Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN

+ functional and holistic RD 🥑
+ personalized support and testing to help discover your best health ✨
+ DM me or visit my website for appointment bookings 🗓

Registered Dietitians helping women in perimenopause find energy, think clearly, fit into their clothes & experience their BEST life with personalized nutrition & testing

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 08/08/2024

Seriously. We might sound like a broken record but we KNOW you are all still running around, multi tasking, and not taking time to actually sit down and chew your food. And yes, we know you have a million things going on life.

But, if you want to
⭐️ solve your digestion issues
⭐️ eliminate your bloating
⭐️ stop feeling controlled by your cravings
⭐️ & boost your metabolism

Then you have got to prioritize making mealtimes meal times.

And, you’ve got to take the time to actually sit down and CHEW your food.

Let’s be honest, we dont expect you to eat and do nothing else. But we do want you to
🪑 feel your butt in the chair
👣 put your feet on the ground
🧘🏼‍♀️ allow your body to relax a little
and in doing so, remind your 🧠 that it’s safe to prioritize digestion.

Set a time if you struggle with feeling like you are wasting time. Start by giving yourself just 10 minutes to eat lunch. Sit down, chew each bite, and receive bonus points for not looking at a screen.

Try it for a week and we promise you’ll notice a difference.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 08/01/2024

It's here! We think Blood Sugar is a HUGE player in health and this happens to be a topic that we work with every single client on no matter what they are struggling with. But often when people think about blood sugar they immediately assume you just have to cut out all sugar - and that sounds like no fun to us!

We just created a free guide with our absolute favorite tips for balancing your blood sugar without focusing on restriction. We know you’re going to LOVE this one.

DM us BLOOD SUGAR to download your copy!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 07/16/2024

You've likely all heard about the hormone cortisol at this point. In fact, most women we work with are convinced that they have cortisol that is through the roof. BUT did you know that we actually want to have a healthy cortisol rise in the morning? It's this rise (called your CAR) that then supports a healthy pattern for the rest of the day, later affecting melatonin production and sleep! Ideally there's a daily rhythm to cortisol levels that can be an incredibly important part of your whole body health.

We love to use the to help explore our clients' specific needs as it relates to cortisol and hormones. But, in the meantime, here are some of our favorite ways to help support a healthy cortisol pattern in the morning, which can set you up for success for the rest of the day.

Want to know more about YOUR cortisol levels and how to really optimize hormones? DM us CHAT today and we'd love to tell you about how learning more about your cortisol patterns could be a game changer.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 07/09/2024

First, if you are interested in getting personalized support to help balance your blood sugar DM us the word CHAT to set up a free discovery call.

People are often surprised to find out that there are plenty of non food things that can affect blood sugar

And sometimes these are playing more of a role with glucose and insulin than someone might realize - especially for the healthy active population

There are a number of ‘alarms’ for your body that might cause your body to increase blood glucose, independent of food, including:
🚨Stress - triggers the adrenals to release hormones cortisol and adrenaline, both of which increase glucose in the bloodstream and inhibit insulin’s effects
🚨Exercise - blood glucose increases in order to help your brain and limbs function during exercise (exercise can also lower blood sugar by increasing uptake into muscle)
🚨Poor sleep - research has shown blood glucose is much more variable after a night of poor sleep
🚨Infection or illness - particularly those driven by fever and inflammation
🚨Time of day - this is hugely variable from person to person, but often you will find the same foods will affect you differently at different points in the day, largely due to natural changes in cortisol and hormones

Hopefully now you can see that there are so many avenues outside of nutrition that you must support to ensure balance blood sugar. 💪


We have a busier summer than usual between family vacations and getting our kids to camps on either sides of the state, which means rhythm and consistency feel a bit harder. Read on below for a few tips and tricks that I use in my household to try to stay as consistent as possible

1. Prioritize Consistency & Routine: Spend just 10 minutes identifying what practices or routines have helped you feel your best and stay consistent with your goals in the last few months.

⭐️Waking up 30-60 minutes before the kids for movement or alone time
⭐️Making lunches the night before
⭐️Spending 10 minutes praying or meditating
⭐️Going to bed by 10pm even when the sun sets later
⭐️Eating breakfast!
⭐️Scheduling your workouts for the week
⭐️Maintaining a grocery or meal planning routine

2. Meal Prep: Meal prepping doesn’t have to involve hours in the kitchen - ours never does! Instead, spend 5 minutes each week looking at the week ahead so that you know what is coming. What is 1 thing you could prep or cook even that would help you tomorrow? Think hard boiled eggs, chopping veggies for tomorrow's dinner, grilling extra chicken, making lunches, etc.

3. Embrace Variation: New seasons are a great time to adjust and tweak your go-to meals. Yall know that we love to encourage you to be a bit boring when it comes to staying consistent but that doesn't mean you can't try new things and new flavors.

4. Schedule Activities & Rest Mindfully: Summer is the season of endless possibilities. When scheduling activities, opt for activities that bring you joy, reduce stress, and support your physical and mental health. And don't forget to schedule in activities that allow you to rest too! If like us, you still have a full-time job during the summer, it can be even more important to schedule vacation time or just make sure to take the evenings and weekends to fully rest.

As usual, we want to emphasize that the goal is not to be perfect or feel stuck with the same schedule. Choose one to focus on first and get good at that before moving on to another!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 06/27/2024

One of the best parts about our job is seeing our clients experience the amazing outcomes that we know are possible with the right care and support. It is even more motivating for us when clients experience a boost in energy and moods, realize they are no longer dealing with digestive issues, and finally feel like themselves again.

That's why Katherine created the Vital Shift Program. After years of working with women struggling through perimenopause and seeing them come to life again, Katherine knew this protocol was too good not to share with everyone! She has intentionally created a program that supports you from all angles, allowing you to THRIVE in this transitional time of life.

Interested in learning more about the Vital Shift Program for women just like you - walking through Perimenopause and not sure what is even possible?
Comment CHAT to set up a free strategy call and find out if you are a good fit for our program.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 06/13/2024

Decision fatigue is defined as "mental exhaustion resulting from the large number of decisions we make daily, leading to difficulty making decisions, or at least making good decisions."

Sound familiar?

Why do we, as dietitians, care about decision fatigue? Because whether you are deciding what to make for dinner, which to camp to send your kids to, or when you are actually going to have time to move your body, all decisions add up in the same way to your brain. Add to that questions like what diet you should be following, how much protein you actually need, and whether or not you should be fasting, it can start to feel like you can't stop the spinning.
All this overwhelm from too many decisions to make can not only lead to reduced self-control and impulsive choices, but can negatively affect your health by impacting adrenal function, sleep, hormone production, mental health, and blood sugar control.

So, how do we stop all that spinning?

To start, we want to you to remember that perfect is the enemy of good. Ask yourself what is the "good enough" option in this situation.

And then, we recommend identifying ways you can begin to lighten your mental load when it comes to feeding yourself and your family.

Want more support? DM us "CHAT" to set up a free discovery call today!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 06/06/2024

Hopefully after our previous fiber post, you now know that fiber doesn't just come from cereal and Metamucil. But, did you know there are different types of fiber? And, the often-overlooked-superstar (in our opinion) isn't what's found in broccoli and brussels sprouts.

So often our clients come to us after hearing fiber was good for them, and subsequently doubling down on their greens and veggies, only to get constipated or more bloated. Increasing fiber is a delicate game! But even more importantly, we want you to focus on ALL types of fiber, not just the roughage.

In fact, we are BIG FANS of soluble fiber for it's ability to help regulate cholesterol, feed beneficial bacteria, improve the gut microbiome and motility, and support balanced blood sugar. What's more, many times we work with clients who aren't getting enough of this type of fiber because of carb restriction.

Check out more below and let us know in the comments your favorite way to get soluble fiber!

Soluble Fiber:
- Dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance in your gut.
- Helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion.
- Aids in lowering LDL cholesterol, keeping your heart happy.
- Found in starchy root veggies, oats, ground flaxseed, asparagus, artichoke, okra, fruits, and legumes.

Insoluble Fiber:
- Doesn't dissolve in water, adding bulk to your stool.
- Keeps things moving smoothly through your digestive system.
- Supports gut health by preventing constipation.
- Found in leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cucumber, celery, nuts & seeds, fruits with skin, and grains

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 06/04/2024

Interested in learning how to personalize and stick to your own list of hormone healing support?
DM us "Chat" to schedule a discovery call today!

1. Make sure you’re eating enough! - Hot temps and summer schedules can affect appetite and the types of foods that you crave. This is a particularly important season to make sure you aren't making snacks into meals, and eat enough whole, real foods to nourish and metabolize hormones.
2. Establish a daily eating rhythm & avoid fasting too frequently - Once again, summer is a time when your schedule can become completely disrupted and often new routines blend into frequently skipped meals. Fasting can be a great tool on occasion or with intention but most women don’t benefit by daily fasting lengths of more than 12-14 hours.
3. Balance blood sugar with protein, fat and fiber at each meal to help provide stable energy throughout the day. This is especially important when pool-side snack foods turn into meals and often are lacking in protein & fiber!
4. Find ways to offset summer stress. We know everything is a little more laid back in the summer, but there is still plenty to deal wtih and sometimes more stress due to dueling schedules and roles. We also know you can't eliminate stress (who could?!), but it's especially important to find ways to help your brain respond to stress in your life without it negatively affecting your body - some ideas are intentional breathing, 2 minute brain breaks, working with a therapist, dancing or listening to music, and more!
5. Don't forget about good sleep - especially wtih these longer days. We know it's nice to have later dinner and still get to watch the sunset. Just make sure you try to stick to a bedtime routine even in the summer and work on going to sleep by 10 (or earlier if you can!)
6. Give yourself time and space to p**p every day! Travel and new routines can really affect your digestive system! Plan on giving yourself extra time and privacy to have a bowel movement at least once a day, and make sure to stay hydrated to support regular p**ps which are critical for hormone health.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 05/21/2024

With all of our clients we discuss the importance of eating Protein, Fat AND FIBER when it comes to building a balanced meal or snacks. Read on about why we think Fiber is a a critical part of this trio ⤵️

1. Feeds the good bacteria in our digestive tract and helps promote regular bowel movements: Fiber adds bulk while also softening the stool. It also feeds beneficial bacteria, all of which helps promote gut health, and improve regularity & motility.

2. Balances Cholesterol Levels: Soluble fiber, found in foods like oats, beans, potatoes, and flaxseeds, forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. This gel binds to cholesterol, preventing its absorption into the bloodstream and helps to remove it from the body.

3. Balances & Maintains Blood Sugar levels: Fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of carbs, preventing rapid spikes and dips in blood sugar levels

4. Metabolizing & Detoxing Hormones: Certain types of fiber, like flaxseeds, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, are important for the metabolism and excretion of estrogen. By supporting detoxification pathways, fiber helps maintain hormonal balance.

5. Supports Satiety: Fiber-rich foods are inherently filling and satisfying, which can help keep you full and reduce cravings.

The daily recommended intake for women is 25 g/day and for men 38 g/day. Think you are hitting it? If not, thats what dietitians are for! DM us the word "chat" to book a discovery call today!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 05/16/2024

We hear from you every single day… You are exhausted and overwhelmed. And you are tired of not seeing progress. Whether it be your energy, pant size, bloating, periods or the number on the scale - you are putting in ALL the effort, and feel like you are doing everything right but just not seeing change.

We can help. We can give you back TIME
by getting to the root of your symptoms and actually solving your problems without you having it to do it alone.

If this sounds as glorious as it should, DM us CHAT to get on our schedules today.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 05/14/2024

Everyone's favorite question!! Are you shooting for p**p perfection?!

Assessing bowel movements is often one of the first things we discuss with patients as it gives us tons of insight into whole body health, and can affect hormones, brain health, glucose management, metabolism, skin, and more.

So how do you know if your p**ps are healthy? Well we can't really know without testing, but here are some signs and symptoms we want you to be watching for:

Frequency: At minimum you should be having 1 bowel movement a day, if you are not your are holding on to waste (eek!!) and this can cause all kinds of symptoms but also provide the perfect environment for brewing more and more bacteria and microbs. P**ping up to 3 times/ day is considered ideal for most of you (as long as they also meet criteria for #2&3). And you know what's an even better sign? P**ping at the same time every day indicates your body is in a great rhythm. We even encourage clients to try to create this rhythm in their day.
Color: Any shade of brown is considered normal. Some foods can change the color of your p**p (ie beets!), but as long as this is infrequent there is no warrant for concern. P**p that is super dark, pale or light grey, puke green or yellow is not what we are looking for.
Consistency: Your p**p should be easy to pass without too much effort, long, sausage shapes, sinking, and hold its shape once fully eliminated. Stool that is loose, diarrhea, seems like rabbit p**p, has undigested food pieces, or is floating is a no-no. Pro-tip: We are big fans of using a squatty potty or something similar if this helps with consistency.

Curious about why your p**p might not meet our criteria? Gut health is one of our favorite topics to dig into with clients. DM us CHAT to hear how we can help you perfect your p**ps!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 05/02/2024

💥Your brain doesn't seem to operate as quickly, it takes you longer to think of things, and you can’t stay focused
💥Your sleep is sh*tty, you can’t fall asleep, or you wake up constantly throughout the night
💥You are always exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get
💥You feel like you can’t do anything well, or as though you are struggling with everything from parenting, to being a good partner, to work, & more
💥Your libido is long gone, & va**na is getting dryer by the day
💥Your clothes fit differently, especially around the waist, & you can’t seem to lose weight
💥Your tolerance for alcohol has plummeted & leads to headaches or night sweats no matter how little you drink
💥Your periods are all over the place, no longer predictable, scant, or heavier
💥Your anxiety is through the roof & even the littlest things can completely set you on edge

Perimenopause is the TRANSITION between your fertile years & menopause. And menopause is marked by 365 days without a bleed - meaning that perimenopause can last anywhere from 1-12 years leading up to that point in time.

That means supporting you in this transition might look drastically different from person to person & even for you depending on where you are in the transition.

There is no single test to verify if you are in this transition or how close you are to menopause. So because of that we rely heavily on age and symptoms. If you are a woman between the ages of 35 - 50 & struggling with some of these symptoms it’s very likely that you are in perimenopause.

And, you have to remember, this is a natural transition. Our goal isn't to prevent it, it’s simply to help you feel your best THROUGH the transition and not have to walk it alone. We don't ever use a one size fits all approach but especially for our women in perimenopause. Sure, there are universal themes, tools and resources, but knowing what is going on with YOUR body and where you are in that transition is a HUGE part of our approach.

If you are experiencing these symptoms we would love for you to reach out and talk through how we can help you RECLAIM your energy, libido, clarity, and confidence. DM us CHAT to book a free call today.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 04/24/2024

I am TIRED of women believing that fatigue, constant cravings, bloating and constipation, terrible periods, a missing libido, and brain fog are just ‘normal’ and to be expected in this phase of life. While these symptoms might be typical they DO NOT have to be the norm for you.

Many of our perimenopause women don’t even realize what is going on until things get bad, when those little signs and symptoms likely started in your late 30s.

You do not have to wait until
You can’t sleep through the night
You are falling asleep every afternoon
You start skipping cycles
You are bleeding through your leggings every month
You are perpetually bloated
You have NO s*x drive
Your clothes no longer fit
You don’t feel like yourself anymore
Our goal is to help you prevent these symptoms from getting to a place that feels unbearable. And do it in a way that doesnt exhaust you even more in the process. What’s more, we use an ABUNDANCE focus, helping you ADD and BUILD to your diet rather than restrict. So you don't have to worry about giving up your favorite foods or feeling restricted.

We design our programs around helping you understand
what is going on in your body and brain
What steps make the most sense for you to see quick change
And how to create habits and patterns that help you stay successful
The sooner you get started, the sooner you get your LIFE BACK.

DM us CHAT if you’re ready to get your Life Back.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 04/17/2024

Throughout April we have been talking about our favorite acronym to help you build a balanced meal: PFF! (And just in case you forgot, that stands for Protein, Fat & Fiber)

So today we're excited to share some of our favorite go-to's for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks.

Remember, you can mix these up however you like as well! These lists are meant to provide you inspiration, and be a template to creating your own balanced plates.

Save this and use it for later and let us know in the comments - what are we missing? Do you have a favorite PFF combo that wee need to add?

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 04/10/2024

Let's be real – perimenopause can feel like a never-ending battle against your own body. One minute you're full of energy, the next you're battling brain fog and mood swings. It's exhausting, frustrating, and downright overwhelming.

We work with women every day who feel like their symptoms have slowly gotten worse and worse over the years, leaving them feeling lost and unsure about what is even possible.

But what if there was a way to reclaim your power and experience the best phase of life yet?

That's where the Vital Shift series comes in. Through a combination of individual and group support, testing, and all the tools you can imagine, you'll learn how to navigate the ups and downs of perimenopause with confidence and grace. From helping you to understand your unique hormonal and digestive changes, to empowering you with knowledge about the changes in this phase of life, to implementing practical strategies for reclaiming your vitality, Katherine’s got you covered.

So, if you're ready to say goodbye to fatigue and confusion and hello to energy & clarity, then let's chat! Let's embark on this journey together and discover what it means to thrive through perimenopause. 💫

DM us PERI to get our Free guide to Perimenopause and find out more about how Katherine can help you thrive.

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 04/09/2024

Let's be real – perimenopause can feel like a never-ending battle against your own body. One minute you're full of energy, the next you're battling brain fog and mood swings. It's exhausting, frustrating, and downright overwhelming.

We work with women every day who feel like their symptoms have slowly gotten worse and worse over the years, leaving them feeling lost and unsure about what is even possible.

But what if there was a way to reclaim your power and experience the best phase of life yet?

That's where the Vital Shift series comes in. Through a combination of individual and group support, testing, and all the tools you can imagine, you'll learn how to navigate the ups and downs of perimenopause with confidence and grace. From helping you to understand your unique hormonal and digestive changes, to empowering you with knowledge about the changes in this phase of life, to implementing practical strategies for reclaiming your vitality, Katherine’s got you covered.

So, if you're ready to say goodbye to fatigue and confusion and hello to energy & clarity, then let's chat! Let's embark on this journey together and discover what it means to thrive through perimenopause. 💫

DM us PERI to get our Free guide to Perimenopause and find out more about how Katherine can help you thrive.


As Registered Dietitians, one of the first things we address with patients is building their meals with a balance of macronutrients. Why? Because when we eat a balance of macronutrients, we help stabilize blood sugar, lower stress response, improve gut microbiome & absorption, stabilize moods, and more!

But before you get overwhelmed, we have a pretty simple recipe to help you balance your meals that we call “PFF,” which stands for Protein, Fiber and Fat. By focusing on getting a solid source of each of those any time you eat, and ideally in that order, you will be well on your way to eating balanced & nourishing meals.

Protein stimulates our satiety hormone, suppresses our hunger hormone, and increases satiety between meals because it takes the body more time to break down and digest, helping stabilize glucose levels and minimize cravings.
Dietary fiber is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes, which in turn means that it slows down digestion and feeds gut microbes, both of which help stabilize blood sugar and keep you full longer.

Fats are superstars when it comes to satiety because they are absorbed extremely slowly, suppress hunger hormones, and of course taste delicious.

Ready for some ideas? Stay tuned for our upcoming posts with more!

Photos from Katherine Andrew, MPH, RDN, LDN's post 03/22/2024

There are so many changes to navigate in perimenopause but one of the less talked about aspects when it comes to hormones is GUT HEALTH.

In fact 1️⃣ of the key features of our revolutionary experience, the Vital Shift, is improving digestion & liver health. We commonly see hormone imbalances that are rooted in poor gut health, & so START by making sure digestion is working properly before exploring your hormone levels. But why?

Here are 4 important reasons we focus on Gut Health in our program for Perimenopausal women:
1️⃣ Nutrient Absorption: During perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations can disrupt your body's ability to absorb essential nutrients. A healthy digestive system ensures that you're getting all the vitamins & minerals needed to support hormone production & balance.
2️⃣ Hormone Metabolism: Did you know that your digestive tract & liver play a crucial role in metabolizing estrogen, as well as other hormones? It's true! A well-functioning digestive system helps break down estrogen & clears it from your body efficiently, reducing the risk of estrogen dominance or recirculation.
3️⃣ Gut Microbiome & Detox pathways: Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, collectively known as the gut microbiome. This microbiome plays a significant role in hormone regulation, including estrogen metabolism & detox. By promoting a healthy gut environment, you’re supporting healthy hormone production & elimination.
4️⃣ Stress Response: Did you know that your gut and brain are in constant communication? The gut-brain axis plays a significant role in regulating stress hormones like cortisol. When digestion is impaired, it can lead to increased stress levels, further exacerbating hormonal imbalances commonly experienced during perimenopause. What’s more, increased stress in this phase of life can significantly impact gut health.
So, if you're tired of feeling worn out, frustrated, and ready to reclaim your vitality, the Vital Shift is your ticket to transformation!

Let's navigate perimenopause together and embrace this phase with grace and vitality! DM us “PERI” to receive your free guide to perimenopause and learn more about how this program can revolutionize your life!


Feeling like perimenopause is throwing you off balance?

It's time to make a Vital Shift.

🌟 Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, tackling your day with clarity, having the patience and energy to enjoy your kids in the afternoon, feeling energized enough to enjoy a workout, and bidding farewell to pesky bloat. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it's time to turn that dream into reality.

Introducing The Vital Shift: your ultimate guide to conquering perimenopause and embracing your best phase of life yet. This isn't just about fitting into your clothes or saying goodbye to bloat (although those are nice perks). It's about reclaiming your energy, clarity, and confidence to thrive.

💪 Don't navigate perimenopause alone. Let us guide you through this transformative journey with functional testing, personalized support, hours of resources, and a community of like-minded women.

Ready to take the first step towards a Vital Shift? DM us the word "CHAT" to set up a FREE discovery call and find out how we can help you reclaim your vitality.✨


What would you give to know that you were on the right path and eliminate COUNTLESS hours of WONDERING what to try next?

We SEE YOU 👀 spending time researching, talking to friends, looking for answers, and wondering if there's anything out there that might help you feel like yourself again. And, dreading that the answer is simply to suck it up and put up with the symptoms. We SEE YOU not feeling like yourself and wondering if you will ever feel the same again.

Our perimenopause program, the Vital Shift, WILL can save you hours and hours of constantly wondering if you are following the right plan for you, AND help you experience energy and vitality again. Built on 15 years of practice and research, we know what works and how to help you.

The Vital Shift is built on 5 key areas:
✨ Identify & Live Into your Vision, Intention & Mindset
✨ Repair Gut Health & Support Efficient Detox Pathways
✨ Maximize Nutrients & Balance Blood Sugar
✨ Address Stressors & Support your Nervous System
✨ Support & Optimize Hormone Transitions

You see, health isn't a one size fits all approach, nor is it isolated to just one system. In order to support your hormone transitions, we have to work on mindset, gut health and detox pathways, nourishment, and blood sugar.

By receiving testing, tools, resources & support for each of these, my clients are able to walk away with
💥 Re-ignited Energy
💥 Symptom-free Digestion
💥 Predictable Hormone shifts and Cycles
💥 A Clear and Steady Mind
💥 Boosted Metabolism for Sustainable Fat Loss

And, FINALLY feel like themselves again.
DM us CHAT to find out how we can help you too.

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We know it can feel overwhelming to take the first step. And we know that you have A MILLION things in flux right now an...
1️⃣ Changes can start well before you turn 40 2️⃣ Generic nutrition and macro advice might not cut it for you  3️⃣ Often...
Perimenopause is a TRANSITION leading up to menopause. And just like puberty, the transition can start as early age 35 o...
That’s right, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women going through our Perimenopause Program are already experiencing pretty impr...
DM us the word “CHAT” if you’re ready to finally stop spinning and see results!We hear you... You have spent hours figur...
We know. You are already overwhelmed from an annoying amount of conflicting information. But, here’s the thing - every b...
We know. You are already overwhelmed from an annoying amount of conflicting information. But, here’s the thing - every b...
One of our favorite reminders is that Instead of focusing on what you need to remove from your diet, we want to encourag...
Want to know the number 1 thing we see that affects metabolism, hormones & gut health?! … Blood Sugar BalanceWe know we ...
psa: if you’re waiting for the ‘right time’ to start a program, it’s likely not going to come We know it can feel overwh...
Lets talk about building a balanced plate! Getting it "right" can feel overwhelming.  So our suggestion is to stop think...
We know it can be frustrating to feel like you’re putting in the work and not seeing progress. In fact, most of the peri...



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