Fight Cancer in all Colors

Meetings are held first working Monday of each month from 6 to 7 pm at Texas Oncology in Paris


Today Prayer:

Believe Big

I will have no fear.
I will be strong and courageous.
I will not be terrified; I will not be discouraged. For you, my Lord, are with me wherever I go. (Joshua 1:9)
No one will be able to stand up against me all the days of my life. As you were with Moses – and Joshua –
I know you are with me. You will never fail me, and you will never leave me. Never. (Joshua 1:5) I will
meditate on your Word and will follow you alone. (Joshua 1:8)
You have chosen me and have not rejected me. So, I will not fear for you are with me. I will not be
dismayed, for you are my God. You will strengthen me and help me; you will uphold me with your righteous
right hand…. For you are the Lord, my God, who takes hold of my right hand and says, “Do not be afraid; I
will help you.” (Isaiah 41:9-13)
I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) For you created me and
formed me. I will not be afraid for you have redeemed me. You have called me by name, and I am yours.
When I pass through the waters, you will be with me; and when I pass through the rivers, they will not
sweep over me. When I walk through the fire, I will not be burned; the flames will not set me ablaze. For
you are the Lord my God, the Holy One of Israel, my Savior. (Isaiah 43:1-3)
I will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. (Psalm 91:5) And even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff,
they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4) For God did not give me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and
of self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) And I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. For I am
convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from
the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord. (Romans 8:36-39

Trailer - Cancer Decoded 08/09/2024

Great cancer docuseries!

Trailer - Cancer Decoded Discover the truth about natural cancer treatments! Despite all the major medical advancements and breakthrough treatments… Millions of people are STILL diagnosed with cancer every year! And while the truth about our toxic environment is getting exposed… Many people still falsely believe cancer ...

Dangers of Root Canals 08/09/2024

Health Awareness:

Dangers of Root Canals Root canals may be dangerous and may cause unknown infections, inflammation, systemic health problems and increase risk for chronic health conditions.

New Patient Education 08/07/2024

Texas Oncology New Patient Education came up with a series of
14 videos that are not only an excellent source for patient education, but they can also be leveraged as a digital marketing asset to help your practices increase website traffic and improve search engine optimization. The titles include:

• Cancer Therapies Introduction
• Hair Loss
• Skin and Nail Changes
• Oral Changes
• Bowel Changes
• Nausea and Heartburn
• Diet and Dehydration

• Blood Counts
• Fatigue and the “Down Day"
• Cognitive Changes
• Nervous System Changes
• Managing Anxiety and Well Being
• Sexual Changes for Men
• Sexual Changes for Women

New Patient Education Cancer Therapies Introduction

Articles - Health Secret 08/06/2024

Good health-oriented tips - check this site out:

Articles - Health Secret How Can You Keep Your Kidneys Healthy? Essential Supplements to ConsiderHow can you keep your kidneys healthy? Your kidneys are vital organs that play an important part in your overall health. They filter waste from your blood, regulate fluid balance, and assist manage important electrolytes such as...


How to fight constipation?

For quite some time now, I have been interested to find easy natural ways to prevent constipation to raise my father awareness while he is dealing with Parkinson. Many cancer patients, especially prostate cancer patients, will experience various forms of constipation as well.

What can you do to avoid an e***a as a regular habit?

I am going to list a series of great tips that hopefully will help you overcome this challenge. But....the secret is to be CONSISTENT on daily basis!!

Here is the list:

1. First thing in the morning on empty stomach, drink 16 oz of water with half fresh lemon squeezed in and a teaspoon of honey. If you are having trouble either with lemon or honey, drink at least the 16 oz of water. Ideal all 3. Please, do NOT count coffee or other drinks. Best results are if you do this on empty stomach.

2. With each meal remember, 70% of our body is made up of water. When you eat your meals, best to incorporate 'watery' foods like: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, watermelons, pretty much anything that has a high % of water (including soups). Most common advice you hear is : eat your fiber! That is great advice, but not having enough fluid inside your gut, fiber simply will not work and will not be used at full potential!

3. Exercises - do something every day. If you cannot walk distances, due to illnesses, see if you can do simple bed or chair yoga, or even breathing exercises. The idea is to do something without a break or small breaks for 20-30 minutes. If you can walk, that is the best, walk for 30 minutes without stopping.

4. Supplements: Triphala in the morning with the lemon water and Plums extracts in the night before bed.

If you think the 4 rules are hard, at least try no. 1 rule! One big glass of lemon honey water every morning on empty stomach!!

My Dad, after years and years of struggling, he finally understood that the simple rule of being consistent of drinking a big glass of water in the morning will save him from constipation. First week was a struggle and he wanted to quit many times, but my Mom and myself stayed strong and pushed him to take the water. Now, he is asking for his water because he BELIVES is something that HELPS him! DOES!

Being aware is HUGE! Rest is up to you....
My blessings and my wish for you to succeed!

Inner Engineering | Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya | Offered by Sadhguru 07/29/2024

No matter what life throws at you, it is always up to YOU how well you can filter your emotions and deal with the challenge. You might have community support, but ultimately it is within YOU, how well are able to respond to any external factors, whether sickens, death, work or family stress, etc.

I enrolled in this great yoga / meditation program that helps me to handle the outside factors by controlling my inner self!

Designed by Sadhguru, Inner Engineering is a transformative program that includes simple Yoga practices, sessions and meditative processes guided by Sadhguru, and the transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, a powerful 21-minute Yogic process.

This program helps you build a foundation of health, joy and exuberance, and establish a chemistry of blissfulness.

Yoga will never change your religious beliefs! Yoga will bring you closer to your divinity!

Inner Engineering | Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya | Offered by Sadhguru Inner Engineering Online is a 7-step online program with Sadhguru which includes transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya - a powerful 21-minute Yogic practice that has been scientifically proven to improve your mental health and physical wellbeing.

Dr. Christine Salter on healing cancer with integrative therapies 07/26/2024

I listened to a very interesting interview between Dr. Christine Salter's and Chris (from Chris Beats Cancer). Dr. Salter's education is a mixture of both worlds: traditional and interactive medicine. There are few great points when going through chemo or getting ready for surgery.

Dr. Christine Salter on healing cancer with integrative therapies Dr. Christine Salter is a brilliant and talented integrative physician with a compassionate heart to help cancer patients heal and thrive.


Cancer support meeting August 5, from 6 pm to 7 pm, at Texas Oncology main waiting room. Hope to see you!

Lumiq™ JUMBO Water Bottle | Stay Hydrated On The Go 07/03/2024

You know me, I am always searching for cool things! I found this H2 enriched portable water bottle, basically you can have your own Hydrogen generator and create as much H2 enriched water as you want ON THE GO!!!! How cool is that!

About 1 year ago my toxicity results showed I was poisoned with Arsenic on DAILY basis and high levels of BPA (plastic bottles). The results also showed that I am constantly dehydrated despise the huge quantity of water that I drink. So, I was on a look to solve the hydration issues once for good. For the past year, people have seen me carrying on a daily basis a huge stainless-steel container with CLEAN water (no Arsenic) from my home osmosis system. It paid off! After 1 year all Arsenic and BPA toxicity is gone. However, I am still dehydrated, so I am hoping to help this issue with this miraculous H2 bottle!

You can read few of the benefits at: for small capacity bottle (perfect for a quick walk) or - jumbo bottle capacity 1L

With its generous 1L capacity, you'll stay hydrated all day with just one fill. Experience the benefits of hydrogen-rich water, generating an impressive 6000 PPB (parts per billion) or 6 PPM (parts per million) of molecular hydrogen. This high concentration of hydrogen is designed to boost your energy levels, improve your overall wellness, and keep you feeling refreshed.

If you are interested to purchase, they gave me a coupon when I purchased my bottle so you can also use:


Lumiq™ JUMBO Water Bottle | Stay Hydrated On The Go Discover the power of hydrogen-infused water with Lumiq™ Hydrogen Bottle, featuring cutting-edge technology for a crisp and smooth taste.


Food for thought:
Your body has more healthy cells than cancer cells. Don't spend your energy by being focused only on the cancer, instead focus on how to nourish and make stronger the healthy cells. Focusing on your mind and body, you can create a strong anti cancer environment. Remember, your thoughts are energy! Positive thoughts will always generate positive healing energy and vice versa. Therefore, your body will always follow your beliefs, thoughts, desire and mental patterns. STAY POSITIVE!!

The Foundation 05/31/2024

I would like to share with you our Texas Oncology Foundation newsletter called "The Foundation". This newsletter will be published quarterly as well as biweekly with programming and event updates. It will contain lots of tips and links to the Foundation's resources.

Please check it out, subscribe if you aren't already on the Foundation's mailing list, and share with others to encourage them to subscribe.

The Foundation Supporting Cancer Patients and Their Families in the Communities Where They Live, Work and Receive Treatment. Welcome to the inaugural The Foundation newsletter. Our new newsletter, aptly named both because it will serve as “the foundation” of keeping you informed about programming and activitie...

Find a Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trial | Clinical Trial Finder Tool 05/30/2024

For Multiple Myeloma Cancer Patients useful information:

Find a Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trial | Clinical Trial Finder Tool Use the multiple myeloma clinical trial finder tool on this page to search for clinical trials in your area or identify trials based on your myeloma status.


June 3 - Monthly Cancer Support Group meeting at Texas Oncology Paris, TX from 6 pm to 7 pm

30-Minute Power Vinyasa Flow with Caley Alyssa 05/17/2024

Vinyasa Yoga - This free, half-hour yoga routine is great for improving your balance of flexibility, strength, and even a boost in blood flow and heart rate. Yoga is the perfect complementary practice, as it helps maintain mobility while stretching the muscles for improved recovery. This video features a fast-paced power vinyasa flow, so it’s better suited for those with a moderate to experienced fitness level.

30-Minute Power Vinyasa Flow with Caley Alyssa Practice more classes free for 14 days at This Power Vinyasa Flow with Caley Alyssa is designed to build and strengthen your co...

Signatera Overview 05/16/2024

Now it is possible to detect cancer recurrence earlier than before with specialized DNA testing such as Signatera.

Signatera™ is a highly sensitive and personalized molecular residual disease assay (MRD) using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), custom designed for each patient to help identify relapse earlier than standard of care tools.

I do this test every 6 months to check if my body is producing any tumor cells. It is a great peace of mind to see ZERO tumor cells.

Ask your chemo doctor or provider if you are qualified for this test or similar DNA testing.

Signatera Overview Signatera™ is a sensitive ctDNA test for colorectal cancer that can identify relapse sooner than standard tools. Click here to learn more about it.


Breakfast is, for many people, their most important meal. What you choose to eat first thing can set the tone for the rest of the day. Often we don’t have to time cook a big breakfast, let alone sit down and enjoy it, so we defer to quick and portable choices – like cereal.

EWG recommends against eating too many ultra-processed products, a designation that applies to most packaged breakfast cereals. However, if you do choose cereal for your morning meal, there are significant differences between organic and conventional processed options.

Organic cereals contain fewer ultra-processed ingredients and potentially harmful food additives than their conventional counterparts. By choosing organic, you avoid artificial preservatives, colors or flavors, because they are not allowed for use in organic foods.
Looking at cereals in EWG’s Food Scores database, nearly a quarter of conventional cereals contain the harmful preservative BHT. That’s just one example. Approximately 2,000 synthetic chemicals can be used in conventional packaged foods. But only a tiny fraction of synthetic substances that have passed rigorous screening can be used in organic packaged foods.

Federal regulators and independent experts are required to screen synthetic substances before they can be approved for use in organic products. These ingredients are permitted for use only if there are no organic or natural alternatives. Ingredients that harm human health are banned from packaged organic foods, as are synthetic ingredients that damage the environment.

Packaged organic foods also have a better overall nutritional profile and less added sugar.

Organic packaged foods must be formulated in compliance with robust standards set by independent and government experts, to the benefit of your health.

If you’re in the market for an organic cereal, here are some of our top choices.

1. Forager Project Chocolate Organic Grain Free Toasted Cassava Cereal with Plant Protein, Chocolate
2. Barbaras Organic Honest Cereal, Original
3. 365 Whole Foods Market Organic Fruity Super Rings Flavored Organic Plant Based Cereal, Fruity Super
4. 5. Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Organic Cereal, Cinnamon Harvest
Nature's Path Organic Almond Nut Butter Crunch Cereal, Almond Nut Butter

While organic options are generally a better choice if you’re trying to avoid potentially harmful ingredients, there are some good conventional choices. One example is:

1. Alpen Triple Berry No Sugar Added Muesli which is generally free from known ingredients of concern.

When purchasing a conventional cereal, look for products that contain few or no artificial ingredients, none of our top food chemicals to avoid and less than 10 grams of sugar.


High Fat / Protein Diets - by Anthony Williams

When it comes to fat-processing, there is a big “why” to be asked: Why does your liver put itself through all this? Why doesn’t it just take a rest once in a while? Why doesn’t it pass on some of the work to another organ? Your liver performs this function even when it takes nearly all of its reserves, all of its energy, and all of its vitality, because it has a higher goal: saving your life.

It starts with oxygenation.

Your liver senses whether you’re in Code Green, Code Red-Plus, or in between by staying highly attuned to the oxygen levels in your bloodstream. The more radical fats we consume—that is, when the majority of a food’s calories are derived from fat, whether healthy or unhealthy—the more radical fats in our bloodstream, the less oxygen in our blood. When the liver senses those lower levels of oxygen, it goes into bile production mode to break down and disperse those fats and thin the blood—in large part because oxygen feeds your brain and heart. So when we adhere to a food belief system and try one of those high-protein diets—which are also high-fat (almost every high-protein diet is high in fat, whether you’re told it is or not, regardless of whether the diet is vegetarian, vegan, based on animal protein, or anything in between)— without realizing it, we’re also starving the brain and heart of oxygen, regardless of how much exercise we get, and straining the liver beyond belief.

If you have very high blood fat from a high-fat diet and you’re running on fats, vegetables, and green juices, your pancreas will still produce just as much insulin, and insulin resistance will still be there, even without the carbs. It’s just that the symptom won’t show itself until you get a craving and reach for pasta or bread or something sweet and that carbohydrate enters the bloodstream, in which case a blood sugar test will indicate a problem. Everyone will say that carbs are the instigator, when the reality is that healthy carbohydrates are not the problem; they’re like a forensic team’s UV light that reveals the real problem. You know the kind I’m talking about? The blue lamp that makes visible the blood on the walls and bodily fluids on the floor? Turn it on, and suddenly, you could go from standing in what seems to be a pristine hotel room to standing in the middle of a crime scene. No one blames the lamp. We know it’s the light of truth working for us to solve a mystery, not working against us, when it reveals a secret. That’s how we need to think of healthy carbohydrates: the heroes, not the bad guys. They reveal when high fat has created a crime scene.

If the fat ratio in a diet were lowered, and more foods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, potatoes, squash, zucchini, berries, and other fruits were consumed, insulin resistance would reduce and blood sugar would become more balanced. The pancreas would also be saved from pumping out extra insulin. Remember: natural, healthy sugars and carbohydrates are not the enemy; they’re friends. It’s excess fat that becomes the bully on the school playground.

MEDICAL MEDIUM RECIPES: Recipe Categories 05/08/2024

A great website of vegan recipes! Or if you are meat eater, use these as a side dish.

MEDICAL MEDIUM RECIPES: Recipe Categories Official Medical Medium Recipes @

12 Best Teas for Digestion 05/02/2024

12 Best Teas for Digestion by Dr. Eliaz

Tea holds remarkable potential for enhancing digestive health, with each variety offering unique benefits for the gut. From soothing discomfort to aiding in nutrient absorption, tea can play a vital role in promoting overall digestive wellness.

Timing is key, as certain teas are more effective when consumed at specific times of the day. Calming blends are best enjoyed in the evening to relax the digestive system before bed, while energizing options provide a refreshing start to the morning.

In this blog, we aim to explore 12 beneficial teas for digestion, highlighting their individual advantages and optimal consumption times. Whether you're seeking relief from bloating, soothing an upset stomach, or simply looking to support healthy digestion, there's a tea for every need and every moment of the day. Stay tuned to discover the perfect brew to nurture your digestive well-being.

How Tea Helps in Digestion
Tea serves as a natural digestive aid, harnessing a variety of compounds to support optimal digestive function. Many teas boast anti-inflammatory properties, which can soothe the stomach lining, promoting comfort and reducing irritation.

Additionally, certain teas, like peppermint and ginger, excel at calming upset stomachs by relaxing digestive muscles, alleviating symptoms such as bloating, gas, and cramps.

Moreover, teas play a vital role in enhancing gut health, a cornerstone of overall well-being. Scientific research demonstrates that certain compounds present in tea promote gut health. Some varieties contain probiotics or herbal blends that help balance gut bacteria, fostering a harmonious gut environment essential for efficient digestion.

By promoting a healthy gut microbiome, these teas not only aid in digestion but also improve nutrient absorption from foods, ensuring that the body receives the full spectrum of essential nutrients for optimal functioning. Incorporating tea into your daily routine can thus provide multifaceted support for digestive wellness and overall health.

How Much Tea Should You Drink in a Day?
It's crucial to get a clear understanding of the right amount of beverage to drink in a day to experience the best results when it comes to the digestive effects of tea.

Understanding Quantity and Frequency
While tea can be a healthy addition to your diet, moderation is key. Generally, 2-4 cups of tea a day can be beneficial without overdoing it, depending on the type of tea and its caffeine content. This balance ensures you reap the health benefits without experiencing negative effects.
Balancing Types of Tea
It's essential to balance different types of tea throughout the day. Caffeinated teas like black or green tea are best for the morning or early afternoon, providing a gentle energy boost. In contrast, herbal teas without caffeine, such as chamomile or peppermint, are suitable for evening consumption, promoting relaxation and aiding digestion.
Listening to Your Body
Listening to your body's responses is crucial. Some individuals may be more sensitive to caffeine or certain herbs, necessitating adjustments in quantity and frequency based on personal tolerance and health conditions. Excessive consumption of certain teas may lead to side effects, such as insomnia or digestive issues, underscoring the importance of staying within recommended limits and heeding your body's signals.
Digestion-Boosting Teas and Their Optimal Timings
Let's take a look at some of the most effective tea variants that work just like magic when it comes to helping with the process of digestion.

1. Ginger Tea
Best Time to Drink: Morning or after meals. It helps kick start digestion and alleviate post-meal bloating.

Clinical trials and studies suggest that ginger tea is a powerhouse for easing stomach discomfort and nausea. Its active compounds, like gingerol, have anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the digestive tract.

This makes it particularly effective for motion sickness and pregnancy-related morning sickness. Its ability to relax the intestinal muscles can also aid digestion, promoting smoother nutrient absorption.

2. Peppermint Tea
Best Time to Drink: After meals or in the evening. It's known for soothing the stomach and relieving indigestion.

Peppermint tea offers a refreshing solution to bloating and gas, thanks to its menthol content which relaxes digestive muscles. It's a natural choice for post-meal relaxation, as it can alleviate discomfort and support healthy digestion.

Moreover, its calming effect extends beyond the digestive system, making it an excellent choice for managing stress-related digestive issues.

3. Chamomile Tea
Best Time to Drink: Evening. It's ideal for relaxing the digestive system before bed.

According to studies, chamomile tea's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce stomach inflammation, easing digestive discomfort.

Beyond digestion, it's renowned for its calming effect on the mind and body, making it a perfect bedtime beverage. Its gentle nature also ensures suitability for all ages, from children to seniors, providing a soothing solution for various digestive ailments.

4. Green Tea
Best Time to Drink: Morning or early afternoon. It boosts metabolism and aids digestion.

Green tea's rich antioxidant content supports overall digestive health by combating oxidative stress and inflammation. Its metabolism-boosting properties can aid in weight management, indirectly benefiting digestion.

However, its caffeine content warrants caution, especially when consumed late in the day, as it may disrupt sleep patterns. Nonetheless, as a morning or early afternoon pick-me-up, it can offer a refreshing start to your day while supporting digestive function.

5. Fennel Tea
Best Time to Drink: After heavy meals. It helps in breaking down food more efficiently.

Fennel tea has a long history in traditional medicine for its efficacy in treating gas and cramps. Research shows that it works wonders for people with irritable bowel syndrome. Its natural compounds, such as anethole, help relax the gastrointestinal muscles, reducing bloating and discomfort. Additionally, its slightly sweet taste adds a pleasant note to its digestive benefits, making it popular as a post-meal tea for digestion.

6. Dandelion Root Tea
Best Time to Drink: Anytime during the day. It acts as a mild laxative and detoxifier, working as a great tea for digestion.

Dandelion root tea is a versatile beverage known for stimulating digestion and supporting liver function.

A study discusses the bioactive components, pharmacological activities, and modes of action of dandelion products/preparations related to gastrointestinal protection. Its mild laxative effect aids in bowel movement regularity, while its detoxifying properties assist in eliminating toxins from the body. Despite its earthy flavor, it boasts various nutritional benefits, including vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and potassium.

7. Licorice Root Tea
Best Time to Drink: Between meals. It can soothe stomach lining and prevent acid reflux.

Licorice root tea is amazing for digestion and is prized for its ability to soothe the stomach lining, making it a valuable ally in treating heartburn and stomach ulcers.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce irritation and promote healing. However, its strong flavor warrants moderation to avoid potential adverse effects, such as increased blood pressure, especially if you are prone to hypertension.

8. Lemon Balm Tea
Best Time to Drink: Evening. Its calming properties aid in digestion and promote relaxation.

Lemon balm tea offers a dual benefit of aiding digestion and promoting relaxation, making it an ideal choice for evening consumption. A 2019 study demonstrated that lemon balm decreases the time it takes food to travel from the mouth through the gastrointestinal tract.

Its ability to relieve indigestion and reduce stress aligns perfectly with winding down before bedtime. Additionally, its light, citrusy flavor adds a refreshing touch to nightly routines, enhancing both taste and wellness.

9. Black Tea
Best Time to Drink: Morning. It stimulates digestion and increases energy levels.

Black tea's robust flavor and higher caffeine content make it an invigorating choice for jumpstarting the day.

A study revealed that drinking three cups of black tea per day boosted the population of beneficial gut bacteria responsible for producing a compound called butyrate that enhances gut health. Its caffeine kick not only boosts energy but also stimulates digestion by increasing gastric acid secretion.

However, due to its potential to cause acidity, it's advisable not to consume black tea on an empty stomach. Moderation is key to reaping its digestive benefits without experiencing discomfort.

10. Slippery Elm Tea
Best Time to Drink: When experiencing digestive discomfort. It coats and soothes the digestive tract.

A detailed study explains the probiotic effects of slippery elm and other herbal medicines on gastrointestinal health.

Plus, slippery elm tea offers a gentle solution for digestive woes, providing a protective coating to the gastrointestinal lining. This makes it particularly beneficial for conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux, where it helps alleviate inflammation and irritation. Despite its medicinal properties, its mild and soothing flavor ensures a pleasant drinking experience, making it a go-to remedy for digestive relief.

11. Pu-erh Tea
Best Time to Drink: After a meal. It aids in fat digestion and metabolism.

A study suggests that Pu-erh tea extract can alleviate intestinal inflammation and promote the growth of intestinal probiotics.

Pu-erh tea's unique fermentation process sets it apart, enhancing its digestive health benefits. Fermentation breaks down complex compounds, aiding in fat and metabolism, making it an ideal post-meal beverage. This traditional Chinese tea not only boasts digestive benefits but also offers a distinctive earthy flavor profile, steeped in centuries of cultural heritage and medicinal tradition.

12. Spearmint Tea
Best Time to Drink: After dinner. It's lighter than peppermint which makes it a wonderful tea for digestion after you have had your last meal of the day.

Spearmint tea, with its milder flavor compared to peppermint, provides a refreshing end to a meal while promoting digestion. According to a study, the compound carvone found in spearmint strongly inhibits muscle contractions in the digestive tract, which relieves digestive upsets.

Beyond its digestive benefits, its refreshing taste serves as a palate cleanser, leaving a clean and revitalized feeling after dining. Enjoying a cup of spearmint tea after dinner not only aids digestion but also enhances overall post-meal satisfaction.

Enhancing Digestive Health with Tea
Incorporating a variety of teas into your daily routine can significantly enhance digestive health. From ginger and peppermint to chamomile and green tea, each offers unique benefits to support digestion. By drinking these teas at suggested times-such as morning for ginger tea or evening for chamomile-you can discover what works best for their digestive needs.

Embracing these teas not only nurtures digestive health but also fosters a deeper connection to holistic well-being. However, it's essential to consult healthcare providers for personalized advice.

12 Best Teas for Digestion Tea holds remarkable potential for enhancing digestive health, with each variety offering unique benefits for the gut. From soothing discomfort to aiding in nutrient absorption, tea can play a vital role in promoting overall digestive wellness. Timing is key, as certain teas are more effective when....

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Paris, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12am - 3pm

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