Sequoia Awards

The Sequoia Awards offers scholarships to high school seniors who live in the greater Redwood City area and are active community volunteers.

More than $2.8 million in scholarship money has been awarded since 1990.


Each year, our Outstanding Student of the Year chooses one non-profit organization to receive a $500 donation from The Sequoia Awards. 2024 winner Antonio Campbell Rodriguez chose Mission Bit, which delivers foundational computer science and coding classes to underserved youth. Mission Bit


Happy to introduce the 2024-25 officers of our board of directors.

Our board chair is Jenny Corral Stahler. Jenny is the business manager at the Redwood City Police Department, where she's worked for 23 years, and she was the Sequoia Awards Outstanding Student of the Year scholarship winner in 1995. We love it these full-circle moments!

Jeri Daines is serving as Vice Chair. Jeri is the founder of NuTerra Real Estate Group, and also has a strong connection to The Sequoia Awards. Her grandfather, Will Richardson, was a Sequoia Awards Outstanding Individual of the Year Award recipient, and her parents were honored with the Outstanding Citizens Award.

Dennis McBride, CPA, CGMA, MA, is a former financial tech executive, and has served as the treasurer of The Sequoia Awards since 2005. His dedication and service is an inspiration to our entire organization. He's been known to hand-cut checks and deliver them same-day to students scrambling to make a tuition payment on deadline. (Let's not let that get around.) 😉

Read more about the great people behind our scholarships at

Redwood City Police Department


We hope you enjoyed our series of posts featuring each of our 2024 Sequoia Awards winners. We thought we'd share this short video of our celebration event.
We are so proud of this year's class of honorees. They have touched thousands of people in our community through their volunteerism, and we are awed by all of their accomplishments.

Since it was founded in 1990, The Sequoia Awards has distributed more than $2.8 million in scholarships to Redwood City high school seniors.

If you'd like to support our mission of encouraging volunteerism and honoring our local student volunteers, please consider joining us as a sponsor or donor. To learn more, visit us online at


We have so much admiration for Michael Sarboraria from The Nueva School, who was chosen for a Sequoia Award sponsored by the Hannig Sail It Forward Foundation. From his first volunteer experience through Cub Scouts to achieving the prestigious Eagle Scout rank, Michael has dedicated over 260 hours to community service. His efforts range from assisting youth at Kings Mountain Archery Service to conservation work at Black Mountain Open Space Preserve. As the son and grandson of refugees from Communist Vietnam, he understands the challenges immigrants face. Inspired by recent global crises, he took action, raising funds and gathering supplies for those fleeing conflict. With the help of volunteers, he sorted and packed essentials, adding personal touches like welcome cards to each kit. Michael will attend the University of Pennsylvania and would like to study biochemistry and work in research or education. Congratulations, Michael, on this well-earned recognition!

To learn more about our scholarship program, visit
The Nueva School


We are proud to recognize Abigail Rene from Woodside High School with a Sequoia Award scholarship. Inspired by her mom's battle with a brain tumor, Abigail channels her experience into supporting patients and families affected by this disease. She's deeply involved with the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation (CBTF), raising awareness and funding research. Abigail's initiatives include collecting donations for care packages at Camp Make-A-Dream and creating Jenna's Friendship Circle, a pen pal program connecting brain cancer survivors through personal letters. Her dedication brings support, solace and connection to those facing similar challenges. Her experiences inspired her to pursue a career in the healthcare industry as a physician's assistant. Abigail’s sponsorship was made possible by The Franceschini Family, Kaiser Permanente, Recology, and Stanford University. Congratulations, Abigail, on your well-deserved recognition and the difference you are making for so many.

Learn more about students like Abigail by visiting our website
Kaiser Permanente Recology Stanford University


We are honored to meet students like Mercedes Martin from Sequoia High School. Inspired by personal family experiences, Mercedes channels her passion into volunteer efforts aimed at combating substance abuse and protecting vulnerable youth. She began volunteering at the Youth Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, and Employment (YEEE) program, where she gained valuable life skills and was placed at Redwood City Together. As an unpaid intern, Mercedes collaborated on a research project focused on drug and alcohol use in the community. Together with a partner, she developed a comprehensive survey, collected data, and presented the findings and recommendations to community leaders. Mercedes' dedication and initiative make her a true champion for positive change. Mercedes wants to study international business and work in international marketing or consulting. Thank you to the Crittenden Family Foundation for making Mercedes’ Sequoia Awards scholarship possible. Congratulations, Mercedes, on your well-deserved award!

Learn more about The Sequoia Awards by visiting


Congratulations to Sushant Bhopale from Carlmont High School for being selected as a Sequoia Awards scholarship recipient sponsored by the Hannig Environmental Research Organization (HERO). Sushant's journey as a volunteer began at the age of 7, canvassing neighborhoods with his parents to support the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District parcel tax for public schools As a teenager, he played a pivotal role in the passage of school funding Measures R, K, and C. Recognizing a gap in world language education, Sushant founded the Amigos Españoles club while in high school, where he taught basic Spanish to middle school students, created lesson plans, and mentored club members. His commitment to education extends to one-on-one tutoring of native Spanish-speaking students through Project READ-Redwood City at the Redwood City Library. Additionally, Sushant volunteers his time at the Stanford Blood Center. Sushant’s helping spirit will continue, as he plans to pursue a career in medicine. Congratulations, Sushant, on your well-deserved recognition.

To learn more about our scholarship program, visit


High five to Jessie Yuan from Carlmont High School, this year’s recipient of the Will Richardson Memorial Scholarship. Jessie's volunteer efforts span a diverse range of causes, reflecting her varied skills and her passion for addressing real-world challenges. From providing care and companionship to sheltered animals at the Peninsula Humane Society to helping individuals navigate the tax system through the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, Jessie's empathy, sense of responsibility, and commitment to social equity are evident in all her endeavors. She also tutors math and statistics at Carlmont and participates in Skyline College's tutoring program. Additionally, she provides invaluable language partner support to minority students, helping them transition into the classroom environment. Jessie looks forward to pursuing a career as a statistician or data analyst. Congratulations, Jessie!

To learn more about The Sequoia Awards, visit
Carlmont High School


Congratulations to Avery, the very deserving recipient of a Sequoia Award scholarship sponsored by Hannig Law. Through her dedication and service, Avery earned the highest honor in the Congressional Awards Program, the gold medal. She completed an impressive 557 hours of community service, easily surpassing the required 400 hours to qualify. Her work included designing holiday cards for Second Harvest Food Bank and sewing more than 300 masks for Mills Peninsula Hospital during the pandemic. Her focus on the Japanese-American community drives her roles as a camp counselor at Medaka No Gakko and as a volunteer with the Japanese-American Citizens League. Avery's leadership was recognized when she was chosen to hold the flag at a Day of Remembrance event, honoring survivors of WWII Japanese internment camps, a cause deeply personal to her as her grandmother was born in one of the camps. As a result of her volunteer experiences, Avery would like to major in ethnic studies and work in policymaking. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, Avery. Congratulations!

To learn more about our scholarship program, visit


Nathalie’s remarkable dedication to serving our community earned her a Sequoia Awards scholarship, sponsored by Heritage Bank of Commerce. Known for her natural teaching skills, Nathalie is the go-to resource for classmates and friends seeking homework help. Inspired to extend her assistance beyond her peers, she joined LifeMoves, a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding homeless individuals and families, as a tutor for underserved students. During COVID-19, Nathalie moved her tutoring sessions online, tailoring her lessons to meet each student's unique learning needs. Additionally, she volunteers as a mentor in Woodside High School's Compass Program, supporting incoming 9th grade students academically and socially. Nathalie would like to continue serving others by pursuing a career as a sports medicine physician. Congratulations on your scholarship win, Nathalie!

To learn more about our 2024 Sequoia Award winners, visit


Meet Kayla, a true champion of community service. With an impressive record of over 350 hours volunteered across various organizations, Kayla's dedication shines bright. As a prominent member of the Octagon Club at Woodside High School, she not only holds leadership roles but also leads by example as one of the club's most enthusiastic volunteers. Her activities include participating in Trash Patrol on Saturdays and organizing campus clean-ups and supply drives for Pets in Need. At events like the Kings Mountain Art Fair and Music in the Park, she continues to make a difference, serving our community with passion and dedication. Kayla would like to become a child psychologist. Congratulations to Kayla on her well-deserved scholarship!

To learn more about The Sequoia Awards, visit


Congratulations to Elizabeth Romero De La Rosa from Sequoia High School (SEQUOIA HIGH SCHOOL )on her Sequoia Awards scholarship, sponsored by Tara Fowler & Bob Haeusslein, Merrill, and DPR Construction . Elizabeth began volunteering in middle school. At Sequoia, she emerged as a leader in the Dream Club, advocating for undocumented students and empowering her peers through workshops on college application programs. Inspired to make an even greater impact, Elizabeth co-founded Humanity for All, a community service project dedicated to providing hygiene kits for the unhoused. She also played a pivotal role in establishing the Modern Social Justice Club at Sequoia, demonstrating her commitment to advancing social justice on multiple levels. Elizabeth would like to study law and work for a non-government organization.

Learn more about our mission by visiting


A huge congrats to Elena Rodriguez from Sequoia High School for earning a Sequoia Award scholarship sponsored by Sares Regis Community Foundation. When Elena talks about giving back, she means it literally. She remembers how community services made a difference for her and her family, and she saw first-hand how her family's legacy of community organizing helped others. Elena devoted more than 200 hours to various causes, making a significant impact in our community. As a member of Promotores at Redwood City Together, she plays a vital role in raising awareness of available resources for low-income families, reaching over 5,600 community members. Additionally, Elena volunteers at the North Fair Oaks Library, providing tech support to improve computer and mobile literacy skills. At Sequoia High School, she co-founded the Modern Social Justice Club, underscoring her commitment to advancing social justice at local, national, and international levels. Elena is interested in a career in biomedical research. Her passion for service and advocacy is truly inspiring, and we celebrate her well-deserved scholarship win!

Learn more about our mission by visiting


Let's give a standing ovation to Sophia Ortiz from Woodside High School. Her scholarship, provided by Lyngso Garden Materials, is in recognition of the huge impact she has had on those with food insecurity in our community. Sophia volunteers through Catholic Charities and Nuestra Casa de East Palo Alto, spending more than 200 hours registering families for services, packaging food, and distributing meals. Her fluency in both English and Spanish has been invaluable in facilitating this process. Sophia's remarkable contribution earned her the prestigious Volunteer Vest from Catholic Charities, one of the youngest volunteers to be so honored. We celebrate Sophia's compassion and commitment to making a difference in our community. Sophia would like to work in sports management. Congratulations on your well-deserved scholarship win, Sophia!

To learn more about The Sequoia Awards, visit
Woodside High School


Put your hands together for Alya Madhani from Woodside High School! Alya received a Sequoia Awards scholarship sponsored by Tony & Ali Uccelli and Lee Cheerful Giving. With more than 300 hours contributed to local non-profits and causes, Alya's impact is felt by many. From her meticulous tutoring with Project READ-Redwood City to her role as a mentor in the Compass summer program and AVID, she has is helping others achieve their academic goals. One of her most visible accomplishments is the mural along the Jefferson Underpass in Downtown Redwood City. As the only teen on the board overseeing this project, she brought her unique perspective and cultural insights to the table, and helped produce a truly wonderful piece of public art. We celebrate Alya's leadership, creativity, and dedication to fostering equity and inclusion in our community. Alya plans to study biology and work as a researcher. Congratulations on your scholarship win, Alya!

Learn more about Alya and all our student winners at


Let’s hear it for Ashlee Landin Pacheco from SEQUOIA HIGH SCHOOL who earned a scholarship sponsored by Stanford Health Care. Inspired by the unity and joy created by local events like the Hometown Holidays Christmas Parade, Ashlee dedicated herself to bringing joy to others. Through the Sheriff's Activities League (SAL), she plays a vital role in planning and executing events, food collection and distribution, and back-to-school backpack drives. During the holiday season, Ashlee goes above and beyond by collecting, wrapping, and delivering hundreds of toys to disadvantaged children in our community, totaling over 200 hours of service. As a volunteer tutor with Project READ-Redwood City, Ashlee provides one-on-one assistance to a 6th grade girl, and inspired her student to volunteer. Ashlee's commitment to service and her ability to inspire others are truly remarkable. Ashlee will pursue a career in nursing. Congratulations, Ashlee, on your well-deserved scholarship win!

To learn more about The Sequoia Awards, visit


Congratulations to Tymofiy for his outstanding volunteer efforts. At the age of 8, Tymofiy dedicated himself to serving our local community and the world beyond. Starting with the Redwood Shores annual levee clean-up, he has shown a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship. Through Key Club and Charity Miles, he continued to make a difference during COVID-19 by supporting the elderly, children in hospitals, and mothers in need. Post-pandemic, Tymofiy packed meals for the homeless locally and families globally through RISE Against Hunger. His passion for ocean conservation led him to Mission Marine, where he organized beach clean-ups and more. We are impressed and inspired by Tymofiy's dedication to service and his global perspective. Tymofiy will enter UCLA this fall. He hopes to become an R&D scientist or a VFX artist/animator. We can’t wait to see what his future holds.

To help us provide scholarships to local student volunteers, visit
Greystar Apartments


Bravo to Myles Hu from Carlmont High School for earning a Sequoia Awards scholarship sponsored by Oracle. From his early days as a leader-in-training at Camp Whachamacallit to his work with the Young Men's Service League, Myles dedicates himself to improving our community through volunteerism. His passion for helping the disadvantaged led him to distribute food with organizations like Street Life Ministries and No Strings Attached, directly benefiting those in need. Inspired to do more, Myles co-founded the non-profit organization A Step Forward, which collects and donates unused shoes to the unhoused. In less than a year, they've collected more than 5,000 shoes and partnered with local shelters for distribution. Myles plans to pursue a career in scientific research. Congratulations, Myles, on your well-deserved scholarship win.

To learn more about student volunteers like Myles, visit


Congratulations to Angel, a truly inspirational leader. Despite the challenges of family responsibilities and a demanding course load, Angel's commitment to service is exceptional. Angel works more than 20 hours a week at a paid job, and still found time to log nearly 150 hours as a mentor lead at Summit Preparatory Charter High School and as a volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula. At Summit Prep, his innovative approach to community involvement, like spearheading morning announcements and organizing extracurricular activities, are examples of his natural leadership. At the Boys and Girls Club, Angel is involved in fundraising and community clean-ups. Angel’s scholarship is sponsored by Monterra Credit Union. Angel is working towards a career as a therapist and hopes to bring mental health resources to the underserved. We are so proud of you, Angel!

To support our mission of providing scholarships to local student volunteers, visit


Danielle’s volunteer work began in 6th grade with Project READ-Redwood City at the Redwood City Public Library. As a tutor, she helps students improve their reading skills and leads enrichment programming like book clubs. At Woodside High School, Danielle is a member of the Octagon Club where she participates in environmental initiatives like clean-ups and trash patrols. Her fluency in multiple languages allows her to serve as a translator, increasing awareness of environmental issues among non-English speakers. Danielle received the Billee Werby Memorial Scholarship, funded by Paula Uccelli, Lori & Dennis McBride, and Barbara & Jerry Pierce. She is passionate about science and will pursue a career as a science educator.

To learn more about The Sequoia Awards, visit


Shout-out to Destiny Cortez Estrada from Crystal Springs Uplands School for her Sequoia Awards scholarship, sponsored by The Sobrato Organization . Destiny's commitment to serving others is truly inspiring. From her early days at Crystal Springs Upland School to her experience with the San Mateo County Sheriff's Activities League (SAL), Destiny has dedicated herself to helping those in need. As a SAL volunteer, she contributed an impressive 900 hours of service, leveling yards for veterans, spreading holiday cheer through toy drives, and much more. Destiny's compassion and dedication is an example to us all. She hopes to start her own business, then create non-profits to benefit the underserved. We have no doubt she will be successful. Way to go Destiny!

To learn more about Destiny and all our scholarship winners, visit


Let's give it up for Kody Cochran from Woodside High School for his Sequoia Awards scholarship provided by the Redwood City Police Officers' Association and Redwood City Firefighters Association. Kody's commitment to volunteerism is truly commendable. He served as the president of the Cañada Hills/Redwood City 4H club and contributed more than 400 hours of volunteer work, including planting trees for the Million Trees project and volunteering at Bethlehem A.D. Kody is interested in a career in food science. We celebrate Kody's passion for service and congratulate him on this well-deserved scholarship. Way to go, Kody!

To learn more about our scholarship program, visit

Woodside High School


Kudos to Abel Chavez from Sequoia High School for their dedication to our community. Abel's journey as a volunteer began during COVID-19, a challenging time for many families. Since then, their dedication to helping others has been unwavering. From organizing food drives to supporting social justice initiatives as a senior member of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance at Sequoia High School, Abel's impact on our community is profound, and their compassion and commitment to service is truly inspiring. Abel plans to pursue a career in nursing. Congratulations, Abel, on receiving this well-deserved scholarship sponsored by Dignity Health

To learn more about all our winners, visit


Congratulations to Britney, who received the Alice W. Coghlan R.N. Scholarship, funded by Liza & Frank Bizzarro and Diane & Dr. Steven Howard. As a former student of Project READ, Britney has a personal understanding of the transformative effects of tutoring and dedicated herself to tutoring others. She provided more than 200 hours of volunteer service and mentorship to 20+ students and contributes to the organization's food bank program. We celebrate Britney's passion for service and wish her the best as she pursues her career goal of becoming a registered nurse.

Learn more about all this year’s scholarship at

Project READ-Redwood City


Let’s give a big round of applause to Johanna for her outstanding achievement. Johanna is the recipient of the Gloria Kennett Memorial Scholarship. Her volunteerism began with a simple act of kindness in elementary school, and blossomed into a profound commitment to serving her community. Johanna’s many good works include assisting the school custodian, leading initiatives in Key Club, assembling COVID-19 test kits, maintaining the Magical Bridges Playground, and creating leadership opportunities through the Boys and Girls Club. She embodies the spirit of service and compassion. Johanna plans to become a physician. We’re proud to celebrate Johanna’s dedication to making a difference. Well done, Johanna!

To learn more about all of our 2024 Sequoia Awards Scholarship scholarship recipients, visit



Congratulations to Mariana Barraza-Carlos from SEQUOIA HIGH SCHOOL for her well-deserved scholarship made possible by The Beals Family Scholarship in memory of Nick Hatzopoulos. Volunteering has been a lifelong passion for her, starting at just 6 years old. From assisting her mom with the SNAP program at the Redwood City Veterans Memorial Senior Center to making food deliveries during COVID-19, Mariana's dedication to serving her community shines bright. Her personal connections with senior citizens have not only made a difference in their lives but have also helped her discover her true self. Mariana plans to become a veterinarian. We're proud to celebrate Mariana's commitment to making a positive impact.

To learn more about our scholarships and support our mission visit


Our warmest congratulations to our 2024 Outstanding Student of the Year Award winner Antonio Campbell-Rodriguez. The award includes a $25,000 scholarship. Antonio is a senior at Carlmont High School and will enter the University of San Francisco this fall as a Computer Science major.

Antonio's commitment to service through technology, entrepreneurship, and social media is truly remarkable. In addition to his 300+ volunteer hours, Antonio balances schoolwork and multiple jobs.
His leadership in fundraising for foster youth and dedication to empowering underserved communities exemplifies his dedication to social justice and to being a force for positive change. He embodies determination, perseverance, and generosity, proving that with dedication, anything is achievable. And he comes by it naturally -- Antonio is our first second-generation Sequoia Award winner. His mom was one of our honorees in the early 1990s.

We are so proud of Antonio. We can't wait to see what his future holds.

To learn more about our 2024 Sequoia Awards Scholarship recipients, visit

Photos from Sequoia Awards's post 04/15/2024

Thanks to all of the students, families, sponsors, educators, and members of our Sequoia Awards extended family who joined us for our annual Awards Celebration. It was wonderful to be back in Redwood City at the beautiful Fox Theatre for this evening of food, fellowship, and fun. We were honored to share the accomplishments of the 25 amazing high school seniors who received scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 based on their volunteerism. Their stories inspire all of us.

We also recognized our Outstanding Individual of the Year, Ken Rollandelli, for his decades of work preserving Redwood City's rich history for future generations.

Stay tuned for more details about each of our scholarship recipients. To learn more about our scholarship program, visit .

Carlmont High School Woodside High School

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The 2024 Sequoia Awards Celebration
Each year, the Sequoia Awards recognizes exceptional local high school seniors for their volunteerism and awards them wi...
Welch-Everett Thank You


Redwood City, CA

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