Senshi Training

Holistic and athletics training. Specializing in fat loss and creating healthy and fun lifestyles to Grow with our NASM certified trainer Miss Kaie.

Senshi Holistic Training is more than just working out and getting pretty aesthetics. Holistic training is about taking care of the body, mind and soul. Since every BODY is different, every client is treated individually for their own personal body and wellness goals. From getting healthy and bettering your current lifestyle to athletics and bodybuilding coaching, everyone gets full attention and


21 vs 35

There was a time were I didn’t think I would make it to the current age I am now. I was always depressed, often times sick, and drowning myself in substances rather than finding ways to love myself. Which is ironic because I have wonderful parents who always encouraged us(and still do to this day) to love ourselves.

It took me another +10 years before I would find that love for myself.

If you can teach yourself or your children anything, it should be self love.

Pour back into YOU when you feel down, when you have failed, when you feel inadequate, untalented or simply not worth it.

Remind yourself that you are more than all of those things. More than adequate. More than worthy. More than talented.

The moments we flourish and grow the most are the moments we are lowest and alone. How you treat YOU is always a reflection to how you will treat others.

Want a better relationship? Treat yourself better when you’re alone.

Want a better job/position at work/career? Work on the skills you lack to make it happen.

Want your anxiety to calm down or even subside? (Firstly stop watching the news 😘 if it’s truly important to you, you will know about it). Speak kindly to yourself in those moments rather than shaming yourself.

That last one is a BIG one, you see. So many of us shame ourselves

“I should have done x,y, and x instead! I’m so STUPID.” (All your brain heard was “I’m so STUPID”)

“Why did I do that?! Ya DUMMY!” (Joking or not with yourself, your brain only heard that you called yourself DUMB here)

“They are so right! I should have been better about this.” (You’re brain still only heard that you FAILED)

If any of those phrase sound familiar, I encourage you to sit with yourself and be the person you needed when you were a child.

It will change yourself life.

🥰💪🏻 Stay healthy friends, it comes in more forms than lifting weights.


Forcing myself to do things I HATE doing for the sake of growth. Get on it! 💪🏻😎


Where do you want to be in less than a year with your health?

With proper guidance you can reach any goal you set for yourself.

DM to start today, there’s never a wrong time to start taking care of yourself.


12 years between these photos. Never underestimate how much you can change and grow, or not, in a decade. In a year even. Give yourself time. You’re still cooking. 😘

Photos from Senshi Training's post 06/11/2024

From the start of our posing journey, about 6-7 weeks ago. Cookin! 😎💪🏻🏆

Photos from Senshi Training's post 05/28/2024

November to yesterday. Six full months.
Where do you want to be in six months with your physique and health?
We did this in six months. He works more than full time. Just graduated with his second degree. He puts in the work and gets the results he wants to see with no excuses from daily life interfering.

Where do you want to be in six months?


Back to Basics! Hello Arizona, we are here and happy to be among the palm trees and sunshine. Come join us for some medicinal movement inside on these upcoming hot summer days. -


Age 20 to age 35
Take. Care. Of. Yourself.
That is all.


Same lighting, pose and location. Small changes in our posing. Last prep we gained 13 pounds of muscle in 10 months. This time we are right around the same. 11 weeks to show for this guy.


For this who missed it.

I am no longer doing training full time. I am here for those who are serious about their health and wellness. However, I am done. I cannot compete with the Instagram trainers and BS gym bro science.

Having clients send me workouts they think they should do or diets they should try. Like they didn’t hire me for that exact job.

Dealing with individuals who only want the quickest results possible instead of learning habits that stick around. Learning to deal with stress instead of masking it and avoiding it.

Telling me I’m a luxury and too expensive then spending money on holidays, new shoes, new bags, etc.

I put 11 years of blood, sweat and tears into this to only stay in the exact same place.

So, I’m done.

Because someone will ask, I am going back to fashion. Designing clothes and creating art.

All I wanted was to help others and I thought I found that through fitness. I was severely wrong. So now, I’m going down a different path.

Want a dress made? Hit me up 


That’s me at 22/23 years old on the left. And that’s me at 35 on the right (current)

I see more than weight loss here. I see a girl who became a woman by finding herself. By learning what the vessel she was born into needed to keep her going.

I wasn’t “fine” before. I was continually depressed. Anxious (not from my autism). Hated who AND what I saw every time I looked in the mirror.

It didn’t happen overnight. I can tell you that. And that if you are where I was on the left currently, you will get to the right side with dedication and consistency to yourself.

Nobody can guarantee you a timeline deadline. We are never done cooking. There’s always room to grow. But I can guarantee that if ou start now, in 6 or even 12 months you WILL be in a better place.

But you have to take the step.

Photos from Senshi Training's post 03/13/2024

15 years ago I was in a really really bad place. I kept crying out for someone to save but nobody came to my rescue. So I saved myself.

I started to workout at home. Change my eating habits. Work through my traumas. Meditate and visualize.

Now, 15 years later, I stand on my own, I run a successful business and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. In mind, body and soul.

Nobody is coming to save you from this life you are currently in. We must take action on ourselves. What I can do is help guide you becaue nobody did that for me.

One of the biggest reasons I became a lifestyle trainer was to help others utilize the tools that helped me gain stability in my life and my most healthy self.

When you are at you most optimal health you are sharp, present and your body can handle more than you realize. More than ever before.

Don’t sleep on yourself. Fitness DOES change lives in such a positive way.

Come get guidance today:


Online and in person programs available. DM me to get started or visit us here:

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 02/15/2024

I AM LOVING all the messages since my book came out! Thank you so much to those who have our handed my book AND are moving through it! That means the world to me!!!

As for the rest of you… what are you waiting for?! 😘😘

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life)

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...

Photos from Senshi Training's post 01/29/2024

I am going to talk about this.

This is a client of mine. We worked together toward hitting the stage last year. They had to pause due to personal reason so we picked back up later.

The first round I had control of every aspect that pertained to getting on stage. That is the first round of photos.

The second round is them not allowing me the same control I had before.

First things first, if you’re going to hit the stage, even just to have the experience. Part of that experience is giving your coach FULL CONTROL of your program. Not picking and choosing what aspects they control and you control.

Secondly, odds are they are are the expert. You came to them seeking guidance, to not give them the space to guide you fully is a huge mistake and frankly, disrespectful as hell.

This is MY job. This is MY passion. I have spent the last decade pouring myself into it to help others and educate others toward their goals and better lives.

I am losing that passion more and more when I feel this disrespect. When I do not see my clients have as much passion for their health and bodies as I do. And when I feel that you hired me without full trust.

My advice? Don’t hire someone you aren’t going to fully invest in. Because it’s very clear I do in fact know what I am doing.

End of lecture.

Photos from Senshi Training's post 01/27/2024

Posting daily becaue you or someone you know is looking.

(Share it if you aren’t looking! Help your friends grow!)

You don’t have to live near me to receive amazing training and good preventative healthcare!

Great guidance for an affordable price!

-Weekly and monthly check ins
-Personalized programs that change with you and your goals to help you progress properly
-Nutrition plan
-Virtual Learning tools for each movement
-Community if individuals just like you who are striving for better health and habits
-Habits and wellness coaching
-Stress and time management

Photos from Senshi Training's post 01/26/2024

Let’s help each other out!

When you purchase services from smal businesses you help them and the economy around them grow. You pour into their visions and desires.

What I have to offer is well worth the money and effort you put into it. I have MANY happy clients who have worked with me throughout the years with high success rates.

It doesn’t have to be training, we can begin with your habits and choices. You don’t have to jump in the deep end, we have options to progress you at the right pace so you don’t fail, feel like giving up or get overwhelmed.

It’s never too late to begin.




Have some unwanted holiday gains? Slide into my DMs to chat and see how I can help you shed that weight!


ICYMI: I have HUNDREDS of FREE workouts and tutorials here ⬇️⬇️⬇️😎💪🏻

If you eliminate anything from your diet this year, eliminate your excuses. 😘

Warrior Tribe Here you will find tutorial videos for our Warrior Tribe! Sign up today here 12 weeks to a be...

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/10/2024


Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/09/2024

Your daily share and reminder to snag your copy! 📸 Look at this post on Facebook

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...

Photos from Senshi Training's post 01/07/2024

If you’re ready to make REAL changes instead of wishing, let’s have a chat!

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/06/2024

Posting daily because 1. This is my passion 2. I KNOW some of you need this as you’ve talked to me about it. 3. Your support when you share my posts or purchase my book means the world to me and helps me grow as an individual and a business owner.

If you aren’t buying, PLEASE SHARE! Someone in your life needs this and isn’t telling you. Share the gift of longevity, less stress and a happier life.

Nobody has ever regret making positive changes! LFG!!!!

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life)

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...


This year is starting out with A LOT of redirection. 😅

Rejection is redirection
Rejection is redirection
Rejection is redirection
Rejection is redirection
Rejection is redirection
Rejection is redirection

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/06/2024

Thank you SO much to those who have purchased a copy! You are totally making my birthday awesome!!!

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life)

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/02/2024

Sharing often because my goals is 50 by the end of March!

Thank you SO much to those who purchased a copy. Whether you use it or not, I ALWAYS appreciate the support!

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life)

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...


To those I see suddenly going to the gym, keep going next week. The week after. The month after and so on. Stay consistent! It’s only tough to take the first step.

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) 01/01/2024

ICYMI: Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life)

I’ve had many people message me about the link. Today is the official release day for the book! This is a THREE part series to help you create the best life possible.

Remember that being successful looks different to everyone, this book helps you ACHEIVE success in your life. Guides you to creating habits and mindsets that will help you reach your goals every day!

Make this year the year of YOU and put yourself first! Watch the world become your oyster!

Let’s get moving! 🏃🏼‍♀️

Living In Abundant Peace: Creating Habits That Keep Your Desires Rolling In (Creating an Abundant & Successful Life) Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Life have you feeling like you are stuck, not in a healthy place? Living in Abundant Peace is a workbook designed to help you learn skills to create habits and mindsets that stick around until the end of time! This book will guide you step by step through s...

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Videos (show all)

ITS A LIFESTYLE, NOT A DESTINATION 🏖 We treat our goals and our bodies as if they have a finish line. (We do, it’s calle...
ITS ANOTHER… QUAD DAY! ✅ SAVE. TRY. TAG. Struggling to make progress? Heavy lifting may be your cure! That and a boost o...
BUILD WITH INTENTION 💖 Getting in the gym and lifting heavy feels so good! We all know this. HOWEVER… Lifting with inten...
FAYNGTA EPISODE 5! Did you miss it? Don’t worry! You can watch right there through the link in my bio! You don’t even ha...
NOT THE FIRST TIME 1️⃣ Time and time again I see clients become frustrated and de-motivated because they didn’t grasp a ...
INSTANT IMPROVEMENT 💪🏻 When working through a new movement and movement pattern the body may not want to function correc...
Just a shot of me dying toward the end of 1000 reps of shoulders. 😅😥 -250 machine seated press -250 DB front raise w/rot...
DO YOU CHIRO? 🦴 I am a huge advocate for going to the chiropractor. Why? This video is one day apart. I hadn’t been to t...
POSING IS FUNKY… 🎷 We have mandatory poses to hit yet you’re allowed to showcase yourself in your individual time. This ...
🍑 Hump day, working on the little things again. Posing suit: @angelcompetitionbikinis Code SENSHIHeels: @competitionkit


16300 Central Commerce Drive Unit 1
Pflugerville, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 12pm
Tuesday 6am - 12pm
Wednesday 6am - 6pm
Thursday 6am - 12pm
Friday 6am - 12pm

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