Chantal Westby

Chantal Westby

Visual artist & multi medium abstract painter
Artist Environmental Activist. Carl Sagan. Her artistic approach is in perfect harmony with the story of her life.


"The nature of life on Earth and the search for life elsewhere are two sides of the same question - the search for who we are." Chantal Westby is a French-American visual artist born in northern France. From her childhood lived in a very modest and strict environment, she preserved the treasures and emotions of her imaginary escapades nourished by the stories of her late soldier father who s

Prix du Public des Trophées des Français des Etats-Unis 2024 09/09/2024

Chers amis et soutiens,

J’ai l’honneur d’être finaliste pour le Prix du public des Trophées des Français des États-Unis 2024, sponsorisé par la Banque Transatlantique. 🌟

Votre vote est crucial pour m’aider à remporter ce prix prestigieux, qui reconnaît mon engagement artistique et environnemental. Le vote est ouvert dès maintenant et se termine le lundi 16 septembre à midi (heure de Paris).

Votez pour moi ici : Lien vers le formulaire de vote

Merci infiniment pour votre soutien et votre confiance. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence pour notre planète ! 🌍💚


Présentation des finalistes
Je vous joins le lien de l'article qui présente les finalistes :

Prix du Public des Trophées des Français des Etats-Unis 2024 Votez pour votre candidat préféré, qui se verra attribuer le Prix du Public de la 2e édition des Trophées des Français des Etats-Unis, parrainé par la Banque Transatlantique, parmi les 9 finalistes : Anne-Lorraine Bahi, Gautier Coiffard, Caroline Fontanieu, Arthur Genre, Yvonnick Prene, Laure...




Wonderful article with Rhonda Babb, Lenaic Gasquet Mercier and me
Message from Julie Hancher, for Green Philly
Climate has a place in every conversation, especially in the arts! I absolutely admire the work of Chantal Westby and Rhonda Viscusi-Babb, and I am delighted that our journalist Stephanie Ostroff covered them. I am also grateful that Rhonda and Chantal have been supportive partners for Green Philly,

showcasing their art at both this year’s EcoFair and SustainPHL. Read the full story:
Rhonda Babb and Chantal Westby invite viewers to reconsider their relationship with the planet, reminding us that we have a role to play in the face of global warming.
There are moments when climate change can no longer be considered abstract. It is an immersive experience - an unavoidable reality. (Just step outside on the 6th day of this excessive heat warning!)

The June heatwave trapped parts of the United States under a stifling heat dome. Burning eyes and scratchy throats greeted those who dared to venture out during the smoke cloud from last summer’s Canadian wildfires.

But global warming is not always tangible, and its impact is not always immediate.
This is where Philadelphia-based visual artists Rhonda Babb and Chantal Westby step in.
Their work aims to awaken a sense of urgency and engagement in the face of the climate crisis in all seasons, inviting viewers to reflect on their role in the planet’s prognosis.
“I try to get people to think, to ask questions, and to look at the world through the lens of what is happening,” Babb explains. “And how we, as humans, influence things.”

The “Symbol of Hope” project at EcoFair

The “Symbol of Hope” project outside Green Philly’s EcoFair, April 2024. Photo: BeauMonde Originals. Babb, the creator of the “Symbol of Hope” project, is a graphic designer turned screen printer. Westby, who moved to Philadelphia from France over 30 years ago, is a painter and sculptor with a background in fashion design. Both share the belief that art can bring people closer to the realities of climate change.

Last summer, they collaborated on an installation at the inLiquid gallery, titled “Glass House + Meadow,” depicting the journey of water from the river to the tap to the single-use plastic bottle. And this spring, they were individually featured at the Human Impacts Institute’s Creative Climate Awards in Brooklyn, where their works were projected onto the Manhattan Bridge.

Ostroff Julie Hancher The Hope Symbol
Subject: Gratitude for Inspiring Climate Action
Dear Julie Hancher,
I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to speak and showcase the powerful impact of art in addressing climate urgency. These article beautifully highlighted the work of Rhonda Viscusi-Babb , my dear friend Lenaic Gasquet Mercier and me , whose dedication resonates deeply with me.
Your vision and tireless efforts as part of “Green Philly” are commendable. The way you organize and educate the community is inspiring. Together, we can create a better future—one where environmental consciousness prevails.
In the face of global warming, our dedication to environmental activism becomes more critical than ever. As we fight to protect the people of Philadelphia, let us remember that change begins with awareness and action.
Thank you for sharing this eye-opening article! 👏 And a special shout-out to journalist Stephanie Ostroff for her exceptional coverage.
Warm regards,

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 07/05/2024

We must draw inspiration from courage, as it is only through collective action that we can resist the looming dictatorship.

· A Mandatory Read for Every Politician and Voter: The Necessity of Uncompromising Climate Action

Embrace activism and vigorously advocate for the preservation of our world and the safeguarding of our children's future. Unfortunately, activists are sometimes labeled as "traitors" and face detention in many locations.

· Between 2012 and 2022, at least 1,910 people advocating for environmental protection were killed worldwide, a new report finds.

REMINDER, According to NCEI's Global Annual Temperature Outlook, there is a 22% chance that 2024 will rank as the warmest year on record and a 99% chance that it will rank in the top five. January saw a record-high monthly global ocean surface temperature for the 10th consecutive month.

Vote for the Constitution.
Vote for integrity.
Vote for the truth. #:~:text=Between%202012%20and%202022%2C%20at,worldwide%2C%20a%20new%20report%20finds.

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 06/23/2024
Photos from Chantal Westby's post 06/12/2024


From the Ocean series: [ 2012 /2018]

My painting is a vibrant testament to the beauty and challenges of Haiti’s natural environment. It features a dynamic array of blues that evoke the ocean’s depth and diversity, with abstract forms suggesting marine life and coral reefs. The swirling patterns and rich textures convey movement, indicative of the changing conditions of the ocean due to acidification. This piece not only captures the eye but also embodies a powerful message about the fragility of marine ecosystems.

The collection of 18 paintings from which this piece comes serves a dual purpose. It is both an artistic exploration of Haiti’s environmental beauty and a stark reminder of the issues it faces, such as deforestation and ocean pollution. Moreover, it is a humanitarian endeavor, supported by the UN and the organization led by Patricia Brintle, to raise funds for building educational facilities, providing humanitarian relief, teaching resources, and reconstructing churches as shelters in Haiti.

Through these paintings, I advocate for the education of children and the rebuilding of communities, highlighting resilience and hope amidst despair. This collection is not just art; it’s a narrative of survival and a call to action for the preservation of Haiti’s natural legacy for future generations.

# .

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 06/10/2024

In the face of devastation, my art echoes a resilient anthem: “We must protect our ocean, for without it, we will not survive.”

From the Ocean Series [2012 /2018]
My painting, is a powerful visual narrative that intertwines the beauty and plight of Haiti’s natural environment with the broader issue of ocean acidification. The dark blue hues and white spots in the upper portion of my painting represent the ocean’s surface, teeming with life yet interspersed with the bubbles of escaping carbon dioxide. The eye-like focal point may symbolize the watchful gaze of humanity on the changing seas.
The warmer tones and intricate patterns in the lower portion depict the ocean floor, where coral reefs and marine flora are facing the brunt of environmental changes. The detailed lattice-like structure might represent the resilient Porites coral, which can withstand higher levels of acidity, contrasting with the surrounding decay of less adaptable species.

This artwork serves as a powerful call to action, urging us to protect our oceans and preserve the natural beauty of our world. It’s a reminder that we are all stewards of the Earth, responsible for its well-being and the survival of all living beings. My painting is not just a reflection of what you witnessed in Haiti, but a universal message of environmental responsibility and hope. It’s a call to action, urging us to consider the legacy we leave for future generations.

My inspiration came from my pilgrimage to Haiti in late August 2011, where I experienced first-hand the deplorable conditions endured by this suffering population.

Children, playing, and teaching classes ,were selected from thousands of photos from our many expeditions in Haiti.

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Photos from Coastal States Organization's post 06/07/2024


Photos from Chantal Westby's post 06/06/2024

Happy !

In the face of devastation, my art echoes a resilient anthem: “We must protect our ocean, for without it, we will not survive.”

This artwork serves as a powerful call to action, urging us to protect our oceans and preserve the natural beauty of our world. It’s a reminder that we are all stewards of the Earth, responsible for its well-being and the survival of all living beings. My painting is not just a reflection of what you witnessed in Haiti, but a universal message of environmental responsibility and hope.

From ocean series [ 2012 /2018]

My painting is a poignant testament to the resilience of nature and the indomitable spirit of the Haitian people. It’s a vivid portrayal of the stark contrast between the vibrant beauty of Haiti and the harsh reality of environmental degradation. The outer panels, with their rich colors and organic textures, encapsulate the inherent optimism and natural splendor of Haiti. The central gray panel, with its stark, disruptive patterns, symbolizes the destructive impact of pollution and waste.

My inspiration came from my pilgrimage to Haiti in late August 2011, where I experienced first-hand the deplorable conditions endured by this suffering population.

Some touching moments selected from thousands of photos from our many expedition in Haiti

# .

Man points camera at ice – then captures the unimaginable on film - Hasan Jasim 05/28/2024

In fact, for nearly 20 years, he taunted scientists about global warming.

“I didn’t think that humans were capable of changing the basic physics and chemistry of this entire, huge planet. It didn’t seem probable, it didn’t seem possible,” Balog says.

Man points camera at ice – then captures the unimaginable on film - Hasan Jasim Photographer James Balog and his team were examining a glacier when their cameras caught something out of the ordinary. The incident took place in Greenland, where James and his mates were gathering images from cameras that had been deployed around the Arctic Circle over the years. James and his cre...

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 05/05/2024

Please pay us a visit.

Located in the heart of West Philadelphia, our institution offers prestigious postgraduate programs at renowned Ivy League institutions, including the highly ranked of Medical School, Law School, and School of Science and Humanities. Today, climate change is a serious topic of investigation for numerous scientists and artists.

Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change” with “ My sculpture “Point No Return “at the of School for Communications at UPenn, Philadelphia. Thank you Curator Cynthia Veloric, PhD! Check out the other Exhibitors and access the link to hear the Curator’s commentary in these powerful works!

More Artists Audio:

Cynthia Haveson Veloric, PhD


VIP Preview is today! exhibition, “Shattered: A Visual Journey Through the Mind." from6 to 9pm

Come to meet me and see my work in Queens, New York. Show on view: Thursday, May 2–Sunday, June 2.

Two new works, from the “ Beyond” series, with Edjo Wheeler, Executive Director, and Tess Howsam, Artistic Director

May 2 to June 2
Culture Lab LIC
5-25 46th Ave., Queens, NYC

Website for details:

Artworks sculpture, "Reflective Souls." 75 '' each Sheer Voice polyester, paper photography, acrylic paint, gold and silver leaf, and Styrofoam face.
" Beyond " painting 40 ”X 60" acrylic paint

“Shattered: A Visual Journey Through the Mind” is a concept that Westby & Mercier Studio, based in Philadelphia, PA deeply engages with. In the collection ‘BEYOND’, Westby’s explores the human psyche through vibrant paintings and intricate sculptures. Her work, a visual narrative of the human condition, invites viewers to delve into their perceptions and emotions. The collection is more than art—it’s a movement advocating for understanding, and acceptance of mental health. Westby’s art serves as a bridge to empathy, challenging stigma and misunderstanding. It’s not just about observing, it's about participating in a journey towards a future where mental health is embraced openly. ‘BEYOND’ exemplifies the transformative power of art in fostering a community that values well-being. Lénaïc Mercier - Multimedia Artist

Photos from New York's post 04/23/2024

Lénaïc et moi même nous vous remercions Damien pour cette publication .

Voici le lien.

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 04/22/2024

My sculpture “Earth” from “The Forest” immersive installation is currently being shown as an advertisement in New York City.

Highly successful opening , I would want to express my sincere gratitude to .

Today, on Sunday, April 21st, we have celebrate Solutions from the Frontlines” at 38 Washington St. in Brooklyn to 5-8 pm. A multitude of guests have fully immersed themselves in a realm of art, creativity, and sustainability.

Dear friend and family,

Tomorrow is Earth Day, a designated occasion to commemorate our residence on this planet and promote the efforts to save it.

It is a familiar impulse that we are well acquainted with at Inside my art. Lenaic and my self diligently strives to provide accurate information regarding climate change, promote effective solutions to address the crisis, and ensure that those in positions of influence are held responsible.

Yes we can .

World Record Temperature Jump In Antarctica Sparks Concern 04/09/2024

🌍🐧 Antarctica records a jump of 38.5°C - sounds like the start of a sci-fi thriller, right? Wrong! 😱 This is REALITY, folks! It's a climate mystery that's heating up faster than a Hollywood blockbuster! 🔥

Scientists working in the eastern part of Antarctica witnessed this mind-blowing temperature surge.

🌡️ Poleward winds are now carrying warm, moist air from lower latitudes deep into Antarctica, causing what's being termed a polar "heatwave."

🥵 This isn't just a one-time fluke – it's part of a worrying trend.

🧊 Glaciers are melting, sea ice levels are plummeting, and our once-frozen continent is heating up faster than before.

But fear not! There's a glimmer of hope amidst the thawing chaos.

You see, Antarctica isn't just any icy wasteland; strict treaties govern it.

With these rapid changes, there's a case to argue that signatories to the Antarctic Treaty are breaching their obligations by pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

This could mean one thing: LEGAL ACTION!

We need to push for stronger environmental policies, demand accountability from our leaders, and take steps in our own lives to combat climate change.

🙌 Let's protect our planet, for ourselves, future generations, and our adorable penguin pals who depend on humanity to stop doing s**t to the planet we share.

♻️ The time for change is NOW! Share, discuss, and make sure this is a "hot topic" in your network.

👉 Read more on NDTV: there !


World Record Temperature Jump In Antarctica Sparks Concern The rising temperatures on Earth pose “serious ecological impacts,” scientists said


Announcement for The ECO Channel Earth Day Summit in Miami:

🌟 Join Us for The Earth Day Summit on April 22nd! 🌟

Are you passionate about our planet, environmental action, and creating a better future? Then mark your calendars for The Earth Day Summit, hosted by The ECO Channel, at Miami Ironside on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This is a FREE event that brings together like-minded individuals who care deeply about our environment and want to make a positive impact.

Here’s what you can expect:

Engaging Talks: Learn from renowned experts who will share insights on sustainability, climate change, and innovative solutions.
Interactive Workshops: Connect with fellow eco-warriors and discover practical ways to combat climate change.
Inspiring Exhibitions: Explore exhibits showcasing eco-friendly products, initiatives, and projects.
Upcycled Runway Fashion Show: Witness fabulous fashion that promotes sustainability.
Awards Ceremony and Art Auction: Celebrate those making a difference and bid on unique art pieces.
Dance the Night Away: End the event with music and dancing!
Whether you’re an experienced environmentalist or just starting your sustainability journey, this summit is for you. Let’s come together, share our passion, and create a greener, cleaner world for all. 🌿🌎

Event Details:

Date: Monday, April 22, 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Miami Ironside, 7580 Northeast 4th Court, Miami, FL 33138
RSVP: Register here .

Volunteer: Want to help? Call/Text us at (267) 978-6933.

Learn More: Visit The ECO Channel for additional information.

Let’s make Earth Day 2024 memorable! 🌎🌿🌟

Featured Hashtags:


En ligne sur le site : Librairie et éditions DOUIN

Pour ceux qui souhaitent acquérir ma biographie, il vous suffira de vous rendre dans n’importe quelle librairie et de passer commande.

Ma biographie est sur Amazon, Fnac, Decitre, etc. d’ici quelques jours. Le temps que les bases de données se répliquent.

Bon dimanche à tous.

Un grand merci à vous Frédéric Douin et Sandra Bensoussan Journaliste-Biographe


Photos from Chantal Westby's post 04/05/2024

Expressing Gratitude for the “Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change” Exhibition

Dear Dr. Cynthia Haveson Veloric,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional, professional, and meticulously curated exhibition, “Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change.” Your adept selection of artworks and artists has not only illuminated the pressing issues of climate change but has done so with an elegance that is both engaging and enlightening.

Being included amongst the esteemed artists in this exhibition is a privilege that fills me with immense pride. The grace with which you have woven together art and awareness speaks volumes of your expertise and dedication to both the arts and our planet.

The exhibition at the Annenberg School for Communication stands as a testament to your visionary approach, blending aesthetic allure with poignant messages that resonate deeply. I am truly honored to be part of this significant narrative that challenges perceptions while celebrating artistic expression.

With sincere appreciation,


Artists include Diane Burko, Deirdre Murphy, Amie Potsic, Hiro Sakaguchi, Tim Portlock, Maureen Drdak.


Chère famille et amis,
Je suis ravie de vous annoncer que ma nièce, Marlène, a généreusement accepté de gérer la distribution de mon livre intitulé Un destin d’exception. Elle détient actuellement plus de 45 exemplaires de ma biographie.
Voici ses coordonnées :
Marléne Ferdyn
Téléphone : 06 49 70 34 61
Adresse e-mail pour les paiements via PayPal : [email protected]
Le prix de vente du livre est de 19,90 euros, auxquels s’ajoutent les frais de transport :
6,90 € par la poste en France
4,50 € avec Mondial Relay en France
Pour les États-Unis, nous proposons un envoi spécifique baptisé « échange culturel » au tarif de 3 euros.
Je suis impatiente de voir comment les choses évolueront. Frédéric, avec qui j’ai eu des échanges fructueux, pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel. En effet, le propriétaire de la librairie et des éditions DOUIN est actuellement très occupé, mais s’il finalise l’accord, il se chargera de publier mon livre et de le faire livrer dans toute la France.
Pour ceux qui souhaitent acquérir ma biographie, il vous suffira de vous rendre dans n’importe quelle librairie et de passer commande. Vous pouvez sous peu également le commander sur Amazon.
N’hésitez pas à partager cette belle nouvelle sur vos réseaux sociaux avec une pointe d’humour ! 📚✨

Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change 03/10/2024

To all collectors, friends, curators, and other artists: Westby&Mercier studio is delighted to announce the installation of our artwork at UPenn!

I am happy to announce that my sculpture, titled "Point of No Return," has been chosen to be included in the exhibition "Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change" at the Annenberg Center for Communications. This show is being presented by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, which is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. The curator's name is Dr. Cynthia Haveson Veloric. From March 28th until May 2nd, 2024.

Risky Beauty: Aesthetics and Climate Change An art exhibition held at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.


Link to InLiquid’s Benefit page:

When: March 9 - 23, 2024
Where: Online and In-person
InLiquid Gallery and Icebox Project Space
1400 N American Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Photos from Chantal Westby's post 03/04/2024

In The Pyrocene: A World Ablaze,

"Agony and humanity will not survive this devastation. My artwork aims to emphasize the importance of two critical concerns endangering our existence. Through my artistic abilities, I seek to bring attention to the alarming frequency and intensity of wildfires, as well as the devastating impact on wildlife and ecosystems. Measuring 40''X 60'' and created using mixed media, my pieces strive to evoke a profound emotional response, urging viewers to confront the urgent need for action in the face of environmental crisis."

The Anthropocene, defined by humanity's dominance, transitions into the Pyrocene marked by alarming wildfires. California endured 43,843, burning 8.7 million acres from 2018 to 2022. Texas suffered 42,293, scorching 1.9 million acres. The Smokehouse Creek fire in Texas, over 1 million acres, worsened by flammable grasses, winds, and climate change. Wildlife suffers immensely, with over 17 million animals lost, including slow-moving species and vulnerable young. Ecosystems face destruction, with rainforests losing 137 species daily to logging and human activity in abattoirs, taking over three billion lives daily. The Earth's hostility towards humanity becomes increasingly evident amidst this devastation.

The year 2023 was remarkable, bustling, and fulfilling HD 1080p 2 03/02/2024

Transforming Minds Through Art: A Decisive Decade for Climate Change Action
In the realm of Westby & Mercier Studio, our commitment goes beyond mere creation; we envision a world where every brushstroke and canvas contributes to a collective awakening. Our mission is simple yet profound: to unveil the stark realities of climate change through the powerful language of art.
Imagine a world where every museum, gallery, school, university, and public space serves as a stage for our creations—a visual symphony resonating with the urgency of our times. Our artworks are not confined to frames; they are catalysts for change, meant to echo in embassies, private events, and scientific publications, igniting conversations that transcend boundaries.
"We must change the climate before it changes us." This decade is decisive.

These words encapsulate the ethos of our artistic journey. In the crucible of the present, we believe that climate change education should not merely be delivered; it should be felt, experienced, and internalized. Art becomes the bridge between facts and emotions, connecting the intellect and the soul.
Climate change education in, with, and through art is a potent force for awakening consciousness.
It's not just about data and statistics; it's about creating an emotional resonance that compels action. By seamlessly intertwining scientific rigor with artistic expression, we are unlocking a unique avenue to engage minds across diverse backgrounds. Our goal is to inspire not just awareness, but advocacy—an unyielding commitment to shaping a sustainable future.

As guardians of this pivotal decade, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Through the prism of art, let us collectively forge a path towards a more sustainable and responsible existence.
Together, we can ensure that the message transcends borders, inspiring a movement that echoes in the hearts of individuals and reverberates through the corridors of power. The time is now; the decade is decisive. Let art be the catalyst for change.

The year 2023 was remarkable, bustling, and fulfilling HD 1080p 2 Transforming Minds Through Art: A Decisive Decade for Climate Change ActionIn the realm of Westby & Mercier Studio, our commitment goes beyond mere creation;...

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Fiat#Lux - The Immersive Exhibition


- LIGHTS A UNIQUE and IMMERSIVE experience for people.

FIAT#LUX — a Latin phrase meaning “Let there be light” — is a collaborative project by multimedia artist and photographer Lénaïc Mercier, and internationally acclaimed painter Chantal Westby, that doesn’t confine itself to photographs and paintings alone, but realizes through this site-specific installation an entirely immersive experience, at once utopian and intimate.

Developed by the two French artists in New York City, this installation is a study in process, where the character-driven photography of Mercier reflects on the creative practice of Westby, intimately detailing the stages of development

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WHEN IS TIME TO LEAVE ? 38''x 40'' ink on canvas and varnish. Animated by Lénaïc Mercier  -  Multimedia Artist1) Climate...
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.In the end, we successfully executed the installation of LED illumination around our island to symbolize the escalating...
Studio Westby & Mercier Transforming Minds Through Art: A Decisive Decade for Climate Change ActionIn the realm of Westb...
I wish you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year full of many wonderful surprises!from lenaicmercier  and I , with l...
After three years of intense labor, Lenaic and I were able to realize our large-scale, one-immersion project of “Global ...
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Westby & Mercier Studio 304/915 Spring Garden Street, Box 20/
Philadelphia, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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