Southminster Presbyterian Church

A Christ centered Presbyterian Church in Mt. Lebanon, PA. Worship Sundays 9am and 11am.


Lemonade and cookies will be served following the service. Hope to see you there!


The "Kingdom Keepers" Work Party is reschedule!

Please join us AUGUST 31, 2023 from 4-9pm

The Children’s Ministry needs your help to finish the new
Children’s Ministry Wing – “Kingdom Keepers!” If you can help decorate, clean, assemble, stain, and move furniture, we could use you! We will be having a work party on August 31, 2023 between 4pm-9pm! Even if you can only come for a short amount of time, your help would be invaluable!

Please reach out to Jennifer, our Director of Children's Ministry, at [email protected] for more information.


This week at Southminster...

🎶 We will honor the ministry of Richard Pinkerton on Sunday, his last day with us as Minister of Music. There will be a reception following the 10am Celebration of Worship.

🚫 The VBS Reunion scheduled for 4pm on Sunday is CANCELLED. But please plan to join us on September 10 for Kick Off Sunday and the grand opening of Kingdom Keepers, our newly renovated Children's Ministry Wing.

📘 Pastor Laura's Book Club will meet to discussion "The Great Spiritual Migration" by Brian McLaren at Spoonwood Brewing Company on Thursday, August 31, 4-6pm.

☀️ Next Sunday, September 3, worship will be combined and outside! Join us at 10am for worship on the lawn. In case of rain, we will move to Fellowship Hall.

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 08/11/2023

There are lots of ways to get involved at SPC this month! Make sure you get these awesome events on your calendar and RSVP to the church office.

(1) Bible Study Buddies will meet Thursday, August 17 at 10m. Plan to join us for a fun and informative Bible study for 1-3 graders. Meet at the glass door entrance off of Castle Shannon Blvd.

(2) Our youth group is taking a day trip to Laurel Caverns and Cucumber Falls! All students entering 6th-12th grade are invited to a day of exploring nature in the Laurel Highlands. For more information and to sign up, reach out to Pastor Laura or contact [email protected]. Please RSVP by August 20 at the latest!

(3) Pastor Laura's book club will meet Thursday, August 31, 4-6pm to discuss "The Great Spiritual Migration" by Brian McLaren. Location is TBD. If you are interested in joining, please purchase or borrow the book, and let Pastor Laura know you plan to join by emailing [email protected]. All are welcome from the church and from the wider community!

(4) A "Blessing of the Backpacks" will take place during both worship times on Sunday, August 27. Bring your backpacks for a special back-to-school children's message and prayer. All ages of students are invited to participate!

(5) All VBS campers, families, and volunteers are invited for a special VBS reunion on August 27 at 4pm. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy fellowship on the Southminster House Lawn! There will be games, music, and a light snack as we reminisce about the fun we had at this year's Food Truck Party VBS! Couldn't make VBS this year, but you have a child in PreK-5th grade? You're invited to join the fun, too! RSVP to [email protected] or call the church office.


Our movie on the lawn, scheduled for tonight, is POSTPONED due to technical difficulties.

But there's good news: We are working on a new speaker set up that will offer an even better outdoor movie night experience.

Stay tuned for a new date to be announced!


"Perhaps with God, even creativity is a renewable resource."
-Rev. Dr. Don Ewing during this week's sermon.
You can revisit this week's worship by going to our website or SouthminsterPGH on YouTube.

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 08/04/2023

Hope to see you at these upcoming SPC events! Find more information in this week's bulletin or by emailing [email protected].

1) Movie on the Lawn, Friday August 11 at dusk. Starting at 8pm, we'll have a few kids' activities and snacks set up! All ages welcome. Movies on the lawn are free and open to all! Bring your own blanket or chairs, and invite a neighbor to join us!

2) Bible Study Buddies will meet Thursday, August 17. Plan to join us for a fun and informative Bible study for 1-3 graders. More info to come!

3) A "Blessing of the Backpacks" will take place during both worship times on Sunday, August 27. Bring your backpacks for a special back-to-school children's message and prayer.

4) All VBS campers, families, and volunteers are invited for a special VBS reunion on August 27 at 4pm. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy fellowship on the Southminster House Lawn! There will be games, music, and a light snack as we reminisce about the fun we had at this year's Food Truck Party VBS!


“But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭NIV‬‬

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 07/28/2023

Check out this week's news highlights from SPC!

(1) A HUGE thank you to everyone who made our 2023 VBS a success! During the past week, Southminster welcomed over 100 children who participated in the Food Truck Party, on a Roll with God VBS! To the kids, volunteers, staff, director team (big shout out to Samantha DeFurio, Chris Porretta, and Jenn Stampfel!), musicians, parents and guardians, and the SPC congregation-- THANK YOU! It was a joy to have fun together and to be a part of passing faith to the next generation.

(2) Our youth group is taking a day trip to Laurel Caverns and Cucumber Falls! All students entering 6th-12th grade are invited to a day of exploring nature in the Laurel Highlands. For more information and to sign up, reach out to Pastor Laura or contact [email protected].

(3) Pastor Laura's book club will meet Thursday, August 31, 4-6pm to discuss "The Great Spiritual Migration" by Brian McLaren. Location is TBD. If you are interested in joining, please purchase or borrow the book, and let Pastor Laura know you plan to join by emailing [email protected]. All are welcome from the church and from the wider community!

(4) Adult Interest Center (AIC) returns September 8! Please save the dates for an exciting fall season: September 8 & 22, October 6 & 20, November 3 & 17, and December 1 & 15. More information to come!

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 07/28/2023

It's hard to believe tomorrow is the last day of VBS! This week has been so much fun! We've enjoyed Manna Monday, Tie Dye Tuesday, Water Wednesday, Touch-a-Truck Thursday, and tomorrow is finally....Food Truck Friday! Through music, Bible stories, crafts, science, snacks, and games, we've learned about God's provision, grace, and love...and have had a great time doing it! Enjoy some of the photos from the week so far 😀


We are so grateful for the ways our directors, volunteers, and staff are sharing God's goodness with the next generation at VBS this week! Please pray for all the children and leaders as the week goes on. God is great, and God is good!

Psalm 145:1-7

I will extol you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised;
his greatness is unsearchable.

One generation shall extol your works to another
and shall declare your mighty acts.
They will recount the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works I will meditate.
They will proclaim the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 07/21/2023

Check out the highlight's of this week's announcements! For a full list of opportunities for fellowship, worship, and mission head to our website or pick up a copy of this week's bulletin!

(1) Today! Everyone is invited to a picnic on the lawn on July 21 at 6pm! Bring your own blanket or chairs and food, and we'll provide a relaxed time of fellowship and activities for children.

(2) VBS is this Monday-Friday! We are welcoming over 100 children and 40 volunteers to for an exciting week of growing in faith and friendship. If you'd like to volunteer, but haven't signed up, yet, reach out via messenger or email at [email protected].

(3) Consider applying for the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance. What are the stories of Black Presbyterian Churches in the Pittsburgh Presbytery? How have we failed as a Presbytery to love them as we love ourselves? How can we heal the breaches with our brothers and sisters in Christ? The Pittsburgh Presbytery created the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance to thoroughly review the historical experiences of these congregations and offer recommendations on actions of repair and reconciliation. Over the next two years, the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance needs various people to begin this task: leaders, researchers, writers, videographers, accountants, and more. If God has given you a gift the Alliance could use, please contact the church office.

(4) Our youth group is taking a day trip to Laurel Caverns and Cucumber Falls! All students entering 6th-12th grade are invited to a day of exploring nature in the Laurel Highlands. For more information and to sign up, reach out to Pastor Laura or contact [email protected].


Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 07/14/2023

📰🗣️Check out these upcoming events and opportunities at SPC!

(1) VBS Volunteers: Our last volunteer training will be held on July 16 from 11:30am-1pm in the Chapel. Also, if you would like to register as a volunteer it’s not too late! Please contact Jenn Stampfel by calling the church office.

(2) Consider applying for the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance. What are the stories of Black  Presbyterian Churches in the Pittsburgh Presbytery? How have we failed as a Presbytery to love them as we love ourselves?  How can we heal the breaches with our brothers and sisters in Christ? The Pittsburgh Presbytery created the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance to thoroughly review the historical experiences of these congregations and offer recommendations on actions of repair and reconciliation.  Over the next two years, the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance needs various people to begin this task:  leaders, researchers, writers, videographers, accountants, and more.  If God has given you a gift the Alliance could use, please contact the church office.

(3) Everyone is invited to a picnic on the lawn on July 21 at 6pm! Bring your own blanket or chairs and food, and we'll provide a relaxed time of fellowship and activities for children.


Speak love 💛

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 07/07/2023

📣Check out these upcoming events and opportunities at SPC!

(1) VBS registration closes on July 10: VBS is July 24-28...don't forget to register! Find more info and register here:

(2) Attention VBS Volunteers: Please mark your calendars and plan to attend one of our VBS Trainings! There are two opportunities to attend, July 11 from 6:30-8pm or July 16 from 11:30am-1pm.

(3) Everyone is invited to a picnic on the lawn on July 21 at 6pm! Bring your own blanket or chairs and food, and we'll provide a relaxed time of fellowship and activities for children.


How might God be calling you to serve others this week?


Even the rain couldn't dampen the spirits of our kids yesterday morning! After worship, our little congregation bonded through laughter, play, and all the cookies and lemonade they could sneak away with.


“Almighty God, rekindle a fire within us. Give us a zeal for telling your story. Show us the opportunities to share that story and remind us of what you have done for us. O Lord, we love you and desire to share it. For Christ’s sake, Amen.”

We welcomed Dr. Donald Dawson to Southminster this morning. Dr. Dawson preached about learning to tell the story of what Jesus has done for us. Dr. Dawson’s sermon can be found on our YouTube page.


Challenge yourself this weekend to be the first to take action in friendship, compassion, community or reconciliation. Act first not out of self-interest or to seek personal happiness, but to honor God and the grace and forgiveness we have received through Jesus. Share with us the ways you have chosen to act first.

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/30/2023

Looking to get involved? Here are some great things to do this week:

(1) Serve with The Table, a meal ministry of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community. You can help by preparing food in Southminster's kitchen at 1pm or by meeting at SPC at 4:30pm to deliver and serve the meal at The Table. Contact the church office to sign up!

(2) Have you started reading The Very Good Gospel for Pastor Laura's Book Club? There's still time! If you'd like to join the book club, contact [email protected] to let Pastor Laura know you'll be there. We'll meet at KingView on Beverly Rd on July 6 at 5pm.

(3) Volunteer or register your child for Vacation Bible School! Find more info and register here:

(4) Enjoy a time of fellowship and refreshments following 10am worship every Sunday during the summer. Kids are encouraged to play on the courtyard playground!

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/29/2023

It has been an amazing experience serving and exploring in Wasilla, Alaska so far! Our students have been awesome— hardworking, flexible, thoughtful, and high energy. We’ve worked with a number of organizations every morning, from organizing donated clothing to packing 2000 lunch daily for kids who need them to gardening and painting and cooking. Then in the afternoons we’ve prepared for an evening VBS, which has reached out to kids and families in the surrounding community. And every night we’ve danced and taught and played, sharing the love of Christ with these kids.

In between, we’ve snuck in a few hikes, coffee and ice cream runs, and going to the Iditarod Headquarters. We’re grateful to God and our church community for every moment here. Can’t wait to share more when we get back!

-Pastor Laura


"Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleas for mercy!

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.

O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
And he will redeem Israel
from all his iniquities." - Psalm 130

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/27/2023

We are overwhelmed with joy to share photos of our Alaska Youth Mission Trip participants with you. 🌎🧭 As our Youth and leaders continue their work this week, we ask for your faithful prayers of support.

Pray for their safety as they navigate through unknown paths, for their hearts to be open to God's calling, and for their spirits to be renewed and uplifted throughout this mission trip. 🙏🌟


Thank you, Michele, for 17 dedicated years as director of Southminster Early Learning Academy!

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/23/2023

Summer is great time to connect, learn, and serve with Southminster. Here are some ways you can get involved...

(1) Enjoy a time of fellowship and refreshments following 10am worship every Sunday during the summer. Kids are encouraged to play on the courtyard playground!

(2) Volunteer or register your child for Vacation Bible School! Find more info and register here:

(3) Serve with The Table, a meal ministry of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community. You can help by preparing food in Southminster's kitchen at 1pm or by meeting at SPC at 4:30pm to deliver and serve the meal at The Table. Contact the church office to sign up!

(4) Have you started reading The Very Good Gospel for Pastor Laura's Book Club? There's still time! If you'd like to join the book club, contact [email protected] to let Pastor Laura know you'll be there. We'll meet at KingView on Beverly Rd on July 6 at 5pm.


Join us in a "Prayer for the Neighborhood," from the Book of Common Worship, Daily Prayer. As you pray, let neighbors, businesses, schools, parks, churches, places of worship, and community organizations come to mind. How might God be leading you to seek the welfare of the neighborhood to which you have been called?

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/19/2023

Yesterday was an incredibly special day as we ordained and installed our new class of elders and deacons. 🙌🏻🕊️Let us take a moment to congratulate and express our deepest gratitude to these new servant leaders. May God's grace and wisdom guide them as they carry out their responsibilities with faithfulness and humility. 🙏🏻

Additionally, our hearts were filled with joy as we joined together in prayer for our Alaska Youth Mission Trip participants. 🌎🧭 These dedicated young individuals are embarking on a journey of faith and service. Let us continue to support them in prayer, asking for God's protection and guidance on their trip.

We are grateful to witness the growth and dedication within our church community. It is through the support and prayers of our whole community of faith, and the overwhelming grace of God, that all of these things are made possible. 🌟


Movie night *moving indoors* tonight at 8pm!

It’s looking cool and damp tonight, so our outdoor movie night is moving indoors!

Join us in Fellowship Hall for The Princess Bride still on the big screen. We’ll start the movie at 8pm since we don’t need to wait for dusk.

All are welcome! Chairs will be provided, but bring a snack, a drink, and a cozy blanket if you’d like!

Photos from Southminster Presbyterian Church's post 06/16/2023

Worship, learn, and serve at Southminster Church! There are many opportunities to get involved. Here are just a few...

(1) This Sunday at 10am worship, come celebrate as our new classes of Elders and Deacons are ordained and installed.

(2) Bible Study Buddies is back and with a new summer time! All children who have completed 1-3 grade are welcome! Bible Study Buddies is a time of learning from Scripture through story, activities, crafts, and songs.

(3) VBS is July 24-28, and we need your help! Register today to become a volunteer. You'll receive training and support, and you'll get to be a part of sharing the story and love of Jesus with children this summer! Youth who have completed 5th grade may also volunteer to be a junior leader.

(4) Tonight (Friday) is our first summer movie on the lawn! All are welcome for this free event. Bring your own chair and snacks. The movie will begin at dusk (around 8:30pm). In case of rain, we'll move to Fellowship Hall.

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Videos (show all)

Rev. Dr. Don Ewing speaking of Psalm 88 during this week’s sermon at traditional worship. You can find videos of both wo...
Take heart ❤️ #GoodNews #loveinaction #southminster
What a glorious and transformative truth we have in the Good News of Jesus Christ’s resurrection!  It is through this in...
The Psalmist writes, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God,...
But this is the key: to address and name that which does harm is not the same thing as writing off those who do harm and...
Join Pastor Laura for a summer book club! The first book we’ll read is “The Very Good Gospel” by Lisa Sharon Harper. We’...
What a great start to the summer! Thanks to all who participated in our Youth Bake Sale! #bakesale #sundaesunday #summer...
Let’s read Psalm 22 together today and consider how we cry to God in prayer when things go wrong. #lament #psalm22 #sout...
In a world filled with noise, how can we, as a congregation, be the calm amidst the storm? 🌈💙 How are we acting in faith...
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I...
Share your favorite part of the Scottish Sunday festivities with us by commenting below! We are always moved by the addi...


799 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 12pm
Sunday 8am - 12pm

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