Blodgett Dental Care

Blodgett Dental Care

Blodgett Dental Care is Portland’s first truly “Minimally-Invasive” dental practice, offering innovative options, exceptional care. Dentistry redefined.

We believe in whole health optimization. Our team at Blodgett Dental Care understands that the mouth is an integral part of the body. Teeth originate from the same tissues which form your central nervous system. Treating the oral cavity as though it were separate from the rest of the body is inherently flawed and ultimately leads to compromised health. ​Our integrative biological approach to denta


Wellness Wednesday: A great tooth replacement solution!

Question: “If I don’t want a root canal, what is the best solution for tooth replacement?”

Option 1: Don’t replace the tooth. It may sound odd, particularly if it is a front tooth, but it is possible to remove a tooth a not replace it. Pros: No surgery and it keeps costs low. Cons: It may be unsightly and/or hard to chew and you may lose bone over time.

Option 2: A removable partial denture. Unlike my grandmother’s partial denture, today’s “partials” can be made without any metal using a light, flexible and relatively comfortable resin material. Pros: Relatively inexpensive and no surgery required. Cons: Hard to chew on it and food can get caught underneath creating trauma to your gums.

Option 3: A dental bridge. Dental bridges come in all sorts of shapes and sizes from minimally invasive bonded pontic (fake tooth) bridges to full-crown bridges. Pros: Does not require invasive surgery and can be highly esthetic and functional. Cons: Most bridges require the adjacent teeth to be damaged in order to attach the bridge which may kill the nerves of the supporting teeth.

Option 4: A dental implant. At BDC, we only offer ceramic (zirconia) implants. Titanium implants are another option, but the risk of metal sensitivity is not something which I want to expose my patients. Pros: Many root canal-treated teeth being extracted can be replaced at the same surgery as the tooth extraction. Once healed, the implant tooth will look and function most like a real tooth. Cons: This solution requires the greatest investment of time and money.

Today’s video demonstrates a situation where an abscessed root canal tooth was extracted and replaced with a ceramic Swiss Dental Solutions () implant and a single-visit CEREC crown. The patient had minimal discomfort and maintained his smile!

If optimal health is your goal, remove your infected teeth (which includes most root canals)! For our help, ping us through our website to reserve your New Patient Experience!

Blodgett Dental Care – Human Beings Helping Human Beings

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 09/10/2024

Toxic Tuesday: Why root canals are fatally flawed! *Repost

Since I started the "Toxic Tuesday" post series, I have shared a significant amount with regards to the chronic toxic nature of root canals. 22 + years of clinical dentistry lead me to this place of understanding that root canal therapy is a fatally flawed procedure. I am sharing a picture series that explains exactly how and why all teeth with root canals become infected. It should be self explanatory. 😉

Please share this post with every person you know who has teeth! It is vitally important that people understand as much as possible about their health choices. All dentists in the United States are brainwashed into believing that killing an integral body part (a tooth) is a totally fine health choice. Never mind that we would never do this with any other part of the body without considering it malpractice. Teeth must be special somehow? Or maybe they're magically not connected to your body?? No. This notion of "keeping teeth at all costs" stems from an age (early part of the 20th century) where there weren't any good options for tooth replacement. That has all changed! Science has proven that the infection from root canal-treated teeth can lead to numerous health maladies. Additionally, with minimally-invasive zirconia bridges, acetyl-resin partial dentures or zirconia implants and ceramic crowns, dead teeth can now be replaced effectively and while respecting your systemic health.
To become a patient at Blodgett Dental Care where you can experience all the best of what modern integrative dental medicine has to offer, email us at [email protected]. We look forward to being of service to you.


Wellness Wednesday – The miracle of healing that occurs when we connect with our patients by listening, being present and providing truthful health care.

There is so much more to great oral health care than the typical “drill, fill, bill, and if it hurts, kill” approach that most people experience in dentistry. The mouth is not only a physically sensitive region, but emotionally, as well. Most of the patients who seek out my practice have been shamed by their dentist and/or dental hygienist. They have been told that if something is wrong in their mouth that it must be their fault. And although it is true that lifestyle choices such as what we eat, how frequently we consume foods and drinks, and how we manage our oral home care play a role in oral health, it is equally as true that billions of people have been made sicker by the dental care they have received!

Examples illustrating my point:

Mercury: People receiving dental care cannot be blamed for putting mercury in their teeth. The dentist is responsible for that.

Tooth nerve pain: Dental patients also are not responsible for over-heating teeth when drilling them which leads to post-treatment sensitivity and pain. Dentists are responsible for that, too.

Root canal infection: Additionally, people cannot be blamed for the chronic infections that result after having root canal treatment. That is a dentist-caused (referred to as “iatrogenic”) condition.

Healthcare relationships are two sided. Both the patient and the healthcare provider bear responsibilities in the relational dynamic. To honor this truth and build deep trusting relationships with our patients, I created the Blodgett Dental Care New Patient Experience. I refer to it as an “experience”, because that it was it is. People leave from these appointments having hope and a vision for a healthier future.

Reading today’s image you can get a sense of just how positive of an experience we create with our patients here at BDC. To experience it for yourself, ping us through our website to reserve an “NPE” for yourself!


Toxic Tuesday – How an oral abscess can tank your health.

This woman followed her dentist’s recommendation to restore a tooth because she was told, “You need a crown on that tooth.” No other options were given. That was in 2012. After having the tooth whittled down to a little nub and the crown glued on top, the tooth became sensitive and developed into chronic pain. It reached its peak of pain around 2014. Eventually the pain subsided but then she began noticing symptoms elsewhere in her body. Could a dead tooth lead to chronic health problems? Not according to her dentist in Chicago. But it was recommended that she get a root canal on her recently crowned tooth “to remove the infection” that had formed after the tooth died. Something did not feel right about this approach and after long and thoughtful consideration she chose to travel from Chicago to Portland, OR to see my team and me for help.

What we found at her New Patient Experience (a Blodgett Dental Care exclusive process of interpersonal connection and total health assessment) was that her crowned tooth had died. The dead tooth had become an open gateway for microbes to enter into her jawbone. In response to this infection, her immune system developed an abscess which helped to drain the puss from inside the bone into her mouth. As a result of this long-standing infection, her immune system was being overly taxed on a daily basis. She was experiencing swelling in her head and neck and patches on her skin that were not explained by any other health issue. She knew in her gut that it had to be connected to her dead tooth.

See the list of Lyme and other microbes that we found in her jaw in this video. It’s amazing that she wasn’t sicker than she was! Tune in tomorrow to read how she feels now that the infection is gone. Ping us through our website if you would like our help resolving your oral infections!

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/28/2024

Wellness Wednesday: Hydrogen-rich water and Biological Dentistry!

At Blodgett Dental Care, we have implemented a multitude of technologies and therapies that are highly health promoting such as PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Field) therapy, full-body red and infra-red light therapy, homeopathy, ozone therapies, and more. Our latest addition to the list of technological innovations is the Kangan 8 hydrogen-rich water system. Thank you to , , and for the guidance!

Why use a hydrogen-rich water system in a dental practice? Free hydrogen ions in water is one of the simplest ways to fight oxidative stress. What creates oxidative stress in a dental setting? Almost everything! Stress can be experienced emotionally, environmentally, biochemically, and physically. Offering a drug-free solution that improves human health is smart healthcare!

In what ways does hydrogen-rich water improve health? According to a recent study (January 2024) in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (PMID: 38256045), the authors found that hydrogen-rich water can:

- Enhance physical performance and recovery (PMID: 31251888)
- Reduce all forms of oxidative stress (PMID: 21736547)
- Aid in the management of COVID-19 (PMID: 34987419)
- Improve cardiovascular health (PMID: 32273740)
- Improve mood and levels of anxiety (PMID: 29497485)
- Show anti-aging effects (PMID: 27477846)

Emerging science is clearly showing that there are a multitude of potential benefits from using hydrogen-rich water. Additionally, there appears to be no known negative side effects. Most people would agree that dental care can be a stress-inducing experience. It is common sense to help people manage that stress in the least invasive and most predictable ways possible.

You deserve the very best experience with your dental care! To experience what many people have described as the best biological dentistry in the world, ping us through our website today. Our New Patient Coordinators would love to share how our Dental Tourism process can help you experience the best health of your life!

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/27/2024

Toxic Tuesday: EMFs can increase root canal toxicity.

Numerous studies have come out over the past few years showing that EMF frequencies are causing a multitude of health problems, particularly in the mouth. First, it was shown that EMFs increase the release of mercury v***r from mercury amalgam “silver” fillings (PMID: 27418965). Yes, holding your phone next to your head increases the amount of elemental mercury v***r you are inhaling and swallowing!

Other studies have investigated the impact that EMFs have on the microbes inside of root canals (PMID: 36059281, 32039094, 28203122). The bottom line is that EMFs from cell phones, cell phone towers, and Wi-Fi devices have the ability to increase the toxicity of the microbes in root canals and decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics. Do you really want to hold that phone up to your ear, in your front pocket, or in your sports bra now?

We recently helped a man from Southern California who was experiencing unique symptoms. He was so affected by the EMFs in his home that he had moved outside and would sleep in a tent. His family was doing all they could to help him solve the problem of why he was so sensitive to these electromagnetic frequencies. After finding me on Instagram, they sent his dental records for our review. Their question was, “Is there any possible source of inflammation and/or infection in his mouth that could be causing his body to respond so strangely?” What we found may have been the largest amount of infection I’ve seen yet! Not only were all of his root canals infected (there were 5 of them), but one had completely split in half like a log. The amount of infectious destruction to his jawbones was incredible. As you can see from the images, the amount and variety of infectious microbes was vast!

Although you may not be able to control where cell towers are placed, you can choose to limit how close you put your phone to your face. You can also say “No!” to root canals. For our help returning your oral health to biological balance, call us TODAY to reserve your New Patient Experience!

Blodgett Dental Care – Human Beings Helping Human Beings

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/21/2024

Wellness Wednesday: Why doesn’t every dentist use P.E.M.F.??

Last year while speaking at a Vitamin C conference in Florida, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. William Pawluk, MD. He was speaking on the topic of “P.E.M.F.” – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields. I had heard of this previously from some patients who were using things like “BEMER” mats, but I had not yet taken the time to learn about the technology, how it works, and how it could benefit my patients. After hearing Dr. Pawluk’s presentation, I decided it was time to take the deep dive into understanding this technology. Here is what I found:

P.E.M.F. energy helps the human body by enhancing:

• Dilation of blood vessels
• Reducing edema
• Decreasing platelet stickiness
• Improving fibrinolysis
• Enhancing red blood cell pliability
• Reducing inflammation
• Altering blood salinity for decreased viscosity

Blood viscosity is a highly important issue, particularly as it relates to oral healing. When it's too high, it can lead to poor nutrient delivery and increase the risk of clots. Thankfully, P.E.M.F. energy improves multiple factors affecting blood viscosity as noted above.

Another benefit is its versatility. Whether you're dealing with a short-term issue or looking for long-term benefits, P.E.M.F. therapy can be a valuable addition to your health regimen. One study found P.E.M.F. to be at least as effective as aspirin in reducing platelet adhesiveness, and with broader benefits! (PMID: 34471827)

As a dentist passionate about whole-body health, I love the healthful benefits of P.E.M.F. therapy! That is why we invested in a whole-body P.E.M.F. system for our patients to use while they are at our office. For those who are interested in looking at a highly effective system for their own use, check out the “HUGO Intense” or the “HUGO PRO” (which is the model we bought). Technologies like this that offer multiple benefits, no downside, and are non-invasive are in perfect synergy with Blodgett Dental Care!

To experience the highest level of Holistic Oral Health and Biological Dentistry, ping us to reserve your New Patient Experience today!


Toxic Tuesday: The power of sharing the truth!

Over the past 5 years of sharing the stories of people we have helped to feel healthy again, I am amazed by how many other wonderful people I have met through social media. Every week we receive stories from people sharing how they have returned to health by removing the toxic, infected, and energetically imbalanced issues in their mouths. The most common culprits:

• Root canals
• Jawbone infection (a.k.a. – cavitations)
• Titanium implants
• Mercury amalgam “silver” fillings

Here is a great one sent to me by .wholisticallyfit:
In response to the post I put up last week titled, “Dermatitis Caused By Oral Infection”, Natasha’s message to me said: “This same situation solved itself for a couple of my clients this year. Coming in with anaphylaxis despite a clean diet, lifestyle etc. We did a biofeedback test and their scan was shockingly balanced except for the jaw. Dental tox from Physica balanced it. Told her to go to a new holistic dentist here in Edmonton and had X-rays done and sure enough her root canals done DECADES ago were infected. After two surgeries to remove them and ozone etc…she is symptom free and our systemic support begins. I wish I could scream oral health importance on a rooftop!”

Thank you for sharing this, .wholisticallyfit! We could not agree more! To everybody who reads this post, PLEASE share our account with EVERYONE you know and love! The profession of dentistry will not change unless there is a significant enough of an outcry from the public! You can demand better from your dentists and their teams.

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/14/2024

Wellness Wednesday: When chronic infections are removed the body can heal itself! *Repost

A patient who traveled to see us from Dallas, Texas, had suffered from chronic dermatitis that would not go away with any traditional treatments. Being that he is of a holistic health mindset, his preference was to find the root cause and remove it so that his body could heal itself. After improving every other aspect of his health, the only remaining issue was two root canal-treated teeth in his lower right jaw. He decided to have us help him remove the teeth and assist his body in regenerating his jawbone healthfully so that he can replace the teeth with ceramic implants in the future.

The teeth were removed on a Tuesday. By Friday the rashes which had been present for years had almost completely vanished! He took photos of is neck and right leg prior to removing the teeth and then 72 hours after. The proof of his skin healing itself is evident in these photos! The roots of the root canal-treated teeth were sent to DNA Connexions, a lab in Colorado, to determine which microbes on their “Oral Panel” were inside these roots. Please keep in mind that with healthy teeth, NO MICROBES enter the jawbone through the roots. This is because healthy teeth have vital blood flow, nerve supply and lymph drainage. Yes – each tooth is a living organ! When you think of it in this way, what other organ in your body would you allow to stay attached to you once it is dead? The answer: NONE! The root canal is the one exception to this rule.

If your health is suffering and you cannot find the root cause, the answer may lie in your mouth. Our team at BDC are experts in finding the root causes of many diseases when they stem from oral causes. Find out for yourself why so many people are being cured at our clinic. Ping us through our website today!


Toxic Tuesday: Dental Mercury Exposure and Alzheimer’s Disease. (Repost)

Due to historical acceptance by large, influential groups like the American Dental Association, approximately 50% of dentists in America are still placing mercury amalgam fillings in the mouths of their patients. Patients are told mistruths such as “they are stronger than tooth-colored fillings” and patients allow the toxic material to be installed in their mouths where they will inhale and swallow the mercury v***r as long as it is there. And, as it turns out, science is starting to show how this chronic toxic exposure is affecting our systemic health.

Studies are now showing a link between chronic mercury exposure and Alzheimer’s disease. One such study released in the July 2015 issue of “Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy” concluded that women who were exposed to mercury amalgam fillings were 13.2% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than the non-mercury-exposed women. Another article in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease” (Feb. 2010) concluded that inorganic mercury promotes neurodegenerative disorders. To quote the author, “As the single most effective public health primary preventive measure, industrial and medical usage of mercury should be eliminated as soon as possible.”

So why do dentists continue using it? And why does the ADA continue to promote it? I do not have any idea!! What I want you to know is that if you do have mercury in your mouth, it can be removed safely! Find a dentist who is “SMART-certified” by the IAOMT or uses the “Protect Protocol” as defined by the IABDM. Also, get professional help to safely detox your body from the accumulation of heavy metals. If you know anybody who is dealing with neurodegenerative issues, please refer them to our practice. We can help, please message us through links in bio.

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/07/2024

Wellness Wednesday: Toxic root canals can be replaced in a single visit!

Most of the people I talk to who want to remove their root canals share two common concerns:
(1) Do I have to be missing a tooth while my implant heals?
(2) How do I fit this procedure into my budget?

One of the most significant aspects of today’s ceramic implants (my favorite being “SDS implants” - ) is that they are not only non-toxic for almost all human beings, but they can be used to replace teeth immediately after tooth extraction in many cases.

Today’s case illustrates how a severely infected premolar with two roots was removed and replaced with an SDS implant and then restored using a temporary crown. How do I do it? Watch the video in our reels to see!

Step 1: Remove the metal-based crown on the root canal tooth.
Step 2: Remove the two dead, infected roots using great caution to keep the bone intact.
Step 3: Reshape the bone using “Versah” instruments. These help to widen the extraction site using “densification” tips making the bone more dense and better able to support the implant.
Step 4: Put the implant firmly into the bone and shape the top like a tooth.
Step 5: Remove the metal-based crown on the tooth behind the implant.
Step 6: Make temporary splinted crowns using the CEREC CAD/CAM system () and glue the temp crowns onto the implant and adjacent tooth.

Making the temporary teeth by using custom milled crowns allows for a perfect fit between the tooth, the implant, and the splinted crowns. It also allows for the creation of beautiful esthetics so that the patient can keep smiling with confidence as they heal!

If you want to experience your best state of health and reduce your risk for symptoms of disease in your lifetime, replacing your dead and infected root canals will be on your health checklist. For the best experience in dentistry, ping us through our website today to reserve your New Patient Experience!

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 08/06/2024

Toxic Tuesday: A “healthy root canal” is a lie.

For the first 15 years of my career, I performed root canals. But after extracting thousands of root canals, I noticed a pattern. When a root canal treatment is performed, the inside of the tooth looks clean. The colors of the materials used to fill it are an opaque white sealer material and a salmon-pink colored material called “gutta percha”. However, when I extracted root canals I noticed significant blackness inside and outside the root canal.

In 2017 I started sending extracted root canals to DNA Connexions in Colorado for microbial analysis. If what I had been taught in dental school was true (that root canals are healthy and pose no risk to your whole-body health), then the roots of these teeth should have little to no microbes in them. What I found was completely the opposite! Over the past 7 years every root canal-treated root I have sent to DNA Connexions has shown incredibly high levels of microbes including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

What does the American Association of Endodontists say about this? Here is a quote from their website: “Information you may find on the Internet or elsewhere, claiming that if you receive a root canal treatment that you’re more likely to become ill or contract a systemic disease in the future simply isn’t true. This false claim was based on long-debunked and poorly designed research conducted nearly a century ago, long before modern medicine understood the actual causes of many diseases. There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal treatment to cancer or disease elsewhere in the body.” Notice – they don’t say that root canals causing disease was disproven. They say “debunked”. There’s a big difference!

If this is true, then why are my patients’ diseases disappearing once we remove their root canals?! If you are told that root canals are safe for your health, you are being misled! Read my other posts to further your understanding of why this is true.

To remove and replace your root canals and regain your best health, ping us through our website today!


Toxic Tuesday: My plea to healthcare providers: Seek less to KNOW and more to UNDERSTAND!

Years before I became a dentist, I was pursuing a career in psychology. My vision was to become a counselor and help people with their psycho-emotional burdens. It turns out that I do exactly that today……in the context of an oral health setting!

During my college years, I worked on a crisis hotline. This position as a tele-crisis counselor taught me something that still stays with me. While working on the Crisis Hotline, I discovered that almost all people who called in for help already knew the solution to their struggles. My role as a counselor was NOT to tell them what to do, but rather to allow space for them to verbalize the problem and the potential solutions.

After 30 years of practicing the communication skills that I learned in my “psychology days,” I have come to believe that those people who come to their own solutions are significantly more inspired to solve them than those people who prefer others to solve problems for them. That is why I developed the BDC “New Patient Experience” (NPE). Our NPE feels more like a hybrid between a great counseling session and spa day. What it does NOT feel like is know-it-all experts talking down to you about what you “need” to do.

I believe that as healthcare providers we help far more people by seeking to understand their troubles, challenges, and experiences. Unfortunately, having a “High E.Q.” (emotional quotient) is not a top requirement for Medical, Dental, and Nursing School admissions departments, but I do believe that this can be changed.

My advice to healthcare providers who want to have a fulfilling career and significantly positive impact on people’s health: seek less to KNOW and more to UNDERSTAND.

If you want to experience the very best of Biological Dentistry and Holistic Oral Health provided from a Humanistic Experience, ping us through our website today to reserve your New Patient Experience!

Photos from Blodgett Dental Care's post 07/24/2024

Wellness Wednesday: Jawbone Cavitations – What are they, how do you avoid them, and how do you treat them if they developed in your jaws? (Part 2)

How do you discover if you have jawbone cavitations (FDOJs)? There are a number of ways to assess for the presence of FDOJ lesions. They include:

- Clinical history – if you recall experiencing poor healing or maybe even “dry sockets” after your wisdom teeth were extracted, you may have developed cavitation lesions.
- 3D Cone-Beam CT scan – Although cavitations cannot be “diagnosed” from a 3D CBCT scan alone, they can be very helpful to objectively measure bone density.
- Energy testing – Various forms of energy testing can be applied (i.e. – muscle testing, EAV/AMA testing, pendulum testing, etc.) to assess the quality of the body’s energy in these areas of the jaws.
- Jawbone Ultrasound assessment – Although not yet approved by the FDA, a technology out of Germany called “CaviTAU” (Trans-Alveolar Ultrasound) exists. This non-ionizing technology aids the practitioner in assessing the quality of density of jawbone regions using ultra-sound assessment.

In terms of avoiding the formation of FDOJ lesions, our biologically based protocols at BDC amplify the body’s native healing mechanisms. By working with complimentary healthcare practitioners (physicians, naturopaths, functional nutritionists) we ensure that the patient’s body is prepared well for surgery and recovery. We use bio-simulating substances such as Ozone and Sodium Ascorbate (Vit. C) to aid in the body’s natural recovery process. We also harness the power of the patient’s own healing cells using L-PRF to graft all extraction and cavitation sites. Homeopathy, lymphatic drainage support, bio-photonic (light) therapy, and pulsed-electromagnetic field therapy are all used to support the patient’s healing.

If you want to heal optimally from either wisdom tooth extraction or cavitation surgery, the BDC protocols will help you achieve your health goals! Ping us today through our website to reserve your New Patient Experience and our Dental Tourism support!


Toxic Tuesday: How do you determine if your dentistry contributes to your health challenges? It’s a lot simpler than you think!

There is a saying in the Biological Dental world: “If it is metal or dead, it doesn’t belong in your head.” It turns out that this is a simple way to look at your own dental work. And anybody can do it!

With today’s patient story, we see several dental treatments on her 3D Cone-Beam CT scan. These lead to chronic systemic infection and energetic blockage. The dental procedures performed on her were:

- 4 large mercury amalgam fillings (made of mercury, silver, copper, and tin).
- 4 “PFM” (porcelain fused to metal) crowns (made of cobalt, nickel, chromium, silver, and gold).
- One metal lingual retainer (made of iron, chromium, nickel, silicon, and molybdenum).
- 2 root canals. The combined toxic microbial exposure from these two teeth was incredible. (See tomorrow’s video to see the number of infectious microbes in the roots of these teeth).

All things combined, this patient has a dozen teeth in her mouth that were releasing metal ions into her saliva which were then both absorbed by her oral mucosa, swallowed into her G.I. tract, and breathed into her lungs. Additionally, these teeth with non-biologically compatible substances disturb the energetic balance of her body. Is it any wonder her health is suffering??

The longest-standing dental issue she has had is the root canal in her upper left incisor. It was done 35 years ago. It was “retreated” (which didn’t help) and then treated with an “apicoectomy” (where the root tip was cut off and filled with a mercury filling). This tooth is connected to the urogenital acupuncture meridian. Her primary health issues have been related to that meridian! She even had her ovaries and uterus removed! Sadly, they were most likely showing symptoms due to the root canal, which was a procedure that could have been avoided!

Watch for tomorrow’s video to see how we brought her whole mouth into biological balance in one visit! You can experience this, too, at BDC!

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Our Story

Holistic ‘Whole Person’ Dentistry:Portland’s Biological Dentist.

Kelly J. Blodgett, DMD, NMD, IBDM– Holistic General Dentist Portland, OR

“In 2001, I embarked on a journey to offer the best holistic oral health care practice in Portland. My mission is to reverse the negative stereotype of dentistry. Our minimally-invasive approach focuses on the patient’s goals and ensuring a positive experience.

At Blodgett Dental Care, we look beyond your dental health to help you optimize your whole body health and achieve all of your health goals. If you haven’t visited a dentist in 5, 10, or even 20 years, don’t worry– our office is a judgement-free and loving environment. We are here to help you.”

Videos (show all)

Wellness Wednesday:  A great tooth replacement solution! Question: “If I don’t want a root canal, what is the best solut...
Wellness Wednesday – The miracle of healing that occurs when we connect with our patients by listening, being present an...
Toxic Tuesday – How an oral abscess can tank your health. This woman followed her dentist’s recommendation to restore a ...
Wellness Wednesday:  Comprehensive biological dental rejuvenation in a single visit while you sleep! Today’s video demon...
Toxic Tuesday:  How do you determine if your dentistry contributes to your health challenges?  It’s a lot simpler than y...
Wellness Wednesday:  Don’t settle for toxic teeth!  Replacing root canals is simple and predictable at BDC following our...
WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE Toxic Tooth Tour!!Last stop is this weekend June 1 in Boston. We’ve opened up a few mor...
Count down to the Next Stop Denver ~ Toxic 🦷 Tour 2024. Meet Dr. Blodgett in person.SPOTS ARE LIMITED!Spreading the word...
Toxic Tuesday:  Don’t grind your teeth away!  Creative and conservative “no-prep” veneers can transform a smile and a li...
Wellness Wednesday:  Cape Cod teacher shares her positive BDC experience! We are honored to help this great patient.  Sh...
Toxic Tuesday:  The simplicity of replacing dead teeth with ceramic implants and crowns! Today’s story is about a woman ...



522 SE Belmont Street
Portland, OR

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 4pm
Tuesday 7am - 4pm
Wednesday 7am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm

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