The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England

H.H. Pope Tawadros II appointed H.G. Bishop David as the first Shepherd and Diocesan Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England.


🌍✈️ **Join Us on an Unforgettable Journey to Türkiye!** 🇹🇷✨

I am thrilled to invite you to an incredible trip to Türkiye, where we will explore the rich history, vibrant culture, and ancient ecumenical councils that convened in this magnificent country.

🕌 Highlights of the Trip:

Istanbul: Discover the majestic Hagia Sophia, once the heart of Eastern Christendom, and other iconic landmarks.
Cappadocia: Marvel at the stunning landscapes and unique rock formations.
Pamukkale: Experience the natural thermal waters and ancient ruins.
Ephesus: Walk through the ancient city where history comes alive.
Island of Patmos: Visit where the Apostle John received the Revelation.
This is more than just a tour; it's a pilgrimage that will deepen your faith and provide lifelong memories. Whether you're a history buff, a culture enthusiast, or someone seeking spiritual growth, this trip has something for everyone.

🌐 Learn More & Book Your Spot:

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


On Saturday June 1, 2024, the Feast of the Lord's entry to Egypt, the Diocese of New York & New England will also celebrate Global Coptic Day.

A procession will begin at St. George Coptic Orthodox Church located at 1105 67th St
Brooklyn, NY 11219 at 12:30 PM. The clergy may wear their stoles (sadra) and all chanters, readers, subdeacons and deacons may wear their liturgical vestments for the procession.

The procession will conclude at St. George Community Center located at 6209 11th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11219 at 1 PM; there we will begin a program from 1 PM to 5 PM.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II will be joining us via zoom at 3 PM! Dignitaries, government officials and representatives, honored laity, and Church leaders will be in attendance and will give short speeches relating to their various services and Global Coptic Day throughout the event.

There will be stations in the auditorium, for example, a Bible Station, an Icon Station, a Coptic Music Station, etc... that express Coptic Orthodox Tradition so that the general public can learn more about the rich Faith and Heritage that we have received. There will also be games for children, prizes awarded and food available on site.

All are invited from everywhere. Please join us and encourage your family and friends to attend this important event in our Diocese.


Join us tonight at 7:30pm for our weekly Deacons’ Meeting with Mr. Ramy Fahmy, as we review the rites and Altar responses observed during the Holy Liturgy.

Meeting held in the church.

Address: 3 Church Rd., Suffern, NY 10901.

See you all soon!


H.G. Bishop Makarious will pray the liturgy tomorrow Friday 2/2 from 9-11am at St. Mary and Pope Kyrillos Monastery located at 2087 Rt. 9W Esopus, NY 12528.


Tomorrow’s the big day!

We’re all excited and looking forward to the return of the Annual Pan-Orthodox Christmas Concert tomorrow Friday December 1st at 7:00pm Sharp at St. Mark’s Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.

His Grace Bishop David and the other Hierarchs will be in attendance.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


الاجتماع الأسبوعي الانبا دايفيد من كنيسه الملائكه ميخائيل والشهيد مارمينا مع ابونا داود لمعي


علي الهواء خدمه القداس الالهي من كنيسه رئيس الملائكه ميخائيل والشهيد مارمينا يراس الصلاه نيافه الانبا دايفيد أسقف نيويورك ونيوانجلند تصوير واخراج واخراج أواخراج أ. بيشوي ارمانيوس.


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزءالثالث عشر والأخير


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء العاشر


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء اتاسع


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الثا من


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الخامس تصوير واخراج ا. بيشوي ارمانيوس.


علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الرابع


LIVE :Fr.Dawood lamy :Understand What The Will Of The lord .
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الثالث

The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England 08/18/2023

Dear blessed Christ-loving congregation

Grace and peace to you from the Lord.

I’m delighted to inform you that today, August 17, 2023, we have signed the closing documents for our new monastery of St. Mary & Pope Kyrillos. The official closing will be on Monday, August 21 (The eve of St. Mary’s feast), and hopefully, we will have the first liturgy on the feast of our Lady the holy Theotokos St. Mary.
Video message link

Here are the ways you can help:
• For Credit Card donations, please follow this link:
• To donate via Zelle, forward your contribution to 201-852-0744
• For donations by check, kindly address it to:
St. Mary & Pope Kyrillos VI Monastery
P.O. Box 41281
Staten Island, NY 10304
To make a monthly contribution, please send a canceled check to the above address indicating the monthly amount and the start date.
May the Lord reward you many times in his heavenly kingdom for all your prayers and support, without which we could not have accomplished this important milestone.

Bishop David

The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England


الاجتماع الاسبوعي لنيافه الحبر الجليل الانبا دايفيد اليوم مع نيافه الانبا روفائيل الاسقف العام


Through God‘s grace, today March 21, 2023, His Grace Bishop David signed the sales contract for the new monastery property of St. Mary and Pope Kyrillos VI Coptic Orthodox Monastery in New York.

May the intercession of our heavenly mother St. Mary and the prayers of our beloved father Pope Kyrillos VI bless the closing process and complete it in peace.

Live pan-orthodox concert from St. Mark's Syrian Catholic Cathedral in New Jersey orthodox churches 12/17/2022

Live pan-orthodox concert from St. Mark's Syrian Catholic Cathedral in New Jersey orthodox churches Live pan-orthodox Christmas concert in the United States from St. Mark's Syrian Catholic Cathedral in New Jersey orthodox churches of the Syrian, Coptic, Ind...


TODAY’S the big day!

We’re all excited and looking forward to this evening’s Annual Pan-Orthodox Christmas Concert tonight at 7pm Sharp at St. Mark’s Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.

His Grace Bishop David & the Bishops of the Oriental Orthodox Church will be in attendance.

Make sure to arrive on time.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Tomorrow’s the big day! We’re all excited and looking forward to the return of the Annual Pan-Orthodox Christmas Concert tomorrow Friday December 16th at 7pm Sharp at St. Mark’s Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Joint Statement of the Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese of North America in New Jersey and the Diocese of New York and New England on Tragedy at the Church of St. Philopateer Mercurius in Giza City.

Footsteps of Apostle St. Paul 2022 | ✙ Coptic.Travel ✙ 04/13/2022

Footsteps of Apostle St. Paul Greece & Ephesus

When: Saturday, July 23rd – Monday, Aug 1st, 2022

Price: $2,250 per person Land/cruise portion (Double Occupancy).
Click on the link below for a detailed Itinerary

Footsteps of Apostle St. Paul 2022 | ✙ Coptic.Travel ✙ 2022 Trips, Greece & Turkey 2022March 29, 2022April 12, 2022 Footsteps of Apostle St. Paul 2022 Under the Auspices of H.G. Bishop DavidBishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New EnglandYou are invited to The 6th Annual Trip Greece & EphesusFootsteps of Apostle St. PaulWhen: Saturday, Ju...


“He was laid in a manger but He was glorified by angels, and proclaimed by a star and worshiped by magi” (St. Gregory of Nazianzus)

What is the meaning of the Birth of Christ for you?

The world unwisely altered the meaning of the Birth of Christ for its earthly celebrations, exchanged gifts and profane gatherings …etc., and neglected the true reason of this celebration!!! Let us “Bring back Christ in Christmas”.

So who do you follow? The world’s tarnished image or the true meaning of the birth of Christ?

1) The Birth of Christ is the Beginning of the Route to our Salvation as he was born in a manger as the “lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”(John 1:29).

2) The Birth of Christ is the Birth of the True Light - As He is the “true Light who gives light to every man” (John 1:9). For whoever believes in Him will walk in the path of light and not in darkness (which is sin).

3) The Birth of Christ means humility, selflessness, simplicity, self-denial and the separation from earthly luxuries. When our Lord Jesus was born, His chose to be born from a poor family and a simple upbringing. He chose not to live in the richness and pleasures of this passing world, as His kingdom was not of this world and had no where to lay His head.

Let’s all think deeply of what we can offer our Lord Christ as the best gift for this Nativity. We must give him all our hearts full of true love as He said “My son, give me your heart “ (Prov. 23:26). And as we love Him, we also love His children with the same love as he taught us, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

May we ask God to lift us above our own troubles and hardships, and proceed with love towards others and serve each one with the same love with which we are loved.

Blessed Nativity feast to all of you. God bless you and please pray for me.
Bishop David

ماذا يعني ميلاد المسيح بالنسبة لك؟
العالم حوّل ميلاد المسيح إلي إحتفالات عالمية و هدايا و تبادل زيارات… و نسوا السبب الحقيقي للعيد!
فهل تمشي وراء العالم، أم ميلاد المسيح يعني شيء بالنسبة لك؟
١) ميلاد المسيح بداية الخلاص إذ وُلد في المذود لانه هو "حمل الله الذي يرفع خطية العالم" (يو ٢٩:١).
٢) ميلاد المسيح هو ميلاد النور لأنه هو "النور الحقيقي الذي ينير لكل إنسان". (يو ٩:). فمن يؤمن به و يتبعه يحب النور و لا يمشي في الظلمة (أي الخطية).
٣) ميلاد المسيح يعني التواضع و إخلاء الذات و البساطة و البعد عن مظاهر العالم إذ وُلد المسيح من أم فقيرة و عاش فقيراً ليس له أين يسند رأسه. و لم يستخدم شيء من أمور العالم إذ أن مملكته ليست من هذا العالم.
ليتنا نفكر في هدية عيد ميلاد السيد المسيح، فنعطيه قلوبنا مملؤة بالحب "يا إبني إعطني قلبك" (أم ٢٦:٢٣). و إذ نحبه، نحب أولاده و نخدمهم "بما أنكم فعلتموه بأحد إخوتي هؤلاء الأصاغر فبي فعلتم" (مت ٤٠:٢٥). ليتنا نرتفع فوق مشاكلنا الخاصة و ننطلق بالحب نحو الذي أحبنا و بذل ذاته لأجلنا، و نحب أخوتنا الذين أوصانا عليهم و نخدمهم بنفس مقدار الحب الذي أحبنا به. "بهذا يعرف الجميع أنكم تلاميذي إن كان لكم حب بعضاً لبعض" (يو ٣٥:١٣).
كل عام و أنتم بخير بركة عيد ميلاد ربنا يسوع المسيح تكون معكم.
الأنبا دافيد


The number 2 represents Christ, who is the second hypostasis of the Holy Trinity. Through His incarnation, Jesus became the second (last) Adam. He is the corner stone who reconciled two (heaven and earth, the flesh and the spirit and God with humanity).
The number two also represents the testimony of God which came to us in the form two, the Old and New Testaments. And also "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" Rev. 19:10.

May this year 2022 be a year full of blessings from the Lord Jesus, a year in which we grow spiritually in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Bride, the Holy Church.

السنة الجديدة المباركة 2022
الرقم ٢ يرمز للسيد المسيح الذي هو الأقنوم الثاني في الثالوث القدوس. خلال تجسده، صار يسوع آدم الثاني (الأخير). إنه حجر الزاوية الذي صالح بين اثنين (السماء والأرض ، والجسد والروح والله مع البشرية).
يمثل الرقم ٢ أيضًا شهادة الله التي وصلت إلينا من خلال العهدين، القديم والجديد. وكذلك "شهادة يسوع هي روح النبوة" رؤيا 19: 10.

ليكُن هذا العام 2022 عامًا مليئًا بالبركات المتكاثرة من الرب يسوع ننمو فيه روحياً في معرفة و محبة ربنا يسوع المسيح وعروسه الكنيسة المقدسة.
الأنبا دافيد

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الاجتماع الأسبوعي الانبا دايفيد من كنيسه الملائكه ميخائيل والشهيد مارمينا مع ابونا داود لمعي
الاجتماع الأسبوعي الانبا دايفيد من كنيسه الملائكه ميخائيل والشهيد مارمينا مع ابونا داود لمعي
علي الهواء خدمه القداس الالهي من كنيسه رئيس الملائكه ميخائيل والشهيد مارمينا يراس  الصلاه نيافه الانبا دايفيد  أسقف نيوي...
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزءالثالث  عشر والأخير
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء العاشر
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء اتاسع
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه  الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء  الثا من
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه  الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الخامس
LIVE :Fr.Dawood lamy :Understand  What The Will Of The lord . علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه  الرب مع القمص...
علي الهواء مباشره : مؤتمر فاهمين ماهي مشيئه الرب مع القمص ابونا داود لمعي الجزء الرابع
الاجتماع الاسبوعي لنيافه الحبر الجليل الانبا دايفيد  اليوم مع نيافه الانبا روفائيل  الاسقف العام
Through God‘s grace, today March 21, 2023, His Grace Bishop David signed the sales contract for the new monastery proper...



500 Todt Hill Rd
New York, NY

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