Dr. Nicole Stoessel

Dr. Nicole Stoessel and Dr. Megan Ricardson are providing chiropractic care in 3 Delaware locations

Dr. Nicole Stoessel provides chiropractic care in 3 convenient Delaware locations! Omega Pro Center:
92 Omega Drive, Building B, Suite 92,Newark DE, 19713

Silverside Corporate Center:
405 Silverside Road, Suite 111, Wilmington DE, 19809

Glasgow Medical Center:
2600 Glasgow Ave, Suite 124, Newark DE, 19702

Profile pictures 09/15/2022

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Warmer Winter May Reduce Hospital Admissions. An analysis of 16 years of hospital admissions and meteorological data revealed that a warmer temperature in the traditionally colder months is associated with reduced hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease and respiratory issues. The findings suggest that a warmer climate during winter may lower the risk for heart and lung emergencies.
Science of the Total Environment, October 2022

Diet: Salt Substitutes May Be Good for Cardiovascular Health. A review of 21 clinical trials with over 300,000 participants found that the use of salt substitutes, which replace portions of sodium chloride (NaCl) with potassium chloride (KCl), may reduce the risk for hypertension, stroke, heart attack, and death from cardiovascular disease. Heart, August 2022

Exercise: Most Soon-To-Be Moms Don’t Exercise. While exercise during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk for pregnancy complications and better outcomes for both mom and child, the current research suggests that only about 40% of expectant mothers engage in regular physical activity.
Medical News Today, August 2022

Chiropractic: Poor Sleep and Chronic Back Pain May Lead to Greater Disability. Past research suggests that sleep and back pain have a bi-directional relationship; each increases the risk for the other. A recent study found that older adults with both chronic low back pain and poor sleep quality are at an increased risk for reduced physical function over time. Journal of Applied Gerontology, July 2022

Mental Attitude: Factors That Affect Well-Being of MS Patients. Questionnaires completed by 4,888 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients revealed that diagnosis later in life, elevated levels of fatigue, and greater physical impairment are each associated with a poorer outlook on their physical well-being.
Neurology, August 2022

Wellness/Prevention: When to Seek Care for a Sick Child. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends taking a child to the doctor for the following reasons: a fever that's above 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius) or persists for more than three days; cold or flu symptoms that persist beyond ten days; cold or flu symptoms that initially improve but then worsen; wheezing, trouble breathing, or skin that appears blue; discharge from the ear, ear pain, or pain in the abdomen or vomiting; seizures; irritable behavior; or difficulty waking. American Academy of Family Physicians, August 2022


Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Smoking Still Kills Over 120,000 Americans Each Year. In 2019, nearly 123,000 cancer deaths in the United States (US) were attributable to smoking ci******es, which represents 30% of all cancer deaths in the country. Researcher Dr. Farhad Islami adds, “Our study provides further evidence that smoking continues to be a leading cause of cancer-related death and to have a huge impact on the economy across the US... We must continue to help individuals to quit using to***co, prevent anyone from starting, and work with elected officials at all levels of government for broad and equitable implementation of proven to***co control interventions.” International Journal of Cancer, August 2022

Diet: High Blood Pressure Linked to Unhealthy Lifestyle Among Teens. Nearly 90% of instances of high blood pressure in children and teens are attributable to a diet high in sugar and salt, excess weight, and physical inactivity. European Heart Journal, July 2022

Exercise: Stationary Bike Benefits. Penn State Health notes that exercise on a stationary bike offers provides users a great way to improve their aerobic fitness, strengthen their lower body, and burn fat, while placing less stress on the joints and avoiding many of the dangers that come with cycling outside.
Penn State Health, August 2022

Chiropractic: Neck Pain Increases Risk for Chronic TMD. Assessments of 487 temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients revealed that those with chronic (lasting longer than three months) TMD were two times more likely to have neck pain than individuals with acute (less than three months) TMD. The findings suggest that a musculoskeletal disorder in the neck is associated with an increased risk for chronicity in TMD patients. Canadian Journal of Pain, July 2022

Mental Attitude: Abnormal Upper Heart Chamber May Boost Dementia Risk. Data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study suggests that a diagnosis of atrial cardiopathy is linked to a 35% elevated risk for dementia over the following 30 three decades.
Journal of the American Heart Association, August 2022

Wellness/Prevention: When Removing Big Kidney Stones... Among a group of 73 patients under treatment to remove a painful kidney stone, researchers observed that when small symptom-free stones were also removed, the risk for recurrence over the next four years fell by 82%.
New England Journal of Medicine, August 2022

Quote: “Luck is merely an illusion, trusted by the ignorant and chased by the foolish.” ~ Timothy Zahn


Monday, September 12th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: The Cost of Forever Chemicals... Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used to imbue heat-, oil-, stain-, grease-, and water-resistant properties to products such as food containers, clothes, and furniture and have been linked to several poor health outcomes. Because these chemicals linger in the body, they’re known as forever chemicals. According to a recent study, these chemicals may cost the United States health care system an estimated $63 billion dollars a year in medical costs and productivity losses due to the top conditions linked to PFAS exposure, including hypothyroidism and childhood obesity. Senior author Dr. Leonardo Trasande writes, “Our results strongly support the recent decision by the Environmental Protection Agency to lower the safe allowable level of these substances in water... Based on our estimates, the cost of eradicating contamination and replacing this class of chemical with safer alternatives is ultimately justified when considering the tremendous economic and medical risks of allowing them to persist in the environment.”
Exposure and Health, July 2022

Diet: Most Don’t Eat Enough Fruit and Vegetables. An analysis of data on eating patterns from health and nutrition surveys conducted between 1988 and 2018 found that more than half of all participants failed to meet recommendations of 1.5-2 servings of fruit and 2-3 servings of vegetables per day.
Journal of Renal Nutrition, July 2022

Exercise: Walking Suggestion for PAD Patients. New research suggests that for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), walking at a pace that induces leg discomfort results in better long-term walking performance than strolling at a comfortable pace or not walking at all. Journal of the American Heart Association, July 2022

Chiropractic: Manual Therapy Combo Benefits Cervicogenic Dizziness Patients. For individuals with dizziness caused by dysfunction in the cervical spine, researchers report that the combination of functional massage and manipulative therapy—treatments provided in a chiropractic setting—is an effective intervention for improving mechanosensitivity of the cervical muscles, neck-related disability, and dizziness symptoms. Life (Basel), July 2022

Mental Attitude: Anxiety Triggers. Healthline reports that the following are common triggers of anxiety: job- related stress; travel, drug or medication withdrawal, medication side effects, trauma, phobias, chronic pain or illness; depression, and caffeine. Healthline, July 2022

Wellness/Prevention: University Students Could Benefits from Less Phone Use. Questionnaires completed by 400 college students revealed that using a cellphone for six or more hours a day is linked to an elevated risk for eye strain, neck pain, back pain, weight gain, depression, loneliness, and mood disorders.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, July 2022

Quote: “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” ~ Izaak Walton


Friday, September 9th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: IBD Tied to High-Risk Pregnancies. A review of more than 8 million pregnancies found that women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—such as Crohn’s or colitis—had a higher risk of gestational diabetes, postpartum hemorrhage, hypertensive complication, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction, and fetal death. Senior study author Dr. Yezaz Ghouri writes, “Based on our findings, we suggest that women who have moderate to severe IBD should get pre-conception counseling and be treated aggressively to achieve remission prior to getting pregnant... Our study results illustrate the importance that IBD be optimally controlled prior to conception.” International Journal of Colorectal Disease, August 2022

Diet: Grapes May Counter Some Negative Effects of a High-Fat Diet. According to a recent study, adding two cups of grapes a day to a high-fat diet not only helps reduce fat build-up in the liver but it may also lower the risk of early death. Foods, July 2022

Exercise: Exercise Improves Function in Seniors with Chronic Kidney Disease. Older adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often experience impaired physical function. A recent study found that CKD patients with multiple comorbidities who participated in a combined aerobic exercise and resistance training intervention experienced improved physical function. The findings suggest that exercise training should play a role in the management of CKD. American Journal of Kidney Disease, August 2022

Chiropractic: Mid-Back Posture and Back Pain in Teenagers. Among a group of 1,151 middle and high school students, researchers found that the teens with increased curvature of the thoracic spine had a slightly elevated risk for back pain. The findings highlight the importance of maintaining good spinal posture as back pain during adolescence may be associated with an increased risk for the condition in adulthood.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), June 2022

Mental Attitude: Mental Health Issues More Common in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patients. Following a review of data concerning 3.5 million people, researchers report that children with type 1 diabetes have up to a two times increased risk for depression and a 1.6 times elevated risk for anxiety and stress-related disorders.
Diabetes Care, August 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Biggest Cancer Risk Factors in Men and Women. The American Cancer Society reports that family history, alcohol intake, red meat consumption, smoking, and physical inactivity are linked to an elevated cancer risk in men. Meanwhile, the data show that higher BMI, type 2 diabetes, hysterectomy, tubal ligation, family history, high blood pressure, smoking, and physical inactivity are associated with a greater cancer risk in women. Cancer, August 2022

Quote: “Precaution is better than cure.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Thursday, September 8th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Excess Sleep May Raise Risk of Cancer-Related Death. Following an analysis of data from six cohort studies that included over 270,000 participants, researchers report that older adults who routinely sleep ten or more hours a night are up to 18% more likely to die from cancer than seniors who average seven hours of sleep each night. International Journal of Cancer, October 2022

Diet: How Meat May Raise the Risk for Heart Disease... Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) is a metabolite released from the gut microbiome when breaking down red meat, and it has also been linked to an elevated risk for heart disease. An analysis of data from a 26-year study that included 3,391 older adults revealed that for every 1.1 daily servings of red meat in an individual’s diet, their risk for heart disease increases by 22%.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, August 2022

Exercise: Vegans Can Increase Bone Strength By Lifting Weights. Past research has shown a plant-based diet to be associated with decreased bone density and an increased risk of fracture. However, a recent study that included 88 men on either a plant-based or omnivore diet revealed that resistance training at least once a week led to stronger bones with researchers unable to identify differences in bone health between the two groups.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, August 2022

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Patients Less Likely to Need Muscle Relaxants for Low Back Pain. An extensive record review of 9,000 patients with low back that radiates into the leg revealed that those initially treated with spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic—were significantly less likely to require a prescription for benzodiazepine, a muscle relaxant commonly prescribed for patients with radicular low back pain. BMJ Open, June 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Help Your Children Develop Hand Strength. To help your young child strengthen the muscles in their hands, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following tips: show your child how to fold paper, have your child play with toys that involve putting square pegs into square holes, have your child stack blocks, have your child disassemble toys and put them back together, and let your child use clay to create different shapes. American Academy of Pediatrics, July 2022

Mental Attitude: Lack of Sleep May Hinder Developing Brains. Evaluations of more than 8,300 nine- to ten-year old children revealed that those who average less than nine hours of sleep a night exhibited significant differences in brain regions responsible for memory, intelligence, and well-being than their peers who regularly sleep nine to twelve hours a night. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, July 2022


Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Children at Childcare Are Missing Out on Healthy Diets. Australian researchers surveyed 89 daycare centers and found that most provided children too many refined food products—such as cakes, cupcakes, and pancakes—and not enough fruit and vegetables. Additionally, the research team notes that nearly two-thirds of staff responsible for choosing meals had no nutrition training. Public Health Nutrition, June 2022

Diet: Eat More Fiber! A recent systematic review on the association of diet and the risk of cancer found that increased fiber intake is linked to a reduced risk for cancer of the colon, breast, and gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Sciences and Nutrition, August 2022

Exercise: Passive Exercise Offers Health Benefits to the Brain. In this experiment, researchers observed that participants who passively exercised—their limbs were moved by mechanical means and not through their own efforts—experienced a similar increase in cerebral blood flow and an improvement in executive function skills as those who actively exercised. Study supervisor Dr. Matthew Heath notes, “The potential impact for people with limited or no mobility could be profound. If done regularly, the increase in blood flow to the brain and resultant improvement in executive function will, optimistically, become a compounding effect that has a significant impact on cognitive health and executive function.” Psychophysiology, July 2022

Chiropractic: Screen Time, Obesity, and Chronic Back Pain in Teenagers. During the course of a twelve-year study that followed over 420,000 preteens into early adulthood, researchers observed that an increased body mass index and excessive screen time are each associated with an elevated risk for chronic back pain.
European Journal of Pain, June 2022

Mental Attitude: Is There Actually “Good” Stress? An analysis of data collected from over 1,200 adults revealed that low or even moderate levels of stress appear to offer psychological benefits. Lead researcher Dr. Assaf Oshri explains, “Your body, your brain, your psychology, your neurological system, it's adapting to the stress, right? You're exposed to some level of stress, and that creates or initiates some preparing mechanism, if you wish, some reorganization that will prepare you for future encounters with stress.” Psychiatry Research, August 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Keep Those Teeth Pearly White. To prevent tooth discoloration, the Cleveland Clinic recommends the following: decrease coffee intake, give up smoking, floss and brush teeth regularly, have your teeth cleaned twice yearly, and visit the dentist if discoloration doesn’t decrease after changing your habits.
Cleveland Clinic, July 2022

Quote: “Reading makes immigrants of us all. It takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere.” ~ Jean Rhys


Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Early Menopause Linked to Greater Risk of Heart Problems. New research suggests that women who enter menopause after age 50 have a 11%, 23%, and 39% lower risk for incident heart failure than those who start menopause at age 45-49, 40-44, or before age 40, respectively. Additionally, the risk for atrial fibrillation is also elevated for women who enter early menopause. Study author Dr. Ga Eun Nam notes, “Women with premature menopause should be aware that they may be more likely to develop heart failure or atrial fibrillation than their peers... This may be good motivation to improve lifestyle habits known to be linked with heart disease, such as quitting smoking and exercising.” European Heart Journal, August 2022

Diet: B Vitamins May Play a Role in Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is an advanced form of fatty liver disease that is characterized by inflammation and scarring in the liver tissue. A recent study found that supplementation with vitamins B9 and B12 appears to reverse this process and reduce NASH pathology. Journal of Hepatology, July 2022

Exercise: Nordic Walking Can Help Parkinson’s Patients. Nordic walking is a low-impact aerobic activity that involves walking with poles. A systematic review of twelve studies concluded that Nordic walking can improve walking ability and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Health & Social Care in the Community, September 2022

Chiropractic: The Sacroiliac Joint Related Pain and Spinopelvic Mobility. Examinations of 245 patients, of which 49 had sacroiliac joint-related pain (SIJ-RP), revealed that those with SIJ-RP exhibited a less than five-degree difference in the forward tilt of the sacrum in sitting versus standing positions. Further analysis showed that this characteristic is linked to a 2.7 times increased risk for SIJ-RP. The findings suggest that assessing spinopelvic mobility may help clinicians confirm an SIJ-RP diagnosis. Spine, June 2022

Mental Attitude: When Possible, Talk in Person. Questionnaires completed by more than 3,000 college students revealed that participants tended to feel best after interacting with someone in person versus over a phone call or through texting or messaging online. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, July 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Practice Self-Care. It’s important to set aside time for self-care to be better equipped to handle all life can throw at you. The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that self-care includes the following: regular exercise, a healthy diet, staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, engaging in relaxing activities, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, staying positive, practicing gratitude, and staying connected with friends and family. American Academy of Family Physicians, August 2022

Quote: “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Whiplash Injury, Severity, and Recovery 09/05/2022

Whiplash Injury, Severity, and Recovery Experts estimate that whiplash associated disorders (WAD) from motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) affect about 300 for every 100,000 people in the Western each year. Suffice it to say, that’s a lot of people! Crash tests have demonstrated that the risk for whiplash is much greater when


Friday, September 2nd, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Heart Failure Deaths Increasing Among Young Americans. Researchers report that the rate of heart failure death among Americans aged 15 to 44 years increased from two deaths per 100,000 people to three deaths per 100,000 people between 2012 and 2019. This finding corresponds with an increase in obesity and a reduction in cardiorespiratory fitness among younger adults. JAMA Cardiology, July 2022

Diet: Fruit and Vegetables Can Lower Long-Term Diabetes Risk. Following a review of data from the Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Program, researchers report that a high intake of fruit and vegetables is associated with up to a 24% reduced risk for type 2 diabetes in middle-aged adults.
European Journal of Nutrition, September 2022

Exercise: Dementia Patients Benefit from Online Chair Yoga. Older adults with dementia who participated in an online chair yoga intervention that focused on breathing techniques, physical posture, guided relaxation, and visualization under the direction of yoga instructors and caregivers twice a week for eight weeks experienced improvements in physical function with no reports of injury or adverse events.
Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice, July 2022

Chiropractic: Occupational Driving Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders. A systematic review of 25 studies concluded that work-related musculoskeletal disorders are common among truck, bus, and taxi drivers, with low back pain as their most common complaint. Risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among occupational drivers include long hours in a seated position, years in the profession, vehicle ergonomics, and whole- body vibration exposure. Chiropractic care offers a conservative treatment approach for the management of low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. Internal Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, June 2022

Mental Attitude: Are You Hangry? According to a study that compared hunger levels and emotional well-being in 64 adults over a three-week timeframe, hunger is associated with a 37% variation in a person’s irritability, a 34% of variation in anger, and a 38% variation in feelings of pleasure. PLOS ONE, July 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Risks for Hip Fracture. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers the following recommendations for seniors to reduce their risk for hip fracture: keep your home free of clutter, making sure it is well lit; install grab bars in bathrooms; exercise regularly to strengthen bones and muscles and improve balance; get an eye exam and a physical every year; discuss medications side effects with your doctor; know your risk factors for osteoporosis and fractures; eat a nutritious diet rich in vitamin D and calcium; and maintain a healthy weight. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, July 2022

Quote: “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” ~ Samuel Goldwyn


Thursday, September 1st, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Your Neighborhood May Affect Your Odds of Conceiving. New research suggests that couples from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods who are looking to start a family may be up to 20% less likely to conceive than couples from more affluent neighborhoods. Study author Dr. Mary Willis adds, “The fact that we're seeing the same results on the national and state level really shows that neighborhood deprivation can influence reproductive health, including fertility.” JAMA Network Open, June 2022

Diet: Vitamin B5 May Play Role in Weight Loss. Laboratory studies suggest that pantothenate acid, also known as vitamin B5, stimulates the production of brown fat, which has been observed to reduce lipids in the blood and liver, lower blood insulin levels, and improve glucose tolerance. The researchers hope this finding may lead to more effective treatments for obesity and type 2 diabetes.
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, July 2022

Exercise: Burn More Fat with HIIT. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort such as sprinting or stair climbing separated by intervals of moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging or fast walking. A review of 18 controlled trials that included over 500 participants found that fat metabolism improves within four weeks of starting an HIIT routine and after twelve weeks, each minute of physical activity burns an additional .13 grams of fat. British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 2022

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Care for Veterans with Chronic Low Back Pain. Questionnaires completed by 217 older military veterans with chronic low back pain revealed that those treated by a doctor of chiropractic experienced significant improvement in pain and function within four visits. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, June 2022

Mental Attitude: Dementia Risk Factors. According to a review of data from 118 studies, the following are risk factors for dementia: low educational attainment, type 2 diabetes, being overweight/obese, atrial fibrillation, benzodiazepine use, slow walking speed, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, sensory impairment, respiratory illness, anemia, smoking, alcoholism, poor diet, poor sleep hygiene, physical inactivity, and social withdrawal. Journal of Affective Disorders, October 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Brushing Teeth Can Be Fun. The American Dental Association suggests the following to make brushing their teeth fun for kids: forget the timer and turn on your child's favorite two-minute song or read them a silly story to keep them entertained; make brushing part of the bedtime routine and don't let children skip brushing their teeth, no matter how their day gone; create a reward chart and offer praise when your child does a good job brushing their teeth; let your child choose a fun toothbrush to promote use; and brush your teeth together to set a good example. American Dental Association, July 2022

Quote: “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.” ~ Walter Scott


Tuesday, August 30th, 2022 Courtesy of:

Back Pain Relief Chiropractic
Short Term Care for Your Neck and Back Pain.
302-652-BACK [2225]

Health Alert: Prostate Cancer Treatment May Increase Heart Risks. Data from a Lithuanian cancer registry revealed that men who received hormone therapy to treat prostate cancer experienced a two-times increased risk for death from cardiovascular disease, with the risk increasing to five times in those aged 70 to 79. The findings suggest that healthcare providers should screen older prostate cancer patients for heart disease and related risk factors before choosing a therapy. The Aging Male, July 2022

Diet: Strawberries May Help Fight Alzheimer's. New research suggests that an increased intake of pelargonidin, a bioactive compound in strawberries, is associated with less neurofibrillary tau tangles—a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Study author Dr. Puja Agarwal adds, “The study was an observational study and does not prove a direct causal relationship. Further research is needed to understand the role of nutrition in Alzheimer's disease, but this study gives us hope on how specific dietary components such as berry may help brain health.”
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, July 2022

Exercise: Exercise May Help Lower Dementia Risk. According to a study that included over 500,000 older adults, frequent physical activity is associated with a 35% reduced risk for dementia during the following decade of life. Neurology, July 2022

Chiropractic: Manual Therapies for Migraine Relief. A systematic review of 13 studies concluded that mobilization techniques, trigger point therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, massage, and stretching techniques are each effective interventions in the management of migraine headache patients, especially when used in combination. Doctors of chiropractic often use such therapies as part of a multimodal approach for the management of migraines. Schmerz (Germany), August 2022

Mental Attitude: Poor Mental Health Linked to Weight Gain. Following a review of data collected from 404 adults, researchers report that participants who experienced higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression were more likely to gain weight during an eight-month time period than those without mental health issues.
Obesity, June 2022

Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D and BMI Linked to Back Pain in Postmenopausal Women. Among a group of 365 postmenopausal women, researchers found that those with deficient vitamin D levels and an elevated body mass index (BMI) were more likely to exhibit weakened paraspinal muscles and more intense low back pain. The findings suggest that improving vitamin D status and managing a healthy weight can reduce the risk for low back pain in older women. Climacteric, August 2022

Quote: “To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever.” ~ Henry Drummond

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Our Story

Dr. Nicole Stoessel and Dr. Puja Patel are providing chiropractic care in 4 convenient Delaware locations!

Omega Pro Center:
92 Omega Drive, Building B, Suite 92, Newark DE, 19713

Silverside Corporate Center:
405 Silverside Road, Suite 111, Wilmington DE, 19809

Glasgow Medical Center:
2600 Glasgow Ave, Suite 124, Newark DE, 19702

1708 Lovering Ave Suite 102 Wilmington, DE 19806




2600 Glasgow Avenue, Suite 124
Newark, DE

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 12pm
3pm - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 12pm
3pm - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
3pm - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 12pm
3pm - 6pm

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At Pure Wellness, we are committed to delivering the highest quality health care to our patients

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1352 Marrows Road Suite 202
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500 Christiana Medical Center
Newark, 19702

A unique integrative chiropractor specializing in pediatrics, pregnancy, and women’s health

Blue Hen Chiropractic & Wellness, P.A. Blue Hen Chiropractic & Wellness, P.A.
421 New London Road
Newark, 19711

Pike Creek Chiropractic Center Pike Creek Chiropractic Center
1450 Capitol Trl Ste 103
Newark, 19711

First State Health & Wellness First State Health & Wellness
1536 Capitol Trail
Newark, 19711

Meet the First State Health & Wellness team—repeatedly recognized among the best in Delaware by The News Journal's annual Readers' Choice Awards.

Glasgow Spine and Wellness Glasgow Spine and Wellness
179 West Chestnut Hill Road Suite 1
Newark, 19702

Accepting New Patients NOW - We’ve Got Your Back! Need a second opinion, give us a call!

Chiropractic and Muscle Therapy of Delaware Chiropractic and Muscle Therapy of Delaware
256 Chapman Road Suite 102
Newark, 19702

Top notch chiropractic care and massage therapy serving Newark DE and the surrounding area. Specializing in auto, workers comp & sports injuries.

Integrity Sport & Spine Chiropractic Center Integrity Sport & Spine Chiropractic Center
100 Biddle Avenue
Newark, 19702

A Chiropractic and Injury Rehab Center