RN Patient Advocates

Do you have a medical crisis? Wonder what doctors might best help you? Have a mystery illness that no one can diagnose?

Experienced clinical RNs are a treasure trove of information and, working as independent RN Patient Advocates, can stand by your side through your illness: asking your doctors the healthcare questions you don’t know how to ask. For over 20 years, we at RN Patient Advocates have worked independently with patients to assist them in finding the best healthcare and treatment outcomes possible. Have se

Healthy Body Herald #5 - Extreme Heat Risk, Xylitol, PFAS, Vitamin B12 And More | Patient Advocates 08/19/2024

Healthy Body Herald #5 - Extreme Heat Risk, Xylitol, PFAS, Vitamin B12 And More | Patient Advocates Extreme Heat, Xylitol, PFAS, Vitamin B12 news and current update

Healthy Body Herald #4 - FDA Has Approved ColoSense™, Free Video Chats For Seniors, Kids & Peanut Allergies | Patient Advocates 06/10/2024

Healthy Body Herald #4:
Healthy Body Herald…knowledge is power
The more you understand about how your body works, the better you can work more closely with your doctors to stay as healthy as possible.
Karen Mercereau, RN, RN Patient Advocate
[email protected]

Table of Contents

1. List of fruits and vegetables that you don’t have to buy organic! They have very few pesticides on/in them.

2. Video chats – free of charge – can improve brain function for socially isolated older adults. Social isolation is a risk factor for dementia.

3. The most common signs of bone cancer and questions to ask your doctor.

4. Your cardiologist may prescribe Ozempic or Wegovy for you! They are commonly used to lose weight but can help your heart.

5. Now you can easily test for colon cancer – the FDA has approved a test called ColoSense™.

6. A sweetener commonly used in cakes, soft drinks and chewing gum can damage your gut. It is called Neotame.

7. There are some exercises that are very helpful with depression.

8. Medications used for heartburn – like Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec – can lead to migraines.

9. Lab test to check if children born with peanut allergy may outgrow that by age 6.

10. The use of Singulair for asthma for children under the age of 9 may present some serious neurological problems. Good question to ask your doctor.

Healthy Body Herald #4 - FDA Has Approved ColoSense™, Free Video Chats For Seniors, Kids & Peanut Allergies | Patient Advocates Healthy Body Herald…knowledge is power #4

Environmental Working Group – EWG's Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ Lists are here! | Environmental Working Group 04/28/2024

Healthy Body Herald #3:
Healthy Body Herald…knowledge is power
The more you understand about how your body works, the better you can work more closely with your doctors to stay as healthy as possible.
Karen Mercereau, RN, RN Patient Advocate
[email protected]

Table of Contents:

1. There are physicians who are specially trained to work with the elderly – they are called geriatricians. They can tailor your medical care to your aging body’s needs.
2. The FDA is warning that some of the applesauce products that we are giving to our toddlers have LEAD in them. Lead can damage developing brains.
3. Have You Heard of GABA? This Supplement May Help You Manage Anxiety and Depression.
4. Did you know that your small intestine is often called your second brain? What? It is true. Learn what Harvard can teach us about this.
5. Have you heard of the process of Inflammation in our bodies? How can it help us heal but is also can lead to increasing states of illness? Diseases due to inflammation cause more than 50% of all deaths globally.
6. Are you or one of your family or friends taking a medication called Wegovy for weight loss? You may wish to read some of the small print on Side Effects or Interactions before you make up your mind.
7. Strawberries. We all love them. Do you know though that they have more pesticides in and on them than any other fruit or vegetable? Read on…

1. Geriatricians – physicians trained to provide healthcare for the elderly. From Johns Hopkins “When your children were little, you probably took them to a pediatrician. After all, babies and children have specialized needs that differ from those of adults.
On the other end of the spectrum, older adults often have different medical concerns than they had in their 30s or 40s. Yet many people have no idea that there are specialists just for seniors.”

2. The FDA is warning that some of the applesauce products that we are giving to our toddlers have LEAD in them. Lead can damage developing brains. Lead in some applesauce products for our little kids? Yes and the FDA has suggested that we throw them away. If your toddler has been eating them often, you might want to ask your pediatrician about doing a lab test to check. Lead can stunt brain development. Good to know. Also good to know is that we can now remove that lead from a little body if necessary! https://apple.news/AeDbEmYVST5mVc_D72_GchQ

3. Have You Heard of GABA? This Supplement May Help You Manage Anxiety and Depression. Gamma-aminobutyric acid, commonly known as GABA, is an amino acid (a molecule that builds proteins) and is naturally produced in the brain. GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, is a chemical that can block anxiety messages between brain cells. (called an inhibitory neurotransmitter). Because of this, GABA serves a critical role in reducing brain activity to calm the central nervous system.
Read Here: https://apple.news/Ac8XGc_y6T7eCjvqED8KL9w
4. Did you know that your small intestine is often called your second brain? You may rightly ask how this could be true. Harvard explains it this way: The enteric nervous system that regulates our gut is often called the body’s “second brain.”
“Although it can’t compose poetry or solve equations, this extensive network uses the same chemicals and cells as the brain to help us digest and to alert the brain when something is amiss. Gut and brain are in constant communication.”
“ Normally, when we see something tasty, the brain signals the gut to prepare for incoming food. When we feel anxious or stressed, we might experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or “butterflies.” Messages travel from the gut to the brain, too. This helps explain why when we eat something that makes us sick, we instinctively avoid the food and even the place we found it.”
Harvard article: https://hms.harvard.edu/news-events/publications-archive/brain/gut-brain #:~:text=The%20enteric%20nervous%20system%20that,brain%20when%20something%20is%20amiss.
Read more here: https://apple.news/AlU5ab0oETtOKLx2AKiuOzw
5. A. Inflammation – rather a two-edged sword. When we are injured, it helps us to heal. But there is another, chronic form of inflammation that can be very harmful.
A. Let’s take a closer look. Really closer. There is a part of the brain called the Hypothalamus that is connected to another part called the Pituitary and hormones from these connect directly to our Adrenal Gland. So, when we are injured (scratches, bumps, bites, and so forth) the Adrenal Gland pumps out chemicals that stimulate the Immune System to send particles to the area to start the healing process.
B. So what does chronic inflammation look like and why do we need to know? As mentioned in the Table of Contents, diseases of chronic inflammation account for more than 50% of all deaths globally. What diseases are these? Cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke and diabetes. Some of the symptoms include: Chills, Fatigue or loss of energy, Headaches, Loss of appetite, and Muscle stiffness.
Chronic inflammation can cause the following symptoms:
• Body pain
• Gastrointestinal complications such as constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux
• Weight gain or loss
• Frequent infections
• Depression, anxiety, and mood disorders
5.C Fortunately, if you suspect some of these conditions may be occurring, there are some lab tests that insurance covers called Inflammation Markers. If you suspect that your body may be having higher levels of chronic inflammation, you can ask your physician or NP to order some lab studies to check this out. If you do have higher levels of inflammation, there are many helpful ways to reverse this!
https://arupconsult.com/content/inflammatory-markers Fortunately if you are experiencing higher levels of inflammation there are several ways to reduce it. Your healthcare provider may prescribe some medications. However, right off the bat, there is something that you can do for yourself. It is called the
Anti-Inflammatory Diet and you can start it now. Here are some tips from Harvard to help you get started: https://www.health.harvard.edu/promotions/healthbeat/inflammation-healthbeat?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=inflammation&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwwr6wBhBcEiwAfMEQs0jSj5PJ3LPRJHLJ_nxApP4ZzbiydHVSqviN-3G0Hgf1UKvQF9AgwxoCRbwQAvD_BwE

6. Wegovy. If you or someone you love is taking this, it would be a helpful idea to look a bit closer at some of the side effects that you may not know.
This site – rxlist.com,is incredibly helpful in avoiding potential problems with your meds. Now, with Wegovy, there are some Warnings and Precautions that include: Risk of Thyroid C-Cell Tumors, Pancreatitis, Gallbladder Disease, Acute kidney injury, allergic response, Heart Rate Increase, Suicidal Thoughts, blood sugar that is too low. There is also quite a list of potential side effects at this site. See what you think. https://www.rxlist.com/wegovy-drug.htm

7. Strawberries! So excellent in so many ways. However, as mentioned, they have more pesticides on and in them than any other fruit or vegetable! Here is a good way to find out more.
Have you heard about the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen from the Environmental Working Group? This can save you money and help to protect you and your family at the grocery store. You do not need to spend money on organic everything. There is a whole list called the Clean Fifteen that lists fruits and vegetables that are safe to buy without spending the money for organic. For example: a few on the Clean Fifteen list are: Avocados, Pineapple, Papaya, Kiwi, Asparagus. Learn more at www.ewg.org.
Meanwhile, good to know – the first two items to absolutely buy organic instead of the regular ones are ***Strawberries (the most heavily laced with pesticides fruit in the store!) and ****Blueberries. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that 90% of non-organic blueberries contain pesticide residues, including bee-killing neonics. In 2024, EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce reported that 46% of blueberries tested contained Boscalid, a fungicide that the EPA says may cause cancer. This is a good site to visit to learn more. www.ewg.org.

Environmental Working Group – EWG's Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ Lists are here! | Environmental Working Group The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping you live your healthiest life.

Patient Advocates | Healthy Body Herald 04/22/2024

The Healthy Body Herald...knowledge is power...is published monthly on www.patientadvocates.com. Current medical and health science articles are translated into lay language. Live links are provided also for those who wish to dive a bit deeper.

Patient Advocates | Healthy Body Herald We are dedicated to promoting patient safety and quality care. Our registered nurses are committed to protecting patients, being their voice, providing quality care and interpersonal relationships, as well as educating patients.


Health Literacy - why is this so important? Limited health literacy can lead to poor health outcomes.
We understand the problem. One of our approaches is to publish - free of charge as a public service - a monthly newsletter called the Healthy Body Herald...knowledge is power. Current health/medical science articles are translated into lay language to give people the opportunity to learn more, to become more health literate.

Healthy Body Herald #2 - Healthy Small Intestine, Does Melatonin Work, COVID, Aspartame And More | Patient Advocates 04/10/2024

Though the science of probiotics is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing areas of research, most “probiotics” and probiotic products (especially in the US) are not grounded in science at all. So, in addition to navigating the already challenging “biotic” landscape (prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics), you are expected to discern those touting “science-backed” from actual science.” The one that they recommend – science based – is called DS-01.


Healthy Body Herald #2 - Healthy Small Intestine, Does Melatonin Work, COVID, Aspartame And More | Patient Advocates What a healthy small intestine can create to keep you extra healthy


Last Chance! - Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class - https://mailchi.mp/f0280709e0f8/notes-on-an-rnpas-practice-14152707

Registration for the Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class is Closing Soon! Space is limited. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your nursing career to the next level and become a more effective advocate for your patients.


Boost your clinical expertise! "Your health is non-negotiable. As RN Patient Advocates, we're here to ensure you receive the highest quality care and support. Stay informed, stay empowered." -

Increase your scientific knowledge base? Work more closely with the professional care team members as you help them to discover the Root Cause of the diseases of your patients.

Check this out:
1. Is there an immune system in your brain? Is this connected to dementia?

2. Do you know how much genetic material in your body is human? You might be surprised.

Now you can refresh your science knowledge base.

Develop new clinical skills.

Learn how to better understand the root causes of chronic illness and how to uncover them. This will enable your team to create more effective therapeutic decisions to improve patients’ outcomes.

Systems Biology: the study of how all systems in our bodies are connected to better understand the Root Cause of disease. Systems are all connected, and this is the root of practice of Integrative and Functional physicians here is the US. It is also
part of the practice of many physicians.

Root Cause of disease. Of course, knowing the Root Cause paves the way for more accurate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

• Human Microbiomes: the study of the populations of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that work together to promote a healthy immune system. Learn how a dysfunctional microbiome can create brain/nervous system illnesses as well as immune system dysfunction which can lead to chronic illnesses including autoimmune diseases.

The small intestine is often referred to as “the second brain”. Why is this? What vitamins are produced in the small intestine? A healthy Microbiome can also help to prevent dementia!

Inflammation: Inflammation is a basic element in all chronic and some acute diseases. It is the prime driver of aging and, in fact, is what ultimately causes our demise. Learn about this and about how to control it through increasing your knowledge base.

March 12 – April 20
Email: [email protected]
Learn more and to sign up to this 6-week program on Zoom. Tuesdays 3 hours
Saturdays 1 hour
Hope to work together!

"Are you or a loved one facing a healthcare challenge and feeling overwhelmed? As a Registered Nurse Patient Advocate, I'm here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way. Your health and well-being are my top priority.

Contact me today to learn how I can help you navigate the healthcare system with confidence and peace of mind." -

Call now to connect with business.


Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class

In this class, you will learn from experienced professionals about a variety of topics, including:

Systems Biology -the Integration of All Bodily Systems
The Gut/Brain Connection – Immune Systems and Affective Disorders such as Anxiety and Clinical Depression
Our Microbiomes – How Many and How They Function
Inflammation – Cell Wall to Whole Body – Connection to Chronic Illness

Learn more here:
- https://mailchi.mp/15f83ebc145c/notes-on-an-rnpas-practice-13941095

Healthy Body Herald #1 – Brain Tumor, Possible Cure For Hepatitis C And Forever Chemicals | Patient Advocates 01/18/2024

Brain tumors may not always be metastatic; some can be benign. You can learn more about this and some signs and symptoms: The Most Common Signs and Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

Healthy Body Herald #1 – Brain Tumor, Possible Cure For Hepatitis C And Forever Chemicals | Patient Advocates Hepatitis C – what is it and should we be concerned?

Medical Errors Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In The US According To A Study By Dr. John T. James Published In The Journal Of Patient Safety | Patient Advocates 01/17/2024

How many die from medical mistakes in US hospitals?

In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services reported that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in the Medicare hospital population alone in a given year.

The study in the Journal of Patient Safety disclosed that between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year in the hospital “suffer some form of preventable harm that contributes to their death”.

Medical Errors Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In The US According To A Study By Dr. John T. James Published In The Journal Of Patient Safety | Patient Advocates An article in September’s Scientific American described this issue in depth.


Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class
March 12, 2024 – April 20, 2024

Ever wonder how your gut influences your brain? It does.

Are we all actually “fat heads”? Does our brain feel pain?

Is there an immune system in your brain? Is this connected to dementia?

Do you know how much genetic material in your body is human? You might be surprised.

Now you can refresh your science knowledge base
Develop new clinical skills

Better understand the root causes of chronic illness

Are you an RN or a Patient Advocate who:
Is a Life Learner?

Works at the bedside or in a clinic or in your own practice?

Interested in better understanding the root cause of your patients’ disease processes?

Would like to learn to ask more targeted scientific questions of your colleagues and physicians?

If the answer to any of these is “yes” you will benefit by taking this preparatory 6-week class in Advanced Sciences described below:

Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation
Systems Biology – the study of how all systems in our bodies are connected to better understand the Root Cause of disease.

Human Microbiome – the study of the populations of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that co-evolved with us and that work together to promote a healthy immune system and the balance of homeostasis; Learn how a dysfunctional microbiome can create brain/nervous system illnesses as well as immune system dysfunction which can lead to chronic illnesses including autoimmune diseases.

Inflammation – the study of both the healthy and harmful role of Inflammation in both the cellular as well as whole-body functioning. Inflammation is a basic element in all chronic and some acute diseases. It is the prime driver of aging and, in fact, is what ultimately causes our demise. Learn about this and about how to control it through increasing your knowledge base.

Students will discover the interconnected nature of Systems Biology/Medicine as it relates to optimum functioning of physical, mental, and emotional bodies

Students will be able to summarize the basic physiology of inflammation

Students will develop the ability to discuss inflammation as the driver of disease

Students will learn the role of the Human Microbiome in the Immune System and its integral role in the small intestine’s Systems Biology connections

6-week program
3 hours each Tuesday and 1 hour each Saturday
Class Begins Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – Saturday, April 20
All classes are at 3pm Pacific
Cost: $599
Payment Portal: https://bit.ly/Adv-Sci-Class-Jan-2024

How many systems in our bodies are connected to the small intestine? 01/04/2024

Question for you - How many systems in our bodies are connected to your small intestine?

How many systems in our bodies are connected to the small intestine? Question for you: Do you know how many systems in our bodies are connected to the small intestine? Learn More and Sign Up here:https://docs.google.com/forms/...

988 Su***de & Crisis Lifeline 12/31/2023

Healthy Body Herald….knowledge is power
(formerly known as Mercereau Reports)

December, 2023

Table of Contents:

1. Worried that you or someone you love may have a brain tumor?
2. There is a type of liver virus called Hepatitis C – and many people can now be cured!
3. The World Health Organization and the CDC are working hard to teach us all about the health harms of those “forever chemicals” called PFAS/PFOA.
4. Is “sparkling water” bad for our teeth? Really?
5. Children in your family? Facts to know about toxins in some of their food.
6. Inflammation – more to learn about the underlying element in chronic illness and what we can do about it.
7. Have you heard about the eye drops being removed from the shelves due to toxins?
8. Emergency help line if considering mental health crisis or thoughts of su***de
9. New COVID variant – JN.1 - is rapidly increasing and is responsible for 44% of new cases in the US in December so far. The newest vaccines can provide some protection, but……..your greatest protection is to wear your masks! Seriously.

1. Brain tumors may not always be metastatic; some can be benign. You can learn more about this and some signs and symptoms : The Most Common Signs and Symptoms of a Brain Tumor
A tumor is a growth of abnormal cells that forms when the genes that regulate cell growth do not function normally. A brain tumor is a tumor that develops in the tissues of the brain. Brain tumors may be noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Primary brain tumors start in the brain, and metastatic brain tumors spread to the brain from another area of the body. Always ask your P*P for a referral to a neurologist to correctly diagnose what tumor you may have in your brain. Best protection is……..knowledge!
Read in Health: https://apple.news/AEnDCo7CWTTSvn0d9SV-Hpw
2. Hepatitis C – what is it and should we be concerned?
Do you have a family member or a friend diagnosed with Hepatitis C? Good News! With proper treatment, many people can be cured from hepatitis C infection and live healthy lives.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that:
• Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus.
• The virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis, ranging in severity from a mild illness to a serious, lifelong illness including liver cirrhosis and cancer.
The Cleveland Clinic explains that:
Hepatitis C is a virus that causes chronic liver inflammation and long-term damage. Transmission commonly occurs through infected needles. HCV is treatable with new antiviral medications, but many people don’t know they’re infected. They may not have symptoms until liver disease has progressed to liver failure.
There are Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, but they are usually less dangerous if treated.

Hepatitis C Has no vaccine Through blood Chronic in 80% of people. Antivirals can cure 95–98% of chronic infections.

You can learn much more here:

3. What are the outstanding health risks from the forever chemicals called PFAS. You may recall some of the health risks, but this is a wider view – especially as regards children.
We have talked before about the class of chemicals called PFAS or PFOA. There is a great deal of research being done on the health harms that these chemicals can do to us and our children. *The more you know, the safer you can be.
“According to the CDC, research suggests that exposure to some per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) may lead to harmful health outcomes. These outcomes include:
• Cancer
• Increased cholesterol levels
• Immune system effects

And the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) as a possible human carcinogen in 2017. This classification was based on limited evidence that PFOA can cause testicular and kidney cancer in humans.

Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
Other potential health effects of PFAS include:
• Decreased vaccine response in children
• Changes in liver enzymes
• Increased risk of high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia in pregnant women
• Small decreases in infant birth weights
Some products that contain PFAS include:
• Personal care products like shampoo, floss, nail polish, and eye makeup
• Grease-resistant paper
• Fast food containers or wrappers
• Microwave popcorn bags
• Pizza boxes
• Candy wrappers
• Stain-resistant coatings on carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics
• Water-resistant clothes
Children may be more sensitive to the harmful effects of PFAS than adults. This is because children drink more water, eat more food, and breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults.

4. Could “sparkling water” hurt our teeth? Really? Plain sparkling water is a better alternative than sports drinks, sodas or fruit punch. But how much you drink can affect dental health. Also, plan sparkling water is better for our teeth than flavored sparkling water.
By Lindsey Bever


5. Important news to mothers: Nearly 40% of conventional baby food contains toxic pesticides, US study finds. Organic baby foods contain NONE.

Recalled applesauce pouches still on some store shelves, FDA says, as more illnesses reported
Cinnamon applesauce pouches that have been recalled after reports of high blood lead levels in children are still on the shelves at some Dollar Tree stores, the US Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday. Please note: mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can affect the developing brain.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/AxM7TbRzDS0OC9hofRv3XxA

6. Inflammation – more to learn about the underlying element in chronic illness and what we can do about it. What is inflammation? Two immunologists explain how the body responds to everything from stings to vaccination and why it sometimes goes wrong.
Inflammation is a complicated and important part of how the immune system responds to threats to the body. But when the inflammatory response goes awry, it can lead to serious problems.
Inflammation is a double-edged sword. It is critical for fighting infections and repairing damaged tissue, but when inflammation becomes chronic, this can lead to disease.
Read in The Conversation US: https://apple.news/AOxqb9YGvSHmq8F2j0gDXMg
7. Have you heard about the eye drops being removed from the shelves due to toxins? If you use eye drops daily, you would profit from this information.

• Another eye drop recall pulls 27 products from store shelves
Kilitch Healthcare India is recalling the products more than three weeks after the FDA warned against their use.
• Read in CBS News: https://apple.news/ACUtI8r3OS9e5sIfVtwPx7w

***Another eye drop recall pulls 27 products from store shelves
Kilitch Healthcare India is recalling the products more than three weeks after the FDA warned against their use.
Read in CBS News: https://apple.news/ACUtI8r3OS9e5sIfVtwPx7w
If you yourself or someone you love feels desperately alone or are in a serious crisis, here is and excellent phone call to make. It can save lives and there is no charge.
8. 988 Su***de & Crisis Lifeline. Emergency help line if considering mental health crisis or thoughts of su***de
The professionals on this service can provide much needed help at this critical time/
We can all help prevent su***de. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
9. The CDCP – the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention – has released a new study that explains what the newest COVID variant - JN.1- means to our national health. JN.1 accounts for 44% of all new COVID cases in December and continues to spread rapidly. It accounts for more COVID infections than any other and is extremely transmissible. Please protect ourselves and your loved ones – wear your masks!!
JN.1 makes up nearly 57% of new COVID-19 cases in the Northeast alone, according to the data.
Variant trackers say they expect JN.1 to become the leading coronavirus variant around the world in a matter of weeks.
You can learn more here:

988 Su***de & Crisis Lifeline We can all help prevent su***de. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

MERCEREAU REPORT # 10 – Winter COVID Update, CoEnzyme Q10 Boost for Hearts and Brains – Patient Advocates 12/27/2023

Do you enjoy a “cuppa” of black tea in the morning? Some interesting news about how healthy that can be. Really? Yes, research has shown that black tea can reduce our risk of developing diabetes. Read More Here:

MERCEREAU REPORT # 10 – Winter COVID Update, CoEnzyme Q10 Boost for Hearts and Brains – Patient Advocates The CDC has issued the most recent prediction of COVID for the winter. “According to CDC’s respiratory disease outlook, the agency expects a “moderate”


Systems Biology is an exciting, globally researched and accepted field of science that studies how all the different systems in our bodies are interconnected. For example, the digestive system is closely connected with the nervous, cardiovascular, and muscular systems. Sometimes it is called the “second brain”.

One reason it is called the “second brain” is because more than 90% of serotonin ( a major neurotransmitter) is produced in the small intestine.

By understanding how these systems work together, we can better understand the root causes of disease to better work with healthcare providers to develop more effective treatments.

Doesn’t it make more sense to understand the root cause of disease rather than just prescribe a course of treatment based upon signs and symptoms?

We are an aging population and the signs and symptoms of illness present differently as we age. Root cause does not change though.

To learn more and to register for the class, please visit the following link: https://forms.gle/6umuMoq4u5a1KsAX6


Do you want to learn more about the latest advances in science and how they can help you improve your health and well-being? Join us for our Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class, starting January 9, 2024!

In the Advanced Sciences Study/Preparation Class, you will learn about the latest research on the gut-brain connection and how to use this knowledge to improve your patient's overall health.

To learn more, consider registering for the class and listen to Karen’s Podcast with GNA - Greater National Advocates, visit the following link: https://forms.gle/6umuMoq4u5a1KsAX6

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

For over 17 years, we at RN Patient Advocates have worked independently with patients to assist them in finding the best healthcare and treatment outcomes possible. Do you have a medical crisis? Wonder what doctors might best help you? Have a mystery illness that no one can diagnose? Have several doctors who don’t speak to each other? Wonder what all of your medications actually do for you? Concerned about preventable medical errors?

Independent RN Patient Advocates are qualified, experienced clinical RNs who have completed a 7 month certification Learning Intensive produced by RN Patient Advocates, PLLC, in association with the University of Arizona College of Nursing. This Learning Intensive, available since 2009, is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

For RNs interested in pursuing Pure Nursing and patient centered advocacy, you can learn more at www.rnpatientadvocates.com.

For people interested in working with this new class of RNs - independent RN Patient Advocates - you can learn more at www.patientadvocates.com.





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100 Overlook Drive, Suite 200
Princeton, 08540

Pure Lush Organics CBD™ offers the highest-quality, premium-grade CBD products that are made from

Bluemercury Bluemercury
72 Palmer Square
Princeton, 08542

LC Quality Dental LC Quality Dental
4499 RT 27
Princeton, 08528

LC Quality Dental has been here for 15 years to serve local communities