Restored Life Fellowship Church

New name and new logo but the mission remains the same. To preach the gospel and to serve and add va


A Faithful and Just God

One of the central aspects of the gospel message is that every human has fallen short of God’s moral standard. We have all sinned, or missed the mark of living rightly. We’ve all messed up, made mistakes, and acted in a way that goes against God’s way of living.

Sin separates us from being in a right relationship with God. But while we were separated from God, Jesus made a way for us to return back to God through His death and resurrection.

Now, we can be in a relationship with God again. But even though we’ve been forgiven for our sins, it doesn’t always feel that way. We frequently carry around the guilt and shame from our sinful actions even though we’ve been forgiven by Christ.

That’s why 1 John 1:9 is a great reminder: when we confess our sins to God, He is faithful to forgive us. Our forgiveness is not based on our own faithfulness— it’s based on God’s faithfulness. Since we know God is faithful and cannot lie, we can trust that He will forgive us and purify us from everything that keeps us from Him.

This means that we don’t need to live under the weight of our own guilt. We have truly been freed in Christ. Forgiveness should empower us to continue to live righteous and faithful lives with God.

Take a moment and thank God for forgiving your sins through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Thank Him that you are now a child of God, free from the guilt of the past. Ask Him to strengthen you as you walk in that truth.


Praying Honestly

Are you honest with God when you pray? Lots of people struggle with being completely honest with Him. Instead, they pick and choose the things they pray about. They hide certain sins and confess others that aren’t as embarrassing.

But Scripture says that we don’t need to clean up our life before we come to God. God is the one who created us, and He knows everything about us. So there is nothing that we can hide from Him. He already knows the innermost parts of our thoughts and desires.

The writer of Psalm 139 prays for God to search his heart and mind, and to bring up anything that he might be unaware of that is hiding beneath the surface. This is a prayer that we’re all invited to pray.

We cannot be healed from the things we try to hide. In order to experience the grace and mercy of God, we must bring everything to Him. When He searches us and brings things to mind, He’s inviting us to humbly confess them to Him.

This prayer in Psalm 139 is an open and honest plea for God to continue to purify and sanctify our hearts. God can handle the heaviest parts of us, and He is not surprised by what happens in our thoughts.
Honesty before God is the only way we can grow into the people He wants us to be. We cannot grow in our spiritual life by hiding secrets or guarding our thoughts from God.

So take a moment today to make Psalm 139 your prayer. Ask God to search your heart and see if there is anything hiding that you’re unaware of. When He brings something up, take it to Him and ask for forgiveness. Ask for the power of His Spirit to lead and guide you through this time.

God is faithful and merciful to continue to love us in spite of our shortcomings. He will continue to walk with you and lead you into eternal life with Him.


How to Live with Wisdom

The world is full of ways to grow in knowledge and become smarter. We can learn from schools, books, or other means. But more important than gaining knowledge is growing in wisdom. Wisdom increases when we apply ourselves well in relationships and circumstances, and make good decisions.

However, Scripture also says that true wisdom begins with God. While there are many people on earth who are wise, in God’s eyes real wisdom begins with our relationship with Him. God is perfect in truth and knowledge, so all wisdom must begin with Him.

Those who live with true wisdom will be a bright light for God in a dark world. How we act and speak matters. We are representatives for God to the rest of the world, so it is important that we act wisely.

One aspect of living wisely is being righteous. Righteousness is living in accordance with God’s law and ways of life. When we live according to God’s Word, we are living in accordance with His design for our life.

Jesus says that other people will know we are His disciples by the way we love others (John 13:35). That means that loving others is living according to God’s Word. And, by loving God and loving others, we will point other people to Jesus.

This is why Jesus says we are a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, and a light in the darkness (Matthew 5:14). Daniel 12:3 says that as we live wisely and righteously, we will shine bright like stars in the darkness.

The way we live, think, and act matters. Those are the primary ways that other people will see the love God has for them. So consider your own life. Think of ways you can live in accordance with God’s Word. Write down one or two ways you can shine the light of Jesus by loving others in tangible ways.


Hold Tight to God

The letter of Jude is a short letter that covers both warning and encouragement. Jude is writing to a group of believers, and he is warning believers that there are some ungodly people in their midst. Some of these people are teaching false doctrine and leading others astray.

Jude warns them to be confident that they are grounded in the truth of God so that they won’t be affected by those who seek to slander or divide them.

Part of his encouragement is to remember the words of Jesus (Jude 1:17). His readers need to continually remember what Jesus said as a way of remaining faithful to that message.

He also encourages them to remain faithful to the things they believed about their own faith, and to continue praying in the Spirit. Reading Scripture, praying in the Spirit, and remaining faithful to God are all critical elements of living a mature Christian life.

That’s why in Jude 1:21, he tells his readers to keep themselves in the love of God as they wait for the day when Jesus will return to make all things new. God’s love isn’t something we experience once—it’s something we continually encounter and participate in.

Jude’s words are relevant to anyone who believes in Jesus. We all need to be engaged in Scripture so that we have confidence in the truths that we believe. As we do that, we should regularly have conversations with God. The more often we do this, the more we are immersed in reminders of His great love.

Take a few moments to think of how you can deepen the time you spend with God. Write down a few steps that you can take to engage in your relationship with Him in new ways.


How to Fight Fear

Think back to a time when you were genuinely scared.

As much as we’d prefer to never experience fear, fear is a part of the human experience. But when we are afraid, we have options…

We can panic, stress, get overwhelmed with worry, overthink every worst-case scenario, and attempt to numb out the anxiety-inducing situations around us in unhealthy ways … or, we can echo David’s words:

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” ‭‭
Psalm‬ ‭56:3‬ ‭ESV

Something worth noting is that these words were penned after David had been captured by the Philistines. He was being harassed by his enemies and was scared for his life.

But David refused to settle for scared.
He resisted the urge to let fear have the final say. He decided to fight back with Truth…
…And so can we.

We never have to fight alone. God has given us something more powerful than ordinary weapons: He’s given us His Word, His Spirit, and His people. Even when we don’t have access to the perfect inspirational sermon or a timely word of encouragement, we can pause and remember the truth: that God fights for us, He’s with us, and He’ll never leave us.

When we shift our minds from our overwhelming fear to God’s overwhelming faithfulness, everything changes. So, today, if you’re scared, anxious, terrified, overwhelmed, or uncertain—speak this out loud:

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.


Confidence You Can Cling To

If a bully, twice your size, is picking on you, you have a reason to fear. But if you have a friend, twice the bully’s size, standing next to you, the bully has a reason to fear.

When you know that someone bigger, greater, and more powerful than your enemy has your back, confidence is the result.

Perhaps this is why the apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote a letter to the believers in Rome—reminding them of the truth:

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”
Romans 8:1-2 NLT

Because the Roman believers belonged to Jesus, they no longer had to live fearfully. God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him, and one day, He will make everything—including our dying bodies—brand new.

The truth about their identity emboldened Paul…

“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If the Creator and Sustainer of everything that exists has put Himself on our side, who can be against us? Who can even touch us? Who would even think about picking a fight that they ultimately could not win?

Someone might hurt our feelings or even our bodies, but they cannot touch our souls. They cannot come against the living God and succeed. They cannot turn against God’s chosen people without answering for their decisions. This means that whatever wrong has been done to us can be left in God’s reliable hands.

We can rely on God as our just Defender and our righteous Judge.

When we become His by trusting in Jesus as our Savior—by grace through faith—the strongest defense in the universe, God in His fullness (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), is forever on our side.


Profound Love

It's a word that beckons us to pause, behold, and admire the details that sometimes go unnoticed.
The writer John says, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" (1 John 3:1 NIV)

It sounds like a simple encouragement: fix your attention on the profound depths of God's love that surpasses all understanding!
And though this truth of God's love is simple, it's sometimes complex to truly grasp and behold. You might have scars of rejection from your past, trauma from those who were supposed to love you, or unreconciled relationships that make it so easy to forget that you are loved beyond measure by your Heavenly Father.

God's love reminds us that our brokenness doesn't define us—His unconditional love does. See, behold, and turn your affections toward this great love. Through the Father's lavish love, you are transformed, renewed, and brought into a relationship that eternally defines who you are.

God calls you His own—a child of God—not your past hurts or rejections. You are His, and you are loved beyond measure.

Pause today. Take intentional moments to see and behold. Reflect on how God's love for you has been made evident in your life through the years of joy and sorrow.


You are known and not alone

When we decide to follow Jesus, we’re given a new life in Christ. But what exactly does that mean?

Jesus came and died for everyone who ever lived — that’s us — and when we give our lives to Him and make the choice to follow Him, we get a new life in Him. We get adopted into His eternal family, with all the rights that go along with that.

When we say “yes” to Jesus, we are choosing to believe everything about Him is true. We’re agreeing that He lived a perfect life, died for us, and rose from the dead. When we believe this, we are adopted into God’s family as His children.

Being God’s children means we get unlimited, constant access to God’s presence, love, and authority. And the great news? No one can separate us from God.

We don’t receive new life as God’s children from our parents or earn it from our good deeds—it’s something God freely offers us. He alone has the authority to adopt us into His eternal family, and He promises to never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

At the moment of our adoption, our old identities no longer matter. Every unkind name we were given, every mistake we’ve made, every hurt we’ve experienced (or caused)—it’s all erased. Our identity, security, and future are now rooted in the God who loves us and died for us.

Take a few moments right now and reflect on that. If you belong to Jesus, you are not alone. You are known by the Creator of the universe who calls you His child, knows you by name, and loves you unconditionally.


An Eternal Status Change

Have you ever had a major status change? Maybe you graduated from school, became a parent, or got a promotion at work. It can be disorienting waking up the next morning and everything has changed.

We all go through an instant status change when we become Christians. God has the power to transform us into things that we could never be on our own. Scripture says that while we were once considered enemies with God, we are now considered children of God.

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."
John 1:12-13 NIV

In 1 Peter 2:9-10, we see a list of additional status changes. Peter says that we are a chosen people–that means that God specifically sought us out, even while we were still stuck in our own way.

Peter continues, saying that we are are a royal priesthood and a holy people. We have been transformed by God’s Spirit, and we are now part of God’s royal family. Instead of being held captive by our past, we are blameless and free in Him.

While we have to work hard to achieve a promotion or graduate from school, belonging to God’s family is free and available to anyone.

Our status before God is completely changed simply through faith and grace.

You can probably remember what your life was like before you received the mercy of God. What other benefits have you experienced by being in God’s family?

Spend some time thanking God for His incredible gift to you. Think of a few ways that you can show your gratitude to God this week.

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Videos (show all)

Pray For Jerusalem, Pray For Israel
The Joseph Season- The Journey
The Resurrection of Jesus
Rediscovering Gratitude: I Came Back
A Grateful Giver
Rediscovering Gratitude
Halloween  The Christian’s One Night Stand
5783 A Year Of The Gimel
The Feast of Tabernacles
Who We Are And Why We Are Here
5783  Tough Decisions and Jubilee
ROSH HASHANAH 5783: A Year Of Decision




Moreno Valley, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 7am - 5pm
Thursday 7am - 5pm
Sunday 7am - 5pm

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