OC Fertility + OC Biogenix

OC Fertility believes everyone's family building journey is uniquely their own. A female provider-led

As a fertility clinic based in Orange County, OC Fertility offers a full range of reproductive medicine and infertility services to its patients from its clinic in Newport Beach, California. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date fertility care in a compassionate setting, while upholding ethical standards that support patients to make informed medical decisions leading to timely success.


Your uterine health is essential for fertility and overall well-being. A healthy uterus can significantly impact your ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. Here are some tips to maintain optimal uterine health:

🌿 Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
🌿 Exercise regularly to support a healthy weight.
🌿 Manage stress through mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
🌿 Stay informed about menstrual health and seek medical advice for irregularities.
🌿 Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake.
🌿 Visit your OB/GYN or fertility specialist on an annual basis.

These proactive steps can help maintain the health of your uterus and find ways to intervene when something isn't right.


If you’re considering having a child, one question may be at the top of your mind — Will I have a healthy baby?⠀

Genetic screening is a great way to reduce the risk of your child inheriting some common pre-existing conditions. While we recommend genetic carrier testing and embryo genetic testing, the decision is ultimately up to you to decide the testing you'd like to move forward with. ⠀

Genetic carrier testing is often done prior to starting fertility treatment and is a simple blood or saliva test performed on you and your partner. If it is found that both you and your partner carry the same mutation, then the likelihood of your child developing this disease increases significantly. ⠀

Embry genetic testing is done on the embryo about 5 to 7 days after egg fertilization to check the right number of chromosomes. ⠀

We recommend testing for women over the age of 35, as well as women who have a history of multiple miscarriages, irregularities in ovarian function, a history of problems with fertility treatment, and those who are interested in embryo banking. ⠀

To learn more about the processes and genetic testing available, check out the resources on our website. https://www.ocfertility.com/

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July is Fragile X Syndrome Awareness Month.

Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic condition that can impact learning and development.

For those who are carriers, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) offer hope when trying to conceive. These advanced techniques help ensure the health of your future children by screening embryos for Fragile X and other genetic conditions before implantation.

Want to learn more about your options when it comes to genetic screening?

Schedule a free consultation with one of our highly trained reproductive endocrinologists today to learn the importance of genetic screening and other testing options.


"Dr. Moayeri and the staff are incredible. My husband and I had infertility issues and went to a different clinic prior to OC Fertility. We did 3 rounds of IVF with the other clinic and all of them failed. They told me I would have to have a surrogate to carry my child. I was devastated, as I was only 30 years old. I didn’t give up and went to see Dr. Moayeri. She and her staff were wonderful! They were always so kind, professional and knowledgeable. The office is so clean and welcoming.”

Thank you, Krista, for sharing this feedback with us!


🌿✨ Happy Plastic Free July! ✨🌿

This month, let's commit to reducing our plastic use and creating a healthier planet for all.

Did you know that many plastics contain harmful chemicals called PFAs (per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances)? These "forever chemicals" can have a significant impact on our health, including our fertility.

Research has shown that PFAs can disrupt hormone function, leading to potential fertility issues in both men and women. Let's protect our health and future generations by making conscious choices:

🔹 Opt for reusable bags, bottles, and containers.
🔹 Avoid products with non-stick coatings.
🔹 Choose natural fiber clothing and bedding.
🔹 Support brands committed to sustainable practices.

Every small step counts! What steps have you taken to reduce your exposure to potential PFAs in plastic?


Dr. Moayeri is kicking off this week at the eshre reproductive medicine meeting in Europe.

staying up to date and educated in reproductive medicine goes beyond the US, so this is a great opportunity for our clinic!

Stay tuned for some more behind the scenes updates from Dr. Moayeri.


"Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can."


Are you familiar with the terms cyst and fibroid? Chances are, you have heard of them but might not understand what exactly is a cyst and fibroid and the difference between them. While cysts and fibroids can occur in various body parts, we often see them in female reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries.

Are you ready to test your knowledge? Check out our blog post on Cysts and Fibroids to learn more. https://www.ocfertility.com/blog/understanding-the-difference-between-cysts-and-fibroids


Our patients mean the world to us and we’d love to hear from you and share your journey on our social platforms.

If you are interested in sharing your story with us and would like us to include it on our social platforms, below are the ways to submit your story and photos today!

✅ Send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook with your photos


✅ Email us at [email protected]

Growing Families, Together!


Happy 4th of July from our entire OC Fertility + OC Biogenix team.

We hope everyone is celebrating safely and look forward to seeing you after the holiday.


“Dr. Sachdev is the best physician I've ever been treated by. She was incredibly knowledgeable, professional, and an expert in her field. She also possessed all the characteristics of a true friend handling a delicate matter. She was compassionate, friendly, warm-spirited and warm-hearted, and made us feel that we were the most important patients of her day. She executed with precision.”

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We appreciate the kind words and couldn't agree more about Dr. Sachdev.


Today we're shedding a little light on fibroids.

Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus. While they are usually harmless, they can cause various symptoms that impact a woman's quality of life, including fertility-related issues. Below are a few of the signs and symptoms that could potentially be related to fibroids:

✅Heavy menstrual bleeding
✅ Pelvic pain and pressure
✅ Frequent urination
✅ Abdominal swelling:
✅ Pain during in*******se

It's essential to remember that each woman's experience with fibroids is unique. If you notice any of these symptoms, we encourage you to contact a healthcare professional who can provide a proper diagnosis and guidance.

🌺 Remember, you're not alone on this journey.


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

The California Medical Association proudly welcomes Dr. Sharon Moayeri of OC Fertility + OC Biogenix as the newest OCMA Alternate Delegate!

Over the next three years, Dr. Moayeri will bring her expertise and dedication to the forefront, representing Orange County with passion and commitment. Join us in congratulating her on this remarkable achievement! 👏


“Strong people aren’t simply born. They are made by the storms they walk through.”

You are strong and we are here for you no matter what!


Do Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates affect fertility?

Yes, these two endocrine-disrupting chemicals can have a negative impact on fertility.

These chemicals mimic estrogen, which can trick the body into over-responding or responding at the wrong times. This can cause fertility issues as it can cause a disruption to your natural fertility cycles.

In addition to plastic products, these two chemicals can be found in:
-Food/drink cans and packaging
-Fragranced products (including perfume and air fresheners)
-Cash Register Receipts

You may often notice marketing that states "BPA-free" and "free of phthalates" on many of the plastic products you purchase. Just know that there are other endocrine-disrupting chemicals that still may be included in their products.

It would be very hard to eliminate all products you are exposed to on a daily basis that have BPA and phthalates, but you can take steps to reduce your exposure by reading packaging and educating yourself on which products do not contain these chemicals, and choosing alternatives that are safer.


Happy Birthday Pamela! 🎉 🍰

Your hard work, dedication, and sweet nature do not go unnoticed in our clinic and our community. You're a true leader and great friend to all and we hope this is the best birthday yet!!


“My experience with Dr. Moayeri is a refreshing one, and one of much relief after the poor experiences my husband and I encountered with other physicians. Before Dr. Moayeri, I had been discouraged from pursuing motherhood by other insensitive physicians. I was given a 0% chance of conceiving, and Dr. Moayeri took on that challenge -successfully- and gave us hope once again. “

Thank you for the kind words and sharing your experience with our team.


OC Fertility + OC Biogenix is an independent, woman-owned, and operated small business dedicated to assisting you on your fertility journey!

We take immense pride in being a part of your journey and are here to help with all of your fertility needs.

Our expert team, which includes board-certified specialists in reproductive endocrinology, infertility, embryology, and anesthesiology, operates a comprehensive fertility clinic and laboratory all in one location, which allows us to offer high success rates and optimal patient care.


A uterine cavity evaluation is an important part of the workup for anyone looking to get pregnant in the near future.

The evaluation can be done via different methods, all of which aim to evaluate the endometrial cavity—the inside of the uterus, where an embryo will implant. The goal of the assessment is to identify if there is anything within the cavity that could inhibit or disrupt a potential embryo from implanting, such as polyps, fibroids, scar tissue, or a uterine septum.

Want to learn more about a Uterine Cavity Evaluation and how it could impact your treatment and care moving forward? Check out the latest blog post below by Dr. Nidhee Sachdev today.



Being Yourself Is Never the Wrong Thing to Do.

You are amazing, you are unique, and you are loved.


Embarking on a fertility journey can be an emotional rollercoaster, filled with hope and challenges. It's important to prioritize your mental well-being throughout this path. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate it with strength and resilience:

1. Seek Support: You are not alone in this journey. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your thoughts and feelings can provide immense relief.

2. Practice Self-Care: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Self-care is vital whether it's yoga, meditation, reading, or a bubble bath.

3. Educate Yourself: Knowledge empowers you. Educate yourself about the fertility process and options available to you. Understanding the journey can alleviate uncertainty.

4. Set Realistic Goals: While dreaming big is important, setting realistic expectations is also crucial. This can reduce the pressure you might feel.

5. Mindful Eating and Exercise: Maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly to boost your physical and mental well-being. It can also help regulate hormones.

6. Professional Guidance: Consult a therapist or counselor who specializes in fertility issues. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and coping strategies.

7. Take Breaks: It's okay to take breaks when needed. Step back, recharge, and return to the journey with renewed energy.

Be Kind to Yourself: Remember, having moments of sadness or frustration is okay. Treat yourself with compassion and love during these times.

Your fertility journey is uniquely yours, and navigating it at your own pace is okay. 🌈❤️ Keep believing in the possibility of the beautiful future you're working towards. You've got this! 💪💖


Infertility affects women of all reproductive ages and people creating families at different life stages with varied backgrounds. It can feel like a lonely road, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Whether you are just beginning your family building journey or have been on this path for some time, know that you are not alone. At Hoag, we are here to help you through these uncertain times.

“There are many causes of infertility and sometimes, with the right treatment, we can help couples conceive naturally,” said Sharon Moayeri, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., M.P.H., M.S., Hoag reproductive endocrinology & infertility. “If interventions are needed, Hoag provides expert fertility care.”

“A common misconception is that infertility is primarily related to women. “However, nearly half of infertility involves male factor, and the remaining is caused by a combination of problems in both partners, or unknown,” Dr. Moayeri said.

Click the link below to read the full blog post.


“Dr. Sachdev's expertise and deep understanding of reproductive medicine were evident in every interaction. She took the time to listen attentively to my concerns, answer my questions, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to my specific needs. Her professionalism and compassionate approach made me feel valued as a patient, and I always felt confident in her guidance and recommendations.”

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!


Fact: According to the CDC, the incidence of infertility is higher in black women than in white women, and it is steadily increasing.

This disparity is alarming and a reminder that there is still work to be done in the Black Community to learn more and figure out better solutions for their fertility needs.

Community is everything and we encourage you to follow the accounts below to stay connected:

-Black Women and Infertility
-Broken Brown Egg
-Fertility for Colored Girls


🎉 🍰 It's a very special birthday today that we can't help but celebrate! 🎉 🍰

Please help us in sending warm wishes to Dr. Moayeri today for her birthday. We appreciate you and thank you for all that you do for our team.


Here at OC Fertility + OC Biogenix, we recognize that infertility is not “just a woman’s health issue,” but it also impacts men as well. In more than one-third of cases, the issues with being able to have children do relate to s***m issues.

We initially diagnose male factor fertility issues through a diagnostic test called a semen analysis. This non-invasive test allows for a better visual of what is going on regarding s***m quality and quantity and gives us some good insight.

Men who do not have optimal s***m health can take key steps to improve their s***m quality. Our latest blog post has listed five ways to optimize male fertility for those pursuing IVF or other assisted reproductive technologies (ART). https://www.ocfertility.com/blog

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We know that not every family journey is the same and we celebrate every unique family building journey. ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜


This Father's Day, let's not only celebrate the fathers and step-fathers. Let's also celebrate the soon-to-be fathers and the hopeful fathers who are still on their journey to fatherhood.

We proudly support fathers and fathers-to-be from all walks of life. ‍

We see all that you do and we recognize your love, commitment, and support during the infertility journey.


June is Men’s Health Month!

At OC Fertility + OC Biogenix, we’re dedicated to spreading awareness about all aspects of health, including men's fertility. Fertility is not just a women’s issue—men play a crucial role too! Here’s why men’s health matters for fertility:

🔍 Understanding Male Fertility:

S***m Health: Factors like diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices can impact s***m quality and count.
Regular Check-ups: Routine health check-ups can help detect potential issues early on.
Mental Well-being: Stress and mental health can affect hormone levels and s***m production.

🌟 Tips for Boosting Male Fertility:

Healthy Diet: Incorporate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet.
Regular Exercise: Stay active to maintain a healthy weight and boost overall health.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol: These can negatively affect s***m quality.
Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.

Join the Conversation:

Let’s break the stigma and talk about men’s health and fertility openly. Share your stories, ask questions, and support each other in this journey. 💪💙

🗓️ Book a Consultation:
If you have concerns about fertility, don’t hesitate to reach out. Schedule an appointment with our expert team to get personalized advice and support.


“After our first consultation my husband and I left with no questions. We agreed that Dr. Moayeri was the Doctor we wanted. She was kind and caring but we also knew what exactly what was not working and what we needed to do to proceed. Throughout the process we continued to feel confident in our decision and will go back again. The office was also spotless and comfortable.”

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

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Videos (show all)

July is Fragile X Awareness Month.mp4
Your Story Matters.mp4
4th of July.mp4
Fibroid Awareness Month.mp4
Motivational Travel Instagram Reels Video.mp4
Dr. Moayeri (Mobile Video)-2.mp4
Understanding Your Reproductive Potential.mp4



1401 Avocado Avenue Ste 403
Newport Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 4pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 4pm
Thursday 7:30am - 4pm
Friday 7:30am - 4pm

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