Calvary Assembly of God




Acts 20:23-24 The greatest Christian who ever lived, left an imprint that even today, 2,000 years later is leading people into the open arms of their Savior. Let's imitate Paul. Live a life of humility and service that blesses others. Rev. James O. Davis said, "Many men are going to meet the Lord one day, holding in their hands the ashes of a wasted life!!" Don't allow that to be your testimony!! Millions of men will go and will never be missed. But there are others who when they're gone, people will weep freely! Take time in prayer today and answer this question, "What imprint will you make in the lives of others?"


Acts 20:18-19 Live a life of service! The measure of a man does not rely on how many people the man has serving him, the imprint of a man's life is measured by the number of people he serves! MEN, you are called to serve! Acts 20:19, "I always lived among you serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials....." In serving others, do you weep with what makes Jesus weep? When was the last time you wept over a soul that is mortgaged to the devil? Paul wept, but he was at peace. I exhort you beloved to make an imprint in someone else's life! Take time in prayer and allow your heart to melt before the Lord. Spend time in His presence and ask Him what makes Him weep? May He touch your heart to weep like He does!


Acts 20:18-19 The Dash on your tombstone represents the life you lived and the difference; contribution you have made during your life! It represents the imprint you've made in other people's lives. Paul describes how he influenced the lives of those leaders in Ephesus, by the way he chose to live his life. Read Acts 20:18-19. Paul lived a life of humility and service!! He lived a life of challenges. I strongly believe that NO life is a success....there is NO true greatness, without TRUE HUMILITY! Humility is not putting yourself down....or thinking less of yourself, humility is thinking of yourself less!! Humility is shifting your focus away from self centeredness and cultivating a life of empathy; gratitude; and truly caring for others. Phil 2:4, "let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." Take time to put God first before you start your day. Allow Him to set the day before you so that you will go throughout your day being a blessing to all you meet.


Acts 20:36-38 The Apostle Paul teaches us a way to measure the importance of a man's life. Paul gathers the leaders, they talk like we do about the "good old days." They share, just like we do, war stories; testimonies and challenges they faced and their victories. And they prayed! Then, they realize that this is it! They will not see Paul again. Acts 20:37-38, "then they all wept freely and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more." Think about this, when you are gone, will you be missed? Will it make a difference when you are gone? When you go to heaven, you're going to leave behind all you have and you're taking all that you are - wherever you go, you'll take YOU with YOU! Take time in prayer today, don't rush your time with God. He is waiting to hear from you. Put aside anything that may distract you and spend time in communion with your heavenly Father!


Acts 20:36-38 Paul meets for the last time with the elders in Ephesus, and in addressing them for the last time, he reveals some principles that are so relevant and reveals the essence of a man. How do we measure the essence; legacy or the importance of a man's life? When we look at a tombstone, there's the date of birth - and date of death, in-between those 2 is a small dash! Your birthdate and date of your death are already ordained by God. But that little dash represents your life while you are here on earth and what you have done. The world measures it by a man's wealth; his possessions; titles; education; pedigree; family history and ancestry. Take time in prayer today to think about this.....what have you accomplished so far; how have you used the gifts God has given you? Pray and seek the Lord's heart that He will lead and guide your steps so that you will fulfill your God-given potential.


Welcome To Calvary A|G

Father’s Day Service

The Lord Richly Bless You!

Sermon: “The Dash/El Guion”

Speaker: Rev. Lester J. Figueroa


Psalm 8 "When I consider," that the BLOOD still REDEEMS today; the BLOOD still cleanses today, it has NEVER lost its POWER!! I ask, "What is man that You are mindful of him?....And the son of man that you visit him?" The BLOOD has NEVER lost its POWER!! It is mighty to save; heal; transform; bring the dead back to life and set the captives free! Just take time today to meditate on how majestic is His Name! "O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth!"


Psalm 8:1 It is the BLOOD OF CHRIST that has sanctified us. It is the BLOOD OF CHRIST that has made us holy. That majestic God provided SALVATION and HOLINESS for His beloved people. It is the precious and majestic BLOOD OF CHRIST that sealed the covenant of GRACE. It is because of the precious and majestic BLOOD OF CHRIST that the chain of sin is broken; and we are cleansed and have access to God as a son and co-heir! "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name....." "What is man?" that You would sacrifice it all? That You would give Jesus to die for us? That You would shed the precious BLOOD of JESUS to pay the price of our sins? That You would wash us and sanctify us as if we had never sinned. Take time in prayer today and leave all your petitions and burdens at His feet. Just spend time in His presence to glorify and magnify His Holy Name!


All are welcome!

Please join us as we celebrate our Fathers at our “Fathers’ Day” service.

There will be one bilingual service only at 11 am.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Psalm 8 We are made in His image! This Psalm is a reminder to David and to you and me, that part of this awesome and majestic creation, is the fact that WE are God's most precious creation! Why?? This Psalm reminds us that we are made in the image of God! Unlike anything else in all creation, we are made in His very image!! Grander, more majestic than the stars, moon, mountains, hills and oceans is the love of God. Beloved, NOTHING compares to the honor, blessing, and love that God has bestowed upon you and me. This love is manifested and revealed through Jesus Christ. Read John 3:16-17. That majestic and awesome God saw your condition and decided to reveal His love in a very tangible way! He knew the blood of rams, doves and spotless lambs would NOT be enough! That majestic God became the propitiation for our sins! He died so that we can live! He shed HIS BLOOD once and for all. Take time in prayer today to just stop and give Him time. Don't be rushed, He will set everything in order for your day. Just take time to speak to Him and then time to LISTEN to Him. He is WORTHY of all our praise and thanksgiving!


All are welcome!

This Thursday June 13th from 9:30am-11:30am our food pantry here at Calvary A|G is open and ready to bless the community. Feel free to spread the word and know you are loved by God.

4055 Richmond Ave SI NY 10312


Psalm 8:1-2 I am convinced that in the shepherd's field, David had noticed, the scent of a rose; the scent of a daisy and the scent of lavender. But how did that scent get in there? Perhaps that is why David starts the Psalm, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." How EXCELLENT, MAJESTIC, AWESOME is YOUR NAME! What is so amazing is that this EXCELLENT, MAJESTIC, AWESOME God loves us! And in this realization, David notices the LOVE, GRACE, MERCY AND FAVOR of GOD! Read Psalm 8:3-4. How can this be? This perfect, holy, awesome God cares for people like you and me. Not only does He care but verse 6, "you have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet......." EVERYTHING under His feet!! Take time in prayer today to just stop! That's it, stop and take time to just consider all the beauty and perfection all around us. We take so much for granted, but God deserves praise and thanksgiving for all He has given to us!


Psalm 8:3-4 As David contemplates the handiwork of God, he cannot help but notice the AWESOMENESS of God.....the AWESOMENESS of His creation! David is clearly in awe of the majestic beauty of all his eyes contemplate. The moon and stars, how they exist in perfect harmony! He realizes the majesty and awesomeness of God can be observed in the perfection of the seasons. The trees know exactly when to shed their leaves and when to grow them again. The oceans know their limits; the stars hang perfectly in the firmament. The sun knows where to rise in the morning and set at night. The moon as in a perfect ballet circles the earth at exactly the right speed, distance and frequency. How amazing when we just take time in prayer to consider the AWESOMENESS of everything God has created. In a world that continues to spin and keep us so busy, we must take time to stop and give God glory for being AWESOME!


주일 예배 6/9/2024 1:30PM “Wisdom from Holy Spirit” John 14:26 Evangelist. Kenny Lee


Welcome to Calvary A|G

Speaker: Pastor Lester J. Figueroa


Please join us on YouTube for tonight's Friday night service.



1 Peter 4:10 As insignificant as you may think your gifts are, you have been individually equipped by God for such a time as this! God has uniquely equipped you with gifts He did not give to others. 1 Peter 4:10, "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." Do not waste the Grace of God! Do not miss the opportunity to glorify God by using your God-given gifts. Take time in prayer and just put all your petitions at His feet and just cry out, "Here I am Lord......use me! So that you, Lord, will be honored and glorified!"


God’s blessings!

Calvary A|G Seasoned Adults will be meeting this Saturday June 8th for a Fellowship & Outreach Picnic from 12-5 pm. Wolfes Pond Park, Barbecue Area 1

Pack a cooler, bring a chair, be prayed up and come. Bring family, friends, and kids!

Prayer Table with Tracks & Bibles, some games, fellowship and outreach. As the Lord leads us....

Hope you can make it! Enjoy the rest of the week and be a blessing wherever you go!

Love Team Seasoned Adults


Ezek 27:8-9 Even what we think is insignificant is INDISPENSABLE in the Kingdom of God! Your gift is NOT insignificant. In Ezekiel chapter 27 describes the beauty and majesty of Tyre. A ship with magnificent sails and then the Lord mentions the CAULKERS! In the midst of the magnificence, God mentions CAULKERS. Realize this, even the most magnificent ship needs to stay afloat!! CAULKERS keep the water (destroyer/enemy) from seeping in! They keep the place safe and they keep the goodness in! The church is blessed by the CAULKERS that God brings through the doors! Who are these CAULKERS? The Greeters; Ushers; Security....they watch and care for the church. They make sure that this "ship" does not take in that which eventually could sink it! CAULKERS are those who intercede so that the destroyer of our souls does not come to steal; kill or destroy. The teaches and ministry members who help disciple our congregation so that false prophecy and false doctrines does not come to bring destruction to our fellowship. Take time in prayer today and seek the Lord like never before. The time is short and we have been given gifts uniquely designed by God for each one. We must get busy and use those gifts NOW, not later.


1 Chron 4:23 Everyone has a gift given by God. A gift that is needed where God has placed you, regardless of what you think, a gift that is unique to you and indispensable for the work God wants done. You just need to be available to God and willing to glorify God! Everyone is needed. Read 1 Chron 4:23 and Ezekiel 27:8-9. Even if you think your gift is insignificant, YOUR GIFT IS INDISPENSABLE! In 1 Chron 4, we read about Judah which means WORSHIP, they were always in front, yet in verse 23, the most insignificant one is mentioned!! Read 1 Chron 4:23 - we read about the most important tribe! Very important people are mentioned, but before the chapter ends, we read of people who lived among the plants and behind the hedges = the POTTERS! Potters gave shape to the clay....that was their gift!! But they worked for the KING!!!!! Behind the hedges and among the plants, they had gifts, and the king needed those gifts. Realize that the potters shape things; they take what has no form; or things that have been deformed by circumstances, and they form them into masterpieces! It is the potters who MOLD the next generation; who take those who are broken and with the ability God gives them, they take those broken pieces and turn them into masterpieces for God to be glorified!! Take time in prayer today to pray about where God has you and the precious gifts He has given you. First, thank Him and then ask that He guide you to use your gifts to honor and glorify Him.


Eph 2:10 The Apostle Paul tells us that we were created for the ministry of the gifts that by His grace, God has deposited in us. If we are IN Christ, we ALL have gifts "tailor made" for us! Peter tells us that those gifts we have received from God are to be used to glorify God as we minister those gifts to one another. So, why is it that on average, 20% of the body of Christ (Church) does 80% of the work?? Well, pride; fear; lack of concern; compassion; don't care; comfort; timidity and many others. Sometimes people feel their gift isn 't important! We read about Abraham; Isaac; Jacob; Moses; Joshua; Gideon; Deborah; Esther; David; Jeremiah; Isaiah; and the Apostles. We believe that we need to be like one of them. Then you look at those God has raised here at Calvary and you believe you must be like them. You don't have to be a Moses or a David; Paul or John to be used by God!! You just have to be WILLING to SERVE God by saying, "here I am.....send me...." and God WILL do the rest!! Take time in prayer today. Just stop everything! Sit quietly in His presence and allow Him to speak to your heart.


1 Peter 4:7-11 We are ALL called to serve God by serving one another. "Above all, have fervent love for one another." We serve God by serving others out of fervent love! We say, but "I don't know how to serve; what to do and I don't have the ability to serve!" Read 1 Peter 4:10, "as each one has received a gift, (USE IT) to minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God...." Peter is calling his readers to their highest calling so that it will BRING GLORY TO GOD! "If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in al things God may be glorified...." 1 Peter 4:11. NO excuses, God is to be glorified by our ministry to others. Take time in prayer today and just surrender your heart before the Lord. Allow Him to show you where you are to use your gifts, your God-given gifts, and then OBEY Him to go and minister to others so that He is Glorified!


주일 예배 6/2/2024 1:30PM
“ The power of holy spirit in a believers life ” John 16:7 Evangelist. Kenny Lee



Calvario Asamblea de Dios

Predicador: Pastor Lester J. Figueroa

Calvario AG Mensaje: “El Llamado A Servir”


Welcome to Calvary A|G

Speaker: Pastor Lester J. Figueroa

Sermon: “Called to Serve”


2 Kings 4:1-7 Beloved! If we want the presence; power; and anointing of God, we MUST empty our hearts and make ROOM for the Holy Spirit! As long as there was room for the oil, the widow kept pouring, it kept flowing! We must allow the oil to flow, in our lives; for our benefit, for the benefit of others and to further the Kingdom of God! We cannot forget the God of Miracles, Signs and Wonders......He is still God today! He still breaks chains; sets the captives free; heals our bodies, minds, souls; and He still saves the Lost and Dying! And He does all this sometimes on His own, but many times using men and women......ordinary men and women to do extraordinary works! God continues to equip His church, those who are willing to empty themselves in order to allow His oil to flow.....that's what PENTECOST IS ALL ABOUT! Pentecost came to prepare the Church and to equip the followers of Jesus to operate in POWER! This POWER transforms; it equips us to proclaim and testify; equips us to persevere; empowers us to obey God. This POWER came in response to the hunger and thirst of His followers for all that God had for them. This POWER comes when we do NOT forget who God is and Who God has called us to be. Take time in prayer today to just remember ALL the goodness and promises of God, never forget!


Acts 1:4 The next fundamental condition present at the time of Pentecost, was UNITY! Acts 1:4, "And being assembled together with them....." They were united. Read Acts 2:1-4. They received the Promise; they received the Baptism; they received the POWER of His Presence! Read Acts 4:23-24; 31. If God does not change, WHY can't we experience His presence; power and anointing like the Church in Acts 2 experienced? We must NOT allow our hearts to be so filled that we have no room for the Spirit of God. "And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, "which," He said, you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." Take time in prayer today and pray IN THE SPIRIT, if you have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, pray and ask that HE will fill you with the Promise of the Father!


Acts 1:4-5 He knew that we needed Pentecost because He knew we would be too distracted; forgetful and self absorbed.....God gave us HIS SPIRIT to abide IN us....but then HE did more.....HE baptized us in HIS SPIRIT. Baptism means all we are, say and do......all our talents; efforts; thoughts; words and resources are affected by the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It all started with the Resurrected Jesus! Read Acts 1:4-5. And to understand for what reason, read Acts 1:8. As we read Scripture, we realize that certain fundamentals and conditions were present at the time of Pentecost. First there was OBEDIENCE! Paul tells us 500 people heard the words of Jesus.......they heard the admonition: "Do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father....." 500 heard this but ONLY 120 received the fulfillment of the promise!!! What happened to those who did not obey? They missed the greatest outpouring of the Power of God! EVER!! Take time in prayer today and set your heart to OBEY when He speaks to your heart. Don't question or doubt, just in obedience, DO what He calls you to do.


Joshua 4:7 At Gilgal, Joshua built a memorial so that all would know God's miraculous intervention allowing the sons of Israel to enter the Land of the Promise. Read 1 Samuel 7:12. Samuel erects a wall, a stone of help (Ebenezer), so all will know and remember the time God helped Israel defeat the Philistines. Read Deut 6:4-10; 20-23. God knew that we would forget, so He institutes memorials and He tells us why. He knew that we would make ourselves busy and that we also are self absorbed! So He commanded us to NEVER FORGET, who and where we were before He set us free. But what about future generations? Deuteronomy 6:7, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." and Deut 6: 12, "then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bo***ge." Read also Deuteronomy 6:21-23. We must remember the CROSS! At the center of all we do, as HE is high and lifted up, HE will draw all men. A memorial, reminder that HE is not dead and HE took our sins and gave us His Righteousness.Take time in prayer to just give HIM thanks and praise! Remember His sacrifice and thank Him.


Gen 35:7 As we celebrate Memorial Day, we honor those who selflessly made the ultimate sacrifice......those who gave their life so that others, most of whom are unknown, would have the life they were designed to live, as members of the same society or homeland. Why do we need memorials?? Because we simply forget!! We forget Anniversaries; Birthdays; Appointments and even worse, WE FORGET GOD; His Word; Commandments; Promises; even WHO HE IS. We forget who we are in light of who God is! Memorials are found in the Bible. Read Gen 35:7. Jacob in Bethel built an altar, a memorial, so that all will know that Jacob was shown a vision of the Angelic presence of God on earth. Take time in prayer today and think back and remember how FAITHFUL God has been in your life. We need to remember and give Him thanks and praise! He is faithful, what He did yesterday, He is more than able to do it again. Just give Him praise!

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Videos (show all)

7:30 Friday Prayer & Healing Service
스태튼 아일랜드 갈보리 순복음 교회
11 AM Servicio Dominical
Friday Night Prayer and healing service
Friday Night of Worship Service Prayer and Healing Service
스태튼 아일랜드 갈보리 순복음 교회
스태튼 아일랜드 갈보리 순복음 교회
11 AM Servicio Dominical




4055 Richmond Avenue
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
7pm - 8:30pm
Saturday 8am - 10am
Sunday 8am - 8:30pm

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