White Electric Coffee Co-op

Coffee shop in Providence, est 2000. RI's first unionized cafe became a worker-owned cooperative in 2021!

Popular local cafe with cozy dine-in or takeout, serving coffee, espresso, tea, pastries, bagels, sandwiches, salads & more. 711 Westminster St, PVD


Let's support our neighbors, West End Community Center ! All through September, ten percent of proceeds from our new Autumn Drink Specials will be donated to West End Community Center in Providence.

The WECC has been building community for decades, and we're happy to support their work! Read below, follow, and find link on our website to learn more, volunteer, get connected, and donate directly to West End Community Center.

September also means we just launched new yummy seasonal specials for autumn, even more delicious knowing you're supporting a great local community organization.
Thank you for your solidarity!

Pumpkin Spice Latte πŸŽƒ
Get Cozy Latte 🧈
Blueberry Cardamom Latte 🫐
Half-sweet Raspberry Mocha 🍫
Smokey Bear Latte 🧸

From WECC:
"The West End Community Center, Inc., (WECC) was founded and incorporated by a group of neighborhood citizens in 1975. WECC serves the diverse community of the West End of Providence, an area burdened with issues of poverty, unstable and unsafe housing, language and educational barriers and other obstacles to economic success. These statistics point to the necessity of one-stop shop place like WECC, which can assist neighborhood residents with the various issues they face. Residents of the West End are unlikely to venture out of the neighborhood for services, mainly due to lack of transportation.

WECC’s programs are intergenerational, as we strive to service the whole family. The main core of WECC’s programming is the Early Learning Program, the Before/After School and Summer Youth Program and the Social Service Program."


Let's support Sojourner House! All through August, enjoy summer drink specials at White Electric Coffee Co-op, with ten percent of proceeds donated to Sojourner House Read below and check out their website to learn more, get involved, and donate directly to Sojourner House. We're grateful for their decades of important community support and advocacy!

August is also the last month to try our popular summer drink specials:
Choco-banana Split Latte 🍫🍌
Strawberry Shortcake Latte 🍰
Blueberry Matcha 🫐
Ocean Water πŸ₯₯πŸ’—
Lavender Peaflower Lemonade πŸ‹πŸŒΈ

Hope you enjoy and thank you for your support!

From Sojourner House:

"Sojourner House is a comprehensive victim services agency dedicated to supporting and
empowering survivors of domestic, sexual violence, and human trafficking. Since 1976, the
agency has assisted more than 60,000 individuals in rebuilding their lives after abuse. Sojourner
House clients have access to emergency shelter, transitional and permanent supportive
housing, clinical therapy, basic necessities such as food and hygiene products, intensive case
management, immigration advocacy, support groups, sexual health advocacy, and other

In addition to the support the group provides to their adult clients, they have a variety of services
specifically for youth who have witnessed or experienced abuse.
Reaching beyond the reactive, Sojourner House is also focused on violence prevention
education and facilitates workshops in both school and professional settings across Rhode

Drop-In Center:
1570 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02909
Open Monday to Friday 9-5pm

24/7 Helpline: 401-765-3232

Office: 401-861-6191

Sojourner House offers services in both English and Spanish."


Let's support Fuerza Laboral! We had a great time celebrating our coop birthday and May Day with y'all yesterday, and are thrilled to continue in the spirit of worker power by supporting Fuerza Laboral/Power of Workers all through May. Ten percent of proceeds from our Spring Drink Specials will be donated to Fuerza Laboral / Power of Workers.

For decades, Fuerza Laboral has been on the ground organizing for workers' rights, including advocating for worker cooperatives. We were able to incorporate as a worker cooperative business, thanks to Fuerza and others pushing for that possibility in RI, and we'll always be grateful for their encouragement of our own worker coop effort! Read below and see link in bio to learn more, get involved, and donate directly to Fuerza's work

May is also the last month to try these delicious concoctions before we switch over to the next season:

Car Car 'Spresso Spritz (house cardamom seltzer w/ espresso & caramel cold foam (dairy or nondairy))

Bun Bun (chocolate matcha latte)

Ube Lavender Latte (purple sweet potato ube lavender syrup w/ espresso & choice of milk)

Coconut CaphΓͺ (coffee & coconut condensed cream syrup w/ espresso & choice of milk)

Cola Escola (Maine Root Cola w/ espresso & choice of milk)

Providence Punch (pineapple juice & blood orange syrup w/sparkling water)

From Fuerza Laboral:
"We focus on labor justice, by giving popular education, developing leadership, ending wage theft, finding justice for immigrants and building cooperative development. Low income immigrant workers are literally the backbone of the workforce, but we are also building the power for workers to change unjust systems."


Wow, our worker co-op cafe is turning three!!! Still sometimes hard to believe how we were able to pull this off– after organizing, unionizing, and a huge community effort, we reopened White Electric Coffee as a worker-owned cooperative three years ago. It’s inspiring to have our co-op birthday on May Day, International Workers’ Day, to mark our wee milestone along with global worker solidarity!

Come celebrate with us! As a thanks to our community and in honor of International Workers’ Day, on Weds, May 1st, we’ll be giving away a free small coffee (hot or iced) all day long, during regular shop hours (7am-4pm). There will also be chances for free gift give-aways throughout the day.

We’re immensely grateful for all the support we’ve had along the way. From folks believing in our co-op way back when (when this outcome truly seemed improbable), to everyone continuing to visit our cafe three years in. To all the workers, past, present, and future, who make this quirky coffee shop what it is. We feel it, we appreciate it, we love it! We thank you all for helping show what is possible, at our co-op and beyond. With imagination in action, we can co-create a world where workplaces are democratic and transparent, collectively owned and run by co-workers. That’s what we’re doing every day over here. For sure, besides the silly banter & latte slinging, it can be challenging and continues to be a work-in-progress, but the reward is real as we build & change & care & tweak & reflect together.

Coffee clink cheers to three years of our little worker cooperative cafe, and hopefully many more to come!

Happy International Workers’ Day!


Let's support Riverzedge Arts! All through April ten percent of our Spring Special drink sales will be donated to Riverzedge Arts πŸŽ¨πŸ–ŒοΈ

Try our tasty & unique creations while supporting youth arts & skills training in northern Rhode Island! See link in bio and read below to learn more, connect, and donate directly to Riverzedge.

Spring Drink Specials:

Bun Bun (dark chocolate / matcha latte, hot or iced)
Car Car 'Spresso Spritz (cardamom-espresso soda with caramel cold foam, iced only)
Ube Lavender Latte (hot or iced)
Coconut CΓ phΓͺ Latte (hot or iced)
Providence Punch (pineapple / blood orange sparkling punch, iced only)
Cola Escola (Maine Roots Mexicane cola, espresso & milk, hot or iced)

Hope you enjoy and thanks for your solidarity!

From Riverzedge:

"Riverzedge Arts uses innovative applied and work-based learning strategies to teach art, design, and critical thinking to the youth of northern RI, providing our participants as well as our community with a path to economic and cultural sustainability.

Our purpose at Riverzedge Arts is to supplement the traditional educational and professionalization opportunities offered throughout northern RI’s middle and high schools. We provide applied instruction and work-based training programs that offer both immediate resources in the form of wages and educational credits as well as the type of subject and industry-specific expertise that will make our participants competitive in the professional world.

We believe that in addition to basic needs and traditional classroom instruction, youths need hands-on work-based opportunities to apply what they have learned and see how their knowledge and skills can shape the world around them. We believe that working with industry experts as well as their peers, engaging in creative work that requires them to problem-solve, and giving youth the opportunity to learn advanced technologies will ultimately increase our participants’ sense of competency and preparedness.
We work together to provide our participants, their families, and our community as whole with opportunities, inspiration, and hope."


We're hiring! Come work with us at our worker-owned cooperative cafe ❀️❀️❀️

It's a testament to our workplace that we have low turnover and don't hire very often, so please take note and spread the word about this opportunity!

More info and online application can be found on our website.

We're looking for one or two people to work part time, with the opportunity to pick up more shifts. If you enjoy fast-paced cafe/food service work and are interested in being part of a worker-owned cooperative, please get in touch!

Our workplace is horizontally structured with democratic + collective decision-making, all staff eligible to become coworker-owners (after 6 month probationary period). Paid time off for all coworkers, profit-sharing among coworker-owners based on hours worked. We're a pretty nice group of 14-ish people and are looking to add one or two co-workers.

Starting hourly pay is at least $21 an hour ($15.50 + tips, which are an additional $6-10 an hour), with annual wage inflation adjustments and annual raises. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

We work hard & have fun & are excited to continue tweaking our worker co-op model as we soon enter our fourth year as a cooperative cafe!

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. We do consider past applications, and if you applied a while back, feel free to email us to let us know if you're still interested.

Also, we have a set regular weekly schedule so you can actually plan your life in advance 🧑


Let's support ANERA! Anera American Near East Refugee Aid supports refugees in Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon. All through March, ten percent of proceeds from our Spring Drink Specials will be donated to ANERA's emergency fund for humanitarian relief in Palestine.

Please read below and see link on our website to learn more about ANERA, and consider donating directly to their efforts. Thank you for your solidarity ❀️


Anera envisions a Middle East where people live with dignity, purpose, and opportunity. Anera provides humanitarian assistance and sustainable development to advance the well-being of refugees and other vulnerable communities in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.

Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Our staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most.

There is a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Before October 7, about 80% of Gaza's population of over two million people relied on humanitarian aid. Now, nearly every resident urgently needs aid. Anera is delivering food, water, medicine and hygiene kits right now to those in Gaza displaced by the war.

Stay up to date with the latest news in Gaza and follow Anera's work in our daily response log.



Let's support Youth in Action! All through Feb, ten percent of Winter Drink Special proceeds will be donated to Youth In Action, Inc. Read below and see link in bio to learn more, connect, and donate directly to YIA's powerful work!

Also, February is the last month to try our popular winter special bevs, so get 'em while you can!
Juniper Latte // Gingerbread Latte // Salted Caramel Praline Latte // Hojicha Cookies n Cream // Peppermint -or- Hazelnut -or- Blood Orange Hot Cocoa & Mocha

Hope you enjoy and thank you for your solidarity!

From YIA:

"Youth In Action (YIA) is where youth share their stories, practice leadership, and create change in their communities. At YIA, we share space and power to co-create opportunities for youth-driven change within our communities. This includes advocacy, organizing, power-shifting or facilitating change, and also exploration, joy, rest and healing!

Interested or know someone who'd love to join our programming? Apply through our website! Are you an adult ally who wants to uplift youth voice and power? Become a monthly donor and join our Bug-In Fam!"


Happy New Year & Let's Support Rhode Island Free Clinic! 🩺 All through January, ten percent of proceeds from Winter Drink Specials at the cafe will be donated to Rhode Island Free Clinic

Read below, and see RI Free Clinic's website to learn more, volunteer, donate directly, and connect to services. While we strive for a future with healthcare for all, we're grateful for the free healthcare provided by groups like RI Free Clinic.

If you haven't tried them yet, our Winter Drink Specials are growing a fan base. And we agree, they are very yummy with lots of tingly & sweet tastes! Specialty syrups made in house with fresh ginger, juniper berries, peppercorns, roasted green tea, etc , oh my. All served hot or iced (except seasonal Hot Chocolates, but we could make you a seasonal iced chocolate milk if that's your thing).

Hope you enjoy and thanks for your solidarity!

Juniper Latte
Gingerbread Latte
Hojicha Cookies 'n Cream
Salted Caramel Praline Latte
Seasonal Hot Chocolates & Mochas
(Blood Orange, Peppermint, or Hazelnut)

From RI Free Clinic:

"Founded in 1998, the Rhode Island Free Clinic’s mission is to provide free, comprehensive medical care and preventive health services to adults who have no health insurance and cannot afford those services; and to serve as an educational training site for aspiring health care professionals. Rhode Island Free Clinic offers preventive and primary health care. Here’s the services we offer, free of charge:

Dental Health
Labs & Diagnostic Imaging
Wellness & Education Services
Behavioral Health Services
Physical Therapy
Specialty Referrals
Social Services
and more

We treat over 2,500 patients annually."


Two things to be excited about: new Winter Drink Specials & supporting PVD Things!! All through December ten percent of proceeds from our winter drink specials will be donated to PVD Things . PVD Things is a local cooperative lending library, where members can share borrowed access to so many things! Especially in this time of emphasis on consumption of new & individually owned items, it's inspiring to see how PVD Things is spreading an ethos of sharing & re-use. We hope you'll consider becoming a member, volunteering, and donating directly to their efforts! Read more below and see link in bio for more info on this amazing local organization.

Thanks for your solidarity and hope you enjoy!

Winter Drink Specials:

Juniper Latte
Gingerbread Latte
Hojicha Cookies 'n Cream
Salted Caramel Praline Latte
Seasonal Hot Chocolates & Mochas
(Blood Orange, Peppermint, or Hazelnut)

From PVD Things:
"PVD Things is a cooperative 501(c)(3) non-profit that operates a "library of things" for the Providence area. Members contribute money and volunteer hours to enjoy unlimited borrowing of any useful thing you could think of, from power tools and electronics to things for yard work and outdoor activities. Save money, save space, and save the planet!"



Let's support Tomaquag Museum! Tomaquag Museum does so much amazing work sharing culture, history, and knowledge of and by the local Indigenous community. All through November, ten percent of proceeds from seasonal drinks at White Electric Coffee Coop will be donated to Tomaquag Museum. Read more below about Tomaquag and find their link in our bio or website to learn more, plan a visit, and donate directly. Also, check out their events page to sign up for upcoming events at RISD, including Celebrating Five Years of Still Here: A Community Conversation on Nov 3rd, and a film screening of Being Thunder on Nov 9th.

November is the last month to try our yummy Autumn Drink Specials, so hope you enjoy!
(Also, we'll let you in on our internal drink codes 😊):
BBL Banana Bread Latte 🍌
MCPSL Miso Caramel Pumpkin Spice Latte πŸŽƒ
RHM Raspberry Hibiscus Mocha 🌺
Open Sesame
BBS Buzzo Banana Smoothie

Thank you everyone for your solidarity! 🧑

"Tomaquag Museum is Rhode Island's only Indigenous-led Museum, a successful non-profit, and one of the only Museums in RI to earn an IMLS award. Their staff and Board work hard to share their lived Indigenous history and cultural knowledge from a unique, first-person perspective for the education and benefit of all.

Through stories, interviews with elders, art, photographs and exhibits, Tomaquag Museum highlights the experiences, accomplishments, triumphs, and enduring contributions of the Indigenous Community. You see and learn first-hand, from an Indigenous Educator, the obstacles overcome, progress made, current successes, and ongoing struggles faced by Indigenous people today. Come and visit in-person Wednesday or Saturday and check out our website."


Let's support PVD Bike Collective ! All through October enjoy fall seasonal drink specials and 10% of proceeds will be donated to our friends at PVD Bike Collective. Scroll through to see some of their many offerings, such as open bike shop hours, bike & myriad workshops, bike redistribution, and more!

Follow them on FB, ig, read below, and see link in bio to learn more, get involved, and donate directly. Thank you PVD Bike Collective for organizing and co-creating such a fabulous community project. And thanks to everyone for helping support their work!

Yummy Autumn Drink specials:
Open Sesame ✨
Raspberry Hibiscus Mocha 🌺
Chaider 🍎
Banana Bread Latte 🍞
Miso Caramel Pumpkin Spice Latte πŸŽƒ
Buzzo Banana Smoothie 🍌

"The Providence Bike Collective is a community bicycle workshop where anyone can practice their mechanics knowledge or learn for the first time. We also provide bike repairs and mechanical lessons for little to no cost. In the past, we have partnered with local organizations, like AMOR and DARE, to redistribute repaired bikes for people who are in need of basic transportation. We occasionally hold bike sales, charging folks on a sliding scale.

Our mission is to provide a space where anyone, regardless of mechanical experience, age, race, gender, or class, can feel welcomed and grow their knowledge. We are committed to building a space, based on environmental and racial justice and anti-oppression, where people and the community can grow and learn through our love of bicycles. Our current regular schedule is Volunteer Nights on Mondays from 6PM to 8PM and Open Shop on Thursdays from 6PM to 8PM. Volunteer Nights consist of folks with a range of mechanics knowledge working on bikes that are donated to us. There are usually two bottomliners who provide assistance and guidance to volunteers. Open Shop is similar to Volunteer Night in that folks can work on bikes if they want but it's also open for folks who are having issues with their bikes."


Let's support New Urban Arts!πŸ–ŒοΈπŸŽ¨ We love our next door neighbors New Urban Arts and appreciate how they create a vibrant space for youth art & community! Read below about NUA, and see link in bio to learn more, get involved, and donate directly.

All through September, enjoy a seasonal drink special and ten percent of sales will be donated to New Urban Arts. Extra bonus: savor the last few days of summer specials (horchata, s'mores, matcha colada, ginger lemonade, pineapple banana smoothie), and try our new fall drinks dropping next week! πŸŒžπŸŽƒ
Thanks for your support!

"New Urban Arts is a welcoming community of high school students and adult mentors in Providence sharing space, skills, and resources to inspire creative expression. NUA offers a variety of free afterschool programs, in the arts and beyond, to Providence's young people, the vast majority of whom are youth of color attending schools that have had to severely cut arts education over the past 25 years.

If you want to get a sense of what we're all about, join us on Friday, September 15 for "Soggy Cereal," an exhibition of artwork from our most recent summer programs!"


Let's support George Wiley Center ! All through August, enjoy our summer special drinks while supporting one of RI's longest running grassroots community organizing groups. Read more about the George Wiley Center below and see link in bio for info on how to get involved or donate directly to their efforts.

Also, August is the last month to get yummy summer bevs:
S'mores Latte
Matcha Colada
House-made Ginger or Tamarind Lemonade
Pineapple Banana Smoothie
Hope you've been enjoying & thnx for your solidarity!🧑

More about GWC:
"For over 40 years, the George Wiley Center has been a grassroots group that organizes to advocate for systematic changes aimed at alleviating problems associated with poverty.

The work of George Wiley Center is based on the belief that each person in our community is endowed with innate dignity and worth. Each deserves a decent home, adequate clothing and nutritious food. These goals are achieved through community education and awareness and community organization and development.

Over the years, the George Wiley Center has organized to win various policies in RI, including free school breakfasts, summer jobs for youth, increased protection from utility shutoffs, simplified SNAP benefit applications, free public transportation, and more. Since the pandemic we have done a lot of mutual aid distributing food, local fish, and clothing, as well as helping folks facing eviction. Our current organizing work is primarily focused on utility justice-- through mutual aid, know-your-rights clinics, policy advocacy, and direct action, we aim to make sure the basic need of utility service is accessible to all Rhode Islanders while we transition to sustainable energy sources. Our goal is to get PIPP (Percentage Income Payment Plan) legislation passed in RI to make utilities affordable for low-income households and to stop the utility shut-off crisis in our state. Come to our weekly Wednesday organizing meetings at 6:30pm at our office in Pawtucket to learn more, get help with your utility bills, and get involved!"


Let's support AM❀️R !!! All through July, ten percent of proceeds from our summer drink specials will be donated to local community organization AMOR (Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance). Read about AMOR's important work below, and see https://amorri.org/ for more info, to get involved, or to donate directly to support AMOR's efforts!

Thanks for your solidarity!

And hope you enjoy these yummy summer specials (all cool & refreshing):
-S'mores Latte
-Matcha Colada
-Horchata (optional espresso/dirty)
-Pineapple Banana Smoothie
-Spicy Ginger Lemonade
-Tamarind & TajΓ­n Lemonade

"AMOR is an alliance of community based grassroots organizations mobilizing at the intersections of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status to prevent, to respond to, and to end state violence against our community. We work to create a space where the community can demand accountability, challenge injustices, and access healing after experiencing violence. We are organizing to place sovereignty back into the hands of communities directly affected by systemic oppression and to build leadership, generate power, create sustainability and organize resistance with and alongside all directly affected peoples."


This Sunday after-hours jazz benefit show at the cafe! Donations to support the grassroots organizing work of AMOR and George Wiley Center
Big thanks to the All Anarchist Jazz Band for donating their musical talents! 🎷🎸🎹

Sunday, June 25
White Electric Coffee Coop
711 Westminster St
Providence, RI

Link to tix/donation: https://givebutter.com/jazzforjustice

FB event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/815465423324988

Sliding scale donations for tix (suggested $5 - $50), or thank you for any donation even if you are unable to attend.

Excited for this show! Oh, and also, sneak preview of local orgs we'll be supporting via our seasonal drink proceeds monthly donation.....AMOR in July & the George Wiley Center in August.

Thanks for your support!🧑


🌈Happy Pride🌈 Let's support Options!! Options is a longtime local resource and community magazine, so it's great to support this org during Pride month! Ten percent of June proceeds from our summer drink specials will be donated to Options. Read more below about Options and see link in bio to connect or donate directly. Thanks for your support!πŸ’–

We're very excited about the new summer specials! Hope you enjoy, all cool & refreshing, featuring:

-S'mores Latte
-Matcha Colada
-Horchata (optional espresso/dirty)
-Pineapple Banana Smoothie
-Spicy Ginger Lemonade
-Tamarind & TajΓ­n Lemonade

"For over forty years, Options has been the go-to for the LGBTQIA+ community in Rhode Island and Southern New England. Providing some of the most hard-hitting news and community resources."


We're hiring! Please help us spread the word about this unique opportunity to work with us at our worker-owned coop!

We're looking for one or two people to work part time, with the opportunity to pick up more shifts as they open up. Availability on Sundays is preferable. If you enjoy fast-paced cafe/food service work and are interested in being part of a worker-owned cooperative, please get in touch! More info and online application can be found on our website or link in bio.

Our workplace is horizontally structured with democratic + collective decision-making, all staff being coworker-owners (after 6 month probationary period), and profit-sharing. We're a pretty nice group of 12-ish people and are looking to add one or two co-workers.

Starting hourly pay is over $20 an hour ($15 + tips, which are an additional $6-10 an hour), with annual wage inflation adjustments and raises. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

We work hard & have fun & are excited to continue tweaking our worker co-op model as we enter our third year as a cooperative cafe!

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. We do consider past applications, and if you applied a while back, feel free to email us to let us know if you're still interested.

Also, we have a set regular weekly schedule so you can actually plan your life in advance 🧑

Photos from White Electric Coffee Co-op's post 05/08/2023

Let's support Providence Student Union Providence Student Union πŸ“£πŸ“£πŸ“£ All through May ten percent of proceeds from our Spring Drink Specials will be donated to PSU. We'll be starting summer drink specials in June, so this is also your last month to enjoy the bevs that people have been looooving...
🌹Pistachio Rose latte
β˜•Tiramisu latte
πŸ“Strawberry Rose matcha
🌱Spring Green
πŸ’Dream Pop

Get 'em while you can, and contribute to Providence Student Union at the same time!

Thanks to our neighbors, local youth organizing group, PSU, for all your work! Read their mission statement below and scroll through to see highlights from their ongoing campaign with Providence Alliance for Student Safety-- Counselors not Cops. See link in bio to learn more, donate or get involved with PSU, and to find tickets for their event on June 1st celebrating 13 years of student power!

"Providence Student Union (PSU) builds student power to improve our education and well-being. We envision a true β€œunion for students” that increases young people’s collective power and ensures our frustrations, demands, and dreams are heard. At PSU, young people grow as leaders, organizers, and advocates for justice in all forms, today and throughout their lives."🧑


Thank you everyone for celebrating our co-op birthday & May Day with us! We shared laughter, cooperation, reflection, and gasps....who knew a giant Jenga game could bring such a collective catharsis! We hope you enjoyed being silly with us beyond the counter.

Big thanks to new local worker cooperative Four Buds Collective for the lovely plants, and to Apapacho Bloom for brightening our space with a special arrangement of gorgeous flowers! Thank you RI State Representatives Jennifer Stewart For State Representative District 59 and David Morales for all your support, and for the official recognition of our work. We also got a sweet bday card AND the homemade stamp used to make the card, thanks Hunter! And thanks to our coworker & baker extraordinaire, Fern, for the delicious bday cake!

We appreciate our community and thank you all for supporting our worker-owned cooperative cafe. Turning two feels nice πŸŽ‰πŸ§‘πŸŽ‚


Come celebrate this milestone and be in community with us after hours!! πŸŽ‰ May 1st marks our second anniversary/birthday as a cooperative, and it’s also May Day aka International Worker’s Day! We will be closing early that day (2pm) to prepare for the party, but from 4-8pm there will be cake, snacks, games, music, mocktails and more! We did this last year, and it was so lovely to share space with y’all in a non-transactional way. πŸ’– This is also a thank you to our supportive community for helping us thrive as a worker owned cooperative, and we’d love for you to be there! πŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸŒΈπŸŽ‚

Photos from White Electric Coffee Co-op's post 04/08/2023

🌈🌈Let's support YPI 🌈🌈 All through April ten percent of proceeds from our Spring Drink Specials will be donated to Youth Pride Inc.!

Enjoy some delicious bevs, featuring....

Tiramisu Latte (hot or iced)
Pistachio Rose Latte (hot or iced)
Strawberry Rose Matcha (hot or iced)
Dream Pop (herbal purple cola)
Spring Green (sparkling lavender green iced tea)
..while contributing to this local organization doing amazing work!

Read about Youth Pride Inc. below and see their website https://www.youthprideri.org/ to connect, learn more, and donate directly to YPI's efforts.

"Youth Pride Inc. is the only nonprofit in Rhode Island specifically dedicated to meet the needs of LGBTQIA+ Youth 23 and under.
Youth Pride, Inc. is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of youth and young adults impacted by sexual orientation and gender identity/expression while working to end the homophobic and transphobic environments in which they live, work and play."

Thank you for your solidarity! πŸ’πŸ§‘πŸŒˆ

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White Electric will be closed for Labor Day, Sept. 5th!




711 Westminster Street
Providence, RI

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 3pm
Tuesday 7am - 3pm
Wednesday 7am - 3pm
Thursday 7am - 3pm
Friday 7am - 3pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm
Sunday 8am - 2pm

Other Coffee Shops in Providence (show all)
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993 Smith Street
Providence, 02908

LaSalle Bakery bakers fire up the ovens each morning before the sun rises to ensure that our customers always start their day with fresh baked breads and pastry.

New Harvest Coffee Roasters New Harvest Coffee Roasters
10 Sims Avenue
Providence, 02909


Ode Easy Ode Easy
552 Lotus Road
Providence, 02907

Starbucks - Providence Place Mall Starbucks - Providence Place Mall
Providence Place, One Providence Pl
Providence, 02903

β€œπ™„π™©β€™π™¨ 𝙣𝙀𝙩 π™Ÿπ™ͺ𝙨𝙩 π™˜π™€π™›π™›π™šπ™š. 𝙄𝙩’𝙨 π™Žπ™©π™–π™§π™—π™ͺπ™˜π™ π™¨.” β€œπ˜½π™§π™šπ™¬π™šπ™™ 𝙛𝙀𝙧 π™©π™π™€π™¨π™š 𝙬𝙝𝙀 π™‘π™€π™«π™š π™˜π™€π™›π™›π™šπ™š.”

Downtown Makers Marketplace - by Hope & Main Downtown Makers Marketplace - by Hope & Main
100 Westminster Street
Providence, 02903

Aroma Joe's Coffee Aroma Joe's Coffee
257 Thayer Street
Providence, 02906

Criminal Coffee Company Criminal Coffee Company
Providence, 02908

Criminal Coffee co. mixes high-end coffee with true crime. Let’s drink coffee and solve crime.

Rise β€˜N Shine Coffee Bar Rise β€˜N Shine Coffee Bar
97 Holden Street
Providence, 02908

Locally owned coffee shop in Smith Hill, Providence.

Tiger Sugar Tiger Sugar
288 Thayer Street
Providence, 02906

TIGER SUGAR has grown into an undisputed cult brand of Boba worldwide. We use a proprietary 8-hour method for cooking our syrups and tapioca pearls. This results in the perfect mar...

Seven Stars Bakery Seven Stars Bakery
103 Point Street
Providence, 02903

8th Street Coffee Roasters 8th Street Coffee Roasters
8th Street
Providence, 02906

Single Origin Small Batch Coffee Roasting Bestfriends from Providence EMAIL- [email protected]

Anxiety Excellent Anxiety Excellent
138 Narrows Road #15
Providence, 02906