California Dental Home

ALL OF OUR STAFF ARE VACCINATED BUT STILL FOLLOWS CDC PROTOCOLS WITH FULL PPE. Pediatric Dental Home serving the mid-Peninsula for over 10 years

California Dental Home Pediatric Dentistry serves the needs of children from infancy through their teenage years and kids with special health care needs in a friendly and safe environment with a focus on prevention and education for families. Our dedicated team listens to your questions and concerns regarding your child's oral health, and strives to give you the necessary information to make an in


May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter. 🎄❄

-California Dental Team 💙


🎃👻🦇 Toys for prizes after your child's dental check up!!!


What is a Pediatric Dentist?
Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.

Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and disease that can cause a lifetime of pain and complications. Today, early childhood dental caries—an infectious disease—is 5 times more common in children than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever.


Take a break it's LABOR DAY!

Our office will be close September 6, 2021.

Photos from California Dental Home's post 08/30/2021

Our little first timers from last week💙🦷


Back-To-School Dental Health Tips 📚🍎✏

1. Develop a Dental Routine 🦷
It’s important to teach your kids good dental hygiene habits early in life so they will be better equipped to maintain good oral health, which also improves overall health. Most children don’t understand the concept of time, which often results in failure to brush their teeth for the appropriate amount of time. There are fun-looking tooth brushing timers that can help you and your child track how long they brush their teeth. Make sure they brush their teeth a minimum of two times a day.

2. Pack a Healthy Lunch 🍎🧀
Make sure your kids are well equipped with a healthy lunch. Avoid sodas and fruit juices, as they are more acidic and break down tooth enamel. Cheeses are a great lunch addition because they have recently been shown to help protect teeth against cavities by protecting the enamel. By including a portable healthy lunch, you can help manage the food your child eats.

3. Schedule Twice-Per-Year Appointments with Your Dentist 👨🏼‍⚕️
A dentist will provide a deep cleaning of your child’s teeth, a proper oral examination and will address any potential issues—such as cavities or gum disease. Finding these problems early on will prevent them intensifying in the future.

Contact our office to schedule an appointment at 650-351-6789.


Did you know that your tongue is not actually a smooth surface? That is why you need to make sure you are always brushing your tongue! There are so many crevices and ridges throughout your tongue and in between taste buds that bacteria LOVES to hide out there.

Most of rinse our mouths, after brushing our teeth and flossing and we have always just assumed that meant we were getting rid of the bacteria hiding out on the surface of our tongue. But unfortunately, this is incorrect! The mouthwash only gets rid of the top layer of bacteria, so we need to make sure that we brush side to side and back and forth, then rinse. This will loosen everything up and allow us to rid of the bacteria when we spit the rinse.

Just remember that you want to avoid over brushing your teeth so that you do not break the skin.

Bacteria in your mouth causes bad breath and tooth decay. So doing your best at Cleaning, flossing and brushing your tongue combined with regular cleanings at your dentist you can be saving yourself the headaches of advanced dental work in the future.


Happy Monday Everyone! We want to thank our patients for taking the time to write us reviews, we really appreciate it 💓


"Sippy Cups"

Sippy cups should be used as a training tool from the bottle to a cup and should be discontinued by the first birthday. If your child uses a sippy cup throughout the day, fill the sippy cup with water only (except at mealtimes). By filling the sippy cup with liquids that contain sugar (including milk, fruit juice, sports drinks, etc.) and allowing a child to drink from it throughout the day, it soaks the child’s teeth in cavity causing bacteria.


Time really goes by fast! Edward was a patient of Dr. Liu and now he’s all grown up and getting ready for dental school! 🦷 Thank you Edward!! ♥️


"Teenagers Having Gum Disease"
Teenagers get cavities. Grownups get gum disease. That’s what everyone thinks. But actually teenagers are at just a great of risk of gingivitis as adults. In fact, 60% of 15-year-olds already have gingivitis, the early stages of full-blown gum disease. And while this is bad news, if the condition is recognized and treated early, your teens gums can get back to health in no time.

When left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and bone deterioration.

If your teen suffers from gingivitis, or you’re concerned about his or her oral healthcare habits, give us a call for an appointment. (650) 351- 6789.


How Breastfeeding Affects Your Baby’s Dental Health

🔸Breastfeeding Helps Your Child Develop a Better Bite
A 2015 study published in Pediatrics found that babies who were exclusively breastfed for six months were 72% less likely to have crooked teeth. This means these babies were less likely to develop open bites, cross bites, and over bites compared to infants who were breastfed for less than six months or not at all.
According to experts, the reasons why breastfed babies have a lower risk of developing misaligned teeth or jaws is due to the muscle mechanics required during breastfeeding. Unlike feeding with a bottle, a breastfed baby uses their jaw, tongue and facial muscles in a more coordinated way which helps to strengthen the baby’s jaw muscles. A stronger jaw creates a better foundation for proper alignment of a child’s teeth.
However, just because you’re breastfeeding your baby, that doesn’t mean they won’t need braces when they’re older. Other factors, like genetics, pacifier use, and thumb sucking, can affect the alignment of your child’s teeth, too. Therefore, you should limit your child’s pacifier use and thumb sucking habits.

🔸Breastfeeding Decreases the Risk of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Another benefit of breastfeeding your Hendricks County baby is, your child has a reduced risk of developing baby bottle tooth decay. This type of tooth decay often occurs when an infant is placed in bed with a bottle of formula, milk or fruit juice. The baby will often fall asleep with the bottle in their mouth, which exposes their teeth to the sugars in the liquid for a longer time. This type of tooth decay often occurs in a baby’s upper front teeth. However, your child’s other teeth may be affected, too.

🔸Breastfeeding Can Still Cause Cavities
Just like formula, breast milk contains sugar. Therefore, you need to take care of your infant’s teeth and gums beginning shortly after birth. Make sure to burp your baby after every feeding to reduce the chance of breast milk pooling in their mouth. Every day, wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, moist gauze pad or soft washcloth. Once your infant’s teeth start to come in, brush them with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

🔸Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Appointment
Typically, your baby’s primary teeth will start coming in around 6 months of age. Contact here us California Dental Home for your child's first dental appointment.

If you have any questions about your baby’s dental health, call us at 650-351-6789. Start your baby’s teeth on the right path for a healthier smile that lasts a lifetime. 🧡


Treating cavities🦷💥 is important, but preventing cavities is best. That’s where fluoride comes in, toothpaste and routine dental checkups starting no later than a child’s first birthday.



May peace, love and happiness always be with you! Wishing everyone happy Fourth of July!

- California Dental Home Team


Happy Monday!
Trust in and know that you have more courage, strength and smarts than you think. It might be hard to see it right now, but your experiences in life will show you that it’s true. Growth does not happen if you stay in one place out of doubt. You can do hard things, you can! 💪🏼


Proper oral hygiene and a daily routine that includes brushing and flossing is the key to preventing tooth sensitivity and pain. If you experience tooth pain when consuming hot or cold food and drinks, there are several causes that your dentist will examine.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?
Sensitive teeth can be caused by any of the following:

-Tooth decay
-A worn or broken tooth filling
-Deteriorating or worn tooth enamel
-Teeth grinding or clinching habits
-Fractured teeth
-Gum disease
-An exposed tooth root surface
-Excessive or improper teeth whitening

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, your dentist can diagnose your sensitive teeth and find the appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment for sensitive teeth many include the following:

-Toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Desensitizing -toothpaste blocks the transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve, reducing tooth sensitivity
-Fluoride gel. Applied during a dental visit, fluoride gel strengthens tooth enamel, which can reduce the transmission of sensations
-Dental crowns, inlays or bonding. These can be used to repair a flaw in your tooth that’s causing the painful sensitivity
-Surgical tissue graft. If you’ve lost gum tissue from the root, this will protect the root and reduce sensitivity.
-Root canal therapy. If you experience persistent tooth pain that’s not simply caused by hot or cold food, you may need a root canal



Tip 1: Drink Water 💦
On a hot summer day, it is important to drink plenty of water not just for your overall health but also for your oral health too. A dry mouth can increase the risk of tooth decay, so please keep hydrated by drinking water. Try to stay away from sweet or acidic drinks which can lead to tooth decay.

Tip 2: Wear lip balm with SPF 15+ 👄
Let’s not forget about our kid’s lips. It’s important to use lip balm with SPF throughout the summer months because UV rays can also burn lips with long exposure. Lip balms with SPF have more wax than the traditional kind, and they adhere better, which means your kids don’t have to reapply as often. Girls should also avoid lip gloss. Lip gloss absorbs more sunlight, increasing your risk of burns.

Tip 3: Good oral hygiene 🦷
Summer is no different to any day in the year when it comes to keeping your teeth clean. Brush twice a day and floss daily. And similarly, if you haven’t visited your dentist for a while, please make an appointment for a check and clean.

Tip 4: Avoid Sugary Foods🍩🍫🍭 and Eat Healthy Snacks 🍎🍊🍉
A kid’s daily routine is thrown out the window when summer rolls around. They don’t have to wake up for school and lots of parents let their kiddos stay up late. The change in routine also means a change in their daily meals. Unhealthy snacks and sugary foods often become a staple within their summer diet, which isn’t ideal. Sugary foods and drinks are one of the causes of cavities and decay. In order to avoid this, stock the pantry and fridge with healthy snacks. Oatmeal, nuts, fruits, and natural juices are just a few examples.

Tip 5: Before you head off on your holiday trip 🚘
If you plan to go away during your summer holiday, it may be a good idea to visit your dentist if you haven’t recently. One of the worst things that can happen during your holiday is a toothache. If you are feeling the symptoms associated with a toothache, see your dentist immediately for some advice.

-Summer holidays can be challenging especially if you plan on going away. Don’t forget the importance of staying healthy and keeping your teeth clean. Remember these dental tips can help you maintain a great dental health. Now, let’s all have a fun and safe summer! 😎


"The Impact of Sugar on Children’s Teeth 🍭🍫🍬🍩"
It only takes about 20 seconds for bacteria in the mouth to convert sugar into the acid that destroys tooth enamel. This is why it is important to monitor children’s sugar intake.
It is best to keep sugar intake to a minimum. Choices such as fresh fruits (as opposed to dried fruits like raisins), vegetables, popcorn and nuts are good options because they do not have as much sugar in them as processed snacks and candy. When possible, children should brush their teeth after consuming sugary foods.

Sugar is found in not only foods, but also drinks. Juice may seem healthy but, in reality, it has a high amount of sugar.

Water is typically a better choice.


Happy Memorial Day!


It's our last day for this week, Enjoy the long weekend!


As part of the natural learning process, little ones are expert mimics, and you can take advantage of this talent. Brush and floss daily while your child is watching, and he or she will intuit at an early age the importance of your good habits. As soon as your child shows interest, offer a toothbrush of his or her own and encourage your toddler to “brush” with you. (You'll find toothbrushes with chunky, short handles that are easy to grip.) Most children don't have the dexterity necessary to thoroughly clean their own teeth until they're about six or seven, so you'll have to do that part of the job. Try different tactics to make brushing fun: flavored toothpaste, a toothbrush with a favorite character on it, or singing songs about brushing. The primary goal is to instill healthy oral habits at an early age to set your child up for a lifetime of healthy, cavity-free teeth!


Monday-Thursday from 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM



Our patient chipped her #9
Comfortably, without the need for anesthetic, and in one appointment, Dr. Brian Liu, bonded tooth colored composite resin material to the tooth to recreate what had been lost.
These pictures was taken before and after treatment.

For more information, call us at California Dental Home
Phone Number: 650-351-6789


Some things just shouldn’t be compromised. Invisalign is eating the foods you want during the moments they were made for!

Post by Invisalign from twitter.


What is a Space Maintainer and What to Expect?
The most common space maintainer involves a band that is placed around one tooth and a metal loop that pushing against a neighboring tooth to prevent shifting. This encourages an open space for an underlying adult tooth to come up into the mouth without it causing overcrowding or crookedness. Space maintainers are cemented into the mouth, so they are durable and long-lasting. They can also be easily removed once they no longer serve a purpose. These dental appliances are easy to apply to the teeth and can save you and your child from years worth of comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

In order to determine if your child will benefit from space maintainers, it is important to bring them in for an exam and x-rays. call us here at California Dental Home, Our phone number is (650)-351-6789.


Good Morning! Today is our Friday! Have a great weekend!! 💕


Eating well doesn’t just benefit a child’s overall health, but can improve the strength and health of their teeth! For many parents, getting their children to eat healthier foods can be a difficult process, but can have long-lasting effects on their oral health, even into adulthood. The American Dental Association has given a list of healthy snacks that are good for teeth and that children will love at the same time, while also advising against those foods that harm developing teeth. Read this guide to find out what snacks can improve your child’s oral health but still let them enjoy the foods that they love to eat!

Cheese, milk, plain yogurt, calcium-fortified tofu, leafy greens and almonds, are foods that may benefit tooth health thanks to their high amounts of calcium and other nutrients they provide. Protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, milk and eggs are the best sources of phosphorus. Both of these minerals play a critical role in dental health, by protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel.

Fruits and vegetables are good choices for a healthy smile since they are high in water and fiber, which balance the sugars they contain and help to clean the teeth. These foods also help stimulate saliva production, which washes harmful acids and food particles away from teeth and helps neutralize acid, protecting teeth from decay. Plus, many contain vitamin C (important for healthy gums and quick healing of wounds) and vitamin A (another key nutrient in building tooth enamel).

Hands down, water—particularly fluoridated water—is the most tooth-friendly beverage.

Now that we know what foods kids should be snacking on, it is also important to know when children should be eating them. There is a time and a place for everything, food included. While eating healthy snacks is good for the body, having too many snacks allows more bacteria the opportunity to grow in the mouth and plaque to accumulate on the teeth. Especially if you are giving your child sugary snacks, such as candy, soda or pastries, it is important to ration how much they are eating. For this reason, it is recommended that the number of snacks that you child has during the day should be limited to prevent cavities. Spacing out the time between meals can also allow saliva to build up and wash away food particles, which protects teeth. Frequent snacking can lead to dental health problems just as much as sugary diets can, so the number of snacks given per day should be decided beforehand, as an extra precaution.

For more information on how food affects your child’s teeth or other options to include in your child’s daily oral health routine, schedule a visit with CALIFORNIA DENTAL HOME AT 650-351-6789.

Photos from California Dental Home's post 05/11/2021

2nd GA Patient for today!
Young children with dental pain/infection require treatment at any age, Sometimes that your child will need to go under general anesthesia or sedation. The goal is to always provide the safest, most pain free treatment! For questions call us at 650-351-6789! 🦷


What a way to start a week!
Thank you for our wonderful thank you note! ♥️


🤰 For Expecting & New Moms:
Whether she is pregnant or adopting, women who are expecting the arrival of a child, as well as new mums, can expect to be getting a lot less sleep for a while. Less sleep can impact bone health and bone tissue regeneration. This can have an impact on overall health as well as on teeth and gums. Mild to moderate gum disease is common in women who are pregnant, so regular checkups are extra important. You can find more information for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Calcium and Magnesium are important minerals for expecting and new mothers to build up and maintain during this critical period. Calcium is known to help build and maintain bones and teeth, and Magnesium helps to transport Calcium around the body. Magnesium is also known to promote restful sleep and reduce issues such as headaches, leg cramps, and even teeth grinding (bruxism). Calcium and Magnesium can be found naturally in many foods, and can be taken as supplements. Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin via creams, oils and bath salts.

👩🏻‍💼 For Moms with older children:

Children grow quickly, and a lot of mothers wonder where the time goes. There are school, activities, appointments, transportation, and the million other things mothers manage to cram into just one day. With all the effort and time spent on raising children, mums may often put their own health needs aside and delay things like regular checkups with the doctor and dentist. For mums that are always on the go, we suggest finding ways to make it as easy as possible to maintain good home oral health care. With younger kids, it can be fun and healthy to set aside family time for teeth brushing and flossing. We also strongly encourage even the busiest of mums to take time for themselves and schedule regular well woman visits and dental checkups.

👵🏻 For “Experienced” Moms & Grandmothers:
As women age, changes in hormones and other factors can increase the risk for bone loss and gum disease. Stress, sleep and diet all have an impact on oral health as well as whole-body wellness. Adults in general are living longer and more active lives, which means it is even more important for older women to care for their smiles and their bodies. A diet rich in Calcium and Magnesium is still important, as well as a healthy and active lifestyle. Bone loss often appears first in the jaw, and senior women may have dental work such as implants, partials or dentures that need regular care. That’s why well woman visits and regular dental checkups remain important throughout life.

Happy Mother's Day to our patients, friends and family from all of us at California Dental Home

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2345 Yale Street, Fl 2
Palo Alto, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 6pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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