Ker-ij Jewelry Design

cour-age \`Kər-ij\ 1 : tell the story of who you are with your whole heart Handcrafted brass and gemstone jewelry.


The Mother’s Day sale is live! Get 25% off your entire order thru 5/3, no code necessary. These red jasper Maude earrings have been a favorite of mine lately. It’s just the right pop of earthy red to complement any outfit.


The Spring BOGO sale starts this Saturday the 23rd! 🌸 Buy one get one 40% off. But are you on my email list? Sign up now because my email subscribers will get 50% off your second items. Just pop on over to my site to sign up. 💌

I want to note that signing up for my emails ensures you won’t ever miss a sale. I truly respect and value the space in your inbox and I promise I will NOT be bombarding you with emails. 😘

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 02/07/2024

💕I’ll admit, Valentine’s Day is pretty silly but I’ve learned to embrace it over the years when I started celebrating love on my own terms. I love celebrating the love for my partner, my friends, my furry friends, my family, my neighbors and all who inhabit this world. Most importantly I love remembering to celebrate the love for myself.

This world could use a lot (A LOT!) more love and ultimately it starts with ourselves. I meditated on self love today giving compassion, love and gratitude to parts of myself that feel difficult or shadowy. I came out of my meditation with a much more open heart to love all the other people and creatures in the collective, feeling loved makes my life better and all those around me. 💕

💗Rose quartz is the ultimate stone of love. If you’re looking for a gift for yourself or someone else to serve as a reminder to feel love and give love and be loved, look no further. 💗

Photos from The Lucky Pearl's post 01/29/2024

Loving Smokey kitty posing pretty with the Siras Necklace 😻


It only gets lighter from here, friends. ✨ Happy Solstice! 🌞

📸: .photo


🚨 Last chance to get 25% off your entire order! Sale ends at midnight tonight. ⏰

I recognize we all have an overwhelmingly amount of options of places to spend our hard earned money, I want to thank those who have placed an order with me during the madness of this crazy Black Friday weekend. 🙏🏻 I hope you all will consider shopping small wherever you can this season 🎁

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 11/25/2023

It’s Small Business Saturday! True, snagging some goodies from a small business is great (and I won’t be mad if you do), but one of the best ways to effortlessly support any small business is to sprinkle some love on their posts – like it, comment on it or hit that share button, it's the zero-dollar way to help spread the word and show support.

Get 25% off your entire order thru 11/27 plus dig into this door buster earring deal for $10-14 each after discount (peek the deal on next slide please 😊).

Any which way you choose to support my business does not go unnoticed, I am grateful and happy for all of it and all of you! 🙏🏻😁💖


On the day of giving thanks I would like to offer my morsels of gratitude to you all. I am making my way into my 13th year of business and that feels so wild to me. I feel very blessed to still be on this path. I am here still going because of all of you. Every person who has purchased my jewelry at a market or art fair, placed an order online or shopped at one of the many small boutiques nationwide that carry my work, you all have kept me going. The gratitude runs deep for each and every one of you, thank you for supporting this journey of mine 🙏🏻

My body has been staging a protest in the form of Rheumatoid Arthritis the last couple years and has certainly interfered in my way of doing business. I have had to put the jewelry making tools down for now but I’m happy to say my business hasn’t stopped there. With the enlistment of some crafting superheroes they’ve been able to keep the jewelry flowing. I would not be able to do this business without them. Thank you , .works and , you all are gems!

Although I may not be personally making each piece of jewelry myself right now, know that these creations are not made with any less love, determination and grit. 💖💪🏻 Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Black Friday sale starts at the stroke of midnight on Thanksgiving Day! (unless you’re part of the VIP newsletter subscribers in which your exclusive discount code to shop early is already chilling in your inbox). Get 25% off your entire order and don’t miss out on the door buster earring deal, snag one of these beauties for $10-14 each after discount. These earrings are limited in quantity so don’t snooze on this deal. No code necessary to shop the sale. For my VIP folks please note your code is only good for today, 11/22.

I didn’t really have a Black Friday sale last year so I am happy to be back in business and be one more person filling your feed with a sale.🎁😉


Hi there! I've been pretty MIA on the gram over the last little while but I thought I would tap in and give a life/business update. The world has been heavy the last few years and has really taken the steam out of me. It feels weird to post about me and jewelry when there's so much turmoil and suffering out there. Life has also thrown some curve balls, mainly my feisty foe named Rheumatoid Arthritis, it has made running a small business and doing basic adult life a bit challenging the last couple years. Add the surprise cameo of early Menopause to the mix and it doesn't make the emotional or physical challenges any easier. Lol.

I have had to really slow down while I try to manage the changes with my health, it has felt like walking a tightrope trying to keep the hustle alive but also knowing when to pump the brakes without stalling my entire livelihood. Instagram has also been a struggle with small businesses like mine, it can feel like I'm shouting into the void where only my mom and friends seem to see my posts (hi mom, hi friends!). Investing time, effort and dealing with literal pain to create a post that IG deems is worthy of a spot in it’s algorithm feels discouraging and low on the priority list.

Amidst all the challenges, life has also been serving up some goodness. My partner and I snagged a place in southern Utah where I have been splitting my time between SLC. I've been soaking up the sun amongst the red rocks, exploring new places and living the good outdoorsy life as much as possible. After 20+ years of living in SLC it's been nice to break out of my bubble and open a new life chapter.

If you're seeing this post and you made it this far, thank you! Know that I am grateful for your support, even if it is just reading my posts and tapping a like button. 😁🙏🏻💖


I know, I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here but I thought I would break my silence to let you all in on a little Mother’s Day Sale happening now thru 5/8! Get 20% off your entire order, no code necessary 🌷


Just a friendly reminder for last call to get those holiday orders in! 🎁 I’ll do my part to get them in the mail in a timely manner but do note that once they leave my hands I have no part in its wild journey through USPS world. 💌


It’s saddens me to say this but if you’ve ever had your eye on one of these necklaces now is your last chance to purchase one! 😿 These have been one of my top sellers for many years and I’ve been sold out of them for the past several months as I haven’t been able to source more of these stones. However, recently I found a small hidden stash of these with the very last of what I have! I’ve got a few listed up on my site so be sure to scoop them up before they’re gone for good. If you’re still doing your holiday shopping these are a crowd pleaser and make for a great gift for almost anyone. On a side note, I have found some other stones to replace these with that are very lovely but just very different from these. I was hoping to get them up on my site for the holidays but damnit, things have been so crazy and my hands can only do so much in one day!


Guys, it’s been a rough few weeks… actually this whole year has been a bit of a challenge. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a real bitch, 10/10 don’t recommend it. 👎🏻 I won’t bore you with all the details but some of you may have noticed I didn’t have a Black Friday sale… Unless you are a newsletter subscriber, then you got to participate in my oh s**t accidental sale (I’m telling you it was an ordeal that was so tragic it’s almost humorous). Between debilitating flare ups with my RA and then getting Covid the timing of it all couldn’t have been any worse. I had to cancel my sale and the first week of markets I had signed up for and just surrender to it all. I was hoping to be able to do a make up sale at a later time but right now I just don’t have the capacity and ability to handle a full fledged sale. However I do want you to know I am offering my intended Black Friday door buster deal all season long! Get any of these earrings for just $10 each while supplies last. Also, make sure to get your holiday orders in by December 15 to ensure a timely delivery for Christmas. Thanks for shopping small this holiday season! 🎄

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 06/22/2022

Helloooo summer! Bring on all the cheekiest bikinis, sun kissed skin, mountain lakes to cool off in and all the summer adventures. 🌞 Did a fun summer themed photo shoot this past weekend with my friends from and got to adorn the models with some of my jewels. Don’t mind if I do! But the cherry on top was having it at the most magical location , which also happens to carry my jewelry in their river house shop. Every time I leave there my heart is full and happy. Maybe it’s the lithium in the pools… or maybe it’s the peaceful surroundings, serene scenery, the starry nights with shooting stars and most of all the amazing people I get to spend time with there. Yeah, that’s it! 💖

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 05/20/2022

Ok, I’ve got a bit of a cool random story to share… I just returned from an amazing trip to Italy. Our first day there my friends and I took a boat tour around Capris and had lunch at this great little restaurant right on the water in one of the small villages on the Amalfi Coast. As we were eating another group came in and sat at the table across from us, right away this woman’s earrings caught my eye… They were earrings I had made! I pointed them out to my boyfriend and now both of us were looking at her, which made her visibly uncomfortable, that’s when I apologized and told her why we were so intent on her. We both were blown away! Her daughter had bought them for her and they both live in Florida. I run into people in Utah every so often wearing jewelry I made, it is always a pleasant delight and makes me so happy but it’s not a complete surprise as Salt Lake is my home. Between all the craft fairs, events and stores that have carried my work here over the years it is bound to happen… but someone from Florida? In Italy??! 🤯 It’s a wild feeling to reunite with these earrings that I made with my own two hands on the other side of the world, to think of where all the pieces of jewelry I have created go in the world and all the lovely people they end up with. We had a great chat and snapped this photo of us together. What a pleasure, makes the world pretty small! 🌎💖


Hi there! It’s been a minute since I’ve shared on here & thought I’d give a little life update. As some may know I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, my diagnosis was a driving force in creating my business into what it is today. For the past few years my RA has been pretty well managed with a cocktail of meds but a couple months ago one of my meds stopped working & I have been badly flared ever since. It has always affected the joints in my hands the most but piled on top of that I have also been struggling with fatigue, brain fog & debilitating neuromuscular pain in my arms. I don’t share this for sympathy by any means, I’m just wanting to be real & transparent, I’m sure there’s some out there who might relate. I know there’s real suffering out there in the world right now and mine pales in comparison but we all have our struggles in life that are very valid. I am fortunate & grateful to be in a position where I have been able slow down & give myself the rest that I need. I’ve hired on some help to keep my inventory going for all my orders & retailers, which I’m so happy & grateful to have their helping hands on board. This is the time of year in which I would normally do some local spring markets or run some online sales but unfortunately I just don’t have the capacity to do it right now. To that extent, thank you for all the orders over the past few weeks & keeping my business going even while I’ve been MIA. 🙏🏻 I finally started a new med & I was feeling optimistic as it seemed like it was starting to help but then I had another set back & am back to where I started. If I’m being completely honest I’m feeling frustrated & discouraged, I’m just having a moment to feel all the feels.😩 Just writing this post has taken nearly a week to type out as it’s too painful to hold my phone for any prolonged period of time. I know I need to just be patient with it all and this too shall pass. For anyone out there that suffers from a chronic illness & is still showing up for work or taking care of your family & doing all the life things… I see you! It is f*cking hard and you’re doing a great job! 💖


Feeling all the green things today. 💚Happy St Patrick’s Day! 🍀

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 02/09/2022

I’ll admit I’ve been embarrassingly long over due for fresh product photography, so thank the goddess in the sky that came along to my rescue! You can find these beauts and more of her lovely work peppered throughout my website and I’m oh so happy how they all turned out. Thank you Kate for working your magic! 💖

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 01/15/2022

This little love collection is available now and it’s all 20% off too! 💘 Sale runs thru Monday but quantities are limited so I suspect things will go fast. No code necessary, sale valid for this special collection only. However, because I love you all so much I included a couple other love inspired pieces from my regular offerings. To see this collection in all its glory head to my site and click the banner at the top of the page. 😘

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 01/14/2022

I’ve been working on a little somethin’ somethin’ over here cause I feel like we could all use a little bit of more love. I put together a small collection of love inspired pieces that will go on sale Saturday 1/15 at 10am MST. And in the name of love, the whole collection will be 20% off no code necessary. 💖 I have limited quantities of everything, once they’re gone they’re gone so be sure to add the reminder to get first dibs!

Photos from Ker-ij Jewelry Design's post 12/21/2021

The shortest day and longest night, may we welcome the return of light. Happy Solstice!🌞


Christmas is just 5 days away! Although the shipping deadline for online orders has sailed passed, e-gift cards are available for purchase online. Quick, easy and hassle free!


If you want to give the gift of ker-ij and want to avoid the hustle of shopping in person better get those online orders in! The last day to place your orders for a timely delivery before Christmas is Thursday 12/16. I will do my best to have your orders in by USPS’s deadline but remember once it leaves my hands it’s literally out of my hands. 🎄🎁⛄️


Christmas is under 2 weeks away but the deadline to get your online orders in is only 4 days away! Time is sneaky like that… 😱 Still in search of some gift ideas? I’m wearing the Evelyn earrings (a newer design added to my mix) and sun choker necklace here, a nice little combo if I say so myself. 🤌🏻

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Videos (show all)

Psst. Valentine’s Day is coming. 💘 Get 20% off thru Sunday 2/4. No code necessary. #valentinesgift #giftsforher #modernj...
Sharing a little Ulexite or TV rock for #mineralmonday, an interesting stone with fiber optic capabilities. Helps one de...



Salt Lake City, UT

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