Inspira Medical Center Mannington

Inspira Medical Center Mannington

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An Affiliate of Inspira Health, providing high-quality health care to the residents of South Jersey


To stay up-to-date on all things Inspira Medical Center Mannington, follow the Inspira page for updates.

You’ll find information on upcoming events, top tips to keep your whole family safe and healthy, stories about our remarkable staff and volunteers and so much more.

Inspira Health Walk-in treatment for patients of all ages for injury and illnesses that do not require the life-savi

Inspira Health Unveils Inspira Medical Center Mannington 10/02/2023

Last December we began the integration of Salem Medical Center, an affiliate of Inspira Health, into our health system, and over that time we’ve gained a better understanding of the needs of the staff at Salem and the community in which they serve.

As of October 1, Salem’s integration was complete and it has been renamed Inspira Medical Center Mannington, effective immediately. This partnership will enable improved access, enhanced quality of care and increased convenience. In addition, the current staff that our patients and community have come to know and trust will remain in place.

We acquired IMC Mannington because our two organizations share the same goal of empowering healthy communities. Now, as one united health system we’re in an even better position to offer you the highest quality patient care and services at all our locations.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to meeting your future health care needs.

Inspira Health Unveils Inspira Medical Center Mannington Inspira Health announced that the integration Salem Medical Center, an affiliate of Inspira Health, into the health system is complete, as of October 1. The hospital has been rebranded as Inspira Medical Center (IMC) Mannington, effective immediately.


Constipation can have various causes, including a low-fiber diet, inadequate water intake, lack of physical activity, certain medications and medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or hypothyroidism.

Symptoms that might prompt an emergency room visit include:
● Severe abdominal pain
● Bloody stool
● Unexplained weight loss
● Sudden changes in bowel habits in individuals over 50 years old

To help with consistent constipation issues, consider these remedies: increase fiber intake through fruits, vegetables and whole grains; drink plenty of water; engage in regular physical activity; establish a consistent bathroom routine; and if needed, use over-the-counter laxatives or consult a health care professional for further evaluation and guidance.


Salem Medical Center, an affiliate of Inspira Health is proud to honor and celebrate the remarkable life and dedication of longtime volunteer and disability advocate, Darryl Behnke.

Darryl was instrumental in the building of Village Freedom in Woodstown, and he even established a foundation providing accessible transportation. Despite his own physical limitations, he dedicated years of his life to volunteering at Inspira Medical Center Elmer, where he enriched the lives of patients, their families, and the entire Inspira family.

The plaque pictured here honors the memory of Darryl, and hopes to inspire us all to live selfless lives centered on faith, hope and love.


Packing a healthy lunch for your child is crucial for their overall well-being. It provides essential nutrients for growth, improves concentration and energy levels and promotes a balanced diet. To keep lunches from becoming boring while maintaining healthiness, try these tips:

● Include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for visual appeal and different flavors.
● Opt for whole grain bread or wraps as a nutritious base for sandwiches.
● Add protein-rich foods like lean meats, cheese or beans to keep them feeling full.
● Experiment with different textures by including crunchy snacks like carrot sticks or whole-grain crackers.
● Get creative with shapes and presentations to make it visually appealing.
● Involve your child in the decision-making process to encourage their interest in healthy foods.
● Occasionally surprise them with homemade treats or fun-themed lunches to add excitement.


Once the school year is in full swing, finding the motivation to stay active can be a challenge. But when a family is physically active together, everyone benefits. From reducing stress and lowering the risk of heart disease to bonding and making emotional connections as a unit, exercising together keeps the entire family happy and healthy.

Here are a few unique ways to stay active with your family when temperatures drop and schedules get busy:

1. Take a nature hike and collect colorful leaves. 🍁
2. Organize a family-friendly scavenger hunt in a local park. 🌳
3. Enjoy a bike ride through scenic trails. 🚲
4. Visit a pumpkin patch and go on a hayride.🎃
5. Set up an outdoor obstacle course or create your own mini Olympics. 🏅
6. Have a family dance-off with a fall-themed playlist. 🕺
7. Join a local community fun run or charity walk event. 👟


Reports show that up to a quarter of emergency department visits could have been handled at an urgent care clinic or doctor's office. But in a stressful situation, it can be hard to know what to do. Here are a few scenarios to remember:

Go to the ER when:
● Someone breaks a bone
● When your child experiences a severe allergic reaction causing them to have trouble breathing

Visit the pediatrician ASAP when:
● A child over two months old has a temperature of over 100 degrees
● Child is showing signs of an ear or another type of infection but is eating and drinking


A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow, jolt or bump to the head or body. Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for in the case of possible concussions:
● Headache
● Dizziness
● Confusion
● Memory problems
● Changes in mood or sleep patterns

To avoid head injuries when possible, be sure to wear helmets when riding a bike, skateboarding or rollerblading.

Consider seeking medical treatment for a concussion if you experience worsening or severe symptoms such as persistent headache, repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizures, difficulty waking up, slurred speech or weakness/numbness in limbs. The Salem Medical Center Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is here for any health emergency that arises.


Eating in-season vegetables is beneficial because they are fresher, tastier, more nutritious, environmentally friendly and often more affordable.

Late summer offers a variety of in-season fruits and vegetables, including:
● Corn, cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers and eggplant.🥒🍆 🌽
● Watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, plums, grapes and berries like blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. 🍉🍇🍑
These options are flavorful, vibrant and packed with essential nutrients.

Want a bit of inspiration? Try grilled corn on the cob with peach salsa:
Grill fresh corn until charred, then top with a tangy salsa made of diced peaches, jalapeños, red onions, cilantro, lime juice and a touch of honey.


At the beginning of summer, we get many reminders to wear sunscreen. But sun safety is not just for the summertime. You can experience overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays all year round, so it’s important to protect your skin during all four seasons.

The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s not a surprise that skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply often.
2. Seek shade whenever possible.
3. Avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
4. Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats.


It’s hard to believe everyone is already talking about going back to school. But it is important to stay on top of immunizations and vaccinations your child needs in order to get back in the classroom. Here’s a quick guide for checking compliance:

Step 1: Each child attending a public K-12 school must present proof of immunity or valid medical or religious exemption to vaccines. To allow a child to enter school, they must have at least one dose of each age-appropriate required vaccine.

Step 2: Determine your child's present grade level.

Step 3: Compare your child’s record with the requirements outlined by the NJ Department of Health.

Vaccinations help keep your child and the entire school community safe.


Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities, but it’s important to know how to stay safe and when to seek emergency care. Here are some common seasonal health hazards to watch out for:

Heat-related illnesses
Heat exhaustion and sunburn are common in the summer, especially if you spend long hours outdoors. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include dizziness, nausea and headache. Sunburn can cause redness, pain and peeling.

Insect bites and stings
Bites and stings from mosquitos, ticks and bees can result in itching, swelling and allergic reactions. In severe cases, anaphylaxis can occur, which can be life-threatening.

Water-related injuries
Drowning can happen while swimming, boating or playing water sports. Taking appropriate safety precautions and supervising children closely while near water is vital.

Seek emergency care if you or a loved one has symptoms of heat stroke, anaphylaxis or another serious injury. To prevent seasonal health hazards, it’s important to stay hydrated, wear protective clothing and sunscreen, use insect repellent and follow safety guidelines for swimming and other outdoor activities.


Summer allergies can be an inconvenience, but there are steps you can take to manage them.

Symptoms and contributing factors
Common summer allergy symptoms include sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes and fatigue. Factors that can make symptoms worse include humidity, wind and air pollution levels.

Managing your symptoms
If you’re experiencing summer allergies, there are ways to alleviate your symptoms. Stay indoors during peak pollen times, close your windows and use air conditioning to filter out allergens from your home. Over-the-counter medications like antihistamines and nasal sprays can help relieve symptoms. Saline nasal rinses and eye drops can also provide relief.

Prevention and long-term management
Take preventive measures by avoiding allergens when you can and talk to your doctor if your symptoms persist. Long-term management may involve allergy shots or immunotherapy to help minimize your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.


Summer vacations are a great time to relax, explore new places and create unforgettable memories. To make the most of your trip, it’s important to prioritize health and safety. Here are some tips to maintain healthy habits during your summer vacation.

1. Pack essential health-related items
When packing for your trip, don’t forget to bring medications, sunscreen, insect repellent and a first aid kit. These items can help prevent and treat injuries and illnesses on the road.

2. Research and plan ahead
Research your destination and plan for any health-related considerations, such as vaccinations, allergies and emergency medical services. Knowing your options can help you make informed decisions and stay prepared.

3. Stay active
Incorporating physical activity into your vacation routine can help you stay energized. Explore your surroundings on foot, go for a swim or try a new outdoor activity.

4. Practice mindful eating
While indulging in local cuisine and treats is tempting, mindful eating can help you maintain a healthy diet while on vacation. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, and limit sugary, high-fat and processed foods. Carry a water bottle with you and avoid excess alcohol and sugary drinks that can dehydrate you.


Dr. Kouyoumdji takes a collaborative, compassionate approach to pediatrics, believing that a healthy and happy childhood is a team effort. By partnering with families and listening to their concerns, he customizes treatment plans to each patient's needs.


Now that the warmer weather has arrived, there’s no shortage of insects buzzing around. Here are some of the most common bites and stings in the South Jersey area and when you should seek medical care. 🐜🐝

Mosquito bites
Mosquitos cause itchy, red bumps that can appear anywhere on the body. Although most bites are harmless, mosquitoes are known carriers of diseases like the West Nile virus, so taking extra precautions—like insect repellent and protective clothing—is vital.

Tick bites
Tick bites are often painless but can transmit harmful diseases like Lyme disease. Check your body and clothes for ticks after being outside, especially if you spent time in a grassy or wooded area.

Spider bites
Spider bites can vary greatly, depending on the species that bites you. Some spider bites cause redness, swelling and pain, while others may result in more severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, fever and muscle cramps.

Bee stings
Bee stings can cause immediate pain, redness and swelling. Some people have an allergic reaction to them, which can cause more severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, hives and swelling of the face or throat.

Seek medical attention immediately if you get bitten or stung by an insect and have severe symptoms or a history of allergic reactions.


Dr. Berman believes in patient-centered care, forming personalized, long-term relationships with his patients and their loved ones. Bringing 30 years of experience in pediatrics, he believes in partnering with families to help them care for their children.


Summertime is a great season to prioritize fitness and reap its physical and mental health benefits. Engaging in outdoor activities like walking, swimming, cycling and running can boost cardiovascular health, increase strength and endurance, enhance mood, reduce stress and improve sleep. Here’s how to stay safe and get the most out of your summertime workouts.

Fuel your body
Proper nutrition gives your body the energy needed to push yourself during workouts. Staying hydrated is just as important, especially during the hot summer months, so drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout.

Prepare for the environment
Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing. If you’re exercising outdoors, wear supportive footwear suitable for your activities.

Know your limits
If you’re exercising in the heat, it’s important to know your limits. Listen to your body, drink water and take breaks when needed. Warming up before your workout and cooling down afterward can help minimize injury and allow for a gradual recovery.


Although we all do our best to protect our skin from the sun, more than one in three Americans report getting sunburned each year. Here’s what you need to know about sunburn treatment and care.

What is sunburn?
Sunburn is an inflammatory response caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or artificial sources such as tanning beds. Overexposure to the sun burns the skin and causes painful reddening that can lead to peeling and blistering.

Treating sunburn
Start treating your sunburn as soon as you notice it by getting out of the sun and heading indoors. Limiting sun exposure can minimize the severity of the sunburn and expedite the healing process. Minimize discomfort by applying a hydrating ointment, taking a cold bath or shower, taking aspirin or ibuprofen and drinking plenty of water.

When to see a doctor
You can treat most sunburns at home, but severe cases take longer to heal. Seek immediate care if you have a fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit, acute blistering, swelling or pain, signs of infection or symptoms of dehydration.

Photos from Inspira Medical Center Mannington's post 06/21/2023

Do you have the NEW Salem Family Festival date on the calendar? Join us this Saturday, June 24 and enjoy free food, music, raffle prizes and more – fun for the entire family! Need a ride? See some options below or for more information, visit


Drinking enough water each day is vital, especially in the summertime heat. Dehydration happens when your body does not have the water it needs to function. Understanding dehydration and knowing its symptoms can help you seek treatment at the first signs.

Dehydration causes
Common dehydration causes include sweating, increased urination, vomiting or diarrhea. When your body loses fluids from any of these functions, you are dehydrated until you replace the fluids. Dehydration can happen to anyone, but it’s especially threatening for babies, young children and older adults.

Signs of dehydration
If you’re dehydrated, you may experience fatigue, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, constipation, flushed skin or muscle cramps. Dehydration can also affect you mentally and emotionally, causing confusion, memory loss and anxiety.

Staying hydrated
You can resolve most mild to moderate cases of dehydration by drinking water or an electrolyte-rich beverage such as a sports drink or coconut water, but severe dehydration requires medical treatment. Seek help immediately if you or a loved one has severe symptoms like a temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or more, loss of consciousness or slurred speech.

Photos from Inspira Medical Center Mannington's post 06/15/2023

Save the NEW date! Salem Family Festival will take place on Saturday, June 24. Bring your family and enjoy free food, music, raffle prizes and more! For more information, visit


Summer is here, which means more people are spending time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. If your family is at the beach or the pool, you can keep them safe with some basic precautions. Here are some tips for keeping your family out of harm’s way while having fun in the sun:
● Supervise children while in or near the water and avoid distractions, like cell phones, that divert your focus.
● Always swim with a buddy, especially if you’re in open water.
● Swim in designated areas with lifeguard supervision.
● Use life jackets and inflatables if swimming with young children or others with limited water experience.
● Secure your pool to prevent unsupervised access.
● Educate your family on what to do in a water emergency, and make sure everyone knows when and how to call 9-1-1.
● Use a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with a skin protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and reapply as directed while in the sun.


Grilling season is here, and while it’s easy to overindulge, there are ways to enjoy your favorite barbecue foods without compromising your health:

1. Choose your protein wisely
Red meat is high in saturated fat, which is linked to high cholesterol. Limit your portion size or opt for heart-healthy options like marinated fish or turkey burgers.

2. Add fruits and vegetables to your plate
Grilling is an excellent way to get more fruits and vegetables onto your plate. Veggie skewers, portobello burgers and grilled peaches are great options.

3. Avoid grill buildup
Meat that’s grilled or smoked over high heat can create cancer-causing chemicals. To minimize your risk, grill slowly, use perforated foil, marinate your food before grilling and keep a spray bottle nearby to manage flare-ups.

4. Practice food safety
Separate raw meat from other foods, refrigerate until it’s time to grill and wash your hands before and after handling uncooked food. Always use a meat thermometer to ensure your food is safe for consumption.


Your Health, Your Provider: Choosing the Perfect Match

Choosing the right primary care provider is an important decision that can significantly affect your health care experience. There are several factors to consider when making this choice.

First, assess your health care needs and research providers who specialize in these areas. Asking friends and family members for recommendations is also a great way to find a provider who meets your needs.

Once you have a few potential candidates, check their credentials, office locations and hours of operation. Keep in mind that you’ll want a provider who is conveniently located and has hours that work with your schedule. Also, find out whether the provider offers virtual appointments for added convenience.

Next, schedule a visit with your potential provider and ask about their approach to treatment and care, experience with your specific health care needs and communication style. After meeting the doctor and seeing their office, evaluate your experience to ensure they are a good fit for you.

Finding the right provider can take a little time, but it ultimately leads to more positive outcomes for your health.

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Videos (show all)

Meet Our Pediatrician Paul Kouyoumdji, M.D.
Meet Our Pediatrician Barry Berman, M.D., M.S., F.A.A.P.



310 Salem Woodstown Road
Salem, NJ

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