MP Fitness and Training

Realize & attain your fitness goals through guided coaching & custom workout plans.

Overcome your current fitness limitations through flexible schedules while being held accountable.


Ok the fact above isn’t true. If it was I would be a skeleton walking around….

But my wife being smoking hot is an amazing motivator to keep me working out consistently.

My goal is always to be seen as someone that has earned my wife vs someone being questioned like how the hell did that guy get her.

Anyone else have the same motivation?


🌟💪 Ignite Your Transformation: A Journey Towards Health and Happiness 💪🌟

💬 Let me share a story that might resonate with you...

📚 Once upon a time, there was a busy parent just like you. They dedicated every waking moment to their children, their careers, and their loved ones, leaving little time for self-care. Their weight-loss goals and dreams of feeling confident and energized seemed distant and unattainable.

🌈 But deep inside, a spark ignited. They realized that they deserved to prioritize themselves and their well-being. It was time for a change, a transformation that would positively impact their entire family.

✨ They took a leap of faith and trusted me with their journey. With guidance and support, they began their transformative workouts, tailored to their busy schedule and specific needs. Each day brought them closer to their goals, both physically and mentally.

🙌 Alongside myself, they discovered newfound strength, resilience, and the joy of progress. They learned that even small steps forward could create remarkable change.

🌟 And as the weeks turned into months, something truly magical happened. They shed the weight that held them back, both physically and emotionally. The world started to see the vibrant, confident person they always knew they could be.

😊 Today, this once-exhausted parent radiates a contagious energy. They look in the mirror and see a reflection of strength, determination, and an unwavering commitment to their well-being.

✨ Are you ready to embark on your own transformative journey? To prioritize yourself, rediscover your inner fire, and unlock the best version of yourself? I am here to guide you every step of the way as your virtual personal trainer.

👍 If you're interested in learning more, simply comment 'YES' below or send me a direct message. Together, we'll create a personalized plan that fits your busy lifestyle and helps you shed those extra pounds while nurturing your mind, body, and soul.

Tag a fellow busy parent who's ready to take charge of their health and embark on their own transformation. Let's support each other and build a community of unstoppable individuals. 💪🌟


The most rewarding part of my job is not only seeing people hit their goals


Seeing them smash those goals and get results they didn’t think we’re possible.

Are their any health and/or fitness goals you have been telling yourself you can not achieve?

Whether it be:
- I don’t have time
- I’m to old
- I tried before and it didn’t work
- It worked for them but it won’t for me

It’s time to get out of your own way.

Comment or message me directly.

I would love to hear what your goals are and see how we can go about achieving them together.


Its one of the first questions I get asked when talking with people

There is no magic number for how many times a week or a month you should work out.

What I always recommend to people is this.

Are you new to working out?

Ok, awesome, start with 3 days a week.

Going from 0 to 3 times a week is going to be challenging

But it doesn't have to be impossible.

Think about your schedule, your obligations, your commitments.

Find the gaps that exist, however small or large they are in your week.

Plan it out, make a commitment to yourself.

These are things I help my clients with.

Whether you're working out 3 or 6 times a week.

Finding time is an important piece of the puzzle to overcome.

Another important piece of the puzzle.

One that I feel is even more important

Is this

What are you doing during the time that you are working out.

Thoughts on what that should be?

Photos from MP Fitness and Training's post 02/10/2023

I'm not like other trainers out there

You're not going to see shirtless selfies of me all over social media

You are not going to hear much about the workouts I actually do

You're not going to hear me say how easy all of it is

How it's so simple and takes almost no work.

The truth is,

It is not simple

In fact, it's challenging, it's hard.

It can test you both physically and mentally

It can push to you to not only achieve your fitness goals

But also your life goals.

Now I understand that may sound like an over the top statement.

But I have been doing this for 12+ years

I have helped hundreds of people achieve their health and fitness goals

And the main take away I have from all of that is this:

The reward is 100% worth the effort.

It is worth feeling great about yourself when you look in the mirror.

It is worth having the energy to play with your kids

It is worth no longer having joint pain from carrying excess weight.

It is worth you feeling attractive around your significant other

I am only interested in 1 thing

Helping you achieve the goals that you have for yourself.

Not my goals, not anyone else's goals


My program is not:

A magic pill that you swallow
Something that takes almost zero effort.

It takes work.

It takes effort.

And I assure you that you are worth the effort.

Comment below or DM me directly to learn more about how you can get started


January did not go as planned….

Like most I had a plan in place

I was going to change things up a bit

Be more focused

Set my goals

And start on the path to reach those goals

But the universe had other plans…..

New Year’s Day I get hit with the flu🤧🤢

That took me out for 4 straight days

I took a few more days off to recover before getting back to working out

I didn’t want to rush and do more damage.

I got a solid week of working out in and then……

A stomach bug

There goes another 4 days of being sick.

It’s frustrating
It’s exhausting
It’s deflating

To have these goals

To have the right mindset to achieve what I want to achieve

And then have something out of your control take you out

But that’s part of it.

It’s not New Years but it is the day that I’m finally able to start

After being sick for that long it feels like it’s been months since I worked out

But I’m determined

I’m ready

I have my plan in place

How is your plan going?

Is your January how you envisioned?


How many have had a New Years resolution that they didn't keep?

How many have had the same resolution for more than one year?

How many times has that goal been related to your health?

It is extremely challenging to hit your goals when you are the only one you are turning to for answers.

When you put yourself in charge of:

Creating a game plan
Creating a routine
Being the only one holding you accountable
Being the only one responsible for answering questions you may have

You are setting yourself up to fail

Make this year different

Make this the year of action

I help parents create a plan just for them.

I help parents stay on track

I help parents get results

I help parents keep their results!

Reach out, comment or DM me and we can see if my program is the right fit for you


It was a very tough pill to swallow

But it didn’t change the fact

I didn’t recognize who I was anymore

I wasn’t unhappy with my life

But I was staring at the mirror and I didn’t recognize the person staring back.

The changes had been so gradual that they had gone unnoticed for years

And the changes that I did actually notice I lied to myself and said they weren’t that bad

That they were temporary
- The weight gain
- The eating habits
- The clothes being tighter
- Being so easily out of breath

But they weren’t temporary

At least not if I continued on the path that I had created for myself

Is this my wake up call

Is it even still possible to make the changes that I need to??

The answer is yes.

It may feel like things are out of reach

That being confident with what you see in the mirror is a pipe dream

But it’s not.

Comment “wake up call” or DM directly if it’s time for a change

If you want to be confident with the person you see staring back at you in the mirror


It was one of the toughest conversations they had ever had with their significant other.

It started out like any other day.

The same routine was in place that had been for years.

Wake up
Get the kids going
Go to work
Come home
Get the kids situated
Eat dinner
Put the kids to bed
Sit in the couch and not move again til it was time for bed

But something was different

They could see that something was on their partners mind

That they wanted to talk about something

Finally after the kids went down for the night their partner finally spoke up

“I’m worried about you. I’m worried about your health, I’m worried that we are stuck in a rut and things are only going to get worse”

“I can tell that you aren’t comfortable with your body, I know because you’re not comfortable with your body around me any more. You hide it from me”

Their first reaction was defensive.

What are you talking about?

Are you not attracted to me anymore??

They could see this response hurt them.

It took longer than they wanted to admit but once the words sank in…..

They knew they were right.

They weren’t happy with themselves

They had started to let themselves go.

They moved less.

Ate worse.

Started to put on weight.

And their partner was right.

They were no longer comfortable around them unless they had clothes on.

They were always covered

The baggier the shirt the better.

Hiding their body from their partner

This path that they were on was not how they wanted the rest of their days to go.

This routine, this pattern, this shame.

But what to do?

They didn’t even know where to start.

They just knew this.

Change is not easy.

Breaking away from a routine is challenging.

But most things in life worth doing are not easy.

Most things in life worth doing will push you.

The cost of inaction today is not worth the toll it will take on your body later

We may not know how to start

We may not know where to start

But we know that we need to start.

I help people know how to start

I help people know where to start.

Comment “Start” or DM me directly to change the path you’re currently on.

You are worth change.


They were staring at me like I had 10 heads

It was filled with a combination of hatred, confusion and ridiculousness

They truly felt that I could have no idea what they were talking about

What they were experiencing.

How they were feeling inside.

But it wasn’t true.

I haven’t always been comfortable in my own skin

I haven’t always been confident in who I was as a person

I may have been thin but my shoulders were always slouched down

I wouldn’t make eye contact with people

I had no inner confidence

It’s a conversation that I have often with the people that I work with

The confidence that I have in myself now I had to build

In fact I started building it without even knowing that was what I was doing

I started working out for surface reasons

I wanted to look good with my shirt off

And…..I wanted others to think I looked good with my shirt off

But what I gained from working out I never even knew was possible

Sure after a while I started to see physical changes to my body

Changes that I enjoyed seeing

Changes that helped boost my “surface” confidence levels

But as I continued to workout i started to challenge myself more

To push myself

And something happened

I started to do things I never thought I was capable of

This started to build my inner confidence

My shoulders didn’t slouch as much

I didn’t shy away from eye contact anymore

And the best part of all of this is that the confidence started to stay with me outside of the gym.

I became confident in who I was as a person

I started to worry less about other peoples thoughts and opinions

I started asking myself what I actually liked and enjoyed

Verses thinking if others would like it as well

I started to become a person I was happy with

I started to become ME

It wasn’t easy

And it certainly took longer than I wish it had

I understand the journey it takes to get here

I know life has speed bumps and detours it throws at you

I have learned and fine tuned how to help others navigate their path as well.

Comment “navigate” below or DM me directly

And we can have a conversation about your current path

And the changes you would like to see


Every day isn’t always a joy to workout.

There are days where I don’t feel motivated.

Days where things are hectic and crazy.

Days where I thought I had an hour and it turns into only 20 mins.

Days where I planned to workout and life happens and I’m not able to.

It’s not about dwelling on the things I didn’t do or the changes that happened.

It’s all about how I handle those changes or speed bumps that get thrown at my day.

Don’t be afraid of the things life throws at you.

Change isn’t easy.

Motivation isn’t always in abundance.

Do the best you can with what you have you have to work with.

Comment or DM for tips on how to handle the speed bumps.


I want you make you better.

I want to make you stronger.

I want to make you healthier.

No gimmicks, no quick fixes.

DM or comment below to learn more.

Photos from MP Fitness and Training's post 11/08/2022

Lots people may be familiar with a farmer’s carry where you walk holding a weight in each hand for a certain distance.

But when was the last time you changed this movement up?

To add a ”fun” twist to this movement try carrying two different weights in your hand. In the photo I am holding a 35lbs kettlebell and a 53lbs kettlebell.

Another way to change it up is how you are holding the weight while you walk.

In the other photo I am holding the heavier weight at my side and the lighter weight up in the front rack position.

If you have never tried either before give it a shot and see how the different weights and positions affect your body during the movement.



Why your workouts aren’t working

1.) You’re doing the same thing over and over again

Your body is an amazing thing that is designed to adapt to all kinds of different situations. Doing the same thing every time you work out is a sure fire why to get your body used to something and hinder your results.

2.)You’re not challenging yourself

If you are the one making all the decisions about what to do in your workouts, over time you are going to find yourself defaulting to what you know and/or what you are comfortable with. When this happens your body will stop responding to the work being put in

3.)You’re workouts are boring for you

If you’re not excited about your workouts it becomes more and more challenging to put in the work. If you show up and are bored every time what will most likely happen is you will eventually stop working out all together.

If you're struggling with your routine, or need help starting one I can help. DM me and let’s chat to make sure your work outs ARE working for you!


I haven’t had a weekend in I don't even know how long.

I mean I’ve lived through many Saturdays and Sundays but ALL of them have been crazy lately

There has been zero relaxing, zero recharging, zero catching up on sleep.🚫💤🚫🔋🚫

And then in a blink of an eye it’s Monday again and the grind starts all over.

- School for the kids📚
- Work💻
- After school activities⚾️⚽️💃
- Cooking🍳🥘
- Cleaning🧹

There are plenty of days I just simply feel overwhelmed by it all.

There are days where I don’t think I can take the time for myself, to work out, to sit for second.

I find I have to force myself to make the time

And that is becoming tougher and tougher

But, when I do I am always happy that I did

It’s usually never easy but its almost always worth.

Just know you are not the only one struggling


Exclusively for Dads!

I’m starting a new pilot program this month, and I'm looking for a few Dads.

So if you...

💪 Are looking to workout at home or gym near you.

🏋️ Willing to commit to 3 workouts per week

⚖️Want to drop 10-30 pounds

🍔Not give up the foods you love

🤐 And you can keep a secret

Comment below 👇👇👇 with the words "Pilot Program" and I'll be choosing the people this week.


If I could workout all day long, honestly I probably would BUT…..

I CAN’T!❌❌❌

There are too many things going on, too many things to get done and not enough hours in the day for my workouts to last longer than an hour. At the most!

I am not a stay at home dad.

I am a dad that works from home and I am grateful for this.

While the kids are at school that is the time I am able to get the majority of my work done…..but

We also have a 10 month old that is home with me all day as well. 🍼👶

So all the “fun” things that are involved with having a baby at home come into play.

Crying….so much crying (mainly her……definitely not me….)😭😭

Once the kids are done with school they get picked up and depending on the day there are LOTS of after school activities.


With all of this going on my workouts have to be focused, they have to be efficient and they have to fit in my schedule. 📆🗓

The same goes for the people I help and work with.

I understand how valuable your time is.⏰

I understand the curveballs that life throws at you. ⚾️

I understand the desire to want to be better, to make a change for yourself when it feels almost impossible with everything else going on.

Comment “Time” below if you have any questions or are struggling with the same things.

I would be happy to offer ay tips or advice about your health and fitness goals that I can.


I literally fell over. The PAIN was crippling. 😫😫

I've been dealing with an extremely painful lower back issue for the last several months.

I thought it was muscle, that my lower back and glutes were tight and causing a pinch to happen

But that wasn’t the case.

X-rays have shown that I have almost no space between my L5 and S1 joint.🩻

Because there is no space, any time I bend over or twist to the side it pinches nerves and cause searing pain.

This new development has now caused my workouts to completely change.

I am extremely limited and have been forced to do a lot of the same movements over and over again.

I can perform bench presses, pull-ups and the rogue echo bike.

Surprisingly the echo bike is the only thing that I do that actually helps alleviate some of the pain in my lower back.

It has not been easy, in fact it has been infuriating at times.

But I’m doing my best to work with/around it until the treatment I'm currently getting helps fix the issue.

Everyone has their issues:
not knowing where to start🤔
Not enough time⏰⏳
Life throwing you constant curveballs⚾️

Myself included, but its a matter of trying our best to work with what we have to get where we want.

Fingers crossed this issue gets fixed sooner rather than later.

What are some of the things getting in the way of your goals? 🥅🥅Comment below.


And this is why they want you to fail….

You have a gym membership. It’s affordable and it actually has a ton of equipment.

But here’s the thing, they don’t actually want you to use it.

They want you to have a membership knowing you “could” use it.

But they actually don’t even want you at the gym….at all.

They don’t care if you are showing up or staying at home.

They don’t care about that dress 👗 that you are wanting to fit in.

They don’t care if you are comfortable taking your shirt or cover up off at the beach 🏖.

They don’t care if you are unhappy with what you see in the mirror 🪞.

And this, this is what I want to change.

If you have a gym membership and haven’t been in a long time.

If you have a gym membership and are going but doing the same thing over and over again.

If you have a gym membership and haven’t been getting the results you want.

Reach out.

I have helped over 437 people with their fitness goals for over 10+ years.

You deserve so much more than the gym that wants you to stay home.

Comment “goals” below if you have questions or would like to see a change in your life!

I want you to succeed.


I would workout but I don't have the time……⏰🕰⌛️

This is one of the most common reasons I hear when speaking with people.

And honestly, you are not wrong.

When you think of working out, are you thinking of hours and hours spent in the gym?

Not being at home. 🏠🏡🏘

Away from your family.

Eating up time you could be using for the millions of other things on your to do list?

What tends to actually be the issue for most people is they have the wrong idea of working out in there minds.

Sure, workouts can be long and grueling and take hours.

But they can also be specific.

They can be designed to fit your busy schedule.

And most important, they can be programmed so that they are doable.

This can be in a gym with lots of equipment.

It can be done at home with minimal equipment

Or even on the road when traveling.

Whats the mental image you have in your head about working out? Comment below.


Some days it’s super easy to get started

Today was not one of those days….

Not pictured, the 30 minute self talk it took to get myself into the garage today.

Not every day is pretty or the best workout ever but after I’ve finished I’m always glad that I started.

Good luck starting everyone


This photo may not seem like much but about a year ago I hurt my knee. I was doing unweighted jump squats and somehow that didn’t agree with my knee.

It was frustrating because something so simple prevented me from doing so much.

I couldn’t squat. I couldn’t run. I tried seeing people to help it but none of that seemed to work.

Eventually it took a lot of movements and exercises that I had to figure out on my own and the patience to let the process happen.

It’s not easy going from being able to do something whenever I wanted to not being able to do it at all.

I had to readjust everything about my workout routine.

As frustrating and annoying as it was overall it made me better.

It forced me to reevaluate how I workout and what is ultimately best for my body.

Has an injury kept you from doing something?


When family comes to town, we train

Always so happy when my parents are able to make it in and we’re able to get a workout in during their visit.


When someone won’t go down for a nap it becomes a partner workout.


Photos from MP Fitness and Training's post 03/02/2022

The Suitcase Carry

Yes this one is very similar to the farmers carry but it works your core in a different way and forces you to keep your balance and fight for proper position the whole time you are doing it.

When performing this movement make sure you are standing nice and upright and not leaning to much to one side. You also want to make sure the weight doesn’t round your shoulder and come out in front of you. Make sure you are performing this movement on both sides. If the weight is forcing you to do this incorrectly then it is time to go down on weight.

There are going to be plenty of times you are going to have to carry something heavy in only one hand. This will help you prepare for all of those moments

Photos from MP Fitness and Training's post 03/01/2022

The Farmer’s Carry

Now a lot of people are familiar with this movement. In fact it’s one of my favorites BUT it’s usually not a movement people think of when they are trying to think of ways to work their core.

Don’t get me wrong, this movement works…well you’re entire body. It works your grip strength, your legs your traps, etc but it order for all of that to work you have to use and keep your core engaged the entire time you are performing this movement.

With the farmers carry you want to make sure your shoulders are upright not slouched forward, your back is straight, not rounded and keep your hands out to the side with the weight not touching your sides.

If you are doing all of the things above and you are not feeling like you have to engage your core and keep it tight then it is time to go up in weight and challenge yourself a bit more.

Try doing 3 sets of a 100m farmers carry with a challenging weight and see how taxing this is on you.


Hey what are some good exercises for my core? The age old question that I get asked all the time. If you are just trying to make your core stronger then the exercises pictured above are great exercises.

However, anytime someone asks me “Hey what are some good core exercises?” my next question is “why are you wanting core exercises?”

The majority of the time the answer is because I want to see my abs. If that’s the case then you need to be asking a different question.

Instead of asking what are some great core exercises, ask what are some exercises that will help me lose body fat and help me see my abs.

The next few post will go over some amazing exercises that work your whole body, help you burn fat AND also strengthen your core.

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Fast simple and effective. As a parent with little free time that is what I need my workouts to be. Our littlest one is ...




Powder Springs, GA

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Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 11am
Sunday 7am - 3pm

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