
We offer a wide range of therapeutic gemstones to help you achieve greater health in body, mind, and spirit.

Visit us at, para información en español, für Informationen in deutscher Sprache. We operate a unique, world-class pharmacy of therapeutic quality gemstones and offer a wide range of resources for learning how to choose and use these extraordinary healing tools.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 09/09/2024

Dark Green Aventurine initiates a deep purification of the physical body, especially the vital organs.

Aventurine energy permeates the body and then focuses on your most distressed organ, filling it with healing energy and encouraging it to release its accumulated disharmony.

Once this organ has been uplifted, your next most distressed organ receives Aventurine’s attention. Thus, organ by organ, Aventurine helps heal and purify your entire body.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 09/04/2024

Feeling overwhelmed or struggling to find your calm? Life’s constant demands can leave your nervous system on edge, making stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights all too common.

Mother of Pearl offers a gentle, nurturing energy that harmonizes with your nervous system, helping to soothe anxiety, quiet the mind, and invite a deeper sense of peace. This gemstone therapy supports you in finding calm amid the chaos and helps ease you into restful, restorative sleep.

Imagine feeling more balanced, peaceful, and in control—day or night. Let Mother of Pearl be your go-to for soothing stress and finding relaxation through gemstone therapy. ✨

How do you find your calm? Share with us below!

Photos from Gemisphere's post 09/03/2024

Virtually all Mother of Pearl available today is bleached to mimic the color of higher quality gems. Gemisphere’s rare, opalescent, pearly-white Mother of Pearl is never bleached. Its natural shimmer allows the gems’ energy to enter the aura quickly and work deeply.

Mother of Pearl’s shimmering, reflective quality helps its energy quickly enter the aura. The more opalescence Mother of Pearl possesses, the more deeply it can work—be it physically, emotionally, or mentally—and the more clearly you will receive its benefits.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 09/02/2024

In your physical body, Mother of Pearl produces an overall calming effect as it gently stirs the life energy of your cells. Like waves lapping the shore, this stirring is steady, relaxing, and rhythmical. Overactive mechanisms throughout the body are calmed, and the flexibility of your cells increases, improving their ability to accept oxygen and life force.

All human beings have a natural, innate need to be cared for, nurtured, and loved. These needs are first felt in the womb and are most apparent in infants and young children. Even if most of our needs were well met when we were children, we do not stop having these needs as we get older. They are part of our very fabric. As infants, we need to be loved and nurtured in order to survive.

As we grow into adulthood, our mothers are no longer there to fulfill all our needs for love and nurturing, and often life does not fulfill them either.

Experience the nurturing and soothing energy of our natural untreated Mother of Pearl.


Mother of Pearl stirs and awakens the primordial memory of your origin in the infinite ocean of divine love. It stirs this memory in your thoughts, your feelings, and in every cell of your physical body.

As your memory opens, this divine love flows into you, repairing the deep wounds created by unfulfilled needs. Mother of Pearl’s energy sings the song of motherly love as it imparts the feeling of being cradled in a loving mother’s arms.

20% Off Mother of Pearl Necklaces
Through Sunday, September 8, 2024

Photos from Gemisphere's post 09/01/2024

What gemstone are you feeling most connected to right now, and how is it supporting you?


Unlike the majority of Pink Morganite available on the market, Gemisphere’s Pink Morganite is completely free of all treatments, such as heat treatment, that could diminish its therapeutic quality and effectiveness.


They’re back! We’re thrilled to announce that our 8mm Pink Morganite spheres are back in stock—a rarity for us! This is only the second time we’ve been able to offer these exquisite necklaces, and we were fortunate enough to secure them at a fantastic price, which we’re excited to pass along to you.

Morganite is a member of the Beryl family, which is known for its stunning range of colors. Emerald, with its deep green hue, aquamarine’s serene blue, and heliodor’s warm yellow are all part of this remarkable group. What makes Morganite unique is its soft, enchanting pink color, created by traces of manganese within the crystal. This gentle hue sets Morganite apart, offering a warm, nurturing energy that’s truly special.

By inspiring greater emotional clarity, Pink Morganite encourages your true feelings to emerge so you may live your most authentic emotional self. As negative emotional energies drain away, vitality, self-love, and confidence grow.

20% Off Pink Morganite Sphere Necklaces
Through Sunday, September 1, 2024


Pink Morganite’s Mission:

Pink Morganite inspires greater emotional clarity and authenticity. Its energetic support resolves tangled emotional energies and restores the emotional body to its authentic state.

By organizing emotional-body fibers and energy flows, it allows a clearer sense of your true feelings to emerge. The experience of self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and confidence becomes more accessible.

Excess emotional energies, like those of anxiety, resentment, anger, and greed, more easily drain away. Pink Morganite helps remove energetic causes of physical conditions by aligning the physical and subtle bodies’ vibratory rates.

Thus, the information and life energy necessary for true healing can more easily move through your entire being for improved overall health.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/22/2024

We all desire a deep connection with our soul and higher consciousness so that our dreams and true missions in life can be better manifested. But how does a gemstone help us achieve this? ✨

The Indigo gemstone fosters a conscious connection with your intuition and helps you envision your true dreams and aspirations.

It shows you your potential to attain your dreams, and it helps you see how to achieve them.

Indigo expands your consciousness and opens the door to higher levels of knowingness, while teaching you to shine with your own inner light.

When Your Indigo Necklace First Arrives ✨

When you put on a new necklace or one you haven’t worn for a while, bring it into your aura with consciousness and a clear intent. We call this “practicing presence.” By opening yourself to the gems’ energies and consciously cooperating with the process of change, you can greatly enhance the gemstones’ benefits.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/20/2024

Have you ever had an intuitive experience, only to second-guess it as just your mind playing tricks?

The mind has a way of distorting our intuitive senses, filtering pure spiritual insights into archetypes or symbols—or worse, silencing them altogether. How do you distinguish between true spiritual guidance and the mind’s fabrications?

Self-realization is the recognition of oneself as soul. A crucial step toward this goal is to learn to listen to the whisperings of the true self in day-to-day situations. Some people call these inner nudges “intuition.” To help you better hear these whisperings, Indigo energy constructs bridges between your intuition and your conscious awareness.

As impulses of truth arise from the higher self, the intuitive body is the first to hear them. The mind then receives these whisperings, filtering and distorting them according to its own conditioning and agenda. Often they are heard incorrectly, translated into dream-like symbols, or not detected at all. By constructing energetic bridges, Indigo allows intuitive data to bypass the mind and seep directly into your conscious awareness.

In this way, Indigo empowers you to receive pure, unfiltered spiritual insights, deepening your connection with your higher self. ✨

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/19/2024

What is Indigo?

As the crystalline form of Sodalight, Indigo shares Sodalight’s tendency to contain white streaks or clouds. The finest quality Indigo is neon-like cobalt blue and translucent, and has few to no clouds. As spheres move away from this finest quality, they contain more white and are less translucent. Spheres that are nearly opaque are of low therapeutic value. Spheres in which the white overtakes the indigo hue are non-therapeutic.

What Makes Our Indigo Special?

Gemisphere’s 100% natural Indigo necklaces are made from the finest-quality Indigo crystals on Earth. Holding our Indigo over a light source reveals its vibrant cobalt-blue color, making it an ideal vehicle for the indigo ray.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/18/2024

Apatite nourishes your body by improving the flow of nutrients into your bones and helping you resolve food-related issues.

Apatite heals and strengthens all parts of the skeletal system, including your bones, joints, and marrow. In this way, Apatite helps lay a foundation for the health of your entire body. Wearing Apatite also helps you resolve emotional, karmic, and mental issues related to food, so you can make wiser food choices and receive the nourishment you need to heal and thrive.

Apatite helps lay a foundation for the health of your entire body.


A glimpse into Apatite grading:

Consistency is an important factor in creating an Apatite necklace with a potent and harmonious energetic signature. Therefore, to make each necklace, we carefully match rondels for color, clarity, shape, and size. Thus, each Apatite necklace is unique, and all are individually priced based on their total carat weight and quality.


Our therapeutic Apatite necklaces are made with Apatite rondels that have been cut from high quality crystals usually reserved for making faceted gems.

To ensure our Apatite’s superior therapeutic value, we obtain the gemstones in rough form and then have the rondels cut to our unique specifications.

Consequently, we offer the highest quality therapeutic Apatite necklaces available anywhere.✨


Wearing Apatite ensures the maximum health of the entire skeletal system, including the marrow, bones, joints, and ligaments. By nourishing, repairing, and strengthening your skeletal system, you will take a significant step toward greater health.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/13/2024

What Makes Our Apatite Special?

Because Apatite is a relatively soft gem, nearly all commercial Apatite has been “stabilized” with an epoxy resin to harden it. This renders the gems entirely nontherapeutic. Gemisphere offers only epoxy-free, untreated, naturally vibrant Apatite.


A necklace of rounded Apatite nourishes your body by improving the flow of nutrients into your bones and helping you resolve food-related issues.

Apatite heals and strengthens all parts of the skeletal system, including your bones, joints, and marrow. In this way, Apatite helps lay a foundation for the health of your entire body.

Wearing Apatite also helps you resolve emotional, karmic, and mental issues related to food, so you can make wiser food choices and receive the nourishment you need to heal and thrive.


Wearing White Flash Moonstone can help to reverse the signs of aging and restore the supraphysical aura.

Moonstone can serve as a powerful tool to help correct many of the undesirable effects of aging, such as replenishing moisture, nourishing the skin, building muscle strength, easing joint stiffness, strengthening the immune system, and lubricating the connection between the supraphysical aura and physical body.

Because of the vital role the supraphysical aura plays in your health, if you had only one therapeutic gemstone to work with, Moonstone would be the gem of choice.


✨Cleansing Your Moonstone Necklace✨

Your Moonstone necklace deserves the best care to keep its energy vibrant and strong. Here are two simple yet effective methods to cleanse and rejuvenate your therapeutic Moonstone necklace:

🌿 Plant Rejuvenation: 2-3 times a week, wrap your necklace around the base of a healthy houseplant or gently lay it in its branches. The natural energy of the plant will help refresh and recharge your Moonstone.

🧂 Salt Bed: For a deeper cleanse, lay your Moonstone necklace in a half-inch of salt 2-3 times a week. Place a thin natural-fiber cloth between the salt and your gems to protect them. Let them rest for at least an hour or even overnight to fully absorb the purifying energy of the salt.

Consistent cleansing ensures your Moonstone remains a powerful ally in your spiritual journey.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 08/07/2024

What Makes Our White Flash Moonstone Special?

Nearly every rondel in our natural White Flash Moonstone necklaces displays a distinct white flash, or adularescence, making them exceptionally potent therapeutic tools.

Commonly available Moonstone lacks a consistent flash and often contains cracks or inclusions, hindering its therapeutic effectiveness. All of our Moonstone is 100% natural and free of all treatments.


Moonstone promotes youthfulness by nourishing and strengthening your supraphysical aura. Through its fortifying effects on this aura, Moonstone strengthens your immune and lymphatic systems, boosts your body’s energy supplies, and helps eliminate the unwanted effects of aging.

Moonstone’s lubricating energy helps increase flexibility and muscle strength, heal your skin, and prevent harmful DNA mutations. Because of the vital role the supraphysical aura plays in your health, if you had only one therapeutic gemstone to work with, Moonstone would be the gem of choice.


To maintain their effectiveness, therapeutic gemstones require regular care. Bloodstone, like all healing gems, helps us release energetic impurities, which can cling to the gem’s surface and inhibit its ability to work at peak capacity. A simple energetic cleansing will clear these energies and restore the gem to its naturally vibrant state. You can use any of the following methods to cleanse your Bloodstone necklace:

Plant Rejuvenation: 2 – 3 times a week, wrap the necklace around the base of a healthy houseplant or lay the necklace in its branches.

Salt Bed: 2 – 3 times a week, lay the gems in a half-inch of salt for at least an hour or overnight.

Water Rinse: Rinse the gems 2 – 3 times a week.

Sunbath: Every 1 - 2 weeks, lay the gems in sunlight for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time.

Clay Cleanse: For deeper cleansing, occasionally perform a bentonite clay bath or pack

What’s your favorite method of cleansing for your gems? ✨


One of the most powerful and convenient ways to use a Bloodstone necklace is to wear it around your neck. There the gems will silently work for you as you go about your day. At night while you are sleeping, you can wear the necklace or keep it within three feet of your body to maintain your connection with the gems.

It is particularly beneficial to wear a Bloodstone necklace so that it touches your skin. If Bloodstone is worn over clothing and not touching the skin, it will take much longer to work. This is because of the somewhat unique way in which Bloodstone works. When Bloodstone touches the skin, some of its energy radiates into the aura, but most moves directly into the body, where it starts working on the blood.


Our Bloodstone necklaces are 100% free of artificial treatments, preserving their natural integrity. These exquisite gems showcase a deep, consistent dark green color, highlighted with occasional patches or spots of red and other therapeutically beneficial hues.

Why does this matter?

The purity and natural state of our Bloodstone ensures you receive its full therapeutic potential. Untreated gems maintain their vibrational properties, delivering profound benefits for your well-being.

Crystal Healing vs. Gem Therapy

While “crystal healing” can sometimes involve stones of varied quality and treatments, Gemisphere’s gem therapy emphasizes precision and purity. Our gems are selected for their high quality and lack of toxic treatments, ensuring potent and effective energy healing.


Bloodstone strengthens your immune system and keeps it alert and responsive to your body’s needs.

The energy of rounded Bloodstone crystals empowers certain microorganisms in your bloodstream that are vital to optimal immune function, making your body an incompatible environment for infections of all kinds.

Bloodstone also facilitates the removal of toxins from your body and enhances your cells’ absorption of nutrients.


By wearing Lapis Lazuli, you can harmonize your body’s key energy centers effortlessly.

Acting as a subtle yet powerful scanner, Lapis Lazuli identifies imbalances across your major energetic points - from acupuncture points to chakras and meridians. It then works to remove excess energy and bolster deficient areas, restoring harmony throughout your being.

As your energy becomes more balanced, your body, mind, and emotions can experience profound healing—making this powerful gem an essential tool for deepening your own energy work and achieving the balance needed for vibrant, glowing health.

Photos from Gemisphere's post 07/25/2024

Lapis Lazuli harmonizes your heart and mind as it forges stronger bonds between them. The energy radiated by Lapis crystal spheres can help you experience the energy and power you possess within.

This power is greatest when the energies of your mind and heart come together—in other words, when your emotional and mental bodies are working in harmony. A therapeutic Lapis necklace improves the connection, communication, and understanding between your heart and mind.

When the mind is attuned to your emotions, it becomes richer, more fruitful, and bountiful. When feelings are illuminated by the mind, emotions are better understood.

A strong connection between the heart and mind opens many possibilities. It expands your horizons and your potential. ✨

Photos from Gemisphere's post 07/23/2024

Lapis Lazuli aligns and creates harmony between your heart and mind, releasing the dissonance that holds you back. No more spinning wheels, no more wavering confidence – just pure focus, clarity of purpose, and a deep connection to your inner voice.


“After wearing my Sodalight for only 24 hours, I felt like a weight had been lifted from me, and I was calm and almost carefree. I have dealt with PTSD and some pretty heavy things in my life, and I was feeling burdened. It is amazing the difference that Sodalight has made. I also wear this necklace for protection, and I can deal with whatever comes my way.”
L.H., Las Vegas, Nevada

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Our Story

We operate a unique, world-class collection of therapeutic quality gemstones that support healing and transformation in body, mind, and spirit. Visit or call 800.727.8877 to learn how to choose the best gemstones for you.

Visit us at, para información en español, für Informationen in deutscher Sprache.

Videos (show all)

Our Mother of Pearl bracelet gently stirs the memory of divine love within, soothing emotional wounds and healing your s...
In this segment, holistic wellness practitioner Sydney Songer explores the many healing benefits of Mother of Pearl.Wear...
Gemisphere’s 100% natural Indigo are made from the finest-quality Indigo crystals on Earth. Holding our Indigo over a li...
Have you ever wanted to develop your intuition? There are a few ways to do so, including meditation and harnessing the e...
In this segment, holistic wellness practitioner Sydney Songer explores how Lapis Lazuli helps create greater overall mas...
In this segment, Holistic Wellness Practitioner Sydney Songer explores how Lapis Lazuli harmonizes the heart and mind, f...
Transform your gem energy with the amplifying power of quartz! In this segment, holistic wellness practitioner Sydney So...
In this segment, holistic wellness practitioner Sydney Songer explores how quartz affects our memories and karmic ties t...
In this segment, Holistic Wellness Practitioner Sydney Songer explores how the emotional body is affected by the energy ...
In this segment, Holistic Wellness Practitioner Sydney Songer explores the physical energy benefits of Quartz.
Gemisphere bracelets provide the unique healing benefits of their component gemstones.While their smaller size means the...
🌟 We have some of the finest quality Sugilite left on the planet! We acquired old rough over 17 years ago and cut it to ...




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