Life Source

Life Source is a non-profit Mental Health clinic dedicated to providing affordable and low-cost counseling options for all individuals.

Everyone deserves access to high quality mental health care services. For over 20 years, Life Source Solutions has been serving adults, children, couples and families in the Inland Empire by providing individualized counseling options that are affordable and effective. With day, evening and weekend hours available, Life Source Solutions and the Life Source Training Institute are able to meet your


The numbers don't lie: 1 in 4 people will be affected at some point in their lives by either a neurological or a mental disorder.

Let's break down the stigma and encourage conversations about our mental health. You never know who might need support or understanding. Reach out for help if you-or someone you know-is struggling. We are in this together.


Your mental health matters. When things start feeling overwhelming, that is not a time to ignore the signs; that is the perfect time to seek help. It is not a sign of weakness but one step toward a happier and healthier you.

Let's create a world that takes care of mental well-being and supports each other in the process. You are never alone, and don't ever feel a burden for reaching out when the load gets too heavy.


Transform Chaos into Calm with These Simple Practices:
Mindful Breathing - Take a deep breath and let it all go. Mindful breathing is a powerful tool to center yourself in the present moment.

Grounding in the Present - Find peace in the here and now. Ground yourself by focusing on your breath and the world around you.

Mindful Awareness - Cultivate a heightened awareness of your thoughts and feelings. Mindful awareness empowers you to respond rather than react.

Taking small steps each day to practice mindfulness can make a big difference in your overall well-being.


5 Habits to Improve Your Mental Well-Being

Get Enough Rest: Proper sleep not only relieves stress but also increases alertness and awareness. It also enhances your memory since adequate sleep allows your brain to comprehend and retain information over time and cement memories.

Maintain a Nutritious Diet: A healthy gut leads to a healthy mind, which leads to better mental health. A well-balanced and nutritious diet is a natural stress-reduction strategy. Begin your day with a nutritious breakfast and strive to eat a balanced diet throughout the day.

Maintain an Active, Healthy Lifestyle; Interact and Socialize: Physical activity not only strengthens your body but also keeps you cognitively awake and minimizes stress. This improves your thinking, allowing you to be more effective and productive. Look for healthy living groups where you may interact with other individuals to stimulate your brain, such as yoga or Zumba. This permits your brain to work and think more quickly.

Learn a New Skill or Hobby: Learning new abilities, such as playing the piano or acquiring new computer skills, helps stimulate the brain and nerve cells, keeping your brain fresh.

Avoid Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking; Embrace Laughter: Alcohol, ci******es, or narcotics are not the answer if you are experiencing emotional difficulties. They only temporarily reduce stress.

Ideally, you can ask for support from laugh-inducing relatives or friends. Laughter can ease tension, reduce stress, and help with stress management. The benefits of humor for mental health include mental calmness and positive feelings.


Tips to Help a Child with Anxiety
Convince the Kid of Your Intentions: Ensure that the child understands you are there to help and support them, building trust and a sense of security.

Provide a Positive Example for Anxiety Management: Demonstrate healthy ways to cope with anxiety yourself. Children often mimic the behavior of adults they trust.

Exude Optimism but Be Realistic: Stay positive and reassuring while also being realistic about expectations. This helps in creating a balanced and supportive environment.

Reassure the Child that Their Anxieties are Unjustified: Gently help the child understand that their fears may not be as daunting as they seem. Offer comfort and practical ways to face their fears.


Hey, Let's Talk.

Don't let them suffer alone in silence. Reaching out can make a world of difference. Sometimes, just knowing someone is there to listen can provide immense comfort and support. Let's break the stigma and be there for each other.


The Benefits of Therapy:

Have More Mental Clarity: Talking to someone can help clear your mind and lighten the load you're carrying. Feeling heard and understood is crucial for dispelling burdensome thoughts.

Saying Your Fears Out Loud Makes Them Less Scary: Sharing your fears with a professional provides practical advice and reassurance. Often, simply voicing your fears can make them less intimidating.

Have a Place Where You Feel Safe: A strong connection with your therapist can offer immense comfort. Therapy provides a safe, protected space to express yourself.

Order in the Chaos and Get to Know Yourself More Deeply: Therapy is a journey of self-discovery and emotional awareness. It helps bring order to chaos and offers deeper insights into yourself.

REMEMBER: Mental health is important.


Causes of Overthinking:

Fear of Something That Hasn't Happened Yet: Worrying about future uncertainties can lead to endless cycles of overthinking.
Often Alone with Perfectionist Traits: Striving for perfection can cause us to overanalyze and stress about every detail.
Envy of Other People's Success: Comparing ourselves to others can trigger doubts and excessive thoughts.
Understanding these causes can help us take steps towards managing and reducing overthinking.

Photos from Life Source's post 07/11/2024

Meet our trainee therapist, Karrie Flint!

For her undergraduate education, Karrie attended Cal State University, San Bernardino and attained a Bachelor’s in Psychology. She is currently pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy at Alliant International University.

For her clinical interests, she leans towards Bowenian and Attachment based theories, with emphasis in trauma recovery and working with LGBTQIA+ individuals

In her free time, Karrie loves to read, especially Fantasy, she is a huge fan Lord of the Rings and Dune fan among other things. She crochets a lot and pictured above are her cardigan, Renaissance Faire costume, and mushroom hat creations.

Her self-care activities include spending time with animals (she has 3 cats!), doing yoga, being in nature, and bird watching.

Her favorite quote is: “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” - J.R.R. Tolkein


Maintaining mental health by not thinking negatively about yourself is a good deed. Positive self-talk and self-compassion are essential for a healthy mind. Remember, you are worthy, and treating yourself with kindness can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.


Hi, America!

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, let’s remember that our mental health is just as important as our freedom. Take time today to relax, connect with loved ones, and reflect on the positive moments in your life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that it’s okay to take a step back and practice self-care. Enjoy the fireworks, but also find peace in the quiet moments.

Make today memorable by prioritizing your well-being. Have a happy and healthy holiday!


Stress can affect us all in different ways. Finding healthy ways to cope is essential for maintaining mental well-being.

How do you deal with stress?

Share your tips and experiences in the comments below! Let's support each other in finding effective strategies to manage stress and improve our mental health.


Why is Mental Health Important?

Positive mental health allows people to:

1. Prevent the development of mental illnesses.
2. Cope better with difficult times in our lives.
3. Work productively and reach their full potential.
4. Make meaningful contributions to family and society.

Taking care of your mental health is essential for a fulfilling and balanced life. Remember, it's okay to seek help and support when you need it.

Photos from Life Source's post 06/19/2024

Meet our trainee therapist, Mehrsa Javanmard!

For her undergraduate education, McKenna attended the University of California, Los Angeles and attained a Bachelor’s in Psychology. She is currently pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy at Alliant International University.

For her clinical interests, she plans to specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and utilize Trauma-Informed Care with clients. She is passionate about working with individuals navigating trauma and immigrants adjusting to new cultures, drawing from personal immigrant experience. 

In her free time, Mehrsa likes skiing, hiking, and walking in nature.

Her self-care activities include spending quality time with family and loved ones, indulging in spa days, and engaging in self-reflection. 

Her favorite quote is: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” - Wendy Mass.


Remember, it's important to practice self-compassion and give yourself credit for the progress you've made. Every step forward is a victory, no matter how small.


Maintaining good mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Here are some simple yet effective ways to keep your mind in tip-top shape:

Find Your Stress Outlet: Whether it's yoga, meditation, or a hobby you enjoy, find something that helps you unwind and make time for it daily.

Take Care of Your Body: Eat well, exercise regularly, and prioritize getting enough sleep. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind.

Choose Happiness: Embrace happiness with three simple steps: focus on the positives, surround yourself with positivity, and practice gratitude daily.

Remember, your mental health matters, so make self-care a priority.

Photos from Life Source's post 06/12/2024

Meet our clinical undergraduate intern, Eesha Marri!

Eesha is in the progress of attaining her B.S. in Psychology and Minor in Business Management: Organizational Behavior at UC Riverside. She plans to graduate in June 2025!

For her clinical interests, her goal is to become a clinical psychologist working specifically with children/adolescents and attain both her M.S. and PsyD in Clinical Psych after undergrad.

As for her hobbies, she has been dancing for 14 years, loves to play basketball, do henna, and wants to travel more and explore!

Her self-care activities include making face and hair masks, listening to music, stargazing, and watching sunsets.

Her favorite quotes are:
“If you can dream it, you can do it” - Walt Disney
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi


Feeling lonely? You're not alone. Here are a few ways to overcome loneliness:

1. Reinforce existing relationships: Reach out to friends and family, even if it's just for a quick chat or a coffee date.
2. Interact with strangers: Strike up conversations with people you encounter throughout your day. You never know, you might make a new friend!
3. Implement self-care and self-love: Take time to do things that make you happy and fulfilled. Whether it's a bubble bath, a solo movie night, or a walk in nature, prioritize self-care and self-love.

Remember, your well-being matters.


Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Here are some self-care tips to help you prioritize your well-being:

1. Eat a Balanced Diet: Nourish your body with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support your mental health and energy levels.
2. Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to prevent mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Establish a regular sleep routine for better mental and physical health.
3. Connect with Others: Social connections play a vital role in reducing stress and anxiety. Spend time with friends, join clubs, volunteer, or attend community events to foster meaningful relationships.
4. Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress and promote mental well-being. Regular exercise is also an effective way to manage stress and improve mood.

Remember, prioritizing your mental health is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. Take time for yourself, connect with others, and find healthy ways to manage stress.


Support mental health AND drink Boba? I think yes 💁🏻‍♀️🧋


Stop Technique: Interrupt Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

1. Stop
2. Take a Deep Breath
3. Observe
4. Proceed

Remember, practicing the stop technique can help you regain control over your thoughts and emotions. You have the power to navigate through challenging moments with mindfulness and self-awareness.


Let's empower our children with the tools they need to navigate their emotions and mental well-being. It's time to prioritize teaching mindfulness and emotional intelligence in our schools and homes. Here are some important lessons we can start instilling in our kids:

1. It's okay to talk about their emotions openly and without judgment.
2. They can always come to us with anything, no matter how big or small.
3. If they're struggling, they can trust us to support them unconditionally.
4. Encourage kindness and empathy towards their classmates, friends, and peers.
5. Teach them healthy ways to regulate their emotions and cope with stress.
6. Let's prioritize mental health education alongside traditional subjects like math and science.

By equipping our children with these essential skills, we can help them build resilience, foster healthy relationships, and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Together, let's create a brighter, more emotionally intelligent future for the next generation.


It’s Okay To Ask for Help:

You are Not Alone

You are not alone on this journey. Your mental health is important, and there is a supportive community ready to be there for you. Reach out, share your story, and together, we can break the stigma around mental health.

Self Care Comes First

Self-care is not selfish; it is self-defense. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Prioritize self-care, nurture your soul, and watch your inner light shine brighter.

Photos from Life Source's post 05/16/2024

Meet our trainee therapist, McKenna O’Hara!

For her undergraduate education, McKenna attended Sonoma State University and received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Criminology Justice Studies with a minor in Sociology. She is currently attending Alliant International University and has finished her Master’s of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy.

For her clinical interests, she enjoys working with all populations, but is particularly interested in working with children to adolescents. She believes it’s important that everyone has a voice and these ages are the ones that usually need them the most. Due to her background in criminal justice she enjoys working and advocating for at risk youth or youth affected by the system. 

For her hobbies, she is a traveler at heart and has visited 26 states so far in the United States and the Virgin Islands. Outside the U.S., she visited 4 countries and is planning for more. She also loves to snowboard during the winter seasons and is always attending music festivals throughout the year!

Her self-care activities include: walks/being in nature, journaling, watching movies, hanging with her pets or quite literally doing nothing. She is someone who always enjoys being busy and sometimes doing nothing is exactly what she needs after a busy week.

Her favorite quotes are:
“Never grow up.” - Peter Pan
“It’s a good day to have a good day.” - Hoda Kotb

She feels like as we get older it it’s so easy to forget about the imaginative life we can live and get stuck in the negative of everyday. She truly tries to have a positive outlook on everything and truly believes everything happens for a reason. 


Daily Reminder: I am me, no matter my mental health.

It's essential to remember that our mental health doesn't define us. Whether we're feeling on top of the world or struggling with challenges, we remain inherently valuable and worthy of love and respect. Embrace your journey, and know that you're enough just as you are.


Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical well-being. Here are six simple ways to prioritize your mental wellness:

1. Talk to someone you trust: Sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or family member can provide comfort and support.
2. Look after your physical health: Regular exercise, nutritious meals, and adequate sleep contribute to a healthier mind.
3. Engage in activities you enjoy: Doing things you love can boost your mood and provide a sense of fulfillment.
4. Steer away from harmful substances: Limiting alcohol and avoiding drugs can help maintain mental clarity and stability.
5. Take two minutes to focus on the world around you: Practice mindfulness by observing your surroundings and grounding yourself in the present moment.
6. Seek professional help: If you're struggling to cope, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for guidance and support.

Remember, taking small steps to care for your mental health can make a big difference in your overall well-being.


Good morning!

Remember, being good to others is important, but don't forget to be good to yourself too. Take care of your own well-being.


Mental Health Check-In

How are you feeling today? It's essential to take stock of our mental well-being regularly. Remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes, but acknowledging how you feel is the first step towards taking care of yourself. Here are some options to consider when checking in with yourself: "I'm doing all right," "I'm feeling okay," "I'm feeling great," "I'm feeling anxious," "I'm feeling depressed," or "I could be better." Your feelings are valid, and you're not alone. Reach out if you need support.


Unlock your potential with a morning routine that nurtures your mental well-being! Here are 5 simple steps to kickstart your day on a positive note:

Meditation: Take a moment to center yourself and find inner peace through focused breathing.
Journaling: Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and aspirations for the day ahead – writing them down can bring clarity and purpose.
Exercise: Energize your body and mind with a gentle workout, whether it's a yoga flow, stretching session, or a brisk walk outdoors.
Nourishing Breakfast: Fuel up with a nutritious meal that nourishes your body and boosts your energy levels.
Positive Affirmations: Speak words of encouragement and positivity to yourself, reinforcing a mindset of strength and resilience.
Start your day with intention and self-care, setting the tone for a fulfilling and empowered journey ahead!


Exciting Announcement!

Life Source is pleased to inform our community that we are expanding our network of accepted insurance providers. We are now proud to accept Blue Cross Blue Shield and HealthNet, in addition to our existing partnerships with Cigna and Aetna. This enhancement reflects our ongoing commitment to ensuring accessibility to quality healthcare for all. Your well-being is paramount, and we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care options. Thank you for entrusting Life Source with your health journey.

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Videos (show all)

When life’s got me feeling broken, but I remember there's always rice...
When your life is collapsing but your childhood traumas made suppressing emotions easier than breathing 😅
When you tell your therapist a joke but they start taking notes instead of laughing... 😅📓
When I'm about to burst and someone says: 'DON'T BE NERVOUS' 😳
My therapist after I got back with my toxic ex for the 14th time: 🙄🤦‍♀️
When your therapist asks the real questions and you're like... 🤷‍♀️
When you finally meet someone who treats you right, but your trauma isn't ready to let go.
When your therapist asks you to describe your feelings but you're not ready for that emotional rollercoaster 😳😅
When you finally open up and your therapist is like... 😶
When your therapist says you can't avoid your feelings, and you try anyway.
When you drop some dark humor in therapy and your therapist isn't amused.
When your therapist asks if you set the boundary and you start sweating bullets..



6235 River Crest Drive Suite J
Riverside, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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