Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.

Invest in Yourself. Own Your Body. Reclaim Your Life.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 08/08/2023

For some reason health gurus often talk more about some endangered berry from the Amazon as a cure for all that ails us rather than the common sense remedies that are available right in front of us. (Maybe that’s because there isn’t any 💰 in recommending hugs, but I’m probably just cynical 👀) The bottom line is you don’t need to do anything fancy to lower your cortisol and end the stress cycle. Lots of things you have available to you RIGHT NOW can do it. They aren’t glamorous, they don’t cost money, and your body will use them even better.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 08/07/2023

We are born to love and taught to hate. Most of us have been using words of shame for our bodies since we can remember. Using words of love, acceptance, or appreciation can feel strange at first. The more we practice, the easier it gets. Your body is worthy. You are worthy.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 08/02/2023

There’s a lot of good waiting for you on the other side of hard relationship work. Even incredibly healthy relationships and healthy people hurt each other from time to time and have to work hard to grow together. The ability to do that mutual healing, in fact, is often what makes couples healthy to begin with. Now, that does NOT mean staying in relationships with partners who are abusive, controlling, manipulative, etc. That might feel like doing hard work at first, but when you’re the ONLY one doing the work, that’s not a good sign. Learning the difference can be a huge benefit of getting support.


Most of us agree that it makes sense to take the direct path to our goals rather than going through a middle man. Yet, we often still struggle to cut out the belief that we need to lose weight as the middle man between ourselves and our health goals. It is not true that weight loss is the only, best, or even a safe path to take to get to your health goals. Pursuing health habits themselves, including things like movement and developing a comfortable relationship with food, is often the best, regardless of your weight.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 07/31/2023

Saying “yes!” to living your best life doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll lose weight. IT’S STILL WORTH IT.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 06/05/2023

If you have had a complicated relationship with food and your body, figuring out what, when, and how much to eat is HARD. Even in recovery sometimes we can get stuck into rigid diet culture thinking that things SHOULD be a certain way. Sometimes it’s honestly just too much on your own. That is where I come in.
If you are ready to find more joy in your relationship with food without sacrificing anything you love or setting yourself for more years of out of control eating… Intuitive Eating & Body Confidence might be for you!
Here’s how it can happen:
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
Apply though the link in my bio for more information and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 06/03/2023

Would you be surprised to find that gender affirming care is a part of daily life for most of us? I know it surprised me when I was hit with that truth! I was also struck by how connecting it feels. We are ALL out here doing our best to live our truths. I hope this PRIDE we all have the opportunity to grow in our connectedness and allyship. Sending love to all of you! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍❤️‍🔥

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 06/02/2023

Relationships are tough. Many of us grew up seeing relationships that were more like adversaries than partnerships. That’s NOT what it has to be like, though. Even long lasting relationships can maintain positivity and mutual support. The most important pieces are challenging our automatic reactions, and setting the intention to offer positivity to your partner. This is NOT always easy, and if there’s already a lot of disrespect water under the bridge… that’s a challenge. Bottom line- this is one of those hard things that’s worth doing if the relationship is worth having. GOOD LUCK! I’m rooting for you ❤️❤️❤️


Eating is MEANT to be pleasurable. We are WIRED to enjoy food. Numerous studies show that enjoying food helps us slow down, digest better, and feel more satisfied. Why, then, is it so hard for us to do?
I think much has to do with culture. Not only are pleasure and joy NOT valued in productivity culture, but enjoying food itself is often demonized. We throw “emotional eating” around like we’ve forgotten that we are WIRED to feel good from food. In fact, when we allow ourselves to feel good, studies suggest we can actually stay in touch with both our “on” AND “off” switches for food much better.
Are you ready to find more joy in your relationship with food without sacrificing anything you love or setting yourself for more years of out of control eating? Intuitive Eating & Body Confidence might be for you!
Here’s how it can happen:
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
DM "Details Please!" for a link to the *FREE* application and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!


Being a woman is to have walked with shame for your body.
Your body has NEVER been the problem.
Body shame comes in all varieties. In our current culture, appearance is still the primary currency of femininity. Stereotypes joke about the "obsession" of women with appearance. I would argue this cultural phenomenon is less about vanity and more about self-preservation. That our focus on self-preservation is considered frivolous and silly is an added layer on the mountain of body anxiety.
Most of us experience not only anxiety about our general shape and size, but also shame around specific aspects of our natural bodies. Apparently there is a "right" way to have a n*pple. Who would've guessed?
These secret "inadequacies" are rarely discussed. The shame of them thrives in the darkness. This often leads us to feeling isolated, and willing to do things to "make up" for our inadequacies. We accept partners that don't treat us well, and we vie for position against other women to try to maintain our own status on the hierarchy.
While there isn't ONE solution to this, liberating ourselves so we can pass the light to others is A solution. That is why I created the Intuitive Eating & Body Confidence program. This is for women like YOU. Women who have lived in shame and are ready to commit to challenging the judgements we make about our own bodies, and pass that freedom along to the next person down the line.
Intuitive Eating allows you to find ease in your body, develop safety with food, and live the life you've longed for... Finding Center with Dr. Smith teaches you HOW. Send me a DM for more information!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/08/2023

If even thinking about your relationship with food makes you want to curl up into a ball… This is for you.
I created the INTUITIVE EATING & BODY IMAGE program to help you stop avoiding or spinning on the problem, and start the real tried and true LET’S GET THERE ALREADY path to that future you’ve dreamed of. You know, the one where you DON’T constantly judge yourself? Where you feel peace in your relationship with food and body? THAT POTENTIAL IS WITHIN YOU. And yes, YOU ARE INCLUDED. This is not just for SOME people. These methods have been supporting the healing work of thousands of people for decades (long before my time!)
We can get there together.
Here’s how it can happen:
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
DM "Details Please!" for a link to the *FREE* application and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/07/2023

If you've dreamed of feeling free and easy around food and in your body, this is the place for you. Did you know that almost all of making peace with food and your body uses tools you already have, and probably takes less time and money than you currently spend on dieting and 'fixing' your body?
What we hear about most are new food rules and ways to "be more disciplined" in following them. Most people get frustrated about the time, energy, and money these strategies cost. That frustration is for good reason!
Dieting is a waste.
In fact, 95% of people using these strategies will wind up either back at square one, or in a worse position than when they started.
There is a way out. Intuitive Eating allows you to find ease in your body, develop safety with food, and live the life you've longed for. Finding Center with Dr. Smith teaches you how.
Reach out to me today if you're interested in learning more about how we can work together

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/06/2023

If even thinking about your relationship with food makes you want to curl up into a ball… You might want to pay attention to this.
I created the INTUITIVE EATING & BODY IMAGE program to help you stop avoiding or spinning on the problem, and start the real tried and true LET’S GET THERE ALREADY path to that future you’ve dreamed of. You know, the one where you DON’T constantly judge yourself? Where you feel peace in your relationship with food and body? THAT POTENTIAL IS WITHIN YOU. And yes, YOU ARE INCLUDED. This is not just for SOME people. These methods have been supporting the healing work of thousands of people for decades (long before my time!)
We can get there together.
Here’s how it can happen:
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
DM "Details Please!" for a link to the *FREE* application and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/05/2023

What does it say about us that this word makes us uncomfortable? What does it mean that we associate feeling good with being wrong or bad? What does it mean that prioritizing satisfaction is seen as selfish and negative?
When we can prioritize pleasure, particularly with food, the benefits may surprise you. While many people say that they seek pleasure/indulge “too much!” Often when this is happening we have an actual DISCONNECT from pleasure going on. Constant indulgence without satisfaction lets us know we need to connect MORE to our satisfaction. Efforts to reduce it will probably only lead to more of the behavior you were trying to avoid in the first place!
If these ideas are interesting to you. If you’d like to figure out how to feel better in your relationship with food, the INTUITIVE EATING & BODY CONFIDENCE program may be for you! Reach out to me for more details!
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
DM "Details Please!" for a link to the *FREE* application and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/04/2023

These are the TOP THREE ways to sort through the noise and find YOUR path. Going it alone can be HARD, though. You’re ready to get to the next part of your life where you have peace in your body and with food… But you’ve been stuck and overwhelmed with everything going on.
Let me join you to help you take your life back. The INTUITIVE EATING & BODY CONFIDENCE program is a coach guided step-by-step course. What you get:
🌟Step-by-step app designed for ease of use right on your phone!
🌟All content yours forever
🌟Daily pre-recorded lessons
🌟Detailed reflection prompts
🌟Guided meditations
🌟Multi-media and expert content from a variety of thought leaders
🌟Over 800 hours of support paced for the needs of your life
✨Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching calls
✨Direct email access with Dr. Smith throughout your plan
✨4/7 access to the private online community
💫Add booster coaching calls anytime
💫After completion of the course you'll have access to the weekly subscription!
✴6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or DIY
✴Support that flexes to meet YOUR needs
Let's connect. Let's put YOU first for a change. It is time for something new. Help for your relationship with food & body when and where you need it most.
DM "Details Please!" for a link to the *FREE* application and to set up your complimentary alignment call with me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/03/2023

Why is it so difficult to control what you eat? Why is it easy to take care of everyone else, but feels impossible to know where to start with yourself? Why is it that every time you feel like you’re in control of your eating, you fall off the wagon again? Why do you crave junk foods when all you want is to be healthy?
If you've been asking yourself these questions, you are not alone!
You've probably tried everything, none of it works, and it always feels like your fault. You're probably embarrassed, frustrated, and exhausted. I know I was when I stuck in dieting hell.
There IS a path forward.
You CAN reclaim your peace with food.
DM me “sign me up!” for more information and a link to your free coaching call. Getting more information is 100% free, and just might be the start YOU need to begin your journey to real peace with food.
I hope you’ll join me!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/02/2023

The Pleasure Quest challenges are a series designed to help you center your own satisfaction in your day/life/or just a moment in time. I hope you’ll follow along with me and save each post to try on your own! (We’re on #2 today!) Nourishing an understanding of your own pleasure can have BIG impacts on your life. Let’s find it together ❤️

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 05/01/2023

Our parents had to learn not to ask if someone was pregnant. Our generations assignment is to learn not to ask about people’s bodies at ALL. It is just not at all helpful to start conversations like that.
…And if you’re thinking there’s a loophole if someone else starts the conversation 🤔…
Nope! But that IS more complicated. Let’s do an example: Your friend says, “I shouldn’t be eating this, I’ve gained so much weight.” It might feel rude to say NOTHING. So what can we do to be affirming to their feelings AND body neutral?
“Ya know, I hear your frustration, and I think it’s pretty normal for bodies to change shape and size at different times in life”
“Man, being in conflict with yourself about this stuff is so hard! I support you!”
If the conversation continues, you could even try, “It’s so frustrating that our culture has this one right body type and one right way of eating. It impacts everybody! You’d think we would have finally understood body diversity by now.”
Ultimately, keeping the body talk neutral can really help both nurture your relationship, and heal your friends relationship with themselves. The power of unconditional positive regard is HUGE, and you can be a person to offer that. It’s a powerful gift ❤️

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/30/2023

As children, many of us learned to understand our desires as filtered through the expectations of other people. As adults, it can be challenging to identify how to meet our own satisfaction needs. Many women, particularly, struggle to know or ask for what they truly want.
Even when we’re clear about our desires, often we don’t trust them (“That’s stupid/selfish”) or we don’t trust ourselves with them (“If I start I’ll never stop”). To be fair, trust takes time and experience to build. If we haven’t had any practice prioritizing our own pleasure, we may NOT be that trustworthy in the beginning! This is a reason to KEEP GOING, though.
We CAN build trustworthiness. We CAN build a life that’s more satisfying. We CAN learn to use our own on and off switch when it comes to food. If you’re not sure you how, I can help with that.
I have created a course that walks you through every step of making piece with food and your body. You can choose to go through the program in 6, 12, or 24 weeks with one-on-one coaching support along the way. If you’re ready to break free, I’m ready to help. DM me, “Break free” for more information!

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/22/2023

It is OK to change. It is OK to become a more flexible version of yourself. It is OK to be clear with others about that.
Building a new identity can be a joyous, freeing, and powerful thing! It can also be a scary adjustment, and one others don’t respond to the way we wish they would. I am here to help with all of it!
You can break free. You can make peace with food. You can become the version of yourself that sets the bar by what YOU respect. And honestly? It’s going to be so much better than you think ❤️
You don’t have to do this on your own. It’s going to be so much faster to have a guide through. Let’s see how I can help with your freedom journey! DM “personal freedom!”

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/20/2023

While a lot of emotional eating is driven by restriction in calories, mindset, or both… Dealing with emotions can also play a big role. Our feelings can be OVERWHELMING. Many of us were brought up believing that feelings can't be managed, so they need to be ignored, shut down, or completely indulged. Did you have an adult in your life who modeled one or more of these?
If we've never been taught how to manage something, of COURSE it's going to be overwhelming. That's not your fault. You CAN choose something different now, though. You CAN manage how you feel without relying completely on something that's going to numb you out.
If you've had a complicated relationship with food and feelings, I get that. There is a path forward, and I'd love to help you find it. DM me "I'm ready!" for more information about the Intuitive Eating & Body Confidence program. I'd love to connect

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/18/2023

When I meet clients, they tell me they can’t be trusted around food. They try keeping snack foods out of the house, only to find themselves snacking on whatever’s left. They’re frustrated with themselves, and feel ashamed of this part of their lives.
After the work, these same clients are amazed by the change in their own mindset. Proud of the person that they are. And able to keep snacks in the house without feeling out of control. ALL WITHOUT ONCE FOCUSING ON CUTTING OUT FOODS.
When we learn to work WITH what’s going on for ourselves, instead of AGAINST ourselves, incredible things can happen.
There IS a life where you can feel safe around food. You have this potential within you RIGHT NOW. I’d love to support you as we get there.
Reach out in a DM saying “grind culture” for more information about how we can find YOUR peace with food.

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/14/2023

I can’t WAIT to get to a point where little ones don’t grow up hating their incredible natural bodies. How is there so much natural diversity in this world, but only one “right” way to look and feel? …yes, yes, I know the answer is that there is no 🤑 in accepting our bodies… but… C’MON!
Anyway, if you’re right there, struggling with your body and looking for support in accepting it just as it is… reach out to me! I’d love to connect to see if the Finding Center program with me would be a good fit for you❤️

Photos from Stephanie Smith, Psy.D.'s post 04/13/2023

If you've dreamed of feeling free and easy around food and in your body, this is the place for you. Did you know that almost all of making peace with food and your body uses tools you already have, and probably takes less time and money than you currently spend on dieting and 'fixing' your body?
What we hear about most are new food rules and ways to "be more disciplined" in following them. Most people get frustrated about the time, energy, and money these strategies cost. That frustration is for good reason!
Dieting is a waste.
In fact, 95% of people using these strategies will wind up either back at square one, or in a worse position than when they started.
There is a way out. Intuitive Eating allows you to find ease in your body, develop safety with food, and live the life you've longed for. Finding Center with Dr. Smith teaches you how.
Reach out to me today if you're interested in learning more about how we can work together

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If you want to love yourself, you probably already do. That’s where the trying comes from! People who love us don’t alwa...
“There is no amount of self improvement that makes up for a lack of self acceptance.” 🤯☠️ …ain’t that the truth, though?...
Maybe this makes me a bad psychologist, but saying affirmation statements has never been for me. But… who said affirmati...
If your holiday isn’t looking or feeling how you think it “should,” you’re not alone. You’re not doing anything wrong. S...
Happy Solstice, everybody! ❄️☀️🎉 #wintersolstice #solstice #shortestday #itsgettingbetter #gettingbetter #sad #seasonala...
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Decision making comes down to ONE thing. “How does this make me feel?” Instead of fighting that, let’s try leaning into ...
Anybody else feel this SO MUCH? So many choices, so many different lives, and here we are in this ONE, trying to live it...
When something is stressing us out, we want to take ACTION to fix the problem. Unfortunately, lots of our stressors can’...
#startedgoodendedbad Taking care of ourselves is SUCH A GOOD THING. I love supporting those I work with to do just that!...
Escaping the constant battle ground of our minds when it comes to food actually CAN happen. Like so many women, I though...
Even mostly securely attached partners can slip into anxious attachment patterns when going through a hard time. You’ve ...



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