Body Altar Massage

"Unplug and Align" at Body Altar Massage. We specialize in therapeutic massage and bodywork.


- Therapeutic Massage
- Trigger Point Therapy Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Swedish Massage
- Relaxation and Stress Relief
- Structural Bodywork
- Acute & Chronic Pain
- Computer Users - carpal tunnel - RSI
- Massage working with or around injuries
- Posture & Balance
- Neck and Shoulder Pain

Whether looking to address specific concerns from an old injury or alleviate pain due to r

Timeline photos 06/03/2020

I’ve been unplugging and aligning from this account by doing anti-racist work and urge you to do the same. I will use my body to fight for Black Lives Matter. Let’s dismantle the fascist toxicity permeating the air we breathe. Now is the time to hold yourself accountable & take action. Support & pay black businesses & organizations, sign petitions, make calls, protest, educate yourself & push yourself to do more, more, more. If you are complacent, I urge you to dig deep into your heart & unmask the shame that resides there so you may be of service to ALL humans. It’s never too late to evolve.

Timeline photos 04/09/2020

Let's revisit the basics of some ergonomic cues that can improve the quality of how you are sitting while working from home. 💚⁠

👉🏽Set yourself up for success by following this guide. If you don't have a laptop stand, separate keyboard or footrest, I'm curious what ways have you hacked your work station to achieve a posture that is sustainable? 💡Comment below!⁠

Boxes, books and more can be used to adjust your monitor and feet. A pillow in the low back can bring the curve back to your low spine and bring your eyes back into alignment with your head. 💥⁠

Let me know what you are doing these days to Unplug & Align and tag a friend below.💚⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Photos from Body Altar Massage's post 02/28/2020

Friday feels like REAL TALK: 💥"Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself."⁠⠀
Your body was meant to move! As a 41-year-old lady that is feeling the effects of aging, I gotta tell you: things sure feel better when I keep it moving. 💡⁠⠀
I'm so curious about the ways you like to move!? 🚴🏾💃🏻🏊🏽⁠⠀
If you've been following for a while, are there certain videos you find yourself going back to more than others? What motivates you to keep it moving and invest in yourself? Share below!🙋🏻⁠⠀
Follow for tips and tricks to hack computer related aches and pains & while you are at it, share with a friend so we can get better together!⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
( #📷 ) @ Body Altar Massage

How to Drink Water: Stay Hydrated the Ayurvedic Way 02/23/2020

How to Drink Water: Stay Hydrated the Ayurvedic Way The majority of our body is water. This water is stored both inside and outside cells to dissolve nutrients, carry waste, regulate body temperature, send brain messages, and lubricate all our moving parts.

Timeline photos 02/14/2020

Close your eyes and repeat after .waheed "and I said to my body. softly. 'i want to be your friend.'⁠

Friday feels soft this Valentine's Day. ⁠

wants to remind you: You are perfect TODAY. Trust your resilient body's innate wisdom, no matter what your ability or circumstance. Be the lover your heart so deeply desires, one filled with compassion and understanding. Wrap your arms around yourself and listen. What has your body been waiting for you to hear? ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
(📷 )


There's so much you can do with just a resistance band to combat the effects of being on a computer. 💡Bands take very little space so you can keep one right at your desk and throughout the day.⁠⠀
Don't let gym memberships and excuses get in the way of you feeling good in your body.👌🏽💥⁠⠀
Functional Moves and Bands via 💪🏽 ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
( #📷 )

Photos from Body Altar Massage's post 02/05/2020

👉🏽Swipe to see how lifting the sternum (chest) can bring the head back into alignment with the rest of the spine.⁠⠀
💥For every inch your head hangs over the spine, 10 pounds of additional weight is felt on the cervical spine. ⁠⠀
💡The average head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds, so just 1 or 2 inches of forward head posture can double or triple the load on the cervical spine.⁠⠀
Take 2 seconds right now to and bring your ears in line with your shoulders and hips. Follow us for tips, tricks and reminders to help combat the effects of computer overuse.⁠⠀
⁣ ( 📷 )

Timeline photos 02/03/2020

Did you know that up to 55% of what you communicate is interpreted based on your body language alone? 💥⁠

💡Next time you speak from a slouched position while at your computer, I want you to remember this because you may not be conveying what you intend to.⁠

😳Only 7% of communication is derived from the words you share and up to 38% is derived from the tone of your voice.⁠

Albert Mehrabian, the renowned professor and researcher, did a study proving that we get most of our clues of the emotional intent behind people’s words from non-verbal sources. And when the two are in conflict, we believe the non-verbal every time. 💥⁠

💡This could be very important in a work environment where you are trying to advocate for something, but your slouched posture says otherwise.⁠

Next time you speak from in front of your computer, take a moment to and see how your message is received from a more balanced and upright position. Let me know what you think in the comments below and tag a friend!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Timeline photos 01/31/2020

Headed into the weekend like ⬆️🤸🏾‍♂️🤸🏼🤸🏿‍♀️......Friday feels from

Timeline photos 01/30/2020

😳Compared to the fifteenth century, we now consume as much data in a single day as an average person from the 1400s would have in an entire lifetime. 😯 👉🏽Digital dementia, as discovered by Neuroscientist and philosopher Manfred Spitzer, is a real thing. 😩Overuse of screen time can cause a breakdown of cognitive abilities, characterized by a lack of the ability to concentrate, to remember information or to focus. .
💡Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary suggests the following TIPS & TRICKS to limit screen time and increase efficiency:

1️⃣Start by batching all email activities into set times throughout the day. Outside of those times, don’t check your email inbox. Segregate action items and to-do items, so that you can crush each group separately. Multitasking has been shown in studies by London University to lower IQ & be inefficient, so segregating items is the better path to follow.
2️⃣For tasks that take intense focus, "turn off" and remove yourself from digital distractions. Activities such as writing personalized emails, writing reports, creating marketing copy and conducting research all require freedom to think. .
3️⃣Plan your time accordingly. If you need an hour to do a task, block out the time in advance so you’re both prepared and free from distractions. .
4️⃣When you’re ready to start work, tune out and turn off the multitude of digital distractions that might plague you. This includes Facebook, Twitter, IG, and email. Limit notifications constantly pinging on your screen to get some meaningful work done.
5️⃣Using one browser window, instead of alternating between Chrome, Firefox and others, and filtering out white noise can also make it easier to focus. Take a five-minute break as necessary. .
(📷 )

Photos from Body Altar Massage's post 01/10/2020

Do you know what time it is????⏰It's time to UNPLUG & ALIGN.⁠⠀
At your desk? No problem, no excuses. Take 2 minutes right now and do these simple stretches. 👉🏽Then comment below with your fave emoticon or tag a friend. ⁠⠀
🙏🏼Please interact and let me know how it is going! I spend a lot of time curating content and want to keep going, but I need your help! Can I get a little motivation from my teammates here at ?? ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀


Give yourself a mini massage and ball roll your LATS aka Latissimus Dorsi.⁠⁠
Tight lats contribute to that hunched forward computer posture, difficulty lifting arms overhead and even SI joint pain in the low back! 😯YEP, the lats affect the hips because they attach to the thoracolumbar fascia. Hip imbalance can even be a result of one lat being tighter and more overactive than the other. Wild, right?⁠

loves and their posture specific videos using simple at-home tools like the resistance band and inflatable ball. Small equipment packs up easily, allowing you to keep up with your self-care on the road. ⁠⁠
Please share - Together we can fight the effects of computer overuse!⁠
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ( #📷 )

Timeline photos 01/02/2020

"My hump my hump - my lovely lady lumps". 🎶🎤 Do you think Fergie was singing about Dowager's Humps? DOUBT IT.⁠ ⁠
👉🏽Foreward head & slouching will eventually lead to a protruding lump at the base of your neck. Mild cases are most likely a postural kyphosis due to muscular weakness.⁠

💡 Good news: Correcting muscle imbalances & changing daily habits can help your hump chill out & subside. 💪🏽 Strengthening is a big part of this process. Most of the computer-specific posts on will assist in the correction of this posture, however, we will be posting some specific to the Dowager's hump in the coming days. So stay tuned and tag a friend!⁠ 🏷
FYI Before you start to correct your posture, you first have to make sure that it is SAFE for you to do so. For those who think that they developed a Dowager’s hump for any other reason than bad posture or experience pain when doing corrective exercises, it is best to consult your doctor first to address your specific situation.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


When sitting, the main hip flexor, aka the psoas, is held in a short position (especially if you are a manspreader😂). ⁠

💡If you notice low back pain when you stand after sitting, this is FOR YOU.⁠

Follow and try our suggestions to help unwind computer overuse. Before you know it, you WILL begin to feel a shift!⁠

👉🏽Coaching Tips:⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
Place a resistance band around your forefeet.⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
Get into an L-sit position. Your head, torso and hips should be in a stacked position, your knees fully extended, and feet dorsiflexed. The more you lean back, the more challenging the lumbo-pelvic stability component will be.⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
Use your psoas muscles and pull the thigh and knee of your one leg in towards your body. Keep your leg in this position for the duration of the exercise. This is a key component of the exercise.⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
Before each rep, take a deep breath in (360 degrees of air around your spine). Now steadily exhale through your mouth, contract your anterior core muscles, slowly extend your knee and lower your leg and foot towards the floor, and to a range where you are able to maintain proper form. Return your leg to the starting position. Reset and repeat using the opposite leg, or perform all reps on the same side before switching legs.⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
For the duration of the exercise, do not allow your thigh of the non-moving leg to drop towards the floor. This leg should remain in a fixed position.⁣ ⁣⁣Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, or torso, spine or hips to rotate. Your torso and hips should remain square to a wall that’s ahead.⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣⁠
⁣⁣.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ #⁣psoas ( #📷 )

Timeline photos 12/17/2019

If you spend a lot of time hunched forward in front of a computer, try holding a pose that is the opposite of that for about 10 minutes to release the fascial holding pattern in the front of the body. ⁠

Yin yoga is an amazing modality for this and a great starting place if you are tuckered out and need to down-regulate your nervous system.⁠

As always, follow for more content that will help you unwind the effects of computer use. We are here for you!⁠

Below is a step by step guide:⁠

Backbend on Block in Ardha Savasana 🔙Place block (or rolled up towel) at the “psychic bra strap” level (midback) and create Ardha Savasana over the block.⁠
🔙Flex and internally rotate both shoulders overhead and press the palms into the ground as you⁠
breathe deeply into the full range of the lungs.⁠
🔙💀MOD - If the back of the skull does not rest on the ground, then fold up a blanket or place a second block under the skull so that the neck does not go into extreme extension.⁠
🔙To safely come out of the pose: first, interlace the hands behind the skull and draw the head toward the chest, pause for 3 to 5 breaths.⁠
🔙Next, slowly roll to the left and curl into a fetal position with the side of the head resting on the block like a pillow for 3 to 5 breaths.⁠
🔙Roll back into Ardha Savasana or Savasana.⁠
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ( #📷 )


Strengthening the lower traps is imperative when you spend hours behind a computer.⁠

Try out this progression and let me know what you notice. ⁠

💡Engage your core & anchor your pelvis by drawing your p***c bone up towards your belly button and stabilize your hips. If the weight of the upper body is too crunchy on your low back, you can try this standing against a wall. The proprioception of touching your back against the wall will help you to activate lower traps.⁠

Follow for more tips and tricks to hack back pain from computer overuse!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ( #📷 ._.mylike )

Timeline photos 12/13/2019

Physics is a bitch! How you carry yourself makes a difference on load!⁠

Follow for advice on how to shift forward head position and computer related aches and pains. We got your back!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ #📷 )

Photos from Body Altar Massage's post 12/12/2019

Looking at a computer screen for hours on end, daily? ⁠⠀
Your neck and eyes are linked. Suboccipital muscles are deep muscles at the base of your skull. ⁠⠀
Computer work can strain the eyes and cause tension in these muscles, leading to headaches and neck pain. This is worsened if the space you are using is not ergonomically set up. ⁠⠀
Try these stretches throughout the day and for more tips and tricks to hack computer-related aches and pains, follow .⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀

Timeline photos 11/20/2019

Maintain the curvature of your lower back! When your "tail" is tucked under, you create a C-shaped spine and exacerbate the forward head position. In a seated position, your pelvis is the foundation and it affects everything above it. Try rolling up a towel and placing it in the small of your back and let me know how it feels in the comments below.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⠀media by &

Timeline photos 11/17/2019

Remember your posture when sitting at your desk all day.⁠ Remember to get up, move & stretch on a regular basis.⁠ Your body will thank you for it!.⁠⁠⁠⁠ #📷

Timeline photos 11/16/2019

Remember your posture when sitting at your desk all day.⁠ Remember to get up, move & stretch on a regular basis.⁠ Your body will thank you for it!.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ #📷

Timeline photos 11/15/2019

Sitting most of the day is a fact of life given our computer based jobs and lifestyles, and it's wrecking our posture and causing chronic neck and lower back pain⁠. However, the people who get out of their seat at regular intervals during the day, tend to cope better with this stress and have less pain.⁠ Set a cell phone alarm or any other sort of reminder, but definitely make sure you get out of your seat for 5min of every hour.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
( #📷 )⁠

Timeline photos 11/14/2019

repost .oconnell ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Timeline photos 11/14/2019

Timeline photos 11/14/2019

Text neck is a real thing!☝🏼
Prop that arm up on a pillow when sitting on the couch, lift your chin, keep your shoulders down & relaxed.
It sounds silly but this picture shows it all!
Our heads are HEAVY, let’s not make them heavier 🤳🏻 ( #📷 )

Timeline photos 11/14/2019
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Videos (show all)

There's so much you can do with just a resistance band to combat the effects of being on a computer. 💡Bands take very li...
Give yourself a mini massage and ball roll your LATS aka Latissimus Dorsi.⁠.⁠Tight lats contribute to that hunched forwa...
When sitting, the main hip flexor, aka the psoas, is held in a short position (especially if you are a manspreader😂). ⁠⁠...
Strengthening the lower traps is imperative when you spend hours behind a computer.⁠⁠Try out this progression and let me...



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Portland, OR

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