Worship Center "Men's Ministry"

Men's Ministry - Restoring the Foundation of Humanity, by returning all Men back to the original intent of the Creator until all Men have heard!


Good evening, everyone. What are the 7 major concerns for Pastors? Based upon my 26+ years in private security and my role as the Security Director at the House Of Worship that I am connected to, I would say

#1: Pastors worry about the safety of their congregants during services and events due to potential threats such as intruders, active shooters, or violent incidents.


Men coming together to break bread spiritually and physically. God is good!


If you want to know the mindset of people, watch where their feet go.

And if you don’t like where your feet are going, change your mind. Real talk! 😎


Good morning, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ! The Lord is good, and HIS mercy endures forever! I want to say Happy Birthday to myself! 😎


Brothers, I pray that this post finds you at peace and wrapped in the love of God. Now, as you continue to push forward may you remember to never stop trusting in The Lord!


Wonderful time serving on Father's Day!


Thought For The Week:

Good afternoon my Brothers in Christ. Let's take a moment and reflect upon God's word as we move about the week:

John 15:12
“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”

Growing up in the sixties, I was taught to be hard and that men don’t cry, along with the belief that I was not to back down from a fight.

However, once I gave my life to Jesus Christ and became a born-again believer the veil was taken off my eyes and the lies of the enemy were uncovered.

In other words, Jesus teaches that we are to love one another just as HE has loved us!

How did HE love us?

HE loved us while we were yet sinners, while we were an enemy of God, while we were ungrateful, while we were prideful and sinful, yet HE still loved us.

Please remember this week that we are all called to love one another and that includes even our enemies. So, let your action show just how much you love CHRIST, by keeping HIS commandments.

Pastor Ira Mozee


Thought For The Week:

Good afternoon my Brothers in Christ. Let's take a moment and reflect upon God's word as we move about the week:

1 Corinthians 3:7 “So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

Recently, I purchased a mango tree from the nursery and transplanted it into my backyard. Now, I prepared the soil and ensured that it received adequate water. However, I have no control over the growth or increase in the size of the plant moving forward.

Well, our lives are very similar when we come to Christ. God by His mercy and grace transplanted us from the Kingdom of Darkness into His marvelously Kingdom of Light, and with the help of the Holy Spirit our hearts are being watered. Now, this is done through the reading and meditating upon the Word of God, however, it is God who gives the actual increase.

So, our spiritual growth may not be moving as fast as we think it should, nor will it increase at the same pace as others. However, we must remember that God has a plan for our lives, so we must trust Him as He continue to grow our faith in Him spiritually.

Pastor Mozee


A powerful man of God has gone home to glory! We pray that The Lord will strengthen the family! Rest easy, Dr Price.

Yet again, Covid has taken another patriarch, leaving a bereaved wife, Lady Betty Price, four grieving children Angela Marie Evans, Cheryl Ann Price, Stephanie Pauline Buchanan, and Frederick Kenneth Price, Jr., and a host of grandchildren, a mourning church in its wake. The internationally renowned Apostle, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, escaped the nebulous space between worlds to rest in the arms of His waiting savior!⁣

“To be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord.” His absence here connotes that he is now present in the roll call from above. He went where no sickness can follow. ⁣

Dr. Price leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of those that loved him. I will always remember the long lines wrapped around the Crenshaw Christian Center, hoping to get a seat, unforgettable music with its challenging lyrics asking us, “Do you have enough evidence!” ⁣

The last time I saw him, I introduced him at our International Pastors and Leadership conference as a man who stomped his foot, and the entire world shook! It was an impartation from his many years of ministry we hoped for. There is no corner of the globe his message didn’t reach! ⁣

And though he stomps no longer, the tremors remain as evidence he was here! May his family be comforted by the Holy Spirit as they become the guardians of his legacy! We do not sorrow as those that have no hope! May God’s illustrious grace numb the pain, fortify the souls and guide us in his absence into the light where all the saints await us!


Thought For The Week:

Good afternoon my Brothers in Christ. Let's take a moment and reflect upon God's word as we move about the week:

Psalm 80:8-9 "Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it. Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land".

Roots are needed in order for a plant to remain stable. Now, the deeper the roots the more stable the plant. This is important because when storms come and toss the plant to and fro it will not be uprooted, and will be able to withstand the storm.

So, how deep are your roots?

We, must ensure that our spiritual roots go down deep into the soil of our soul allowing us to withstand the storms of life. Therefore, we must water our soul with the WORD of the living God, so that our spiritual roots will continue to grow. So, when the storms, trials, tribulations, or troubled water comes our way, we will be able to withstand it all in Jesus name.

Pastor Mozee!


Thought For The Week:

Good afternoon my Brothers in Christ. Let's take a moment and reflect upon God's word as we move about the week:

Exodus 15:17 "Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Lord, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established".

Why Does God uproot His people?

The children of Israel had been in Egypt for 430 years. They were enslaved by Pharaoh and subjected to hard labor, yet they considered Egypt their home as they had planted gardens, raised their children, and had created fond memories.

However, Egypt was not where God wanted them as He had another location in mind and it was called the "promise land". Therefore, at the appointed time God freed His people from the bo***ge of slavery and relocated them to the "promise land".

Now, as they were relocating the Israelites ran into a few obstacles and wanted to turn back, but God did not allow it. Additionally, once they reached the promise land it was filled with milk and honey which is a sign for prosperity.

So, if God is trying to move you by closing doors and opening new ones, or relocating you through your employer, or by requiring your assistance of a love one in another states don't get alarmed as He also has a "promise land" in store for each one of us as a believer that is also full of milk and honey, so stop resisting, let go, and let God.

Pastor Mozee


Good evening my Brothers in Christ. Let's take a moment and reflect upon God's word as we prepare to move into a new week:

Genesis 2:8 "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed".

Why did God plant a garden?

God was teaching man in the beginning of creation the importance of maintaining patience. Now, thousands of years have past, and man is still struggling with a lack of patience. Also, Man has reached a point where he wants everything to happen instantaneously.

However, when a seed is sowed in the ground, and watered and maintained properly, one can be assured that at the appointed time a harvest will come forth. So my Brothers, please remember that we are not to short stop the process, but rather trust God while in the process, as He is doing a marvelously work!

Pastor Mozee


These following three things have proven to be powerful strategies that can help empower and renew us in our prayer lives no matter what our difficulties may be.

1. Pray over your prayer time. Until I participated in the Battle Plan for Prayer Bible Study by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, it had never occurred to me to pray over my prayer time. But after their suggestion, it made total sense. I pray over all areas of my life, so why not cover my own prayer time in prayer!

Praying over your prayer time will:

• Calm you and bring you God’s strength
• Help give you focus
• Protect your mind
• Help you have discernment

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. (Psalm 119:18, ESV)

Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. (Psalm 86:11, NIV)

2. Worship God. In my prayer life, praise and worship were entirely missing. I was good at being thankful, but thankfulness is not the same as worship. When we worship God, we think about His character, and we praise Him for it.
Focusing on God’s character does several things.

• It forces us to take our eyes off ourselves.
• It helps us understand who God is.
• Understanding His character gives us hope helps bring peace.
• When we understand Who God is, we find our true identity.

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10, NKJV)Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10Save

He is your praise, and He is your God who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen. (Deuteronomy 10:21, NKJV)

3. Claim Scriptures. This is one strategy that will totally change and empower your prayer life. When we pray Scriptures, we are praying back the very words of God. Can you imagine having this at your disposal any time, any day and for any situation? Think of what that will do!

Claiming and praying scriptures for your life is an easy thing to do. Here are some simple ideas you can choose from.


Blessed Life



Thought for the week: We must tell somebody about The Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians: “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night”.

The Bible informs us that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is coming back and no one knows the day nor the hour, but we know He is coming back.

So, we Men who are the priest of our home need to do all we can to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our family, friends, co-workers and anyone else that we come in contact with who don’t know The Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

The Lord is looking for a willing vessel that He can use, so let it be you. So, please remember to “tell somebody about the Good News!

Dea Mozee


MegaFest 2015


Photos from Worship Center "Men's Ministry"'s post


Thought of the week: God got our back!

Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

We as Men are the head of our home and the Bible teaches us that our assignment is connected to our purpose. Our role as the protector, provider, visionary, teacher, leader, and cultivator is a serious responsibility.

However, at times our responsibilities as Men can become overwhelming, fearful, or even stressful along with the fact that the enemy understands how vital our role is so he's constantly trying to destroy us.

However, The Lord instructs us to "be strong and of good courage for He is with us". So, we must never give up the good fight of faith and must continue to stand flat footed on the battlefield waging war against the defeated foe for we are soldiers in the army of The Lord!



Now, let's take a look at God's formula for a good man.

A good man is a SAVED man
(Psalm 32:2)Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Everything God created was good. Read Genesis chapters 1 and 2. God also created man and He created him in His own image. But because of the fall, and sin, man is not good by nature. Man's goodness has nothing to do with his salvation for we know from Ephesians 2:8-9 that salvation is by faith and not by works. So don't misunderstand what I am about to say.

When a man accepts Jesus Christ as his Saviour and He comes into his heart then a change will take place in him. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." When and if a person truly gets born again (John 3:3) then there will be a change in him. It may take time but there will be a evidence of a change. That is the outward evidence that a person is truly saved for only God knows the heart.

Therefore, the first quality of a good man is that he is saved, knows it and shows it. He will begin to look at himself and not like what he sees. He will make improvements in his life. He will want to please his Lord and Saviour.


Thought For The Week:

The challenge of the Great Commission is to preach the gospel to all creation. This includes the young and the old, rich and poor, male and female. The love of God is generous enough to encompass the whole world. With all of humanity in mind, God is looking for men who will lead His Church and advance His Kingdom.

It has been said that the hope of the world is the Church. The question before every church is "Where are the men?"
Even a cursory reading of Scripture reveals that God is looking for men. Consider the following passages:

Ezekiel 22:30 "I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land that I might not destroy it but I found no one."

1 Timothy 3:1 "It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do."

2 Timothy 2:2 "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

God is looking for men with humble hearts; men who will sacrifice everything for the cause of Christ and who will stand in the gap as servant-leaders for their families and for Christ's Church.

The Church needs an intentional strategy to reach men because if you reach a man, you reach his whole family. A changed man will influence a marriage and a family. A changed family will influence a neighborhood and a community. A changed community will influence a state and a nation. A changed nation will help change the world. It all begins with a changed man.




The Apostle Paul, by the Spirit, has divided the whole human family into three groups: (1) The "natural man," who is unregenerate, or unchanged spiritually; (2) the "carnal man," who is a "babe in Christ," and walks "as a man"; and (3) the "spiritual" man. These groups are classified by the Apostle according to their ability to understand and receive a certain body of Truth, which is of things "revealed" unto us by the Spirit. Men are vitally different one from the other as regards the fact of the new birth and the life of power and blessing; but their classification is made evident by their attitude toward things revealed.

Measureless evil has arisen through the supposition that because a man is well advanced in the "wisdom of this world," his opinions are of value in spiritual matters. The "natural man," with all his learning and sincerity, will find nothing but "foolishness" in the things which are revealed by the Spirit. The knowledge of science cannot be substituted for the indwelling of, and right relation to, the Holy Spirit of God. Apart from the Spirit there can be no regeneration, and the "deep things of God" are unknowable. When an unregenerate teacher openly rejects the vital saving truths of God's Word, those truths will usually be discredited and discarded by the pupil. This is the colossal blunder of many students in universities and colleges today.


Thought for the week "Have You Undergone The Change"
(2 Cor. 2:9 to 3:4)

There are two great spiritual changes which are possible to human experience—the change from the "natural" man to the saved man, and the change from the "carnal" man to the "spiritual" man. The former is divinely accomplished when there is a real faith in Christ; the latter is accomplished when there is a real adjustment to the Spirit.

Now, the ability to receive and know the things of God is not attained through the schools, for many who are unlearned possess it while many who are learned do not possess it. It is an ability which is born of the indwelling Spirit. For this reason the Spirit has been given to those who are saved that they might know the things which are freely given to them of God. Yet among Christians there are some who are under limitations because of their carnality. In other word they have not undergone the change.


Men are demanded for the great work of soul saving, and men must go. It is no angelic or impersonal force which is needed. Human hearts baptized with the spirit of prayer, must bear the burden of this message, and human tongues on fire as the result of earnest, persistent prayer, must declare the Word of God to dying men.

The Church, today, needs praying men to execute her solemn and pressing responsibility, to meet the fearful crisis which is facing her. The crying need of the times is for men, in increased numbers -- God-fearing men, praying men, Holy Ghost men, men who can endure hardness, who will count not their lives dear unto themselves, but count all things but dross for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Saviour. The men who are so greatly needed in this age of the Church are those who have learned the business of praying, learned it upon their knees, learned it in the need and agony of their own hearts.

Praying men are the one commanding need of this day, as of all other days, in which God is to have or make a showing.


Spiritual growth includes: (1) increasing in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word, (2) decreasing in your frequency and severity of sin, (3) increasing in your practice of Christ-like qualities, and (4) increasing in your faith and trust in God. Perhaps the best summary of spiritual growth is becoming more like Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 11:1


Deacon -- Ira Mozee


Worship Center "Men's Ministry"

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