Victoria Clay - Light Up Your Life Reiki

Reiki/Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy & remove blocks in a similar way to acupunctur This page is about energy and energy healing.

We are all connected on an energetic level and that connection is through Love. We were created by the energy of Love.


Make a wish,
Feeling happy like this!


Hola mi gente linda
Hoy hablemos de nuestra energía y afirmaciones que nos ayudan a reclamar lo olvidado, nuestro propio poder.

Reclamo mi energía!
¡Reclamo mi fuerza!
¡Reclamo mis derechos divinos!
¡Reclamo mi potencial divino!
¡Reclamo todo lo que me es dado por derecho divino desde todas las dimensiones del tiempo y el espacio!
¡Me desconecto de todos los pensamientos, energías, situaciones y personas que no me convienen!
¡Me conecto con los pensamientos, las energías, las personas que me hacen bien!

Repetirlo tres veces al día durante 21 días.
Y veran el cambio
Siempre con amor y gratitud
Miriam Huizenga

Raise Your Vibration & Stay Composed In The Middle Of The Storm 04/25/2022

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OPEN Your HEART & Raise Your Vibration with this HIGH Frequency DNA Activating Transmission. READY? 04/22/2022

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Timeline photos 12/31/2021

Manifesting a Vision

We live in such turbulent times. I guess it gives us an opportunity to practice staying steady and holding the light for the highest good.

A while ago, I did a small retreat with a group in France. Two of the participants had really challenging problems to which there seemed to be no resolution. For three days on the seminar we focussed on higher spiritual matters. When we returned home after the seminar we received e mails from both of them to say the impossible had happened. Both situations had unexpectedly resolved.
When you let go and raise your frequency above that of the problem, magic takes place. The universe swings into place behind your vision and energises it.

Here are some steps.

1.Write down your vision or think clearly about it.

2.State it will only come about for the highest good of everyone concerned.

3.Only tell people who will positively hold your vision.

4. Let it go. Don’t think about it.

5.Do high frequency things that take your full concentration.

6.This gives the universe space to bring your vision into manifestation.

If it does not happen it is not for the highest good so you would not want it anyway


Marcel Vogel On Crystals and Tree Of Life

- Some years ago, a brilliant scientist, the late Marcel Vogel, decided to quit his job at IBM and devote himself full-time to the study of quartz crystals. Marcel Vogel saw that the crystalline structure of a water molecule when it freezes into ice is almost exactly the same as a Quartz crystal structure. This led him to experiment with the healing properties of quartz crystals.
Water is multi-dimensional. The energy of mind projected through a crystal will structure water just like it was frozen into ice.

The fundamental geometrical pattern of quartz and water is the tetrahedron. The geometric structure of quartz produces frequency patterns, harmonics, that can transfer into water. The crystalline structure of a water molecule when it freezes into ice is almost exactly the same as a Quartz crystal structure. Structured water is an “information storage device.” -Vogel
Since early in this century it has been known that quartz is a resonator and amplifier of energy. It is a vital component in many electronic devices. What was not known is that quartz crystal is also capable of amplifying “subtle forces” including thought energy.

He found that when quartz is cut along the c-axis (the line of symmetry within the crystal perpendicular to all other axes) in the shape of the Qabbalistic Tree of Life, it resonates to ONE frequency. It so happens the frequency (which turned out to be 454) is the same vibratory rate he also measured for water. Therefore, Vogel-cut crystals are powerful instruments capable of taking thought impressions and literally injecting them into the matrix of water. From this work he developed three tools: the double terminated healing crystal.

Water molecules attract each other and tend to clump together in a network, constantly assembling and disassembling bonds between neighbouring molecules. Vogel hypothesized that these molecular “clumps” (actually cells of liquid crystal) are capable of storing bulk memory information in a manner similar to how computers store data on a disk.

Jain 108


Your body urges you to wake up and take care of it. You have received it as a blessed gift, and it is your duty to give it all it needs. Sleep, food, physical and energetic cleansing, fitness and physical exercises, s*x, love and socializing. Each one is just as important. These times make you lose yourself, forget about yourself, to focus only on the outside. If you do, you have to lose. Because life will not allow you to forget what is most important. And that's how diseases come about. The moment you forget about yourself, the subconscious will force you to remember who you are. And you can only look inside yourself, take care of yourself and put yourself on the pedestal.



“When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠

For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too.

Even if a pregnancy doesn't go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream.

Research has shown that if a mother's heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart.

The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby.

How cool is that?

This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant.

It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back - so that the baby can develop safely and survive.

Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave?

Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?”

If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there….Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them.

I find this to be so very beautiful.


Os comparto esta interesante información.

Existe una conexión directa, física y energética, entre la garganta y la va**na. Durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo embrionario, las cuerdas vocales y los ovarios son un único órgano que finalmente se divide en dos órganos separados.
Estructuralmente, las cuerdas vocales se parecen a la v***a y al suelo pélvico. Físicamente, están conectados por el nervio vago.
No es casualidad que la palabra "cérvix" signifique "cuello" en latín.
Relajando la garganta se relaja la va**na, lo que ayuda en el trabajo de parto y en el parto de un bebé.
La contracción de los músculos de la garganta a través del habla y el canto también puede contraer el suelo pélvico y los músculos va**nales. Cuando respiramos profunda y conscientemente, involucrando el diafragma y activando la conexión entre el tronco encefálico y el plexo sacro (2º chakra), las mujeres pueden lograr or****os más fuertes y más largos. Es importante vocalizar tus deseos junto con gemidos profundos y bajos durante el s*xo para abrir energéticamente el plexo sacro.
En la Medicina China, parte del tratamiento del trauma s*xual implica el tratamiento del diafragma y la garganta. Dependiendo del grado de trauma y síntomas s*xuales, los puntos de acupuntura como el ST1, ST5, ST9 pueden permitir a la víctima recuperar su capacidad de proyectarse vocalmente, sin miedo ni tartamudeo.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Nutrition.
Sports Medicine Acupuncture.
Integrative Medicine. Holistic Wellness.
Podéis leer la publicación original en inglés, en el Instagram de la autora



Health doesn’t come from an injection, procedure or pill. Health is found when we align w/the laws of nature. We’ve become so disconnected w/ it that it truly doesn’t surprise me we’re in the situation we’re in. Thrown in schools young, stripped of our creative potential & forced to sit in a chair & memorize an indoctrination to groom you into the matrix for the corporate & tech conglomerates & very few that control every aspect of our lives. You won’t find ANY food that has a speck of nutrition in those school systems to help think straight, just sugar loaded & overly processed cooked garbage. From then we enter the matrix in debt from college loans & are sold the dream. Find a corporate job, become a doctor(another indoctrination by r@ckafeller/ph@rma)make money, get that car & sign off on a mortgage. Now you’re off! In a cubicle or office space you go, 8-10 hours a day. Our morning Starbucks, the only nature or movement we see is our walk from our car to the office, then home plop on our couches & watch & fed more lies, fear & fast food commercials on TV. Then we order or microwave food, most of the time its processed & unhealthy. We become dependent on energy stimulants from not getting energy from our food being overfed & undernourished, become overweight & disbiotic chasing the carrot on the stick. Then we go to doctors who # prescribe you a drug for your symptom. Sound familiar? I’VE LIVED IT. We’ve been sold a lie. YOUR HEALTH is your number 1 priority. Without it we have NOTHING. GET ALIGNED WITH NATURE! Everything thrives! Trees/plants blossoming & you don’t see obese animals because they’re eating & living the way they’re designed to. Health is when our mental, emotional & physical bodies are aligned. How do we start? Well you have FREE medicine in sunlight, fresh air, breath work, meditation, prayer & movement. From there EAT REAL FOOD, to keep a healthy gut, strong immune system & strong intuition so you can see through the bu****it lies we’ve been & are currently being sold. Then we can peel back the layers of conditioning & step back into our true nature, power & sovereignty. I love you, GOD BLESS YOU.❤️

Photos from Harmonic Convergence 2020-2028's post 08/28/2021

Was Nikola Tesla on to the secrets of energy production in Ancient Egypt?

Image: Welcome to the Golden PAge


Heart cell Cymatics ...

"This image shows the ‘cymatics’, or geometric patterns created in heart cells when applying various sounds. In bio-acoustic sound medicine, is taught that sounds are imprinting every cell and science continues to prove this ancient axiom.

Cardiologist Sean Wu, MD, PhD and Utkan Demirci, PhD, an acoustic bio-engineer use acoustics to manipulate heart cells into intricate patterns. A simple change in frequency and amplitude puts the cells in motion, guides them to a new position and holds them in place. Acoustics can create a form that resembles natural cardiac tissue. With sound they can create new tissue to replace parts of damaged hearts. Acoustics can be used in reconstructing other organ tissue and blood vessels.

Sounds are use to create and harmonize, as well as clean and release. Both principles are used in science using high precision acoustical generators. The same principles can be applied safely by individuals using non-invasive, natural harmonic sounds, such as our voices and acoustic instruments."

Photos from Victoria Clay - Light Up Your Life Reiki's post 05/18/2021

Reiki and Affirmations
By William Lee Rand
We are alive because ki or life energy flows through us and when left alone, it is directed by the innate intelligence of the organs and tissues of the body. When this is the case it is called genki which mean original ki or healthy ki. When a person is young it is mostly genki that governs ones health. However, ki is influenced by our thoughts and feelings and as a child’s mind develops the functioning of ones ki is affected by the ever more sophisticated nature of one’s thought processes. If one has positive healthy thoughts, ones health will be enhanced, but if one has negative, unhealthy thoughts, byoki or unhealthy ki will develop. Byoki will surround various organs and tissues of the body diminishing their function and causing unbalance and weakness in one’s health. If the byoki persists, it can lead to illness. This process is the cause of most health problems.
The creation of byoki can also cause dysfunction in other areas of life. It can have an adverse affect on our relationships, our career, our ability to learn and to enjoy ourselves and on our ability to solve problems, achieve goals and to be happy and successful.
Reiki is life energy that is guided by higher consciousness. It heals by flowing into a person’s energy field, locating areas of byoki and causing them to break up and be dispelled and replaced by genki. In this way, Reiki can be used to improve and heal any area of one’s life that isn’t functioning in a healthy way.
A method to help Reiki be even more effective is the addition of positive affirmations. Since thoughts affect ki, a positive affirmation will enhance the formation of healthy ki. When the affirmation is thoughtfully created using both logic and intuition in a complementary way and empowered by Reiki it will be highly effective in quickly bringing about the reversal of any unhealthy situation.
The following is a method of creating a powerful healing response for any illness or condition. It can also be used to heal and improve any area of life and to achieve goals. Since Reiki is involved it will always produce a healthy positive result.
1. Take a moment to draw Reiki symbols on your hands if you have them. If not just use Reiki without symbols. Say a prayer asking that the highest most illumined source of guidance and healing will be with you to facilitate this process. Give thanks for all the help you’ll be receiving.
2. Decide on the illness or condition or area of life you’d like to heal. Create a written description of it.
3. Formulate a positive affirmation concerning the healing or help you’d like to experience. To do this, first say a prayer asking that your logic and intuition be guided by the highest most illumined wisdom and that they will work together in harmony to create an effective affirmation. Usually the most powerful affirmation will be one that is simple and direct and one that is opposite to the unwanted condition. As an example, if you’ve been looking for a job and been unable to find one, an affirmation that is opposite to this experience might be: “I find a job easily and quickly now.” If it is an illness or medical condition, depending on the type of illness or condition, you might use an affirmation similar to these: “My liver is completely healthy and filled with life.” Or “My heart is as strong and healthy and vital as when I was 18.” Or “Every part of my body is vibrantly healthy now.” If it is a goal or your life purpose you’d like help with affirmations similar to these will be helpful: “I easily achieve my goal with the love and grace of God (or Reiki, or the Universe or any similar term you feel comfortable with). Or “Every area of my life is completely guided by the love and grace of God.”
4. Now think of your issue and ask to be guided to the area of your body or energy field where the byoki that is causing the issue or difficulty or unwanted condition exists. This area may not be in the location where the physical symptoms exist, so it’s important to bypass your logic and allow your intuition to guide you. One way to find the byoki is to notice if you feel stress or uncomfortable feelings in an area of your body when you think of your issue as byoki will cause these feelings.
5. Once you have formulated your affirmation and discovered the location of the byoki affecting the condition you will be ready to start. Draw Reiki symbols on your hands and especially the mental/emotional symbol. If you don’t have Reiki symbols, straight Reiki without symbols will work. Then place your hands on or over the area where the byoki is located and begin to repeat your affirmation.
6. Continue with step 5 for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this every day or up to several times a day if possible. By doing this you’ll eliminating the byoki that has been creating the unwanted condition and replacing it with healthy ki which will attract the healthy condition in your body or in your life you intend.
This is a powerful technique that will rapidly produce healing and positive change in your life. Use it on yourself or with your Reiki clients and you’ll be happily surprised by the results! Life is a process of change which can be guided to create healthy improvements in your life. By healing yourself you’ll be contributing to the positive transformation of the planet which leads to peace on Earth. May you be deeply blessed by the wise use of you healing skills.

Timeline photos 05/05/2021

There are three portal dates within the month of May, 2021. There are huge changes going on with the collective. To keep these changes on the highest possible course , be sure to keep your thoughts positive, and stay centered in prayer and affirmations.
May 5, 2021 = 5/5/5
May 14, 2021 = 5/5/5
May 23, 2021 = 5/5/5

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Our Story

Disease results from an imbalance or blockage in our body's vital energy. By removing the blockage or stimulating the flow of energy, our body can naturally heal itself. Simple exercises in energy healing can restore normal energy flow in the body and facilitate healing. This is healing on a deeper level. In complementary and alternative medicine, energy healing includes Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Healing Touch and many other modalities. My sessions include Reiki , Star Magic and other energy healing techniques.





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