Eastern Bloc NYC

Eastern Bloc NYC


It was of my honor and privilege to have visited your page...
I thank you for sharing your page with the public...
I enjoyed my visit and I thank you for allowing me to share with you and your visitors of your page...

Simply Me,
Johnny Cash Eaton

It is of my honor and pleasure to share with each of you of my life experiences...

Local Author making the news...

We Are Proud To Announce Book Titles By The Author:

Johnny Cash Eaton, he's gay and he's speaking out...

The Gains Of His Pain...
The End...
A New Beginning...
Finding All...
In The Name Of Love...
The Story Of Johnny Cash Eaton...
We Are Family...A Second Chance...
The Busha Family...The Love Of Family...

The author of these book titles is pleased to announce that ordering his books have never been easier simply call AuthorHouse Book Dept. Toll Free...
Call: 1-888-280-7715

In The Name Of Love...
Hate not who I love...
Hate not I for who I love...
Love and let love...
Love who you love...
Love not who they tell you to love...
Love is just that love...

It's truly very sad when the most beautiful gift in the world can't be given or shown or even expressed openly due to hate...
Do away with hate and the world would be so great...

The Author: Johnny Cash Eaton

From the author of such books as "The Gains of His Pain" and "Finding All", comes a powerful, insightful and brutally honest look at the memories as shared by Johnny Cash Eaton.

In this autobiographical work, ( The Story of Johnny Cash Eaton... Moments Remembered...His Story As Told to Me ) for the first time Johnny opens up and shares detailed memories of the man behind the books.

Never before has Johnny shared so many detailed aspects of his tragic childhood to the triumphant man he has become today.

As a child, Johnny suffered abuse at the hands of his parents.

He lived much of his young life in foster and group homes.

Many times in the places that were supposed to protect him, he again found himself physically, psychologically or sexually abused.

Johnny turned to alcohol as an escape from his painful life.

Eventually his drinking habit became so out - of -control, he entered a "rehab" in Watertown, New York.

Throughout this difficult and emotional process of becoming an adult, Johnny began to put his feelings on paper in the form of poetry.

He has thus far published five books; received recognition from three United States Presidents, two New York Governors and several members of our United States Congress.

Today, the man who was once known as a town drunk, has completely turned his life around, and today stands before us all as a sober, generous, and triumphant individual.

Today Johnny leads a life full of love for others.

He has encouraged many of his readers to fight the good fight and finish the race.

Indeed, his own life has become living proof that you can take the pains of life and turn them into gains.

This book is a must - have, for anyone who has ever bought or read any of his other books.

Written By: Ms. Kim A. Jones Mittelstadt

A Truly Moving Book
( The Story of Johnny Cash Eaton... Moments Remembered...His Story As Told to Me )...
Review by the author : Holly E. Gaskin...

The latest book from Johnny Cash Eaton is a very emotional collection of poetry and the author's personal memoirs.
Most of the writing was done by Johnny himself, while there's also a plentitude of contributions by Johnny's friends and family.
Rarely does a man open up his heart for all the world to see, as Johnny does.
His writing is honest and frank, and his words are memorable.
His life story is painful to read about, but it MUST be read, because it demonstrates how the human soul can survive and triumph, even after being exposed to the worst abuse and cruelty.
The kind words and praise expressed by others in this book reveal that there are a lot of folks in this world who are very proud of Johnny.
I guarantee that after reading this book cover to cover, you'll never complain about YOUR life again.
Kudos to Johnny Cash Eaton for beating some incredible odds.

A Foster Parent Remembers....
By: Mike Goblet

I met Johnny at a NY State Division for Youth residential center near Plattsburgh NY. I was a fairly new foster parent, in the process of meeting my third foster son. Johnny was a skinny, blonde kid with an impish smile - and a challenge. Our first visit almost ended in disaster; he spent one night of a weekend and needed to return to the center. I thought this was the end, but we tried again and he slowly developed the trust and confidence in me. A few months later he become my foster son. We shared almost two years together, during which I battled cancer and was forced to leave the Air Force and relocate to the Albany NY area. Our life together was mostly good; however, the demons from his earlier life created such barriers to bonding that in the end we decided that a two-parent family could better meet his needs, much to our mutual pain. Johnny's story is one of courage and hope. It is a story for today and for each new today to come. It defines the hope and vitality of the human spirit, and is a lesson for us all. I am proud and humbled that this man still calls me "Dad."

The author of these book titles is pleased to announce that ordering his books have never been easier simply call AuthorHouse Book Dept. Toll Free...
Call: 1-888-280-7715

The Works, Words and Wisdom of Johnny Cash Eaton

Rarely is one able to venture into the soul of a person who has translated his life experiences into words of wisdom.
Johnny Cash Eaton has traveled down roads in life few of us have witnessed but his heart speaks out and he has given all of us the gift of wisdom, forgiveness and hope as he takes us through his pain, his efforts and his recovery.
His words are shocking but at the same time inspiring with a sense of self discovery, passion and hope!!
You will feel his every word, sit next to him as he takes you down roads in life well traveled and yet to be traveled, but at every turn you will find and feel his emotions, learn his lessons, capture his hope.
He feels, he believes, he forgives, he hurts, he conquers and his every word is a testimony to anything is possible, the possibilities are endless and hope is eternal.
He is a man of many words, he is a man of few words, he is a man who has opened his heart and soul so that we can all listen, learn and conquer the toughest challenges that life may give us.
He is the word and that word is the hope that Johnny Cash Eaton is for us all as we face life's problems and conquer and succeed as he has.

Best Regards,
Bob G.

It would be an honor and a privilege to give you an insight of my thoughts and inspirations, about the author of the book titled " The Gains of His Pain ".
When I first began reading of Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton's Literary Works, I knew this young writer was gifted and talented.
I felt the pain behind his every word.
Words of love, words of heartbreak and words of hardships, I remember his telling of his memories of the abuses that he has endured in his life.
I also felt of his power and his wanting so desperately to escape of a past that has haunted him for much too long, strong he has remained and always true to those who need him.
A man who gives his all, in the hopes of making it through just one more day.
I am a better person in knowing Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton...
Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton has shown all of mankind that it's love, kindness, devotion and a strong will to survive, which will move mountains, but all will also point our hearts in the right direction.
In the short time of knowing Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton, he has made more of difference in my life than many others, which I have known an entire lifetime.
Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton's Literary Works of Expressions will give new light to his readers, his friends and his family.
We all have our own life experiences to deal with in this life.
However, Mr. Johnny Cash Eaton has a unique way of dealing with his life experiences.
He writes of each of them, in hopes that his sharing of his life experiences will help others and he has proven that love is a big circle and that each of us may feel its' warm embrace by the joining of our hearts and hands.

With A Friend's Love & Respect,
Mr. Wendell Gravitt

Over the last year and a half, I've grown to know a young guy in N.Y. State who has been able to share with me all about his life.
I've learned how cruel the world can be and yet see how one individual can rise above the poor hand he was dealt.
Granted, he's still traveling on his road of life inch by inch - but he does so while learning all the time.
Even with all his tough times, JC still manages to look out for the other person.
He always asks how my family and I are doing and always wishes all of us well in closings.
During our sharing, I've been honored to not only read about his life in daily postings, but also to be included in one or two.
To be immortalized in one's writings is an honor and a privilege.
I've only known this guy for a short time, but I've grown to feel as if I've known him all my life.
I hope that life blesses him with a much happier life from this point forward and one full of great success.
To know Johnny is to love him.
He's true blue and someone I can call a friend.

Lance M.

As a friend and reader, I am happy to give my opinion of your works...
First, as a friend I find that in reading your writings it gave me the feeling, I was looking into your heart...
They also gave me the feeling I was looking at the world through your eyes, a world that is not always kind with blue skies and sunshine that there are clouds and rain in life, but with love and caring the clouds will lift and the rain will end...
To know that there are others who have lived through a life that was much like my own, gave me comfort in knowing I'm not alone...
Having had the chance and honor of getting to know Johnny Cash Eaton on a personal level as a pen-pal and as a very dear friend and love, I feel as though his writings had even more of an impact on me and seemed to tell of how I felt and as though John had told of what was in my heart and on my mind...
To summarize John's writings, I would have to say they have all touched my heart, they have made me laugh, cry and have lifted my spirit to new levels.
I have felt and seen his pain, his happiness and more than anything his love for his friends and especially his daughter...
I have felt his love on a higher level than I have ever felt from anyone else in my life...
In closing Johnny, I want to thank you for being my friend, pen pal and most of all My True Love...
Thank You for all the sharing from your heart and of your writings that come from your heart.
God Bless & The Best of Luck With All That You Do...

Your Friend,
Curtis E. Holliday

We Are Proud To Announce Book Titles...
By The Author:
Johnny Cash Eaton...

The Gains Of His Pain...
The End...
A New Beginning...
Finding All...
In The Name Of Love...
The Story Of Johnny Cash Eaton...
We Are Family...A Second Chance...
The Busha Family...The Love Of Family...

The author of these book titles is pleased to announce that ordering his books have never been easier simply call AuthorHouse Book Dept.
Toll Free...
Call: 1-888-280-7715

I write of his favorite phrase, yes, these are his words "Simply Me" Yet, Johnny Cash Eaton is anything but simple. I have come to know this man as one of the most complex men that I've ever known. He has led an extremely complicated and tragic life, one that I have come to relate very much with. His simplicity, I've come to find is through his words, experiences and truth.

I've never come across someone that I have so little reservations with, so quickly. He has an amazing way of relating to others that very few others can. It is with this gift that I have come to find him extremely easy to open up to.

Most people in this world are out, just for themselves, with Johnny Cash Eaton, I have come to find this is not true. He opens himself in ways few others are capable of and helps others release their inner demons. In doing so, personally he has helped me to see things which I have always chosen to remain blind to, too painful to face the truth.

Through Johnny's sharing his own trials and tribulations, I have found the strength to share and deal with some of my own. I will always remember this gift he has given to me and from this strive to share this wisdom he has given me with others.

Simply me, has shown me how much easier the passion, poison, pain and pleasure in life can truly be to live through. As long as one leads a life with a completely open mind, heart and soul. Not punishing oneself with this but learning from it all.

Thank You Johnny Cash Eaton, "Simply You" for just that, simplicity!

Love & Respect,
Michael Ray Monson Madrid

Before the Books...

I met Johnny Cash Eaton one summer a few years ago in a pen pal web site.
I was just out looking for a friend or at least someone friendly and that was Johnny.
We started sending e-mails back and forth and I learned of his poetic side.
As poems would come in, I found myself analyzing the author.
Who is he?
Why does he write about these things?
A story began to unfold.
Johnny has impressed me with his honesty.
He truly has dug deep into most painful parts of his past and present, looking for relief.
It hasn't been an easy process, I know.
There have been nights when we stayed up until early morning hours chatting, consulting, sharing, crying.
Life has not been pretty, but Johnny despite the odds being stacked against him, has survived thanks to his faith in God, the faith of a few people around him and, to a certain extent, his own stubbornness.
That stubbornness has been a blessing in disguise.
Johnny shared from his heart, seeking relief from his own sufferings, but discovered that others too found relief through the reading of these poems.
First came the web site, then being published in collections of writings, and later a vision, a plan to actually publish his own book.
First it was to be one book to be done his way his book.
But as time unfolded, along came the sequel.
And now we see book three ready to hit the press.
Was this the original plan?
I doubt it.
But response has shown that there are people out there being helped and blessed through Johnny Cash Eaton's writings.
How can he stop?
He calls himself the little guy but his heart is big!

David P Reagle

Giving His All...
Review By: Julie R. Wachter


As you know, I recently purchased several of your books.
Getting your books was a matter of choice.
I had chosen to get to know this author who has moved me so with his writings of life.

The amazing part of getting your books is that many never personally get to know the author, only of what they read.
I, on the other hand, have been blessed.
Though we have never met in person, I have had the pleasure of e-mails and personal phone calls from you.
We have shared our lives with one another through the phone calls and the e-mails.

I am still amazed to this very day, I ask, why me?
Then I need only remember your words, Why not you?
I need only believe in myself, words that I know are true.

No one else matters right now, it's all about me, I need only depend on one.
That is what you tell me.

Silent for far too long.
That is also what you told me.
You had so much to tell but knew not of how.
Your silence had to be broken somehow.
The right set of ears to hear and the strength to let the tears flow, steps that you took slowly, steps that would only help you to grow.

Today, you are no longer silent and today you are living-proof, we can take our lives back.
Amazingly enough taking and using our pain for our gains, you say is the key to taking our lives back.

Johnny, the more I get to know you, I have not a doubt that you know what you are talking about and writing about.

Johnny, your books, done your way; you would not have them done any other way.
Your words in print, your unique style, poetry to tell of your story, a release, a voice, a choice, the breaking of your silence and your taking your stand against violence and yet with every word you are giving back, you say that your books were your way of taking control and taking your life back.
Books to help you, in the end, books making all the difference to your readers.

Johnny, I am as you know taking steps to taking my life back and with every step I take, I know all is worth it, after all my friend, I know now that I am worth it.
Thank You Johnny.

Awareness and the ability to take one's life back, he writes of life and captures the hearts of his readers.

The book titled ( The Story of Johnny Cash Eaton Moments Remembered His Story As Told To Me) is a book that I am reading and in reading, I just now read your excerpt on Aids

This was so superbly well written that in my opinion it should be a national commercial on television and radio as well as whatever else is out there for getting awareness out to the public.
I have never before seen it put this way, so straightforward and mesmerizing.

Never before have I thought of Aids in this way. Seriously, this writing of yours should be in text books in schools and everywhere else possible for the public to view.
Well done my friend.


Today the pain is just a reminder of how far I have come...
Today the pain is a focus of the man, I have become...
Today the hurt is less...
Today the hurt is my success...
Today the booze is out of my life...
Today the booze is not what has me making the news...
Today the abuse is what helped me to choose...
Today the abuse is giving me the power, I will not lose...
Today the tears are not looked upon as being weak...
Today the tears are still flowing as I speak...
Today the fears are fewer than yesterday...
Today the fears are being faced rather than running away...
Today the shame is gone...
Today the shame is not being passed on...
Today the failing will not break me...
Today the failing will only teach me...
Today the gains are so much more...
Today the gains are helping me to soar...

Johnny Cash Eaton
All Rights Reserved By: C.P.D.C.
Copyright ©2007 Johnny Cash Eaton

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