Voss Wellness LLC

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist online and in Prescott, AZ. Stop smoking and bad habits for good. Change your mind and change your life!

Hypnotherapy is the most powerful technique I know to manage emotions, thoughts and the mind-body connection. The flip side of mindfulness, it's about taking control and releasing bad programming that so many of us have from family, peers or even our own younger selves.

New therapy aims to cure back pain without drugs, surgery 11/11/2023

This is what we do with NLP and hypnosis!

New therapy aims to cure back pain without drugs, surgery More than 50 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain — but a new drug-free groundbreaking treatment, pain reprocessing therapy, is helping patients a...

Rubber Arm Experiment | MAGIC FOR HUMANS 05/22/2023

Have you seen The Rubber Hand?

This mind-magic experiment shows that the mind interprets sensation. That's why hypnosis works for pain, fear and habit -- we just have to match the right technique to the right person.

If you're curious how this could help you, check out the Voss Wellness page or call to book a consultation session.

I love this version, by Magic for Humans:

Rubber Arm Experiment | MAGIC FOR HUMANS Season 3 of Magic For Humans NOW STREAMING on Netflix!Come see me LIVE on tour!Tickets and info - https://www.JustinWillman.comFollow me:https://www.instagra...


Found this in my email folder today. It's a few years old but boy did it brighten my day:

"Stephanie literally saved my life! I was battling severe insomnia after a miscarriage that had been crippling me with anxiety. I would get anxious in the evening knowing I needed to sleep, but I was so afraid of not sleeping that I developed a fear so strong that I didn't know how to handle this. I'd go weeks without proper sleep which brought me to depression and honestly I wasn't thinking correctly at all...

"I tried sleeping pills ... doctors ... I tried it all until finally I realized I might need to be hypnotized. WELL! did I pick the right lady to go to for this! I sure did! Stephanie saved me, she literally hypnotized me just enough to ultimately love myself. The happiness and serenity I feel at night now is monumental! She completely shifted my brain to change the way I think and I will forever be grateful.

"Although I was [wary of] spending a good chunk of change on this BOY AM I SURE GLAD I DID. AN INVESTMENT TO LAST A LIFETIME. Highly recommend for anxiety,insomnia, poor habits and self hate. She will fix you ... trust me. Thank you Stephanie!! Also her voice is so calming .. you will sink down into your couch cushions while listening to her sweet voice."

Stacey sent this back in 2018 and gave me permission to share, but I don't think I ever did.

I was thinking, there is nothing like a little appreciation to brighten your day! And then that kind review inspired me to give my own THANK YOU for good help. And the day got even brighter!

So my subtle hypnotic suggestion to you today is this: Give yourself a boost. Send a thank you note out of the blue. Share it in the comments here, too, if you like.

Let's get a love-fest going!

I am a doctor, and having hypnotherapy for IBS has changed my belief about pain | Monty Lyman 02/05/2022

I have training in gut-directed hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Some studies show it is more effective than special diets or medication

The mind-body connection is powerful — and can be centered on the “enteric brain,” which is the gut.

No side effects -- aside from also learning stress management techniques that can help in all sorts of circumstances.

I am a doctor, and having hypnotherapy for IBS has changed my belief about pain | Monty Lyman Science is revealing that pain is a protector, not a detector. Understanding this is the first step towards managing it, says doctor and author Monty Lyman

Treating Allergic Reactions With Hypnosis 01/23/2022

My teacher Patrick Singleton helped me with a cat allergy (after I'd used his training to help others). Science can help us understand how allergies can be a result of associative conditioning -- which happens in the mind!

I love working with phobias and allergies. It's basically the same technique whether your mind or body are over-reacting to a benign situation or substance.

Cool huh?


Treating Allergic Reactions With Hypnosis “Rewriting” a memory can be the key to improvement.

Why Is Medical Hypnosis Important? 10/20/2021

Hypnosis for pain - it's trending!
Here's the latest from Psychology Today:

What behavior, habit or sensation would you most like to be able to transform?

Why Is Medical Hypnosis Important? Use of this tool can can enhance patient outcomes substantially.


Today's session was a boost for a now NON-SMOKER! At over 75, they'd been stuck at home with not much to do for the whole pandemic, puffing away at nearly 2 packs a day -- even while suffering from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which makes it hard to breathe. In fact, they weren't able to keep the oxygen tank, which helps, in the bedroom -- because it has to stay away from fire.

Seven (7) Days Free so far - and today we worked on knocking out those last few cravings.

A few days in, they visited the doctor who immediately said, "You quit smoking!" What gave it away? They no longer smelled like smoke.

Here's to a fresh start on a lovely spring day. To tools to keep calm and motivated no matter what happens around you. And to smiling whenever you see other people inhale -- because you know you'll never have to hurt yourself like that again.

Credit: Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Voss Wellness LLC Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist online and in Prescott, AZ. Stop smoking and bad habits for good.

Mobile uploads 03/24/2021

This is from a few years back, posted by an amazing woman who has since finished a triathlon and more than one marathon! She has shared her gratitude for our hypnotherapy sessions before. Obviously, they were only one factor -- AMY did this. We just helped keep her motivation high and reinforce her healthier habits of eating.


Meet Amy. She is the newest coach on my team and is super inspirational. Here is her story:

"I have always struggled with my weight. My senior year of high school was the first time I “dieted.” I weighed 153 and thought I was huge. For the next 25 years my weight yo-yo’ed many times.

When I got pregnant with my daughter I weighed 128. After 182. Got down to 140 and got pregnant again. After my son’s birth in 2008 it took me a long time to get on the wagon again. Finally in January of 2011 Maria was running a biggest loser competition. I signed up because she begged me too. I had no intention of following through. Then I lost 3 pounds pretty quickly and decided I could do this. Between January and April I lost 35 pounds. I felt great. I was running and doing things like Tae Bo and vowed I’d never be “fat” again.

Fast forward to August of 2011. My back had been hurting for a couple of days and I was just ignoring it. Then one morning I woke up covered from head to toe in a rash. My joints were so painful I could barely walk across my house. My joints were also swollen. Turns out I had had a case of strep throat that was very mild and only had a little scratchiness so I never went to the doctor’s office. The strep had attacked my joints causing and autoimmune arthritis. For the next 3 years I would go to numerous doctors, have a ton of bloodwork done, lots of x-rays and bone scans and more medication changes than I could count. Each medicine with scarier side effects than the one before it. Of course one of the most common medications given to autoimmune disorder sufferers are steroids. So many courses of steroid dose packs followed by being on a steroid daily for over a year.

Of course I gained 30 pounds very quickly because I wasn’t working out anymore . Then the steroids started packing on the pounds so quickly it was unbelievable. I was at a doctor appointment once and he flipped back and forth in my chart before asking if I had really gained 60 pounds in 5 months. Yes I had. I topped out at 244.8. Gaining weight that quickly is hell on your body. My blood pressure shot up. My sleep apnea which had been controlled flared terribly and I slept about 13-14 hours day sometimes. Then this past summer in August of 2014 I had a blood sugar ready of 330 (normal being about 100 or below). I was petrified. I know what happens to people with type 2 diabetes. I used to work in dialysis. I had visions of dialysis, losing limbs and vision and missing my kids growing up.

I called and scheduled a consult with a bariatric surgeon because I truly believed it was my only option. That appointment was on September 23rd. I walked out thinking there was no way I could go through with the surgery. The list of potential complications scared me to death. I’m the person who got autoimmune arthritis from strep throat so I am the person who always gets the crazy stuff happening to me so I wasn’t sure I could go through it.

Then a woman who I now consider my angel offered to help me. She’s a hypnotherapist and she started working with me weekly via Skype on hypnotherapy for weight loss. I also drastically changed my diet. I started eating a mostly Paleo diet.for the anti-inflammatory benefits. I also started moving. The first day I literally set a timer for two minutes. I walked out my driveway and walked two minutes up the road and turned around and walked back. I did the same thing the next day. Every few days I would add a telephone pole to my distance. By Christmas I was walking a mile and a half. I dropped seven pounds the first week.

By January I was able to do Tae Bo. Then in mid-January we joined our Y. I am now doing 40 minutes at a time on the Arc Trainer and at least two sets up 15 reps on each of the weight machines. I am down 51.5 pounds and feel better than I have felt in years!

I never set out to inspire anyone but the messages of support I have gotten from others is amazing! All of the people who have told me they did something to change themselves because they have watched my journey is heart warming. I would like to lose another 30-40 pounds but even if I never lost any more and stayed where I am I would feel like I have succeeded and won a huge battle.

I am no longer prediabetic. I am off my blood pressure medicine, my reflux medicine and the really heavy hitting, scary arthritis medicines. I still take a prescription anti-inflammatory but otherwise am off most of those meds.

Has it been hard? Some days yes but most days no. At least once a week I get teary eyed or all out cry because I am so happy to be where I am at on this journey. Has it been worth all the hard work? Absolutely! I can do things with my family that I couldn’t do seven months ago. I am a birth doula and was ready to quit doing my job because I physically couldn’t do it. I love my job even more than I did when I first started. At a birth recently I spent hours (about 2-3) kneeling on a bed putting pressure on a birthing woman’s hips. I was sore the next day but it felt great to know that my body was able to meet the demands of my job!

I do want to say that I have absolutely nothing against bariatric surgery. It wasn’t for me. It’s a fantastic tool that exists for some people to use but it just wasn’t for me. It’s by no means an easy way out either. The preparation to have that surgery is overwhelming and tedious and takes a minimum of six months to complete. I would likely still be waiting for a scheduled date and am more than halfway to my goal and am thankful that for me I did it my way."


They Might Be Giants captured some great emotions in their songs over the years. "Absolutely Bill's Mood" is a favorite. Especially the year I linked my iTunes with the car and every once in a while a ghost connection would cause the stereo to turn on mysteriously to first song in the alphabet.

So I'd be darting through LA traffic and suddenly the phrase "I'm insane" would blast through the speakers!

The Bill who used to have that mood occasionally has now harnessed his power for good. If you'd like to improve your mood by doing something kind for the world here's your chance to win some memorabilia from the Giants' early years.

The deal is, for every $20 you donate to a charity, you get a raffle ticket for an item of your choice. Some posters, flyers, even early cassettes. You could even donate to a non-profit space camp in honor of the folks who take us past the mass of incadenscent gas...

Check it out. I just donated to Los Angeles' own CENTER THEATRE GROUP which has a program for young artists. Turns out the solicitor is a great guy who used to produce music events in our old neighborhood.

Small world. Crazy people. Make it better. Here:



One important way to beat depression and anxiety during the pandemic is through the arts.

Another is by focusing on doing something to help others.

Taken together, that means this is a great time to donate to an arts organization (or other charity).

Here's an added incentive to do that now if you're a music fan. There's an unusual raffle for charity offering great memorabilia from TMBG (They Might Be Giants: early posters, cassettes and flyers. You donate to the non-profit of your choice, send a copy of your receipt in and get a raffle ticket for every $20 you give away.

Win. Win. Win. Check it out on Bill Krauss's site:

Lost Passwords Lock Millionaires Out of Their Bitcoin Fortunes 01/12/2021

If you're missing out on millions of dollars because you've forgotten your cryptocurrency password, I'm here for you!

Seriously - I HAVE helped people find lost objects. No guarantees. Sometimes we're pretty sure we know the location, but it's long been stolen. Sometimes the information was never stored properly even in short-term memory. But sometimes, we have a Eureka moment. And sometimes I get that call after our session or a few days later and the information has bubbled up to the surface.

How? Well, hypnosis isn't truth serum - we can't guarantee memory, or the accuracy of memories that do come back in trance, but there are many cases where getting the conscious mind out of the way allows information to surface.

It's less like voodoo and more like the way you think of the name of that actor in that movie you liked the moment you stop trying and start doing the dishes.


Lost Passwords Lock Millionaires Out of Their Bitcoin Fortunes Bitcoin owners are getting rich because the cryptocurrency has soared. But what happens when you can’t access that wealth because you forgot the password to your digital wallet?

Resolution Rescue: Hypno-Motivation for Success in the New Year w/ Stephanie Voss | HSO 12/30/2020

Ready for a new year and a new path to success? "Resolution Rescue" can prevent those tired old new year's goals from sliding into the pit with all those past failures.

Join me for this hypnotic workshop on Saturday, January 3rd at 1 pm Pacific Time/2pm in Arizona.

It's not what you plan to do that counts -- but what you DO do. Hypno-motivation harnesses the power of your own emotions. You can climb over almost any obstacle if you are truly committed to getting to the top.

This 90-minute online class, offered at just $39, has limited seating available. Contact me here with questions, or head right to Healing Studio Online to reserve your seat.

Resolution Rescue: Hypno-Motivation for Success in the New Year w/ Stephanie Voss | HSO Join Hypnotherapist Stephanie Voss for a powerful 90-minute session to rev up your energy for the new year.

Mind Body | Healing Studio Online 12/12/2020

As we bring 2020 in for a landing, let's take an hour to let it all go. You're welcome to join me for a "Profound Relaxation" session on Monday, December 14th at 5:30 pm Pacific Time.
It's through www.HealingStudioOnline.com and is one of their many donation-based offerings with no minimum fee.

Mind Body | Healing Studio Online Healing Studio Online offers online classes to heal our minds, bodies and souls through meditation and various healing arts.


At a recent meeting of "Empowering Our Best Selves," our free online offering every Sunday evening at 5 pm Pacific Time, people stepped into their best emotional states, including:

"Shining Peace... Rested... Calm... Re-energized."

How would YOU like to feel to start the week?

Register now at www.HealingStudioOnline.org.

Or choose from other offerings: Resilience with the fabulous Pierre-Etienne Vannier on Thursdays or more....


Mind Body | Healing Studio Online 03/27/2020

Delighted to be offering a relaxation/empowerment session through this amazing new online resource:

Join us Sunday nights at 5 pm (Pacific Time) for an hour to let go of the tension and bring your attention to your best self!

PS - It's donation only, so come for free if that helps.


Mind Body | Healing Studio Online Healing Studio Online offers online classes to heal our minds, bodies and souls through meditation and various healing arts.

Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day. 01/30/2020

So, do YOU often have sentences or questions running through your head as if you could hear them with your inner mind? Let me know!

Many people do. Sometimes it's their own voice, and they might be thinking a narration of their day or mundane questions, "Should I take this sweet potato or that one?" Sometimes it's unhelpful thoughts, "There must be something wrong with me." Sometimes it's things other people have said, and often in their voices, "You're too sensitive!"

One of my favorite sessions takes clients to the Recording Studio Of The Inner Mind - where we erase all the negative tapes. You get to keep any wisdom or knowledge you got from hearing those words, if any -- but no need ever to hear them again.

Then we record something helpful over them!

Is there something you might like to erase?

Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day. My day was completely ruined yesterday when I stumbled upon a fun fact that absolutely obliterated my mind. I saw this tweet yesterday that said that not everyone has an internal monologue in their…

Don't Potty Train Your Baby 01/09/2020

Life-changing information about bathroom habits - both for kids and adults. I was one of those kids who mostly waited until i got home to use the restroom -- which may help explain why I specialize in hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Did you know that kids who train too early can get in the habit of holding on too long - leading to infections and accidents?

This is a safe place to eliminate self-consciousness about elimination! If you or your child has had an interesting experience with training, I'd love to hear about it....

Don't Potty Train Your Baby Mastering the toilet has nothing to do with brainpower. Parents who wait until later to train their children aren't treating babies as "stupid"; they're...


Happy 2020!

Wishing you many moments of relaxation, relief and even bliss. Much of my happiness comes from helping clients change their state. We don't always make the connection right away, but when we do it can feel like magic - to both of us.

My last client of 2019 came out of her first hypnosis experience with my favorite line of the year. [Having something great at the end is also a good reminder to nurture your curiosity and stick-to-it-iveness.] She said,

"That was like a massage for my soul."

So if you're the kind of person who sets intentions at the beginning of a calendar year, my suggestion is this:

Ask yourself a question every day. Your mind and body will start to do whatever they need to do to answer it, so make it a good one. "What's the most wonderful thing I notice today?" is one I love. Also good: "How do I want to feel?" And, "What can I do today to show my love?" Or even, "How can I bounce back quickly?"

I wonder what is the most wonderful thing 2020 has in store for us?


And THIS is how your new year can develop and take you beyond your past limits!



For any women out there who could use another reason to keep doctors, nurses, interns, students and other strangers from putting their hands inside them to "measure" the cervix during birth. That measurement is meaningless in terms of predicting when birth will actually take place!

This explains why...

Build the Fundus by Carla Hartley:

"We think in pictures and we should be painting accurate pictures. Neither the cervix nor the va**na bloom. The cervix is not a zip lock bag. The purpose of labor is NOT the creation of an opening or a hole... The purpose of labor contractions and retractions is to BUILD the fundus, which will, when it is ready, EJECT the baby, like a piston. Without a nice thick fundus there is no power to get baby out....the cervix does not dilate out....it dilates UP as a result of the effort to pull muscles up into the uterus to push muscles up to the fundus. The cervical dilation is secondary to that. The cervix is pulled up as a result of the building of the fundus. Assigning a number to cervical dilation is of little consequence and we make a huge mistake by interpreting progress or predicting time of birth to that number. Any experienced midwife or OB can tell you that the cervix can be manipulated and that a woman whose cervix is at 7 could have the baby in a few minutes or a few hours.

If more providers and educators knew the truth about birth physiology, we could make a huge difference for mothers. What is important is to keep her well supported for the purpose of the appropriate chemistry, to keep her well hydrated and nourished for muscle strength, and to believe in her. We should be supporting her so that her physiology and that of her baby are unhindered, so they can finish what they started.

We should not be measuring, poking, or interpreting her labor. THIS CHANGE in teaching about labor could make such a difference for women who are imagining what is happening in their bodies during labor. How much more strength might they have if they have an accurate picture?" -Carla Hartley


How Deep Sleep May Help The Brain Clear Alzheimer's Toxins

We know sleep is generally important to health. Here’s another great reason why I love helping people learn to sleep better.

Even scarier than the notion that bad sleep is linked to dementia is that some sleeping medications also increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. So managing your own rest cycles is crucial.

My new website — due in January— will feature some free tips and tricks for sleeping better.

But if you don’t want to wait or would like personal attention, here’s an offer for you:

If you mention “dementia prevention” when you call to make an appointment, you’ll get 20% off your 3-session “Good Sleeper” package between now and the end of 2019.

npr.org A study of 11 sleeping brains sheds some light on the mysterious link between sleep problems and Alzheimer's disease. The flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the brain appears to be the key.


Oregon Burn Center uses hypnotism, laughing gas, virtual reality to help patients

What would you say if your doctor or nurse took 5 minutes to teach you a self-hypnosis technique before treatments that are otherwise painful?

Would you be open to trying this?

Some patients find they don't need any drugs if they use the cutting-edge techniques I have taught to hospital nurses. Others use about HALF the average dose of the drugs that are linked to constipation, addiction and other side effects.

What if having a hypnotist on staff could save our public hospitals money? So we could spend it on the stuff we really need.

If you'd be willing to try hypnosis for a regular treatment you get that is generally painful, let me know. I might be available to help!

kgw.com "I'm breathing this gas and I'm like 'oh this is fine' you know you don't feel any pain," said patient Cheryl Passarelli.


JUUL Lung Damage Claim Center

You've heard that va**ng is bad - did you know that most of the illnesses seem to be related to va**ng THC (cannabis/marijuana) products?

V**e pens are convenient and discreet. They may also be dangerous.

Nobody needs to inhale to***co. If you benefit from cannabis, please try edibles or a vulcanizer/steamer that starts with fresh, healthy leaves.

The processes for creating v**e products are under-regulated and untested.

If you need help stopping, let me know. Please. I can find you a local provider or we can work online if you're not in the Los Angeles area.

Juul-Claims.com Using JUUL in adolescence may also increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.


The Opioid Crisis Is Not About Opioids

We DO need more drug-free pain relief -- and I offer many techniques that help -- but it is our emotional needs are driving the addiction epidemic.

There are many kinds of pain...

nationalpainreport.com Ultimately the “opioid crisis” is not about opioids, it is about addiction and mental health and societal despair. In fact, the majority of drug overdose deaths are due to multiple substances, incl…


How Grief Shows Up In Your Body

Emotions matter. Be kind to yourself when you lose someone important to you. And realize that your friends who are grieving may not have the energy to reach out...

webmd.com The sadness and other emotions you experience with grief can have a physical effect on you, too.


Teen placed in coma after va**ng leaves her fighting for life

Va**ng Cessation: Our 3-Session package is Half-Price for anyone under 21.

7news.com.au Maddie Nelson suddenly fell ill before doctors found her lungs were in a severe condition.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Prescott?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Pain Taming

As a pain-tamer, I help professionals whose lives and careers are threatened by the twin dragons of pain and over-medication. Clients reclaim their lives using the same kinds of non-drug pain techniques I’ve taught in childbirth classes and hospital nurse trainings. We can separate pain from suffering and even transform sensations. Bringing pain to heel can even speed healing.

Whether they are allergic to medication, clinging to hard-won sobriety or just wanting to be clear-headed, clients are delighted to regain control of their lives. Both physical and emotional pain respond to our proven techniques including hypnosis, mindfulness and NLP (Neurolinguistic programming). Sessions are customized, compassionate, sometimes revelatory and often surprisingly fun.

Videos (show all)

One Sick Video (Basically Swell)



1129 Iron Springs Road, #102A, AZ 86305
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