Wellness Redefined

Functional Medicine for your Gut, Skin, and Hormonal Health.


Knowing your body is ill but struggling to take the first step towards healing is tough. Often, it’s about how we speak to ourselves. Are you encouraging or discouraging yourself? Are you telling yourself that there’s hope, or that the road is closed forever?

Here’s how to control your thoughts and foster a positive internal dialogue:

Self-Awareness: Notice your thoughts. Are they kind or critical?
Challenge Negativity: Question negative thoughts and replace them with realistic ones.
Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself like a friend. Seeking help is courageous.
Positive Affirmations: Use statements like “I am capable of healing” to counteract negativity.
Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices to reduce anxiety.

Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Ask yourself these questions and rate your responses from 1 to 4 (1 being positive, 4 being negative):

Facing Challenges: Do I respond with understanding (1) or criticism (4)?
Taking Steps to Heal: Am I optimistic (1) or fearful (4)?
When Unwell: Do I show compassion (1) or feel hopeless (4)?
Future Health: Do I feel hopeful (1) or worried (4)?

Reflect on your answers. Are you kind to yourself, or is your internal dialogue critical? Recognizing and reshaping your thoughts is crucial for healing. Start today and take that first courageous step towards a healthier you. You deserve it. 💪💖

Do you practice positive self-talk daily? Yes or No


Is candida a real problem? YES.

Are you experiencing symptoms that may be due to candida? Also YES. Candida is an opportunistic yeast that thrives when our immune defenses are down. When we see candida, we have to look deeper—what’s suppressing your immune system? What toxicities are present? 🧐

Some people do candida diets and protocols for years without lasting results. It’s very rare for us to see patients with mold exposure that don’t have candida issues. But we can’t just jump to treating candida or fungal overgrowth—they either won’t see results or it will keep popping up as an issue. 💥

When working together, we need to ensure a clean environment to allow the body to heal. Address digestion and your gut microbiome. Support the body’s immune response. Reduce toxic load and support drainage. Optimize your unique diet to support a healthy microbial balance. 🌿

Then we can effectively combat candida itself with both effective antifungal herbs and biofilm busters and should see lasting change. ✨

Comment “CANDIDA” and we will send you our test link so you can start making the most informed decision possible! 📝🔗


If you are the type of person who chronically puts the needs of others before your own or if you grew up disconnected from your own needs, then you likely have a dysregulated nervous system.

It may present in different ways but the root cause is a lack of safety due to unmet needs. The first step towards nervous system regulation in this case is to break out of the cycle of stress chemistry from there you can begin to connect to an inner knowing which needs to be done from a place of safety as opposed to the fight or flight state that stress chemistry puts us in.

When we understand what our symptoms are telling us about our body and connect the dots with comprehensive testing, we discover that this fight or flight response is the root cause for our gut disease, our blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance and so much more.

So beginning to regulate your nervous system will mean beginning to build resilience to the stress around you.

The first thing you need is to listen and acknowledge those needs. from there. healing is possible.


how about...

mind body spirit girl summer? how are you channeling your Hot Girl Summer goals? ✨🌴🌞

Photos from Wellness Redefined's post 07/24/2024

Imagine feeling constantly tired and struggling with weight gain, despite doing everything you think is right. This could be due to an underlying issue with your metabolic health.

🔍 Understanding Metabolic Health:
True metabolic health goes beyond just cutting out sugar or managing stress individually. It’s about how these factors collectively impact your cells and their ability to produce energy.

⚠️ The Hidden Problem:
When your body can’t produce energy efficiently, the excess energy gets stored as body fat. Chronic stress further throws your hormones out of balance, making it impossible for your body to function properly.

🚨 Why You Need to Act:
To truly protect your health, it’s essential to tackle the root causes. This means making comprehensive lifestyle changes such as:

🍏 Eating a balanced diet
🧘‍♀️ Managing stress effectively
🛌 Prioritizing quality sleep
🏋️‍♂️ Regular exercise
🚫 Avoiding toxins
Ignoring these signs isn’t an option. Immediate and proactive lifestyle interventions are crucial for achieving true metabolic health and preventing severe conditions.

🌟 Your Next Step:
Ready to take control of your health? Our 10-week program is designed to help you heal your gut and restore balance. Reach out to us today and start your journey to better health!


Hey OKC! Let’s keep West Nile Virus at bay this summer. Follow these simple tips to stay safe:

Spray & Protect: Use insect repellents with DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
Cover Up: Wear long sleeves and pants, especially at dusk and dawn.
Drain Standing Water: Empty water from buckets, birdbaths, and planters.
Yard Check: Keep your lawn mowed and bushes trimmed.
Screen Repair: Fix any broken window or door screens.
Know the Symptoms:
Mild: Fever, headache, body aches, rash
Severe: High fever, stiff neck, confusion, muscle weakness
Stay safe, OKC! 💪 Visit oklahoma.gov/health for more info.


Back when I was working 48-hour shifts, raising three daughters, and starting my own business, I realized that avoiding stress was impossible. Instead of fighting it, I learned to adapt. 💪

Imagine your nervous system as a skilled surfer, riding waves whether they’re gentle or wild. The goal? Seamlessly shift from stress to relaxation without getting stuck in either state.

Here’s why adaptability matters:

✨ Enhanced Resilience: Bounce back quicker from challenges.
✨ Better Health: Protect yourself from chronic stress-related issues.
✨ Improved Mental Clarity: Stay focused even in tough situations.

Here are some tips that worked for me:

🧘‍♀️ Mindfulness Practices: Meditation and deep breathing.
🏃‍♀️ Regular Exercise: Burn off stress hormones.
😴 Healthy Sleep: Prioritize rest.
🥗 Balanced Nutrition: Support your nervous system.

Most importantly, turning to functional medicine transformed my life. If I hadn’t embraced this holistic approach, my dream of helping people heal from the root cause wouldn’t be a reality today. 🌿

If you’re feeling stuck and need someone to talk to, I’m here for you. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation to start making positive changes.

💬 Book your free call with me today, and let’s discuss how you’re feeling and find a way forward together. Click the link in my bio to schedule your session. 🌟


Embracing the art of everyday healing: finding solace in walks, nourishing ourselves with water, sharing laughter and heartfelt conversations with friends, seeking comfort in prayer, basking in the warmth of sunlight, finding clarity through self-reflection, savoring good food, embracing the power of movement, fostering a sense of community, and practicing mindfulness. ✨✨✨


Struggling with gut woes? The 5R Protocol might be your holy grail of gut health! This powerful approach takes you on a step-by-step quest to banish bloating, restore balance, and finally feel fantastic from the inside out. Let’s crack open the secrets of the 5Rs and unlock a happier, healthier you! ✨

1️⃣ Remove: Ditch processed foods & identify sensitivities to optimize your gut health. ⁣

2️⃣ Restore: Replenish antioxidants & essential nutrients for optimal detoxification. ✨⁣

3️⃣ Repair: Support your body’s natural healing abilities by removing obstacles & providing key nutrients. 🩹⁣

4️⃣ Reinoculate: Restore a healthy gut microbiome with a balanced diet & probiotics. ⁣

5️⃣ Relax: Reduce stress & promote overall well-being with healthy habits like meditation. ⁣

Ready to take charge of your health? Let’s chat about functional medicine! ⁣


These subtle signals from your body are whispers that it might be heading towards disease. 🤔 Now is the moment to pay attention, take charge, and embark on a holistic wellness journey with us. 🌟

Let’s address these challenges with care and expertise to unlock the vibrant, healthy version of you! 💪


Remember, everyone’s health journey is unique but these insights can be valuable for anyone starting or already on their path to wellness.

What’s one thing you wish you knew when you started your health journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Let’s learn from each other and inspire others in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. 💚

Photos from Wellness Redefined's post 06/28/2024

Redefine your Health with Wellness Redefined! 🌟

Discover how you can work with us to achieve your health goals:

✨Get to the root of your confusing symptoms with a-la-carte testing!
Intake Session
Report of Findings
Follow Ups

✨Become a member
Tailored to your unique needs and health goals.
Choose from our 4 months or 6 months memberships.
Up to 10 sessions with our top tier licensed practitioners.

✨Gut The Stress Metabolic Reset
10 Week Program
Regain health, energy, and confidence in just a few weeks.
Our program is designed to address the root cause of inflammation, helping you achieve lasting health and wellness. It Includes:
Weekly Live Calls
Shopping Guides
Metabolic Reset
Recipes & Meal Plans
Supplements List
Support Groups

Join the waitlist for the August 2024 Group!

📅 Contact us to book your 15 min complimentary call and start your journey to wellness and your best self! 🌿✨


Imagine feeling energized and healthy again. Imagine finally uncovering hidden issues behind your health concerns. Whether you’re dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, PCOS, weight issues, or more.

If you’ve been considering improving your health and addressing your symptoms at their root cause, now is the time to act.

Don’t wait to get started. Book your complimentary 15-minute discovery call now to learn more about our testing and services.


Get to the root cause of your frustrating symptoms with gut testing. Our comprehensive gut testing can help you uncover the hidden reasons behind your symptoms and set you on the path to optimal health! 🌿🧬

With in-depth gut testing, we can help you find the root cause of your:

x Fatigue: Chronic tiredness and low energy
x Bloating: Uncomfortable abdominal swelling
x Acne: Persistent skin breakouts
x Food Sensitivity: Reactions to certain foods
x Eating Disorder: Challenges like bulimia
x Constipation: Difficulty in bowel movements
x Migraine: Severe headaches and related symptoms
x PCOS: Polycystic o***y syndrome
x Anxiety: Persistent worry and stress
x Candida: Overgrowth of yeast
x Acid Reflux: Heartburn and indigestion
x Brain Fog: Difficulty in concentrating
x Weight Gain: Unwanted increase in body weight
x High Blood Pressure: Hypertension
x Infertility: Challenges in conceiving
x Skin Changes: Unexplained changes in skin texture and appearance
x Hormone Imbalance: Irregular hormone levels
x Inflammation: Chronic inflammatory conditions
x Insulin Resistance: Difficulty in regulating blood sugar
x Nausea: Frequent feeling of sickness
x Vomiting: Regularly feeling the urge to vomit
x Diarrhea: Frequent loose or liquid bowel movements
x Hashimoto’s Disease: Autoimmune thyroid condition
x Skin Rash: Unexplained rashes on the skin
And many more…

🔬 Why Gut Testing?
Our advanced testing analyzes your gut microbiome to identify imbalances, hidden issues, and provides a clear picture of your overall health. Based on these insights, our expert RDNs create a personalized plan to address your specific needs.

Ready to take control of your health from the inside out? Book your complimentary 15-minute discovery call today to learn more about how our comprehensive gut tests and personalized plans can help you feel your best! 💪


Real success isn’t just about achievements, it’s about:

🌿 A regulated nervous system
🌿 Not comparing yourself to others
🌿 Showing up for yourself
🌿 Kind inner dialogue
🌿 Letting go
🌿 Knowing your worth
🌿 Authentic connections
🌿 Good boundaries
🌿 Accepting your humanity
🌿 Living a fulfilling life


As a nurse practitioner, I see so many people struggling with chronic stress. It’s like we’re always in survival mode, and it takes a toll on our health. I wanted to share something personal that might help you feel better and more balanced.

Did you know that giving your body the rest it needs can lead to true healing? 🛌✨
Stress triggers our fight-or-flight response, which is great for emergencies but terrible when it’s constant. Here’s how different types of rest can help you deactivate that stress response and start healing:

Physical Rest: Think of those lazy Sunday naps or gentle yoga sessions. Your body needs time to repair and recharge. 🧘‍♀️💤
Emotional Rest: Sometimes, just talking to a friend or setting boundaries can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. It’s okay to say no! 💬🧡
Mental Rest: Ever feel like your brain is in overdrive? Taking short breaks and practicing mindfulness can clear that mental clutter. 🧠🍃
Sensory Rest: We’re bombarded by screens and noise all day. Try unplugging and enjoying some quiet time. 📱🔇
Social Rest: Surround yourself with people who lift you up, and don’t be afraid to take some alone time when you need it. 👥🌸
Creative Rest: Do something that makes your heart happy—paint, play music, or take a walk in nature. It’s so rejuvenating! 🎨🎶
Spiritual Rest: Find your inner peace with meditation, prayer, or simple acts of kindness. It’s about connecting with something bigger than yourself. 🕊️🙏
By weaving these types of rest into our lives, we can move out of that constant fight-or-flight mode. It’s not just about taking a break; it’s about giving ourselves permission to truly rest and heal.

Take it from me—prioritizing rest has transformed my health and well-being, and I know it can do the same for you. 🌟✨

If you want to talk about your current situation and how to address your stress, join me for a free 15-minute call. Let’s work together to find the rest you need to heal and thrive.

📅 Click the link in my bio to schedule your call today!


June is all about nurturing your body and soul! Here are some powerful practices to embrace this month for holistic healing and rejuvenation:

Intermittent Fasting: Give your digestive system a break and promote cellular repair with intermittent fasting. 🕒💫

Infrared Sauna Sessions: Sweat out toxins, boost circulation, and relax your muscles with infrared sauna therapy. 🔥🧖‍♀️

Meal Planning: Nourish yourself with wholesome meals prepared mindfully. Plan ahead to support your wellness goals. 🥗📅

Morning Sunshine: Start your day with natural light exposure to regulate your circadian rhythm and uplift your mood. 🌞☀️

Reading the Bible: Find peace and inspiration in daily scripture readings to enrich your spiritual journey. 📖🙏

Deep Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing to calm your mind, reduce stress, and enhance oxygen flow throughout your body. 🌬️💆‍♂️

Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy to strengthen your body and improve overall well-being. 🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♂️

Ice Baths: Invigorate your senses and promote recovery with refreshing ice baths. ❄️🛁

Explore New Places: Stimulate your mind and soul by visiting new places, even if they’re just around the corner. 🗺️🚶‍♂️

Gut The Stress Program: Join the “Gut The Stress” program to learn effective strategies for managing stress and promoting gut health. 🧘‍♀️🌿

Embrace these practices to cultivate a June filled with healing, growth, and well-being. What’s your favorite healing ritual this month?


Why cover up symptoms when you can treat the cause? 🌿✨ Are you tired of just managing your symptoms without ever feeling truly better? Discover the power of treating the root cause of your health issues for real, lasting change. Chronic stress, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, undiagnosed infections, and environmental toxins like mold exposure all contribute to high inflammation and metabolic syndrome. Our holistic approach addresses these factors with personalized nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management, targeted supplements, and improved sleep hygiene. Ready to start your journey to better health? 🌟

Photos from Wellness Redefined's post 06/11/2024

Are you struggling with high inflammation and metabolic syndrome? Discover how our integrative approach uncovers the root causes and provides a personalized plan to improve your health. Swipe through to learn more about our comprehensive assessment, tailored nutrition plans, and continuous support.

Ready to take the first step? Contact us today! 🌿✨

” #

Photos from Wellness Redefined's post 06/04/2024

Have you ever stopped to consider the conversations you have with yourself each morning? You see, you talk to yourself more than anyone else, and those inner dialogues shape your entire day. So, why not choose kind words and extend yourself the grace you deserve?

Instead of waking up to a barrage of self-criticism or doubt, what if you greeted yourself with words of encouragement, love, and affirmation? Imagine the profound impact it could have on your mindset and well-being.

Every morning, remind yourself of your worth, your strengths, and the beauty of your journey. Speak words of kindness and empowerment, nurturing a mindset of self-compassion and resilience. This is the first step towards healing and if I must say this myself, the most important one. There is no measure to what you can accomplish if your words lift you up every step of the way.

So, what are you saying to yourself every morning? Let it be a reflection of the love and compassion you deserve. 💫 🌿💭


Did you know that the vagus nerve is our body’s direct pathway to entering the “rest and digest” state? If you ever feel anxious, nervous, or stuck in fight-or-flight mode, here are some simple daily rituals that can help. I use these all the time with my patients and they really work! 💚


I am filled with gratitude for the many blessings in my life. Here’s a moment to reflect on the things that make me truly thankful:

🙏 I am grateful for this day.
🙏 I am grateful for my health.
🙏 I am grateful for my mind.
🙏 I am grateful for my heart.
🙏 I am grateful for my soul.
🙏 I am grateful for my breath.
🙏 I am grateful for my compassion.
🙏 I am grateful for my will.
🙏 I am grateful for my creativity.
🙏 I am grateful for my resiliency.
🙏 I am grateful to be alive.

Taking a moment to acknowledge these gifts helps me stay grounded and appreciate the beauty of life. What are you grateful for today? 💫

Photos from Wellness Redefined's post 05/28/2024

It’s disheartening to leave the doctor’s office without a clear understanding of your symptoms. When this happens, patients feel dismissed and helpless.

And I believe it’s time to shed some light on why so many of us are struggling with unresolved health issues. As a nurse practitioner, I see it all too often: people suffering from persistent symptoms without clear answers. Here’s the truth behind why this happens and how we can start addressing it:

Holistic Assessment & Personalized Plan:
By looking at your entire health history, symptoms, lifestyle, and lab results, we can understand the interconnected factors affecting your health and create a plan just for you. 🌐

Balanced Nutrition & Hydration:
A diet rich in vegetables, berries, proteins, and adequate hydration is key to reducing inflammation and supporting your health. 💧🥗

Regular Physical Activity:
Incorporating enjoyable physical activity into your routine helps manage weight and boosts overall well-being. 🏃‍♂️

Stress Management & Improved Sleep Hygiene:
Techniques like breathwork, mindfulness, and maintaining good sleep practices can significantly improve mental and physical health. 💤

Consistent Use of Supplements:
Supplements such as magnesium for sleep and probiotics for gut health can support your body’s healing process. 🌿💊

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments:
Regular check-ins and adjustments to your health plan ensure it continues to meet your needs as your health evolves. 📈

💡 It’s Time to Take Control of Your Health:
Understanding these factors is the first step towards better health. If you’re tired of unanswered health problems, consider an integrative approach. Together, we can uncover the root causes and create a plan tailored to your unique needs.

Let’s start your journey to better health. DM me for more info! 💚


I wanted to share something that’s really transformed my life over the years. As a nurse practitioner, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to manage stress and take care of our bodies. It took me years to develop these skills, and I call them my “ride or die daily dozen” because without them, I don’t know where I’d be today.

These practices have helped me calm my mind, nourish my body, and bring more balance into my life. and I can’t recommend them enough. Start incorporating some (or all!) of these tips into your routine, and you might be surprised at how much better you feel. Let’s take care of ourselves together! 🌟


If you’re nodding along to more than one of these, your body might be stuck in fight or flight mode instead of rest and digest. It’s time to take control and get back into balance!

As a nurse practitioner in functional medicine, I’m here to help. 🌟 I offer a FREE 15-minute call to discuss your symptoms and find a path to better health together. Ready to make a change? Click the link in my bio to book your call now!

Let’s get out of fight or flight mode and into a healthier, happier you! 😊


Ever wondered why sleep is so crucial? Here’s the lowdown on what people think sleep affects vs. what it actually does: When you hit the hay, your body goes into superhero mode: it boosts your energy, clears out toxins, keeps your brain sharp, supports your heart, helps manage your weight, boosts your immunity, and even gives you that radiant glow! 😴✨

So, tell us: what’s your go-to sleep hack for feeling your best? Do you have any bedtime rituals or tips to share?

Let’s swap stories and supercharge our sleep routines together! 💬💤


Ever wondered about the secret to a happy gut? Look no further than the dynamic duo: prebiotics and probiotics! Let’s break down these gut-loving essentials:

👉 Probiotics: These are the friendly bacteria that take up residence in your gut, promoting a thriving microbiome. Think of them as your gut’s best friends, working tirelessly to maintain balance, support digestion, and boost your immune system. Some superstar probiotics include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

🌟 Prebiotics: Now, let’s give a round of applause to prebiotics—the unsung heroes of gut health! Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as fuel for your probiotics, helping them flourish and multiply. By nourishing your beneficial bacteria, prebiotics contribute to a healthier gut environment and may even enhance nutrient absorption. Look out for prebiotic-rich foods like chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onions, and bananas.

💡 The Winning Combo: When it comes to gut health, it’s not about choosing between prebiotics or probiotics—it’s about embracing both! Together, they form a powerful partnership that supports optimal digestion, strengthens immunity, and promotes overall well-being.

So, here’s to nurturing your gut with the love it deserves. Incorporate a variety of probiotic-rich foods and prebiotic-packed goodies into your diet to keep your gut microbiome thriving and your health soaring!



When you’re on a journey to regulate your nervous system or retrain your brain, encountering resistance is not only common but often a sign of growth. And guess what? It’s not necessarily a bad thing either.

Resistance can serve as a guiding light, illuminating the areas that need your attention the most—those underlying emotional or psychological factors that are begging to be addressed.

So, why does resistance rear its head? One major reason is familiarity. Our brains have a knack for clinging to what they perceive as safe, even when it’s far from it. This tendency explains why some individuals remain in relationships, careers, or living situations that don’t serve them well.

In the realm of nervous system regulation or brain retraining, resistance often manifests in the form of entrenched habits or thought patterns. But here’s the silver lining: this “work” isn’t just about pushing through; it’s about understanding and embracing the message within the resistance.

And let’s be clear: this work isn’t a chore or something to be dreaded. In fact, it can be one of the most rewarding endeavors of your life. Why? Because once you decode the message hidden within the resistance, you pave the way for profound healing and transformative breakthroughs.

So, the next time you encounter resistance on your journey to wellness, don’t shy away from it. Instead, lean into it with curiosity and compassion. You never know—the breakthrough you’ve been seeking might be just on the other side.


Taking care of our overall well-being requires attention to these four important pillars:

1️⃣ Mental Health: Nurture your mind by practicing mindfulness, engaging in positive self-talk, and seeking support when needed. Remember, a healthy mind leads to a healthy life.

2️⃣ Emotional Health: Embrace and express your emotions in a healthy way. Allow yourself to feel and explore your feelings, and don’t be afraid to seek help or talk to someone when you need it. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

3️⃣ Physical Health: Prioritize your physical well-being by engaging in regular exercise, eating nutritious foods, and getting enough rest. Remember, taking care of your body is an act of self-love.

4️⃣ Spiritual Health: Connect with your inner self and find meaning in life. Practice gratitude, meditation, or engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Remember, nourishing your soul is essential for a balanced life.

💫 Take a moment today to reflect on these pillars and make small steps towards improving your overall health. Remember, self-care is not selfish, it’s necessary. 🌈✨”

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Happy thanksgiving friends!
The Gut-Stress connection is real!That's why our Gut-Stress program is so successful in helping people achieve their hea...
Have you started thinking about what you’ll do this fall and winter to support your immune system? Now is a great time t...
A Nurse Practitioner's Perspective 📊 Monitoring my blood sugar during fasting isn't just about numbers, it's about under...
There are a few simple things you can do to reset your circadian rhythm and get back to feeling your best. 💃First, make ...
Hey there, lovely ladies! 💁‍♀️ It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we're here to chat about bosom buddies that deser...
Addressing nurse burnout is important for both the individual nurse and the healthcare system as a whole.Burnout can lea...
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Okay, my wellness friends, gather 'round because I've got some juicy health nuggets to spill! 🙆‍♀️ Ever thought about ho...
Struggling with chronic fatigue, Nduta felt like life was passing her by. That's when she discovered the Gut The Stress ...
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🌱 Hey there, amazing people! I’m so ready to spill the tea on Egglife Egg Tortillas – a total game changer for your plat...



6608 N Western Avenue #3087
Oklahoma City, OK

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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