Kelsey Lowitz Integrative Health

I help hard working, high-achieving women who are exhausted by the constant drive to “do it all,? Good news, you’ve landed in the right place.

Are you a successful, driven woman who struggles with slowing down, connecting deeply with yourself, and knowing what makes you deeply satisfied? Are you ready to have more ease and balance along with the success in your life? Maybe you’ve been so busy saying “yes” to everybody else’s needs that you’ve ignored your own heart. And now, while you’ve achieved success by all external measures, inside


As a wise Shaman once looked me in the eye and told me in his most soothing and comforting voice, "Humaning is hard work."

He is right. It is hard being a human in this world right now.

On tough days, I see his eyes and hear his voice and it reminds me I'm not alone.

As an empath, I feel things deeply. I feel my own suffering and the suffering of others intensely.

In my early life, I learned to close down this sensitivity. It was easier that way.

I succeeded shutting down my feelings, and pushing myself to achieve. I lived in my head, cut off from my heart and body. I was able to create what I (thought I) wanted in my life by DOING more to get ahead.

It worked!

I went to good schools, got straight A's, had a corporate career, I ran marathons, I got married at 27 to the right kind of guy… I was doing all the right things by society’s standards.

I got a lot of validation along this path, but I was empty inside. Cut off from my heart, and deeply unfulfilled.

Through my own healing journey I realized I had to develop the capacity to feel my feelings (even and especially the hard ones), and come home to myself, in order to feel deep joy.

I had to learn how to choose myself and my own desires, over pleasing others and following the conventional path that was expected of me.

This process of coming home to myself has allowed me to create my life my way, and experience more joy, ease and love ALONGSIDE all the suffering, pain, grief and anger that’s also always there for me too.

Learning these skills doesn't make your pain go away. It won’t protect you from the ups and downs of life. But with these tools, you’ll be able to hold the possibility of ecstatic joy alongside your everyday pain. You'll be able to stay grounded and rooted as the winds of change try to blow you down. Maybe some of the bumps in the road won't feel so turbulent.

I truly love sharing these healing practices and tools with others. On Wednesday (2 PM, PT) I'm leading a free workshop "Nourish your Nervous System."

In this workshop, you'll experience some of what I've found to be the most healing practices on this journey towards wholeness.

You'll nurture your nervous system in a meaningful and healing way, so you can create the life YOU most want. There will be time for quiet inner reflection, journaling, sharing and coaching too.

You'll take home practices you can use any time in your life you need it most.

It's free to register! See link to register in comments section. If you can't attend live, I'll send the recording afterwards to everyone who registered.

Hope to see you there.

Love, ❤️


I’ve struggled with not feeling good enough.

As a kid in school, I stayed up late anxiously cramming for tests or perfecting papers that I’d procrastinated writing.

In college, I spent long nights in the library blindly memorizing facts, meanwhile missing out on campus experiences that would’ve been more meaningful than an A in Chemistry.

My “not good enough” anxiety helped me achieve, but robbed me of the deeper joy of learning, and being present in my life.

Working in the corporate world, trying to prove my worth made me demand perfection from myself (and others) while seeking validation through promotions and raises.

Being the “go to” person made me feel needed, but the constant climb was exhausting. I used coffee to help me perform on not enough sleep, alcohol to unwind, and Prozac to help me look like I had it together, while still feeling unworthy on the inside.

This broke me, and didn’t make the voice quiet down.

Fifteen years later, even now that I’ve done “the work,” and I know the truth of my innate goodness, this old familiar feeling still visits sometimes.

It’s much subtler, less frequent or urgent, but I still recognize this fear voice when I’m setting new goals, taking a new risk, trying something new.

I hear it:

- When I start developing a new project at work, or when I want to undercharge and overdeliver, as if that’s the thing that will keep my clients returning.

- When I’m dating + I am attracted to an unavailable man, I feel the need to prove my worth to “make it happen.”

- When my teenage daughter gets angry, I assume it wouldn’t be happening if I could just be a better mother.

But my wise heart knows the truth.

That I am and always have been absolutely good enough, just as I am. (And you are, too, btw!)

Now, when I feel that old fear clench in my body…

I breathe deeply, put my hand on my heart, channel my wise inner adult and say tenderly to myself (like I would to a child,)

“Oh sweetie, this feeling is hard. But you are not alone. Everyone feels this way sometimes. I see you. I love you just the way you are. I’m listening. I’ve got you.”

And the clench loosens, the fear releases just enough.

These inner critical thoughts no longer lead me to work harder to control the situation.

Instead, they are a gentle reminder for me to let go and TRUST…

To slow down and listen with compassion to that young part of myself that’s feeling scared.

To feel the support that’s inside and all around me.

Listening and trusting helps me access my power and the courage to take risks, and move forward towards my goals.

And choose myself.

One step, and one deep breath at a time.

Treatment Room for Healing Arts: Massage/ Reiki/ Chiro/ Acupuncture - office & commercial - office commercial rent -... 12/14/2023

My Wellness Clinic is looking to expand it's offerings! Do you know anyone who wants to grow their healing arts practice in the new year? We have space to rent for like minded service practitioners (Massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, nutritionists, coaches, psychotherapists, osteopathy or reiki practitioners...)

If so, please help me spread the word and send them this posting!

Treatment Room for Healing Arts: Massage/ Reiki/ Chiro/ Acupuncture - office & commercial - office commercial rent -... Looking to expand your healing arts practice into a new space for the new year? We have room(s) available to rent in a beautiful wellness center on a quiet tree lined street, in a central Oakland...

Massage therapists: Rent studio space, or Join our Team! - sublets & temporary - apartment sublet rent - craigslist 09/20/2023

We are looking for another massage therapist to join the team over at my clinic. Do you know a wonderful holistic massage therapist who is looking for a place to practice? Connect us, please! 🙏

Massage therapists: Rent studio space, or Join our Team! - sublets & temporary - apartment sublet rent - craigslist Busy Acupuncture Clinic seeks Massage Therapist to join the team We are looking for a holistic Massage Therapist to join the team at our integrative healing clinic near Lake Merritt in Oakland....


Wishing you all a very relaxing Labor Day holiday! If you've been feeling like you could use a seasonal health tune up, I have some openings for acupuncture tomorrow. Openings are Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 12:30, 2 PM or 4 PM.

Getting acupuncture at the change of the seasons is a little bit like changing the oil on your car.... great preventive maintenance ;)

Opinion | There’s a Specific Kind of Joy We’ve Been Missing 07/12/2021

We find our greatest bliss in moments of collective effervescence... the sense of energy and harmony people feel when they come together in a group around a shared purpose. This kind of joy is forged in the deep fun of creating together and solving problems together. As the world starts to open up, and we start connecting in person again, this is what I'm most looking forward to.

Having just returned from a week at Oakland Feather River Family camp where adults and kids got to play freely together in groups outside, in nature, I can tell you my nervous system has been re-set and my heart is full from this collective effervescence.

I hope you are finding ways to gather safely this summer, and that it is sparking joy for you. Stay tuned... as I'm trying to figure out a place and date for a Fall Slow Power retreat so that we might be able to gather TOGETHER!!! 💕

(Adam Grant nails it again with this insightful article on the contagiousness of emotions.)

Opinion | There’s a Specific Kind of Joy We’ve Been Missing We find our greatest bliss in moments of “collective effervescence.”

Acupuncture Found Effective For ADHD 06/13/2021

Feeling distracted? Acupuncture helps reduce ADHD symptoms. Researchers concluded that acupuncture improves cerebral artery blood flow in those with ADHD, increases their sustained attention and ability to inhibit distraction (inhibition response), and increases overall treatment efficacy for ADHD patients.

Acupuncture Found Effective For ADHD ADHD researchers find acupuncture effective for improving sustained attention.


Join me for Qigong +Meditation today at 7:30 AM (PT)
Let's close out the year together! Link below.

Slow Power Workshop | Kelsey Lowitz 09/30/2020

Here we are, starting Fall, a transition that's always been a little hard for me, but is even more so this year.

I can't even watch the news...RBG, the election cycle, ongoing police brutality, corruption, wildfires, COVID deaths, ongoing systemic racism and injustice... it's completely overwhelming.

If you're also feeling a little down right now, or even powerless and despair, I assure you that you are not alone.

Things are hard right now.

I have a long held habit of speeding up and doing more when things get tough. As an overachiever, I learned that I can reach my goals by working harder, faster, smarter. I'd check things off the list, feel accomplished, and earn praise so that I would feel good about myself.

But that "good enough" feeling wouldn't last long, and I'd find myself repeating that cycle again and again until I was completely exhausted.

The truth is, speeding up, working harder, and simply doing more can actually block you from having what you most deeply want. There's a very real cost to overworking; it's not a sustainable solution. Especially now.

What if… you could slow down…and actually achieve more of what you most deeply want?

What if… all the hard work you’ve been putting in (because it’s always worked before) is actually holding you back from that?

What if… going slower and being kinder to yourself could introduce you to your true power?

I'm leading a free workshop on this TODAY Wednesday, Sept. 30th AND next Wednesday, October 7th at 3:30 PM, Lead with Slow Power: Shift from Overworked and Overwhelmed to Thriving, Sustainable Success.

If you are ready to harness the power of ease and calm to reach your biggest goals, this is for you.

In this live workshop, you’ll explore…
✅The cost of over-doing in your life and how it is holding you back from greater success.

✅The secret to breaking free from the cycle of over-giving and validation seeking.

✅Practices that help you create space and connect with your body’s inner wisdom and heart’s guide.

✅Creating a new vision for your life so you can do less and achieve your goals with ease.

For all the details and to register for this free opportunity, visit:

I promise this workshop will leave you feeling more calm, more ease, and more motivated to create what's deeply meaningful to you...

I'd love to see you there! (There are 2 date options to choose from, but if you can't make it live, I'll be sure and send the recording if you register here.)

Slow Power Workshop | Kelsey Lowitz Lead with Slow Power: Shift from Overworked and Overwhelmed to Thriving, Sustainable Success For high achieving women ready to harness the powerof ease and calm to reach their biggest goals A live workshop Wednesday, September 30th or October 7th at 3:30 PM Pacific REGISTER NOW What if… you could ...


Is it hard for you to slow down and feel your feelings? Me too!
I'll be doing a FB live workshop on this topic in my Slow Power FB group today at noon PST. Hope you can join us!


How are you doing? If you're like me, you might be feeling uncertainty fatigue: tired of the state of not knowing.

Humans love knowing, being sure of things. We feel safe when we feel certain and in control. So we create plans, structures and routines to help us know what comes next, and feel comfortable.
But right now, there’s so much that’s up in the air, so many unknowns, we can’t seem to find solid footing, and we definitely can’t get on with our plans. It’s no wonder that so many of us are having so much anxiety right now.

What will happen with schools next year? Will there be a vaccine or treatment available for COVID? What about the election? What if we are sheltered in place forever? Will I lose my job? Will people I love get sick?

As I go through the litany of “what if’s” I can feel my body tense, my heart rate accelerate, my chest and jaw tighten, and I lose mental focus. My world starts to spin. Distracted, I then shame myself for being unproductive.

Sound familiar?
If you read the news at all, it’s likely you are swimming in some version of these thoughts much of the time. But your physical response to them is very subtle, and mostly goes unnoticed as you move through the day in “doing mode.”

Over time, the elevated stress response that’s created when you think these anxious thoughts wreaks havoc on your body, your mood, and even your immune system.

Of course, it would be impossible to ignore these thoughts completely. But I believe there is a healthier, calmer way to go on living amidst all of the current unpredictability….

Here are my top 6 tips for staying peaceful and grounded amidst all of this uncertainty.
1. Create the space to pause.
When life feels like it’s speeding up, like you’re in a rush, or you are spinning your wheels, take a short break, and a deep breath to connect inwardly. Stop DOING for just a moment, and let yourself feel your feelings. Tune into your own heart and ask, “What’s really here? What am I feeling right now? What am I needing?” Let the whispers of your heart speak to you. Allow whatever arises to be there, even if it’s uncomfortable. I find that naming the sensation (tightness, constriction, heat, rapid heart beat, clenched jaw) and the feeling (fear, anxiety, anger, frustration), and exploring the physical sensations in my body as I breathe deeply can help it pass through. It can feel like you don’t have the time to take this pause, but I promise that 3 minutes of deep breathing and noticing your body’s sensations will make you more refreshed, focused, and capable of completing your tasks afterwards.

2. Be kind to yourself, practice self compassion.
Notice when your inner critic is adding more pain to the situation through self blame, should-ing, or comparing to others. Nurture your own heart. Remember that you aren’t alone in this, everyone is feeling this way. Getting down on yourself for being less productive, less organized, more irritable doesn’t help at all. Realizing that whatever you are feeling is a totally normal response to our current situation. As Tara Mohr says, “when you think you need more self discipline, you probably need more self love.” Put your hand on your heart or cross your arms across your chest and give yourself a loving embrace the way you would support a child or a dear friend feeling the same way.

3. Limit screen time.
When you’re feeling distracted, or like you want to solve this feeling of “not knowing,” resist the urge to check the news or social media, or your phone in general. You won’t find the answers you seek there. What you will find is more fear based reporting, or things to compare yourself to, and you’ll wind up feeling worse, more distracted, more confused. Plus all the additional screen time really is messing with your deep sleep, which you need to restore yourself each night.

4. Spend time in nature, or simply get outside more.
Put on your mask and take a walk. Even if it’s just around the block. Working from home can make it so you actually sit at your desk for longer stretches of time. Moving your body regularly will resolve the stagnation that’s making you feel more anxious and less productive. And don’t forget the basics of drinking enough water, and getting plenty of sleep. This truly is a time for more self-care, so try treating yourself to a nice bath at the end of the day, or even an acupuncture treatment 😉

5. Connect with your people.
Reach out to friends you haven’t seen in months, actually pick up the phone and talk. Schedule a walking phone date. It’s so easy to isolate when there’s nothing “good” to talk about, but isolation breeds more anxiety. We need connection to feel safe, and remember that we’re not alone (a core component of self-compassion.) It’s somehow comforting to remember we are all going through this together, and if you reach out to a friend who is really struggling, just being there for her can be a generous act that fills your own heart too.

6. Practice gratitude.
Yes, things really are tough right now. I’m with you 100%. But even amidst all of this certainty, in the present moment, I’m guessing you could come up with a list of 5 things you are grateful for each day. Say them to yourself, write them down in a journal each morning or text them to a “gratitude buddy” who you share these things with. Savor the thought of each of them as you write them down. Feel the gladness spread through your heart.

These simple practices have helped me come back to the present moment again and again, and stay out of fear. I hope you’ll return to this list anytime you are feeling unsure, afraid, or disconnected from yourself. I’d love to hear any other tips you have for living uncertainty, so leave a comment and connect!

Lead with Slow Power while Sheltering in Place | Kelsey Lowitz 04/28/2020

"Lead with Slow Power while Sheltering in Place," starts tomorrow! (And there's one spot left!)

This is a small group coaching program; a place for us to gather for connection and support during these uncertain times. The group will provide a structure that will help you slow down, feel your feelings, bring self compassion to the "over-doer" inside so you can lead from your heart, achieve your goals AND live with more ease and calm.

Based on the women who have joined, I know this will be a really supportive group, and I'd LOVE to have one more like-minded soul join us.

If this calls to you, DM me! (or see registration details below.)
If you aren't sure but you want to hop on the phone today and chat about it to see if it's a fit for you, I'd be happy to connect this afternoon.

There's just 1 spot left now and we start on Wednesday at 4 PM.

Lead with Slow Power while Sheltering in Place | Kelsey Lowitz These truly are wild unprecedented times, full of change, uncertainty, fear, and loss. Here's what I'm feeling myself, and hearing from others over and


Day 31 of Sheltering in Place. How are you doing? 💗
These truly are wild unprecedented times, full of change, uncertainty, fear, and loss. Here’s what I’m feeling myself, and hearing from others over and over again lately…

> The routines and practices that kept you balanced and calm have fallen away.
> You’re either frustrated because you’ve got NO time for yourself, or you’re isolated and anxious from having too much time alone.
> There’s no space or flow between people in your home, challenging relationships.
> The supportive connections you relied on from friends and co-workers have dwindled, or don’t fuel you in the same way. (Need a hug, anyone??)
> Not knowing what to do with your sadness and fear, you distract yourself from feeling it by spending too much time online, or snacking!

You are sheltered in place, but somehow, you’re still too busy.

If you are like me, working long hours and sitting all day has you feeling cooped up and stagnant in your body. Your head is spinning with way too much screen time, Zoom, and social media. Increased household duties including homeschooling make attempting to work from home near impossible. It’s overwhelming.

It is all so much. And yet somehow you still worry you aren’t doing enough...

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.

In these times, leading with Slow Power means making space to connect to your heart and allowing yourself to really feel your feelings. It means letting go of having to do this quarantine life perfectly, and accepting yourself and the present moment just as it is.

I've put together a group, Lead with Slow Power while Sheltering in Place, to provide a structure to help you (and me!) slow down, feel your feelings, and bring self compassion to the "over-doer" inside so you can let go, lead from your heart, and live with more ease and calm.

If this resonates with you, I'd love to have you join us. It's an amazing group of women that's forming. See the link in comments for more details and registration info. Sliding scale options available.


Come start your day with gentle movement, and quieting the mind so you can move into your day with clarity, calm and energy. Join me for QiGong and Meditation Thursday 4/8 and Friday 4/9. 8 AM Pacific. Please join us. Link in comments.


Come start your day with gentle movement, and quieting the mind so you can move into your day with clarity, calm and energy. Join me for QiGong and Meditation Thursday 4/8 and Friday 4/9. 8 AM Pacific. Please join us. Link in comments.


Feeling out of sorts, anxious or just a little off balance with all this COVID19 uncertainty? If so, you are not alone. Want to be more grounded, energized, and clear minded as you start your work from home day (or homeschooling, or... ?) I'm leading a FREE group online Qigong and Meditation session this week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 8 AM- 8:45 AM (Pacific.) Please join us, I'd love to see you! Link to register is in the comments below.


I absolutely love this. For you, for your kids, for your joy, for your body!! sing it ;) stay healthy everyone.

Selfcare for Immunity 03/25/2020

A colleague of mine, Katrina Hanson LAc, has put together an online course "Self Care for Immunity." Looks great and super helpful! I hope you'll check it out.

Selfcare for Immunity Learn some basic, easy to use techniques to take care of yourself during this outbreak (and always)! We will cover herbal remedies, moxibustion warming therapy, nutrition, basic selfcare practices, and acupressure. Take care of yourself at home, stay well, and recover faster if you do get sick.


Feeling out of sorts, anxious or just a little off balance with all this COVID19 news? If so, you are not alone. Want to be more grounded, energized, and clear minded as you start your work from home day? I'm leading a FREE group online Qigong and Meditation session every weekday morning this week, Monday through Friday. 8 AM- 8:30 AM (Pacific.) Please join us, I'd love to see you! Link is in the comments below.

Yes, Your Gut Changes As You Age; Here's How To Keep It Healthy 11/09/2019

Interesting info about aging and gut health, biodiversity of the gut microbiome, inflammation and immunity. Such a good reminder that health starts with what we eat.

Yes, Your Gut Changes As You Age; Here's How To Keep It Healthy Plus, how it can affect overall health.

Deepak's Free 21-Day Meditation Experience 11/04/2019

It starts today! Another 21 day meditation experience with Deepak Chopra. If you've been wanting a bit more accountability and continuity in your meditation practice, I find these 21 day meditations helpful and easy to follow. Join me and let's meditate every day for the next 21 days! It feels like aN amazing SLOW POWER way to lead into the holiday season with more grounded energy and inner peace. DM me if you want to join and we can support each other!

Deepak's Free 21-Day Meditation Experience 'Path to Empowerment' starting Nov. 4 – Register now!

Stand in Your Power | Webinar 10/02/2019

Ever been called a "bitch" when you were being assertive or making decisions?

Women today are too often told "You're too aggressive" - BUT you still need to be assertive to accomplish your goals at work and in life.

It's tempting to write that feedback off as part of an unfair standard that creates an impossible target to hit. However, there is an important difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.

My friend, colleague and vocal presence coach is giving a free interactive webinar on Thursday, October 24th, where she will shows us how to hit the assertiveness target by standing in our open-hearted, feminine power and speaking our truths!

In this webinar you will learn how to:

>> Embody and convey confidence and authority
>> Own your presence with confidence and ease
>>Align your words and non-verbal messages to communicate with clarity and power

I plan to be there, or at least get the recording! It looks like it will be super informative.

Stand in Your Power | Webinar Ever been called a "bitch" when you were being assertive or making decisions?


Join me for the “Women Gone Rogue, Real Talk Salon for Trailblazing Entrepreneurs”! We’ll be seriously digging into the hot and burning questions and discussions that I see and hear so many powerful women having including:

Being an authentic and fully embodied woman can be challenging AF, how can we get more resourced, confident and powerful as we go against the grain?

Women burning out and/or getting sick – how to be successful in business and thrive on all levels?

Isolation and the lack of sisterhood and community and what to do about it?

How to weave the power of both the masculine and feminine in creating a thriving business and life?

SLOW POWER!! (My talk is on Oct. 4)

Much more….

Secure your FREE seat here to get access to ALL the great interviews and sessions:

6 Benefits of Slowing Down | Living the Mess 09/28/2019

“Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things done. It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.”

― Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

6 Benefits of Slowing Down | Living the Mess 6 Benefits of Slowing Down by Sarah Chauncey | Oct 28, 2016 | Life It seems to be an accepted part of 21st-century life that life demands more and more of us, that busyness, super-busyness, or the apt phrase crazy-busyness, is the norm. Yet many of us are discovering that busyness is unsustainable,....

Timeline photos 09/25/2019

Agh! Corrected link for: Time Management from the Heart 💗 -

Timeline photos 09/25/2019

[Offering] Heal Your Anxiety + Time Management from the Heart 💗 -
I'm so excited to share with you two upcoming online workshops that my amazing colleagues are teaching as a bonus for my Whole Life Leadership Bootcamp. I'm offering their bonus classes as a free gift to you.

If the content resonates with you, please join us for a 1 hour online "lunch and learn" on both Wednesday, Oct. 2 & Oct. 9. These sessions will be informative, engaging, and free to join.

Timeline photos 08/31/2019

⚡3 Spots Left. Early Bird Pricing Ends Monday for Slow Power Retreat⚡ -

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Oakland?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



541 Athol Avenue
Oakland, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 2:30pm

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Oakland, 94610

At City Pulse Acupuncture, we understand that each fertility journey is unique. Our compassionate team offers tailored care, personalized to your needs and aspirations.

Oakland Community Acupuncture Oakland Community Acupuncture
15 Croxton Avenue
Oakland, 94611

OCA is a community and full service Wellness Center specializing in integrating the practical knowledge of Western Medicine with the ancient wisdom of Eastern Medicine.

Be Well Natural Be Well Natural
4140 Mac Arthur Boulevard
Oakland, 94619

We promote the development and support of well beings! Book Now :!contact/c8gg

Srinika Healing and Nutrition Srinika Healing and Nutrition
6536 Telegraph Avenue, Ste A101
Oakland, 94609

I use a non-invasive testing procedure called Nutritional Analysis to address a variety of difficult health conditions.

Griffin Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Griffin Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
541 Athol Avenue
Oakland, 94606

Holistic health care in Oakland, California

Inspire Family Acupuncture Inspire Family Acupuncture
523 47th Street
Oakland, 94609

Hello, friends! We use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to bring kids and families to health.

One With The Qi Acupuncture One With The Qi Acupuncture
3654 Grand Avenue
Oakland, 94610

A place where adults and children to receive excellent health care from Dr. Marcos, L.Ac, DACM.

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9 Grand Avenue
Oakland, 94612

Oakland Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Clinic -OAIMC

Lake Merritt Community Acupuncture Lake Merritt Community Acupuncture
Oakland, 94612

LMCA is a Chinese medicine clinic in Uptown Oakland

ROOT & STEM integrative chinese medicine ROOT & STEM integrative chinese medicine
3515 Grand Avenue
Oakland, 94610

We look forward to being a part of your health care team!

Bay View Wellness home of Lisa Langlands Acupuncture & Herbs & Massage Bay View Wellness home of Lisa Langlands Acupuncture & Herbs & Massage
2854 Frye Street
Oakland, 94602

Acupuncturist, herbalist, massage therapy, light therapy, PEMF, biohacking, VibroAcoustic therapy

Sarah Kneads Me Sarah Kneads Me
5636 Telegraph Avenue C-104
Oakland, 94609

Compassionate and efficient medical massage therapy, specializing in post operative care, chronic tension relief, and manual lymphatic drainage. For Fibroplasty services: https:/...