Franchise Brokers Association

We’ve helped thousands of people overcome their confusion and reservations about buying a franchise opportunity.

With our network of vetted brands and brokers, finding you the business you can be proud of is what we do. The FBA is an association dedicated to helping franchise brokers and consultants build thriving practices. As the hub of the franchise broker community, the FBA sets the standard for the exchange of information among consultants, franchisors, funding sources and other essential resources so the clients of our community are served with the highest level of integrity and professionalism.


BOS is built on the powerful enterprise-level HubSpot platform, widely recognized as the best CRM available in today’s marketplace. While HubSpot’s capabilities are unmatched, its price can be a hurdle for most brokers. That’s where BOS steps in.

BOS harnesses the power and efficiencies that the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA) has developed, putting them directly in the hands of our brokers. From day one, when brokers start their new business, these tools and our dedicated teams are working for them, ensuring they hit the ground running.

BOS isn’t just a static tool; it’s an evolution. It’s a collaboration between HubSpot and FBA, constantly being developed and improved to be faster and more efficient. This ongoing innovation means our brokers can perform better, manage more candidates, and produce more results than ever before.

By choosing BOS, you’re not just getting a CRM—you’re gaining a competitive edge that empowers you to take your brokerage to new heights. With BOS, you’re ready to elevate your performance and achieve more from the moment you start.


How does BOS work?

BOS is the result of years of innovation by the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA) to align our brokers’ goals with our own.

This alignment enables us to achieve great things together because while our brokers focus on closing deals and matching the right candidates with the right franchises, our team is dedicated to elevating our brokers to become the best in the industry.

BOS is the tool that makes this possible. Over the years, we’ve developed advanced lead generation techniques to identify where the best leads are coming from, and we’ve built a robust call center and marketing department to support our brokers.

BOS brings all these elements together, allowing our systems and brokers to collaborate more efficiently than ever before.

With BOS, we’ve created a seamless platform that connects every part of the process, ensuring that our brokers have the resources, support, and tools they need to succeed from the moment they start.

Together, we’re not just closing deals—we’re setting new standards of excellence in the franchise brokerage industry.


As of this recording, the outcome of California SB 919 remains uncertain, but our work is far from over.

If the bill passes, we'll focus on refining the uniform third-party seller disclosure document and ensuring states grasp its impact on franchising. If it doesn’t pass, we still need to find alternative solutions.

What’s interesting is that this initiative wasn’t driven by regulators but by groups like the IFA, AAFD, and the Coalition of Franchisees. They sponsored the legislation and highlighted areas needing regulation.

We’ve analyzed and compared California SB 919 with similar laws in New York and Washington. Despite being presented as similar, California’s bill has 18 key differences, like requiring brokers to get insurance and bonding, update disclosures in real time, and imposing additional liabilities.

Does this sound the same to you? Let us know your thoughts, and remember: you are the leader we’ve been waiting for. Click the heart below and follow me if you’re ready to step into your potential and lead with courage.

—-- UPDATES ON THE CALIFORNIA SB 919 —---- There were changes to the CA SB 919 after this was recorded!!!
The personal contact information IS NO LONGER REQUIRED. It moved to reporting the number of franchises awarded per brand.
Personal privacy information violation NO LONGER APPLIES.
NO LONGER APPLIES - They defined franchise broker differently and now it is easier to keep funding sources, lead sites, and accountants out of the definition of a franchise broker. They removed the term Third Party Franchise Seller.

Additional legal analysis on the changes is underway and we will update you with the most recent information once that has concluded.

”We’ve Had LOTS of Things Go Wrong” - Fixing Failing Franchises, Franchise Brokers, Gov. Regulations 08/30/2024

From Multi-Unit Franchise Owner to Building the Franchise Brokers Association to Over 200 Brokers

Our CEO, Sabrina Wall, sat down with Tariq Johnson on his podcast and talked about her incredible journey as the Founder and CEO of the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA).

Sabrina has an inspiring story. She built the second-largest franchise system for a commercial cleaning franchise in Central Florida and is also a partner in another successful franchise. they delve into how she got involved in franchising, the challenges she faced as an owner, and how she went from struggling in the beginning to ultimately building a thriving business.

They also discussed the new regulations being proposed for franchise brokers, where Sabrina is leading the charge in advocating for regulations that genuinely help rather than harm the franchising industry.
Whether you're an aspiring franchise owner or an existing franchisee, this is a can't-miss episode. So, sit back, take some notes, and enjoy the show.

”We’ve Had LOTS of Things Go Wrong” - Fixing Failing Franchises, Franchise Brokers, Gov. Regulations From multi-unit franchise owner to building the Franchise Brokers Association to over 200 brokers.In this episode, I got to sit down with Sabrina Wall who is...


I was recently discussing some legislation with a friend who doubted my use of social media to influence change. She told me, "This isn't going to get you a seat at the table with the IFA." Her words struck me as unusual. Regardless, I am following divine guidance, using every challenge as an opportunity to release negativity and grow.

I thought about the advice we give our brokers: "Easy now means disastrous later; due diligence is key." Choosing silence for ease would betray my core teachings. Despite the doubt, I pressed on, committed to the path laid before me.

Then something incredible happened. The lawmakers actually reached out and said, "Next time, come directly to us. We can help, and we have time."

And then, in a moment that brought tears to my eyes, one of the regulators echoed my friend's words, "Sabrina, you should have a seat at the table. Let's collaborate."

Twice in my life, I've heard that phrase—once as a call to give up, and now as an invitation to hope and progress. This is divine guidance. This is what happens when you refuse to give up on your mission.

So, if you're ever advised to give up, remember: God might just be preparing a seat at the table for you. He's transforming your fears into opportunities greater than you ever imagined. You are the leader we've been waiting for. If you're ready to step into your potential, click the heart below and follow me. You're meant for more.


Thinking about selling your franchise but not sure where to start? You're in the right place.

I'm Sabrina Wall, CEO of the Franchise Brokers Association, a premier franchise broker and franchisor network since 2008. We partner with over 750 franchisors and 170 expert brokers to match buyers with their perfect opportunity.

If you’re ready to sell, our Resale Ready program is here to guide you every step of the way

We understand that sellers often have questions like, "What’s my business truly worth?" and "How can I attract serious buyers?" Our experienced resale specialists and vast broker network will help you find the perfect buyer and ensure a smooth sales process.

Our Resale Ready program offers unique features that set us apart: non-exclusive contracts (you owe us nothing if you find a buyer elsewhere), flexible month-to-month terms with no long-term commitments, and transparent commissions that adhere to your franchisor's standard rates—no hidden fees or inflated charges.

Franchisors nationwide trust us to help sellers find new owners ready to take their locations to new heights. With expert guidance and proven marketing strategies, selling your franchise has never been easier.

Ready to sell with confidence? Contact us today and let’s get started!


At the Franchise Brokers Association, we know managing resales can be challenging. That’s why we’ve introduced our franchise resale ready program ( to guide your franchisees through a smooth, efficient process.

By referring them to us, you protect your brand and minimize risks associated with brokers who might not fully grasp the complexities of franchise resales.

Our program starts with a thorough valuation that considers historical data and current market trends. We go beyond basic pricing strategies, assessing revenue trends, economic conditions, and management risks to ensure accurate pricing.

Our detailed Zoom sessions will present these insights and help sellers make informed decisions to achieve the best possible return.

Included is a custom marketing flyer that highlights key financials and brand information to attract potential buyers. Even if sellers choose not to use our full brokerage services, this flyer is theirs to use.

Most sellers opt for our full-service brokerage, thanks to our unique features: non-exclusive agreements, flexible month-to-month terms, and a straightforward commission structure. We only earn a success fee if we bring the buyer, ensuring no unexpected costs.

Partner with us to ensure professional, reliable brokerage services and a smooth transition for your franchisees. Let’s make franchise resales seamless and successful!


A franchise broker is essentially a recruiter for franchise organizations, tasked with finding individuals who are a perfect fit for the company. Potential franchisees must not only fit the business model but also believe in it enough to invest their own money and become franchise owners.

Franchise brokers are paid by the franchise seller, not the buyer, earning fees that reflect the high-level skills and upfront investment required for their work. They are only paid if the match is successful, meaning they often work for free, supporting many buyers who don't end up being a match for a particular brand.

These brokers provide a public service by educating and developing both buyers and non-buyers alike. They help potential franchisees understand the franchise business model, explore various opportunities, and conduct thorough due diligence through education, research tools, and extensive support.

The cost of the free work they do is covered by the fees from successful matches, just as any business must cover its costs with revenue. This massive effort to educate buyers is why franchise systems value working with franchise brokers. Without brokers, franchises would have to shoulder all the time and costs of educating the public about franchising.

The franchise broker industry is still relatively small and unknown and hasn’t received the credit it deserves. These highly skilled professionals with incredible dedication are essentially fostering education for franchise matches and supporting the good in franchising.

Let's take a moment to appreciate and recognize their efforts and contributions. Thank you, franchise brokers, for all you do!

Curious about the crucial role franchise brokers play in connecting entrepreneurs with the right opportunities? Discover how they can guide your journey to franchise success. Click here to learn more:


The first question every business owner faces when considering a sale is, "What is my business worth?"

Understanding your franchise's market value and how buyers will perceive it is essential before you commit time, money, and resources to the selling process.

That’s where our Resale Ready Valuation Service comes in. Designed to provide clarity and confidence, our service helps you prepare for a successful sale.

We start by analyzing your historical financial data, ensuring that every detail is clear and understandable for potential buyers. We focus on establishing the expected cash flow that a buyer can anticipate when they take over your business.

Using industry-specific rules of thumb, we then determine a price range that reflects the true value of your franchise.

But we don’t stop there. Unlike most valuation companies, our straightforward approach has guided thousands of franchise owners in determining the right price for their business. By starting with our valuation, you'll experience our quality service firsthand—without any obligation to proceed further until you’re ready.

Curious about your franchise's value? Fill out our registration form, and one of our experienced brokers will reach out to you. We’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you can sell your business with confidence.

Get started today and discover what your franchise is truly worth!


When I was younger, my first real job was at Chick-fil-A. I stood outside the store offering delicious chicken samples to people passing by.

Most people loved the taste and ended up coming inside to buy a meal. It was a simple, effective way to attract customers.

Now, imagine a different scenario. Picture me standing outside the door of a retail shop I don’t work for. I can’t sell you anything inside, but I know there are valuable items in there, so I encourage passersby to go in.

However, before you step inside, I hand you a list of everyone who’s bought something from the store in the past year, along with their personal contact information and what they purchased.

If you knew that by walking into that store, all your personal details and buying habits would be shared with thousands of strangers, would you still go in? Would you be comfortable knowing that your privacy could be compromised?

Our privacy is invaluable. We shouldn’t have to trade it away just to shop or browse. Let's protect it.


What's the difference between an FSO, an internal rep, and a franchise broker?

While both FSOs and brokers support potential franchisees, their roles are fundamentally different. Franchise brokers represent multiple franchisors, providing pre-qualified leads and guiding franchisees to the right opportunity.

They act as a source of information, helping potential franchisees explore various brands, ask the right questions, and connect with professionals like attorneys and funding sources. Once the franchisee selects a brand, the broker hands them off to the franchisor’s internal sales team or an FSO.

FSOs, on the other hand, are like the franchisor's sales department. They manage the entire sales process, from distributing the FDD to selecting potential franchisees. FSOs are hired by franchisors to grow franchises quickly, allowing franchisors to focus on operations. They do thorough due diligence and pause brands that struggle to keep up with growth.

Despite their differences, FSOs and brokers are essential to the franchising ecosystem. They ensure procedural consistency, clarity, and reliability in the franchise award process. This collaboration is vital, especially in light of the California SB 909 bill. Now is the time for the franchise community to unite, collaborate, and protect the future of franchising.

Where do you stand? Will you join in the solution or continue fighting problems that create more issues? The choice is yours.


Imagine a scenario where someone introduces two people on a blind date. The date goes well, and the couple continues to date, eventually deciding to take the big step and get married. They go through marriage counseling, plan a wedding, and tie the knot with the help of an officiant. They build a family together, but after some time, they decide to get a divorce.

Now, what if the California SB 919 act made the person who introduced them, the officiant who married them, and even the marriage counselor responsible for the divorce settlement? Does that make sense? Should the matchmaker who simply made an introduction be held liable for the outcome of the marriage? What about the officiant or the counselor who provided support during the wedding planning process?

This scenario highlights the concerns surrounding the California SB 919 bill. It raises the question: Is it fair to hold those who were only peripherally involved responsible for the ultimate outcome of a relationship? If this level of liability were imposed, would anyone still feel comfortable playing a role in connecting people, even if it’s just introducing them on a date?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Should the responsibility for a divorce settlement extend to those who were involved in the early stages of the relationship? Share your perspective!


Attention Franchise Brokers!

Are you ready for California's 919 Franchise Investment Law? This legislation affects any franchise transactions in California. If you’re a broker working within the state, you need to be prepared.

Here’s the deal: If you're a real estate agent in California, you’re exempt from this law. For the rest, it’s time to get informed! Our team has been tirelessly dissecting this law to understand its implications fully.

Key points:

-The law requires third-party sellers to register, with severe consequences for non-compliance, including up to rescission.

-Undefined terms like "indirectly involved" and "material change" create legal ambiguities.

-The law currently lumps franchise brokers and FSOs together, despite their distinct roles.

-Franchise brokers help educate potential franchisees but do not make final decisions.

-Providing personal contact information of franchisees to every potential lead raises significant privacy concerns.

We are working with the IFA and legislators to push for clear definitions and amendments. Our goal is to prevent unnecessary lawsuits and ensure fair, transparent processes.

Franchising is about helping people find their perfect business match, not navigating through a minefield of legal uncertainties. We need to protect the integrity of our industry and continue providing valuable services to potential franchisees.

Stay tuned for updates and join us in advocating for a better, clearer legislative framework!


If you believe that solutions should solve problems, not create new ones, it’s time to take action! The proposed California Assembly Bill 919 could introduce more challenges than it resolves for the franchise community. This bill, if passed, could have significant consequences for both franchisors and franchisees, potentially leading to unintended complications that may hinder the growth and sustainability of our businesses.

That's why we're calling on YOU to reach out to the International Franchise Association (IFA) at [email protected] and request their support in addressing these concerns. By working together, we can advocate for responsible and fair franchising practices that benefit everyone involved.

How You Can Help:

-Contact the IFA: Let them know your stance on the proposed SB 919 legislation by emailing [email protected] and ask for their assistance in advocating for necessary revisions.

-Stay Informed: Check out the official position statement from the Franchise Business Association (FBA) here, which outlines the key issues and potential impacts of the bill.

Let's unite to protect the future of franchising in California! Together, we can support legislation that truly solves problems without creating new ones.

Get Involved Now!


Calling ALL FBA Brokers & Agents! This raffle giveaway prize is for YOU!!📢

All you have to do is get registered for our Annual Conference by August 30th to be entered in to win a free 3-night stay at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort.

Imagine enjoying the conference while also indulging in a luxurious mini-vacation on us! 😎

Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your experience—get registered today and secure your spot for both the event and the giveaway.

The prize is valued at $830. Registered existing Brokers also have an opportunity to win.


A round of applause for Keith Liscio, Gary Hawke, and the Naturals2Go team on your fantastic expansion into Grand Rapids, Michigan! Best of luck as we all continue to head ever upward! 🍀

Interested in franchise opportunities? Discover more here:


A huge congratulations to William Huffhine, Erin Zide, and the entire Outdoor Lighting Perspectives team on your exciting expansion into Sterling Heights, MI! Wishing you continued success and growth! 🎉

Interested in franchise opportunities? Discover more here:


Time is running out to protect the future of franchising in California. The proposed California SB 919 is on the verge of becoming law, but it’s not ready! Critical issues need to be resolved to prevent a wave of frivolous lawsuits and the potential loss of top franchise talent from our state.

Key Dates to Remember:

August 23rd: Deadline to voice your concerns.
August 28th: The bill could be signed into law.

If you’re concerned about the impact this bill could have on the franchise community, now is the time to act. We strongly encourage you to reach out to your California senators and let them know that SB 919 in its current form is putting the entire franchising industry in a bind.

What You Can Do:

-Contact your Senators to express your concerns about SB 911 and urge them to push for necessary revisions before it’s too late. Find your Senators and reach out here:

-Stay Informed: We’ll be providing a detailed list of the issues with the bill that you can read here, along with contact information for your senators, so you can make your voice heard.

This is a crucial moment for the franchise community. Don’t wait until it’s too late—speak up now to ensure that responsible franchising practices are protected in California!

Get Involved Today!

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Videos (show all)

BOS is built on the powerful enterprise-level HubSpot platform, widely recognized as the best CRM available in today’s m...
How does BOS work? BOS is the result of years of innovation by the Franchise Brokers Association (FBA) to align our brok...
As of this recording, the outcome of California SB 919 remains uncertain, but our work is far from over. If the bill pas...
I was recently discussing some legislation with a friend who doubted my use of social media to influence change. She tol...
Thinking about selling your franchise but not sure where to start? You're in the right place. I'm Sabrina Wall, CEO of t...
At the Franchise Brokers Association, we know managing resales can be challenging. That’s why we’ve introduced our franc...
A franchise broker is essentially a recruiter for franchise organizations, tasked with finding individuals who are a per...
The first question every business owner faces when considering a sale is, "What is my business worth?" Understanding you...
When I was younger, my first real job was at Chick-fil-A. I stood outside the store offering delicious chicken samples t...
What's the difference between an FSO, an internal rep, and a franchise broker? While both FSOs and brokers support poten...
Imagine a scenario where someone introduces two people on a blind date. The date goes well, and the couple continues to ...



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