Catcalls Rescue

PIttsburgh based cat rescue - TNR, Rehabilitation and Adoption

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/20/2024

🐈🐈 $5 Friday?

Dan and Roseanne have had a really rough past couple of weeks.

Ear infections, eye infections and now pneumonia.

We believe stress has had a lot to do with it, as they recently had to switch foster homes and had to start over in a crate until a home renovation was complete.

Our fosters do all they can to make things work and we are so grateful for that, and we can’t control how the kitties might react… But we DO have to pay for it. 😞

Between Dan’s dental surgery early on (and later, an ear hematoma), and all of the vetting we have had to do with them recently, these two cats alone have cost us over $2,000.

We are to the point where we don’t feel safe with our bank account again and could really use your $5 this lovely Friday.

If you can’t donate, please share our posts, and tell your friends where they can go to adopt one of our purrfect kitties, as adoption fees help us recoup costs. 🙏🏻

Our Venmo is:
Our PayPal is [email protected]

Thank you so much, as always!

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/17/2024

Who wants one?!

Taking pre-orders now!

$30 today to ensure you get your size!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]

Please message us your size for a confirmation before you send $$.

Shirts can be mailed for additional $9, or they can be picked up at once they’re in!

Thanks so much for the support!

*Special thanks to Rebekah Schleppy for the perfect design. ❤️


Ruffle is dumbfounded that we have no more kitten food left to distribute to our fosters.

Would you be willing to send us a bag of Purina One dry kitten food, or a case of kitten Fancy Feast wet food?

There is a link to our Amazon Wishlist here:

🙏🏻 Please and thank you!

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/11/2024

Some action for ya!

Little Nora here is our potential FELV kitten.

Her momma tested positive about a month ago, so we had to separate them on the spot.

Nora was refusing food while crated and away from her mother, so we had to find her an attentive foster with no other kitties in the home.

In came Joey & Ben - her foster dads!

They have been so incredible with fattening her up and giving her all the attention that she requires.

Nora will be tested at her spay appointment tomorrow. Fingers crossed that she’s negative. 🤞🏻

Fostering literally saves lives.

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/10/2024

Our little Thora had her left eye removed today.

While she seems to be doing ok, we’re not. 🙃

The total for her surgery was definitely more than what we had anticipated, and everyone here knows that we’ve been on the struggle bus with funds!

If you’d like to donate to help us handle all of the things, we would appreciate!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]

The good news is that Thora will be adoptable soon, so if you know somebody looking for a one eyed pal for their current kitty, let them know about this playful little lady! ❤️


This special boy is Ruffle. He is so good at becoming brave.

We just cut all of hims toenails, and now he’s letting us play wiff hims beans. 🤣

He is being fostered with his sister Poet. She learned to be brave a couple of weeks ago.

He will be neutered soon, and the two of them will be available for adoption! 🖤🤍


Friendly reminder as cooler weather approaches!


Diesel is here to remind you that we’re still collecting donations to get all of his friends spayed and neutered!

He also wants to thank everyone who has donated so far.

We are hoping to raise about $700 more to keep us “comfortable” for these spays and neuters.

To remind you, we have 9 kitties that need to get fixed in the next couple of weeks, and we can’t do it until we raise the money.

Any dollar amount helps more than you’ll ever know!

Thank you all so much!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]

PS - Diesel is available for adoption! 😻


If you aren’t shoving angry feral kittens into your bosom, what are you even doing?

We actually don’t recommend this. Some of our fosters are out of their minds. 😹

Meredith will love us whether she likes it or not.

Would you like to foster? We’ve got a few little kitties who could use ya!



Hello friends!

This Mt. Washington colony coupled with a VERY slow adoption month has put us in a really tight spot with money.

We still have to get 9 kitties fixed and truly cannot pull the trigger until we get some donations in.

Can you help us out? 🙏🏻 ANY DOLLAR AMOUNT HELPS!!!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]



Do ya like what you see? 🤣

Snowdrop is a sweet and cuddly girl who can keep up with her brother Diesel’s energizer bunny energy, but is also happy to hang out on the couch with you!

She is officially posted on Petfinder. Check her out if you’re in the market for a sweet 6 month old girl. 🤍

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/04/2024

Our sweet and snuggly little Navy is now posted on Petfinder!

He gets along well with other kitties, but we believe he would also do ok on his own!

Check him out! We think he’s going to go quick! 😻

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 09/03/2024

Can anyone guess who this is?

Little miss Thora has risen from the dead!

She is doing so well and has an appointment for her spay and eye removal next week! 😻

She’s so sweet and super playful! Will make an amazing buddy for some lonely kitty out there!

Keep AN EYE OUT for her Petfinder bio! 👁️😹


Ruffle has come a long way with his 2 weeks in a crate.

Our once a hissy and swatty boy, is now a bleppy, cautious and submissive little critter who could really use some more stimulation and SPACE!

He and his sister Poet would love a spare room to call theirs for a while.

We know we ask every day, but if you wouldn’t mind some temporary pets, please apply to foster!

Poet is an absolute dream and Ruffle’s beans are so cute and he’s got the fluffy toes! 😭

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 08/30/2024

Looking for a perfectly angelic little devil? 🤣

Look no further than Diesel!

Diesel is a 6 month old boy who loves just as hard as he plays!

He would 100000% benefit from a very playful furever buddy, so please have a playful friend for him in your home!

If you’ve been looking for a snuggle buddy, who doubles as an energizer bunny, Diesel is your dude!

Fill out our adoption application if you’re interested!


Just gonna cut to the chase…

We are still looking for fosters for a handful of kitties.

We were not prepared for the number of kittens that we took in from Mt. Washington, and we are struggling.

If you can’t foster, can you donate? We need all the help we can get at the moment. 🙏🏻

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]


Sweet, sweet Butters has been the sweetest and bravest leader of her tiny ungrateful pack!

She and her siblings were rescued at about 10 weeks old. This age is sometimes harder to socialize, but she has come around wonderfully and she is just about ready for her forever home!

If you have been looking for a pretty little friend for your current kitty, she’s your girl!

She’s also got gorgeous siblings that we’re sure she would be happy to go home with, too!

Share Butters and let’s get her into her forever home! 🏡


Hazel is big comfy. 💤

This perfect 6 mont old girl is great with kids, cats, grown humans and probably dogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Check her out on our Petfinder. And then adopt her. ❤️



Mario, Luigi & Princess Peach will need scheduled for their spays and neuters soon.

They are just 3 of 15 kittens we have to schedule in the next few weeks.

Can you help us pay for their surgeries?

$1, $5…. It ALL helps.

If all of our followers donated even a dollar, it would put us in a comfortable place.

Please consider us today. 🙏🏻

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]


Hazel is by far the most social critter we have on our hands right now.

This 5/6 month old girl would be an amazing companion for your current cat, your daughter or your husband who insists he doesn’t want another cat.

She is immediate purrs and snuggles when you make eye contact, and she plays so gentle… BUT SHE PLAYS!

If you’ve got a sweet and overly playful cat at home, she would be the perfect companion.

She easily acclimates to every environment. She is pint sized. And she loves everyone.

Don’t miss out on this purrfect creature. ❤️


Mt. Washington colony cat #26 in captivity! 😹🥵

It is honestly anxiety inducing to watch this video. (In comments.) She almost scooted out!

The trap we are using is longer than average. Had it not been, she would have been out of there.

Thankful this is over with… for now!

This mom will be spayed on Tuesday and released at the end of the week.

This concludes the Mt. Washington colony drama that we are aware of.

Just a reminder - of the 26 cats we’ve trapped, we have kept 13 of them. (Oakland TNR has taken in 4.)

They all need fed. They all need spayed and neutered.

We know we’ve been begging all weekend, but it hasn’t been very successful.

If you can donate to this, please do. None of it is free. 😞

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]

Stay cool today, everyone! And thanks in advance!


Navy, our sweet and petite 1 year old boi just started on his second round of meds for a stubborn rodent ulcer.

He has been a wonderful tenant in his foster home. He gets along great with the resident cats, and is enjoying being taken care of. 💙

Rodent ulcers sometimes require getting to the bottom of the cause. We will be working to figure this guy out, but couldn’t pass this opportunity to post his pretty face and hopefully make someone want to make him theirs. 😻


$6 Saturday anyone?

We know Fridays can be busy and exciting, and understand that you may have missed our plea for a $5 Friday to help feed all of the kitties (specifically kittens) in our care!

But don’t worry! We’re giving you a chance to redeem yourself! 😹

$6 Saturday will help us buy more food and litter and keep us padded for all of their upcoming spay and neuter appointments!

We have 9 that need scheduled in the next 2 weeks! That’s over $1,000 just in surgeries.

Please consider us today!

Thank you!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]


Meet Bessie!

Bessie was found in a park, pressed against a bandstand wall. She wouldn’t leave the wall. She wouldn’t eat. She crouched so low to the ground that she appeared injured. She cried every so often, and she was leery of people.

We went to scope it out, and took our time with her. We were eventually able to grab her and put her into the trap we had taken with us.

We can only conclude that this sweet, friendly girl was dumped, as she was extremely disoriented and in heat.

We see this all the time.

When they go into heat, they become almost unbearable to have in the home. So people let them out, or dump them.

Her sad story has a happy ending, however.

She is now safe, well fed, spayed, vaccinated, microchipped and tested negative for FIV/FELV.

Miss Bessie is available for adoption into a home with no other pets.

If you’ve been looking for a new, young & sweet bestie, consider Bessie. ❤️


$5.00 Friday to help us feed our kittens!

We’ve got a LOT of hungry babies here, and our supply is low!

We’re asking for $$ this time instead of Amazon, as the foods need to go to different foster homes, and it’s easier for us to just order it for each house!

Please donate if you can! We very much need and appreciate it!

Our Venmo is:

Our PayPal is [email protected]


Mt. Washington colony cat #26.

She was not swayed by all of the wet food we used as bait this week, but we think we will get her with the dry food.

So while we wait for spay and neuter appointments next week, we are slowly pushing the food bowl into the trap each day. This is so that she gets used to walking into the trap without suspicion.

The hope is that when the time comes to trap, she will be an easy catch!

We are thankful the renters at this home are letting us use their WiFi to monitor her visits. They are also teaching their children how to bait the trap, and letting them do the legwork. ⬅️ THIS PART is SO key!!!!! These kiddos are our future. ❤️

While this colony has been a long and brutal process, we have met some wonderful neighbors that we are happy to now know!

Teamwork makes the dream work. ❤️

Photos from Catcalls Rescue's post 08/21/2024

#22, #23 & #24 from the Mt. Washington colony.

We have #25, but somehow failed to snap a pic.

The longer boi will get neutered tomorrow.

The smaller 2 will be crated to see if they can be good babies.

Still gotta get momma.

As always, send fosters. And maybe a hug. And definitely Starbucks. 😭😮‍💨😞


We have just under 60 cats and kittens in our VERY SMALL foster-based rescue.

Every cat and kitten that we have is shoved into every crevice that we have. (Yes, that includes this bathroom in this 1 bathroom foster home.)

We do not have space to bring in any surrenders at this time.

Please do your part if you find a cat. Hang onto it. Get it to a safe place. Small rescues are drowning.

That being said, we will continue to chip away at the Mt. Washington colony until it settles, and more fosters will be needed for that, so please consider signing up.


Still desperately seeking a foster with no other kitties in the home for the sweetest Coco.

Coco tested positive for FELV, and while that’s not a death sentence, it is something we have to be cautious with as far as her being around other kitties is concerned.

We will be confirming her FELV diagnosis with a PCR test very soon, but in the meantime, she needs more stimulation than she is currently getting as a basement dweller.

Some cats just need people, and she’s one of them.

She is so sweet, and will make biscuits at just the sight of you.

If you know of anyone who is currently catless, and would love the companionship… PLEASE fill out our foster app!


Welp, here’s #21 from the Mt. Washington colony.


He will be getting fixed with .tnr.coalition tomorrow.

4 to go…

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This evening, we released the final mama cat back to the Mt. Washington colony. We named her Scooter because she almost ...
This is Zoey’s formal application to be named head baker. Does she get the job, or nah? Adopt hard working Zoey and her ...
So, what was once 20 cats at the Mt. Washington colony, is now 25. This pretty girl comes from a family of 4, and there’...



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