Alray Direct Gynecology And Intimate Health Center

Alray Direct Gynecology And Intimate Health Center

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Vulvar/va**nal intimacy pain, low libido, va**nal dryness, Peri/
Menopause/ Bioidentical hormones/


🙋🏻‍♀️This is Cliteracy!! ✅

✅We cannot know this body organ in women and act like the cl****al tissue has no role in ‘people with va**nas’ for or***ms!!!

➡️We need to examine this organ with every pelvic exam!!

➡️You will also need to understand your own anatomy and be able to describe any concerns or lack of optimal health down there!

➡️You feel free to talk about your oral cavity and bowel concerns! It’s another important organ in your body with an important function. So let's talk

✅Every clinical provider doing a Pap smear or pelvic exam should examine the v***a with attention to the cl****al anatomy and explain to your patients - its structure, function, and abnormalities if any are noted.

✅ Please seek a provider who is trained in v***ar health/ v***ar pain like Dr Yas in your area. Dr Yas is an fellow and manages all concerns related to your hormonal and s*xual health.

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➡️Lichen sclerosus (LS) is an autoimmune skin condition that causes inflammation and destruction of skin in the v***a, perineum, cl****al and surrounding skin. This condition often is seen before puberty and peaks again around menopause.

➡️Menopause atrophy or thinning of v***a/ va**nal skin due to the lack of estrogen can aggravate this LS condition.

➡️Majority of the time this condition is missed by clinical providers and they lump it as GSM( ge***al atrophy of menopause) and treat this inadequately.

➡️Severe symptoms of itch, burning, irritation, skin breakage, s*xual pain, s*xual dysfunction like or**sm difficulties, severe dryness, bleeding with s*x, and secondary infections of the skin are just some of the concerns you will develop over time.

✅Please seek a v***ar pain and menopause specialist who can examine you and not just give you hormone therapy over hundreds of virtual platforms.

✅You need a detailed v***ar/ va**nal/ perineal/ peri-anal and cl****al exam and early diagnosis by an expert to avoid destruction of your anatomy and much more!!

✅ A visit with a Vulvar pain specialist like Dr. Yasmin or anyone in your area would be of great help to you!! Educate yourself in this condition to seek resources!

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🙆‍♀️When does Hormone therapy start working? I get asked often this question…

Hormone therapy typically will relieve your symptoms in 3-4 weeks but you can have a few symptoms or concerns that may not be relieved with the dose your doctor has given.

➡️HRT ( Hormone therapy) - dose, route, formulation, micro-dosing, your native hormones in perimenopause, etc all matters

➡️If Hormone therapy can cause side effects like breast pain, bleeding, grogginess, etc - this should be discussed with your provider. (There is no data linking weight gain with HRT).

➡️You need follow-up and sometimes labs to see if you need a lower or higher dose of your HRT.

✅Please reach out to your provider if Hormone therapy has stopped working or your symptoms are returning!!

✅You need a Certified Menopause specialist to partner with you on this journey!! Someone who can examine you, listen to you and help you navigate this phase.

❤️Share with a friend & comment below!


🙆‍♀️If you develop or**sm issues as you navigate midlife and aging- there may be an issue with not just your hormones but your cardiovascular health.

✅There was new data to show your cardiovascular health marker could be a healthy cl****is function.

✅Men with erectile dysfunction- this can happen due to poor cardiovascular health and so cl****al erectile tissue can also be affected with poor vascular/ cardiac function.

➡️There will be more research, ultrasound application training, and studies happening in this area in the near future.

✅Keep your cardiovascular health optimal
✅HRT started early on in menopause can prevent the number 1 killer for women which is heart disease.

🔜Please seek a specialist opinion to see if you are a candidate for systemic HRT( hormone therapy)

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➡️Premature ovarian insufficiency- also called ovarian failure or premature menopause can happen anytime more so before the age of 40 years.

❌This can happen due to a myriad of reasons which I will not go in now… But if you are told you don’t have periods, you don’t need any pregnancy protection, and have fun- This is a 💯 lie and total misinformation!!

🔜You need those critical hormones of estrogen/ progesterone and testosterone to be added which were lost for you to function daily in your life!

➡️You will struggle not just with hot flashes but myriad other symptoms that will affect you long term to your brain, heart, bones, joints, va**na, bladder, etc

🩺Many patients are put on a birth control pill as a first option and they stay on it for decades but develop severe other symptoms of brain fog, joint pains, anxiety, depression, breast cancer, etc, low libido, stroke, blood clots etc. the birth control pill has no way of giving your lost testosterone affecting your s*xual function etc … the Bc pill may be an option for very young girls to begin with for few years but majority will benefit with a optimal dose of Bioidentical approved HRT!!

🩺You will need to start FDA approved evidence based Hormone replacement therapy at much higher dose than postmenopausal women. Your dose has to monitored and adjusted based on your symptom relief and risk reduction based on your clinical history.

🔜 Please don’t take this lightly about losing your hormones early and stay on a birth control pill till your 50 th birthday!!

✅Seek a Menopause Specialist like Dr Yas in your area or if you live in our area- please make an appointment to help yourself.

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🙋🏻‍♀️Friday dental care!! Your teeth and gums in peri/ menopause can have changes due to alterations in your hormones.
🔜Due to changes in hormones your gums are susceptible to gingivitis, decay of tooth, and periodontal disease.

🔜You can have bad breath, reduced saliva production, and dry mouth.

✅Make your dental care as important as your cosmetic visit for Botox!!

✅Make sure to visit for a dental exam and cleaning every year or twice a year based on your condition!!

✅ You may be a candidate for estrogen therapy which also helps to keep your tissues healthy and functioning in your body including your oral cavity!! Make sure to ask your doctor about it.

➡️You deserve the best options in your new menopause journey for the next 4-5 decades!! We believe this and you know it! 🥰


🙆‍♀️Testosterone is a female hormone too!! It gradually falls after 30 years of age and during your perimenopause and menopause.

➡️Adding 1/10 the dose of male hormone levels will improve your energy, brain function, and s*xual function. It helps your muscles and bones too.

➡️It is not FDA approved to use in women and not covered by insurance so many women are denied this critical hormone.

✅Menopause Specialists doctors like Dr Yas - can give you physiological doses of this hormone to help you during your midlife, perimenopause and menopause.

✅We have to check your bloods every few months to keep you within that physiological range of testosterone and to avoid any side/adverse effects.

🔜Seek a NAMS/MS certified Hormone/ Menopause specialist in your area like Dr Yas.

🔜If you live in my area reach out to me via my website or text 9842123686.

🔜Share this with a friend who needs to hear this today!!



🎇Menopause and perimenopause are not just about hot flashes, night sweats, and cold shivers.

🎇Your body and mind is changing with these pesky alerts that you are seeing-

🔜You are at risk for high blood pressure, cholesterol, and high blood sugars and it affects your cardiac/ heart health.

🔜You have the risk of cognitive decline including dementia and poor brain function.

🔜You lose bone density, muscle mass, and strength in your musculoskeletal system

🔜You will struggle with v***ar/ vag dryness, discomfort, pain, bladder weakness with urinary leakage, urinary infections after s*x, low libido, arousal, and or**sm difficulties…

✅Stop and pause!! Listen to those subtle signs your body is showing you - Journal them, watch the patterns and seek answers!!

✅Pivot your lifestyle to support your body and mind!

🔜Seek a Menopause Society Certified Specialist like Dr Yas to help you navigate this journey- because we see you, understand and hear you!!

❌We are not just like an online menopause clinics dishing HRT regimens! We are here to support you all through this journey and also to help you with referrals, managing your adverse effects, and collaborating with your other healthcare providers!!

➡️You deserve the best options in your new menopause journey for the next 4-5 decades!! We believe this and you know it! 🥰


🩺Today is Women’s physician day!! 🩺🩺

🩺🙏 I am so grateful to have this opportunity to impact women’s lives for more than 2 decades - all through the span of reproductive health, pregnancy care, robotic surgery of diseased uterus, and now taking care of them in midlife and beyond.

🩺I am so humbled with this opportunity that I have in this world to support, elavate and treat women now in midlife dealing with concerns of hormonal imbalance, s*xual dysfunction, pelvic pain, low libido, vaginitis and much more…

🩺Shout out to many more women physicians like me who are trying to do the same in our country. We need more of us to continue this work.

🩺It did take a lot of grind, sacrifice, courage and resilience to walk this path, but i am so thankful for this!

🙏Thank you again for all your love, support and trust that you have put on me to be your partner in your health care journey!
I am honored and can’t be more grateful! 🙏🙏🩺🩺



🤯Headches!! Migraines!! are common in perimenopause and menopause.

🤯 Why this happens? It can be due to hormonal fluctuations like drop in estrogen/ progesterone etc or absent of estrogen/progesterone like in menopause.

🤯Migraines with aura and estrogen use should be done with caution as this can lead to ischemic events of the brain.

➡️Majority of the time - estrogen therapy in continuous low physiological doses, used in transdermal route can help alleviate these headaches or migraines.

➡️Also non-hormonal options like acupuncture, yoga, vit E, exercise and certain non hormonal meds can help you.

✅A key colloboration between your neurologist and your Certified Menopause Specialist is very critical and needed for you.

➡️Seek a NAMS/ MS certified Menopause specialist for you like Dr Yas in your area to help you navigate those pesky headaches in this phase.

💖Follow, share and comment if any questions!


🔜If you are taking HRT like an estrogen patch and oral progesterone and starting to feel v***a/ va**nal dryness, v***ar/ va**nal pain, urinary urgency, urinary infections, and painful s*x..then you need va**nal/ v***ar health to be addressed and not rely on systemic HRT.

🔜 If you are taking systemic HRT you can still use va**nal/ v***ar hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA to restore your intimate v***ar/ va**nal health back to normal.

🔜Seek a Certified Menopause specialist to listen to your symptoms, do a detailed exam, and add the appropriate safe therapies for you including hormonal and nonhormonal options.

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➡️ESTROGEN is one of the primary hormones in women!! Women were scared of HRT and that fear stemmed from a WHI study in 2002.

➡️We have moved past this study and this flawed study has been debunked with multiple other studies.

➡️Estrogen actually decreases the risk of breast cancer by 30% and it is very safe even if utilized va**nally in all women including breast cancer survivors( with collaboration of their oncologists).

➡️Please do not be fearful of estrogen therapy - it will relieve your myriad symptoms of perimenopause/ menopause and also reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cognitive decline, heart disease, osteoporosis, and va**nal atrophy and its sequelae!!!

➡️Just ask for education and learn this new science on HRT with your clinician and if you get dismissed- don’t STOP!! 🔜Look for another provider who has this new science and qualifications& certification to guide you in this journey!!

➡️Dr Yas is one such specialist wearing the credentials of BOARD CERTIFIED OBGYN, menopause specialist, S*x med gynecologist and v***ar pain specialist.
🔜Reach out to us if you are in our area of practice.

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💊 Is your Birth control pill creating more havoc than just preventing you from getting pregnant? The answer is 💯 yes!!!

✅ I have been seeing this in my practice for years and now I see this article in that there is a lowering of your circulating levels of free testosterone while you are taking

✅This happens due to a decreased production of testosterone and an increase in the protein that attaches to testosterone, leaving very little free testosterone to work.

✅This will dampen your libido, lower your s*x drive & also cause pain in the vestibule of your v***a or va**nal opening called vestibulodynia.

❌Every irritation of burning pain in the v***a or opening of the va**na is not yeast when you are on a birth control pill.

🔜Please seek help with a Certified Menopausal provider ***arpainspecialist *xmedicine like Dr Yas in your area.

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🙋🏻‍♀️I had a busy clinic day But I also just finished discussing about *xual pain ***aanatomy **nalhealth *xualhealthmatters *xualpain **naldrynessrelief and more at

🙏 for giving me this opportunity💕

➡️🔜Go login to menochannel and hear all about your intimate health during perimenopause and menopause.

Share with a friend who needs to hear this! 💕

➡️ Meet Dr. Yas for your concerns and text us at
984 212 3686 for an appointment!

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🙆‍♀️If you stopped your menstrual periods before 40 years is called premature menopause and before 45 years of age is early menopause.

If this is you and your providers told you not to worry as you have no periods and tampons/pads to use, etc, it is total 💯 BS!!

➡️You are at risk of chronic big diseases like cognitive decline, dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis and va**nal pain, s*xual pain, and bladder/ urinary infections.

➡️Start looking for a Menopause specialist like Dr. Yas in your area or search the menopause society directory!

➡️You can prevent chronic illness and have a great QOL even if this happens to you due to any reasons!

🔜If you are living in my area - please reach out to me!!

💖Share this with a friend and follow me for more along this journey.



➡️Join us for a Free virtual event - S*xual Wellness during Menopause with Dr Yas, a leading Triple Certified Menopause and S*xual health specialist who specializes in menopause, hormone therapy for women, female s*xual pain, v***ar conditions like lichen sclerosus, low libido and or**sm disorders.

🔜It is online event on 1/23 evening 7.30 pm EST and check out the information on and link to register is in my bio profile or visit

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🌵It is NOT normal to have pain, discomfort, irritation, soreness or severe dryness in your v***a-va**na.

🌵These organs are similar to your other external organs like your mouth and your rear end which need daily caring and tending till you are alive.

🌵Pain or any kind of discomfort there means - things are changing and your organs are screaming for help- don’t ignore it.

➡️If you get dismissed by your providers or partners or if you are afraid to talk about it or learn about it - come see Dr. Yas or any other v***ar pain specialist in your area.

➡️Dr Yas is a s*x med and menopause specialist- look up the ISSWSH directory for providers in your area.

➡️We have tools, options and treatment strategies that will resolve this condition. You will be able to live pain free with joy and experience the humanness of s*xual pleasure!!

➡️ Meet Dr. Yas for your concerns and text us at
984 212 3686 for an appointment!

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🙋🏻‍♀️1/2 the planet has women living but we still don’t have enough awareness or education about perimenopause and menopause that inevitably happens to every XX ovarian-bearing woman. WHY?

🙋🏻‍♀️We can change the way we live and make our menopause and perimenopause phase healthy, happy, vibrant and joyful if we start to ⤵️

✅Start asking questions and journal the subtle changes in your body.

✅It is Okay to talk with friends, partners, and family about your midlife changes - your mother or grandmother did not but you CAN!!!

✅You do NOT suffer in silence and think you are invisible now. Because you are not and you have decades to thrive and live before you!

✅ There is a lot of misinformation, myths, stories, and false beliefs about hormonal changes in women in midlife and beyond. THE NOISE IS LOUD!!!

➡️🔜Seek a NAMS/ MS certified specialist who has to remain accountable for passing an exam every 3 years and stay updated in menopausal science to help you! Dr Yas is one of them.

➡️I walk your walk in Perimenopause and Menopause and don’t dismiss you like many… I see you, hear you, and feel you!!!

🔜Find someone like that in your area if you cannot get my help and you will thank your future self! 💕


💤Getting your 💤back is the key to living well during your perimenopause and menopause transition.

😴 Sleep is the foundation pillar of your mental, physical, s*xual, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

😴If you are NOT getting 7-8 hours of rested sleep you are setting up for many issues in your 4,5,6th and beyond decades of life.

✅ If you are using sleep aids, medications, and devices to help you fall asleep and stay asleep - but cannot get enough sleep- then you may need help.

💤This sleep deficit may be happening due to hormonal deficiency, bladder issues, hot flashes, sleep apnea, restless legs, worsening anxiety, etc all of which can aggravate perimenopause and menopause.

✅You will get evidence based science proven options to restore your sleep and wellness.

✅ I am happy to help you through this journey if you are in my region of practice.

✅ or Seek a NAMS/MS certified provider in your area.

💕Share this with a friend who needs to hear this. Follow along for more.


💃 This is super important info that I wanted to share with you today! ❤️

✅Either in perimenopause or menopause if you experience **nal pain, va**nal dryness, v***a dryness **naldrynessrelief and you have tried many things from over the counter including balms, creams, etc & nothing is helping-—- 🎇then you will need to take this action🎇

✅Vaginal/ v***a Estrogen( estradiol) cream is safe and has no risk of breast cancer or blood clots etc

✅Breast cancer history is not a contraindication for its use as there is very minimal systemic absorption.

✅Vaginal estrogen keeps the tissues healthy and will prevent severe urine infections and kidney infections from it..

✅ If you are struggling with any of the above concerns - please advocate for yourself and find a specialist like Dr Yas for you in your area.

🤗I am here to help you!

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🎉🎉Happy New year from me and my team at . & intimate center@raleighnc

🙏We are thankful for your support and love ❤️ # we hope to make this your best year to come #ʜᴀᴘᴘʏɴᴇᴡʏᴇᴀʀ2024

🙏 Have a wonderful year filled with joy, peace and vibrant health!!🙌

I am here to partner with you on your health journey of 2024! ❤️


🙋🏻‍♀️I hear this often- weight gain more so in the midsection or belly weight and joint pains- in hands, feet, hips, and knees- they feel stiff and painful- all X-rays and checkups are normal.

🙋🏻‍♀️This can happen for many reasons- changes in your metabolism and insulin sensitivity can cause weight gain in the midsection or changes in the structure and composition of your body after 40 years and beyond…

🙋🏻‍♀️Your joint pains or muscle aches can be resulting due to a deficiency or fluctuation in estrogen levels, loss of muscle mass, bone mass and more..

✅My advice - Try all the options you hear from your friends, mom, gramma, or read/ see on the media. If you are not getting better - please see a certified specialist like Dr Yas in your area.

✅We have options and tools to help@you navigate these challenges in your life.


🎄🎄🎁🎁Have a Merry Christmas and joyful Holidays!

Enjoy these holidays and -

🎁 Get your education for your perimenopause & Menopause symptoms to get treated.

🎄You do not need to suffer!

🎇 Check for a menopause specialist like Dr Yas in your area.

**naldrynessrelief **naldryness **nalburning **na **nalpain ***arpain ***arpainspecialist


🌵If you are experiencing v***ar burning pain, soreness, chronic itching, raw, hot, or searing pain sensations - and you have been given multiple courses of anti-fungal, antibiotics- it means you are not dealing with yeast infection in the v***a and the va**nal area!! ❌

This results from the inflammation called v***ar vestibulitis, lichen sclerosus, contact dermatitis or neuropathic pain. The causes are many and this needs a comprehensive exam and treatment plans.

❌Stop using multiple courses of anti-fungal/ or antibiotics, and harsh v***a cleansers!

✅You will need a detailed exam of the v***a, vulvoscopy, use of Q tip exam to map your v***a pain areas, and more.

✅This comprehensive treatment plan is laid out only by a well-trained v***a pain specialist like Dr. Yas in your area.

✅If you are in NC - please reach out to our office at

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🔥I hear this every day - 🔥

🔥I just don’t have any libido left!! I have no desire or minimal desire to be physically intimate, I have the desire but do not enjoy it or feel the pleasure at all .., I have severe dryness or pain with s-x and I don’t care for it anymore….

🔥These are some of the top things I hear my patients are struggling with every day- they are given choices by their providers which are sometimes reasonable and the majority are absurd!

🔥Hypoactive s*xual Desire Disorder- HSDD is real! Low neurochemicals in your brain like dopamine/ adrenaline can play a role.
🔥Various medications that you are taking may play a huge role in dampening your libido.

🔥Pain in the v***a/ va**nal and dryness is also a huge disruptor of libido.

🔥 Medications like , , and testosterone are being used for such conditions in addition to s*x therapy and coaching.

🔥I collaborate with my tribe of *xtherapist, and , and give you the right medications to restore your biology if there is a need to.

🔥You will restore your desire, or**sm and resolve dryness and pain with intimacy if you connect with a trained s*x med Gynecologist or provider like Dr. Yas in your area.
✅Look up and for a list of providers in your area.

✅If you are in NC or WI - pl reach out to my office to schedule a consultation for the above concerns.

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🙏I am so grateful and honored to have y’all with me on this journey of healing and vibrant living ...💖🙌🙏✅Please reach ou...
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