The Yinova Center

The Yinova Center is a leading acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice dedicated to providing integrative care with meaningful results.

Our patients tell us that because of our kind staff, our warm spa-like setting, Jill's books, our blog, and out regular support groups and events, they feel as if they are a part of a healing community. We love to hear this because The YinOva Center was designed to support you. Our YinOva Team is skilled and empathetic. They are experts in their field - acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage, and str


“How can I pinpoint when I’m ovulating?” Something that patients ask us all the time here at the Yinova Center.  And this is what we tell them:

⚡️ Paying attention to the cyclical changes in your cervical mucus (your vaginal discharge) is your single best guide to ovulation. ⚡️

Click the link in bio to learn more!


When trying to conceive, you might feel like you need a PhD in nutrition. What foods should you be eating (or avoiding)? Will that glass of wine impact your fertility? It’s enough to make your head spin!

For everyone, reproductive health begins with a healthy diet that includes a balance of key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein & healthy fats.

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Head to our blog for our roundup of 11 fertility superfoods that can help support your fertility.


Patients of ours often ask us if they should take CoQ10 if they’re trying to get pregnant In most cases, the answer is yes! Yinova founder is offering her insights into what CoQ10 is exactly, how it can be used to support both partners when trying to conceive, and how to choose the right supplement for you — head to the link in bio to learn more.


When your practitioner talks about Yin and Yang, what exactly are they referring to? Well, put very simply, Yin and Yang are the two different aspects of Qi, our life-force. Yin refers to the functions of the body that are nourishing and cooling and yang refers to the ones that are activating and warming. They are constantly in dynamic balance as your internal landscape changes. We are at our happiest and healthiest when our Yin and Yang are working together harmoniously; acupuncture, herbs, nutritional advice, and lifestyle guidance can all work together to help gently draw your body back into harmony.⁣


Virtual Wellness and Chinese Medicine Consultations with the Yinova team 🙌✨⁣

We want you to know that we are here for you and that we’d love to be a resource for you in as many ways as we possibly can. That’s why we are now offering Virtual Consultations - so that you can connect with your practitioner no matter where you are! ⁣

During these consultations, our team of licensed and board certified herbalists will be able to update you on your treatment plan and help you set new goals. They’ll also be able to prescribe you herbal formulas tailored to your unique pattern, recommend appropriate vitamins and supplements, offer you advice, give support, and recommend dietary suggestions.⁣

Learn more by heading to the link in our bio. ⁣

Photo c/o ⁣


At Yinova we are here to support you. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, are going through Assisted Reproductive Techniques, or have had to take a forced break from IVF/IUI, this time can be used as an amazing opportunity to focus on self-care & fertility.

If you are unable to try at home at or have to wait until your next IVF/IUI cycle, we want to help you focus on detoxifying and prepping your body so that you can be at your best for when you are ready to start a new cycle. Here is my advice on how to optimize your time at home so that you can continue to work on improving your fertility, no matter what phase you’re in.


We often access acupuncture points throughout the body that might not make the most sense right away. Why would we place needles on your leg if you’re coming in for a headache? Because we’re gettin’ to the root cause!
Sainte Sébastienne (Louise Bourgeois)


Are you a Yinova Member? ⁣

Community is incredibly important to us here at Yinova, and we’re always looking for new and exciting ways to support you and connect with you. Designed to meet your needs, our membership is a great way to commit to a holistic treatment plan and achieve your health goals.

You can learn more by swiping right or by heading to the link in our bio. If you have any questions or would like to become a Member, please reach out to [email protected] or stop by the front desk the next time you’re in the center.


Not sleeping well is one thing, but emphasizing that insomnia will speed up the aging process, makes people pay attention more than anything else.  After all, who doesn’t want to age gracefully?

A high level of cortisol slows down the production of collagen leading to a tired-looking and wrinkled face.  People that are stressed and can’t sleep or have restless sleep, oftentimes have high levels of this hormone in their blood.

There is no quick fix for most insomnia cases but there is something that works like magic for most people.  If practiced consistently it will benefit you in all aspects of your life, not only your sleep. What’s better, it is easy, done at home, and most importantly – it is pleasurable.

Click the link in bio to read more!


Poor circulation, if left unchecked, can lead to many of the disorders associated with aging such as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, painful joints and varicose veins. Even mild circulatory problems mean that less oxygen is getting to your tissue and that your body is less efficient when it comes to moving waste products. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The good news is that there are various things you can do to improve your circulation; from hydrotherapy (alternating between hot and cold water in your shower would work!) to adding some more leafy greens to your diet. Head over to the link in our bio to check out all of our tips!


Living in the city that never sleeps is amazing until you find yourself … needing that sleep 😫💤 ⁣

In addition to herbs prescribed to you by a practitioner, Magnesium Glycinate is a supplement that can be especially helpful for soothing an overactive brain; it can also help with anxiety and even headaches. Our Yinova blend is particularly calming and a patient-favorite at our center. If you’d like to grab a bottle, head to our online store! (You can always consult with your practitioner before adding supplements to your diet to see if they’re a good fit for you. The Yinova team is always happy to help!)


Finding your focus can be really difficult. Whether you’re at work or in a classroom, sometimes it can feel as if there always something to distract you. The good news? Chinese medicine & Acupuncture can be used to help improve your focus and memory. Read more about how and what herbs we use on our blog, link in bio! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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We all know drinking plenty of water is the ultimate form of hydration. We may even force ourselves to drink more water during the day than we actually desire. Hydration is essential to ensuring proper fluid and electrolyte balance, decreasing fatigue, increasing productivity, removing toxins from our bodies, moistening and hydrating our joints, fueling our muscles, keeping skin clear and healthy, and so much more! But is simply drinking water enough to provide the ultimate level of hydration for our bodies? 

Click the link in bio to learn some simple “micro-movements” (or tiny stretches) you can do to help ensure the water we drink enters all the right places and provides OPTIMAL HYDRATION!


Have you heard about our refer a friend program? When you refer to any of our Yinova locations, you’ll receive $20 added to your account and your friend will receive $20 off their initial consultation!⁣
If there is someone in your life who you think could benefit from seeing us, we would love it if you told them about us! Feel free to share this post or just let your friend know about us! As they check out, they can give our front desk team your name and we’ll handle the rest!⁣


We’ve noticed that when our patients stop taking birth control pills because they want to start to a family, they’re often surprised that their menstrual cycle does not immediately establish a rhythm. This can sometimes be do to the birth control pill masking an underlying irregularity. In these cases we use a combination of Chinese herbs, wellness coaching, and acupuncture to gently draw the body back into balance, making it easier to conceive. ⁣

Yinova practitioner is discussing the ways that Chinese medicine can play supportive role in addressing systemic imbalances in the body when coming off of birth control pills. Link in bio! ⁣ ⁣

Artwork by


Let’s talk about cycles: by definition, missing three periods in a row likely means that you have amenorrhea, a condition we commonly see at Yinova. Patients often come to our center so seek help in reestablishing their menstrual cycle. Oftentimes, these patients have not been too concerned about missing their period until they decide to try to conceive. However, amenorrhea can be a sign of an underlying issue and should always be addressed. Having a menstrual cycle means that you are rhythmic in nature and any disruption to that rhythm can have consequences for your general health.⁣

We usually prescribe a tailored herbal formula for our patients that is written specifically to address their Chinese medical diagnosis and their unique internal landscape. Often, we have our patient taking different herbs at different times of the month to correlate with specific phases of the cycle and are aimed at helping the body find it’s rhythm.⁣

There are some steps you can take at home to take your health in hand. Head to our blog, link in bio, for the advice we give to our patients who are dealing with amenorrhea.⁣


CORN TO BE WILD! Corn is a surprising source of several vitamins, including folic acid, niacin, and Vitamin C. The folic acid in corn is now known to be an important factor in preventing neural-tube birth defects. According to researchers, corn oil has been shown to have an anti-atherogenic effect on cholesterol levels– thus reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. “Keeping up with your Corn-Dashians” will reduce the chances of arteries becoming clogged, reduce blood pressure, and decrease the change of heart attack and stroke.

🌽 Fun Fact 🌽 There are over 3500 uses for corn. It’s used in everything from peanut butter to batteries. 

Click the link in bio to read more about other fruits & veggies that are in season!


When it comes to what we consume there are two kinds of cold: Thermal Cold (right out of the fridge) and Energetic Cold (think of raw foods.) Both types of cold cause vasoconstriction in our digestive systems (which is why you can’t just leave your salad on the kitchen counter for a couple of hours to bring it to room temperature as it’s still raw!) Consuming cold/raw foods can make things more difficult for our bodies to digest and when this happens to the mucous membranes that line our digestive system, we produce more mucus.

When excess mucus is produced in one mucous membrane, other mucous membranes follow suit. There are mucous membranes in lots of different places like our sinus cavities, vaginal canal, stomach, uterine lining, and lungs so this domino effect can have a big impact. A good way to keep all of our mucous membranes healthy is to keep circulation optimal by avoiding overly mucus-producing foods, like cold or raw foods.

Click the link in bio to find a list of things you can do to mitigate the effects of both thermally or energetically cold foods.


As part of a rounded approach to cultivating wellness, I sometimes recommend meditation alongside acupuncture, dietary adjustments, or herbal formulas. Occasionally, the response is “I’ve tried meditation and I can’t do it” or “I’m not good at it.” If you’ve ever felt that way, let me start by reassuring you that you haven’t failed or discovered in yourself a fundamental inability. 

In this article is here to help you have a different experience with meditation by offering some insight into why it may not have worked for you before, if you do want to revisit it, and make some simples suggestions for alternatives if you don’t want to revisit it.  

Click the link in bio to read more.


Astrology means literally ‘language of the stars.’ When working with astrology you closely align yourself to earth’s natural rhythms. Asking questions about any time-related issue such as pregnancy can benefit from astrology’s gift for translating good luck into good timing. Astrology isn’t an exact science but it can help you develop trust and intuition in life. Fascinatingly, more times than not, the predictions I make using astrology come true.

Many of my clients often asked questions about babies and conception. Astrology not only offers you an alternative perspective but it can also give you a sense of specific, important, timings in your life. Which, as you can imagine, is useful when it comes to conception and fertility. Let us dive right in and look at the insights that astrology can give you and the ways it can guide your pregnancy.


Ancient Chinese philosophers looked to the natural world to find a way of describing how we are similar, yet unique. They discovered that pretty much anything in the world could be broken down into five energy types, which they called the Five Elements.

From a Chinese medicine perspective, food cravings are often related to an imbalance in energy within these 5 elements. Each element – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water – is associated with specific organs. When there is an imbalance, it can affect your organs and eventually, if not corrected, surrounding organs as well.


It isn’t news to anyone that it is super hot out there. This summer has been more forgiving than last year, but there have still been a fair amount of swelteringly hot days. We wanted to give you some advice on how to hydrate and cool down, naturally! We went around the office and got some tips from the practitioners, and we are sharing this wisdom with you all on. our blog!

Click the link in bio to learn more!


Let’s start with some basics, shall we? Traditional Chinese medicine is a 3,500-year-old system of medicine. It’s used to address a huge variety of ailments from minor imbalances to chronic conditions and is based on the philosophy that the human body is in a dynamic state of balance- both internally and with the outside world. When this equilibrium is disturbed, we can become sick. That’s where Chinese medicine comes in!

Click the link in the bio to read more!


Why do some people seem to age quicker than others? Is it just a matter of genetics or are there things we can do to slow down the aging process? How much does lifestyle and diet contribute to aging? Don’t we all age? Shouldn’t we just accept it?

The Chinese have a tradition of longevity practices that go back thousands of years and involve a system of diet, exercise, sexual practices, and herbal formulas all of which can slow down the aging process and contribute to an active and healthy old age. In our Live Longer, Live Stronger Blog, address the habits that are aging patients prematurely and shares the 10 best herbal adaptogens for anti-aging.

Click the link in bio to learn more!


With the holiday weekend approaching, we wanted to share a blog favorite on hangovers and a few helpful tips from a Chinese medicine perspective!

Click the link in our bio to read more!


Today we are focusing on Sprains and Strains. This post is for anyone who has ever run, jumped, danced, rode, or landed. In other words, this could help all of us in the, hopefully not so near, future!

Click the link in bio to learn more.

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Our Story

The Yinova Center is a complementary medical center in New York City, known for its experienced team, warm atmosphere and effective care.

At the Yinova Center, we believe that good medicine combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine has to offer, and our practice is rooted in the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, adapted to the needs of modern New Yorkers. We’ve been practicing this way since 1999 and we call what we do the Yinova Method.

The center is home to some of Manhattan’s best acupuncturists and health practitioners, led by husband-and-wife team Jill Blakeway and Noah Rubinstein. The New York Times named Jill and Noah as two of New York’s best acupuncturists and the work of the whole Yinova team has been featured widely on TV and radio and in newspapers and magazines.

We are proud to provide acupuncture and Chinese herbs from an experienced team of practitioners of Chinese medicine. We also offer many forms of bodywork from massage to Rolfingto nutritional advice, and support groups in a spa-like setting, that is a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of downtown Manhattan.

Videos (show all)

We are so excited to be joining forces with @inourprimes and @rmaofny for a panel discussion that will cover everything ...
We headed down to Kamwo Meridian Herbs today to pick up a raw herbal formula. Check out our story from our YinOva Instag...
Busy week ahead? Remember to take some for yourself; weekends are for recharging + restoring balance. Are any of you rea...
Ever wonder why it feels like there are butterflies fluttering around your tummy when your nervous? In Chinese medicine,...
"If you want it, come and get it" - Selena Gomez + also us because we have a box of FertileGirl bars! 🎉💕🙌🏼✨#FertileGirl ...
Hello from YinOva! 🙋We are open today! ❄️ #winterstormstella
Treat Yo Self! Donna Meagle preaching the truth 🙌🏼 needles in your face; pleasure in your base! 🙌🏼Get it girl.
Letting the work week go like...#FridayNightVibes 📸via @henn_kim
❄️WE ARE OPEN!❄️Despite the snow, we're still seeing patients! So if you have an appointment, and can still make it, com...
Under Active Thyroids & Cruciferous Vegetables



37 W 17th Street Suite 300
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 7am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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