Jeff Anderson & Associates

For 35+ years, Jeff Anderson & Associates has repeatedly fought and won cases on behalf of survivors of child s*xual abuse.

Contact us confidentially: Jeff Anderson & Associates is recognized as one of the nation’s premier law firms representing victims of childhood s*xual abuse. We are smart, tough and relentless, but the virtue that ultimately sets us apart is our compassion. We are people who feel deeply and work tirelessly in response to an unjust world. We have a reputation for being the

Helping California Survivors of S*xual Abuse at Robert Semple Elementary School 09/13/2024

In 2024, four students identified as Does filed a lawsuit in Solano County Superior Court on April 24, 2024, alleging that former Robert Semple teacher Matthew Joseph Shelton harassed and s*xually abused them during the 2022-23 school year.

Helping California Survivors of S*xual Abuse at Robert Semple Elementary School If you were abused by a teacher, coach, staff member, or trusted adult at Robert Semple Elementary School or at Phillips Edison Elementary School, we want to help you


Former Taft Elementary School teacher Paul Edward Lowe was arrested by detectives on November 9, 2021, and charged with 14 counts of s*xual assault of a child. The allegations against Lowe surfaced in September 2021 and resulted in a police investigation. If you have been affected by s*xual abuse at Taft Elementary School in , you don’t have to face this alone.


In 2014, Fr. Jerome Kern was deposed. Kern admits to s*xually abusing children during his 30+ years as a priest. Documents show how officials failed to prevent further abuse despite multiple reports of inappropriate behavior.

American Canyon High School - Jeff Anderson and Associates 09/06/2024

American Canyon High School - Jeff Anderson and Associates Helping California Survivors of S*xual Abuse at American Canyon High School If you were abused by a teacher, coach, staff member, or trusted adult at American Canyon High School, we want to help you American Canyon High School is a public school located in American Canyon, California and is a part o...

Former Teacher and Convicted Child Abuser Faces 12 New Charges 09/06/2024

Yesterday, The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office announced a grand jury indictment of an additional 12 counts of first-degree criminal s*xual conduct against serial child abuser Aaron Hjermstad. All the 12 additional counts represent s*xual assaults of children under the age of 13.

Former Teacher and Convicted Child Abuser Faces 12 New Charges Yesterday, The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office announced a grand jury indictment of an additional 12 counts of first-degree criminal s*xual conduct against serial child abuser Aaron Hjermstad. All the 12 additional counts represent s*xual assaults of children under the age of 13.

Charges: Former Minnesota Teacher of the Year groomed, r***d 14-year-old student 09/05/2024

"Abdul Jameel Wright, a former Minnesota Teacher of the Year is accused of grooming and s*xually assaulting a 14-year-old student from his English class at Harvest Best Academy in Minneapolis."

Charges: Former Minnesota Teacher of the Year groomed, r***d 14-year-old student Abdul Wright taught at Harvest Best Academy in Minneapolis during the alleged assaults and most recently taught at St. Louis Park High School.


We understand that the financial aspects of a legal case can feel overwhelming, especially when you're focused on healing. In many states, our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only collect fees after your case is resolved, based on a percentage of the recovery. We’re here to help you understand this process without any pressure. If you have any questions, one of our attorneys will be happy to speak with you confidentially and explain everything in detail, so you can feel informed and supported every step of the way.

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A school cop was accused of s*xual misconduct with kids. He kept his job for years. 09/03/2024

"38-year-old officer, Deputy Jamel Bradley, had at least five complaints in his nine years at Spring Valley High School. Parents, fellow deputies, an administrator and a coach had all raised concerns that Bradley was acting inappropriately with teenage girls. Despite this, he kept his job for years. "

A school cop was accused of s*xual misconduct with kids. He kept his job for years. In South Carolina, Deputy Jamel Bradley remained a school resource officer despite complaints that he was preying on girls at Spring Valley High.

The Bystander Effect: What History Taught Us & How We Can Do Better ? 09/03/2024

In 2015, two brave bystanders stopped a horrific assault at Stanford by stepping in, calling the police, and chasing down the attacker, Brock Turner. Their actions led to his conviction, highlighting the power of intervention.

But why don’t more people act in such situations? The Bystander Effect explains how witnesses often fail to help when others are present.

Here’s how you can do better:

Stay aware: If you see something, say something.

Recognize grooming: Know the signs and speak up.

Report: Have crisis numbers handy.

Support survivors: Respond with compassion.

Together, we can break the cycle.

The Bystander Effect: What History Taught Us & How We Can Do Better ? In 2015, the infamous Stanford r**e case shocked the nation. On a late night in January, Stanford student Brock Turner r***d an unconscious woman behind a dumpster on the elite California college campus.

What Should My Support Team Look Like? 08/31/2024

Being means everyone understands the effects of trauma, the unique needs of each survivor, and how to communicate with compassion.

A trauma-informed firm will also have advocates, whose job is to support survivors and act as a resource.

What Should My Support Team Look Like? Abuse typically happens in isolation. Healing happens with support. If you are a survivor of child s*xual abuse, it’s so important you know you are not alone. There are many other survivors out there, and there are communities of survivors, advocates, and trauma-informed professionals that want to...


Abuse is never deserved and is never the fault of the victim.

Child S*xual Abuse in Los Angeles Unified School District 08/29/2024

"Los Angeles Unified School District has a history of hiring and harboring perpetrators of child s*xual abuse. By exposing perpetrators in lawsuits, children and students who participate in LAUSD will be protected."

Child S*xual Abuse in Los Angeles Unified School District The Los Angeles Unified School District [LAUSD] is the second-largest school district in the nation and serves over 600,000 students enrolled in over 1,000 schools. Well over 70 s*xual assault lawsuits have been filed identifying LAUSD employees under the California Child Victims Act.


In many states, there are laws that allow survivors of abuse to file lawsuits without disclosing their identity. This protects their privacy and allows them to seek justice in a safe and confidential way.

Learn more:


Grooming is a slow, manipulative process that abusers use to gain control over victims, especially children. By building trust and appearing caring, they blur the lines between normal and abusive behavior. Recognizing the signs of grooming can help prevent abuse and aid in the healing process for survivors.

Key tactics include:

Targeting vulnerable children
Giving gifts or money to create a sense of obligation
Gradual, seemingly harmless physical contact
Offering emotional support to appear as a hero
Showing excessive interest in the child's life
Isolating the child from others
Awareness is crucial in stopping grooming before it leads to abuse.

Learn More:


To all of the survivors who have come forward and shared their truth - we thank you. It is the survivors who have exposed their perpetrators and the institutions that hide their perpetrators who are making the future for children safer.

Deposition of Fr. Jerome Kern on Alleged S*xual Abuse of Multiple Minors 08/22/2024

In 2014, Fr. Jerome Kern was deposed under oath as part of a s*x abuse lawsuit. Kern admits to s*xually abusing children during his 30+ year career as a priest in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and documents show how officials failed to prevent Kern from abusing more children despite reports of inappropriate behavior with children dating back to 1969.

Deposition of Fr. Jerome Kern on Alleged S*xual Abuse of Multiple Minors On April 15, 2014, Father Jerome Kern was deposed under oath as part of a s*xual abuse lawsuit filed in Minnesota in November, 2013. On June 24, 2014 the dep...

What Is The Difference Between a Civil Lawsuit and a Criminal Lawsuit? 08/20/2024

Many people ask: Can I file a lawsuit if the abuser is dead?

You typically are able to, even if the abuser is dead. But, to be confident in your legal options, speak with an attorney. A lawsuit could prevent abuse in places that are covering it up.

What Is The Difference Between a Civil Lawsuit and a Criminal Lawsuit? The civil and criminal justice systems are different, with different goals and outcomes for survivors of child s*xual abuse. In the United States, there are two separate bodies of law whose purpose is to deter or punish wrongdoing or to compensate the victims of wrongdoing. Criminal lawsuits are ini...

Yes, bystanders can save women from s*xual assault. But I know first-hand that’s not always enough | Alexandra Heminsley 08/18/2024

Society seems perilously close to accepting that being stroked, squeezed or grabbed at is just another mundanity of women’s commutes.

Yes, bystanders can save women from s*xual assault. But I know first-hand that’s not always enough | Alexandra Heminsley Violence against women on UK trains is increasing – no wonder, when courts often seem more concerned about the ‘impact’ on perpetrators than their victims, says author Alexandra Heminsley

Faith & Fallout: Secret files of Buffalo Diocese could soon be released 08/16/2024

The Diocese of is currently fighting in state court to prevent both the public and survivors from seeing 25,000 pages of its internal abuse records subpoenaed by the New York State Attorney General

Via WGRZ - Channel 2, Buffalo Charlie Specht - Investigative Reporter 2 On Your Side

Faith & Fallout: Secret files of Buffalo Diocese could soon be released While bankruptcy litigation continues in federal court, the diocese says it’s a new era of transparency and accountability.

Circle R Ranch Summer Camp is Closed – Kids are Safer 08/15/2024

“The courage and strength these survivors showed throughout this long and painful journey is beyond believable. It is a testament to every one of them that they continued to fight and demand change to make kids safer at this camp.” - Josh Peck, attorney

Circle R Ranch Summer Camp is Closed – Kids are Safer After years of sounding the alarm on Circle R Ranch, survivors of s*xual abuse at the Minnesota youth summer camp and their advocates are relieved the camp was forced to cancel its entire 2024 season.

What Survivors Need to Know 08/14/2024

Below are some commonly asked questions we answer on our website. We want to empower survivors with and choices

Can I take legal action if I was abused decades ago?
Can I remain anonymous?
What if my abuser is dead?
Where can I find support?

What Survivors Need to Know Frequently asked questions, resources, overcoming barriers, supporting survivors, navigating the legal process with confidence.


In the 1980s, Stacey Pinkerton, an ambitious young model, met Bill Cosby under the promise that he would boost her career.

What was supposed to be a productive and exciting meeting to discuss career opportunities, quickly turned into something unexpected and horrific – a predatory trap that was strategically set up by a predator looking for his next victim.

Read full interview with Stacey here:

Faith & Fallout: Has the Buffalo Diocese changed how it handles s*xual abuse cases? 08/12/2024

WGRZ reporter Charlie Specht sat down with Richard Suchan, Diocese of Chief Operating Officer:

“Why does a religion have a criminal defense attorney on retainer?”

“I can’t answer that question right now”

“Why not?”

“I’m not prepared to”

Faith & Fallout: Has the Buffalo Diocese changed how it handles s*xual abuse cases? The Buffalo Diocese canceled a 2 On Your Side interview with its child protection policy coordinator.

Survivors of Clergy S*xual Abuse Demand Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Release the Names of Accused Clergy in San Francisco 08/11/2024

Why is it up to the public and survivors to protest and demand the Archdiocese of San Francisco release a list of credibly accused clergy? Why is it on us to demand public awareness and safety?

Survivors of Clergy S*xual Abuse Demand Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Release the Names of Accused Clergy in San Francisco Survivors of clergy s*xual abuse, advocates, and attorneys, have demanded Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and the Archdiocese of San Francisco release a list and detailed history of credibly accused clergy in the archdiocese.

Deposition of Bishop Hoeppner | October 8 2018 08/09/2024

This deposition discusses how former Bp. Hoeppner coerced a survivor into signing a document involved in a Vatican investigation. The survivor was a deacon candidate and his son was a priest. Hoeppner threatened the son’s priesthood if he didn't sign.

Deposition of Bishop Hoeppner | October 8 2018 Deposition of Bishop Hoeppner on Alleged Cover-Up of Child S*x AbuseVisit our survivor questions & answers page to see frequently asked questions and find su...


How are priests accused of child s*x abuse allowed back into ministry with access to kids? It's due to a controversial policy: the lay review board. These boards are proof of a universal truth: an institution is not able to properly police itself.

Faith & Fallout: Catholics question transparency of Buffalo Diocese in closing of churches 08/08/2024

Watch Part 1 of 2, “Faith & Fallout,” which examines multiple issues facing the Diocese of Buffalo, including the s*xual abuse of children, bankruptcy, church closings and how the diocese spends donations by parishioners.

Faith & Fallout: Catholics question transparency of Buffalo Diocese in closing of churches The diocese posts some, but not all, data on Road to Renewal website.

Magic and Monsters Documentary, Exposing Minneapolis’s Children's Theatre Company’s Dark History Receives Nomination for Prestigious Award 08/07/2024

Magic and Monsters, a documentary film from director Norah Shapiro, exposing the long-buried truth of decades of s*xual abuse at the preeminent children’s theater has been named a finalist for the 2024 Library of Congress/Lavine Ken Burns Prize for Film

Magic and Monsters Documentary, Exposing Minneapolis’s Children's Theatre Company’s Dark History Receives Nomination for Prestigious Award Magic and Monsters, a documentary film from Minneapolis director Norah Shapiro, exposes the long-buried truth of decades of widespread s*xual abuse at the preeminent children’s theater. It also chronicles former student survivors in the aftermath of litigation as they continued to seek healing and...

Prominent Abuse Victims’ Attorney Says New Boston Archbishop Has ‘Worrisome’ History in Rockville Centre 08/05/2024

Rockville Centre, using the bankruptcy system, has a long and disturbing history with clergy s*x crimes and cover-ups, marked by delay and obstruction that has caused even more harm to the scores of already-suffering victims in that troubled diocese.

Prominent Abuse Victims’ Attorney Says New Boston Archbishop Has ‘Worrisome’ History in Rockville Centre Rockville Centre, using the bankruptcy system, has a long and disturbing history with clergy s*x crimes and cover-ups, marked by delay, deceit, denial, and obstruction that has caused even more harm to the scores of already-suffering victims in that troubled diocese.


Why don't survivors report abuse right away?

Fear of not being believed, concerns for personal and family safety, potential economic repercussions, and feelings of shame all contribute to their silence.

Learn more:

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Videos (show all)

The Deposition of Archbishop Carlson
Mari Jo Bell "My Abuser"
After decades of self-improvement, survivor and advocate Jim Keenan found healing through justice and being a pillar in ...
In this heartfelt video clip, survivor and advocate John Doe 76C shares his emotions surrounding his journey of self-dis...
Sandra Booker is making the entertainment industry safer with her voice and actions. We applaud her bravery.#hiresurvivo...
We stand in solidarity with Sandra and will do everything in our power to cleanse the entertainment industry of abuse an...
Sandra Booker is making the entertainment industry safer with her voice and actions. We applaud her bravery. #hiresurviv...
Entertainment Industry Sexual Assault Survivors to Speak on Industry Practices That Permit, Protect, and Profit from Pre...
In 1995, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned an internal church study on child abuse. The two-...
Today would have been Jacob Wetterling’s 44th birthday. In honor of Jacob’s legacy of hope, we’d like to share this vide...
Survivor Jim Keenan – You Are Worth It
Too often survivors of sexual abuse suffer in secrecy, silence, and shame, believing that what happened to them was some...


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