peacebank yoga studio

peacebank offers yoga & barreYoga classes True peace comes when all experience peace.

Giving - Growth - Peace - Inner Awareness - Community

Our mission is to encourage inner awareness by offering classes and events in the studio and throughout the community by fostering growth and connection to mind body spirit and ones own true nature.


R E F L E C T & S H I N E
Join us for Wednesday classes all day!


Yoga in the park is back!!!! Join Breanna at Wellesley Crescent Saturday at 10am. Link in bio and select “Wellesley crescent” or “all locations” if you don’t see it on your schedule list. .matczak


The amount you can learn in one hour from the Stretch, Flexibility & Mobility classes will keep you coming back for more and more. Three times a week with .


New Breathwork Release class starting today at 4:30pm. Same class you love on Sundays, now offered Thursdays at 4:30pm as well.


Live DJ class happening Sunday! Join Emily at 12n for a sweet flow curated to the music set shared live by DJ wolf cub. A class not to be missed! .thedrop


Looking for a way to relax this afternoon? We have you covered :)
4:00pm - Roll away tension and relax
5:15pm - Breath, Meditate and Surrender
7:00pm - Long held stretches with Yin holds and yoga nidra


QUEEN! This Friday with Scott, Queen on the tracks and the best savasana with live guitar strums from Scott 💙 5:30pm


Come flow with Meghan for her first Sunrise class tomorrow!

“My intention is for students to leave class with a sense of connection - to themselves, to their own sense of joy, and to the world around them. I like to use grounding breathwork, upbeat playlists, and a playful flow to help us to remember why we’re all here 💖”
- Meghan, Wednesdays 6:30am


Our first men’s gathering is happening this week. For all those identifying as men please join Caroline on Thursday at 7:30pm.


hOMe - pay us a visit today and everyday to refresh and have one of those good days 💖


LISA JANNY - our Challenege winner!!!!!! ⭐️💖🧡

A bit about the incredible, inspiring Lisa:

“I’ve been practicing yoga at Peacebank since the doors opened. I have so much love & gratitude for all of my teachers near & far that have given me the inspiration. I have a dedicated practice because of you. Yoga is so much more than what it looks like on the outside. Yoga is my lifelong self care. It’s my daily dose of wellness. Being in your body, calming your mind, patience…I take everything I learn into my life.
The challenge brings this community together….always special takeaways. Learning more about yourself and what you need. Trying new things, discovery!
Thank You! Peacebank for my yoga Sangha. I’ve made so many friends over the years. This community fills my heart 💖”

Congrats Lisa!!!!!


🌟 Day 31 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

And to close us for the month, the inspiring Ayla:

Why I teach:
I often say yoga found me. I attended my first practice in 2017 during a time of upheaval and uncertainty. It wasn’t long before I realized yoga was a pathway to mySelf that reawakened me to who I truly am – I grew physically stronger, mentally clearer, emotionally spacious, and spiritually connected. I began to feel a sense of self, inner peace, compassion and gratitude that I hadn’t felt in a long time (maybe ever) and in 2020 decided I wanted to join in offering an empowering, supportive and inclusive space for others to heal, grow, feel and reconnect with themSelves.

How I teach:
I strive to offer a practice for Every Body, and honor that every practice for every person is unique. We are nature and we too go through seasons – needing different things at different times. While I cue breath, alignment, and use of props, I also leave space to skip or change anything that isn’t serving you that day and encourage you to Listen To Your Body Wisdom. Because we have the privilege to come together in Sangha (Community) through the practice of yoga, I begin and end every class with a declaration to Think Grateful Thoughts about; Speak Kind Words to; and Hold Love in Your Heart for yourself and each other.

What I teach:
My Mindful Flow class weaves together yoga asana, breath, affirmations and mantras. Just like everything, thoughts and words are energy, and Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows. Mantras/Affirmations offered throughout practice are designed to inspire, empower and remind us of the divinity within & around us. My SlowFlow & Stretch class helps to cultivate harmony and ease within through a balance of dynamic movement and longer-held stretches. In all my classes, students are encouraged to release judgement of self & others, and dedicate their practice to their personal Sankalpa (Heart’s Desire) to deepen the connection to their authentic selves.

Sundays 10am - Mindful Flow (75 min)
Sundays 12n - SlowFlow & Stretch (75 min)



🌟 Day 30 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Hello beautiful yogis! I’m Emily, your guide on this transformative journey, both as your instructor and the grateful owner of this sacred yoga haven.

Why I Teach:
In my teenage years, a physical injury beckoned me towards the path of yoga, where I discovered not only physical healing but also profound spiritual insights. This compelling combination kept me returning, and my journey evolved into a life’s purpose. It’s my dharma to create a space for connection, impart teachings, and nurture a warm, supportive community.

My teachings are an authentic reflection of my life—juggling the joys of motherhood with two spirited kiddos, responding to student requests, and fueled by a passion for crafting intelligent sequences. These sequences invite you to embrace mobility, strength, and flexibility, allowing you to connect with your body and breath. We slow down to cultivate stability, focus, and a deeper connection with yourself.

Embark on this journey with me through our weekly flows, soothing prenatal practices, personalized private classes, invigorating park sessions (returning soon!), and the occasional Friday night fun class. Our offerings extend to KidsYoga in schools, teacher training, and the exciting KidsYoga & Dance Summer Camp! Currently, my time is dedicated to creating behind the scenes and collaborating with our incredible instructors to bring you an array of transformative experiences.

When & Where:
* Tuesdays at 12:00pm
* Prenatal classes on Tuesdays at 7:15pm
* Saturdays at 10:00am in the Park (when we return)
* Teacher training coming this Spring
* Diving into our new Summer Camp adventure with your little ones

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🌟 Day 29 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Dewayne takes a little recharge break in January but starting next week Dewayne is back! Next Monday at 6pm join slowFlow to bask in an ease filled, intelligent, steady practice from the Zen energy of Dewayne.

“Yoga has helped tremendously with building a loving compassionate relationship with myself. It also has helped with healing trauma and brings a sense of stability to my mental health. These benefits have compounded to help reveal a compassionate, confident, and joyous nature within that I had lost touch with somewhere along the way.

I love holding space for people to be present with themselves and get into their bodies with a curious and loving perspective. I share this practice with the hopes that everyone who tries can connect with an inner sense of peace. I recently completed a training to become a Yoga Therapist and have been using that knowledge to delve into the intricate and profound healing process that yoga is capable of providing when it comes to bettering mental health.  “

 Monday 6pm - slowFlow

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🌟 Day 28 -TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Have you tried our Breathwork release class with the lovely Valerie yet? If not, now is your chance! Insight from Valerie:

“We breathe somewhere around 20,000 times a day, but how many of those are intentional breaths? 

The way we breathe affects every single one of our bodily functions, from our physical to mental to emotional well-being—and it often goes unnoticed. Conscious breathing helps us become aware of and reconnect to our breath, and use it to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and come home to our joy. 

To me, breathwork is a beautiful blend of science and spirit. I teach a unique blend of pranayama, therapeutic breathing, gentle movement, and self-discovery. I’m passionate about holding a safe space for people to be seen, let go, and heal.

Come breathe with me Sunday evenings in a therapeutic Breathwork Release journey. This style of breathwork helps to move energy within your body to release tension and open your heart. This process creates a powerful opportunity to let go of emotions, access deep healing, and cultivate inner peace. 

Every class includes grounding pranayama to start, 30 minutes of active breathwork, followed by time to rest, integrate, and connect with community.”

Try Breathwork Release class:
Sunday 5:15pm


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🌟 Day 27- TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

A heartbreaking share this morning as we say our sweet “see you soon” to the incredible, inspiring, wise, kind, joy-filled Jen.

A reminder of her teachings that the lucky land of Washington will hopefully bask in as we were so lucky to do: “I bring devotion and sensitivity to all I offer. I believe that every person is creative and my mission is to be a torchbearer for artists — Yoga as artistic meditation. I seek to inspire clients by being their muse, a playful conduit that aligns with the spontaneous nature of creation.
You can expect classical vinyasa sequencing and some newer modern interpretations. I open class with chanting and close with meditation. I hope you feel invigorated, distilled, and inspired!

Jen is a graduate of the Peacebank Yoga 200 and Bhakti Nova School 300. Her dear teachers include Nubia Teixeira, Toni Cupal, Dr. Jennifer Lane, and Edwina Ferro. She is influenced by the work of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Professor Andrew Huberman.

Jen’s farewell class
Sunday 11am - Bhakti Celebration
Portion of proceeds directly benefit the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Kirtan, Asana, Refreshments, and sweet goodbyes.
Class is full, but from 1-2pm we will be gathering in the lobby to celebrate and love on Jen - stop on by!


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🌟 Day 26 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Sharing a little later than usual today, but perfect for a Friday night read. Douglas has moved from one of our students, to a challenge winner, to a teacher trainee, to our Friday morning yoga guide!

“I started practicing yoga once a week in my mid 20’s and found it to be such a rewarding break from the grind of conventional exercise.
I reconnected with yoga in my mid 30’s when I realized it made me feel good in more ways than just the physical; I started practicing several days a week and began to experience that yoga improves balance in more ways than one.
And I fell in love with yoga during the January 2020 challenge at Peacebank, at a time when every part of my life was under reconstruction and nothing was familiar.  
I found stability through breath, I gained strength through intense practice, and I began to feel connected to myself and the community in ways that carried me through one of my toughest seasons.
Today, I teach because I believe its easy to absorb the energy of others, and for me, on my mat is one place where I know that my frequency is  “good vibes only.”
Yoga lights me up and raises my energy, so I’m happy to have the chance to share that part of me back with a community that has given me so much.
Whether we realize it or not, we’re all always seeking what yoga always provides- a moment to breathe, a chance to focus, a reason to stretch, and at the end of it all, sweet, simple rest.
I teach Sunrise Flow on Friday mornings to close the week and welcome the weekend, as each end also marks a new beginning. My class is peaceful, but not easy; you’ll sweat (at least I do). I aim to create a slow and steady flow that builds stamina and strength for this marathon we call life. I begin and end each class with an invitation to visit gratitude for what brought you to yoga and where yoga will take you.

Flow with Douglas
Fridays - Sunrise Flow at 6:30am

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🌟 Day 25 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

With such excitement we share our newest instructor Marina and her amazing voice. Join her, her harmonium, and her incredible intentional flow on Thursdays!

“For me yoga is about dancing and flowing with the rhythms of life and remembering the wisdom that lies within each of us.

I love teaching a creative and playful vinyasa flow where you are guided by what feels GOOD in your body! I truly believe that your body knows best and I try to create an environment for you to explore new possibilities through intuitive movement.

Every class begins and ends with chanting with the harmonium — which is an incredibly powerful instrument for opening your heart and your voice, and coming into deep presence in community. ❤️ Don’t forget to ask me for my playlist!

Very excited to meet you all. :)”

Join Marina
Thursday for Bhakti Yoga 12:00

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🌟 Day 24 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨
An introduction to the magical and bright Sarah Hope:   

SOUL, SPIRIT and SPARKLE!  My weekly classes are an invitation for genuine connection, support and an exploration of our inner essence.  My classes are taught in a Bhakti style flow (AKA “Devotional Yoga”) which is a fun way to tune out the “to dos” and tune in to our creative & childlike nature.  I play the harmonium at the start and end of class (an instrument I brought back from my travels to India), and together we will use the energetic vibrations of Sanskrit chants, Vinyasa Flow, Mindful Movement and Music. With the help of essential oils, candles and more, we take this opportunity on our mat to soothe and invigorate our mind, body and soul!  Singing is the voice of our SPIRIT!     

“Our LIGHT is always ON in the windless cave of our HEART.”  One of my favorite Yoga teachers taught me this, and this beleif is the foundation of my teaching.  It’s not a matter of figuring out how to turn our light on, the flame is always burning. The search is WITH and IN oneself.  WHY does our light dim? WHY do we sometimes feel tight and dark inside our body?  The answers are within us all.  With this practice, we get to quiet the mind and simply breathe, allowing to see fully what has been there ALL along!  Our inner magic....   (I sound like Dorothy from the ‘Wizard of Oz’ Ha! (But that’s for a different workshop……stay tuned) 
In my “day job” I am a musical theatre director, performer & teacher.  So, I am very comfortable in chaos.  In fact, if I am completely honest, I thrive in that kinetic state!  But many years ago, living in New York City, I realized my physical and mental body couldn’t sustain the sole state of “go, go, go, / strive, strive, strive!”
I often felt stressed, tight, and full of tension in my stomach and body.  It became clear that I needed BALANCE in my life.  Yoga helps me stay CURIOUS with my body inside and out. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it keeps us ALIVE! Ha!  Finding Yoga has been the biggest gift helping me work toward BALANCE on and off the mat. Yoga is a dance with Mother Nature, SO, let’s FLOW and LET GO!


🌟 Day 23 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

If you are an early riser, you are lucky! It means you get to spend time with the grounded wonderful Roxana (Roxy):

“Traditionally, the practice of Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) was performed at sunrise, as a way to greet the sun and the arrival of a new day.” Ekhart yoga

Hi I’m Roxy and I teach Sunrise Flow on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6:30 am. Practicing as the sun rises gives us a chance to start the day with reflection and intention. This class is a vinyasa flow, focusing on coordinating breath to movement with both faster moving sequences and longer holds. We’ll move through a bit of meditation or pranayama (breathwork), a juicy warm up,  an active flow and feel-good stretching to ground and relax. I try to create cozy atmosphere with low lights and eclectic, moody music. All levels welcome and my hope is that when you leave my class you can begin your day feeling centered and energized.

Find Roxy:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6:30am

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🌟 Day 22 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

We are so thrilled to hold space for the gracious and graceful Liron. Her special yoga ballet fusion class starts today!!!

“As an engineer, mom of four precious ones, a loving wife, and a dance lover, my life is a symphony of diverse experiences. Yoga, for me, is the tune that gracefully threads through every beat, creating a balanced harmony in the chaos. 
Yoga ignites my Tapas and I feel my inner fire is burning brighter, illuminating a path of transformation, fulfillment, creativity, love and light. For this gift, I am forever grateful.

I’m excited to infuse my two loves, Yoga and Ballet, into my classes. Seeing how the yoga practice evolving into a choreographed dance that seamlessly incorporates breath is truly a joy - and no, you don’t need ballet experience for that :).
Music is a big piece in my classes as I firmly believe that the right music transforms the practice into a meditative experience, syncing with our minds and keeping us present.
Each class in the series starts with pranayama, classic ballet warm up, yoga sequences for the season that we will learn and dance, cool down and relaxing savasana. 
From the beats of our hearts to the flow of our breath, we create a tune that not only nourishes our bodies but also touches our souls.
It’s my heartfelt endeavor to share this joyful light with each of you!

Join me on the mat, where the dance of breath and movement unfolds, and together, let’s tap into our inner beauty and let it radiate!

Yoga Ballet Fusion Winter series is coming up - Jan 22nd - Mar 25th
This Monday, Jan 22nd, is the opening class of the season ❄️.
We will learn the winter sequences and we will dance those once a week on Mondays during the season (10 weeks). 
Excited to breath, practice and dance with you in the new year ✨”

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🌟 Day 21 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

For our prenatal and postnatal mommas that are looking for some support and the lucky students that get the amazing Sharone when she subs.

Sharone Mendes Nassi and Yoga

My favorite thing about Yoga is how successfully it blends ancient healing arts
with modern life challenges, mixes East and West philosophies, physical and
mental activities, powerful and gentle energies, to provide a lifelong practice
working towards balance and viability of mind, body and soul. My teaching of
yoga is intended as a guide to a personalized physical and mental holistic
practice on and off the mat.

My first class as a teenager kicked off my lifetime pursuit of yoga. Practicing
and teaching various yoga styles with teachers, masters, and Gurus in India, in
the US and around the world. Blending styles of Yoga from traditional to
westernized into a varied style that addresses our daily personalized needs.

My pillars of practice are correct alignment, mindful breath, postural integration,
sustainability and traditional wisdom as the evolution of yoga in modern life.

2 decades ago, as a birth and postpartum Doula I founded Carmel Blue in SF - a
pre and postnatal education center; Specializing in prenatal Yoga, facilitating
new moms’ groups and helping prepare parents for birth and for a happy healthy
parenting experience.
At Peace Bank I am honored to offer my Yoga classes and new momBaby
facilitated groups

Find Sharone
Mondays New momBaby group 1:30pm
Thursdays 12n for her warm welcome behind the desk
Subbing and sharing her guidance & wisdom

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🌟 Day 20 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Excited to share with you the wonderful Kristi! Her strong and uplifting practice captivates us all.

“I believe in the beauty of the body. I’ve always seen the body as a well structured machine that if properly encouraged, can push limits of strength and flexibility. I believe in a safe environment to explore the practice and to play within integrity. I specialize in joint health and I wish to encourage a longevity to the practice. 

My teaching style is one of awareness and mobility that changes with each body I see and each practice within itself. I like to build a practice to a challenging posture so the body is ready and the posture more familiar and attainable. “

Aloha and Ciao,
Kristi Bettencourt
[email protected]

“Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life” - B.K.S. Iyengar

Find Kristi:
Saturdays 12:30pm for CoreFlow
Sundays 8:30am for Intermediate Vinyasa

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🌟 Day 19 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Sarah offers our Friday Happy Hour all levels class and gives a lightness to flow. She will also be offering her Taylor Swift musical flow class next Friday, so save the date!!!

“To me, yoga is more than a practice, it is a way of being present that you bring into your daily life. I believe that what you practice on the mat is what you take with you off the mat, both through your conscious and unconscious thoughts and actions.

My classes offer a safe space for yogis of all levels to unite as a community to flow and root into the power of the present moment. During my class, you will have the opportunity to look inward to connect and check in with yourself.

I strive to create opportunities for you to feel grounded, open, and powerful in mind and body when you step off the mat.“

Happy Hour 4:00pm - half price!!!!!!

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🌟 Day 18 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Veronica taught with us for many amazing years in studio before her move to New York City. Due to technology we get to continue to practice and bask in her wisdom and teachings virtually. A little more about her insight into the practice she offers and the guidance she shares:

“Carl Jung says it so clearly: our neuroses, our suffering arises from the unseen, the unfelt parts of ourself.

Yoga doesn’t ask us to believe anything. It asks us to know ourselves.  

On the mat it’s a great time to ask:
What am I unwilling to feel?
Who am I?
Why am I here?

Yoga can be many things: it can make us stronger, more balanced, and more flexible. It can also make us less opaque to ourselves and show us who we are. And that’s what I want to facilitate as a teacher.”

Tuesday & Thursday
Virtual 9:00am ageless Yoga

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🌟 Day 17 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

As soon as you can come and join the sweet and wonderful Nick. January will be the last chance to take his slowFlow class on a weekly basis. You can continue to find him guiding yogaHikes and specialty classes in the months to come.

// . meet nick . yogi . mover . singer . connector . //

His slowFlow class offers practioners of all levels the opportunity to cultivate a deeper awareness of their bodies, while connecting in with breath to flow more easily, moment to moment.

Students improve strength, flexibility, and balance while decreasing stress levels. Ideal for those looking for an accessible flow, nick’s sweet-natured class ensures a solid foundation. come for the spirited flow, return for the harmonious savasana.

\\ wednesdays . 6-7p . \\
Nick also guides our yoga hikes, so look for him on the schedule!

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🌟 Day 16 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

A special class and unique offerings from a special instructor:

Hi, I’m Shannon and I teach Pelvic Floor Yoga & Hips on Tuesday nights at 7:30-8:30pm online and in person. I also lead monthly Yoga Hikes in the nearby Santa Cruz Mountains. 

Pelvic Floor Yoga & Hips is so much more than just for post partem leaking when you sneeze. Every body has a pelvic floor, so everyone and anyone can benefit from it, especially if you already have issues. This topic is very broad and diverse and I am so excited to share it with you and to help you take back some control of your body. When you come to my class, I aim to embody a safe space for such a delicate topic for everyone to get the most benefit. 

Yoga hikes are one of my most favorite activities to share with you! I find so much joy in leading people on these beginner friendly outings. I love seeing the joy also radiate on everyone’s faces when they get out of their comfort zone and connect to nature and to their community members as well. I can go on and on, but you’ll just have to join to experience this for yourself ☺️

Find Shannon
Tuesdays at 7:30pm for Pelvic Floor & Hips
Next yogaHike Feb 11 - save the date!

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🌟 Day 15 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Introducing the magnificent Margaret. Her grounded, ease filled, warm energy welcomes you to her classes and your practice. Learn a little more what slowFlow yoga is like below.

“Join me for my 60 minute Slow Flow class on Mondays at 10:30am. The pace in Slow Flow is meditative, emphasizing peace and calm in body and mind. We hold poses longer, taking several rounds of breath in each pose instead of moving with each breath, allowing for slower and safer transitions. Think meditation in motion.

Slow Flow encourages the practice of mindfulness and staying in the present moment by focusing on connecting our breath with our movements. Mindfully moving while holding poses longer helps us to connect body and mind while seamlessly clearing through flow as we build heat and strength. There is an opportunity to explore your edge, yet still feel relaxed and grounded.

Slow flow yoga is excellent for beginners or students who want a more manageable, deliberate pace with plenty of time to sink into the poses. I offer an array of cues to help you tune into your alignment and breath. Slow Flow is also extremely valuable for advanced yoga practitioners as slowing down can be eye-opening as poses may feel different and even more mentally challenging. If you are looking to flow, build strength and balance, as well as stretch, ground and connect to body and mind, Slow Flow is for you.”

Find Margaret:
Mondays at 10:30am slowFlow

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🌟 Day 14 - TRANSFORMATION Challenge 🧘‍♀️✨

Kylene is our inspired nature loving yinYoga teacher for Sunday nights. Join her this evening to rejuvenate in her guidance.

“My introduction to yoga began with a meditation and tai chi practice in high school. This introduction sparked a deepening of my own exploration into religious studies and furthering a yoga/meditation practice. Like many, my asana (or posture) practice really took off after suffering an injury during my collegiate sport ‘career’ and the benefits through a deepened practice went far beyond the physical.

To me, yoga is many things, a pranayama, or breath practice, a coming into balance, a letting go, etc. Ultimately, it’s a practice of self study, Svādhyāya. Engaging with this practice of studying the self we can connect with our truest essence to rediscover falling in love with ourselves, time and time again. Our yoga practice is an act of service to our selves, to reconnect with the present sense of self and the present moment. And it is through this genuine service to ourselves that we can truly love and serve all other beings.

My practice is heavily influenced by nature. Yoga is truly a gift, and it with great honor that I get the privilege of sharing this practice with you. And I hope to continue to do so with respect to where the teachings have come from so many years ago.
Aham Prema ✨I am divine cosmic love.”

Find Kylene:
Sundays 7:00pm for yinYoga

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Our Story

Giving - Growth - Peace - Inner Awareness - Community

Our mission is to encourage inner awareness by offering classes and events in the studio and throughout the community by fostering growth and connection to mind body spirit and ones own true nature. True peace comes when all experience peace.

Videos (show all)

Unearth the roots of yoga. Deepen your practice. Discover yourself.Do you feel called to delve into the depths of yoga a...
Live from studio vibes! Hope to see you for the next class 🧡@faysal_abi#community
Grateful for this outdoor studio and beyond grateful for the amazing instructors guiding us under these amazing trees.Jo...
Faysal is guiding our moonYoga Friday at 12n this week. Not to be missed! #balance #community #yoga @faysal_abi
Cooking up Sunday festival vibes! Your own silent headphones with live DJ sounds transport you into a groovy space all y...
slowRelease & Sound Bowls - Thursdays are a special day. Join Jen at 4:30pm today for release and soothing of body & min...
Silent disco FUNK & FLOW this Sunday!!! Festival vibes, community, movement & release all shared this sunday. Not to be ...



2603 Broadway Street
Redwood City, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 2pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 2pm
Saturday 8am - 1:30pm
Sunday 9:30am - 2pm

Other Yoga & Pilates in Redwood City (show all)
CorePower Yoga CorePower Yoga
3750 Florence Street
Redwood City, 94063