Near East Yoga

Near East Yoga is dedicated to supporting Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga practice and inquiry into the t


August Moon

Photos from Near East Yoga's post 11/08/2024

Near East Yoga is growing- on the inside. The plants have put out flowers and even attracted a mantis who crawled through the gap in window screen. The space shines a lot and holds a point to remember the location of the solstices, equinoxes and the phases of the moon. All of these images are during the time of 8/7-8-10 and reflect the mid-summers light of day. You can meditate here, do yoga, breathe and take in the analog vibration of the elements.


Generously gifted enough incense to insure arrival in Valhalla- although significantly extending the journey. For my practice these burnt offerings aid to explore the liminal space illuminated by fragrance , always closely related to light sound water and wind. There are a few deep cuts in this stash to carry me in to that field. Join me for a showcase of this beautiful collection. “Non-habit forming” is posted on each box. We’ll see. I’m already hooked on akasha and dance of elements.


Near East Yoga Summer Solstice 2024. Join me June 20th at 7pm to mark and signify the advent of the high mark of light in the North West USA. We sing and seek direction guidance and our spiritual fortunes when the celestial spheres align, the planets the stars, the moons and all our bodies. DM For Door code.


The pending pranayama intro session fits better on June 2nd at 630am. RSVP to join and receive a study guide and door code.


I’m adding a one time Sunday session for the curious. We are starting early because pranayama fits best in the morning. DM me for a door code if you are not a regular at Near East Yoga- RSVP is greatly appreciated.


Come sing with us this Thursday 4/25 at 7pm! DM for door code. Near East Yoga Kirtan takes a unique approach to chanting and group singing by mixing classical Sanskrit chanting of mantra, popular kirtan with an Americana music sing-a-long. Something for everyone and better if that everyone includes you. The street door is locked so please rsvp for a code.


In Portland this Saturday? 8am led class is back at Near East Yoga with DM for street door code


This Saturday! On going support included. Discount for enrolled students. Send me a message to RSVP and for door security code.


Nearing the Solstice Light. Morning pranayama live every weekday at 630am PST. zoom and in-person


Thursday nights at 7pm. Taking a break the first week of June both otherwise on for the season. The medium of the written word fails to capture what essential something we “make” together new each time. We have fun and sound great and I’ve thought to livestream a portion. Better if you come in person. Sometimes the entire world can shift with just one tone or rhythm. Doors are open. See you there!


Tonight at 630pm- led moon sequence with Ben. Perfect session to greet the new moon tomorrow. #2212 opens the street door.


Saturday March 25 culminates one of my long ambitions- to share this film with my yoga community. At the time this film produced and released, I was making my early trips to India circa 1999- 2007. The journey of these devotees, captured in this documentary, reveals a side of India and yoga that lingers behind what is normally accessible to the novice and seasoned traveler yogin alike. To hear the words of passion and devotion left me inspired at the time and I think of these yogis often. I have had my own encounters with sadhus and will share that brief tale before the film. Do come join us. I will make a few batches of movie worthy snacks, traditional chai and host a brief discussion about the film afterward. #2212 opens the door at the street if it’s locked.


If you want to sing tonight at 630pm and can make it to Agni Yoga, you are welcome to join us. This new monthly rhythm is just getting going. As in the all of these circles I host, I consider them all to be “practice”, using a solid playlist of favorites so new folks can find their place in the song. we also learn new songs that are often brought by those wonderful journeying bards of kirtan that happen to join our pop-up celebration. Maybe either of these soul-profile mirrors your own. If curious or interested please feel warmly welcome.

Photos from Near East Yoga's post 26/12/2022

And then the light returns…as it once went away… we observe, rejoice in that revealed prana that rules our own breath, our personal and collective hunger and thirst, our living embodiment of growth and change. It is there and then we mark the crux in the flow, with nothing to end or become, there, in that brief pause. Thanks everyone who could make this recent Solstice event! Your light was the brightest of all!


My passion is to sing, to make music, following the old and trusted forms, the ones that the ancients left us or the ones that come with the guitar drum or organ. I bring those words, those sounds to the circle and sit with them for a long while until we can know them, then break them into pieces and reform them to make them our own. Come to Agni this Sunday and join us as we map the layers of the subtle inner subtle layers and those that lay dormant above l, there waiting only for us to go there.

How Morphic Resonance Affects Our Memories, Families, Rituals and Festivals 13/10/2022

How Morphic Resonance Affects Our Memories, Families, Rituals and Festivals A talk given on September 2nd, 2022 at the Hollyhock retreat center on Cortes Island, BC Canada.Hollyhock exists to inspire, nourish and support people who a...


The annular course we set out upon a year ago and before, in studying the lines of the Yoga Sutras, in order and over a digestible time, has come around again.

We are restarting with Chapter 1 of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. All are welcome to join and as we look into each remaining chapter, through each season.

If you have had that year to contemplate what we learned last year, please do reach out.

If you have been curious and want to take time for this useful information please feel warmly welcomed.

We all learn as we go and there is not a better time than now to begin.

Tuesdays 6-8pm


Join Dylan Bernstein Sunday September 4th-9th for Morning Mysore. He brings news and insights from afar and we are blessed to have him visit. Welcome Dylan!!


The fall session of the Yoga Sutra study starts Tuesday, September 20th. We are starting from the beginning. Online and in person.


Finding perspective and direction in open spaces is how I find great joy. Recently had that chance in a not so far off location. There is magic in meeting the sun on its own terms in a place and time. He had something amazing to show us... The moon too.


The winds of fate finally bring Dylan Bernstein and Near East Yoga together. As an old friend of the studio and journeyer in the far east and between, the probability of a teacher Dylan as "teacher residence" has finally come about.

Dylan has a deep well of inspiration to share and the experience to express it in terms for anyone to resonate. Expect a nurturing mysore style ashtanga room. The week is followed up with a 3 hour Sunday morning workshop exploring finer parts of the vinyasa method of yoga.

Please inquire about drop in terms. RSVP is appreciated.


630PM Solstice Kirtan Tonight: Share a moment of ritual with community to mark the change in season. Open to all


Seeking a dedicated place to sing, chant and study?
We are live and in person and zoom

Check us out at-
Near East Yoga Tuesday and Thursday, 630pm, Friday 9am
no tuition required.
Gita, Sutra, Mantra, Kirtan.
Timely Arrival apprecaited,

Casey J Palmer

NEAR EAST YOGA 28/08/2021

Sing up for this soon. The sessions will be available to students outside the Pacific Standard Time via recording.... Its never too late to get into Yoga Sutra!

NEAR EAST YOGA Ashtanga Yoga in the Mysore Style • Portland, OR


1st session of Yoga Sutra Basics happens Tuesday 2/16 @ 6pm
link is at


Starting on February 12th. Please post comments and questions in below. If you have participated in the past please share your experience.

Make an effort and your desinty will rise up to meet you.

This destination we seek, it is a part of where, what and who we are right now. Not just a part really, its actually all of who we are, it maybe small and obscured but its there. We have a tendency to cultivate a state of dualistic separation that we routinely suffer over. Yoga practice in the modern age of quick information, instantaneous global travel and wish-fulfilling consumerism has us running faster and faster toward getting what we want but limiting us on getting what we need. Taking ourselves out of the mix for just 1.5 hours a day and bringing our form into pattern outside the luxuries we have bestowed on ourselves is modern yoga. If we could just get centered we would then feel centered. But it may still be an illusion and theres something less we can do to fulfill the ancient possibility of authentic yoga.

The only problem is our current state of yoga has us reaching for the next pose, the next taste of “yoga-and” (inserted here) or the next fabulous venue, all to satisfy and propagate the acquisitive pattern lurking under the surface of our finely wrapped and exquisitely adorned form. And the industry, yes yoga is an industry is completely driven by this need to explore the next thing, the add-on and the upgrade to make up for this gap in our felt sense of accomplishment. There is a chance that we are energetically weaving a thread of suffering into our practice that drives us farther away from the moment but working at yoga to hard an with to little understanding of what yoga originally was intended to be.

There is an antidote to this suffering. We have heard it before, probably from the very beginning, something like, Be Here Be Now etc. But what does that mean and how do we actually allow this to happen? Patanjali invites us to “sit in our own form” as starting place and allow the body to reintegrate into the matter from which it is a part. In all our intellectual glory of the amazing human brain we cannot do more than influence this form which actually belongs to nature. Where spirit is concerned, this nature can only be influenced. So he calls us to “sit” and allow this to happen, without adding what we think should happen. This starts with sweeping movements of the body form in is dominant moving patterns though asana and vinyasa, then sitting with pranayama and pratyahara then more, but really its less. There is some external guidance involved but ultimately we must sit in our own form and find out for ourselves the merit of this destination.

There’s a Ganesh lurking to support us in every moment, in essence a symbol of the very real possibility of something or nothing coming into being. Its not always up to us to do more work, or be bendy or smart. Sometimes is just sit there and let the energy flow, to abide in this, to not add or take away. Yes, its possible and probable, if we take the first step and sit down to rest in it.

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Come sing Kirtan this Thursday at 7pm! We meet every week! It's a fun way to do really deep yoga.


707 NE Broadway #206
Portland, OR

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 09:30
17:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 09:30
17:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 09:30
17:00 - 19:00
Thursday 07:30 - 09:30
17:00 - 19:00
Friday 07:00 - 10:00
Saturday 20:30 - 10:30
Sunday 08:30 - 10:30