College of Liberal Arts at Metro State University

The College of Liberal Arts is the proud home of programs in humanities, social sciences, communications, and the arts.

These fields constitute the beating heart of a university education and of a society committed to social progress. Follow us on Twitter @MetroCLA

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Please find a list of all the wonderful History courses Metro State will be offering this upcoming Fall 2024 semester! For additional information, please contact [email protected].


HIST 312 hasn't been offered for a few years and we got a really nice Community Faculty (ABD, U of Washington specializing in Native American history) to teach this course. He will be teaching this course not from a traditional Euro-centered perspective, but from an indigenous perspective!


HIST 371 Understanding Modern Japan: We hired Prof. Gengwu Wang (ABD, U of M). He just taught immigration and Asian history courses full time at Macalester last year. He will defend his dissertation in August. So, by fall, he will be Dr. Wang. Please note that his CF paperwork is being processed. I plan to offer HIST 372A History of Japanese Popular Culture (a study abroad course) one more time in May 2025. Taking HIST 371 is a great preparation for the study abroad course, which is competitive to get in.

Finding a career path 05/07/2024

Career Competencies include skill sets that you build on over the course of your college experience that are important for the world of work. “The idea is that, as you work toward your degree, you can gain clarity and confidence to be able to describe how specific classes — as well as internships and other college experiences — helped develop a palette of skills, personal qualities, and strengths.” (Metro Career Center Website) These include ten areas: 1. Professional Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 3. Ethical Decision Making 4. Innovation and Creativity 5. Leadership and Followership 6. Teamwork and Collaboration 7. Cultural Agility, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism 8. Community Engagement 9. Digital Literacy 10. Continuous Learning and Career Management

See more description at:

Here is a friendly reminder to attend: Alumni Career Experience Event Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 1 to 5 p.m. Juan and Margaret with CLA are signing off for now as the semester has wound down. We wish you a great summer and a productive adventure on your employment search.

Finding a career path How selecting a major can be the first step on a lifelong career path.


Did you know that as an alumni from Metro State, you can get ongoing support for your career search? The Metro State Career Center is holding the Alumni Career Experience Event on May 8 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Register here: There are perks for attending:

• Capture a professional headshot tailored for your LinkedIn profile, while also gaining expert advice on leveraging LinkedIn in your job search.

• Acquire valuable insights on resume development and have the opportunity to receive personalized feedback from seasoned hiring professionals.

• Engage in a comprehensive mock interview session conducted by experienced hiring professionals.

• Establish and expand your professional network by connecting with local employers and fellow Metro State alumni.


Happy Spring from CLA & Juan! As you finish up the semester, be sure to add in breaks for yourself as you pursue your job search and complete finals. Remember with a degree in the Liberal Arts you have many skills and competencies to spotlight, and you can highlight pertinent competencies for particular positions. Consider writing a customized resume for each employment opportunity. This week we want to invite all who have graduated from Metro State or who will be graduating this semester to the Alumni Career Experience Event on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 1 to 5 p.m.
Venue: 3rd floor of the Library and Learning Center
Attire: To ensure everyone feels comfortable and presents themselves professionally, the attire for this event is business casual.


April 15 is National Laundry Day, National Anime Day, National American Sign Language Day, World Art Day, and Universal Day of Culture, not to mention, U.S. Tax Day. Don’t let your job search be taxing! Today also begins the National Week of Conversation. Talk to your recommenders and references about your job search and where you want to be in five years. Share your résumé with your references. Everyone will be on the same page and will be able to reinforce your accomplishments and goals in their recommendations to potential employers. Enjoy the week!

How to Organize Your Job Search 04/08/2024

Hello from CLA and Juan! You likely are applying for more than one position. Here are some tips to keep yourself organized and keep track of your job search:
Remember it is just as important to the company you are applying to that it is as good of a fit for you as you are for it. Network with recruiters or employees of that company to do some research about growth opportunities, stability, and culture.
Finding the right seat on the right bus for candidates is the goal of most great hiring managers. That seat may not be with the specific company, but great companies will help figure this out sooner rather than later. Then they will help you find the right bus!

How to Organize Your Job Search So you can focus your energy on landing a job!

Waiting to Hear Back After a Job Interview? Here's What to Do 04/02/2024

Depending on the type of career, a job search may take one to six months, not an April Fool’s joke 😀(source and to get more tips: ).
Here are some more ideas on what to do while you are waiting to hear back about a job prospect after an interview: . For example, Flex Jobs suggests this language as a follow-up email after an interview: “I’m following up on the application I submitted on [date] for [position title]. I wanted to reiterate my interest in the role and tell you I’m more than happy to clarify or expand on any of the info I sent.”

Waiting to Hear Back After a Job Interview? Here's What to Do One of the hardest parts about seeking employment is waiting to hear back after the job interview. Here's what to do! Learn more.

Career Ideas Festival 03/26/2024

In just a few days, you can attend the Career Ideas Festival to get connected to recruiters in many kinds of career fields. See
Network with professionals in your fields of interest.

Career Ideas Festival Metropolitan State University is a public university in Minnesota that offers high-quality, flexible and affordable options in undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. We’ve earned a national reputation for innovative programs that empower students to finish what they started with the fle...

Career Ideas Festival 03/18/2024

Hello from CLA and Juan Ramirez from Fastenal! If you are still exploring the next steps for your career, take some career interest quizzes. Try some at
Please check out the Career Ideas Festival Event on March 27. See to register.

Career Ideas Festival Metropolitan State University is a public university in Minnesota that offers high-quality, flexible and affordable options in undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. We’ve earned a national reputation for innovative programs that empower students to finish what they started with the fle...


time from CLA and Juan Ramirez!

Consider taking advantage of an internship opportunity to gain valuable work experience and college credit. The Metro State University Career Center offers a program where you can work, learn, and earn credit towards your degree.

According to the Metro State Career Center, participating in an internship has numerous benefits. Not only does it contribute to your degree completion, but it also allows faculty members to get to know you and your work beyond the classroom experience. By building the internship into your course load and schedule, it becomes easier to commit the required time to complete it.

Moreover, many employers prefer interns who earn credit, as they have greater confidence that the student will be more reliable and engaged. If problems arise during the internship, the Career Center and a faculty member are available to provide support and help resolve any issues.

Contact the Metro State University Career Center to learn more about how you can take advantage of this opportunity to gain work experience and earn college credit. Visit their website at

We would be remiss if we didn't shout out Sebastian Gonzales Bustamante a current student and Fastenal employee! He partook in the Fastenal program last summer!

Relax; watching cat videos at work is actually good for you 03/04/2024

Happy Spring Break State University!

It is never too early (or too late) to start your career search. Take a little bit of time to reflect each week on things you are doing right now and plan to do for your career search or career change. Thinking in a big-picture way about what you are learning today can help you in the future. Big picture thinking is defined as paying attention to the opportunities ahead of you. Here is a piece on “6 Big Picture Thinking Strategies that You’ll Actually Use”: .
Because we also want you to relax and enjoy your break a bit, here is a fun read about how cat videos can improve work performance: “Relax; science says watching cat videos at work is actually good for you”:

Relax; watching cat videos at work is actually good for you They can help boost your mood, make you feel more positive and help you to focus on difficult tasks

DEI Career Fair 02/26/2024

We have made it to the end of February. Happy Leap Year! Metro State has a great Career Center website
[ ] that we encourage you to take time to explore. Don’t hesitate to utilize these great resources and visit in-person. The Career Center is here for students and alumni. Some helpful tools can be found at Here is a link to a career planning workbook: and a downloadable visual guide titled, “Picture Your Career”
Here is a fun article you can take a glance at: “Why Work Should Be Fun”:

Just a few more days until the MWACE DEI & Virtual Career Fair Feb. 28, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

DEI Career Fair All students at member institutions and employer partners in Midwest ACE and beyond are invited to participate. Students can have real conversations about DEI, and learn more about what DEI means to potential employers. Employers will promote their open positions while showcasing their commitment to...

DEI Career Fair 02/19/2024

For our President’s Day post, CLA and Juan encourage you to sign up for a LinkedIn account and take advantage of LinkedIn Learning that includes many helpful and quick readings about polishing leadership skills. Did you know that past research has shown that “humanities graduates did better than MBAs in a number of areas essential to performing as a leader”? (see ) Humanities graduates excelled at “compelling communication,” “driving for results,” “entrepreneurship,” “influence,” and “inspiring excellence.” (see )
Here is another gentle reminder to register for the MWACE DEI & Virtual Career Fair Feb. 28, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

DEI Career Fair All students at member institutions and employer partners in Midwest ACE and beyond are invited to participate. Students can have real conversations about DEI, and learn more about what DEI means to potential employers. Employers will promote their open positions while showcasing their commitment to...

DEI Career Fair 02/13/2024

Have you ever thought about how the job market will transform across the world four to five years from now? There are predictions about the future job market and what the job market will look like that take into account generative AI, renewable energy, and other factors. Take a glance at the: World Economic Forum The Future of Jobs Report “The Future of Jobs Survey brings together the perspective of 803 companies – collectively employing more than 11.3 million workers – across 27 industry clusters and 45 economies from all world regions.” (page 5)

Some key findings from the report (pages 5-7):

“Analytical thinking and creative thinking remain the most important skills for workers…” (page 6)

“The human-machine frontier has shifted, with businesses introducing automation into their operations at a slower pace than previously anticipated.” (page 6)

“The fastest-growing roles [positions] relative to their size today are driven by technology, digitalization and sustainability.” (page 6)

“The socio-emotional attitudes which businesses consider to be growing in importance most quickly are curiosity and lifelong learning; resilience, flexibility and agility; and motivation and self-awareness.” (page 7)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) will be important considerations in hiring for companies. (page 7)

For the jobs of today and tomorrow, don’t forget to register for the MWACE DEI & Virtual Career Fair Feb. 28, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

DEI Career Fair All students at member institutions and employer partners in Midwest ACE and beyond are invited to participate. Students can have real conversations about DEI, and learn more about what DEI means to potential employers. Employers will promote their open positions while showcasing their commitment to...

DEI Career Fair 02/05/2024

state university students, can you believe CLA and Juan are already on our 5th career check-in?

In your educational and professional journey, remember to focus on metacognitive skills, also called “meta skills,” or knowing how you best learn a new skill or concept. Employers look for evidence of meta skills in their hiring of new employees.

See What are Meta Skills? (And Why Do Employers Look for Them) ( and Metacognitive Skills: Definition and Skills (
We will be reminding you all month long about the MWACE DEI & Virtual Career Fair Feb. 28, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

DEI Career Fair All students at member institutions and employer partners in Midwest ACE and beyond are invited to participate. Students can have real conversations about DEI, and learn more about what DEI means to potential employers. Employers will promote their open positions while showcasing their commitment to...


Welcome to a new week! Did you know that most companies focus on your skills and competencies when they do their job screening? Companies especially look for problem-solving skills and working as part of a team. Be sure to highlight your skills and competencies on your résumé and in your interviews. Read more: The Key Attributes Employers are Looking For on Graduates’ Resumes (


Happy Monday state students! The College of Liberal Arts and Juan here again with your weekly career check in!

Your major can open you up to many career paths. For example, Juan has a bachelor's degree in Elementary & Middle Education. Later he completed his masters degree in school counseling. After spending approximately 20 years in education, he decided to make a career change to private industry. He was able to connect the skills learned in his education and professional life to .
You will gain many transferable skills! Connect them to the career you are seeking!

“For new college graduates, career readiness is key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce. Career readiness is the foundation upon which a successful career is launched. Career readiness is, quite simply, the new career currency.” From,

Don’t forget about the . Cloud State Diversity Job and Internship Fair.


𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽 at The Gordon Parks Gallery

Stephanie Hunder is an artist who works with texture and form documented from the natural world, as well as mathematical and scientific diagrams, to create large scale works on paper and acrylic sheets. Her work is based in printmaking, but includes collage, alternative photography, and a variety of mixed media.

The opening reception takes place 5–7:30 p.m., Thursday, January 18, with a talk starting at 7. Gallery hours are 1–7 p.m., Monday to Thursday, January 22 – February 22.


As we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, please note the upcoming diversity career fairs:

The -ACE DE&I Virtual Career Fair, an online gathering on February 28 and the
Cloud State Diversity Job and Internship Fair.

“Diverse organizations are inherently happier, more productive, and more competitive in their industries.” (From )

How do you define diversity in your field? See this article, 8 Interview Questions About Diversity and Inclusion Every Job Seeker Should Be Able to Answer.


Over the course of Spring 2024 semester, the State College of Liberal Arts and Recruiter Ramirez will be sending tips and advice about your career search. Watch for tips each Monday.

Our first tip is to tell you about the Career Experience Event to inform you to attend to learn about networking, Linked-In, get a professional headshot, take in an employer panel, and work on your resume and mock interviews. The event closes with an alumni reception. This event is held each semester for recent graduates.

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1380 Energy Lane
Saint Paul, MN

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 11pm
Tuesday 7am - 11pm
Wednesday 7am - 11pm
Thursday 7am - 11pm
Friday 7am - 11pm
Saturday 7am - 11pm

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