TRUE Whole Human

Want great health? Tired of trying things that don't work? You belong here.

A lot of people feel frustrated by a lack time and direction for how to heal or reshape their bodies. Through free resources, special programs, and personal coaching, we break down the essential components of healthy living into bite-size steps to help you achieve an outstanding level of vitality without crashing your schedule, draining your willpower (or bank account!) or sacrificing your social life.

Photos from TRUE Whole Human's post 05/03/2024
Photos from TRUE Whole Human's post 05/03/2024

TRUE Whole Human 04/06/2022

We are deleting our page. We hope you will join us over on our new social page where we are creating something fresh, interactive, non-censored, and organized by topics making it super easy to use. It will be more fun if you are there! Check it out!

TRUE Whole Human We help you take control of your health where doctors, nutritionists and trainers have failed.


Raw (activated) Pecan Energy Bites

3 cups activated pecans
1 cup coconut flakes
1/2 tea. sea salt
2TBS coconut oil, melted
2/3 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tea vanilla
2/3 cups chocolate chips

In a food processor, pulse the nuts until they are the right consistency, add the coconut and pulse a bit more.

Add the rest of the ingredients and give it a good mixey-mix.

This stuff is so good...roll the dough into balls or line a square cake pan with parchment and pat out some bars...

Or heck, just hand out spoons!!!😋


Home made ice cream from raw cream in the works!

So easy, why didn’t I make this sooner?

3 cups raw cream
3 egg yolks
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Throw it in your ice cream maker according to directions you watch on YouTube and voila!

Photos from TRUE Whole Human's post 12/28/2021

When you take your girl out for drinks and nibbles and she orders snails, there is no sharing because eating snails is weird, at least there is cheesecake. Please bring two spoons for that.


Mostly wholesome Peppermint Chocolate Cookies made by a 6 year old.

As for the wholesome part, we take a classic recipe, and we make some swaps. Like:

Instead of 2 cups of white flour I use 1 cup of sprouted spelt and 1 cup organic white flour.

Instead of sugar I use coconut sugar.

Instead of cocoa powder, we use cacao, a superfood with higher minerals.

We buy the candy canes with no food dye, and our chocolate doesn’t have any soy.

Easy little swaps and nobody knows the difference.

Dry stuff bowl:
1 cup sprouted spelt flour
1 cup organic white flour
1/2 cup cacao powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mixing bowl:
1 cup organic butter
1 1/2 cup sugar (or coconut sugar)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
2 eggs

1 cup Soy free chocolate chips

Beat the sugar and butter till fluffy and creamy. Add the rest of the wet stuff until it is smooth, scraping down the sides to get it all incorporated.

Have your 6 year old scoop the flour mixture in little by little, then scoop the remaining pile off the counter and add that to the mixer.

The dough will be sticky, give it some room to expand on the baking tray lined with parchment. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.

Cool before you allow said 6 year old to drizzle the melted chocolate and mashed up candy on top. So much fun.


Gingerbread men, made with almond flour instead of white flour and maple syrup and molasses instead of sugar. A soft, gingery holiday cookie that is pretty darn cute, even when he’s naked.


Chocolate Peppermint Cream Cup

Make your own chocolate. In a bowl with a pour spout mix:

1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup cacao powder
3 Tablespoons maple syrup

Mix it real good

Pour a thin layer of the chocolate into mini-muffin cups and place them in the freezer to harden.

In a separate bowl, make the creamy mint layer with:

1/2 cup coconut butter, melted
1 teaspoon peppermint extract
Drops of liquid peppermint chlorophyll for green color (optional)

Pull the hard chocolate cups out of the freezer, scoop a layer of mint into each cup with a spoon and then cover with more chocolate sauce.

Pop them back in the freezer and keep them there until you need a bite of creamy, yummy, peppermint goodness.

How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a Covid Vaccine 05/21/2021

Check out the blog for Christians latest!

How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a Covid Vaccine Recently a friend of mine who adamantly did NOT want to get a covid vaccine, did so anyway because of pressure from her peers and her employer. For any of you who feel pressured to get a covid jab and feel like it’s becoming impossible to say no, I’ve got your back. Before I’m done you will: U...


Great nugget from James Clear's weekly newsletter:

"More effort is wasted doing things that don’t matter than is wasted doing things inefficiently.

Elimination is the highest form of optimization."

Who else felt a little inspired to look closer at where your time is going?

Be Informed: Reasons For Reservations 04/30/2021

Honored to be interviewed by Hilda of the Wise Traditions podcast! We have been huge of this podcast and the work of this foundation for years!
You can check it out here!

Be Informed: Reasons For Reservations The last of our "Be Informed" podcasts looks at injection "hesitancy," also known as common sense. Trainer and health coach Christian Elliot expounds on his popular article "18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a COVID Vaccine." What about you? Is your mind made up? If so, which way do you lean?

18 Reason I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine 04/08/2021

Check out our latest musings over on the blog!

18 Reason I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine A few friends have asked my thoughts the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic. All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them. Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rath...


#4 in Christians Motivation series and he gets personal... Isn't it like life when you decide you want to hone in on a virtue and suddenly that virtue is THE VERY thing that is tested in every way?

In todays post he defines exactly what being overwhelmed does to us when it comes to our motivation, and he offers some very practical steps to help overcome it.

(I even got in on the action with my marker board, get ready to be super impressed by my DIY skills!)

Check it out!


Love you girl! Love YOUR talent and passion for capturing images that speak to the heart ❤️


Christians third post in his motivation series is all about how to deal with goals that take FOR-EH-VER.

We have all felt the frustration and even given up when something we want so badly seems just too far away.

Lack of tangible progress is a real motivation drain.

Give this one a read for some helpful perspective, a big-picture, pan-out session, where looking closely at the goal and celebrating the small wins you are making matter.

We are all on this process of becoming, and maybe, just maybe, the grind and grit, the pressing onward and upward, the looking around for help and support are also what this big beautiful life is about?

How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation: Part 3 - Dealing With the Absence of Tangible Progress 03/12/2021

Do you know this feeling? --The sinking in your stomach that happens when you put in a concert effort to meet your goals, yet when you examine the fruit of your labor you have little or nothing to show for it.


We've all been there.

A lack of tangible progress might well be the biggest de-motivator there is.

In today's blog post on the topic of Motivation, I want to help you reclaim what feels lost from the jaws of perceived futility.

Friends, this may be the most helpful thing you read all week! Check it out!

How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation: Part 3 - Dealing With the Absence of Tangible Progress "Why is it not working?!" You know the feeling--you put in a concert effort to meet your goals, yet when you examine the fruit of your labor you have little or nothing to show for it. We've all been there. A lack of tangible progress might well be the biggest de-motivator there is. In today's post,....


Check out Christians second post in his Motivation series, as he unpacks 3 key skills to help keep your motivation from dwindling.


Have you ever frustratedly asked yourself..."What's the point?"
You know the moment I'm talking about.

It's when what you were trying to do, no longer feels like it will matter.

What's happening is an erosion of your sense of purpose.
Without purpose, we human flounder...big time.

In Christians latest blog post he wants to (re)introduce you to three, key skills that will help you fill even your most routine days with a sense of purpose.

These skills can literally fill just about any motivation sinkhole in a matter of seconds.

So if you're having a hard time:

Getting yourself to workout
Sticking to your eating plan
Staying focused at work

This post is for you.

I believe you've got something important to bring to this world.
But to make that happen, we've got to make your motivation unflappable.

You're a 10-minute read from three new, amazing, emotional-regulation skills.

Let us know what you think!


It is grey and cloudy in Panama City Beach. For most of you, winter is still doing its thing, and for most ALL of us, our "motivation meter" when it comes to going after our health and wellness goals is reading at all time low.

It's normal. It's to be expected...but it doesn't mean we can't learn from this natural tendency. It also doesn't mean that we can't do anything about it either.

Today is the first blog post in a "Motivation Series" Christian is creating, as he explores the topic of motivation, and more specifically, what robs us of it.

The first thing he is presenting is the topic of how unmet emotional needs can be the undercurrent that is sweeping you away from what you set out to accomplish, and as you can probably imagine, it's a really big deal. Check it out!

Like all things, we hope this gives you something to ponder, and a way to look at your situation with more curiosity and less judgement, with an appreciation for how each experience can be a learning experience, and an invitation for growth!

Let us know what you think!


Sometimes a simple shift in thinking will be enough to release a new wave of motivation to an area of your life where you are striving for a goal. On our last coaching call, Christian led a thought exercise (inspired by Darren Hardy) pertaining to the goal achieving process, and we thought we would share it with you!

1. Think of a goal you have. Now, ask yourself if you could get that goal done in 1/3 of the time OR triple your results in the time you have designated. The response to this is usually "..But that would be impossible..."

2. The question to ask now is, "That would be impossible UNLESS..." and fill in that blank.

3. As you work to answer the "unless" part, it unleashes your mind to get to work on problem solving. By removing obstacles and unleashing "possibility thinking" you may be clearing an entirely new path of action which was previously hidden from view!

Let us know if this helps! We are rooting for you!

*This exercise is not best applied to health and wellness related goals as human biology most always requires a more methodical approach with consistency over time.

Photos from TRUE Whole Human's post 02/22/2021

Took my two middle boys on a bike ride to the beach today. We got our toes in the water, ran around in the sand and caught the sun setting. Beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon!


On our last coaching call, we talked about the topic of motivation.

February...decidedly the shortest long month of the year, can be a motivation killer for so many of us.

We have been coming up with a small list of motivation thieves: things that steal it right out from under us, because we think to solve a problem, we must first identify it.

Here are some things we have come up with.
lack of purpose
lack of progress
loss of control
lack of belief
lack of support
unmet emotional need
lack of self awareness
Can you identify any of these stealing your motivation right now? Did we miss any?
More on the topic will be on the blog soon!


If you were asked to identify an obstacle that you were experiencing right now, that was keeping you from achieving your health and fitness goal:

Sleep more hours
Exercise regularly
Prepare fresh meals from wholesome ingredients
Drink less wine
Make that phone call to that loved one you feel estranged from...etc.
Heal your digestive system/thyroid/back etc...

Instantly, your brain will go to work creating a story around the idea, a narrative to explain how/why this is the way it is.

Because examples are super helpful, here are beginnings of some of the most common "assumptions" we hear in coaching session about "the way things are" when our story telling selves go to work:

"I am not a morning person"
"My husband/wife doesn't..."
"I am not a disciplined person..."
"I have never been able to..."
"My body always..."
"I just need that..." or "I don't know what I'd do with out my..."

See what I mean? We do this, and sometimes don't even think to challenge or question these beliefs we have about the way things are...

Until we do, it can be incredible difficult to change. Furthermore, because we do these things without even realizing, it often takes someone who is invested in us, who cares enough (or who is hired to) point out these counter-productive mindsets out to us.

But you can begin by simply questioning your assumptions more often. When you hear yourself saying anything that feels like an absolute statement, pause....

Check out Christians latest post about the 4 Most Powerful Questions he asks clients and see if this resonates! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!

What IS Health Coaching? - Part 2 (4 Magic Questions that Separate Coaches from Practitioners) 02/16/2021

Second post in our series "What is Coaching"
This one drops the 4 Most Powerful Questions I ask during a coaching session.

I hope it helps!

What IS Health Coaching? - Part 2 (4 Magic Questions that Separate Coaches from Practitioners) As I mentioned at the beginning of my first article, while Nina and I were on a long drive over the weekend she asked me to explain how I would respond when asked "What IS coaching?" In other words, what are you actually doing with people when you coach them? After we talked through the differences....


In Christians blog post series, “What is Coaching”, he introduces you to an overwhelmed man/father who was witnessing a slowing decline of overall health-
high stress
poor quality sleep,
joint pain,
digestive issues... bringing on the inevitable weight gain which caused him to seek out coaching. (probably not too unrelatable to many of us).

So, discovering the solutions, the real solutions, to helping get this “Driven Achiever” (aka, someone with the natural tendency to take on WAAAAy too much at once) out of the downward spiral are where this article gets good.

“Coaching (at least our coaching) is an investigative process, doggedly determined to help you identify the real obstacles, and stack innovation upon innovation until you create a health breakthrough that lasts.”

Christian simply asks, so what does this person need?
A good workout plan?
A list of foods to eat or not eat?
Some supplements to help him sleep better?
A way to "biohack" his metabolism?
A probiotic?
A vacation?

All of the above? None of the above? He will talk about this process.

(and it reminds me of my own tendencies in solving complexity with perhaps too much simplicity…)

Anyway, check out his latest post. I think it could help ALL of us ask better questions, think more holistically and come up with a much better approach to the health situations we find ourselves in!


If you have ever gone to address what seems like a simple problem, only to find out that it wasn’t so simple?

What am I talking about?

In the context of health, here are some examples:

1. You need meal ideas to get you out of your rut and to plan your grocery shopping trip...but eventually come to realize that the entire process would be easier (and more enjoyable) if you knew how to cook better and more intuitively.

2. You sign-up for a workout or an online exercise series in order to get moving after a spell of being sedentary... and realize that until you address and heal your achy joints, you are making you worse.

3. You go to bed one hour earlier in order to get more sleep...only to lie awake looking at the ceiling for hours...and your hunch is that your caffeine habit, late night screen time, lack of exercise and the stress loop you are stuck in just miiiiiight be contributing.

We get it. We’ve done it. Fix one thing only to realize it isn’t just one thing that is keeping us stuck.

In the weeks ahead, Christian will be publishing several blog posts about what the coaching process is like. These types of situations are the complexities we love exploring.

In his latest post (linked here) he describes how people often express that they “know what to do, but just can’t seem to make themselves do it.”

Well, sometimes it isn’t a willpower issue or a lack of discipline…
More often it is that what you THINK is the solution, actually isn’t. Once you get to the stuff under the surface, the problem usually fixes itself...and we LOVE it when this happens.

Check out today's read, and we hope it helps clarify some areas where you could use our coaching process to be a better “investigator” and REAL problem solver when it comes to achieving great health!


Writing Prompt: "Give Yourself an A"

Place yourselves in the future looking back. Now, report on all the insights you've acquired and milestones you attained during the year 2021 as if those accomplishments were already in the past.

Everything must be written in the past tense, phrases such as “I hope” “I intend” and “I will” must not appear.

You may mention specific goals reached and competitions won, but the emphasis must be about the person you will have become over this past year.

Specifically, elaborate upon the attitudes, feelings and world view of that person (you) who will have done all she wished to do, or become everything he wanted to be.

I want you to fall passionately in love with the person in that letter.”

From The Art of Possibility by Rosamond Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander


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A Weight-Loss-Focused, Healthy-Living Apprenticeship: Designed to Help You Live Your Best Life

The medical AND alternative worlds aren’t getting the job done. Your doctor, personal trainer, nutritionist and others haven’t been able to help you because they have you focused on the wrong things.

A lot of people feel frustrated by either a lack of clear direction for how to heal or reshape their bodies, and/or by the complexities involved in establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Through our healthy-living apprenticeship you learn how to sort through the noise, and break down the essential components of healthy living into personalized, bite-size steps without crashing your schedule, draining your willpower, or sacrificing your social life.

As former “brick-and-mortar” fitness-and-wellness center owners who managed a team of over 40 employees, we built the most comprehensive, one-stop-shop we’ve ever seen.

Videos (show all)

Home made ice cream from raw cream in the works! So easy, why didn’t I make this sooner?3 cups raw cream3 egg yolks 1/4 ...
Like swimming in an aquarium
Rainbow Springs Snorkle
The Planning Intensive journals arrived yesterday! You guys, this tool is incredible, providing quarterly, weekly and da...
Christian goes “bananas” with Banana Crunches on today’s warm up! Give these a try, nice and slow...
Have glutes that feel like they don’t engage during a workout? Try incorporating this move into your next warm up and wo...
I’m launching one more month of True Fit outdoor workouts in August! Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7am-7:45 at the bea...
This next exercise is fantastic for hip stability and balance. Find an unstable surface and give this a go for one minut...
Here is just one of the many warm up exercises Christian does for mobile hips and a juicy low back. Every morning while ...
Welcome! Meet the Elliots...Here's What We're All About
We are bringing you today’s TRUE Fit workout because it can be done anywhere! If you need some Monday motivation, and if...
How Intuitive Eating (and Intuitive Cooking) Becomes Routine



Panama City Beach, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Other Alternative & Holistic Health in Panama City Beach (show all)
Holly Omega QHHT and Hypnosis Holly Omega QHHT and Hypnosis
Panama City Beach

Quantum Healing Hypnosis QHHT & BQH Quantum Journeys Hypnosis

Never Defeated Athletics Never Defeated Athletics
8406 Panama City Beach Pkwy, Suite A
Panama City Beach, 32407

Alternative Wellness & Indigenous Sound Healer Studio

Smell of a Rose Smell of a Rose
936 Thomas Drive
Panama City Beach, 32408

Smell of a Rose Boutique is located inside of Diamond's Hair

360 Degrees of Wellness 360 Degrees of Wellness
Panama City Beach, 32459

Habit Journey & Wellness Coaching, Reiki Therapy

Laguna Beach Apothecary Laguna Beach Apothecary
16912 Innocente Ave
Panama City Beach, 32413

We specialize in Organic, Vegan-Friendly, H**p Products. All ingredients are hand picked to create the finest quality products. American owned / operated

Luna Yoga Luna Yoga
Panama City Beach

E-RYT® 200, YACEP® ⛱BEACH yoga ⛱ ❣Private yoga❣ 🎉Pre wedding & Bachelorette yoga🎉 🌴Vacation yoga 🌴 ✈Travel yoga Therapeutic Yoga Certified✔ Trauma informed✔ 1:1 Yoga Coaching✔ ...

Get Sunmed Panama City Beach, FL Get Sunmed Panama City Beach, FL
8730 Thomas Drive #1104C
Panama City Beach, 32408

Through transparency and education, we strive to create high-quality h**p products.