Mater Dei Campus

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Mater Dei Campus, Religious organisation, Pueblo, CO.


🙏 Begin your day with the Lord! 🙏
🌅 Monday 19th February 2024

Heavenly Father, almighty and everliving God
As I bow my head in humble reverence, I come before You, acknowledging Your omnipotence and seeking Your divine guidance. Your Word teaches us that "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Lord, in a world filled with allurements and enticements, I earnestly pray for the strength to stand firm against temptation. Your promise is my anchor, and I declare with faith that Your faithfulness will sustain me in the face of trials. "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

Illuminate my path, O Lord, with the light of Your truth. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, guiding me away from the shadows of temptation. "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." (James 1:12)

Father, grant me discernment to recognize the subtle whispers of the adversary. "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8) I place my trust in You, seeking refuge from the schemes of the enemy.

In moments of weakness, strengthen me, O Lord, for "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) Clothe me with the full armor of God, that I may stand against the schemes of the evil one. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12)

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Let Your Holy Spirit guide my steps, that I may walk in righteousness and resist the allure of sin. "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)

I humbly surrender my weaknesses and vulnerabilities to You, Lord, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for me. "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10). For my family , my dreams , my desires all I ask of you , through Christ our lord .Amen

Please 🙏 share this , someone somewhere needs this

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 02/14/2024

Valentine or Ash Wednesday ?

On this extraordinary confluence of Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday, we find ourselves at the crossroads of love and sacrifice. Valentine's Day, often misconstrued, is a celebration that goes beyond mere romantic gestures. True love, devoid of mere eroticism, thrives in acts of giving and self-sacrifice for the greater good.

Enter Ash Wednesday, marking the commencement of a 40-day journey with the Lord toward the cross of Calvary. Here, we witness the epitome of self-sacrifice and love, inspiring us to engage in charitable works propelled by a profound love for humanity.

As the ashes grace our foreheads, an indelible symbol, it beckons us to remember our roots and Christian identity. Unlike transient social media posts, this mark serves as a constant reminder—an unwavering commitment permanently etched upon our heads.

Today heralds a new season on the liturgical calendar, offering an opportunity to embrace misunderstood concepts with newfound excitement. The challenge lies in choosing the middle ground, fighting for what is right and just, ensuring that life continues with purpose beyond February 14.

In this pivotal moment, resist the temptation to exhaust your resources in a single revelry. Instead, ponder the choices before you, recalling the wisdom of Scripture: "Today, I put before you good and evil." Opt for life, for it is the only truly acceptable choice.

In our world, our dreams, and our decisions, let us stride forward with resilience, choosing a path that echoes the wisdom of choosing life. As we navigate the days beyond February 14, may our actions reflect the enduring power of love and sacrifice.

Happy valentine and happy Ashwednesday

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 02/13/2024


Almighty God and father , In the refuge of your eternal words, I find strength: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

May I find contentment in the present moment, embracing life as it unfolds, trusting that "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)

Guide me towards actions that align with your divine will, and may my efforts bring joy and fulfillment. Help me release worries about the future, knowing that "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself." (Matthew 6:34)

May I cultivate inner peace, recognizing that true happiness comes from within, anchored in the truth that "The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

Grant me strength to face challenges with the courage that "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2)

In your divine wisdom, lead me on a path of contentment and happiness, holding firm to your promise that "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." (Psalm 145:18)

Lord I have called upon you and I know you are here to answer me , now and always. Amen.🙏

Let’s share this prayer and save a soul

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 02/01/2024

Mater Dei Embarks on Transformative School Project for Vulnerable Children in Selagi District, Konshisha Area

In a commendable initiative, Mater Dei has initiated a groundbreaking school project aimed at uplifting and empowering vulnerable children in the Selagi District of the Konshisha area. The primary objective of this endeavor is to provide quality education, fostering a positive impact on the lives of those often marginalized in society.

The aim of the project is two-fold. Firstly, it seeks to establish a nurturing educational environment that not only imparts academic knowledge but also instills values of resilience, creativity, and community engagement. Secondly, Mater Dei envisions breaking the cycle of poverty by providing these children with the tools and skills necessary to overcome socio-economic challenges.

This initiative is of paramount importance for several reasons. Education is a cornerstone for individual growth and societal progress. By focusing on vulnerable children, Mater Dei aims to address systemic issues, offering a lifeline to those who may face barriers to learning. The project aligns with global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education, recognizing education as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

Moreover, Mater Dei's commitment to this cause reflects a broader sense of social responsibility. By investing in the education of vulnerable children, the project aims to create a ripple effect, positively impacting families and communities. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is a transformative force that empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to their societies.

Accompanying this project, Mater Dei emphasizes the need for community involvement, fostering partnerships with local leaders, educators, and parents. Sustainable success lies in collaboration, and Mater Dei is dedicated to creating a holistic support system that ensures the well-being and growth of the children involved.

As Mater Dei embarks on this noble journey, it invites support from individuals, organizations, and the broader community to contribute to the realization of this vision. The school project for vulnerable children in Selagi District, Konshisha Area, stands as a testament to Mater Dei's commitment to building a brighter and more equitable future for all.


**Public Notice: Barbing for the New Year Giveaway!**

Mater Dei Campus is excited to announce a special giveaway for the New Year. In an effort to promote our commitment to community engagement, we are extending a complimentary hair cutting service to ten individuals in Makurdi.

G-boy Salon, located at Savannah Roundabout beside 9mobile office, Makurdi.

☎️ +234 7065922342

The first 10 individuals expressing their interest in this service by commenting on this post will have the exclusive privilege of receiving a free 1k haircut at the aforementioned venue.

Your participation in sharing this notice is greatly appreciated, helping us reach those who may benefit from this giveaway. Let's start the New Year with a fresh look! 💇‍♂️💈

Kindly share this information within your network. Thank you!

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 11/13/2023


Introduction :
creativity is the essence of the human person ! After God created the world , he gave man the imperative to become a co-creator, this we do in whatever life area that we choose . When something is done to add value to life , we participate in God’s creative will; be it as as builders , engineers , farmers , carpenters etc

For this lads , the way of Art seem to be their lot and a way of giving back to the creator . The work of pure Art , its creativity and all is one that is so involving . Aside the pain and dedication that one would go through to actualize their dream, because Art is near perfection , finance seem to be another factor that hinders alot of people .

Today , Mater Dei Campus has sponsored three persons who have interest in the area of Art . They will undergo lessons for some couple of months .

We are determined to put smile on the faces of people in the little way we can

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 11/05/2023

Mater Dei Christmas relief project for students

As part of our Christmas gifts to students , Mater Dei campus project has produced some books for students for the festive season . These books will be shared to kids across boarders beginning from the Christmas season . This is done to encourage the culture of reading and also help cushion the effects of the JANUARY resumption that usually accompany many families after a lot of spending .

We pray for the Mater Dei project to continue to wax stronger .

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 09/13/2023

Medical treatment :

Mater Dei foundation would be undertaking a medical treatment for this child .

In a conversation with the mother , they are from a disadvantageous home. We pray for God’s intercession and blessings for this project .

Fr Ada received them on behalf of the initiator and founder of Mater Dei , Fr Ordedoo .

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 09/09/2023

Give them hope and let them smile :

Mater Dei foundation is all about bringing smiles on the faces of those whom life has hit them so badly .
With Mater Dei , they have a family .

Today the Founder and initiator , Fr Ordedoo asked that one of her board member be given a fare well as he departs for studies .
This was done at Dr Joan Ada divine help foundation in Makurdi .
The CEO and Founder of this foundation, prof Ada Nicholas expressed sentiments of gratitude for the magnificent get together .

The beneficiaries of Mater Dei foundation expressed gratitude to their founder , Fr Ordedoo and prayed for more blessings on him and his desires .

The rest are pictures … what's up

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 09/07/2023

Teach them to farm , don’t give them food alone

Farming is one of the surest ways to empower a people .
Mater Dei foundation is happy to undertake this task and show its own to do same

We empower in the name of the lord

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 09/06/2023

Award of scholarship

Mater Dei campus has awarded scholarship to 17 vulnerable kids. This is to assist them in their academic pursuit .

This award by Fr Ordedoo was presented to the kids through Fr Ada Emmanuel . We wish these children well and the best .

The some of the kids shall be resident in Tsekucha while others in Gboko and Konshisha respectively .

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 09/04/2023

Bring Christ to them ! Mater Dei Campus

Today more than ever we are determined to do works of charity that will bring hope to the vulnerable household .
God bless our foundation
Mater Dei to the world

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 07/02/2023


Introduction :
The mater Dei Campus project is a foundation that seeks to support the cause of the less privileged in the society . These people to should experience some ease in life and be happy with the basic necessity of life .


Water is fundamental to every created being , animals as well as Plants and humans need water to survive .

Selagi is a rural poor community in Konshisha area of Benue State. Predominately known for poor infrastructure and road. The community lacks the presence of government in any form
; no hospitals, schools or electricity . The people of selagi projects especially the Church of Amasetimin have suffered since it’s inception from this basic necessity of life.
This people often times travel quite long distances in search of water for their domestic use . One unfortunate scenario that accompanies is the fact that even the water they struggle to get is often times unclean and unhygienic . This has brought about constant illnesses and opportunistic ailments in the community that could be avoided .

To God be the glory, that from a simple discussion by the project Director of Selagi project , Fr Ada , Mater Dei provided water for this community of Amasetimin in selagi project .


It was a calm evening when the drillers came into this community of selagi with their truck to carry out this project . The community was quite astonished by this show of love by someone whom they had never seen or known ; their joy was beyond boundaries and they could not, but thank God who had visited them in form of Men .
Today this project has been completed and installation done .
Today this community’s search of water is ended . A dawn of new hope is here ; all thanks to Mater Dei campus projects .

This project is dedicated to our blessed mother who continues to intercede for her children and draw benefits from her son . It is our hope that this Mega project will unite the people and that each time they make use of this project , their kind wishes will bless mater Dei campus foundation .

May the intercession of our Blessed Mother , the Virgin Mary continue to be felt by all .

Find the picture details of this project .
Follow us on Facebook … Dei projects


By God's grace Selagi projects will now have portable water, work ongoing at the site


A tour around Selagi community by Mater Dei Campus foundation .


It was a thing of Joy to the people of this Land as the water drilling company arrives


Water project on going at Selagi Projects- we hope this project server God's children in this area well to the glory of His name

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 07/02/2023

Introducing Mater Dei Campus

The aforementioned organization is a none profitable organization aimed at supporting the less previledge, the case is not different to the community of Selagi and it's environs as they received an overwhelming project to drill a borehole in the community, you would recall that this said community (Amasetimin) of Selagi project has suffered water scarcity for over years now, the people of Amasetimin drinks from the river both dey and wet seasons, it's a thing of joy to this community, we pray may this project serve this God's chosen people so they can see the power of God in humanity. Let love Leads

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 07/02/2023

A visit to Selagi community
We hope and believe this visit will bring happiness to the the people of the Land as Mater Dei is set to support the less previledge in our society today. Let love Lead

Photos from Mater Dei Campus's post 06/27/2023

Greetings dear friends …
As part of the vision and mission of Mater Dei , we are please to bring to you the water project that was executed by our foundation ….

This kind gesture was made possible through Fr. Ordedoo . Now the people of Amasetimin in selagi community rejoices for this prices gift .


Good morning beloved in Christ . Have a great Sunday

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Videos (show all)

**Public Notice: Barbing for the New Year Giveaway!**Mater Dei Campus is excited to announce a special giveaway for the ...
Lord this Ten belongs to you . Take me to where you will lord
By God's grace Selagi projects will now have portable water, work ongoing at the site
A tour around Selagi community by Mater Dei Campus foundation .
A tour to check and help the less privileged people
It was a thing of Joy to the people of this Land as the water drilling company arrives
Water project on going at Selagi Projects- we hope this project server God's children in this area well to the glory of ...



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