finished outdoor figurative composition back in their own studios.


DIY Framing for Artists by Joy Wolfe of Fine Art Advocates
Saturday, April 6, 2024, 10:00am–2:00pm

Joy's lecture and hands-on workshop will discuss how to present your art professionally on an artist's budget, designing an efficient workspace, and the basic tools of the trade needed to repurpose and craft beautiful one-of-a-kind frames.


Drawing & Painting for Young Beginners - starts Saturday, April 6

Ages 9 and up

Start your child drawing at The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Arts where they will learn methods for seeing and drawing with information our adult students learn! This program, specially designed for children, moves them through steps to learn how to draw realistically, starting with cartoon characters and progressing to more complex illustrations. This course can be continued just as our adult classes, with students working at their own pace to improve their skills. The use of markers, colored pencils, and paint will be introduced as well as working from a still life.

6 weeks.


Cast Drawing: Structure and Anatomy with Stephen Bush
March 22–24, 2024, 9:00am–4:00pm

In this workshop, students will build their understanding of how basic 3-dimensional shapes can be used to conceptualize human anatomy on a much deeper scope. Using casts, we will use large abstract shapes to break down anatomy to better understand, and thus represent, our subjects. Students will walk away from this workshop with a stronger knowledge of how to prioritize anatomical forms, and how to abstract these forms into simple 3-D shapes. As they say, mastery comes from mastering the basics.


Week-Long Workshops = Full-Time Program Experience
March 11–15, 2024

These workshops give part-time students a taste of the intensity and momentum offered in the full-time program. It has been a successful way for potential full-time students to experience the instruction given by The Atelier teaching staff.

Basic Drawing Workshop
Students begin by drawing a plaster cast or still life in charcoal, developing their ability to render accurate proportions and value relationships. As students progress, they are introduced to the fundamentals of oil and/or pastel techniques, composition and color.

Life Drawing Workshop
Life drawing is at the core of any serious program of fine arts. In the class, students draw from the figure in pencil. Each drawing is created over a period of several sessions, developing the student's eye for accurate proportions, gesture and anatomy.

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Videos (show all)

Still Life Painting by Laura Tundel
Finished Drawings in Main Classroom
Plein Air Workshop with Bridget Ertelt
Paintings by Laura Tundel
We hope you'll think of us on Give to the Max Day November 17, 2022. Early giving starts today. Your donation to The Ate...
2022 Atelier Graduates
Laura portrait demo
Work from Ceile Hartlieb's watercolor students.



1621 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 280
Minneapolis, MN

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